Kemonomimi To Enlarge Millitary
30-08-2007, 04:01
The Kemonomimite Millitary is now Planning on Enlargeing the Military to help better defend the Island from Attacks. "We need a Good Military," Mith'yani, General of The Kemonomimite Army said, "We have some Nations eyeing us, like Blackhelm, The Ryou Black Islands and the Nations of The Anti-Furry Allaince."
The Army is being enlarged to over 700,000 Troops from its number of 8,000. The Kemonomimiite Government is also Planning on starting a Air Force and enlargeing The Navy (Which has only one Ship, a World War II era Japanese Destroyer.)
30-08-2007, 04:07
Leafanistani Integrated Storefront. (
"Package deals so you don't have to think!"
30-08-2007, 04:24
Adygean Foreign Ministry
+++Due to the blatant sabre-rattling and what can only be deliberate provocation of the members of the Anti-Furry Alliance, a right and just organisation for the elimination of mutants, sexual deviants and, in general, genepool pollutants, of which the Republic is a signatory of, Adygea is forced to begin to implement its own preparations for the defence of the Fatherland.
+++Know, furries, that if this course continues, your life expectancy will begin to shorten very, very rapidly.
[ An 8,750% (almost over nine thousand) increase in troop numbers is going to make your citizenry scream and your stock holders start to think their portfolios are hot potatoes, to say nothing about how much it would cost to construct new housing and training facilities, how much time it would take to gather everyone and train them, and unless you're following Cold War Russian tactics, how much time it would take to build equipment for them.
I'm not particularly against it (NS wank is often much worse), but I do want to see how well you can write out the repercussions. ]
30-08-2007, 04:31
The Kemonomimi Government has bought the fallowing
Nimitz Carrier Battlegroup
1 Nimitz Supercarrier
-Up to 90 aircraft
-52 Earwig Strike Fighters
-4 E-2C Airborne Early Warning Aircraft
-6 E-A6B Electronic Countermeasures
-8 S-3B Anti-Submarine warfare/Anti-surface warfare
-2 ES-3A Recon Aircraft
-8 UH-60 Utility Helicopter
1 Ticonderoga class guided missile cruisers
2 Charlie class guided missile destroyers
3 Skate class frigates
3 Charon class Destroyer Escorts
9,000 Fully Equipped Sailors
We thank Leafanistani Integrated Storefront for selling it to us and will wire the Money to you now.
30-08-2007, 04:33
OOC: Hi Hataria.
30-08-2007, 04:33
OOC: Hi Hataria.
OOC: who?
30-08-2007, 05:21
OOC: Hi Hataria.
Don't start that. It probably isn't Hataria, and even if it is Hataria, that is no reason to jump on him from the beginning.
~ Romandeos.
The Imperial Democracy wishes to donate five F/A-12 fighters and fifty M7-A1K tanks modified just for Kemonominian terrain.
Secretary of Defense
Ingram Hasley
Greal wishes to donate 10 Shark fighters to help out your nation.
SaintB Integrated Infantry systems a (link is below in the signature) is a full service company that specializes in creating and designing high quality and innovative weapons for 21st century armed forces. All our weapons and equipment are top of the line quality and fairly priced for international trade. SIIS equipment is used in over a dozen nations and sets standards for quality and utility of weapons the world over. SIIS, counter productive and highly destructive!
30-08-2007, 11:18
Drvarska wishes to donate the following to help your army:
30,000 x AK-47
10,000 x RPK-74
50,000 x M9 Beretta
10 x SU-37
30 x F4 Phantom
200 x Assorted Bombs for Fighters
We hope this equipment will help you as it is not needed in our nation and we hope we can open up new relations with you.
Defence minister of Drvarska
From: Alexander Suvorov, Minister of Defence
To: Government of Kemonomimi
Subject: Aid proposed
Following your announcement regarding an increase in military capabilities, our government decided to provide aid in such an endeavour.
As such, realizing the lack in specialized instruction personnel we are willing to dispatch, per your accord, specialized instructors in various fields of warfare.
We are also willing to provide, against cost, assistance in the creation of the infrastructure required for such an army.
Alexander Suvorov, Retired General of the Armed Forces
30-08-2007, 19:26
30-08-2007, 19:32
We will donate 150 F-9T "Talon IV" training aircraft to Kenmonomimi for use as trainers, and we will donate 250 SU-33D Flankers.
30-08-2007, 20:15
Don't start that. It probably isn't Hataria, and even if it is Hataria, that is no reason to jump on him from the beginning.
~ Romandeos.
Nah, it's Hataria. Or an extremely good imitation.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I expect he's learned his lesson by now.
[un]Official Message
Ah, I remember well those days, the days of military enlargement. Crunching numbers, wrestling figures; trying to figure out exactly how many logistical personnel you need per soldier. As this is Kenomonono.... er, Kemonimino's first venture into the world of military prowess, I as a retired general have some suggestions.
First of all: Where it comes to actual equipment, we recommend purchasing package deals from storefronts; there are several that sell high quality equipment of all varieties, from aircraft to surface ships to guns. Where it comes to logistical organisation, we recommend maintaining at least a 4:1 ratio of logistical to combat personnel on the ground, a 20:1 ratio in the sea, and a 100:1 ratio in the air—these are, of course, recommendations based on long experience, but ratios as low as 4:1, 8:1 and 60:1 respectively are still acceptabl34f3
[hypodermic syringe]
[sound of body being dragged away, voice saying "That was lucky, he looked like he was writing some kind of message. I wonder what it was?"]
-- Unspecified Patient
Psychiatric Ward, General Hospital
113 Roxbury Street, Unspecified Nation
01-09-2007, 00:55
New Brittonia
01-09-2007, 00:59
"We have some Nations eyeing us, like Blackhelm, The Ryou Black Islands and the Nations of The Anti-Furry Allaince."
OOC: @ Kemo: Dude, the AFI is dead, the only reason that it was here was because FFI tried to n00k everyone. And, for the record, are you Hataria?
The Ryou Black Islands
01-09-2007, 01:07
OOC: @ Kemo: Dude, the AFI is dead, the only reason that it was here was because FFI tried to n00k everyone. And, for the record, are you Hataria?
OOC: he is not me, Kemonomimi is a friend of mine, one who should remember to tell me that he has automatic sign in.
01-09-2007, 01:29
OOC: he is not me, Kemonomimi is a friend of mine, one who should remember to tell me that he has automatic sign in.
OOC: Hataria, we all know that Kemonomimi is you.
OOC: Hataria, we all know that Kemonomimi is you.
OOC- prove it
Red Tide2
01-09-2007, 02:32
OOC: Only the mods can, but I have seen this guys early threads. He popped up nearly immediatly after Hataria was banned.
So Hat, looks like your gonna drive your economy into the ground. Good job with that.
01-09-2007, 02:48
OOC- prove it
OOC: Writing styles are the same. Both capitalize Random Words in the middle of Sentences (Like what I just did).
01-09-2007, 02:57
Nah, it's Hataria. Or an extremely good imitation.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I expect he's learned his lesson by now.
OOC: Your one to talk. You weren't even around during Hataria's time...
01-09-2007, 02:57
OOC: Here's an intriguing idea - if you do not wish to RP with Hataria, and you believe this person to be Hataria... why not just ignore the thread, as opposed to spamming it up?
01-09-2007, 03:01
OOC: Your one to talk. You weren't even around during Hataria's time...
OOC: Because no one has puppets, right? *headdesks*
01-09-2007, 03:21
OOC- prove it
[ Considering he told. . .I think it was Midlonia? that Hataria = Ryou = Kenomo. . .the furries, I'd say it's fairly well 'proven', if you even need such a verification. ]