The Search Continues (FT, ATTN Alversia, semi closed)
25-08-2007, 20:44
In space there was once a nation. This nation was called North Calaveras. They explored space, abducting and experimenting on many species. Near every species in the galaxy had probably past though they're hands. If a world or nation knew of them, the said world or nation would be utterly destroyed. This worked well for them until they tried to do the same to Xiscapia. Long story short: NC attacks Xiscapia, Xiscapia retaliates, calls for help from her ally, Alversia, and several battles are fought. Then, just before the Xiscapian/Alversian forces are mounting for an assualt on Celestis, the North Calaveran homeworld, the unthinkable happens: Celestis and it's Home Fleet are utterly destroyed. Now the Xiscapians and the Alversians search for the ones who killed an Empire...
OOC: This is semi closed, meaning that most nations in FT have nothing to do with this. This will serve as a base of operations for another thread, Dark Wars. Please, no advertisments. I don't need any fighters, nor do I need new sensors or stolen alien technology. If you come and contribute something meaningful, that's good. Otherwise, don't post here.
A Xiscapian officer walks into Admiral Krystal's office. He bows, then places a holo report on her desk and walks out. Krystal reachs forward and pulls the report towards her:
Top Secret
Hourly Report from the Scout Ship 118749 of the 1st Assualt Fleet:
We jumped into the system at 00:17:36. There was a world, and above it two nations in conflict. Soon the defenders were joined by another race, and, as I write this, yet a forth fleet has entered the system on the attackers side...
Krystal read all the way though the report. She rubbed her aching eyes and dropped her head. Xiscapians are humanoid, with human emotions and characteristics. However, they have pointed ears, yellow eyes, and sharp teeth. They also have two fox ears growing out of they're head, and a fox tail. They are much faster, more graceful, and more agile then any human could ever hope to be.
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Krystal sent a transmission to her messenger. "Get me the Alversian C-C."
30-08-2007, 15:31
The Alversian Commander in the in the Xiscapian system lumbered slowly towards Admiral Krystal's office. Rear-Admiral Bennett had had little sleep since the news of NC's destruction. Now APS Vulture had returned from the destroyed system and reported no signs of life or eveidence. Whatever it was that had destroyed them seemed to have just appeared and disappeared just as quickly. Exhuasted, he knecked on the door and opened "You wanted to..." he failed to stop himself yawning "...sorry, you wanted to see me Admiral?" she looked equally as tired as he did.
30-08-2007, 22:58
Krystal yawned too. It was infectious. She too had gotten little sleep since the day they discovered their enemies were all dead. She shifted, leaning forward, her tail drooping as another signal to her lack of sleep. "I've recently recieved word that one of our scouts has encountered a large battle going on between several fleets. It is over the home world of those known as the Goa'uld, which we have never heard of. The attackers were the Coalition, whom we have never heard of either. However, ships from the Intergalactic Theoroshian Federation came to the Goa'uld's aide. There was more fighting, and then a race who we know of, called the Tau, entered the conflict on the side of the Coalition, with a fleet of about 46 ships. Immediatly after they came there was a lull in the fighting. We intercepted communications between the Tau and the Goa'uld. The Tau were demanding absolute surrender and the freeing of all the Goa'uld's slaves. After a little more communications the Goa'uld abruptly left the system, leaving the world undefended. The scout is now questioning the victors as to the recent destruction of the North Calaveran home world. Hopefully this will yield results." Krystal leaned back in her chair. "What are your thoughts on this, Commander?"
North Calaveras
31-08-2007, 05:14
31-08-2007, 13:45
Bennett was struggling to keep his eyes open "There is a chance that these are the same ones who destroyed the NC homeworld, however, we would require some data from their warships to establish weither or not it was them. If you can get some data, any data, then we can find out for sure" he yawned again "These fleets do appear to be quite large. I wonder what exactly they are fighting for?" his head dropped and it took a monumental effort to bring it up again "You wouldn't happen to have any coffee here would you? I'm about to drop"
31-08-2007, 23:05
"Yes, here." Krystal said sleepily, pressing the intercomm button and ordering a cup of Xiscapia's best coffee. Moments later a Grunt came in with a cup of coffee and a tray of donuts, which he placed on Krystal's desk inbetween her and Bennett before bowing himself out. Krystal took a donut and took a bite out of it. "Coffee does nothing for Xiscapians sadly, though we have a large supply of it. It is mostly exported to other worlds, though some has been kept here for the Alversian troops on leave and those who live here." Krystal set the donut down. "I don't know how we'd manage to procur information from their warships. The men in the scout are Shadow Ops troopers, and could easily hack most computers, but if caught it would likely be seen as an act of war, which is something we do not want if they turn out to be innocent. However, if we could capture a ship from the now liberted world, we could easily bring it back here for examination." Krystal stretched and go up. "Yes, I think that's what we'll do. Any questions or objections?"
01-09-2007, 17:54
Bennett shook his head lazily as he reached for a cup. He took a sip and relaxed as he felt it move down his throat. He looked back at Krystal "No I would have no objections for the time being, none at all. What where you planning to send?" he took another drink and leant back in his chair, more alert now as the coffee kicked in.
01-09-2007, 18:04
"Currently the Goa'uld planet is under attack by the Tau. We've sent a battleship in case of a space battle, and a shuttle with two Shadow Ops troopers and a dropship with a platoon of grunts. With the chaos happening between the Tau and Goa'uld, it should be easy to take a ship a bring it back here. If they are succesful, I'd say their ETA would be about three days. Then we can see if this is the real thing or another "innocent" race."
01-09-2007, 18:06
Bennett shrugged "Good plan, If that's all..." he yawned and stood up "...with your permission, I'll get some sleep and see you when they report back in" he yawned again "I'm afraid Alversians don't work well without sleep"
01-09-2007, 19:17
Krystal smiled, her mind slow with lack of sleep. "Neither do Xiscapians. Go get some sleep, Commander. I'll call you back in once we have something." Krystal slowly leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes for a well-deserved rest.
06-09-2007, 19:39
Bennett left the HQ and dragged himself back to the appartment in which he was staying. He slumped forward into his chair and without even checking the time, he fell right asleep, not even moving when an XX-30 roared overhead after a patrol.
15-10-2007, 03:04
The 1st Assault fleet burst in existance. The fleet headed down for Xiscapia, the spacers on shore leave for a well deserved rest. Two unknown ships, called Alkesh by their creators, flew to a private military hanger. Already techs were crowded around. Krystal was there, looking over the bombers. "Get me Rear Admiral Bennett." she barked.
North Calaveras
15-10-2007, 03:14
Occ: Post In The Thread
15-10-2007, 21:48
OOC: What thread?
North Calaveras
21-10-2007, 03:45
OCC: the Lost in time one.
28-10-2007, 22:57
OOC: You called?
29-10-2007, 02:21
OOC: Yes, refer to post #12 please.
29-10-2007, 14:21
Bennett strode into the hangar and gave a salute to the various Xiscapian officers milling around this ship. He looked around for Krystal and quickly found her standing near to two unfamiliar looking vessels.
"What would these be?" he asked, striding over to her side.
30-10-2007, 01:25
Bennett strode into the hangar and gave a salute to the various Xiscapian officers milling around this ship. He looked around for Krystal and quickly found her standing near to two unfamiliar looking vessels.
"What would these be?" he asked, striding over to her side.
"These seem to be bombers, from the race called the Goa'uld. Our technitions and analyists are working on it now. We'll find out yet if these are the perpitrators are of North Calavera's destruction."
Xiscapia's Orbit...
The battleship Specter, towed by the Cruisers Speed and Legacy, limped into the system to dock at the Protector. A medical ship also came into system, carrying wounded and dead Xiscapians.
30-10-2007, 01:32
"I see," Bennett stated, looking the ships over with a critical military eye, "where did you find them?"
As he asked this question, he put his hand to the earpiece all Alversian wore and paled slightly as the news came through,
"It would seem one of your battleships has been rammed by a Dreadnought. They're bringing it into land now"
At the same time, the destroyer Abigail joined the Xiscapian group as it landed. Onboard were the five hundred Alversan casualties from the accident, both dead and injured.
Bennett looked at Krystal and gave a questioning look
"I would like to visit the wounded if I may?" he asked
TO: Xiscapian Ground Control
Requesting an EMRGY Landing in hangar, MLTY or CVLN to remoe casualties
many of which are severe. We have 150 cases who need emergeancy
medical attention and over 100 dead to disembark. Please respond ASAP.
APS Abigail
30-10-2007, 02:02
TO: Xiscapian Ground Control
Requesting an EMRGY Landing in hangar, MLTY or CVLN to remoe casualties
many of which are severe. We have 150 cases who need emergeancy
medical attention and over 100 dead to disembark. Please respond ASAP.
APS Abigail
The following message was sent back:
TO: APS Abigail
Dock in docking bay 2, slot Y. We will have medical teams and repair technicians on hand. Protector Out.
Space Station Protector
Krystal nodded. "Of course. I must attend to the ship and get a full report as well." She called a hovercraft to take them to the hangers.
30-10-2007, 02:16
The Abigail headed immediately for the Docking Bay and started to land. It wasn't long before they were on the ground and the Xiscapian Medical teams were swarming onboard to deal with the most serious injuries.
Meanwhile, Bennett was on his way with Commander Krystal to see the damage done to the Spector after it's collision. Bennett could not visit the crewmembers until they were stable in hospital.
30-10-2007, 02:35
Damage Report:
Hangers 1 and 2 destroyed
6 diplomatic shuttles destroyed
2 Gunboats destroyed
1 Corvette destroyed
1 MAC gun destroyed
1 Heavy Gun destroyed
1 Heavy Gun disabled
2 Light Guns destroyed
1 Light Gun malfunctional
21 AS guns destroyed/disabled
Massive Structural damage sustained
Decks 3 and 6 in vaccum
Deck 8 rendered unstable by fires
149 Xiscapians killed
238 Xiscapians wounded
Total: 387 Xiscapians out of action
Krystal grimiced as she looked over the report. The damage would take months to repair, and so many families would have sorrow in their homes tonight, and all because of something to have to do with a mech. The wounded had already been transported from the medical ships Silver Song and Harmony to the Protector's sick bay, which was in danger of being overwhelemd. Those with life threatening injuries were treated first, followed by those who had lost limbs or appendeges. "This is bad." She said to Bennett.
OOC: Krystal holds the title of Head Admiral.
30-10-2007, 02:44
OOC: I meant Commander in it's broadest sense
Bennett stood in disbelief as he looked over the damage to the Spector. It was as if someoen had just ripped out the entire middle section, leaving it bare and crippled. He shuddered to think of the damage done to the Catalan from such an impact. She must have been totally destroyed.
Bennett nodded in agreement to Krystal and looked over the report. He frowned and looked up at Krystal again
"What's this part including the Mech going on about?"
30-10-2007, 03:05
"Apparently the mech was highjacked by a rouge Xiscapian and crashed into the Forerunner ship. The Catalin swerved to avoid it and plowed right into the Specter. The pilot was located, he had been taken over by a strange biological parasite. He was killed by SBAU. Speaking of which, I wonder if they have any samples for me?" A comm call and a few minutes later procured a sample bag. She gave it to a group of bio scientists to analyze. "Study this and get back to be, stat."
30-10-2007, 03:11
Bennett grimaced as he thought about the chaos that would have reigned supreme on the bridge during those last few moments before the collision.
Doubtless old Grimshaw had done everything in his power to avoid an accident on this scale but it couldn't be avoided that it had happened. The Alversians were now in hospitals all over the station and no whe wished to visit a few of them and get their stories.
He turned back to Krystal and the sample "I'll be going to see a few of the injured Catalan Crewmembers now" he said before beating a hasty retreat in the face of the sample. "You're more than welcome to come along as well if you want" he called back when he was safely up the corridor
30-10-2007, 03:15
Bennett grimaced as he thought about the chaos that would have reigned supreme on the bridge during those last few moments before the collision.
Doubtless old Grimshaw had done everything in his power to avoid an accident on this scale but it couldn't be avoided that it had happened. The Alversians were now in hospitals all over the station and no whe wished to visit a few of them and get their stories.
He turned back to Krystal and the sample "I'll be going to see a few of the injured Catalan Crewmembers now" he said before beating a hasty retreat in the face of the sample. "You're more than welcome to come along as well if you want" he called back when he was safely up the corridor
Krystal raised her right eyebrow at the man's antics at the sight of the sample. Odd. "I will accompny you." She followed him.
OOC: Last post for tonight.
07-11-2007, 23:45
"Fine" Bennett claimed, "Just don't bring THAT thing with you to a Hospital!"
07-11-2007, 23:50
Krystal shook her head. "I already gave it to a group of scientists, it's in a hazardious material lab." She followed him, anxious to see the wounded Alversians.
08-11-2007, 00:05
"Then let us proceed"
Bennett walked quickly, wanting to get to the hospital quickly and see the danage done to the crew for himself, He shuddered to think what state they were in
"How are your own crew?" he asked while he walked
08-11-2007, 00:21
"It all depends on how you look at it. From a life-or-death standpoint, they're doing well. However, many have lost limbs or are horribly disfigured. I am surprised the Battleship did not destroy itself. Anyway, most of the wounds can be healed with time and medicine, and any lost limbs will be replaced with cloned or robotic ones. Burns and concussions are the most common, from the ship shuttering and fires breaking out. Everyone's a little nervious and confused and scared, and it'll take more than medicine and shore leave to help them though this." She shook her head sadly.
08-11-2007, 00:28
"I'm thinking the same" Bennett agreed grimly, "And the Catalan was a C-1 Class Dreadnought as well. It was supposed to be safer." He shook his head
"Any luck with the cause of the collision?" he asked hopefully
08-11-2007, 00:31
"Whatever caused the explosion had something to do with that sample we found. I no longer believe it was a rouge Xiscapian, a report from a survivng medic on the ship said he'd changed. Went insane or something. I'll be debriefing the Admiral, the Captains and XOs, the medic, and the Mech crew as to the cause."
08-11-2007, 00:37
"And what do you plan to do with the sample?" Bennett asked, stopping just short of the hospital
08-11-2007, 00:39
"We plan on discovering it's properties. If it is dangerious, we'll develop a vaccine and destroy it. If not, we'll keep it."
08-11-2007, 00:42
"Have you ever heard the expression 'playing with fire'?" Bennett asked, folding his arms.
08-11-2007, 03:36
Krystal regarded Bennett curiosly, her bright eyes roving his face. "You have no faith in our containment methods? If we don't research this, we'll have many questions and no answers. Sometimes one must take risks for the good of the people." She finished somewhat coldly.
08-11-2007, 17:24
"I'm just saying that holding a potentially dangerous disease in your largest city is not really an advisable strategy" Bennett replied
08-11-2007, 17:59
"The bio research and containment facility is located on a small island off the coast. If this thing is dangerious, and it does break out, we can easily quarentine the island until a cure is developed."
08-11-2007, 22:52
"It's your call of course" Bennett concluded before arriving at the door to the hospital, "Who many Alversians were wounded? 300 wasn't it?"
09-11-2007, 03:18
"It was somewhere around there, I heard the bridge took a serious hit." They passed though the doors. Inside the waiting room all was quiet, but once passing into the ward halls it was chaos. Med droids, doctors, nurses, orderlies, soldiers, and civilians were running around everywhere. "The Alversian wing is to the back!" Krystal shouted over the din.
09-11-2007, 19:48
"Very well" Bennett skipped past three Marines who each had an arm in casts and one had a very bloodly banade drapped over one eye. They were all still wearing their uniforms.
10-11-2007, 04:06
A nurse weeling a screaming Xiscapian on a gurney ran past, blood staining her uniform. A doctor shouted. "Clear!" And a machine zapped electricity back into a pilot's heart. Soldiers were clearing all the civilians out now, putting them in the waiting rooms. They got to the Alversian wing, which was guarded by two Black Guards and two Democratic Guards. Krystal saluted the Guards and they, always at attention, did the Xiscapian salute, which was moving your right hand to the right, then left, then straight down the middle of your chest. Krystal and Bennett walked though the Alversian wing now. The Alversians were being tended to by a Alversian/Xiscapian staff. A droid wheeled up to them. "We have a wounded soldier in D hall, we don't htink he's going to make it. His last request was to see you, Lt. Bennett." It nodded at the Alversian.
10-11-2007, 14:39
"Very well" Bennet stiffened and followed the Droid out to where the wounded Alversian lay.
10-11-2007, 16:06
The soldier did not look good. Blood coated his uniform and matted his hair, and it was evident from the casts that he had broken several bones. A Xiscapian doctor was standing by the door. "He's lost too much blood, and there'sd a bit of shrapnel lodged in his left lung. He's got only minutes to live. There's nothing we can do for him now except make his passing a little gentler." The doctor shook his head sadly.
OOC: I'll let you RP his apperence and talk with the Lt.
10-11-2007, 21:12
Bennett put his hand on the Alversian's shoulder and gave him a nod
"How you doing, Son?" Bennett asked, trying hard to keep his voice straight.
"I'll pull through," he attempted to smile, which quickly turned into a spluttering cough. He had Bennett's black hair and his face, except it was heavily scarred.
"You wanted to see me?" he asked, quickly, seein ghis son was starting to slip from his grasp
"Th...the Da...Dana...Danaversians...Rebellion...Flood...Civil...War...Alversia..."
With that, his body went limp and his eyelids dropped slowly.
Bennett turned away and looked back at Krystal, there were tears in his eyes.
"I think we're in danger" he said with a great determination.
North Calaveras
10-11-2007, 21:13
OCC: go to laying the foundation, we could have like a Calaverian and Alversian becoming freinds at a bar?
10-11-2007, 21:23
OCC: go to laying the foundation, we could have like a Calaverian and Alversian becoming freinds at a bar?
OOC: Fair enough
11-11-2007, 12:49
Krystal slowly looked from the dead trooper to Bennett. "His final words...strange, and disturbing. We must talk to others, and find out what this soldier ment."
11-11-2007, 15:41
"Indeed, Let's move" Bennett turned to one of the nearby Democratic Guards and began to issue him a stream of orders.
Meanwhile outside the hospital, four Alversians, dressed as Builders and carrying a fifth comrade, struggled into the main bay. The leader looked around and called out
"We need a Doctor here"
12-11-2007, 12:51
A gunnery was ran over to the builders by two nurses. "What's wrong?" The first asked.
12-11-2007, 19:51
"This man was hit by a falling girder! He needs help now!"
sure enough, the man had a massive slit across his chest, which was bubbling out through his ribs
13-11-2007, 12:45
The nurses loaded the man onto the stretcher and rolled it away. They covered the wound in a synthetic skin to stop the bleeding until it could be operated on and gave the man a large dose of painkillers. Soon he was surronded by a team of surgeons, who determined that, while the wound was deep, nothing internal had been damaged. The wound was filled in and closed, and the man hooked up to an IV and perscribed pain pills and plenty of bedrest while his wound healed.
13-11-2007, 19:34
The Builders kicked about outside the room until the Doctor informed them he was safe.
When that was done they stealthily entered a toilet and changed into the garments of the GDA Medical Corps. They arrived at the door and showed their passes to the Xiscapian outside the door.
14-11-2007, 01:13
The bored Marine waved them though, barely glancing at their passes. People were going in and out, in and out, all the time. He checked his chrono. Ten more minutes and I go off duty.
14-11-2007, 01:26
The nurse barely glanced at them. "Alversian wing, D hall, I think. Better hurry, I think she's leaving."
14-11-2007, 01:26
They were through!
The three GDA Medics ducked back into an empty room and, when they surfaced again, they were wearing Xiscapian Police Uniforms, complete with weapons and Katana.
They walked up to the nearest Nurse "Where's Admiral Krystal?" the lead Cop demanded.
17-11-2007, 14:05
The three men marched through the hospital until they reached Wing D, they looked around and saw Krystal standing with an Alversian Vice-Admiral, that would make things slightly more difficult
"Commander Krystal!" one of the men shouted "We need to speak with you in private immediately!"
17-11-2007, 19:53
Krystal saw the Alversians dressed in police unifroms. She glanced at Bennett. "My aplogies." She stepped away. "What is it?" she asked as she ran over to them.
17-11-2007, 19:56
"Please follow us Ma'am" they began to lead her away from the Marines and Soldiers inside the Hospital, "We need to talk with you urgently"
17-11-2007, 20:02
"Please follow us Ma'am" they began to lead her away from the Marines and Soldiers inside the Hospital, "We need to talk with you urgently"
OOC: Are they trying to go outside or just to a more isolated area inside the hospital? Because she'll follow them as long as they don't actually walk outside of it.
IC: Krystal followed. "What is this about? Is there a problem?"
17-11-2007, 20:06
The Police led her to an empty ward, deserted for maintainence that THEY were supposed to be carrying out.
Two of the men stopped at the door while the third took off his weapons belt
"There are scanners in the ward to detect any weapons and set off an alarm" he explained, "All weapons, including melee", he took off his nitestick "Must be left at the entrance with my collegues"
17-11-2007, 20:29
The Police led her to an empty ward, deserted for maintainence that THEY were supposed to be carrying out.
Two of the men stopped at the door while the third took off his weapons belt
"There are scanners in the ward to detect any weapons and set off an alarm" he explained, "All weapons, including melee", he took off his nitestick "Must be left at the entrance with my collegues"
Krystal frowned. "Very well." She removed his blaster pistol and katana and gave it to the man. She walked into the ward. "What has happened? Why all the cation?"
17-11-2007, 22:03
"Simple" he turned to face Krystal, "Wouldn't want to be disturbed now, would we?"
He pulled a pistol out of his belt and pointed it at the Xiscapian Admiral while his two Comrades took up positions behind her.
18-11-2007, 03:15
"Simple" he turned to face Krystal, "Wouldn't want to be disturbed now, would we?"
He pulled a pistol out of his belt and pointed it at the Xiscapian Admiral while his two Comrades took up positions behind her.
Krystal reacted even as the gun was coming out. Her hand automatically went to her side, but her katana was absent. She gazed at the gun which might end her life. "Why?"
18-11-2007, 03:16
OOC: They're about thirty feet away
18-11-2007, 22:31
OOC: Hello? It's been EDITED.
18-11-2007, 22:37
OOC: Sorry, not paying attention
The Assassin grinned, "You may have heard about a little group called the Alversian Republican Army? We have some things planned for OUR planet and we don't need nosey little allies sticking their guns in it. Understand?"
The two other men seperated and headed for seperate corners of the room, both never took their eyes off the Admiral and both were standing far enough away to be safe.
18-11-2007, 22:58
Mentally Krystal activated a thought-switch only used in emergencys. Instantly five Black Guards would be summoned to her location, if they could find her quickly enough. She just had to keep them talking. "So it takes three Alversians to take on the big, mean old kitsune?" she taunted.
18-11-2007, 23:17
"Of course it does" he sneered and suddenly a beeping sounded in the corner
"Intruders!" one uttered
"Doesn't matter" The Leader said calmly, the Black Guards aren't going to come through now are they Krystal? Because you're going to call them off"
He held up a small button that was stuck to his finger
"I press this and fourteen levels of the nearest Port go up in flames. Do you understand this, Admiral? Fourteen floors packed with people of all sizes and cultures will be sent, first class all the way to the Protector. Well?" He asked in a taunting voice.
18-11-2007, 23:24
Krystal gritted her sharp teeth together. "Stop." was all she said, but the Black Guards got the message. She sighed. "Well? What are you waiting for? Shoot me, if you think you're man enough."
18-11-2007, 23:26
"No, I think I'll make you suffer for a bit. Put your hands on your head and get down on your knees" He ordered savagely, one of his two comrades approached with a length of thick rope.
"The ARA needs numbers about the Alversian Military presence in this sector and you're going to tell me" he explained
18-11-2007, 23:32
Krystal slowly did as asked, eyes cast downwards, but watching the men. Outside the ward the entire hospital was in lockdown, no one got in our out, the entire storage wing they were holed up with had been sectioned off and filled with Black Guards and Marines.
18-11-2007, 23:37
One of the assasins bound the Admiral's hands tightly togather behind her back and tested that she couldn't get loose. Once he had nodded to the lead Assasin, the third man brought more rope and a chair over to finish the job. The Lead Assasin was looking on in delight.
"What's happening here?" Bennett ordered a Black Guard as dozens of Xiscapian Guards and Alversian Marines bustled around outside an empty ward. The doors were locked and the hospital staff were complaining about the large military presence in their wards.
18-11-2007, 23:47
Krystal growled as she was tied to the chair but did not resist. She just had to hope for a miracle.
The Guard turned to Bennett, his voice heavily systhesized by his helmet comm. "Admiral Krystal is being held hostage by terrorists of unknown description in that room. We're doing all we can, but she ordered us to stay out, probably becuase the terrorists in question have threatened her. We've got this whole wing locked off, as well as the floors above and below. But there's no way to get in without alerting the terrorists to our presence."
19-11-2007, 00:00
When he was certain that she was tightly bound to the chair, The Lead Assassin leant over until she would be able to smell his breath
"I want some information from you, Admiral" he emphasised the word admiral and sneered "There are around a dozen Alversian Marines out there from around eight different ships. I want to know what the Alversian Army, Navy and Air Forces have based here. You are going to tell me" he said threatenly
"What?" Bennett gasped, "How did three Terrorists get into a hospital full of soldiers and kidnap an Admiral?" He asked in disbelief.
19-11-2007, 03:07
When he was certain that she was tightly bound to the chair, The Lead Assassin leant over until she would be able to smell his breath
"I want some information from you, Admiral" he emphasised the word admiral and sneered "There are around a dozen Alversian Marines out there from around eight different ships. I want to know what the Alversian Army, Navy and Air Forces have based here. You are going to tell me" he said threatenly
"What?" Bennett gasped, "How did three Terrorists get into a hospital full of soldiers and kidnap an Admiral?" He asked in disbelief.
"And why would I tell you that?" she wrinkled her sensitive nose at the reek of his breath.
"Nobody knows, although you were the last to see her. Tell me, did she leave with anyone?"
19-11-2007, 17:42
"Hmmm" The Assassin took a few steps back before turning and aiming a fully formed punch at Krystal. As she had no way to avoid it, it connected with her left cheeck in a sickening thud
"TELL ME!!" he screamed in her face
Bennett frowned, "Yeah, Three Alversians with the Xiscapian Police led her away, they said it was important"
His face drained of colour as he realised what had happened "Bollocks!!" he shouted in anger.
20-11-2007, 02:39
Krystal's head spun and she saw stars. There was a rapidly purpling bruise on her cheek, but she still turned back defiantly to the assassin and spat in his face.
The guard snarled in fury. "And nobody asked for their identification?! Goddamn it, this is a military hospital people!" He turned back around. "Three hostiles, human and armed, wearing police uniforms." he shouted to the men and women Marines and Guards. He turned back to face Bennett. "We're transporting LAM here right now, if we clear a path and get thermal scanners on that room, we can have three blast in though the lower floor, surprising the terrorists. It'll wreck the rooms, but it's the only way: Hard and fast, with no time for reaction."
20-11-2007, 20:49
The man cleared the spit from his face and took out what looked like a small needle. He flciked it a few times before turning back to Krystal
"Do you know what this is?" He asked with a sense of menace and pleasure
"He may still have a chance to blow the Port" Bennett countered, thinking, "Have you evacuated the building yet? Is it civilian or military?"
21-11-2007, 00:00
"No," Krystal sneered. ",but I have a feeling you're about to tell me."
"BLOW UP THE PORT!?" The Guard roared. "We thought they were just threatening her life, not trying to blow up whole buildings! How did you come by this infomation? Whatever, it dosen't matter. If we can get the LAM to blast out from directly under them, it won't be a matter of reaction at all. It will be a matter of whether they could survive the force of their bodies impacting the ceiling."
21-11-2007, 00:14
"Well, let me put it this way" he sneered back, pleased with her stubborness. It would be fun to break her, "Have you ever been stabbed with a red-hot mace tip? I can't imagine you have. Well" he held it up
"I stick this into your kidney and you'll wish you were dead. I stick this into your liver and you'll beg for death. I stick this into your heart" he shrugged "You'll see for yourself. Last chance, info on Alversian Army please"
"We may have a problem" one of them chipped in
"I heard one of them talking about a port" Bennett said, frowning as he remembered, "I thought as they were Police looking for Krystal that there may have been a disturbance at one of the bases. But now" he shook his head "It desn't take a genious to work it out. And I wouldn't try anything with a LAM. Do you see those red boxes in the corners?"
He pointed to a variety of boxes in different locations
"Those aren't Xiscapian Standard issue are they?"
21-11-2007, 00:17
Krystal snarled, but the first tendrils of fear crept into her fierce yellow eyes. "Over my dead body."
The Guard shook his head. "No, those aren't ours. What are they?"
21-11-2007, 00:29
"Tell you what" he said "To make it easier on you"
He rammed the needle into her leg
"How does a shotgun blast to the knee sound?" he laughed as the pain receptors in her leg were agitiated by the needle
"They..." Bennett turned and waved at one "...have been listening to every word you and I have said since we arrived. They're spy pods" he said by way of explaination
"And there's no point in removing them because they'll know about it"
21-11-2007, 00:47
"ARRRUGH!" Krystal screamed in pain. She reached to clutch her knee but could not. Tears, coming unbidden, ran down her face.
The Guard shook his head and signaled to another guard. He brought over a helmet and put it on Bennett, indicating he should switch it to a certain channel. "We can speak though these comms. They can only be hacked by a ground-based spy operation base, and I doubt those little pods would even be able to hack a lightly encrypted civilian channel."
21-11-2007, 00:55
"Enjoy that! huh!" The man shouted as he dug it even further into her leg, "I can set it much higher if you don't tell me what I want to know NOW!!" he screamed this last part as he put all his weight on the needle, over two thirds of it buried in the Admiral's leg.
"They've put helmets on" one of the Assasins standing near a monitor reported, "We've lost sound"
"Wel get it back!" the Leader ordered sarcastically
"Fine" the assassin sat down and began tapping commands into a computer console.
"We can't attack them because they'll blow the port. We can't surprise them because they can see everything we're doing. We can't remove them slowly for the same reason"
Bennett shook his head
"For mindless terrorists, these guys are smart, have you evacuated the Port yet?"
21-11-2007, 01:09
Krystal screamed harder, what had been a small wound was now bleeding with vigor, blood trickiling down her leg. She gritted her teeth together to keep from screaming anymore and strained against the ropes.
"Evacs are going on as we speak, but it's not so easy to evacuate an entire port, it'll take another ten minutes for it to be complete."
21-11-2007, 01:15
The Leader pulled the needle out of the Admiral's leg and watched as the blood poured out
"Like that, did you? Well then, Information please" he commanded while cleaning the tip of it.
"It'll have to be done as quickly as possible. While that Port is packed, they have the advantage" Bennett concluded through the speakers, "Are there any ways into that ward apart from the doors?"
21-11-2007, 01:19
Krystal groaned and her head sagged. A whisper, barely audible, came though. "I'll...tell you....come...closer." Her voice was weak and hoarse from screaming.
Some of Krystal's screams penetrated outward and the Guards cursed or raged or shouted angerly, powerless. The Guard snarled again, his yellow eyes flaring behind his helemt, but he didn't move. "No way in or out except though those doors. No windows, no ventalation shaft, nothing. Just the doors."
21-11-2007, 01:26
The Assassin leant closer, keeping a pistol on her at all times, the other Assassin working at the computer turned around
"I've cracked a part of the frequency but not a lot"
"Keep at it" The Leader snapped
"Who builds a hospital ward without windows or air vents?" Bennett asked in amazement. Then he heard the screams
"Hang in there, Krystal" he said through gritted teeth "We're coming, we're coming"
He turned to another commando "How long till the port is evacuated?" he snapped
21-11-2007, 01:33
Krystal leaned forward slightly, her pale pink hair falling across her face. "There are over eight thousand Alversian marines in-system, and you want to know something else? They're all outside those doors." She grinned. A wild misestimate, but a fun one nonetheless.
"It's a storage room sir, not a ward. Eight minutes until evac is complete."
21-11-2007, 01:42
"I see" the Leader leant back and chuckled "One leg down, one to go"
He rammed the spike into her left leg thid time, targeting the densely packed muscles
"What about Dreadnoughts?, Super-Dreadnoughts? Battlecruisers?" he dug the needle in deeper "How many?"
"Then we have to hope she can last eight minutes when it won't matter if they blow the port" Bennett concluded sadly. Then he turned and his heart skipped a beat
Four black-clad, faceless Democratic Guards walked emotionlessly through the various troops and stood to attention near the door. Their very precense seemed to give the Alversians a morale boost.
21-11-2007, 02:01
Krystal cried out again, louder than ever. She twisted and groaned. "More ships than you'll ever be able to defeat. You'll never leave this planet alive." She was close to blacking out, the pain was so intense.
The Black Guards, dressed like the Democratic Guards in all black armor, seemed to size up their allies. The Captain of the Guard, who had been talking with Bennett the whole time, shook his head. "Even with all the people out, ships will still blow and the buildings will collapse, causing millions of credits in property damage."
21-11-2007, 18:27
"The Guards are here!" One of the Assassins cried out, looking at the monitor
"What! Where?" The Leader pulled the needle out of Krystal's leg and stared at the monitor, "Not good" he said through gritted teeth
"You said they wouldn't get involved" one protested
"I was wrong!" The Leader snapped "It changes nothing, we hold the advantage"
The Democratic Guards stood perfectly still at attention while Bennett recalculated their options.
"If they blow the port" he said, slowly, "They lose their advantage. The Guards could kill all three before they even managed a glance in Krystal's direction. But we need to pursuade them that we now have the advantage. Call their bluff" he said looking at the trooper, "Tell them to blow the port. see if they do it"
22-11-2007, 01:11
Krystal gasped in relief and pain as the needle tore out of her leg. "That's right, be afraid. The Democratic Guards are here, and everyone knows they show no mercy."
The Guard hesitated. "Alright...but I am taking an awful risk here. This had better work." He turned around and, though an unheard, unseen method of communication, all the Guards and Marines either crotched behind cover or moved in towards the door. The Captain activated his outside comm, using it at megaphone volume. "Attention, you three inside the room. We are coming in, lay down your weapons and put your hands above your heads. Resistance will be met with deadly force."
27-11-2007, 23:35
"What?" The Lead Assassin looked stunned, "They want us to blow the port?"
"Do it" One insisted "Blow it the moon"
"If we do that, there's nothing to stop them gunning the lot of us down" His comrade observed
The Lead Assassin looked uncertain and worried. Then he noticed the needle was still in Krystal's leg. He pulled it out and rammed it deep into her shoulder
"Like that, huh?" He shouted "You like that!"
He turned to one of the microphones
"You touch that door and she dies. Listen" He turned the microphone to Krystal and rammed the needle deeper then ever before.
"They haven't blown it" Bennett observed casually from cover as the Democratic Guards moved closer to the door
"They know we have them"
28-11-2007, 01:43
"Arr, AGGRH!" Krystal moaned as the needle penetrated her shoulder, but it was weaker now. The noise was broadcast thoughout the hall, and the Black Guards bristled and snarled to each other. The Lead Guard grimaced under his mask. "Screw it. This has gone on long enough. I'm calling in the mechs." He activated his helmet comm unit and called for the Mechanized Division. In minutes three LAM would be there.
28-11-2007, 21:00
"Like that, Huh!" The Leader screamed
"They've called for Mechs" One of the Asassins
"What? Right!" He grabbed Krystal and dragged her to the door "I'm giving you one chance! Let us through or we shoot her"
That was the Assasin's last mistake. As soon as his figure appeared at the glass door, the Guards fired.
The shots all hit the Leader in the forehead and he collapsed backwards, dropping Krystal.
Without hesitation, the Guards stormed into the room, guns drawm and followed by Shadow Ops. The other Assassins didn't even have time to draw their weapons before they'd been gunned down by the emotionless Guards.
"Krystal!" Bennett ran past the dead Leader and to Krystal "We need a Medic Here!"
29-11-2007, 03:45
The burst of glass, a fury of blaster shots, and it was over. A medic was easily found, they were in a hospital after all. Krystal lay on the floor, curled into the fetal position, her left leg and shoulder burning and feeling as though they were slowly being ripped apart. She was quickly carried out on a stretcher and recieved care from some of Xiscapia's finest doctors. The Assassins had chosen a foolish place to make their stand. Now all they had to show for it was three smoking bodies. After about two hours the following had happened: The wing was opened back up, but the level the situation had been held on was locked down. The bio team came back with the sample analysis, but were forced to wait for some time. Krystal was operated on, both physically and mentally, and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. The Emperor and his wife recieved news and came to see her personally, though she was still asleep at the time. A priest came from the local church and prayed and spread the Force over her. So much guard was put over her room that all the soldiers and equipment would have consititued a small army. Outside there was an army, though of a different kind. Reporters were everywhere, though none had been allowed inside. Police and military troops stood guard on the ground, in the basements, on the roof, and on all levels. FAR, tanks, LAM, and HAM patrolled the area, and fighters did regular flybyes, and two patrols hovered over the area at all times.
30-11-2007, 14:34
Bennett was firmly planted by Krystal's side throughout her recovery, deep in his own thoughts. Many of the guards around the Admiral included Democratic Guards, constitiuted the largest concentration of them outside the Alversian Senate Building. They were always on guard and gave more than a few people the creeps. They were also a comforting presence to the people within the hospital who no longer felt safe.
The men had been from the ARA. That much had been established, although what they wanted with a Xiscapian Admiral still eluded Bennett completely. He remembered his son had said, with his dying breath, of a plot against the Alversian People by the ARA. Bennett was also started to doubt the neutrality of the Danaversian Empire in this whole episode. He did not want to start the 12th Danaversian War although it may be necessary to solve this entire problem.
01-12-2007, 03:50
A day and night passed quickly and Krystal was well enough to recieve visitors. Nurses and droids still hovered nerviously around her bedside, but by all reports she was making a full recovery. The guard, however, was not slakened, and the decision was made that Krystal would be moved under heavy guard to the XNHQ as soon as she was well enough to make the trip. She asked for Bennett, who had been out at the moment, to come to her. She wished to speak with him.
01-12-2007, 21:09
Bennett was back at her side within minutes
"You wanted to see me?" he asked concernedly.
02-12-2007, 04:04
Krystal nodded weakly. Her pink hair had lost some of it's shine, and was spread out on the pillow. Her normally white face was far whiter than usual, and her yellow eyes blazed, standing out. She looked like a child, rather than the women she was known to be. "That trooper...the wounded one, that we saw. Who was he?" Her voice, unlike her body, was as strong as ever.
02-12-2007, 15:44
"That was Marine Lieutenant Harry son" Bennett replied, shivering slightly, "My only son. He was a part of the APIPA before he decided he preferred frontline action to just sitting at a desk reading reports"
He slumped into the chair beside Krystal's bed
"I have two daughters as well, Ashley and Samantha, both are in the People's Armed forces"
He shook his head
"Enough about me, how are you?"
02-12-2007, 21:45
Krystal gasped when she heard that the now dead Marine had been Bennett's son. "I'm so sorry..." Once he finished she sighed. "The doctors say I'm fine, and I'm going to be moved to a more secure location whithin twenty-four hours. I still hurt, sometimes, and they say my left leg will never fully recover. It may spasm or fail randomly. The amount of drug that was pumped into my system had left my body, but it will be some time until I am back to my old strength." She smiled wanly. "The Emperor came by to see me. Too bad I was asleep, but-" The door to the room opened and a Marine poked her head in. Krystal sat up, drawing the sheets tight around her, for she was wearing only a hospital gown. "Admiral? There's a man here to see you, something about a bio lab report?" "Ah yes, send him in immediatly." Krystal slumped back as the door shut. "That will be the sample." The door opened again and a distraught looking young kitsune with dark hair, orange eyes, and sallow, pasty skin, wearing a lab coat and black pants hurried in. "Admiral." He bowed, holding a clipboard out to her as he did so. Krystal took it and scanned the pages, about a dozen test results, hypthosis, and other data. After a minute she looked up. "A symbiote?" The scientist nodded. "Yes. Highly infectious, intelligent, undetactable unless it shows itself. The host is under complete control from the moment it fully inserts itself." Krystal nodded grimly. "I see. Have you come up with an antibiotic?" "No, but we're working on one now." "Drop all other projects, I want the antibiotic completed and on every hospital shelf ASAP." "Yes Admiral." He turned to leave. "Wait." Krystal called. He turned around, face blank. "Admiral?" Krystal smiled. "I will see that you are rewarded for this." "Yes Admiral, a thousand thanks." Smiling too now, the scientist exited. Krystal's smile quickly fell from her face and she looked weaker and more worried than ever. "You remember the Infected, Bennett?"
02-12-2007, 22:45
Bennett sighed glumly and nodded to show he did indeed remember the infected
"What about them?" he asked, puzzled.
03-12-2007, 02:57
"Well, they were pretty bad, right?" She saw his nod and continued. "This is a hundred times worse. The symbiote calls itself the Imitators. What is does is it directly infects the bloodstream with the bacteria, usually by forceable incertion, aka attacking it's victim to mix its blood with theirs. The process is short, mere minutes, before the symbiote takes total control. The host is not a host except in the loosest sense of the word, as the mind dies once the Imitator takes control. From that point the Imitator looks entirely normal. Blood tests in lab animals show no difference before or after. We've determined that the Imitators have the same intelligence as whatever they infect, making them very dangerious if they infect a human or kitsune. However, they will not be able to call upon the host's memories to supply them with answers to questions, so to an outside observer is appears that the host is suffering amnesia or forgetfullness. Becuase the Imitator is as intelligent as whatever it controls, a soldier would be a great asset to them. An intellectual, such as a scientist or teacher would have no use to them, as they cannot absorb host memories and thus cannot absorb skills. It can learn, and respond to situations, but each Imitator starts from scratch. Part of this comes out of our own tests, and part comes from North Calaveran databanks we've managed to hack, such as the one on the Lenin, which is now the Freedom."
03-12-2007, 19:40
Bennett swore and thought about the consequences of such a plague spreading throughout both worlds. Then he remembered his son's final words
"The Rebels plan to infect the Army! Once it's fallen into chaos, the Danaversian will attack with every shoal they have! We have to find an antidote as soon as possible!" He looked at Krystal "Our own instiutions are at your disposal. Take whatever you need"
04-12-2007, 04:10
At Bennetts words of the Rebel plan Krystal nodded. "Undoubtly. The antidote is still in the works, but it will be ready within a resonable time frame. If there is an Alversian bio hazard team here I'd like to give a sample to them for study. Be very careful, it spreads far too easily." Krystal looked around, as if there was anyone else in the room. "I think," she whispered quietly, "that these are what killed off the Calaverans. We never found any bodies or destroyed vehicles of the enemy, remember? That's what they did. Turned their whole world and army against itself and was utterly destroyed. They are a lesson to all those who come in contact with the Imitators."
04-12-2007, 19:41
"Indeed" Bennett nodded, "I can have a team here within a week" He moved off a little way to send a message on the Alversian PEF to Illesia and warning them to prepare for an attack. The message would arrive shortly and the Alversian fleet placed on standby.
04-12-2007, 23:08
That night the Admiral was transported, under heavy guard, to the XNHQ. She was placed in her office, and was well enough to do desk work and the like. She wouldn't be fighting anyone for a while though, not hand-to-hand or even with a sword. She was still too weak. Security was almost completly removed at the hospital, but the guards and defenses at the XNHQ were doubled. A sample waited for the Alversia team. Meanwhile scouts and probes began looking for a possible Rebel base or outposts.
05-12-2007, 00:06
The Democratic Guard remained at XNHQ in order to assist their counter-parts in protecting the VIPs within the complex. The Alversian team were dispatched immediately and consisted of the finest Scientists and Biologists that could be found at such short notice. They were placed aboard the 8th Battlecruiser Squadron and dispatched to Xiscapia with all haste.
05-12-2007, 02:58
The Xiscapians were grateful for the extra help. Privately Krystal didn't beleive there would be another attempt on her life inside the walls of the XNHQ, but one can never be too careful. She filed a report entailing the make-up of the 6th fleet and left her office. Nearby Krystal had her own private bathroom, and was using it more often now, finding the oils and warm water soothed her aching body. She slipped out of her uniform and sat on a bench with a towel spread under her. An aide came and washed her back, then got the water the right temperature and poured in the oils and soap. Krystal gratefull bowed to the aide before sinking into the warm water, indicating the aide was free to leave. She sighed as the water closed over her body up to her neck. Then she took waterproof datapads from where they rested at the side of her bath and began reading the latest reports. The probes had found nothing. The students from the Academy had made it safely to the Palace. The Alversians were boosting forces at the Alversian-Danaversian DMZ. A Marine... She frowned and sat up in the bath. A Marine had been taken by the Isans, and was now a...vampire? Negotiations were going on now, but the whole situation was secret and didn't look promising. Apparently they wanted this Marine, this young women, as a servent to one of their diplomats? With allies like those, Krystal thought dryly, who needs enemies?
05-12-2007, 21:12
Bennett had been far from relaxed over the past few days. As if the mobilisation of Alversian warships to the DMZ wasn't bad enough, the Alversians were starting to build up their military presence in the Xiscapian system as well, to help bolster a race recovering from war. Bennett was directly responsible for their deployment, patrol areas and periods of leave for the crew. Worse, the Democratic Guard were requesting that they begin Operation Blizzard and lift everbody assossiated on file with the ARA. It would only take one evening but Bennett was hesitant to authourise it on Xiscapia without permission from the Emperor. On the plus side, it appeared that one of the wandering Battlecruisers had made first contact with a species three months away and another had began to tail a battlefleet to analyise their tactics, technology and see whiether or not it was worth making first contact. Overall, Bennett was the busiest man in an Alversian uniform at that moment.
06-12-2007, 03:00
OOC: What now?
06-12-2007, 17:23
OOC: They attack
07-12-2007, 02:19
OOC: Must wait for the events in the Fondation to come in full circule, which will be soon. Then the main thread will begin. :)
18-12-2007, 12:54
A aide suddenly burst in as Krystal was toweling off after the bath. He bowed low. "Admiral, most urgent message from the Coumminications Center." Krystal dropped her towel and stepped forward. She was only partly dressed, wearing her undershirt, socks, and nothing else. She grabbed the datapad from the women and read quickly. There wasn't much to it, but there didn't need to be. The message was clear. "Forward all incoming messages to me when you recieve them." The aide bowed and exited. Krystal dressed as she got on her personal comm unit. "This is the Head Admiral, I need Rear-Admiral Bennett in here as fast as he can come." A puase. "I don't care if he's training the entire force of Marines, this is of the highest priority." Another pause in which she finished dressing, her shiny black boots the last to go on. "Yes. See that you do." She cut the connection and sat down at her desk, reading the report over and over again.
18-12-2007, 17:28
Bennett was used to Krystal's demands for immediate meetings and so didn't find it too difficult to detatch himself from the Marine training. They were already proving to be excellent soldiers and he knew they would continue the fine tradition of the Marine Corps.
He thundered down through the corridors and arrived at Krystal's location. The appearance of Krystal did not startle him, in fact he was used to it.
"You needed to see me Ma'am" He said grinning.
19-12-2007, 03:23
"Yes Admiral." said Krystal most solomly. "We have a situation. Take a seat."
She waited until he did so before continuing.
"Several months ago one of several hundred probes was dispatched into the space and systems surronding Xiscapia. A few dozen were placed inside a throw-away capsule, and lauched into hyperspace to come out at a destination. Once there the capsule releases the probes, who prowl the stars, watching and recording. One of these probes was in a system far, far from ours, or yours, or any known system. It is further back in the Outer Rim than we have ever gone before. Here a probe observed something shocking: A fleet of Calaveran Observers, constructing what looked to be a mobile starbase, helped by unidentified ships. Less than a half-dozen people on Xiscapia know about this, and you will make the sixth, after myself, the Emperor, the officer who recieved the message, his commanding officer, and the Vanadict. This is a very serious matter, as I have no doubt that, if they were in any position to, the Calaverans would attack once again, seeking revenge. We are going to send a fleet to intercept and destroy, but I need Alversian understanding and cooperation of this. What are your thoughts, and how many and what kind of ships can you spare?"
19-12-2007, 03:36
Bennett was stunned. The Calaverans hadn't been destroyed after all!
The Explorers were a dangerous threat but there was another he had to know
"What about Barracuda's?" He asked with a sense of dread, "How many Danaversian warships are at the base? This could be the cause of everything that had happened to date and he knew it wasn't going to be good.
19-12-2007, 03:40
Krystal shook her head. "Exactly zero. It seemed to be a purely Calaveran operation, barring the strange ships that were helping them build. Taking into account that the information was months old when it got to us, the base is probably almost completed."
OOC: This is based off a different thread, not the Foundation one. I will be creating an entirely different thread for the actual Civil War.
19-12-2007, 03:45
'Well that's one relief' Bennett thought
"We can commit a fleet of the following:
1 x E-1 Class Superdreadnought
9 x C-1 class Dreadnoughts
4 x F-1 Class Battlecruiser
10 x D-1 Class Cruisers
15 x A-1 Class Destroyers
Should that be enough?" Bennett asked, grinning.
19-12-2007, 03:54
Krystal eyed the list of nearly fourty ships. Xiscapia took it's ships seriously, and even it's Cruisers were heavily armed but in small numbers. It also had a much smaller fleet than Alversia. "Here is what we will send."
1x Alversian class SuperDestroyer
2x Annilhator class Battleships
2x Dominator class Destroyers
4x Wasp class Cruisers
1x Protector class Medical Shp
1x Asteroid Beam Platform
1x Calaveran Observer
"This fleet, while small, has plenty of firepower. It also has much carrying capacity, so we will not be outnumbered by any huge amount of Probe fighters. If it comes to that, well, our anti-fighter screens are good."
OOC: Thread (
19-12-2007, 03:59
Bennett smiled
"The APNAF pilots have proven themselves once, they can do it again" He said with determination. It would take time for the fleet to assemble but even so, it was one of the most powerful in the system. It would do it's job.
19-12-2007, 04:02
"Than it is determined. I do not want this threat around much longer, so use all speed possible to assemble and perpare the ships. I would say two weeks is a reasonable timeframe, Admiral?" She grinned, finally dropping her somewhat grim demenor at the news that their old enemy was still alive and well.
19-12-2007, 04:05
"Indeed, Admiral" Bennett grinned back, it was good to see the old Krystal back after such a hard few weeks.
"You'll have an Alversian fleet within ten days. I garuntee it" He smiled again and vanished to make the arrangements.
19-12-2007, 23:15
It began. A fleet of Cruisers were out on maneuvers, so they were easy enough to get. The asteroid beam platform had to be pulled from orbit around Himp, and the Calaveran Observer Freedom dusted off and given a crew. The Battleships and Destroyers came from the reserves on-planet, and the Medical Ship was already in orbit. The SuperDestroyer was pulled from the Wuin system, it would contribute quite a bit of firepower as one of Xiscapia's precious few SuperCapitals. Spacers, Marines, Techs, and Captains were trained, briefed, and assembled. A Army force came in the form of three thousand Xiscapian Regulars on troop ships, in case of a ground battle. A platoon of Mechanized Division troops were dispatched as well, mostly LAM and HAM to deal with Probe fighters, as well as a Supermech. To hang back with the dropships was a stealth shuttle with a Shadow Ops team. Just in case. News got out pretty fast, and the media and public were buzzing about the latest offensive against the Calaverans.
North Calaveras
20-12-2007, 04:40
The armada stood at attention, hoards of Probe fighters swarmed in almost acrobatic displays.
Calaverian citenzins(under goverments eye) played there roll, doing the tasks of the New Galactic Order. They were never told that there was a war going on, for it was easier.
21-12-2007, 21:59
The Alversian fleet was assembled and blasted through to Xiscapia. The Marines and other troops had been briefed and trained with Xiscapian armour. They were ready for the final battle.
22-12-2007, 19:13
So thefleet was assembled.
1 x E-1 Class Superdreadnought
9 x C-1 class Dreadnoughts
4 x F-1 Class Battlecruiser
10 x D-1 Class Cruisers
15 x A-1 Class Destroyers
1x Alversian class SuperDestroyer
2x Annilhator class Battleships
2x Dominator class Destroyers
4x Wasp class Cruisers
1x Protector class Medical Shp
1x Asteroid Beam Platform
1x Calaveran Observer
40 Troopships
1 Stealth Shuttle
Every ship held at least a few fighters or other small craft, so that was not a problem. Marines boarded their ships, armour was loaded aboard, the final checks were run, and the fleet got into formation. Krystal was watching from her office via a dozen camera situated on different ships thoughout the fleet. Sor, her second-in-command, was to be Admiral of the Fleet here, as Krystal was not strong enough to lead forces into combat yet.
T-minus 5...
The entire fleet jumped, perfectly sychronized. It would take about a day and a half to reach their destination. During that time, all the brave Alversian and Xiscapian soldiers could do was wait. Sor, from the bridge of his Battleship, Splinter the Minds Eye, thought, A wise man once said "It's not the fighting that is the worst part, it is the waiting before it." Or something like that, anyway.
22-12-2007, 19:22
Bennett was one of those who led the Alversian contingent of the fleet. He had begged the ANHC to allow him to lead the fleet and eventually, after much persuasion and communication with the Grand Admiral, he had been permitted to join the Eclypse as Vice-Admiral for the mission.
It would be a surprise to Krystal but he had watched his son die a painful death in a Xiscapian Military Hospital and now he needed to get out and prove to himself that the sacrafice was worth it.
22-12-2007, 19:25
OOC: At post #124 there's a link that reads "thread". Go there and I'll RP the fleet dropping in on the Calaveran operations. Then we wait for NC to get back on...and then the fun begins. :cool:
22-12-2007, 19:34
OOC: I'll be there
North Calaveras
25-12-2007, 00:50