05-09-2007, 04:32
For the few watching BCNN at 3:32 am, a report came on the air, which differed from the ones that had aired 8 hours previous. "This is BCNN reporting from off the southern coast of Binaria." Shouted Dave Roberts, a news reporter for the Binarian Central News Network over the heavy machinery of the oil rig. "A massive discovery of cheap, acessable oil has been discovered off the southern coast of Binaria this week. Some estimates place it at over fifty trillion barrels, although this at the higher end of the spectrum. More moderate esitmates place it at near thirty trillion barrels which is a gigantic amount by already."
Slant Oil Co. is offering up to 40% of the oil field to forgien companies and governments.
OOC: This is just like every other oil thread so far, just thought I could make some good money. Offers should not go past your GPD, or even 5% of it. Blackhelm will probably come in and try and take it by force, so place your bids soon. I know its a short post, but I'm tired.
Slant Oil Co. is offering up to 40% of the oil field to forgien companies and governments.
OOC: This is just like every other oil thread so far, just thought I could make some good money. Offers should not go past your GPD, or even 5% of it. Blackhelm will probably come in and try and take it by force, so place your bids soon. I know its a short post, but I'm tired.