02-09-2007, 19:29
Tanker Class Naval Barrage Vessel
The Kroandan Army requested and funded this project, however it was ultimately the Navy which took over the initiative, and authorized production of the ship. These massive vessels are meant for one thing and one thing only. To provide massive levels of naval support to ground forces fighting deep in shore. This role, typically carried by destroyers and even battleships, is being transfered to the Tanker Class NBV. The name comes from the ships striking resemblence to an oil tanker, however it is far larger than any tanker to date. The ship requires large naval escorts, due to it's high value and relatively low defensive abilities. Though meant for Sea-to-Ground roles, it is more than capable of engaging in long range ship-to-ship fighting.
The primary armament of the Tanker Class Naval Barrage Vessel comes from it's vast arsenal of VLS tubes, over 1,200 VLS tubes in all, each loaded with one of several missiles. Tomahawk Missiles are the most prominent, as they are the standard Surface-to-Surface Cruise Missile of the navy. The missiles are simply fired from the tubes, to their targets abroad (as far away as 2500kms). The VLS Tubes can also fire Valour Class Anti-Shipping Missiles, as well as Harpoons and Arrow Class Anti-Aircraft Shiping Missiles. Additionally they can fire altered LACI Anti-Aircraft Missiles, however this is rare and not really needed. However the 1,200 VLS tubes alone does no adequately prove their threat. Each tube has directly below it a hydraulic loading system, which can spin a replacement missile into an empty tube within twenty seconds. There is always a replacement missile sitting right below the next, so technically, the next 1,200 missiles could be fired within two minutes of the first 1,200, however this would only occur in the most dire of circumstances.
The secondary armaments come in the way of fifty retractable SDCI Missile Pods, each pod capable of firing six SDCI's in less than ten seconds. These missiles prove highly effective in the role of taking down enemy aircraft, although this particular varient is designed to intercept enemy anti-shipping missiles, and even enemy surface-riding torpedos. Using an integrated RADAR/LADAR/SONAR/IR System, the missile is capable of locking onto anything from a supersonic anti-shipping missile to a slow moving torpedo coming in from fifty miles away. Three hundred missiles can be fired with ease, giving this vessel solid protection against enemy missile attacks.
There are also twelve 240mm MLRS's (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems) on board, each capable of firing twelve High Explosive Guided Rockets a distance of 55 miles. These are reloadable, and are meant for close support, especially in the beach landing role. These rockets can have several warheads, including high explosive, gas, high explosive-frag and many others.
The vessel is also equipped with six ASROC-7 Depth Terror Rocket Torpedo Pods, each capable of firing eight Rocket-Carried Torpedo (64 total) for use against submerged threats, for although the vessels purpose is land support, leaving it defenseless against clear enemy threats is simply ludacris.
The first and primary defense of the vessel is the SDCI Missile pods, capable of elminating most missile threats. However this is by no means the only line of defense. There are fourty CIWS guns positioned around the vessel, as well as twelve retractable LM-Rocket Pods. The 'Last Minute Rocket Pod System' is a 24 - Slot Rocket system, which contains 24 short-range (<350meters) guided rockets. Upon locking onto the threat, these last minute rockets act as Anti-Missile Missiles. Packed with high explosive, they simply seek to destroy the threat. [12x24 = 288 Rockets] However the armor is by no means insufficient in protecting the vessel. 1000mm of a composite chobam type armor capable of taking a beating without giving in. The ship is additionally protected by RADAR-Jammers, Standard Anti-Torpedo Countermeasures such as flares, and torpedo decoys. Finally there is the issue of the Ten retractable ASHUM Guns, which are the second line of defense against enemy torpedos.
Crew: 2,400 Enlisted; 230 Officers
Type: Naval Barrage - Land Support
Tonnage: 1.7million
Length: 810.0 m
x1,200 VLS Tubes
x12 240mm MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems - 12 Slot)
x6 ASROC-7
x12 LM-Rocket Pods
x40 CIWS Guns
Breadth: 220m
Depth: 70m
Draught: 90.525m
-4x Janex TLS500 nuclear reactors
-Sprint Coils
-12 knots (normal)
-20 knots (sprint)
Surface Search Radar: CPS-51X
Sonar: APDS system
Price: 9 Billion USD
Tanker Class Naval Barrage Vessel
The Kroandan Army requested and funded this project, however it was ultimately the Navy which took over the initiative, and authorized production of the ship. These massive vessels are meant for one thing and one thing only. To provide massive levels of naval support to ground forces fighting deep in shore. This role, typically carried by destroyers and even battleships, is being transfered to the Tanker Class NBV. The name comes from the ships striking resemblence to an oil tanker, however it is far larger than any tanker to date. The ship requires large naval escorts, due to it's high value and relatively low defensive abilities. Though meant for Sea-to-Ground roles, it is more than capable of engaging in long range ship-to-ship fighting.
The primary armament of the Tanker Class Naval Barrage Vessel comes from it's vast arsenal of VLS tubes, over 1,200 VLS tubes in all, each loaded with one of several missiles. Tomahawk Missiles are the most prominent, as they are the standard Surface-to-Surface Cruise Missile of the navy. The missiles are simply fired from the tubes, to their targets abroad (as far away as 2500kms). The VLS Tubes can also fire Valour Class Anti-Shipping Missiles, as well as Harpoons and Arrow Class Anti-Aircraft Shiping Missiles. Additionally they can fire altered LACI Anti-Aircraft Missiles, however this is rare and not really needed. However the 1,200 VLS tubes alone does no adequately prove their threat. Each tube has directly below it a hydraulic loading system, which can spin a replacement missile into an empty tube within twenty seconds. There is always a replacement missile sitting right below the next, so technically, the next 1,200 missiles could be fired within two minutes of the first 1,200, however this would only occur in the most dire of circumstances.
The secondary armaments come in the way of fifty retractable SDCI Missile Pods, each pod capable of firing six SDCI's in less than ten seconds. These missiles prove highly effective in the role of taking down enemy aircraft, although this particular varient is designed to intercept enemy anti-shipping missiles, and even enemy surface-riding torpedos. Using an integrated RADAR/LADAR/SONAR/IR System, the missile is capable of locking onto anything from a supersonic anti-shipping missile to a slow moving torpedo coming in from fifty miles away. Three hundred missiles can be fired with ease, giving this vessel solid protection against enemy missile attacks.
There are also twelve 240mm MLRS's (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems) on board, each capable of firing twelve High Explosive Guided Rockets a distance of 55 miles. These are reloadable, and are meant for close support, especially in the beach landing role. These rockets can have several warheads, including high explosive, gas, high explosive-frag and many others.
The vessel is also equipped with six ASROC-7 Depth Terror Rocket Torpedo Pods, each capable of firing eight Rocket-Carried Torpedo (64 total) for use against submerged threats, for although the vessels purpose is land support, leaving it defenseless against clear enemy threats is simply ludacris.
The first and primary defense of the vessel is the SDCI Missile pods, capable of elminating most missile threats. However this is by no means the only line of defense. There are fourty CIWS guns positioned around the vessel, as well as twelve retractable LM-Rocket Pods. The 'Last Minute Rocket Pod System' is a 24 - Slot Rocket system, which contains 24 short-range (<350meters) guided rockets. Upon locking onto the threat, these last minute rockets act as Anti-Missile Missiles. Packed with high explosive, they simply seek to destroy the threat. [12x24 = 288 Rockets] However the armor is by no means insufficient in protecting the vessel. 1000mm of a composite chobam type armor capable of taking a beating without giving in. The ship is additionally protected by RADAR-Jammers, Standard Anti-Torpedo Countermeasures such as flares, and torpedo decoys. Finally there is the issue of the Ten retractable ASHUM Guns, which are the second line of defense against enemy torpedos.
Crew: 2,400 Enlisted; 230 Officers
Type: Naval Barrage - Land Support
Tonnage: 1.7million
Length: 810.0 m
x1,200 VLS Tubes
x12 240mm MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems - 12 Slot)
x6 ASROC-7
x12 LM-Rocket Pods
x40 CIWS Guns
Breadth: 220m
Depth: 70m
Draught: 90.525m
-4x Janex TLS500 nuclear reactors
-Sprint Coils
-12 knots (normal)
-20 knots (sprint)
Surface Search Radar: CPS-51X
Sonar: APDS system
Price: 9 Billion USD