NationStates Jolt Archive

Zukariaan Polytheism

02-09-2007, 01:09
Zukariaan Polytheism

The Beginning
First there was the Abyss, an endless and all encompassing blackness that held time and space within it's domain. An unknown event occured that caused the creation of the Earth in three parts. First appeared Issis, the Land. Second came Lissistis, the Sea. Last came Tossis, the Sky. Not gods in the normal sense, these were the only things that existed in the Abyss, combining and creating the Earth. From them emerged Zuerkts, the first God and God of all that is Right. It is said that it is even a mystery to Zuerkts what caused the creation of the Land, Sea, and Sky, or even the Abyss.

The First Gods
From Zuerkts' heart emerged Terrus, the God that overlooked Issis. Then emerged Mares, the Goddess that overlooked the Lissistis. Lastly emerged Sielos, the God that overlooked Tossis. Terrus and Mares birthed Vitus, the God of Life, which in turn allowed their birthing of the first 100 Humans. At the same time, Sielo and Mares birthed Sturmos, the God of Storms. With the creation of the first humans, Sielos married a Human woman by the name of Kisa, and birthed Socratus. Socratus became the God of Philosophy, Government, Economy, and Art. Upon introducing these things to people, they began to develope civilizations and cultures.

Later Gods
Terrus and Mares also birthed Mutus, the God of Courage and Courageous acts. Mutus married a human woman by the name of Lucy, and birthed Siri, Goddess of Beauty (and sometimes attributed to Magic), Hekter, God of War, and Spria, Goddess of Spring. Sturmos and his mother Mares birthed Mortus, the God of Death. With Death, people began to die, no longer immortal. Because of this, Mares created the Overworld as part of her domain, so that the dead could go there. However, Mortus hated his grand/mother for this, and created the Underworld, where the evil would go when they died.

Siri and Hekter, meanwhile, birthed Faia, the Goddess of Fertility and the Harvest. With this, the people on Earth began to grow in number and settle down into agricultural communities. Combining with Socratus traits, eventually the people created city-states. Hekter and Spria birthed Estatus, the God of Summer, which created a year which now had more than one season. Mortus became angry with this, and birthed Ivernis, the God of Winter. Now there would no longer be year-round crops and people would need to learn to live in cold weather.

In an attempt to disrupt humanity, Mortus created Haato, the God of Hate. People no longer worked together without gain. Mutus, who stood for good, battled Haato so that he could take hate away from the world. Haato's nose was cut off in the fight, which grew into Liefa, the Goddess of Love.

Liefa and Estatus married and birthed Solus, the God of the Sun, Luna, the Goddess of the Moon, and Stellus, the God of the Stars and Space. These were useless with out light or dark (the world was simply there, with no changes in shading). Solus and Luna married and birthed Duista, the God of Light, and Neris, the Goddess of Darkness.

Mortus at some point farted after eating human food, which created Umanos, the God of Inhumanity. Suddenly the Earth was populated with plants and animals. But Umanos himself spawned Ghayfagu, the God of Bad Inhumanity, which created furries, other religions, negros (so modern Zukariaans claim), and other bad things.

Hekter's Children with Human Women
Hekter meanwhile was out and about with beautiful human women, birthing Malas, the God of Disease. No longer were people free of disease. Emuo, God of Emotions. No longer were people neutral, loving, or hateful. Not there was sadness, happiness, and many other emotions. Sara, Goddess of Marriage. Though the Gods married before, no humans did. Now they could. Tempus, God of Time. Time already existed, but Tempus now watched over it. Litrus, God of Literature. People could now write their stories down.

Lastly, he birthed Teran, the man that was not a God, but would one day become the uniter and first Emperor of Zukariaa (so legends say).

The Story of Socratus
Because the Gods were still creating the world for the people that had accidentally been created by Terrus and Mares, they were very angry when Socratus gave them intelligence. When people became aware of their surroundings at the hands of Socratus, they awoke in a world incomplete. This created massive difficulties for the Gods. As punishment, Socratus was forced to write down all of the events of every single life on Earth.

Hatred's Battle
When Mortus created Haato, the God Mutus became enraged that Mortus would dare introduce hatred to the world. He attacked Haato in an attempt to free the world from hatred, but only managed to cut off Haato's nose. Instead of eliminating hatred, they created Liefa, Love. This balanced out Haato's influences and so Mutus considered himself victorious.

More Will Come

Zukariaan Polytheism in other nations
Zukariaan Polytheism is still the major religion in Zukariaa, and even supported by the state. But has it spread anywhere else? Basically, tell me if you'd like some temples or a minority of Zukariaan polytheists in your nation or something.

Jaredcohenia - Majority in Rosbaningrad territory.
No Endorse - Freely worshipping, untaxed minority.
Fordock - Tiny minority.
Vantania - Minority of 8% population.
Alfegos - 10% of that 0.1% "other" category in religion.
Skibereen - Tiny Minority

Feel free to comment on this. Keep it clean.
No endorse
02-09-2007, 04:11
They are free to worship all they want in NE, and they join Doomie Catholicism as the only 2 religions in NE who current;y don't have to pay a 10% tithe to the state.
02-09-2007, 04:17
Go for it. We are socially tolerant in Fordock so I would most assume we had at least a few.
02-09-2007, 04:27
Romandeos is quite open to most every religion, within reason, but seeing as how it's from Zukariaa, there could be problems.

~ Romandeos.
New Brittonia
02-09-2007, 04:38
OOC: @ Xukariaa: How racist?

The USS of New Brittonia is a socially progressive nation, with regards to religion, and we accept all religions into our nation. The Zukarrian religion is permitted to enter into the United Socialist States of New Brittonia. Temples are permited to be built in New Brittonia, of course after discusing with the local authorities. Representatives of the Epsom City Municipal Government (OOC: Epsom is the capital and largest city) wish to meet representatives of the Zukaarian religion to discuss building plans. If you agree to this meeting, a car will pick you up at Darryl Thommpson International Airport.

(OOC: Kinda make it a char RP of my guys meeting your guys)

Religious Makeup of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia
Atheist- 47%
Muslim- 32%
Jewish- 5%
Other Religions-3%
02-09-2007, 04:45
OOC: NB: The racist bit is under Umanos.


The Free Empire of New Vantania has noted that the Zukariaan Polytheistic religion has been accepted as mainstream, something the devout Christians and Jews try to fight. Most of the members of the Temple are converted Jews and Muslims.
02-09-2007, 04:51
@Brittonia: The thing about Zukariaans thinking of black people as inhuman. XD Also sorry about the short post. Not much to do. :p
@Vontanas: Do you mean that Zukariaan Polytheism is the main religion in Vantania?

Darryl Thommpson International Airport

Lord Alan Robert was the Lord of a temple to Mares in central Zukariaa, and had been chosen to meet with the Brittonian representative. He had never been in a socialist nation, and despised socialists like most Zukariaans. Still, he was willing to spread his faith to others, and so he had agreed to meet to establish a temple in New Brittonia. He stood in a suit in the airport with an aid, waiting for a Brittonian representative to pick him up.
New Brittonia
02-09-2007, 04:52
OOC: NB: The racist bit is under Umanos.

OOC: NB has some Africans, but we aren't much Black. We're white/asian/and middle-eastern. We have about 30.000 refugees from the Free Furry Islands. and you can see the religious makeup of new brtonia here. so, that's it.
The Charr
02-09-2007, 04:59
Whilst the United Clans of the Charr is renowned for having astounding civil and political liberties, there is still one area of life where government intervention plays a (admittedly unenforced) part - religion. Charr are obligated to conform to the standards of their own native religion, Charrian Fire Worship (, and will find it very difficult to gain any respect amongst their fellow Charr - or any meaningful employ - without at least a basic understanding of the tenets of honour and courage that Charrian Fire Worship espouses. Contrariwise, the population of humans in Tyria - though small - are exempt from any sort of government interference in this matter, though most of them choose to follow the polytheistic religion of their ancestors, known in modern times simply as Tyrianism, with the remainder being either agnostic or atheist. Due to the isolation of Tyria until recent years, no foreign religions have permeated Tyria to any known degree. Nor does the UCC government recognise the legitimacy of any religion other than Charrian Fire Worship, despite the religious freedoms enjoyed by the human population.

It is for these reasons that Zukariaan Polytheism, though interesting, has not achieved a foothold in Tyria to this day. Whether it manages to do so in the future depends on the persuasive ability of the Zukariaan evangelists, and on how tolerant the Charr are likely to be to their intrusions into their land.

OOC: Nicely written, very interesting. I'd almost say believable, but as I'm not a religious person myself that would be incredibly hypocritical of me!
New Brittonia
02-09-2007, 05:00
Zukariaa;13018356']OOC -
@Brittonia: The thing about Zukariaans thinking of black people as inhuman. XD Also sorry about the short post. Not much to do. :p
@Vontanas: Do you mean that Zukariaan Polytheism is the main religion in Vantania?

Darryl Thommpson International Airport

Lord Alan Robert was the Lord of a temple to Mares in central Zukariaa, and had been chosen to meet with the Brittonian representative. He had never been in a socialist nation, and despised socialists like most Zukariaans. Still, he was willing to spread his faith to others, and so he had agreed to meet to establish a temple in New Brittonia. He stood in a suit in the airport with an aid, waiting for a Brittonian representative to pick him up.

OOC: I screwed up Thompson, oh well.

The airport was buzzing with people, from everywhere. Of course, it was easy to see that. People were from everywhere speaking at least one of New Brittonia's eight official languages. That is, English, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, French, Italian, Arabic, and Hindi. He spotted two people, on was holding a sign, saying
"Epsom City"

A caucausian man in a pinstripe suit said,
"Hello, are you with the Zukaarian religion?"
02-09-2007, 05:01
OOC: No. It means that it's gotten a bunch of followers. Eight percent, dragging down Judaism and taking Islam off the charts. That's pretty high for a non-Abrahamic religion.
02-09-2007, 05:14
OOC-Ah, I see. Thanks Charr. Do you have AIM or MSN? I'd like to discuss an RP proposal with you.

Alan had a hard time replying, as he only spoke Zukariaan (a kind of mix of German, Dutch and other northern European influences), and had only recently begun studying English,"Yes. I. Am. Representative." he grabbed the mans hand, almost forced, and shook,"I like to discuss Zukariaan religion with you."
New Brittonia
02-09-2007, 05:20
Zukariaa;13018427']OOC-Ah, I see. Thanks Charr. Do you have AIM or MSN? I'd like to discuss an RP proposal with you.

Alan had a hard time replying, as he only spoke Zukariaan (a kind of mix of German, Dutch and other northern European influences), and had only recently begun studying English,"Yes. I. Am. Representative." he grabbed the mans hand, almost forced, and shook,"I like to discuss Zukariaan religion with you."

He noticed the man's slightly broken English and said,
"Can we discuss this over lunch?"
02-09-2007, 05:26
Alan looked at the aid and asked, in Zukariaan,"Can you translate for me?
The aid nodded and began to speak in English as Alan spoke in Zukariaan,"It is a pleasure to meet you, sir. We would love to have a discussion over lunch. We are here with hopes of opening a High-Temple, which is a Temple to our entire pantheon rather than a single God or Goddess. We would thank you kindly to discuss this with us so that we might reach a mutual agreement."

Alan smiled at the Brittonian and nodded his head, even though he had no idea if the aid was actually saying what he was supposed to be (he was, however). With that, Alan and his aid would follow the Brittonians to wherever it was that they wanted to discuss the issue.
New Brittonia
02-09-2007, 05:45
Zukariaa;13018460']Alan looked at the aid and asked, in Zukariaan,"Can you translate for me?
The aid nodded and began to speak in English as Alan spoke in Zukariaan,"It is a pleasure to meet you, sir. We would love to have a discussion over lunch. We are here with hopes of opening a High-Temple, which is a Temple to our entire pantheon rather than a single God or Goddess. We would thank you kindly to discuss this with us so that we might reach a mutual agreement."

Alan smiled at the Brittonian and nodded his head, even though he had no idea if the aid was actually saying what he was supposed to be (he was, however). With that, Alan and his aid would follow the Brittonians to wherever it was that they wanted to discuss the issue.

"My name is Franco di Marco, I am director of the Epsom City Department of Housing, Zoning, and Land Management" Franco smiled and opened up his wallet and pulled put his buisness card and said,
"Here, this has my work number, cell, fax, e-mail, and office address. It has my pager on it, just ignore that. Only doctors use those now."
The Charr
02-09-2007, 10:52
Zukariaa;13018427']OOC-Ah, I see. Thanks Charr. Do you have AIM or MSN? I'd like to discuss an RP proposal with you.

OOC: I don't, no, but feel free to discuss via TG (I don't think it would help you if I did anyway - I usually go offline about 5/6 hours before the timestamp of that post, and was only on so late because it's a weekend... and now regret it...)
02-09-2007, 11:42
Alfegos Ministry of Religion

Our nation wishes to remind you that your religion is able to be practiced in our nation.

However, if any inter-faith feuds are started by you, or you generally insult other religions and our nation in your religion, your freedom to worship will be compromised.

This is the situation as of present:

National Religions
88.1% Agnostic
7.1 % Atheist
2.8% Eastern Orthodox Christians
1.9% Fegosians
0.1 % Other ( 47 % Hinduism, 23 % Other Christians, 11% Muslim, 9 % Judaism, 10 % Zukaarian Polytheism)
02-09-2007, 13:08
Add me to your list I am sure somewhere in my nation someone practices some form of your religion. If it may be a little twisted from the original.
02-09-2007, 19:06
"My name is Franco di Marco, I am director of the Epsom City Department of Housing, Zoning, and Land Management" Franco smiled and opened up his wallet and pulled put his buisness card and said,
"Here, this has my work number, cell, fax, e-mail, and office address. It has my pager on it, just ignore that. Only doctors use those now."

Alan pocketed the card and gestured that he would like to go to lunch now. It was not befitting of officials to discuss important things such as this in the middle of an airport terminal. Alan spoke to his aid in Zukariaan so that di Marco would not know what he was saying,"Hopefully these people are more understandable than most communists, otherwise we will have no luck here."

This of course meant that Alan saw socialists as nothing more than communists. And Zukariaans, in general, hated communism.
New Brittonia
02-09-2007, 19:23
Zukariaa;13019689']Alan pocketed the card and gestured that he would like to go to lunch now. It was not befitting of officials to discuss important things such as this in the middle of an airport terminal. Alan spoke to his aid in Zukariaan so that di Marco would not know what he was saying,"Hopefully these people are more understandable than most communists, otherwise we will have no luck here."

This of course meant that Alan saw socialists as nothing more than communists. And Zukariaans, in general, hated communism.

Di Marco said,
"Okay, now do you need me to help you with your bags?"
03-09-2007, 03:46
"No. I can handle the bags. Thank you, though," the aid had surprisingly good English, though with a very heavy accent,"Shall we be going?"

In all honesty, Alan wanted to be out of this terminal as quickly as possible. All of the foreigners were starting to creep him out. Especially when he began seeing black people, which were banned from Zukariaa long ago, after they destroyed the Zukariaan colony of New Kaiserburg in Kharain (basically Africa, except south of Haven).
New Brittonia
03-09-2007, 13:58
Zukariaa;13021111']"No. I can handle the bags. Thank you, though," the aid had surprisingly good English, though with a very heavy accent,"Shall we be going?"

In all honesty, Alan wanted to be out of this terminal as quickly as possible. All of the foreigners were starting to creep him out. Especially when he began seeing black people, which were banned from Zukariaa long ago, after they destroyed the Zukariaan colony of New Kaiserburg in Kharain (basically Africa, except south of Haven).

"Okay, I gotta get to the garage, that's where my car is." He began walking to one of the escalators. While on it, he said,
"So, how was your flight?"
03-09-2007, 17:43
A tiny Errikan minority could practice Zukariaan Polytheism.
Dweladelfia prime
03-09-2007, 17:45
Religions in Dweladelfia:

Protestant 73.6%
Roman Catholic 15.4%
Zukariaan Polytheism 4.6%
Islamic 4%
none 1.4%
Jewish 1.3%
other 0.5%
unspecified 0.2%

Zukariaan Polytheism is 4.6% in Dweladelfia
New Brittonia
06-09-2007, 01:24
OOC: Bump, Zukaaria, your go.
New Brittonia
06-09-2007, 02:26
OOC: Zukaaria, come and look
06-09-2007, 02:27
OOC-Let's skip all this small talk. It's too boring.
New Brittonia
06-09-2007, 02:47
Zukariaa;13029526']OOC-Let's skip all this small talk. It's too boring.

OOC: fine, that;'s really what the whole thing is, though.

DeMarco walked up to his blue Honda Element, he beeped the car door and said,
"You can put your bags in here if you want. Sit wherever", he then walked to the drivers side.
06-09-2007, 02:52
Alan's aid was packed the suitcases in the back and the two of them took their seats. This was a good place to speak on the issue, so Alan motioned to his aid to begin.

"We would like to purchase some land somewhere in New Brittonia and build a temple, of course, but we would also like to be free of taxes if possible. We will be advertising ourselves quite a bit to your people, all purchased by our church," the aid spoke,"We would like to know if this is possible."
New Brittonia
06-09-2007, 18:15
Zukariaa;13029583']Alan's aid was packed the suitcases in the back and the two of them took their seats. This was a good place to speak on the issue, so Alan motioned to his aid to begin.

"We would like to purchase some land somewhere in New Brittonia and build a temple, of course, but we would also like to be free of taxes if possible. We will be advertising ourselves quite a bit to your people, all purchased by our church," the aid spoke,"We would like to know if this is possible."

DeMarco backed up. The blue Element went out of its parking space and down the ramp that would take him to the road. He said,
"Well, that is why we are meeting at lunch, sir."
New Brittonia
07-09-2007, 01:53
DeMarco hit a bump in the road.
07-09-2007, 02:00
There's a cult in Kahanistan that worships Ghayfagu. Some say the cult was started by the Nationalists to utilise the power and determination of religious fanatics against the Doomani, who are also religious fanatics.

About a million people in Kahanistan worship Ghayfagu. Fewer than 100,000 people practise the mainstream Zukariaan sect.
07-09-2007, 02:07
Alan replied,"Regardless, we want," he stumbled on his words,"establish conversation before lunch."

Alan wasn't too keen on small talk, and really wasn't that comfortable riding the car of a socialist official within a socialist nation.
New Brittonia
07-09-2007, 02:25
Zukariaa;13031513']Alan replied,"Regardless, we want," he stumbled on his words,"establish conversation before lunch."

Alan wasn't too keen on small talk, and really wasn't that comfortable riding the car of a socialist official within a socialist nation.

"I understand. We need to iron out the land use details, and make sure that your building is to code."
DeMarco turned, he went on the R12 freeway. A slight whirring noise was heard. He pulled out his new toy, the iPhone, he pressed a button and his Bluetooth headset kicked in.
"HZL, Epsom City, DeMarco here", he paused, "Miaiaichael, man, you're assigned on this too? Great. Yeah, I'm here. They're in the car. . . I'm on R12. Ughhh", he paused so he did not swear in front of the guest, "this idiot just passed me. Yeah, it'll be a while. You eat? OK, Cerro then? Excellent, bye." He hung up the phone.

He looked at his rear view mirror, seeing the cars and his guest, he said,
"OK, we are going to this new Mexican resturant, called Cerro Grande. You guys like Mexican food?"
10-09-2007, 02:31
OOC- Sorry to everyone involved in this. I'm thinking of redoing my religion to be a bit more interesting. So you can look for a new thread sometime in the next couple of days. It wont be anything like this one, I don't think. Probably a lot crazier.
New Brittonia
10-09-2007, 02:46
Zukariaa;13039177']OOC- Sorry to everyone involved in this. I'm thinking of redoing my religion to be a bit more interesting. So you can look for a new thread sometime in the next couple of days. It wont be anything like this one, I don't think. Probably a lot crazier.

OOC: Shit