The Atlantian Accordance (1860s World RP)
Comunicação Oficial
The Portugese Empire recognizes that one of the first great civilizations were the people of Atlantis. These seafarers conquered the world, and their great traditions were echoed throughout the classical civilizations. If it were not for these people, the world might have turned into a different place. The Portugese people recognize this feat, and now propose a meeting between the children of this fabled land.
We invite representatives from all corners of the world, from the vast and stretching empires, to our capital of Lisbon. It is here that we shall establish a mutual pact, that will encourage trade between our nations, and a heightened security if one of us is threatened.
Living in a world of morality and awakeness, it is asked that in complience with an ethical standard, nations that wish to join us shall discourage slavery and unlawful practices. The meeting itself shall be heavily guarded by Portugese soldiers, and we invite the others to trust in our forces, although we allow a maximum of two bodyguards for each delegate.
The meeting shall take place in February of 1860, at the Lord's Manor in Lisbon, Portugal.
With God's grace,
Fernando Cavar
Undersecretary for King Felipe
OOC: Establishing a mutal alliance between nations, based on ethical practices, trade relationships, and defense measures.
If you wish to join the Portugese Empire in this, then please reply in this, posting which of your characters shall be joining us.
The Kaisers Residence, Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin
The invitation had been brought straight to the Kaiser, and as he read through it Tobias Weber, one of the Kaisers closest advisors and supposed expert on foreign affairs, could see his eyebrows raise and his expression change. Weber watched him slowly place the invitation down, and sink into his specially commissioned velvet chair from Persia, one of his favourites.
"What do you think Kaiser? Personally I..." Tomas, as sometimes happened, was quickly interrupted.
"China. I blame China." He leaned in closer, his aged faced wrinkling up. Tomas could see he was going to start another one of his anti-China exports rant. Jonas, the Kaiser, disliked China, and the new drugs and more inexpensive but "devastatingly made to imperfection" silk that they had begun secretly exporting to the Germanic Empire. The police often turned a blind eye to these exports for money, despite their orders.
"It is the stuff, the foul smelling human rotting drugs, Opium et al, that they are bringing. This Fernando Cavar is obviously insane, and with the recent rise in these Chinese products being found in Western Europe, I can only blame that. He must be another one of those blurry eyed men that you see in the streets nowadays - addicts."
"Kaiser, if you don't mind..." Again, Tomas was interrupted. The Kaiser knew what he was about to say.
"Well, he talks about the world of Atlantis. This man is obviously deluded by his fantasies. So, it must be the Opium, or possibly a follower of a franticly religious cult." The Kaiser looked so sure of himself. He did not like faith, and his did not like the unknown. Atlantis to him, like to most in Germany, was a tale of fiction.
"Back to the matter in hand, do you desire to go?" Tomas quickly got in.
"I have no plans whatsoever to go, but you may if you think it will be so beneficial. Portugal ideas are foolish - I don't want to commit to a mutual pact with nations I know so little about, especially while our Empire is expanding and war with some nations may be on the horizon. Not to mention the fact that members of their government our obviously highly present at these new Opium Houses. You may go, just to see who will commit to this pact, and to get some cheaper trade. I have my sights on close cooperation with the Franco's and Russians, so see if they are - present and check up on their activities."
Tomas had received his orders, and bowed out silently from the room. He would set off to Portugal the next day. He hoped the treacherous seas of North Germany let him pass.
22-08-2007, 18:40
To the most honorable Portugese Empire:
I, King Francis Joesph, gladly accept this invatation to discuss such matters as trade and alliances between our two great nations. We leave for Lisbon soon.
King Francis Joseph, 1848
22-08-2007, 19:02
Emperor Louis XVII looked over the letter, his eyebrows furled in confusion.
"Altantis?" He mumbled.
"Sire, what would you like me to respond?" Asked a messanger standing near the room's large oak doors.
"Tell him we humbly refuse and that we see no need to make an alliance with a man who calls for the liberation of the world's slaves." The emperor paused, then scoffed, "Imagine that, the lifeblood of the world's agriculture freed, they don't deserve to life alongside us. They would loot, pillage, and burn and turn to all sorts of crime the second we loosened their shackels.''
"But sir," piped up Jacques, an imperial advisor who had been standing quietly behind the emperor's throne, "he offers a good alliance."
"We don't need it, the French people have put their trust in the Prussian Empire and Alversia. Together we could unite Europe under our grand alliance, our Continental Alliance."
23-08-2007, 11:46
King Alexander III sat in his London palace, watching the rain hammer down on his capital. It was a dreary day, yet he could see the factories running in the distance and the smog on the horizon. He turned to Elijah Bennett, his Foreign Secratary standing in front of him with the Portugese invitation "Send an Ambassidor to the talks"
"Yes Sire" Bennett withdrew.
Alexander knew that an Ally on the mainland would be useful. Alversia was expanding overseas, her African Empire was expanding as was her Indian possestions. Soon he would need a presence on the mainland and this meeting could be just the thing. Sure, he talked about Atlantis and was clearly mad but still, his own father had been a nutcase of the highest order.
That day a telegram was sent:
Offical Statement from the King of Alversia
His most gracious Majesty, King Alexander, is unable to attend the meeting personally and sends his deepest regrets. However, he has dispatched an Ambassidor to oversee all matters which will be of great importance over the coming months
In this, the year of our lord 1860 and in the six year of our reign
23-08-2007, 12:15
A message arrived to Portugal's king undersecretary, Fernando Cavar:
I, King Carlos Rivera II, shall send Admiral Antonio Serrano to act as his delegate to the meeting in Lisbon.
he shall be accompanied by captain Carlos Anglada.
25-08-2007, 22:44
King Francis Joseph wishes to inform his majesty of Portugal that he and his envoy shall be arriving in Lisbon soon to open negotiations.
Most sincerely,
The Undersecretary to the Austrian Monarch,
New Brittonia
25-08-2007, 22:59
His Magesty, Emperor Haile Zenawa wishes to come to this meeting.
The Foreign Office of the Empire of Ethiopa
The Lord's Manor
Lisbon, Portugal
February, 1860
It was early morning when the meeting was scheduled to begin, and as usual, Lisbon was illuminated by a thin sheet of sunlight breaking through the clouds.
Fernando Cavar moved gently through the streets, walking briskly but with an unnoticed purpose. He was dressed in a woolen suit, with a hat tipped to the side. He had a leather briefcase in his hand, which was overflowing with pieces of notorized, official documents.
The Lord's Manor was the most grand of the houses along the row, and it overlooked the lesser neighborhoods below. As Fernando approached, he was nodded at by three African guards, each wearing the royal colors of the Portugese Armed Forces.
Entering the manor, he head toward the grand hall, where African cooks prepared proper Portugese meals, and silverware and placemats were being tended too. He sat down at the head of the table, and as the men finished decorating the room, he waited for the rest of the delegates to arrive.