An Age of Gods and Mortals (Fantasy, PT, Sign Up)
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 17:53
Still working on this part, but the world has for times immemorial been in conflict between the forces that follow the will of the Light Eternals and those who serve the intentions of the Dark Eternals. As such the world is divided as the different factions Eternals fought and as the Dark Eternals fought amongst themselves for power and followers in order to take power for themselves. This has caused their to be little cooperation between the different Dark Eternal groups and as such they have never used their combined strength since the ancient days and never since then have they been powerful enough to fight the Light Eternals outright.
As for characters you will be able to rp singular characters, with a maxium of three per rper, these do not include people like rulers, generals, etc. But they are in general people who you will use like avatars or others that are commonly occuring characters. Though if the limit does eventually come up as a problem which limits rping I shall consider increasing the limit in order to allow more rping. As well, if I feel a person qualifies as a character I will contact you to discuss it, but I believe that this is will not be a common issue in the rp. As for the limit of the power of non-avatars think of them as running along the lines of characters in Elder Scrolls, if you do not what this is I will discuss it with you in order to make it clearer.
Magic is limited due to the fact that if you use it in such a way a user of it will die from exhaustion. Also, for example no single person can raise an army of the undead unless they are an avatar or a group of skilled nercomancers agree to work together and control their army. Further, destruction magics can only kill small numbers of people at the time when cast by non-avatars. As well, restoration magics can bring people back from the verge of death and extend life spans to the point where the person just dies from the inability to even move anymore, but you cannot bring the back as it takes the power of an Eternal to do so which not even an avatar posses.
Claim Map:
Xiscapia: Brown
Void Templar: Orange
Mereshka: Blue
Wandering Argonians: Purple
Climate Map:
Green: Plains, Lightly Wooded Lands
Dark Green: Forests, Woodlands
Light Blue: Subtropical, Tropical
Brown: Low/Medium Mountains >8000 Ft
Orange: 8000-16,000 Ft
Purple: 16,000 FT+
Yellow: Desert
Race Creation:
You can genrally create any race you want to except within the following ranges they can on average only have a maxium life span of one thousand years, they cannot be creatures that are like dragons of cimera though races like dragon kin are good, they cannot fly or glide, races controlled by players cannot be over 2,800 pounds or over eighteen feet tall, and as for numbers keep them to a relative level.
As for template they are on the next post.
Every civilization gets six relics related to their gods realm, one note they have to be approved by me as you guys get to make them as you perform deeds that espcially please your Eternal you will be rewarded with one.
You can control the civilization any way you want, but I get to control their interactions on the mortal plane in order to prevent any potential god modding by people. As well, while avatars are the greatest warriors and/or sorcers in the world they can be defeated in battle when facing another avatar of overwhelming power of foes. A note tech will be limited to medieval level, while you can have anything lower then this, you cannot have things like gun powder or steam power. Please, also if you have any questions about things just ask or if you think it is god modding post a quote of it here and I will see what is up, but please do not take action by yourself as I want to avoid OOC clutter being scattered everywhere. If you what you would call a terrible rper and the kind that tends to raise to many concerns from other member rpers you will be thrown out. As well, if I know you are bad rper period I will contact you privately and essentially say you cannot join due to inferior rping skills. Please, also just do not simply reserve gods, unless if I have invited you to join in order to be fair.
Essentially they are the literal mortal embodiments of the Eternals and as such represent the peak power any mortal they can attain due to the fact that they are given a part of their god’s power which increases their strength beyond all bounds and they also receive a gift of being unable to age and will only die when slain or when they choose to depart. The gift also makes them immune to all poisons and diseases. Note, their powers will be based off the realms that their god commands. Please, also do not ignore my rulings on things so as to avoid controversy and if you have any problems just ask and/or report them to me.
The Eternals are essentially beings of godlike power who take a central role in the world, but as of now they cannot direct action upon mortals due to the current pact between all factions of the Eternals which exists. This pact prevents any Eternal from taking direct action, but allows them still to appoint an avatar to lead their followers in the cause of their chosen Eternal which serves to further the goals of that particular Eternal.
As some of you may have noticed that the line between Light and Dark Eternals can be considered sketchy is that some Eternals are borderline like Eleritmri who may be considered one who can commit actions just as corrupt as a Dark Eternal. While, the Dark Eternal Xlitemi can be considered borderline in that Xlitemi is not really Dark, just a being without any real morals to guide this one's actions.
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 17:55
Supreme Eternal: The Highest One (will not be very active, but when he is his affect shall be felt)
Light Eternals:
Strongest Light Eternal: Etio
Realms: Sun, Moon, Sky, Stars, Day, and Light
Race: Eterni
Player: The Scandinvans
Info: Etio is the strongest of the light Eternals and also is king of the Eterni who dwell with him and the other light Eternals in the lands at in the most western parts of the world. He himself wishes not to intervene in the affairs of things outside the realms of the light Eternals, though he feels the pain of all .
Eternal: Ulimt
Realms: Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, and all other forms of Water
Race: Scracians
Player: Scracia
Info: This Eternal is the one who has the most pity on the people that dwell outside the realm of the light Eternals and wishes to provide aide to them by preventing any dark force from gaining command of the sea and thus will sink any ship that bears the will of the Dark Eternals.
Eternal: Elina
Realms: Life, Earth, and Renewal
Info: Elina is the light Eternal who suffers the most whenever a person is slain and is always in grief due to the endless pains due to the suffering of the people of light and whenever she can she will be ready to grant salvation to those who call out her name in the hope of salvation, as such she is one of the greatest voices for intervention in the name of mortals.
Eternal: Uelimro
Realms: Honorable War, Justice, Unity, and Peace
Race: Xiscapians
Player: Xiscapia
Info: Uelimro himself is a being that hopes to create a better world for the all good peoples and will use all his power to achieve, but he will not tolerate any person who believes in him to attempt to take life unjustly or commit atrocities in war.
Eternal: Eleritmri (The Hammer of Chaos)
Realms: Order, Warfare Against Chaos, Honor, Courage, and Bringing Light and Order to All
Race: Rakathra
Player: Hansia
Info: Eleritmri is an Eternal who seeks to bring order in all places in the world and seeks to whatever is needed to destroy chaos and darkness in this world.
Eternal: Ulrimeto
Realms: Knowledge, Technology, Evolution, and Advancement
Race: Kahaz
Player: The 7000
Info: This Eternal wishes to advance all good peoples in order for them to be able to overcome chaos by means of technology and innovation. As such he is commomly worshipped amongst inventors and is considered the patron of development in general.
Eternal: Esmirito (The Great Warrior, The Great Shield)
Realms: Morality, Dilgence, Weather, Chivlary, Faith, Loyalty, Free Will, and Strength
Info: An Eternal that is associated with virtues, the free will of mortals, physical and nautral strength, and the weather patters which are benefiticial to the people. Though Esmirito himself is widely known for his calm and powerful personality which has attracted him followers from many different races. As well, Esmirito has long fought in the defense of the righteous and has long defened those that follow his example of morality and goodness. Further, his powers in battle have made his symbol widely flown when the forces of the Light Eternals go to war as his symbol causes many of the lesser Dark creatures to cower when they see it flown and is know as rallying symbol for the followers of the Light Eternals.
Neutral Eternals:
Eternal: Stroniky
Realms: Farming
Race: Tadzhik
Player: New Brittonia
Info: This Eternal is the sole guardian of the proles, or working people. He refuses to ally with the other Eternals, and spends his time working with his people. He is obessed with protecting the workers and stives to unite the world under the Proles.
Eternal: Fematwa
Realms: Work
Info: The Eternals who does not do anything except work and though he dwells with the Light Eternals, he is not considered one of them fully enough as he takes an active part in the mortal world and does not pay any heed to the other Eternals as he knows nothing, but work.
Dark Eternals:
Strongest Dark Eternal: Xerlotoir
Realms: Night, Shadow, Changing Chaos, and Darkness
Race: Shadow Naga
Player: Wandering Argonians
Info: He seeks to bring about the end of the Light Eternals and desires to destroy all the things that the Light and Order Eternals have wrought.
Dark Eternal: Liert
Realms: Death, Undead, and Decay
Race: Greenskins
Player: Toops
Info: She seeks to turn the world into a wasteland devoid of the all the life her sister has worked so hard to create. Her view on life is that is a mockery to the divine life of the Eternals.
Dark Eternal: Yerio
Realms: Total War, Destruction, Anger, Violence, and Dark Battles
Race: Children of Kash
Player: North Calaveras
Info: Yerio seeks to cause war and feasts off the death and destruction caused by anyone that causes senseless war and death. He favors people who fight for the sheer pleasure of it and loves senseless violence, espically in his name.
Dark Eternal: Ltmo
Realms: Murder, Torture, and Pain. Added, realms are Total Subjugation and War of others.
Race: Tielax
Player: Void Templar
Info: Ltmo seeks to cause as much pain and murder as possible in order to sate his hunger for them no matter what the cost is to his followers or others.
Dark Eternal: Xlitemi
Realms: Pleasure, Lust, and Corruption
Race: Draudorii
Player: Xlitemi
Info: His realm has caused him to seek to use the darker thoughts of beings against them in order to turn them into his pawns and messengers.
Dark Eternal: Yati
Realms: Sheer Chaos and the spreading of Chaos.
Race: Methualgra
Player: Mereshka
Info: Yati is the most chaotic of the Dark Eternals and seeks the most to spread it through any means that can be used. As the good of Chaos the power of Yati is to cause massive amounts of disunity amongst those who have any doubts.
Dark Eternal: Lyeitorm
Realms: Fire, Earthquakes, Corruption of All, Eratic Change, and Natural Disasters.
Info: He uses his powers to corrupt the very earth and inflict pain on all peoples. The general domain he rules is one of constant change and in the ending of all that is peaceful and calm in his lands.
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 17:56
Race Template:
Eye Colors:
Hair Colors:
Skin Colors:
Average Height(s):
Average Lifespans:
*By Eternal I mean to ask which Eternal shall you take as your own and make your race reflect, though you only have to fill one of their realms, and thus which traits your race shall take. For example a good race for Elina would be Elves, while for Yerio a good one will be Orcs. As for name, you can have your own name for the Eternal, as long as you post their 'true' name along side your name for them. As well, post different posts for your Race and Civilization.*
Rakathra (Hansia) {Eleritmri}:
Children of Kash (North Calaveras) {Yerio}:
Xiscapians (Xiscapia) {Uelimro}:
Greenskins (Toops) {Liert}:
Scracians (Scracia) {Ulimt}:
Shadow Naga (Wandering Argonians) {Xerlotoir}:
Methualgra (Mereshka) {Yati}:
Tadzhik (New Brittonia) {Stroniky}:
Tielax (Void Templar) {Ltmo}:
Kahaz (The 7000) {Ulrimeto}:
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 17:57
Civilization Template:
Ruling Body:
The Magocratic Empire of Hansia (Hansia):
Calaveras (North Calaveras ):
Xiscapia (Xiscapia):
Da Toop Klanz (Toops):
Scracia (Scracia):
Empire of Shadow (Wandering Argonians):
Empire of Methua (Mereshka):
Hordes of the Tielax (Void Templar):
The Kingdom of Qurir (The 7000):
The Tadzhik Nation (New Brittonia):
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 17:57
Sounds like a good idea man, I'ma start work on making a map for ye then I'll be back with Da Gobbo Powah!!!
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 18:40
Sounds like a good idea man, I'ma start work on making a map for ye then I'll be back with Da Gobbo Powah!!!Thank you very much, and also I wrote this last night between 1:30-2:30, in the morning.:p
I kinda just threw this map together :|
dunno if it's good enough :s
Name: The Magocratic Empire of Hansia
Population: 10,000,000 (50% Human, 25% Elves, 25% Half Elf)
Capital: The Stronghold City of Valorina
Ruling Body: The Grey Cloak Order’s ruling Council and the Imperator Magi
Bio: The Magocratic Empire of Hansia is an empire that was forged by an alliance of wizards and common humans seeking protection from rival nations. The Empire is ruled by the wizards guild known as the Grey Cloak Order for their study of all kinds of magic ranging from defensive abjuration spells to the forbidden arts of Necromancy. The Most powerful of the Grey Cloak Order become members of the Ruling Council serving as the head administrators of the Empire under the leadership of the current Imperator Magi whom acts as the reigning Emperor of the Empire….
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 19:24
I kinda just threw this map together :|
dunno if it's good enough :sI was hoping for their to rivers and visible mountain ranges, though I still thank you.:D As well, it is quite good though I can add the rivers myself, I cannot do thing like mountains.:(
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 19:30
Name: The Magocratic Empire of Hansia
Population: 10,000,000 (50% Human, 25% Elves, 25% Half Elf)
Capital: The Stronghold City of Valorina
Ruling Body: The Grey Cloak Order’s ruling Council and the Imperator Magi
Bio: The Magocratic Empire of Hansia is an empire that was forged by an alliance of wizards and common humans seeking protection from rival nations. The Empire is ruled by the wizards guild known as the Grey Cloak Order for their study of all kinds of magic ranging from defensive abjuration spells to the forbidden arts of Necromancy. The Most powerful of the Grey Cloak Order become members of the Ruling Council serving as the head administrators of the Empire under the leadership of the current Imperator Magi whom acts as the reigning Emperor of the Empire….Naughty, naughty everyone is supposed to create a race.:p But otherwise you are accepted.
Naughty, naughty everyone is supposed to create a race.:p But otherwise you are accepted.
If I create a race can I include them into my civilization?
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 19:38
If I create a race can I include them into my civilization?Most certainly just make them reasonable and according to the race creation rules and you will be fine.
Name: Rakathra
Eternal: The Mage Father (Eleritmri)
Eye Colors: Red, Black, Blue, Green
Hair Colors: Sliver, Red, Green, Black
Skin Colors: Ebony, Green, Red, Black
Average Height(s): 8ft is a standard height
Average Lifespans: up to 800 years
Traits: highly intelligent yet is extremely thin and physically weak, They tend towards an ordered structure in life and favor magic over using brute force. They also act rather haughty and seemed to be obsessed with keeping everything structured…
Bio: The Rakathra is an ancient race of magic users that originally used their magical knowledge to combat the forces of darkness and chaos and build a powerful magical Empire. This empire was shattered after a massive Orcish army defeated the Magi Legions of the Rakathra and left them to near extinction. The surviving Rakathra have joined the Magocratic Empire of Hansia and make up some of the strongest wizards in their ranks….
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 20:06
Name: Rakathra
Eternal: The Mage Father (Eleritmri)
Eye Colors: Red, Black, Blue, Green
Hair Colors: Sliver, Red, Green, Black
Skin Colors: Ebony, Green, Red, Black
Average Height(s): 8ft is a standard height
Average Lifespans: up to 800 years
Traits: highly intelligent yet is extremely thin and physically weak, They tend towards an ordered structure in life and favor magic over using brute force. They also act rather haughty and seemed to be obsessed with keeping everything structured…
Bio: The Rakathra is an ancient race of magic users that originally used their magical knowledge to combat the forces of darkness and chaos and build a powerful magical Empire. This empire was shattered after a massive Orcish army defeated the Magi Legions of the Rakathra and left them to near extinction. The surviving Rakathra have joined the Magocratic Empire of Hansia and make up some of the strongest wizards in their ranks….Interesting is your remove the hr you get Rakata, and by the history it seems we have an other fan of KOTOR.:p As well, approved.
03-09-2007, 21:01
Race Template:
Name: Xiscapians
Eternal: Uelimro
Eye Colors: Yellow
Hair Colors: Brown, Black, Red, Yellow, blue, green, silver, white, pink, purple.
Skin Colors: All
Average Height(s): 5,7
Average Lifespans: 80-500 years (average about 200 years)
Traits: Peaceful, love nature. Great swordmen, use katanas. Will avoid war if at all possible
Bio: It is said Xiscapians love nature so much they actually have become apart of it, like some say have happened with the Elves. They have yellow eyes, sharp teeth, fox ears and tails, and are very fast. They are excellent close-combat fighters, and can also use a bow and arrow nearly as good as an elf.
Name: Xiscapia
Population: 1,000,000
Captial: Rio Casa
Ruling Body: An Imperial Family
Bio: The Xiscapians are nature worshipers, holding nature sacred. They believe that they were born first out of the earth and destined by their God, Uelimro, to protect the land. They are seclusive, and are generally rarely seen. The Imperial Family is made up of Kartosh Forworn and his Wife, Jade Forworn. They have yet to have any children. The Xiscapians live in forests and mountains, isolated from most peoples. Their home is in and around Mt. Uelimro, which is a tall mountain surronded by thick forest.
Current characters: Foxfire, Holly
Avatar: Foxfire
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 21:18
Race Template:
Name: Xiscapians
Eternal: Uelimro
Eye Colors: Yellow
Hair Colors: Brown, Black, Red, Yellow, blue, green, silver, white, pink, purple.
Skin Colors: All
Average Height(s): 5,7
Average Lifespans: 80-500 years (average about 200 years)
Traits: Peaceful, love nature. Great swordmen, use katanas. Will avoid war if at all possible
Bio: It is said Xiscapians love nature so much they actually have become apart of it, like some say have happened with the Elves. They have yellow eyes, sharp teeth, fox ears and tails, and are very fast.
Name: Xiscapia
Population: 10,000
Captial: Rio Casa
Ruling Body: An Imperial Family
Will put more later, in a hurry. Accepted?Well, once you elaborate more it will be quite good and expand your population.
North Calaveras
03-09-2007, 22:31
Name: Children of Kash
Eye Colors: Teal, grey, white
Hair Colors:white, blonde, brown
Skin Colors:Pale white/white, with gold markings
Average Height(s):6'2
Average Lifespans:60 yrs
Traits: Good at close combat, wears chain mail, with a white tabard.(basically like the crusaders.
Bio: Born out of the Holy War of Celestis, the Children of Kash were created when the eternal put some of his blood into a child's veins, the child made generation after generation until now.
Ruling body: Theocractic dictatorship
Bio: Created as a fall back territory, the nation of Calaveras is where the first child of Kash was born, and from this point he would stretch his hand across the land.
Hey Scandy, I gots a problem, my nations is made up of different species, from Hobgobbos to Gobbos and from Grobbles to Orcs, so is there any way I can submit all three? Or should I use like a Greenskin template?
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 22:44
Name: Children of Kash
Eye Colors: Teal, grey, white
Hair Colors:white, blonde, brown
Skin Colors:Pale white/white, with gold markings
Average Height(s):6'2
Average Lifespans:60 yrs
Traits: Good at close combat, wear chainmail, with a white tabard.(basically like the crusaders.
Bio: Born out of the Holy war of Celestis, the Children of Kash were created by the eternal after putting some of his blood into a childs vains, the child made generation after generation until now.
Ruling body: Theocractic dictatorshipAdd a bio for your civilization, andl also fix a number of problems when it comes to capital letters and spacing in the templates.
The Scandinvans
03-09-2007, 22:46
Hey Scandy, I gots a problem, my nations is made up of different species, from Hobgobbos to Gobbos and from Grobbles to Orcs, so is there any way I can submit all three? Or should I use like a Greenskin template?Hmmm... you pose a good question, but my best response will be a general Greenskin template for them overall with them sharing a common orgin and patron Eternal.
Wandering Argonians
03-09-2007, 23:08
OOC: I've got some ideas for the Eternal you call 'Yerio' if that's not already taken...
I can also work with the ones called 'Uelimro', 'Ltmo', ' Xerlotoir', and 'Ulimt' too.
I'll check back in a few for a response, I'm waiting on a Steam download...
Hmmm... you pose a good question, but my best response will be a general Greenskin template for them overall with them sharing a common orgin and patron Eternal.
Okidoodle, here is the Greens Template and Nation stats
Name: Greenskins (Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Grobbles)
Eternal: Liert
Eye Colors: Black
Hair Colors: Dark Grey
Skin Colors: Green shades (From Pastel Green (Grobbles) Leaf Green (Goblins) to Dark Green (Orcs) and even Orange (Hobgoblins) )
Average Height(s): Grobbles: 1'-2'6" Gobbos: 3'-5'4" Hobgoblins: 4'4"-5'8" Orcs: 6'1-8'9"
Average Lifespans: 40 Years
Traits: Strong Melee fighters, carry over a lot of prejudice against the smaller castes, great peacetime farmers and hunters, shrewd traders and general unsocial personalities
Bio: The Goblins were created by the Godess Elina, the first of these Goblins were fair haired good natured farmers who's primary service was to that of peace, the Godess Liert saw these creatures and tortured them to centuries of bloody warfare which turned these peaceful light dwellers into scarred and dirty soldiers.
Liert was so proud of her corruption that she decided not to wipe the Goblins from the earth, instead granting them with Boons and Gifts seperating the original genus into the Modern Goblins, Hobgoblin and Orc Castes, still there remains a certain connection to their old self, evidednt in their farming nature and in some of the older Grobbles.
Name: Da Toop Klanz
Population: 500,000 (10% Orc, 12% Hobgoblin, 27% Grobble, 51% Goblin)
Capital: Da Blakk Rokk
Ruling body: Da Toop Moon Klan, Theocratic Despotism
Bio: Toop Goblins are seperated into Kastz and further into Klanz, denoted by their colours and seperate values of worship, these Klanz are regulated by Da Toop Moon Klan (aka. Blakk Moonz) and there are rules in place to stop further segregation, as such there remain only four Klanz.
Da Blak Moonz (Land of Magicians and strategists, center of the land)
Da Bloo Noomiz (Land of Orcs, strongest area where most Warriors originate)
Da Blud Farmaz (Land of Farmers, sat upon the most fertile area of land)
Da Goldz 'Oodz (Land of Explorers, faster Goblins come from this area)
Da Wyte Wyrmz (Land of Civilisation, far friendlier Greenskins)
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 02:45
OOC: I've got some ideas for the Eternal you call 'Yerio' if that's not already taken...
I can also work with the ones called 'Uelimro', 'Ltmo', ' Xerlotoir', and 'Ulimt' too.
I'll check back in a few for a response, I'm waiting on a Steam download...Yerio is being debated between two people, but technically if you get the spelling wrong you will not have them due to the fact that I am dick.:p Yet, I would prefer you for to take one of the others due to the very fact two others want them and one of them were here first and the other one I own a favor.
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 03:03
Okidoodle, here is the Greens Template and Nation stats
Name: Greenskins (Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Grobbles)
Eternal: Yerio
Eye Colors: Black
Hair Colors: Dark Grey
Skin Colors: Green shades (From Pastel Green (Grobbles) Leaf Green (Goblins) to Dark Green (Orcs) and even Orange (Hobgoblins) )
Average Height(s): Grobbles: 1'-2'6" Gobbos: 3'-5'4" Hobgoblins: 4'4"-5'8" Orcs: 6'1-8'9"
Average Lifespans: 40 Years
Traits: Strong Melee fighters, carry over a lot of prejudice against the smaller castes, great peacetime farmers and hunters, shrewd traders and general unsocial personalities
Bio: The Goblins were created by the Godess Elina, the first of these Goblins were fair haired good natured farmers who's primary service was to that of peace, the God Yerio saw these creatures and tortured them to centuries of bloody warfare which turned these peaceful light dwellers into scarred and dirty soldiers.
Yerio was so proud of his corruption that he decided not to wipe the Goblins from the earth, instead granting them with Boons and Gifts seperating the original genus into the Modern Goblins, Hobgoblin and Orc Castes, still there remains a certain connection to their old self, evidednt in their farming nature and in some of the older Grobbles.
Name: Da Toop Klanz
Population: 500,000 (10% Orc, 12% Hobgoblin, 27% Grobble, 51% Goblin)
Capital: Da Blakk Rokk
Ruling body: Da Toop Moon Klan, Theocratic Despotism
Bio: Toop Goblins are seperated into Kastz and further into Klanz, denoted by their colours and seperate values of worship, these Klanz are regulated by Da Toop Moon Klan (aka. Blakk Moonz) and there are rules in place to stop further segregation, as such there remain only four Klanz.
Da Blak Moonz (Land of Magicians and strategists, center of the land)
Da Bloo Noomiz (Land of Orcs, strongest area where most Warriors originate)
Da Blud Farmaz (Land of Farmers, sat upon the most fertile area of land)
Da Goldz 'Oodz (Land of Explorers, faster Goblins come from this area)
Da Wyte Wyrmz (Land of Civilisation, far friendlier Greenskins)Yerio was taken by North Calaveras:rolleyes:, so might I suggest Ytmo whom I changed for you.
Wandering Argonians
04-09-2007, 03:30
OOC: If you don't mind updating the first post I'll make my selection.
New Brittonia
04-09-2007, 03:33
reserve Stroniky i'll do the rest later
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 03:43
OOC: If you don't mind updating the first post I'll make my selection.Update the first post, except do not claim Ltmo as I offered that one to Toops due to Yerio being claimed.
North Calaveras
04-09-2007, 03:45
i fixed it XD
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 03:51
reserve Stroniky i'll do the rest laterNo reserving please, unless I have invited you to join, though since you are the first to do so you may.
Name: Scracians
Eternal: Ulimt
Eye Colors: Blue, Green, olive
Hair Colors: Brown, Black, Red, blue, green, purple.
Skin Colors: Blue, green, olive
Average Height(s)/Length(s): 6'/6'8"
Average Lifespans: about 300 years
Traits: Peaceful, protective of nature. Can harden water into crystal weapons up to a certain ammount. If completely rested, can transform into merpeople with long sclaley tails.
Bio: Many years ago when the Scracians were few in number, Ulimt gave them a blessing, the ability to change there form and become a being that is one with water. The Scracians have greatly appreciated this gift and have never strayed from their worship of him. In the past months, alchemy became the most widespread hobby and through it, the Scracians gained the power to harden water into a crystal.
Name: Scracia
Population: 25,000
Captial: Scracium
Ruling Body: A powerful dictator
Bio: After the Scracians gained the ability to shapeshift, some of them started to misuse this power. This led to the formation a government. A single extremist led a group of rebels who quickly overthrew this government and stationed himself as ruler.
P.S. I'm new here, this will be my first rp thing. If I do anything wrong, let me know.
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 04:01
i fixed it XDGood.
04-09-2007, 04:16
Before I post a race or civilization, I'd just like to say that my internet has an unfortunate tendency to go out for some time. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. And I'm rather busy, so I'm not on all that often. Would you still let me join?
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 04:25
Name: Scracians
Eternal: Ulimt
Eye Colors: Blue, Green, olive
Hair Colors: Brown, Black, Red, blue, green, purple.
Skin Colors: Blue, green, olive
Average Height(s)/Length(s): 6'/6'8"
Average Lifespans: about 300 years
Traits: Peaceful, protective of nature. Can harden water into crystal weapons up to a certain ammount. If completely rested, can transform into merpeople with long sclaley tails.
Bio: Many years ago when the Scracians were few in number, Ulimt gave them a blessing, the ability to change there form and become a being that is one with water. The Scracians have greatly appreciated this gift and have never strayed from their worship of him. In the past months, alchemy became the most widespread hobby and through it, the Scracians gained the power to harden water into a crystal.
Name: Scracia
Population: 25,000
Captial: Scracium
Ruling Body: A powerful dictator
Bio: After the Scracians gained the ability to shapeshift, some of them started to misuse this power. This led to the formation a government. A single extremist led a group of rebels who quickly overthrew this government and stationed himself as ruler.
P.S. I'm new here, this will be my first rp thing. If I do anything wrong, let me know.A larger population would be good and by their transformation I believe you mean into mer people?
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 04:26
Before I post a race or civilization, I'd just like to say that my internet has an unfortunate tendency to go out for some time. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. And I'm rather busy, so I'm not on all that often. Would you still let me join?Would you be able to reply daily?
04-09-2007, 04:27
I should be able to.
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 04:29
I should be able to.Then you will be able to join in.:p
Wandering Argonians
04-09-2007, 04:34
OOC: It looks like I'll be going with 'Xerlotoir', then. Let me double check again just to be sure I'm not stepping on anyone's toes...
North Calaveras
04-09-2007, 04:35
when is the rp going to be up, and what happend to Galactic sphers? dead?
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 04:55
OOC: It looks like I'll be going with 'Xerlotoir', then. Let me double check again just to be sure I'm not stepping on anyone's toes...Do not worry, you are not.
Wandering Argonians
04-09-2007, 05:19
OOC: Seems I'm okay on that front, so I'll get on with the process...
Race Template:
Name: Shadow Naga (Dark Argonians)
Eternal: Xerlotoir, whom they call 'Shadow Father'
Eye Colors: Green, Blue, Gold, Yellow
Hair Colors: None, they have an ear-fin on each side of their head in place of hair.
Skin Colors: Charcoal Black, Dark Gray, Hunter Green
Average Height(s): About six and one half feet
Average Lifespans: Upwards of 800 years, though most don't live that long
Traits: Unnaturally skilled in the stealth and combative arts, they are a strong and agile lizard-folk
Bio: Professing themselves as the children of their 'Shadow Father', the Shadow Naga mostly keep to themselves, a reclusive culture of assassins, spies, and warriors that spend most of their time plotting invasions, gathering intelligence, and honing their combative and stealth skills for the time when the Shadow Father decrees that they conquer the lands of their enemies in his glorious name and the name of Chaos, which they refer to simply as 'Darkness' or more commonly 'Shadow'. There is also a strong scolarly element within higher levels of the Temple of the Shadow Cult, and a few of the priests have learned to use magic. They see knowledge as power, and use their extensive networks of spies and assassins to further their learning urges in order to better serve the Shadow Father and the Way of Shadow.
Civilization Template:
Name: Empire of Shadow
Population: Entirely Shadow Naga, they hate outsiders
Captial: Tel Naga, City of the Shadow Throne
Ruling Body: High Priests of the Shadow Cult (Religious Democratic Ruling Body)
Bio: A highly isolationist culture of assassins and spies, the Empire of Shadow has rarely been penetrated by outside forces, be they benign or otherwise. A warrior-culture, very little time is devoted to farming and much of their food stores are derived from aquatic sources. As other Eternals have made sea travel by boat difficult, the Shadow Naga are highly adept swimmers. This diet of fish has lent itself well to the highly active lifestyle pursued by these acrobatic warriors, most of whom hone their individual skills for the coming day when the Shadow Father returns and leads his children forth in a tidal wave of blood and violence, purging the lands of the taint of the light and offering the land itself to the Shadow Father to remake in his own image.
In combat, the Shadow Naga sweep forward like a river of darkness, using their superior agility to shred their enemies, and are not afraid to gang up on opponents they believe to be difficult to bring down. Unable to track the multiple assailants, their foes usually succumb to the multiple stab wounds inflicted by their poisoned knives. Their spiked armors are the color of darkest death, their blades short and wicked and always wielded in pairs. The conditioning level of their warriors isnearly super-human, able to fight for long periods with only minor fatigue, and even then they are taught to show no weakness or fear, even when cornered. They have no fear of retreat, and will gladly withdraw to prepare for an ambush, for such underhanded tactics are the way of the Shadow Father, and therefore used to the fullest. Prisoners of war are tortured to quench their thirst for information, then executed without extra thought. While not as mighty as other races, their speed and agility can more than compensate for this.
In peacetime, the Shadow Naga always prepare for their next war, sending their infamous spies and assassins forth to learn more of their enemies, and this is where they truly excel. Armed with superior knowledge about their foes' movements, armaments, armors, and tactics, they are able to counter attacks before they even begin, striking with unerring precision and ferocity. They rarely march into combat, however, preferring to wait for their Shadow Father to reveal himself again to lead them properly. The Shadow Naga drive to learn is as much a threat as their hunger for conquest. Tel Naga's great libraries are filled with the teaching of great Warchiefs from days of old, and stacked with knowledge of enemies past and present. Tactics and documentations from past crusades are kept and studied meticulously before any new campaign is undertaken. It could be said that knowledge drives the Shadow Naga, and their quest for it drives their combative urges, for what better way to learn than to apply previous learnings?
In the home, the loyalty is to the Shadow Father, to the clan, and to the Empire, most often in that order. The oldest male becomes Clan Father, and is responsible for the clan's lands and tributes, which include warriors of the highest caliber to serve the Empire as soldiers and assassins. Slaves are never kept, duties such as fishing and what little farming that needs to be done are left to the younger males who are not of the age to fight, and to the females, who rarely participate in the warmaking. Family is never betrayed, and despite the occasional assassinations in the upper levels of government, loyalty between fellow Shadow Naga is unshakeable.
Do I need to add more, or will this be enough for now?
04-09-2007, 05:34
Sorry for taking so long to reply. Was busy yet again.
Here is my race. I'll put more detailed stuff later.
Name: Ancients, or Methualgra in their language.
God/Eternal: Methua (Yati)
Hair color: Blood Red, no exceptions.
Eyes: A very bright blue that glows in the dark. (Some have a light red)
Skin: Alabaster white
Average height M: 6'5
Average height FM: 5'2
Lifespan: Unknown, most Ancients die in war before ages beyond 200.
Traits: Disdain archery and sneaking, prefering instead to meet the enemy upon open ground. Breed remarkably fast, with twins or triplets very common. Great at close combat, not so good at ranged. Their single magical ability is to mind link, for lack of a better term. Two Methualgra, can create a link between each others minds, learning everything the other knows.
Bio: A very warlike race, their very name means 'Children of War'. Their entire society is ruled by war, and they love chaos. Their favorite thing to do is to kill the rulers and army of a nation, and watch it erupt into riots and rebels. They are great slavers, although they never buy, only taking slaves from countries they have made war on, and then forcing them to breed, to increase their amount of cannon fodder during battle.
Name: Empire of Methua
Population: Entirely Methualgra, excepting slaves. About 3 million. About a 500,000 in the army, and about double that making up a slave army, although all male Methualgra are natural warriors.
Capital: Utei, meaning kill.
Ruling body: Imperial family.
Prominant members of the Family: Isamu, emperor. Alehkra, crown prince/Lord of Chaos. Asami, sister to Alehkra, High Preistess of Methua.
As I said, I will get more detailed, this is just the basics.
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 05:36
OOC: Seems I'm okay on that front, so I'll get on with the process...
Race Template:
Name: Shadow Naga (Dark Argonians)
Eternal: Xerlotoir, whom they call 'Shadow Father'
Eye Colors: Green, Blue, Gold, Yellow
Hair Colors: None, they have an ear-fin on each side of their head in place of hair.
Skin Colors: Charcoal Black, Dark Gray, Hunter Green
Average Height(s): About six and one half feet
Average Lifespans: Upwards of 800 years, though most don't live that long
Traits: Unnaturally skilled in the stealth and combative arts, they are a strong and agile lizard-folk
Bio: Professing themselves as the children of their 'Shadow Father', the Shadow Naga mostly keep to themselves, a reclusive culture of assassins, spies, and warriors that spend most of their time plotting invasions, gathering intelligence, and honing their combative and stealth skills for the time when the Shadow Father decrees that they conquer the lands of their enemies in his glorious name and the name of Chaos, which they refer to simply as 'Darkness' or more commonly 'Shadow'. There is also a strong scolarly element within higher levels of the Temple of the Shadow Cult, and a few of the priests have learned to use magic. They see knowledge as power, and use their extensive networks of spies and assassins to further their learning urges in order to better serve the Shadow Father and the Way of Shadow.
Civilization Template:
Name: Empire of Shadow
Population: Entirely Shadow Naga, they hate outsiders
Captial: Tel Naga, City of the Shadow Throne
Ruling Body: High Priests of the Shadow Cult (Religious Democratic Ruling Body)
Bio: A highly isolationist culture of assassins and spies, the Empire of Shadow has rarely been penetrated by outside forces, be they benign or otherwise. A warrior-culture, very little time is devoted to farming and much of their food stores are derived from aquatic sources. As other Eternals have made sea travel by boat difficult, the Shadow Naga are highly adept swimmers. This diet of fish has lent itself well to the highly active lifestyle pursued by these acrobatic warriors, most of whom hone their individual skills for the coming day when the Shadow Father returns and leads his children forth in a tidal wave of blood and violence, purging the lands of the taint of the light and offering the land itself to the Shadow Father to remake in his own image.
In combat, the Shadow Naga sweep forward like a river of darkness, using their superior agility to shred their enemies, and are not afraid to gang up on opponents they believe to be difficult to bring down. Unable to track the multiple assailants, their foes usually succumb to the multiple stab wounds inflicted by their poisoned knives. Their spiked armors are the color of darkest death, their blades short and wicked and always wielded in pairs. The conditioning level of their warriors isnearly super-human, able to fight for long periods with only minor fatigue, and even then they are taught to show no weakness or fear, even when cornered. They have no fear of retreat, and will gladly withdraw to prepare for an ambush, for such underhanded tactics are the way of the Shadow Father, and therefore used to the fullest. Prisoners of war are tortured to quench their thirst for information, then executed without extra thought. While not as mighty as other races, their speed and agility can more than compensate for this.
In peacetime, the Shadow Naga always prepare for their next war, sending their infamous spies and assassins forth to learn more of their enemies, and this is where they truly excel. Armed with superior knowledge about their foes' movements, armaments, armors, and tactics, they are able to counter attacks before they even begin, striking with unerring precision and ferocity. They rarely march into combat, however, preferring to wait for their Shadow Father to reveal himself again to lead them properly. The Shadow Naga drive to learn is as much a threat as their hunger for conquest. Tel Naga's great libraries are filled with the teaching of great Warchiefs from days of old, and stacked with knowledge of enemies past and present. Tactics and documentations from past crusades are kept and studied meticulously before any new campaign is undertaken. It could be said that knowledge drives the Shadow Naga, and their quest for it drives their combative urges, for what better way to learn than to apply previous learnings?
In the home, the loyalty is to the Shadow Father, to the clan, and to the Empire, most often in that order. The oldest male becomes Clan Father, and is responsible for the clan's lands and tributes, which include warriors of the highest caliber to serve the Empire as soldiers and assassins. Slaves are never kept, duties such as fishing and what little farming that needs to be done are left to the younger males who are not of the age to fight, and to the females, who rarely participate in the warmaking. Family is never betrayed, and despite the occasional assassinations in the upper levels of government, loyalty between fellow Shadow Naga is unshakeable.
Do I need to add more, or will this be enough for now?Sounds good, just need a number for your population and you shall be fine.
Wandering Argonians
04-09-2007, 05:44
OOC: I wasn't aware I got to pick a number... Hmm...
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 05:45
Sorry for taking so long to reply. Was busy yet again.
Here is my race. I'll put more detailed stuff later.
Name: Ancients, or Methualgra in their language.
God/Eternal: Methua (Yati)
Hair color: Blood Red, no exceptions.
Eyes: A very bright blue that glows in the dark.
Skin: Alabaster white
Average height M: 6'5
Average height FM: 5'2
Lifespan: Unknown, most Ancients die in war before ages beyond 200.
Traits: Disdain archery and sneaking, prefering instead to meet the enemy upon open ground. Breed remarkably fast, with twins or triplets very common.
Bio: A very warlike race, their very name means 'Children of War'. Their entire society is ruled by war, and they love chaos. Their favorite thing to do is to kill the rulers and army of a nation, and watch it erupt into riots and rebels.
Name: Empire of Methua
Population: Entirely Methualgra, excepting slaves. About 3 million.
Capital: Utei, meaning kill.
Ruling body: Imperial family.
As I said, I will get more detailed, this is just the basics.Well, done needs to be expanded, as you said, a few errors fixed, yet overall good and accepted.
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 05:46
OOC: I wasn't aware I got to pick a number... Hmm...Yeap, though I guess you know a civilization likes yours will proably be quite small.
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 05:48
when is the rp going to be up, and what happend to Galactic sphers? dead?As soon as we get a couple more people I will set it up, proably some time tommorrow. Though as for the GS threads it is still rping by people, just I have not been giving it much attention.
Wandering Argonians
04-09-2007, 05:49
OOC: When placed next to numbers like ten million like some of these guys, any civilzation from this timeperiod would look small.
To stay competitive, I'm going to put 500,000 and 1,000,000. Mostly to keep the rest of you guessing, since they are an elusive race in the first place.
That sound acceptable, or does it need to be lower?
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 05:49
Good night everyone, I will update everything tommorrow that is on the front page, though the list with the Eternals is currently updated.
The Scandinvans
04-09-2007, 05:51
OOC: When placed next to numbers like ten million like some of these guys, any civilzation from this timeperiod would look small.
To stay competitive, I'm going to put 500,000 and 1,000,000. Mostly to keep the rest of you guessing, since they are an elusive race in the first place.
That sound acceptable, or does it need to be lower?Sure, though then I expect you know that you will not have, at most, 25,000-40,000 men capable of war, spying, and other works as you need large support base still and that everyone needs a cap on their abilities.;)
04-09-2007, 05:56
I'll work on that.
04-09-2007, 06:14
Hehe, my race seem familiar NC?
North Calaveras
04-09-2007, 06:16
ya it kinda does
Changed to Liert, Godess of Death
The Scandinvans
05-09-2007, 00:09
Hehe, my race seem familiar NC?Let us consider your pop. for a second which is three million if your race, in which one in six are warriors which is dispportiant with the max of that number being one in ten.
The Scandinvans
05-09-2007, 00:12
Changed to Liert, Godess of DeathThank you.
*Gives a golden cookie*
Also, what about expanding the map for me as that will help me.;)
05-09-2007, 00:53
Let us consider your pop. for a second which is three million if your race, in which one in six are warriors which is dispportiant with the max of that number being one in ten.
First off, I'm not that good with logistics and whatnot. Secondly, the reason for the on in ten is because of need for craftsmen, teachers, builders, ect.. Correct? Methualgra have no need of techers, because of their natural ability to mind link, learning all the other knows. As for craftsmen, or artists, they take what they need from nations they attack. As for manual labor, thats what slaves are for. Thirdly, and correct me if I'm wrong on this, I'm going to use China as an example. They have about 1.2 billion citizens, and if I remember correctly, that little .2 hanging out there, is the army. One out of six. If it bugs you though, I'll change it.
New Brittonia
05-09-2007, 01:11
Name: Tadzhik
Eternal: Stroniky
Eye Colors: Black
Hair Colors: Brown (with some exceptions)
Skin Colors: Dark brown, black (they're to look like humans of African descent)
Average Height(s): 5'7"
Average Lifespans: 85 yrs
Traits: They have great skill in archery and several other ranged weapons.
With the melee weapons, the Tadzhik use spears and daggers, mostly. The
Bio: While most nations tend to place influence on their military, the Tadzhik are focused on agriculture and education. They do have a military, but this is not used much except for defence, as they are isolationist.
How's this?
The Scandinvans
05-09-2007, 01:15
Name: Tadzhik
Eternal: Stroniky
Eye Colors: Black
Hair Colors: Brown (with some exceptions)
Skin Colors: Dark brown, black (they're to look like humans of African descent)
Average Height(s): 5'7"
Average Lifespans: 72 yrs
Traits: They have great skill in archery and several other ranged weapons.
With the melee weapons, the Tadzhik use spears and daggers, mostly. The
Bio: While most nations tend to place influence on their military, the Tadzhik are focused on agriculture and education. They do have a military, but this is not used much except for defence, as they are isolationist.
How's this?Seems to be in good shape and as for life spans magic does exist so life spans for humans would be similair to our modern time real life spans.
A larger population would be good and by their transformation I believe you mean into mer people?
Okay, change my population to 50,000 and yes I mean merpeople. I just didn't want to say right our that they were merpeople.
05-09-2007, 03:22
So, I'm accepted, right? My bio's been edited.
05-09-2007, 03:45
So when does this thing start?
The Scandinvans
05-09-2007, 05:32
So, I'm accepted, right? My bio's been edited.Do not worry, you were accepted the moment I replied orginally.:p
05-09-2007, 12:47
Ah. :D Thank you. So yes, when do we begin? Also, do we have a map yet?
Wandering Argonians
05-09-2007, 17:50
Sure, though then I expect you know that you will not have, at most, 25,000-40,000 men capable of war, spying, and other works as you need large support base still and that everyone needs a cap on their abilities.;)
OOC: I'm well aware. I'll lower it to around 75,000 which will maintain a 1/4 ratio of warriors/spies/assassins for roughly 18,750 combat-capable troops. Their strength needs to lie in superior tactics, stealth, intel, and training more than sheer numbers. This won't always be about combat anyway, so it won't matter as much as we think it will.
Void Templar
05-09-2007, 20:56
Name: Tielax
Eternal: Ltmo
Eye Colors: Red.
Hair Colors: None.
Skin Colors: Green
Average Height(s): 3'5 (4'5 when standing at full height).
Average Lifespans: 30 years.
Traits: Sharp teeth, pure streak of hatred, howl to communicate.
Bio: The Tielax were once Void Elves, things of beauty and grace. However, during a great war, they turned to the Eternal Ltmo for aid. He helped them, but in return, he cursed them to a lifetime of evil and chaos. He morphed them into hideous mutations of their former selfs, their yellow skin turning green, deep blue eyes turning into red pits of fire, their blond hair completely gone. They were banished into the mountains of Korum, and live out their days making raids and slaughtering travelers. However, their numbers have been recently growing...
Name: The Hordes of the Tielax.
Population: 650,000
Capital: Korum Anakah
Ruling Body: Warboss Hed-rippah.
Bio: The Hordes of Tielax often warred between themselves, until the Hed-Rippah Clan came along. Surging through the cave systems, they destroyed all opposition and established their Warboss as the ruler of the Tielax.
The Scandinvans
05-09-2007, 22:13
Ah. :D Thank you. So yes, when do we begin? Also, do we have a map yet?Well, if somone would be able to expand this, while keeping its qaulity, then we do.
05-09-2007, 22:15
What's wrong with it's size? Also, check TGs.
The Scandinvans
06-09-2007, 02:19
Name: Tielax
Eternal: Ltmo
Eye Colors: Red.
Hair Colors: None.
Skin Colors: Green
Average Height(s): 3'5 (4'5 when standing at full height).
Average Lifespans: 30 years.
Traits: Sharp teeth, pure streak of hatred, howl to communicate.
Bio: The Tielax were once Void Elves, things of beauty and grace. However, during a great war, they turned to the Eternal Ltmo for aid. He helped them, but in return, he cursed them to a lifetime of evil and chaos. He morphed them into hideous mutations of their former selfs, their yellow skin turning green, deep blue eyes turning into red pits of fire, their blond hair completely gone. They were banished into the mountains of Korum, and live out their days making raids and slaughtering travelers. However, their numbers have been recently growing...
Name: The Hordes of the Tielax.
Population: 650,000
Capital: Korum Anakah
Ruling Body: Warboss Hed-rippah.
Bio: The Hordes of Tielax often warred between themselves, until the Hed-Rippah Clan came along. Surging through the cave systems, they destroyed all opposition and established their Warboss as the ruler of the Tielax.Accepted, though it seems people like being evil.:p
06-09-2007, 02:39
Being bad is just so good.
The Scandinvans
06-09-2007, 02:52
Being bad is just so good.Well, the first thread is about to go in the next few hours and it will be about the consilidation of the armies of darkness under the 'Dark' Lord, a avatar of the Dark Eternal, well you know which one.
06-09-2007, 03:23
Where will you post the link? Here?
The Scandinvans
06-09-2007, 03:27
Where will you post the link? Here?Yeap.
06-09-2007, 04:28
So is this going to begin soon?
The Scandinvans
06-09-2007, 05:02
IC Thread:
The 7000
06-09-2007, 21:48
May I join?
Name: Kahaz
Eternal: Ulrimeto
Eye Colors: Blue, Green, Black, Brown
Hair Colors: Black, Silvery
Skin Color: Dark or Tanned (Arabic and Middle Eastern looking peoples)
Average Height(s): 5'8 to 6'
Average Lifespans: Anywhere from 80 to 100, though breaking one hundred is rare, and past 80 people become in need of much medical help unaviliable in this time period.
Traits: Extremely friendly to strangers, curious tinkerers, very loyal to Ulrimeto and the other Light Eternals, the Kahaz are strong warriors when the need arises. They are agile and fleet of foot, and prefer archery and dual scimitars then heavier swords and similar weapons. The Kahaz are experts of guerilla warefare and using the terrain against the enemy in clever ways through all manner of traps and tools, just as one would suspect for Ulrimeto's disciples. However, their love for science gives them comparitively less magical ability, and they tend to dislike mages. The Kahaz are very fond of alchemy as well, and some of the greatest Alchemists have been Kahaz.
Bio: The Kahaz originate in the Great Desert of Buerne, near Da Toop Klanz on one side, and Empire of Methua on another. With two powerful and warrior-like peoples, the comparitively weaker Kahaz turned to Ulrimeto for guidance and protection, who taught them the wonders of technology and the people have taken that to heart. Almost every Kahaz has some project they are working on, and they all share their ideas freely with one another, always trying to figure out who will have the next big idea. Male Kahaz often shave their heads and beards, unless they are religous leaders or government officials. Normal Kahaz clothing is orange with dark, brownish red lining and resembles a poncho without anything underneath for men, while women wear sleevless shirt-like clothing. They wear sandals and loose pants and move around comfortably and quickly. Royalty and other important people such as priests and government figures wear simple robes in light blue or green. Kahaz traditionally fight with either bow and arrows, or twin Zekath, short, one bladed swords similar to scimitars and often given holes to lighten their wait, and tipped with poisons or acids developed from the Alchemy.
Name: Qurir (The Kingdom of Qurir) [KOO-EAR
Population: 3,000,000-4,000,000
Capital: Swanzeir [SWAAN-ZEER]
Ruling Body: King and Royal Family, aided and adviced by the People's Council, which is elected by the populace every 3 years.
Bio: Qurir is the nation of the Kahaz. With the Greenskins on one side, and the Methualgra on the other, though the Empire of Methua is blocked by a mountain range, a large army is needed for protection. A long line of traps of every kind marks the border with Da Toop Klanz. The cities of Qurir are made around oasises and different forests, and while the nation is primarily desert, the heat is not as unbearable as one might think, and the Kahaz have vast agricultural fields made possible by the technology gleaned from their Eternal, Ulrimeto.
New Brittonia
07-09-2007, 00:48
My Civ
Name: The Tadzhik Nation
Population: Around 900,000
Captial: Tadzhikston
Ruling Body: direct democracy (more added later)
Bio: The small Tadzhik nation avoids wars, as they generally used to decimate their population. Because of this, they remained isolated from the rest of the world.
The Scandinvans
07-09-2007, 01:52
May I join?
Name: Kahaz
Eternal: Ulrimeto
Eye Colors: Blue, Green, Black, Brown
Hair Colors: Black, Silvery
Skin Color: Dark or Tanned (Arabic and Middle Eastern looking peoples)
Average Height(s): 5'8 to 6'
Average Lifespans: Anywhere from 80 to 100, though breaking one hundred is rare, and past 80 people become in need of much medical help unaviliable in this time period.
Traits: Extremely friendly to strangers, curious tinkerers, very loyal to Ulrimeto and the other Light Eternals, the Kahaz are strong warriors when the need arises. They are agile and fleet of foot, and prefer archery and dual scimitars then heavier swords and similar weapons. The Kahaz are experts of guerilla warefare and using the terrain against the enemy in clever ways through all manner of traps and tools, just as one would suspect for Ulrimeto's disciples. However, their love for science gives them comparitively less magical ability, and they tend to dislike mages. The Kahaz are very fond of alchemy as well, and some of the greatest Alchemists have been Kahaz.
Bio: The Kahaz originate in the Great Desert of Buerne, near Da Toop Klanz on one side, and Empire of Methua on another. With two powerful and warrior-like peoples, the comparitively weaker Kahaz turned to Ulrimeto for guidance and protection, who taught them the wonders of technology and the people have taken that to heart. Almost every Kahaz has some project they are working on, and they all share their ideas freely with one another, always trying to figure out who will have the next big idea. Male Kahaz often shave their heads and beards, unless they are religous leaders or government officials. Normal Kahaz clothing is orange with dark, brownish red lining and resembles a poncho without anything underneath for men, while women wear sleevless shirt-like clothing. They wear sandals and loose pants and move around comfortably and quickly. Royalty and other important people such as priests and government figures wear simple robes in light blue or green. Kahaz traditionally fight with either bow and arrows, or twin Zekath, short, one bladed swords similar to scimitars and often given holes to lighten their wait, and tipped with poisons or acids developed from the Alchemy.
Name: Qurir (The Kingdom of Qurir) [KOO-EAR
Population: 3,000,000-4,000,000
Capital: Swanzeir [SWAAN-ZEER]
Ruling Body: King and Royal Family, aided and adviced by the People's Council, which is elected by the populace every 3 years.
Bio: Qurir is the nation of the Kahaz. With the Greenskins on one side, and the Methualgra on the other, though the Empire of Methua is blocked by a mountain range, a large army is needed for protection. A long line of traps of every kind marks the border with Da Toop Klanz. The cities of Qurir are made around oasises and different forests, and while the nation is primarily desert, the heat is not as unbearable as one might think, and the Kahaz have vast agricultural fields made possible by the technology gleaned from their Eternal, Ulrimeto.You are accepted and thank you for joining.
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 02:40
Time to make your claims.
Blank Map:
Climate Map:
Green: Plains, Lightly Wooded Lands
Dark Green: Forests, Woodlands
Light Blue: Subtropical, Tropical
Brown: Low/Medium Mountains >8000 Ft
Orange: 8000-16,000 Ft
Purple: 16,000 FT+
Yellow: Desert
08-09-2007, 04:15
I'll take that little purple spot in the lower left-hand corner, and the surronding orange and brown reigons. Oh, and the blue inside the brown. Basically everything inside brown in that area = mine.
08-09-2007, 04:17
I'll take the forest surrounding Xiscapia's stuff. (Seeing as how we've already RP'd being close to one another)
North Calaveras
08-09-2007, 04:23
i will take the whole mountain and the begging of the forest at the bottom left.
Wandering Argonians
08-09-2007, 07:24
I'll take a portion of the right-most continent, preferably the right most portion. I'm trying to be as isolationist as possible here, so much the better to RP.
That, or one of the island chains...
May I join?
Name: Draudorii
Eye Colors:Golden
Hair Colors:As humans
Skin Colors:Pale
Average Height(s):As humans
Average Lifespans:150-200 years
Traits:Highly intelligent,decent physical shape,favours assassinations and plots over conventional warfare.
Bio:An ancient race of vampires, the Draudorii love wealth and music. They avoid war, as it can threaten their decadent lifestyle, but make excellent assassins.
Population:6,000,000(25% Draudorii, 75% human slaves)
Ruling Body:The Council of Shadows
Bio:Shadorak is the land of shadow,dark and sinister.In the cities the Draudorii live in wealth and comfort,while in the small settlements and villages the humans live in poverty and fear of their dark lords.They are used both as slave workers and food source.
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 17:19
I'll take that little purple spot in the lower left-hand corner, and the surronding orange and brown reigons. Oh, and the blue inside the brown. Basically everything inside brown in that area = mine.The purple region is essentially considered a sacred area to the Supreme One, the strongest Eternal, though you can feel free to claim the region, you will not be able to excerise control over it due to the fact, well to attempt to do will be impossible as though you cannot draw weapons does not mean its contigment of Eterni guards will not be able to do so.;)
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 17:24
I'll take that little purple spot in the lower left-hand corner, and the surronding orange and brown reigons. Oh, and the blue inside the brown. Basically everything inside brown in that area = mine.Approved.
Void Templar
08-09-2007, 17:28
Can I take the mountains and desert in the middle-bottom island and the small piece of mountain in the land bridge between the leftmost and middlemost bottom islands?
08-09-2007, 17:29
Damn. Well in that case, I claim the upper left part of the map, specifically all of the left part brown part and the surronding forest.
08-09-2007, 17:42
In that case, I claim where the in the upper left, a bit away from Xiscapia's stuff, up to that yellow part.
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 17:50
Damn. Well in that case, I claim the upper left part of the map, specifically all of the left part brown part and the surronding forest.The highest peak is sacred ground where you cannot draw weapons, otherwise the rest would have been yours.
08-09-2007, 17:52
OOC: Glad to see you back. Orcs, your guys, my people, the NC, and The 7000's men are all in the area. You+NC vs. Orcs vs. Me+The 7000.
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 18:02
May I join?
Name: Draudorii
Eye Colors:Golden
Hair Colors:As humans
Skin Colors:Pale
Average Height(s):As humans
Average Lifespans:150-200 years
Traits:Highly intelligent,decent physical shape,favours assassinations and plots over conventional warfare.
Bio:An ancient race of vampires, the Draudorii love wealth and music. They avoid war, as it can threaten their decadent lifestyle, but make excellent assassins.
Population:6,000,000(25% Draudorii, 75% human slaves)
Ruling Body:The Council of Shadows
Bio:Shadorak is the land of shadow,dark and sinister.In the cities the Draudorii live in wealth and comfort,while in the small settlements and villages the humans live in poverty and fear of their dark lords.They are used both as slave workers and food source.Way to many vamps, as their are 1.5 million according to your population percents.
08-09-2007, 18:03
I don't stand by my original claim, due to the very highest point being taken. I wanted that for my Imperial City. So is my revised claim for the land specified in the post several above accepted?
08-09-2007, 18:11
Civilization Template:
Name: Kingdom of Lowcutter
Population: 500,000
Captial: Lowcutter
Ruling Body: The Monarchy
Bio: The Kingdom of Lowcutter is a city state. Lowcutter is built deep into the mountains of the North. it is run by King Dufara Farforger the XX. Lowcutter is famous for its mining guild, and its ale. They generally dislike outsiders, unless they bring their money with them. The kingdom controls its mountain fortress, and the surrounding villages which provide the food for the fast growing capital. The capital itself is divided into several sections. Hundreds of workshops, Pubs, and shops are built around canals of magma and water in the upper city near the surface. The houses of the upper city are built above the workshops. The Royal Palace is a huge estate built near the peaks high above the entrance hall. The palace grows many variates of plants underground. It has several large buildings, a small town for the servants, and a fortified passage leading down to the upper city. The lower city consists of the many forges and mines leading down to the magma. Most of the population live and work here. The entrance hall is well defended. The main gate is made of the strongest Adamantine, five metres thick. The Entrance hall has a second gate similar to the first down a large hallway with massive gold and silver statues to the sides. There is a moat of lava in front of the second main gate. When the gate opens a steel drawbridge fall to allow visitors over the moat. There are two passages leading off to the side which invaders must go through when the second gate is closed. The passages split off, and are filled with countless traps, and metal doors. The treasure hoard is built behind the palace. It stores ridiculous amounts of treasure. The Granary holds enough food to last the entire population for over 50 years.
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 19:17
Damn. Well in that case, I claim the upper left part of the map, specifically all of the left part brown part and the surronding forest.Alright then accepted.
08-09-2007, 20:19
Thanks. I think my characters will make their way to the Temple of all Gods. What is it called again, the Temple?
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 20:29
Thanks. I think my characters will make their way to the Temple of all Gods. What is it called again, the Temple?The Temple of the One, though to note remember it is not exactly a wide known fact amongst the common people, though amongst the learned and powerful it is known quite well.
08-09-2007, 20:34
Foxfire is not a "common person". He is the Destined One, so the Head Monk in the temple in town told him of the temples location.
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 20:42
Foxfire is not a "common person". He is the Destined One, so the Head Monk in the temple in town told him of the temples location.Alright, I was just saying do not make it public knowledge.;)
My vamps are not like RL vamps,they are more like ordinary humans. Just a little bit stronger,faster and smarter. But say 15% then,if that`s alright?
08-09-2007, 20:53
Scandinvans, I just noticed I am not listed under "Civilizations:" or "Races" on the first page. Please fix it.
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 21:20
My vamps are not like RL vamps,they are more like ordinary humans. Just a little bit stronger,faster and smarter. But say 15% then,if that`s alright?To further my point what do the vamps eat?
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 21:20
Scandinvans, I just noticed I am not listed under "Civilizations:" or "Races" on the first page. Please fix it.Fixed.:)
08-09-2007, 21:25
Thanks :D
Humans of course. That`s all their good for.;)
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 21:33
Humans of course. That`s all their good for.;)Then to note your vampires, assuming they suck blood, will have to feed on a daily basis which means roughly two pounds of blood a day which will make such a population distrubtion akward as humans will die at about 3% a year which will create the need for constant conquest by your poeple which will lower the vampire to human ratio even more.
The Scandinvans
08-09-2007, 21:36
Humans of course. That`s all their good for.;)Then to note your vampires, assuming they suck blood, will have to feed on a daily basis which means roughly two pounds of blood a day which will make such a population distrubtion akward as humans will die at about 3% a year which will create the need for constant conquest by your poeple which will lower the vampire to human ratio even more.
Make that 3% then.And 1 dl blood per vampire and week.
09-09-2007, 15:19
so what do you say for my civilisation Lowcutter?
The Scandinvans
09-09-2007, 15:32
Civilization Template:
Name: Kingdom of Lowcutter
Population: 500,000
Captial: Lowcutter
Ruling Body: The Monarchy
Bio: The Kingdom of Lowcutter is a city state. Lowcutter is built deep into the mountains of the North. it is run by King Dufara Farforger the XX. Lowcutter is famous for its mining guild, and its ale. They generally dislike outsiders, unless they bring their money with them. The kingdom controls its mountain fortress, and the surrounding villages which provide the food for the fast growing capital. The capital itself is divided into several sections. Hundreds of workshops, Pubs, and shops are built around canals of magma and water in the upper city near the surface. The houses of the upper city are built above the workshops. The Royal Palace is a huge estate built near the peaks high above the entrance hall. The palace grows many variates of plants underground. It has several large buildings, a small town for the servants, and a fortified passage leading down to the upper city. The lower city consists of the many forges and mines leading down to the magma. Most of the population live and work here. The entrance hall is well defended. The main gate is made of the strongest Adamantine, five metres thick. The Entrance hall has a second gate similar to the first down a large hallway with massive gold and silver statues to the sides. There is a moat of lava in front of the second main gate. When the gate opens a steel drawbridge fall to allow visitors over the moat. There are two passages leading off to the side which invaders must go through when the second gate is closed. The passages split off, and are filled with countless traps, and metal doors. The treasure hoard is built behind the palace. It stores ridiculous amounts of treasure. The Granary holds enough food to last the entire population for over 50 years. The Granary is way to big it should be cut down to about five years, and you have to make a racial file and for your Eternal patron might I recommend Fematwa, you can have your own name for him of course though.
The Scandinvans
09-09-2007, 15:34
Make that 3% then.And 1 dl blood per vampire and week.Alright thank you and also for nurtrients let us make it more interesting in that they could take drink the blood of any regular mortal and also they like to lace wine with blood.:D
Thank you,sir.
I really like that idea.:)
Well,about claims,can I take the forest and plains at the island below that sacred temple?
09-09-2007, 17:02
Will there be a map marked with our claims?
11-09-2007, 12:06
BTW, we can have our own names for our Eternals?
The Scandinvans
13-09-2007, 00:17
Claim Map:
Xiscapia: Brown
Void Templar: Orange
Mereshka: Blue
Wandering Argonians: Purple
Climate Map:
Green: Plains, Lightly Wooded Lands
Dark Green: Forests, Woodlands
Light Blue: Subtropical, Tropical
Brown: Low/Medium Mountains >8000 Ft
Orange: 8000-16,000 Ft
Purple: 16,000 FT+
Yellow: Desert
The Scandinvans
13-09-2007, 00:18
BTW, we can have our own names for our Eternals?Yeap.
The Scandinvans
13-09-2007, 20:46
One note the traps that Xiscapia is using cannot be used in abumshes as what he is doing took years to complete.
13-09-2007, 20:51
Very true. The mountain is so heavily defended because we have been there for a long, long time.
The Scandinvans
13-09-2007, 23:30
One thing to know Eternia are extremly well armed and are powerful foes so expect high causlities assualting them.
14-09-2007, 02:09
Who are the "Eternia"? Those aren't the guys you've just sent in a 10,000 man force at me, is it?
14-09-2007, 02:14
Are they Light Or Dark? Or both? Or nuteral?
The Scandinvans
14-09-2007, 02:14
Who are the "Eternia"? Those aren't the guys you've just sent in a 10,000 man force at me, is it?Eternia are essentially high elves, have good combat skills, sport cool armor, and are quite disiplined.
The 7000
14-09-2007, 19:39
Would it be possible for me to make a second race, this time on the side of Evil?
The 7000
14-09-2007, 20:48
Sorry for the double post, but on the Claims Map, can I have the area south of Xiscapia, resembling India, or at least part of it?
The Scandinvans
14-09-2007, 22:44
Would it be possible for me to make a second race, this time on the side of Evil?Nope, every normal rper gets to control one race, though one thing to note the Greenskins can be considered multiple races but I did approve them in the fact they are essentially all the same species when things come down to it.
The 7000
14-09-2007, 22:45
All right then, never mind.
The Scandinvans
14-09-2007, 22:59
Sorry for the double post, but on the Claims Map, can I have the area south of Xiscapia, resembling India, or at least part of it?Sure, but you can only have roughly half of it and considering it which half do you want?
The 7000
14-09-2007, 23:10
The left half. I'd prefer less coastline and more inland territory also.
The Scandinvans
15-09-2007, 01:10
Xiscapia golems and dragons I do not genrally mind as they are going to be native to mountains, but you are using creatures that do not genrally exist in fanatasy as you are going more into Dungeons and Dragons type fanatasy and not Elder Scrolls fanatasy. As well, please use your own forces as you can only do damage in the thousands using a a large force of your own and and you cannot include in that force creatures that do not live in this world period as they those type of creatures realms of the Eternals and as such do not live in this world and can be only be generated by me to prevent wanking.
List of Approved Natural Creatures:
Trolls (Dark Use)
Giants (Dark Use)
Unicorns (Elven Use Only)
Giant Eagles (Good Use)
Dragons (Limited Use and Very Tiny Numbers)
Golems (Mountain Regions and Die from being crushed)
Imps (Dark Use)
Centaurs (Good Use)
Minotaurs (Dark Use)
Sprites (Good Use)
15-09-2007, 21:08
Can I get forest nymph's added to the "Good" creatures list?
15-09-2007, 21:11
Hey Scand, if you need a map I can make you one.
The Scandinvans
15-09-2007, 21:12
Can I get forest nymph's added to the "Good" creatures list?The version of nymphs that I saw you deploy were not in line with the standard nymphs which do nothing more then cater to water and you have to know that they are not creatures that go to war and as such they do not exist on the creatures aviable to be used in battle.
The Scandinvans
15-09-2007, 21:25
Hey Scand, if you need a map I can make you one.I am actually alright in that I have a map now, but thanks.:p
The 7000
16-09-2007, 17:20
Would the sandworms I mentioned be approved?
I would like to join:
My Race
Name: Asetgen
Eternal: Lyeitorm
Eye Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Black, Blue
Hair Colors: Black, Grey, Silver, Red
Skin Colors: Red, Grey
Average Height(s): Anywhere from 5 to 16 feet
Average Lifespans: 500-750 years
Traits: The inborn ability and mastery of the Aduro, or Fire Magic. Warlike, but clever, and very intelligent.
Bio: The Asetgen were said to have been created by Lyeitorm when the Dark Eternal was cut in a great war. His godly blood fell into a volcano, and the embers that flew out of its brim were said to have come to life as the first Asetgen. They then bred amongst themselves and increased their numbers. The Asetgen are powerful, and they command the Aduro, or Fire Magic, which gives them various powers. To begin with, they can create and control fire, and can shape it in a number of ways. A number of different Arts exist for this that do different things with the Aduro, from creating living beings out of fire to controlling smoke and lava. All Asetgen are also born with various magical abilities, including illusion casting and the ability to turn intangible, depending on the individual. They resemble humans, but with red or grey skin and forked tails, but as they grow in power they may also grow horns, wings, or a number of different physical attributes.
My Nation
Name: The Ember Kingdom
Population: 50,000 (10% Asetgen, 20% Hybrid (Human + Asetgen), 60% Human, 10% Other)
Capital: Vulcanus
Ruling Body: Dictatorship, ruled by the Igniserus, or Fire Lord.
Bio: Founded and ruled by the Asetgen, the Ember Kingdom is a blasted and burning land that many other races might find repulsive. To the Asetgen, however, this is beautiful. The nation is based around the city of Vulcanus, a massive fort-city built around and the volcano of the same name that was the origin point of the Asetgen. The local human populace has been enslaved, and is used as the bulk of the Kingdom’s forces. Additionally, as part of a program to create stronger soldiers, Hybrids of Asetgen and Human’s have been bred, further adding to the population. The nation, despite being called a kingdom, is actually ruled by a tyrannical dictator. The person in possession of this mantle is known as the Igniserus, or Fire Lord, and the only way for a successor to succeed is to kill the Igniserus and claim the Burning Crown, which signals their approval by Lyeitorm. There is a Resistance movement composed of former Human and Hybrid slaves with growing power, but it is still currently seen as not much of a threat by the Igniserus, who has put minor effort into stamping it out. However, rumor is that they are searching out the Blizzard Thorn, a legendary sword that would be able to kill the Igniserus, despite the Burning Crown on his head.