The Placing (CLOSED, The World of Magic)
The Scandinvans
25-08-2007, 02:39
Dryad: Group who takes in people who seek to understand and comprehend the world. Group which seeks to mediate and to avoid outright confrontation with other peoples when it is possible, but yet they will fight if need be.
Nymph: A house which favors kindness, nature, purity of the heart, and peace of mind. Group which does not take direct action in the face of adversity and prefers to use subtle action against their foes. Yet, at the same time it is perhaps the most true, couragess, and fairest of all the houses when it comes down to it.
Hippogriff: A house of pride, blood purity, and strength. The only house which takes the course of absolute force against all enemies and will always stand in the face of any form of opposition.
Satyr: A house of subtle action, of amusement, of indulgence, and seeks to enjoy life above else. At the same time the house is main course of action is to sabotage the enemy and to divide and conquer.
Draco: A house of direct action, radical blood purity, ancient tradition, magical powers, and of intelligence, A house whose history is filled with that of hosting the most powerful wizards of pure blood descent and has such filled the place of hosting the most powerful of the pure blood radicals.
Leviathan: A house which favors courage, confrontation, and action against all of those that seek to harm the innocent. Long held to be the opponent of Houses Draco and Hippogriff due to the fact that most of those in Leviathan are outspoken opponents of the pure blood radicals and as such has long be in confrontation to these two houses, at the same time many of the magical world’s great heroes were once a member of this house. At the same time of their glory they are often arrogant and may not be viewed as the wistest of peoples.
Titan: One of the stronger houses in that the members of this house are sought to be of magical power, natural ability, honor, and inner strength. Many of the more powerful magical users of the world have passed into this house and have a strong representation in the most powerful of families and in the higher places of the magical world’s government.
The Question:
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
OOC: Essentially you just answer the questions and then I place you in the house based on your answer.
Vanek Drury Brieres
25-08-2007, 02:44
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"Hello, I'm Ryan Getzlaf, what's your name?"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"Um, no thanks. I believe in a lot, and I hold it dear. Where did you get this power?
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
Um, my dad is Ryan Getzlaf and my mom is Diana Getzlaf. I'm half-blood.
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
I run up to him and ask him, "Why are you my enemy?"
The Scandinvans
25-08-2007, 03:01
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"Hello, I'm Ryan Getzlaf, what's your name?"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"Um, no thanks. I believe in a lot, and I hold it dear. Where did you get this power?
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
Um, my dad is Ryan Getzlaf and my mom is Diana Getzlaf. I'm half-blood.
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
I run up to him and ask him, "Why are you my enemy?"The book answered, You seek the truth and preserve your honor through inner strength, as such the house that best suits you is that of Titan.
25-08-2007, 03:11
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
In a moment of rage, I hiss back, “How dare you insult me you bumbling fool! I am Vincent Von Lichen my family is of pure blood!”
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
I look at the person contemplating the offer and respond, “I would never give up my ideals for such a bribe!”
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
I respond quickly and without hesitation, “I am of pure blood and proud of it!”
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
I scream out, “face me now coward, I will not attack you while you’re back is turned, but I will not wait for you to kill me later, have at thee!”
The Scandinvans
25-08-2007, 03:19
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
In a moment of rage, I hiss back, “How dare you insult me you bumbling fool! I am Vincent Von Lichen my family is of pure blood!”
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
I look at the person contemplating the offer and respond, “I would never give up my ideals for such a bribe!”
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
I respond quickly and without hesitation, “I am of pure blood and proud of it!”
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
I scream out, “face me now coward, I will not attack you while you’re back is turned, but I will not wait for you to kill me later, have at thee!”The book replied, You are proud in your blood truly and you show direct action against those who dishonor you and those who threaten you, so as to honor you I offer you the chance to go to strong Hippogriff or mighty Draco.
The Placing: Thomas Levitt
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"That's an odd way to introduce yourself. I'm Thomas by the way, but what does it matter if you've non-magical parents?"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"I don't understand, since the best for the world is what I would want and believe in anyway."
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
"I'm a Levitt, ummm... For more generations than I can count."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"I would rather you were not my enemy, but I'm not scared of you..."
The Scandinvans
26-08-2007, 04:25
The Placing: Thomas Levitt
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"That's an odd way to introduce yourself. I'm Thomas by the way, but what does it matter if you've non-magical parents?"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"I don't understand, since the best for the world is what I would want and believe in anyway."
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
"I'm a Levitt, ummm... For more generations than I can count."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"I would rather you were not my enemy, but I'm not scared of you..."OOC: Quite a broad answer as you are the first I believe fit to be filed into three houses at once and as such I will simply let you chose the one that you best believe will fit your character.
IC: The book responded, Your answers reflect a person of a complex and fairly deep mind and as such your answers I am not able to find any defining trait which will allow me to sort you into any one house and at the same time I find three that may well suit you. These are wise Dryad, kind and true Nymph, and stalwart and mighty Titan. As for your choice I will leave it you as in your hands in what shall make your future and not my pages, though remember your house will play a part in making your future so chose it wisely.
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
-"O, Hello. My name is Samantha Conners. May I ask why you want to tell me about your bloodlines?"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
-"Well, do I get to have choclate chip cookies depending on my answer?"
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
-"Does that really matter? I still look better than you."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
-"Have fun trying." Then walk away rolling my eyes.
OOC:Sorry about the unserious answers, but its all about my persons personality. PS: I did this before char bio, so i could make it good if thats ok...
The Scandinvans
26-08-2007, 05:11
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
-"O, Hello. My name is Samantha Conners. May I ask why you want to tell me about your bloodlines?"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
-"Well, do I get to have choclate chip cookies depending on my answer?"
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
-"Does that really matter? I still look better than you."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
-"Have fun trying." Then walk away rolling my eyes.
OOC:Sorry about the unserious answers, but its all about my persons personality. PS: I did this before char bio, so i could make it good if thats ok...OOC: Quite alright as we all have our own way of doing things.:p As well, to help you out here is the link to the sign up/OOC thread:
IC: The book set its response quickly, You seek to enjoy life and do not overbear on it as many others do, as such the the house that will fit you the best is Satyr.
26-08-2007, 10:40
I find this rather intriguing, to be honest. I've never been a fan of Harry Potter, though I've roleplayed in magical school before. I haven't made my bio yet, though I figure I'll throw in a few twists here and there to spice things up a bit! Sound fair? Good! Let's continue. ^_^
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
Turning to this person, I would quickly size him/her up, trying to determine their mental state through the reading of their posture. Then, in the deep, rumbling tone of a broad, stout young man who'd already gone through the early rigors of puberty, I would respond, "Interesting fact. Not the most appropriate of introductions, I'll admit, though I suppose it is best to be upfront with such things; at least, in this world. I am Mercutio, and you are?"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
My brow would furrow at that, and I would ponder this for a moment before again sizing up this stranger, considering he/she had yet to offer up their own identity before continuing with his/her battery of odd, cryptic questions and statements. Narrowing my eyes, I would respond in a low, flat tone so as not to inform this odd-ball of my intentions, "There is no power greater than that of reason. A bear is powerful, true, but a man is rational and cunning. Men wear the furs of such creatures, whereas these creatures wear nothing...You offer me the power to change the world; limitless power, in the eyes of some. Yet even the sun, in all its might, has only a limited fuel supply, and when its base becomes unstable, as mine would be should I accept, then I and it would share the same fate: death by consumption of ourselves...Keep your power, stranger, for I have all I need here," the well-toned, youthful male (moi) would pat his muscled biceps, "Here," again, patting his chest just to the left of his sternum - his heart, "Here," and again, tapping a finger to his right temple, "And here."
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
Narrowing my eyes, I would cast my gaze around, for it is common knowledge that radicals exist on both sides of the birth-debate, and frankly, I'd rather not end up a hostage or, worse, dead. Seeing noone else, I respond with just a hint of tension, the anger brought on by this uncomfortable situation beginning to rear its ugly head, "My heritage?...Magic courses through my veins so thickly that it might as well be a gel! Each pulse of this energy burns my body from within; waves of power attempting to burst free of this flesh-laden cage time and again!...My heritage, you say? I am pure-blood, yes, and proud!...Though fear not, stranger, for I, like you, are still human."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
At the stranger's words, the hair on the back of my neck would rise, my adrenal gland squeezing liquid energy into my veins as this new threat brushes past me as if I were of no consequence. My hackles risen, my shoulders hunched, my nostrils flaring!...
Boom-BOOM...That aforementioned power would pulse, self-preservation, the strongest of all instincts, spurring my Gods-given powers to bloom before this stranger's very eyes, were he/she looking, of course...
Boom-BOOM...Another pulse of power as my heart beats again. Time itself seems to move so much more slowly, the stranger's footsteps ringing so slowly in my ears that it would seem they echoed on for eternity. I could feel every beat of my heart, as my body felt as if it were coming alive..
Boom-BOOM..."Don't walk away from me, you Gods-forsaken COWARD!!!" That voice, so dark, so dense, flooded with barely contained rage! "How dare you threaten me! You tell me that I am your enemy, you, who has not the grace to offer me so much as a hello! You, who has not the tact to bait me before offering me unlimited power! You, who has not the honor to give me your name so that I may at least know my enemy! YOU, who has the gall to turn your back on a man after telling him that you will stand above his corpse!"
I would bring my body around in a whirl of cloth and fury, leather and fire, my aura, should a diviner be near, pulsing brightly with every heartbeat. I would call to the stranger then, hands at my sides, fingers splayed, fingertips and palms pointing at the being from my hips. The air ripples before my palms, waves of heat rolling as my energies begin to leak from my being, steaming froth boiling over the sides of a far-too-small kettle; that convoluted excess of energy the beginnings of two very angry, very hot balls of flame.
My face flushes in frustration and rage, for not only do I now have an enemy, but I have an enemy whom I must vanquish without every knowing why I am his/her enemy. I snarl at the stranger, "Face me then, Enemy, as you are now known to me! Face me, or know that t'will not be I who quivers at every fleeting shadow, every glancing blow of the breeze, wondering when my opponent shall strike! Nay, it shall be you, so immersed in your paranoia that you tremble in your very skin at the thought of me!...FACE ME, FIEND, AND LET THE END BE NIGH!!!"
I read the bit about spell-casting percentages and the like, and I always figured that this character would be a sorcerer more than a wizard, with his abilities stemming from his physical prowess, his ideals from his mental prowess, and his power from pure, natural ability and training more than reading and hours spent studyng. Granted, that'd make him part of the .2%, and so you can easily tell me, "No," but if not, I'd compromise...If you say yes, then he'd still be unable to cast the more potent spells for lack of knowledge of them, while he'd also put his training in verbal and somatic motions to use to supplement his natural spell-casting ability, strengthening and focusing his spells. He's less likely to hurt himself and unintended others that way, you see? Just a thought...
IC: The book responded, Your answers reflect a person of a complex and fairly deep mind and as such your answers I am not able to find any defining trait which will allow me to sort you into any one house and at the same time I find three that may well suit you. These are wise Dryad, kind and true Nymph, and stalwart and mighty Titan. As for your choice I will leave it you as in your hands in what shall make your future and not my pages, though remember your house will play a part in making your future so chose it wisely.
"I will choose to join Titan then."
26-08-2007, 18:18
For Marvel the turned demon (hope I'm cleared for this thread, too):
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"Hey, come back! Let's go find some good, stout drink and PARTY!"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"Let's go for it! Then, we can find some good, stout drink and PARTY!"
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
I let him see my demonic form and then ask him, "What do YOU think?" And I smile when I say it. It's fun to see the looks on their faces sometimes.
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"Thanks for the heads-up. Bye." And I'm outta there as fast as my wings can carry me! Mind you, I don't know how I can get it so that my back is towards me (did somebody maybe have an itty bitty little typo?) :p, but I'll sure as heck give it a try!
OOC: You might not believe this, but, IRL, I'm a teatotaler. My diabetes precludes me from taking part in good, stout drink. ;)
26-08-2007, 19:04
The book replied, You are proud in your blood truly and you show direct action against those who dishonor you and those who threaten you, so as to honor you I offer you the chance to go to strong Hippogriff or mighty Draco.
I sneer and without hesistation give my choice, "I choose Draco!"
The 7000
26-08-2007, 19:12
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"It doesn't matter to me what your heritage is. I care nothing about your backround, only of your intentions."
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"I may have little, but I believe in my ideals. I would never give them up.
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
"The son of those who never cared about him."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"What have I done to offend you? The money people have hounded me for all my life holds little use to you."
26-08-2007, 23:17
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"Whoa! Wanna get drunk together?!"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"So I'd have to give up partying? Forget that mate!"
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
"Who really cares?, Half-blood by the way."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"I'd probably throw a dog turd at the back at his head and then run off and drink with my mates."
The Scandinvans
26-08-2007, 23:36
I find this rather intriguing, to be honest. I've never been a fan of Harry Potter, though I've roleplayed in magical school before. I haven't made my bio yet, though I figure I'll throw in a few twists here and there to spice things up a bit! Sound fair? Good! Let's continue. ^_^
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
Turning to this person, I would quickly size him/her up, trying to determine their mental state through the reading of their posture. Then, in the deep, rumbling tone of a broad, stout young man who'd already gone through the early rigors of puberty, I would respond, "Interesting fact. Not the most appropriate of introductions, I'll admit, though I suppose it is best to be upfront with such things; at least, in this world. I am Mercutio, and you are?"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
My brow would furrow at that, and I would ponder this for a moment before again sizing up this stranger, considering he/she had yet to offer up their own identity before continuing with his/her battery of odd, cryptic questions and statements. Narrowing my eyes, I would respond in a low, flat tone so as not to inform this odd-ball of my intentions, "There is no power greater than that of reason. A bear is powerful, true, but a man is rational and cunning. Men wear the furs of such creatures, whereas these creatures wear nothing...You offer me the power to change the world; limitless power, in the eyes of some. Yet even the sun, in all its might, has only a limited fuel supply, and when its base becomes unstable, as mine would be should I accept, then I and it would share the same fate: death by consumption of ourselves...Keep your power, stranger, for I have all I need here," the well-toned, youthful male (moi) would pat his muscled biceps, "Here," again, patting his chest just to the left of his sternum - his heart, "Here," and again, tapping a finger to his right temple, "And here."
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
Narrowing my eyes, I would cast my gaze around, for it is common knowledge that radicals exist on both sides of the birth-debate, and frankly, I'd rather not end up a hostage or, worse, dead. Seeing noone else, I respond with just a hint of tension, the anger brought on by this uncomfortable situation beginning to rear its ugly head, "My heritage?...Magic courses through my veins so thickly that it might as well be a gel! Each pulse of this energy burns my body from within; waves of power attempting to burst free of this flesh-laden cage time and again!...My heritage, you say? I am pure-blood, yes, and proud!...Though fear not, stranger, for I, like you, are still human."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
At the stranger's words, the hair on the back of my neck would rise, my adrenal gland squeezing liquid energy into my veins as this new threat brushes past me as if I were of no consequence. My hackles risen, my shoulders hunched, my nostrils flaring!...
Boom-BOOM...That aforementioned power would pulse, self-preservation, the strongest of all instincts, spurring my Gods-given powers to bloom before this stranger's very eyes, were he/she looking, of course...
Boom-BOOM...Another pulse of power as my heart beats again. Time itself seems to move so much more slowly, the stranger's footsteps ringing so slowly in my ears that it would seem they echoed on for eternity. I could feel every beat of my heart, as my body felt as if it were coming alive..
Boom-BOOM..."Don't walk away from me, you Gods-forsaken COWARD!!!" That voice, so dark, so dense, flooded with barely contained rage! "How dare you threaten me! You tell me that I am your enemy, you, who has not the grace to offer me so much as a hello! You, who has not the tact to bait me before offering me unlimited power! You, who has not the honor to give me your name so that I may at least know my enemy! YOU, who has the gall to turn your back on a man after telling him that you will stand above his corpse!"
I would bring my body around in a whirl of cloth and fury, leather and fire, my aura, should a diviner be near, pulsing brightly with every heartbeat. I would call to the stranger then, hands at my sides, fingers splayed, fingertips and palms pointing at the being from my hips. The air ripples before my palms, waves of heat rolling as my energies begin to leak from my being, steaming froth boiling over the sides of a far-too-small kettle; that convoluted excess of energy the beginnings of two very angry, very hot balls of flame.
My face flushes in frustration and rage, for not only do I now have an enemy, but I have an enemy whom I must vanquish without every knowing why I am his/her enemy. I snarl at the stranger, "Face me then, Enemy, as you are now known to me! Face me, or know that t'will not be I who quivers at every fleeting shadow, every glancing blow of the breeze, wondering when my opponent shall strike! Nay, it shall be you, so immersed in your paranoia that you tremble in your very skin at the thought of me!...FACE ME, FIEND, AND LET THE END BE NIGH!!!"
I read the bit about spell-casting percentages and the like, and I always figured that this character would be a sorcerer more than a wizard, with his abilities stemming from his physical prowess, his ideals from his mental prowess, and his power from pure, natural ability and training more than reading and hours spent studyng. Granted, that'd make him part of the .2%, and so you can easily tell me, "No," but if not, I'd compromise...If you say yes, then he'd still be unable to cast the more potent spells for lack of knowledge of them, while he'd also put his training in verbal and somatic motions to use to supplement his natural spell-casting ability, strengthening and focusing his spells. He's less likely to hurt himself and unintended others that way, you see? Just a thought...OOC: Sorry one thing that should be known is that doing mental spells is difficult enough, but is entirely impossible for a person who has not trained and had decades of experince can do and as for it I am the only one who can approve of people doing the mental spells as I thought people would assume only adult charatcers would be able to do it. I also will not give any special conditions to them being like a prodigy as performing mentals spells is limited to 1 person is five hundred essentially and those people who can do them are elite magic users with decades of experince in diffucult conditions. Though to note some of the students can use verbal spells with hand gestures, but no more as the skills to do none verbal spells need to pratice for years.
IC: The book replied. The houses that will fit you best are either pure Hippogriff or strong Titan.
27-08-2007, 07:47
I wasn't sure about any of it. Like I said, it intrigues me, but I've never done a roleplay quite like this before. In any event, thanks for clearing that up for me. I appreciate it! ^_^
Either way, he's not supposed to be a first year student, he's meant to be an upper classman. I was hoping for 16-17 age-group. Again, you're the Mod, not I, so I'm willing to work with whatever you toss my way, even if it's just scraps! ;)
As for the IC post from before, I'll just shirk all that crap off of him like so much fat at bootcamp! XD I suppose it would've just been the verbal bit, or just gestures, whichever is better for y'all. *Shrugs* Still, a fireball is a fireball is a fireball, heheh...Thanks again for the helpful info, feel free to toss more out at any time! XD
Narrowing my eyes, I'd realize that this had all been a ruse. Some potent illusion, apparently, for now my enemy-apparent was but a book, telling me where I could go in the academy, and with what group. Odd...
"I see now...Clever disguise, oh Book of Placing, heh... In truth, neither group fits me quite right. To be honest, none of the groups fit me quite right, but I suppose if I must choose, then I'd rather fly the banner of a demi-God than a furred freak-of-a-falcon!... I choose Titan."
Void Templar
30-08-2007, 20:24
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"I... suppose I'd ask why he needs to tell me..."
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"I wouldn't give up my ideals. They are the only thing I have."
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
"I wouldn't tell him. I'd say I'm half-blood."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"Jinx his legs together and kick him in the head a few times."
The Scandinvans
01-09-2007, 04:20
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"I... suppose I'd ask why he needs to tell me..."
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"I wouldn't give up my ideals. They are the only thing I have."
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
"I wouldn't tell him. I'd say I'm half-blood."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"Jinx his legs together and kick him in the head a few times."The book answered, The houses that will be best for you will either be that of wise Dryad, strong Titan, or that of Leviathan.
Void Templar
01-09-2007, 12:26
The book answered, The houses that will be best for you will either be that of wise Dryad, strong Titan, or that of Leviathan.
"I'll choose Titan, thanks."
[NS]Dastardly Stench
01-09-2007, 19:00
OOC: The Dominion of Dastardly Stench is run by the same person as Marionetonia.
"Impatient?" asked the red-skinned creature. "Why should I be impatient?
"I mean, just because THE STINKIN' BOOK IS HANGING ME OUT TO DRY doesn't mean I should get IMPATIENT, now, does it?"
As he spoke, a little flame appeared off to the side. Those who studied it closely could see what appeared to be tiny images of children dancing around the fire...and throwing books into it.
The Scandinvans
01-09-2007, 20:52
For Marvel the turned demon (hope I'm cleared for this thread, too):
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"Hey, come back! Let's go find some good, stout drink and PARTY!"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"Let's go for it! Then, we can find some good, stout drink and PARTY!"
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
I let him see my demonic form and then ask him, "What do YOU think?" And I smile when I say it. It's fun to see the looks on their faces sometimes.
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"Thanks for the heads-up. Bye." And I'm outta there as fast as my wings can carry me! Mind you, I don't know how I can get it so that my back is towards me (did somebody maybe have an itty bitty little typo?) :p, but I'll sure as heck give it a try!
OOC: You might not believe this, but, IRL, I'm a teatotaler. My diabetes precludes me from taking part in good, stout drink. ;)The book replied, The only house fit for you are anticts of Satyr.
The Scandinvans
01-09-2007, 20:54
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"It doesn't matter to me what your heritage is. I care nothing about your backround, only of your intentions."
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"I may have little, but I believe in my ideals. I would never give them up.
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
"The son of those who never cared about him."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"What have I done to offend you? The money people have hounded me for all my life holds little use to you."The book answered, The house best fit for you is either that of strong Titan, wise Dryad, or kind Nymph.
The Scandinvans
01-09-2007, 20:56
Time flies through you as you walk, the air grows stale, a unknown person approaches you, the person tells you that they are of non-magical birth, what do you do in answer to this statement?
"Whoa! Wanna get drunk together?!"
The person then offers you the power to change the world to the best, but at the cost of giving up all you believe, what is your answer?
"So I'd have to give up partying? Forget that mate!"
The person asks you what your heritage, what do you say?
"Who really cares?, Half-blood by the way."
The person then tells that he is your enemy and will kill you soon, but not today and then walks past you with your back towards you… What do you with this opening given?
"I'd probably throw a dog turd at the back at his head and then run off and drink with my mates."The book responded, The house that shall best suit you and your own personality is that of the fast lives that the people of Satyr live everyday.
02-09-2007, 19:40
The book responded, The house that shall best suit you and your own personality is that of the fast lives that the people of Satyr live everyday.
"Thank you, your honor," the gargoyle replies.
He's grumpier than an ogre in heat, he thinks. I should find a cute little romance novel for him to go out with.