Operation Hegemony D.W.I. Part 2; The Economy is Burning (ATTN Greal/ Open MT)
3:45 PM Tuesday, March 25
Easen, Grestonian Capitol Building
Michael Check stared blankly out of his office, left hand to chin, right hand underneath his left, and he thought about the countless amounts of people that might have died in the first part of the Hegemony D.W.I. Then he thought about how proud he was of himself on this succeded task.
The first part wasn't over completely, people just started noticing it. But so far every one who had has either decided to wage war against Cazelia or do nothing. So now he needed to follow up on his international insurgency. He now had to choose who was next in line to die. He thought this to himself for three hours then called up Col. Lt. Mussly to send him and his men on another mission.
12:32 AM Wensday, March 26
Typhoon-class submarine
International Waters, Approching Greal Territorial Waters
The same Typhoon sub as the one that went on the first part of this tour had harboured late in the day after, the 25, and now was being sent on the second part of the tour. Col. Lt. Mussly, was the new Grestonian Special Operations Forces Leader, more well known as Hawks and was sent on his first mission out side of Greston. He and two other hawks out of the thirty-two coming were looking at a cordinates grid of greal. Next to the grid was a map of Greal as well. Every power plant on the nation was marked on the map and the grid. Their mission was to take them all out, then anything still lit would be a government building so they were supposed to take those out as well, and a few numerous other things.
Mussly stood behind the two people commandeering the Typhoon, and watched as they came 20 miles away from Greal territorial waters, the staging point of the launches.
"Col., do you have the cordinates."
"Yes I do, here they are." Mussly handed over the cordinates and the Pt. repeated them the crew who would be firing. They were repeated agains and then the launch took place. The first half went according to plan then they did the second launch and proceded the subs towards Greal, while the nation was in chaos.
Later they arrived at the currently mostly unprotected coast and landed. They let out 13 of the 34 Hawks to do their job, kill the Secretary of Trade and Commerce, and the Greal General of the Military. And if they had time maybe the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
03-09-2007, 23:18
OOC: You might want to tell what you're launching. Also, if you can make it through the whole Operation without getting attacked, I'll be impressed. Anyways, good luck.
Wow you have really reached a new low Greston, you attacked Greal without considering he would retaliate against an attack. People have tried to invade him before, and believe me, none of his coasts are left undefended. And besides, the person being attacked does the casualty count and damage.
OOC:it was an SIC Vontanas, so they don't know who did it and they are ballistic missiles, and Ziongo shut the hell up, it was SIC, I didn't make the casualty count or the damage, i am not invading read the OP, and if most of your nation was to be bombed you would definitly send troops and you would have to pull them out of some where, oh and remember to use OOCs next time you post in OOC
03-09-2007, 23:48
OOC:it was an SIC Vontanas, so they don't know who did it and they are ballistic missiles, and Ziongo shut the hell up, it was SIC, I didn't make the casualty count or the damage, i am not invading read the OP, and if most of your nation was to be bombed you would definitly send troops and you would have to pull them out of some where, oh and remember to use OOCs next time you post in OOC
OOC: I know it was SIC, but SIC isn't impenetrable. Your guys could be caught and tortured to find out where there from, etc. Also, he wasn't saying that you were invading, he was saying that Greal doesn't have undefended coasts.
OOC: you're right, but unless they are caught in this one or one other, they can't find out because this is the only one involving my people entering the nation
occ: Lately Greston, Greal has been real defensive around his territory. I'm in the same region and even I have no clue as to what he is doing. He has set up anti-balistic missle defenses, 24 hour patrols around his waters and borders, and has been incresingly mobilized with troops, tanks, and nukes. It would be hard to not be noticed, much less caught. Im not saying that it isn't possible, its just very unlikly.
Sorry If I got you all riled up at me.
Maybe It has something to do with North Calaveres getting glassed by BL.
OOC: Na it's ok, now while your in this thread can you give an IC post to get this started
OOC: How did you move near my coast without being detected?
OOC: It is still possible to detect it, just make a IC post
Later they arrived at the currently mostly unprotected coast and landed. They let out 13 of the 34 Hawks to do their job, kill the Secretary of Trade and Commerce, and the Greal General of the Military. And if they had time maybe the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
[OOC: Wow, I haven't seen god-moding like that since the Holy Empire of the Stringolians.]
Toori Gunships began patrol roughts around the Greal coastline, dropping anti-submarine mines all throughout the area.
OOC: Watch this, now he's probably going to gracefully avoid the mines without any damage whatso ever.
04-09-2007, 19:45
[OOC: Wow, I haven't seen god-moding like that since the Holy Empire of the Stringolians.]
Toori Gunships began patrol roughts around the Greal coastline, dropping anti-submarine mines all throughout the area.
OOC: Watch this, now he's probably going to gracefully avoid the mines without any damage whatso ever.
OOC: Toori, wtf are you doing? Greston is my ally!
The sub was starting it's expidition back home as a large group of anti submarine mines detonated in front, and behind the sub.
"What the fuck is that!"
the commander of the ship was then blown to bits as his part of the sub was torn apart by another group of mines. Seven more groups of mines blew up the sub then it floated down to the bottom of the ocean in 10,437 different peices, leaving the 13 Hawks in Greal stranded behind enemy lines.
OOC: see, Toori, I don't god mode so shut the hell up
Lord Sumguy
05-09-2007, 03:44
OOC: could we put your futile attempts to destroy me and my alliamce on hold for a couple of days? My internet is down and i dont like typing long mesages on this phone. BTW, is there any good IC reason why you are out to get me, or are you just angry that i disapproved of you joining the CA?
OOC: I don't understand Greston, a few months ago when he was designing tanks we were allies, and I bought his tanks as a sign of respect, now hes attacking me.
Greal air Patrol
10 Shark fighters were patrolling the sea after a sub incident happened in Grunt, Greal Colony.
Lt. Jacob, leader of the patrol spotted a explosion down the coast.
"Guys lets take a look at that, look out for the cliffs."said Lt. Jacob to his patrol buddies.
The fighters flew over the explosion site, and saw some pieces of a sub.
"Call the base, we got some trouble here."said Lt. Jacob.
A hour later, a couple of destoryers arrived to check out the mess.
"This is a piece of a sub all right."said the captain of the ship, they found bodies and other submarine stuff float up to the surface.
Greal Coast Gaurd Station
A platoon of Greal troops had left the base to check out the beach. They had found some footprints.
"What do we do now?"asked Lt. Salvin
Major Jim looked at the footprints and said,"DNA tests revealed that the dead bodies on the destoryed submarine were Grestonians, maybe some Greston surivors left the beach to search for help."
"We better find them fast."said Lt. Salvin.
The Patrol split up into 2 groups and went to search for the Grestonians.
05-09-2007, 04:30
OOC: could we put your futile attempts to destroy me and my alliamce on hold for a couple of days? My internet is down and i dont like typing long mesages on this phone. BTW, is there any good IC reason why you are out to get me, or are you just angry that i disapproved of you joining the CA?
OOC: He is already in the CA, mate. ;)
OOC: He is already in the CA, mate. ;)
occ:Wow! I didn't see that one coming :eek:
OOC: I'm I in trouble or....
The Most Glorious Hack
05-09-2007, 06:57
Hey, Greston...
Play nice and chill out.
Everyone else...
If you think it's a godmode, ignore it.
The Most Glorious Hack
NationStates Game Moderator
The sub was starting it's expidition back home as a large group of anti submarine mines detonated in front, and behind the sub.
"What the fuck is that!"
the commander of the ship was then blown to bits as his part of the sub was torn apart by another group of mines. Seven more groups of mines blew up the sub then it floated down to the bottom of the ocean in 10,437 different peices, leaving the 13 Hawks in Greal stranded behind enemy lines.
OOC: see, Toori, I don't god mode so shut the hell up
OOC: OK dude, just checkin. lol
Toori gunships flying overhead could see the massive splashes in the water. The pilots dirrected the forward ball-turrets to open fire with their GAU-42 40mm Gattling guns. The guns roared definingly as incindiary bullets rained down onto the water like fire-hail. Though anything below at a shallow enough level would have been severely mauled, there was no way for the gunners to identify any clear damage, or wether or not they even hit anything.
OOC: Toori, wtf are you doing? Greston is my ally!
OOC: Greal is my ally. If you get Gresten to back off, then I will get Greal to do the same. If that can't work out, then we should both agree to be neutral in this conflict. TG me about it.
The Armed Republic of Toori hearby declairs neutrality in this conflict for the sake of the well being of international affairs between the Toori and her allies, and the need of military units to mobalize in other regions other than this. We hearby sincerely appologies to both Greal and Greston, and will pay for any damage done if requested. However, we strongly advise Greston to withdraw their forces from Greal. Anti-submarine mines shall be left deployed around the coasts of Greal, and the information of their positions, and or depth shall not be disclosed until the withdrawl of Grestons military, or requested otherwise by Greal.
~High Consulate of the Armed Republic of Toori~
OOC: I'm waiting for Greston to post something.
"Shit! The sub has been sunk, were dead what should we do?
"Don't you have a gun, kill yourself."
"But sir can't we do something else?"
"Actually I think we can. They think this was friendly fire, we can say we were survivors looking for help and this is over, and I think back home Michael Check is out of office so we can stop killing our allies."
"Good, I hated these missions, and Gabofe will be happy he can still have his deal with Greal scientists to make the fourth TM tank line."
"Good so that's what we are doing? No objections? Good."
They went back towrds where they landed and where Greal troops and helicopters were seacrhing around. They told them their stoy about how they were survivors who came up from the water and where looking for help.
To Greal Government
Hello I am the new Grestonian President John Batthe. Michael Check was put in a mental facility because of many reasons and one was because he was attacking allies. We are sorry for any deathes and whatnot that happened from the attacks on the beaches, and we will pay for it if necessary.
P.S. Jack Gobafe is getting a bit annoyed, he wants to make the long awaited TM-4 but is waiting for you to send him his partners.
That is all.
John Batthe, Brigadier, and President of The Republic of Greston
OOC: ok instead of doing the entire line of this thread it will end here, and Greal I plan on making the tank, but I don't know where you want to make it, maybe we should do it in TG's