Discovery of Lands ooc thread
Since not wanting the thread to become bogged entirely in ooc I made this thread hope you don't mind Von...
Now hopefully someone can get a map of where everyone is claiming...and I can figure out where I want to land....and all this fighting already is a little off..the land is undeveloped and "wild" so going into major conflicts this early is a little for lack of a better word lame...
Aurum Domus
02-09-2007, 18:39
Anyone mind if I grab that land on the coast at the base of the Stormkeeper Mountains? Oh and who wants to beat the crap out of OoA with me?
I planned on taking a chunk from somewhere...but I intend on rping it all realistically...landing...building up a base of operations/exploring...running into others...diplomatic meetings/arguments...then far everyone is just like OMGZ I SEND A FLEET AND 50,000 TROOPS AND ATTACK UR DUDES FOR WANTING MY OOC CLAIM~......when in fact it would be quite difficult to find anyone to fight since the land isn't developed at all...yet their moving men and things around like there is an autobahn criss crossing the whole thing...Im trying to hopefully get the rp organized...since right now its just a giant clusterfuck
I wouldn't mind making a small claim here. Anyone on Kneece yet?
Anyone mind if I grab that land on the coast at the base of the Stormkeeper Mountains? Oh and who wants to beat the crap out of OoA with me?
I'm in.
Im trying to hopefully get the rp organized...since right now its just a giant clusterfuck
Very good idea. The map needs plots, just to clarify territorial claims. These unmarked swathes of land should be made more orderly.
Pan-Arab Barronia
02-09-2007, 18:53
I planned on taking a chunk from somewhere...but I intend on rping it all realistically...landing...building up a base of operations/exploring...running into others...diplomatic meetings/arguments...then conflict
Same here.
Oh, and for Aurum Domus we'll cut down our claim, seeing as OoA is never going to be able to hold that much land.We'll plan to take from halfway down the island, across to the Stormkeeper mountains, north. South of that and east of the mountains is free, not that it was ever really taken.
I just wanted mountains. :P
If we absolutely have to we'll take up Domus's offer, but we're going diplomatic for now.
Von is closing the thread or w/e so this one is now irrelevant
Oh sod it. I don't care. Remove all traces of my postage, as I don't really care about the island.
02-09-2007, 19:27
I'm going to try again with a semi-open thread, and I figure we might as well just keep using this one. M'kay thanks.
Oh okay then...w00t for my occ threads survival...
02-09-2007, 21:01
Okay, I'd like it if all those OOC comments in the IC thread vanished (Gataway, Cookes). Just a heads up, there's more to this land then meets the eyes. Remember, there was a chemical fire that destroyed the land... so yeah. Also, further telling me I have a TG goes here.
02-09-2007, 21:01
Who all is in as of now Von?
I'll wait for Von to say who is in...
Pan-Arab Barronia
02-09-2007, 21:18
Me too - confirmed by TG. Many thanks Von BTW.
I guess Von doesn't like me lol
Pan-Arab Barronia
02-09-2007, 21:31
First post up. Does it fit the plot Von?
02-09-2007, 21:32
BL is also in it, as am I, you, Alfegos, PAB, and maybe a few others. Hard to remember as I delete most superflous TGs to avoid clutter.
Im going to assume the "you" was directed at an IC post will come later...I have things 2 do
Pan-Arab Barronia
02-09-2007, 22:00
I hope you don't mind, but I'd like my claim to be known OOCly, so I made a map.
Map with Barronian Route in (
Map with just the claim. ( If you want to update, this is probably the one to update from. If I'm allowed that claim, that is.
02-09-2007, 22:04
I'm in. I'd like to go for Stormkeeper Mnts. I'll post up later, I need to work on some long post...:(
02-09-2007, 22:07
Everyone's allowed to have whatever claim they want, just so long as they don't overlap. Not at this point in the thread anyways. The exception being Alfegos, who has to have the area behind the Stormkeepers. He's a bit smaller and could use the defence.
PAB: The second map doesn't work.
Maldorians and Damirez have joined the thread.
same thing applying from PAB for me...Im not oocily claiming the land as mine ICily...this is just my IC plans exposed in an OOC I figured I'd just let people know ahead of time...but if someone wants to take the same spot they might make things interesting after all
Again Im not saying this is "mine" Im just showing oocily ahead of time of what I plan on doing ICily..
02-09-2007, 22:09
I guess I will let Alfregos get that spot. Here will be my new spot...
EDIT: Im the black at the north
Pan-Arab Barronia
02-09-2007, 22:12
Fixed, with apologies for my crappy editing of links by hand.
02-09-2007, 22:13
We might as well get all the OOC claims straight. I'm Kneece.
02-09-2007, 22:15
Liek done
Pan-Arab Barronia
02-09-2007, 22:20
Well, I'm outta here. Will plan my new post at work (it gets quiet in the labs - work comes as the shipments of coal arrive, and it has been known to go days without work, but we get paid all the same). Don't go blowing stuff up without me...
We might as well get all the OOC claims straight. I'm Kneece.
Not good for me. Oh well, I'll take the Lost Isles after we encounter you ICly on Kneece.
02-09-2007, 22:42
Sounds good to me. I have a bit more IC claim on it then you, seeing as I got there first, through my surveying team, and planted the flag. Still, I'm all for a premature meeting between us.
Update: I'm claiming the ocast of the east mountain area: half a mile inshore, 20 miles offshore, except for the villages on the shore, where we claim everywhere within a loci of half a mile from the edges of the villages.
If anyone wishes to enter the mainland, we will allow them to, if they have prior clearance (IC).
We dont' care what you do with the mainland. Just don't interfere with the offshore operations or with the land bases. Or you will not be made welcome.
02-09-2007, 23:01
UPDATE FOR ALFEGOS: You're getting all the land contained in the Stormkeeper Mountains.
Sounds good to me. I have a bit more IC claim on it then you, seeing as I got there first, through my surveying team, and planted the flag. Still, I'm all for a premature meeting between us.
Sure, just a little diplomacy to get things warmed up.
02-09-2007, 23:52
Kroando has joined the thread. Just a heads up.
The message was broadcasted by the Damirezans, and all activity was stopped. Everyone stood in stand-still for a few seconds, before chaos ensued. Military patrols came running into the ports, standing in a ready position at the beaches. Artillery swivveled and pointed towards the Kroandans. The civilians silently ran for cover.
So it was, neither side firing a shot. Slowly, the Vantanians responded, "Greeting Damirezans from the Great Vantanian Province of Kneece."
@Vontanas. You said that this place was roughly the size of Russia. I am in the very north of the island. You are in the very south. That would put me several hundred miles away from you, and thus, well out of any artillery range.
03-09-2007, 00:41
I kept getting you and Damirez mixed up. Sorry about that.
No problem, just got a bit confused... I was like, 'The fuck? How did he get a gun that can shoot 400miles? I want one!'
09-09-2007, 23:34
uoops...forgot to OOC that I took Mt McLargeHuge.
well, im there!!