Massive offshore oils found
20-08-2007, 02:25
From the Imperial Mandrivian capital of Krasnoeple:
Several science vessels in the Murtahg ocean, which touches most of Far Eastern Mandrivia found the presense of massive offshore oil fields in an area of many cubic kilmometres starting about 6 kilometres from the shore of Fort Thangorodrim, a seaside town and military/naval base.
As our great nation has not yet the infrastructure to extract even a fraction of these great oilfields in the fairly deep ocean, we are looking for any capitalist nation and their Oil industry to help extract the fossil fuels these monster oilfields. Though we are looking to keep the majority of the extracted oil for our own great needs (Though the Mandrivian Empire uses alot of public transportation and renewable resources our population of 1.5 billion still needs lots of oil), we are willing to trade off sizable portions of the oil to any nation which helps extract it.
Emperor Somerville
Yosif Kalinsky, Regent
Mak Olliin, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Michael Sergius, President of the Mandrivian Imperial Parliament
The Far Echo Islands
20-08-2007, 02:31
Official Goverment Response
The government of the Far Echo Islands will officially take control of these oil fields, with the permission of the Mandrivian government, but we will leave them un tapped. And we will preserve the ocean. We will also enact a 10 year program to make Mandrivia a 'green' nation relying on renewable and nuclear power, and phasing out oil as the Far Echo Islands has.
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
20-08-2007, 02:33
Official Goverment Response
The government of the Far Echo Islands will officially take control of these oil fields, with the permission of the Mandrivian government, but we will leave them un tapped. And we will preserve the ocean. We will also enact a 10 year program to make Mandrivia a 'green' nation relying on renewable and nuclear power, and phasing out oil as the Far Echo Islands has.
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
We would prefer to have them tapped. Not entirely though, so that the ecology of the area can still remain clean and the reserves to last.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-08-2007, 02:34
Gold Oil Offer
Gold Oil would be willing to buy these oil fields for one trillion standard dollars and give your nation priority access to the first barrels, as well as a 10 percent discount on everyy barrel.
20-08-2007, 02:38
Gold Oil Offer
Gold Oil would be willing to buy these oil fields for one trillion standard dollars and give your nation priority access to the first barrels, as well as a 10 percent discount on everyy barrel.
How many barrels would the first ones contain?
Also, make it a 12 percent discount and it's a deal.
The Order of America
20-08-2007, 02:38
The Order of America wishes to Partially extract and Produce in these Oil Fields. As our need for oil at the Moment is small due to our own oil fields we would only absorb 2% of all oil our Nation produces from this Oil field. Also in return for the Production of this Oil we would like to charge your nation 1% percent of all Production costs. If this deal is inappropriate for your nation perhaps we can continue Negotiations. Please inform us if it is too your liking. Gold Oil wishes to buy these Oil feilds in order correct me if I am wrong, to sell on an international scale my nation will allow you to maintain control of The fields giving us a 1% percent fee and 2% of oil Production that my friend is a deal......
Nova Pictavia
20-08-2007, 02:38
Official Communiqué
RE: Preservation of Mandrivian Oceans;
The Utopian Commonwealth of Nova Pictavia wishes to express its backing of CFEI's plan to preserve the oilfields of Mandrivia.
Upon request, Pictish engineers will be sent in order to oversee the construction of renewable energy supplies, and highly reccomends the consultation of The United Arcologies of Commonalitarianism on the subject.
In addition, depending on the financial circumstances of the operation, Nova Pictavia will provide substantial financial backing for this venture.
Sir Galan Mckay (Order of Utopian Warriors), First Minister of the New Pictish Parliament
20-08-2007, 02:39
Could then we perhaps compermise, with my government sending in inspectors annually to check on the enviromental impact of the rigs and regulate them when needed. Also, would you support our 'going green' program as previously proposed.
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
If you would be willing to do this for foreign rigs yes we could accept.
The Far Echo Islands
20-08-2007, 02:39
Could then we perhaps compromise, with my government sending in inspectors annually to check on the environmental impact of the rigs and regulate them when needed. Also, would you support our 'going green' program as previously proposed?
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
The PeoplesFreedom
20-08-2007, 02:40
Gold Oil Offer
Twelve percent is fine, as your nation will gain exclusive access to the first one hundred million barrels. After that, you can buy all that you please for the twelve percent discount.
20-08-2007, 02:42
Gold Oil Offer
Twelve percent is fine, as your nation will gain exclusive access to the first one hundred million barrels. After that, you can buy all that you please for the twelve percent discount.
If you are willing to let the Far Echo Islands inspect your rigs and ensure the ecology of the area is not vastly comprimised, then consider it a deal.
The Order of America
20-08-2007, 02:46
OOC: Perhaps you overlooked my post.....
The Far Echo Islands
20-08-2007, 02:46
If you would be willing to do this for foreign rigs yes we could accept.
Yes, we would be willing to do this on foreign rigs, however, we either needed your government's permission to because they are in your waters, or the permission of all nations who own a rig. The lesser is much simpler. We thank you for you cooperation and concern for the enviroment.
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
OOC: jolt time warps are weird, eh...
The Order of America
20-08-2007, 02:46
OOC: Perhaps you overlooked my post...
20-08-2007, 02:47
Yes, we would be willing to do this on foreign rigs, however, we either needed your government's permission to because they are in your waters, or the permission of all nations who own a rig. The lesser is much simpler. We thank you for you cooperation and concern for the enviroment.
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
You have our permission as well as the implementation of your green program, however we need The People's Collective's permission as well.
20-08-2007, 02:52
The Order of America wishes to Partially extract and Produce in these Oil Fields. As our need for oil at the Moment is small due to our own oil fields we would only absorb 2% of all oil our Nation produces from this Oil field. Also in return for the Production of this Oil we would like to charge your nation 1% percent of all Production costs. If this deal is inappropriate for your nation perhaps we can continue Negotiations. Please inform us if it is too your liking. Gold Oil wishes to buy these Oil feilds in order correct me if I am wrong, to sell on an international scale my nation will allow you to maintain control of The fields giving us a 1% percent fee and 2% of oil Production that my friend is a deal......
We could allow the Orderof America to rig about 2 - 5 percent of the oilfields. The rest of it is being minded by the People's collective.
The Far Echo Islands
20-08-2007, 02:54
Thank you for your permission. We will begin implementing the green program immediately. We will send you a detailed list of annual objectives later. The exact implementation will vary per terrain; however, we will make sure it will not harm your economy.
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
OOC: I’ll probably have that list tomorrow
The Binarian Petrolem Corporation wishes to purchase 10% of the field for to be used to produce large amounts gasoline, and plastics. We will not allow Far Echo Islands inspectors on or within a kilometer of the rig and within in 5 kilometers of the area surrounding.
20-08-2007, 03:49
The Binarian Petrolem Corporation wishes to purchase 10% of the field for to be used to produce large amounts gasoline, and plastics. We will not allow Far Echo Islands inspectors on or within a kilometer of the rig and within in 5 kilometers of the area surrounding.
We'll agree if if the area is reduced to 3 kilometeres within your rigs.
Here is the division of the offshores so far:
The People's Collective: 88 percent
The American Order 2 percent
1010102: 10 percent
We do not wish to have any more companies rig anymore of the oil at this time.
Also a warning to every nation who may try to exploit the rigs: The area, perimiter, and surrounding area of the oilfields is heavily defended by Mandrivian cruisers, battleships, and U-boats. All tankers are also armed in case of attack.
The Far Echo Islands
20-08-2007, 04:07
Inspector Authorities:
1. To be granted full access to the oil rig and facilities
2. To be granted the ability to document all problems and procedures used on the rig
3. To post advisory comments about the rig’s environmental impact in the form of an analysis score card on a scale of 0%-100%
4. To report any findings that merit a score lower than 95% to the Mandrivian government
5. To order a 48 hour shut down of any facility with a score lower than 50%
a. NOTE: only the Mandrivian government or the sovereign state operating the rig can order an extended shut down.
b. NOTE: to earn a score lower than 50% the operation would have to have critical errors in their conduct such as leaking excess amounts of oil into the ocean, leaking severe containments into the ocean, illegal or excessive unauthorized fishing practices, or an extreme violation of the ocean ecosystem. These errors would likely be avoided due the lack of efficiency they would cause on the rig. 6. To report on worker safety conditions to the Mandrivian government. The inspectors do not have the authority to act on any worker safety violations, only to report them to the Mandrivian government, and then the Mandrivian will act as it sees fit.
7. To answer to only the Mandrivian government requests to extend or limit their authority.
OOC: just thought you would like to see what these guys can and can’t do. That may make people more comfortable about letting them onto their rigs. You see, the Mandrivian government controls everything so this may change if they see anything they don’t like.
20-08-2007, 04:36
Inspector Authorities:
1. To be granted full access to the oil rig and facilities
2. To be granted the ability to document all problems and procedures used on the rig
3. To post advisory comments about the rig’s environmental impact in the form of an analysis score card on a scale of 0%-100%
4. To report any findings that merit a score lower than 95% to the Mandrivian government
5. To order a 48 hour shut down of any facility with a score lower than 50%
a. NOTE: only the Mandrivian government or the sovereign state operating the rig can order an extended shut down.
b. NOTE: to earn a score lower than 50% the operation would have to have critical errors in their conduct such as leaking excess amounts of oil into the ocean, leaking severe containments into the ocean, illegal or excessive unauthorized fishing practices, or an extreme violation of the ocean ecosystem. These errors would likely be avoided due the lack of efficiency they would cause on the rig. 6. To report on worker safety conditions to the Mandrivian government. The inspectors do not have the authority to act on any worker safety violations, only to report them to the Mandrivian government, and then the Mandrivian will act as it sees fit.
7. To answer to only the Mandrivian government requests to extend or limit their authority.
OOC: This is the best idea for industrial espionage ever and I cannot say how happy we are that you have learned so well from us. Hell, even as a plant for international 'green' terrorists it is a great idea.
We are so proud of you.
OOC; Echo islands, that better not apply to my oil rigs.
IC: We argge to lower it to 3 km.
The Draco Conglomerate is willing to offer the appropriate parties a sum to total 2.3 trillion dollars for access and drilling rights to the entirety of these fields.
The Conglomerate has much experience in clean oil drilling and refining processes that have minimal environmental impact. We are perfectly willing to allow third party watchdog organizations access to our rigs as long as they agree to be escorted at all times and to not hold The Draco Conglomerate, it's agents, subsidiaries or employee's liable for their personal safety as Oil Rigs are a dangerous environment. (OOC:Not a threat...unless it needs to be. We've just had some problems with green-peacers who had no business in any industrial setting demanding to inspect our rigs and then suing when they stubbed a toe).
The Mandrivian government will receive a ten percent cut of all profits (can be made payable as barrels of oil at request) and a preference will be given for Mandrivian citizens when hiring personnel to operate these facilities.
All points are negotiable.
Thank you for Considering business with The Draco Conglomerate.
The Far Echo Islands
20-08-2007, 05:15
OOC; Echo islands, that better not apply to my oil rigs.
IC: We argge to lower it to 3 km.
OOC: technically, that is up to Mandrivia, it's in their waters.
20-08-2007, 17:26
@Far Echo Islands: We agree.
@Far Echo Islands: We agree.
OOC: since we made an agreement, that doesn't apply to me right?
Message to: Mandrivia
From: Stevidian Oil and Gas Inc.
We urge Mandrivia not to be too hasty in allowing nations to drill the entire oil fields that have been discovered but to look to nations that actually have a long and illustrious histroy with oil and natural gas drilling. We are ofcourse talking about ourselves- the Stevidian Oil and Gas Incorporation.
While many nations can claim this, we actually have proof. Stevidian Oil and Gas is one of the largest industries in the world, let alone the Empire. The Holy Empire fought a war with several nations to safeguard drilling rigs in the now infamous Otium Aqua Sea which led to the total securment of the oil fields plus gaining hundreds upon hundreds of nautical miles of sea with oil rich caves.
Stevidian errect rigs within a matter of weeks, man them, and have them fully operational only days after construction. The Royal Navy and Royal Air Force (with tyhe permission of your government and in accordance with Stevidian Anti-Piracy conventions) will even support the defence and well being of the oil fields.
For the construction, manning and continous drilling of these rigs, all we ask is a small percentage of the profits, we hope for 10% but you may adjust this reasonably to your liking. We can promise 100% efficiency of the rigs and simply better mining than any other nation. We could even negoiate further to lend sea tankers to helkp you transport the oil abroad.
We hope you accept the offer over others. If you do accept it is a decision you will never regret.
Begining of the war- Guffingford and Stevid fight over the Otium Aqua. Stevid wins in the olong-term and controls the entire sea and provides defence for a growing oil industry. (
(Yeah, I know it's a long tread but somewhere in the middle me and an ally successfully defend the sea) This is the whole war almost covered, it was here an enemy counter-attacked the sea and the Royal Navy there. The RN mounted a successful defence of the sea and the oil fields were secured till the end of the war. (
Blackhelm Confederacy
21-08-2007, 15:13
We wish for 10% of your oil fields to be surrendered to the Griffincrest Corporation. You have 48 hours to comply with these demands, or else missiles will be launched at targets of opportunity throughout your nation.
- Jack Phoenixclaw
Chairman, Board of Investors
We wish for 10% of your oil fields to be surrendered to the Griffincrest Corporation. You have 48 hours to comply with these demands, or else missiles will be launched at targets of opportunity throughout your nation.
- Jack Phoenixclaw
Chairman, Board of Investors
The Griffincrest Corporation shall do no such thing with out being hindered by Binaria. You will not take this oil field like you have so many others. If you missile attack is launched, expect a response from the Binarian millitary. You will not get away with bullying nations into doing what you wish forever.
OOC: Can't you leave one oilfield with out you in, or controling it?
We wish for 10% of your oil fields to be surrendered to the Griffincrest Corporation. You have 48 hours to comply with these demands, or else missiles will be launched at targets of opportunity throughout your nation.
- Jack Phoenixclaw
Chairman, Board of Investors
The Draco Conglomerate would like to inform the Griffincrest Corp. that any action taken against potential Conglomerate holding, partner or resource will be treated as an action taken against current holdings and responded to as such.
If Draco Conglomerate negotiations with Mandrivia are concluded favorably, we will be happy to sell rights to portions of the Mandrivian Fields to Griffencrest at a reasonable price.
Thank you for considering business with The Draco Conglomerate
Imperial isa
21-08-2007, 18:34
OOC: Can't you leave one oilfield with out you in, or controling it?
OOC i asked that once and got back Nope from BC
Nova Pictavia
21-08-2007, 18:40
Official Comununiqué
Addressing The GriffenCrest Corporation.
Nova Pictavia reinforces the stance of our fellow EVIL ally; The Binarian Empire. The CA will not have any involvement in the forceful acquisition of Mandrivian oilfields.
Furthermore, we fully support our ally, CFEI in his inspection of the drilling processes. We seriously doubt that under the control of any CA nation, these inspections would be authorized. It is with this opinion that we speak on behalf of the Utopian Commonwealth that all oilfields will be defended against CA aggression.
High Commander Slaam Rousse (OUW), NPAF
OOC i asked that once and got back Nope from BC
ooc: here we go again...:rolleyes:
21-08-2007, 20:16
OOC: Can't you leave one oilfield with out you in, or controling it?
You can, you just have to be big enough for them not to dare to touch you.
21-08-2007, 20:45
Two hundred and three nautical miles (and coincidentally, or perhaps not so coincidentally, outside the Mandrivian EEZ) from Fort Thangorodrim - a stunningly tasteless name, in the eyes of the Menelmacari - there floated on the waves what appeared to be a platform, of considerable size. It was stabilized in the water by a long vertical spar, which extended both above and below the platform itself. Small gravitic craft, few much larger than a large helicopter, flitted about, coming and going, dropping off personnel on a pair of pads at one corner of the facility. Almost as soon as one had lifted off, another landed; it was important to begin production as soon as possible.
It certainly didn't look, at first glance, like an oil rig. Rather than appearing in the skeletal and industrial decor common to human-built rigs, most of the machinery was concealed behind the elegant towers, curved surfaces, and fluted spires of the elves. There were even, here and there, small gardens, and in a couple of places even waterfalls and cascades of water pumped directly out of the sea. There were also additional hab units under the waterline, giving the crew of the rig a view of the marine life. It was considerably more than required for the job, but to the Noldor, anything worth building was a work of art. But, an oil rig is what it was, and attached to the underside of the platform were vast armored tanks, multiple-hulled to avoid spills. Burn-off, too, would be eliminated; instead the natural gas that was often found with crude oil would be saved, and tanked separately in LNG form. It was not that the Menelmacari didn't care about the environment... it was really more the presumptuousness of primitive barbarian states that dared to question their efforts to safeguard it that irritated them. Inspections, pah! Not bloody likely.
The engineering involved was ambitious, to say the least. It would take directional drilling to a new level; the veritable sea of oil near Mandrivia terminated nearly fifty miles away. But the Menelmacari could build it - so they would, and even now, the first length of drill bit was inserted into the spar, and lowered down towards the seabed.
21-08-2007, 20:55
Open Declaration
Given that Griffincrest's demand was only 10% of the oilfield, we suggest that the demand be accepted, in order to prevent bloodshed or a viscous black liquid.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
You can, you just have to be big enough for them not to dare to touch you.
OOC: yeah. bit everytime one of these threads pop up, he tries to take over the oil field.
21-08-2007, 23:49
OOC: yeah. bit everytime one of these threads pop up, he tries to take over the oil field.
Maybe these threads should stop popping up...:p
OOC: hmm maybe I should start one.
OOC: Guess I'm the rarity then, heh, he didn't take a bite at my thread involving oil, though I'm guessing my size put him off, heheh.
OOC: I remember he wanted a oil field I found once, but I quickly sold it.;)
22-08-2007, 02:24
The Wilhelm-Hatarian Empire strongly urges the nation of Mandravia not to give up a single oil field to the Blackhelm Confederacy. We would also like to warn the Blackhelm Confederacy that if they launch an attack on Mandravia, then the Empire will take action to defend that nation from harm.
Count on it.
The Order of America
22-08-2007, 02:52
Due to the Confirmation of Our Oil Field Mining Operation if any action of a Military Nature taken by Griffencrest Corporation, The OoA will consider investing Military Actions against the Corporate Alliance.
22-08-2007, 03:00
OOC: It's funny how these '06 and '07 nations are threatening the Corporate Alliance. The CA is one of the most powerful alliances out there. You guys would just be a thorn in their side.
The Order of America
22-08-2007, 03:04
I am fully aware of the Power of the CA, as I have been educated in this matter through very Forceful techniques. I Respect there power but by no means will I willfully bow down to nations of more power then I.
22-08-2007, 03:21
OOC: It's funny how these '06 and '07 nations are threatening the Corporate Alliance. The CA is one of the most powerful alliances out there. You guys would just be a thorn in their side.
This from a nation who's only been around a total of three RL months? Just wait a while, build up your country, and gain some experience from RPing. Do this and at some point, it becomes possible to take on anyone.
OOC: It's funny how these '06 and '07 nations are threatening the Corporate Alliance. The CA is one of the most powerful alliances out there. You guys would just be a thorn in their side.
OOC: the CA is tied up by the NPE. This would just be another front.
22-08-2007, 03:26
OOC: the CA is tied up by the NPE. This would just be another front.
OOC: Yeah, I'm CA and I don't think we could manage another front when we're already involved in the crushing of the NPE - it's going down much harder than we expected.
22-08-2007, 03:30
This from a nation who's only been around a total of three RL months?
Yes, it is. Why, is there a problem with that?
OOC: Yeah, I'm CA and I don't think we could manage another front when we're already involved in the crushing of the NPE - it's going down much harder than we expected.
OOC: you underesitmated your oppenent which is a big no-no.
22-08-2007, 03:41
OOC: you underesitmated your oppenent which is a big no-no.
OOC: What you talkin' 'bout Willis? >:O
I was ready to move in a fleet to help out BC, but meh, guess not...
OOC: What you talkin' 'bout Willis? >:O
I was ready to move in a fleet to help out BC, but meh, guess not...
OOC: like they could do anything. Everybody knows that traitors make for bad combatants.:p
22-08-2007, 06:26
OOC: It's funny how these '06 and '07 nations are threatening the Corporate Alliance. The CA is one of the most powerful alliances out there. You guys would just be a thorn in their side.
22-08-2007, 14:05
Blackhelm is hardly asking for anything. Ten percent.
22-08-2007, 16:24
Blackhelm is hardly asking for anything. Ten percent.
Ten percent is too little too much for the Blackhelm Confederacy. If Mandravia gives up this relatively small area, then it will only reinforce the Confederacy's belief that it can use threats and intimidation to secure oil wealth. Well, that's not going to be the case. A line must be drawn, and that line is in front of Mandravia. Do these things legally. Or not at all.
Our warning still stands.
22-08-2007, 16:29
OOC: Yeah, I'm CA and I don't think we could manage another front when we're already involved in the crushing of the NPE - it's going down much harder than we expected.
Some of us aren't tied up with that mess.
Some of us aren't tied up with that mess.
OOC: thats because the NPE is ignoring you for your little star destroyer thing.
22-08-2007, 23:36
OOC: thats because the NPE is ignoring you for your little star destroyer thing.
Meh. They should get over it, it's been awhile, and I attribute that to newbieness.
But this is not the place to discuss that.
23-08-2007, 08:12
OOC: Is someone going to actually RP, or not?
OOC: we're waiting for blackhelm to post. When or if, he does it will start again.
Blackhelm Confederacy
23-08-2007, 19:11
The Griffincrest Corporation shall do no such thing with out being hindered by Binaria. You will not take this oil field like you have so many others. If you missile attack is launched, expect a response from the Binarian millitary. You will not get away with bullying nations into doing what you wish forever.
OOC: Can't you leave one oilfield with out you in, or controling it?
OOC: Not when they are from these little guys.
IC: The Binarian military is already engaging operations with our security forces. In due time, your nation will feel the fist of the Corporate Alliance on their own soil, just like so many others. Sending men here, away from your homeland, would be foolish.
The Draco Conglomerate would like to inform the Griffincrest Corp. that any action taken against potential Conglomerate holding, partner or resource will be treated as an action taken against current holdings and responded to as such.
If Draco Conglomerate negotiations with Mandrivia are concluded favorably, we will be happy to sell rights to portions of the Mandrivian Fields to Griffencrest at a reasonable price.
Thank you for considering business with The Draco Conglomerate
Since Mondoth is an ally, we will consider holding out on military action.
23-08-2007, 19:59
We wish for 10% of your oil fields to be surrendered to the Griffincrest Corporation. You have 48 hours to comply with these demands, or else missiles will be launched at targets of opportunity throughout your nation.
- Jack Phoenixclaw
Chairman, Board of Investors
Try it. I dare you.
Those who are willing to help defend our oildfields, please state so here. The Mandrivian Navy is something to be reckoned with, and even when far outnumbered, can be like a giant fly trying to bite a warrior. We'll always be a thorn in our enemies' side.
OOC: Not when they are from these little guys.
IC: The Binarian military is already engaging operations with our security forces. In due time, your nation will feel the fist of the Corporate Alliance on their own soil, just like so many others. Sending men here, away from your homeland, would be foolish.
Sending troops to attack some small country over oil while you're being fought toth and nail and not gaining anything, is just as foolish. Every attemp you've launched at the New Prussian Empire has failed. Your forces are being crushed. We are a vast nation, with considerable resources, and if you attemp to lay your greedy hands on this nations oil, then you shall see just how powerful the Binarians are.
23-08-2007, 20:13
Sending troops to attack some small country over oil while you're being fought toth and nail and not gaining anything, is just as foolish. Every attemp you've launched at the New Prussian Empire has failed. Your forces are being crushed. We are a vast nation, with considerable resources, and if you attemp to lay your greedy hands on this nations oil, then you shall see just how powerful the Binarians are.
Excellent. We'll see how empty the Confederacy's threats are soon enough.
The Order of America
23-08-2007, 21:38
As The Blackhelm Confederacy is a threat to OoA Interests in this area we will defend it with Military force if necessary. Our Military would be proud to Strand by Mandrivia.
Since Mondoth is an ally, we will consider holding out on military action.
OOC: Crimminy Jicket! I forgot about that O.o
Also, Mandrivia, I'm kinda waiting on a response to my initial offer.
24-08-2007, 12:23
Nárthelion Ar-Feiniel, the OIM (offshore installation manager) of what had been dubbed Núralokë Minë (Deep Serpent One) stood at the window of his office in one of the higher towers of what would, hopefully, be but the first Menelmacari rig on the 'Mandrivian' oilfield. Although, of course, it wasn't on the field, it was fifty miles from it, a distance now rapidly being closed with every passing hour. From here he could see the stabilizing spar, which had the extra benefit of being able to accept a greater length of drill segment at a time than most rigs. The spar also had piping running up from the storage tanks; gravitic tanker vessels could hover above and take on many millions of barrels to bring to any refinery in the empire, or directly to market. This fulfilled the same function as the separate floating offloading buoys common to many more primitive offshore installations.
Nárthelion frowned as the drilling stopped; but it was not long before another length had been added to the drill, and the work resumed. He waved a hand over a scanner built into his desk, and a likewise built-in holoprojector snapped to life, giving the elf a full three-dimensional holoprojection of the oil formation, the rocks around it, the water above, and other rigs scattered about. He could watch the progress of other drilling efforts, as well as his own; wells in progress were shown as luminescent red lines through the rock formations. But Nárthelion's crew was already more than halfway there.
One could not simply bore fifty miles - most of it nearly horizontal - at one go. In fact, it was a much slower process than most people realized - though not so slow as for other peoples. What the Menelmacari were using was in fact not really a drill, per se, at all, but a specialized articulated sort of plasma lance that would literally melt its way through the rock. It would only be for the last section that an actual drill would be used, and this only to avoid literally igniting the entire reservoir. It seemed unlikely, but this could theoretically happen; there were, in fact, coal beds that had been burning, underground, for decades. Even still, it would be weeks yet before oil began to flow, let alone before the first tanker would arrive, but so far things were proceeding ahead of schedule and on budget.
Try it. I dare you.
Those who are willing to help defend our oildfields, please state so here. The Mandrivian Navy is something to be reckoned with, and even when far outnumbered, can be like a giant fly trying to bite a warrior. We'll always be a thorn in our enemies' side.
We will respect your sovereignty in this chaotic time; your ownership over the oilfields should not be challenged seeing as they are rightfully yours. Stevid promotes the sea to be a just and free place and the only laws that bind it are nation laws (so long as they fall over a country’s national waters) or international laws. A threat to your waters is a threat to you and peace on the sea to which we now challenge directly.
Stevid will help you defend the oil fields. You stress that your navy is not up to a long haul fight but can be a thorn in the enemy’s side. I tell you that the Royal Navy of Stevid is no thorn- it is a juggernaut, a giant juggernaut. Military funding is through the roof and the Navy gets the most of it. If you wish protection from our navy then you can expect full support of the Holy Empire and the brute fury of the Royal Navy- a navy that has proven it can stand up to the odds and beat them.
All you have to do is ask and we can guarantee the safety of your country, your seas and oilfields.
[[For information on my military please check the Stevid MoD in my signature]]
The Order of America
24-08-2007, 15:22
C & O Mining Industries Requests to send its Oil Rigs to the area Granted to us by Mandrivia. If given Permission our Oil Rigs will be Escorted by Military Forces.
Blackhelm Confederacy
26-08-2007, 20:55
Sending troops to attack some small country over oil while you're being fought toth and nail and not gaining anything, is just as foolish. Every attemp you've launched at the New Prussian Empire has failed. Your forces are being crushed. We are a vast nation, with considerable resources, and if you attemp to lay your greedy hands on this nations oil, then you shall see just how powerful the Binarians are.
We right now maintain a firm control over the Prussian nation formerly known as the Grosse Reich. We are, by no means, being crushed sir. Two other nations have also fallen to the hammer of the Corporate Alliance, and you have yet to displace our forces. Do not speak as if you are winning in this conflict.
26-08-2007, 21:03
Heavily Encrypted Message to Mandrivia
The Mandalorian Empire of Maldorians would like to send a welcoming hand to the nation of Mandrivia. Because we are in the same alliance as Griffencrest, we will not engage them. Rather, we will send a small, handpicked group of Maldorian troops to your oil region in an effort to act as a last line of defense. If any non-CA members join the side of Griffencrest, then we will immediately engage them...
Good luck!
~High General A'Den
-Commander-In-Chief of all Maldorian forces.
26-08-2007, 21:48
An Alfa-class submarine approached the Menelmacari vessel at a very slow speed.
The Alfa sub halted about five miles from the vessel.
Hoping to get some kind of connection, the sub transmitted this message:
--ELF Secure Traffic--
Greetings, Menelmacari Vessel.
This is a message from the Akimonadite Sub Featherborne.
The Autocratic Federated Empire has seen what you are doing, and we want in on it.
The Order of America
26-08-2007, 22:11
As we have Oil rigs in this Area O & C Mining Industries has Appealed to the OoA Government to Provide there Corporation Protection, Their Appeals have been approved. The OoA has dispatched Naval Vessels including our Custom Made Dominator Class Carrier for the Defense of Our rigs. If any rig Or Naval Vessel is attacked by any Nation it will be considered an act of war.
Drexel Hillsville
26-08-2007, 22:47
As we have Oil rigs in this Area O & C Mining Industries has Appealed to the OoA Government to Provide there Corporation Protection, Their Appeals have been approved. The OoA has dispatched Naval Vessels including our Custom Made Dominator Class Carrier for the Defense of Our rigs. If any rig Or Naval Vessel is attacked by any Nation it will be considered an act of war.
OOC: Specs please?
The Order of America
26-08-2007, 22:57
Type: Super Carrier
Manufacturer: DMG Military Industries
- 12 500k, GEN. Dynamics, Nuclear Steam Plants
Length: 800
Width: 200 m
Draught: 12.8 m
Displacement: 890,000 tons
-40 (normal)
-60 knots (sprint)
-400x aircraft(200 F/A-18E Super Hornet & 50 C Harriers & 150 F-35 Black Widow II
Elevators: 9
Catapults: 9
Hull Type: Conventional
--60x Firestorm Missile Launchers (Retractable below deck)
--20x Torpedo Tubes (10x Mark 48 each)
--30x MK 15 Phalanx CIWS
--65x VLS Cells
--25x Guardian Turrets
--6x AMCCG
--4x DMI Mark IV 3-barrelled 30-inch ETC guns [15 guns]
--2x DMI Mark IV 2-barrelled 18-inch coilguns [6 guns]
--3x DMI Mark IV 4-barrelled 14-inch railguns [16 guns]
Armor: 1400mm Triad Armour
Air Search Radar: DMI LR50 3-D air search radar
Surface Search Radar: CPS-51X
Sonar: APDS system
-Triad Armour (1400mm)
-Guardian Turrets
-Mist Refraction
Type: Super Carrier
Manufacturer: DMG Military Industries
- 12 500k, GEN. Dynamics, Nuclear Steam Plants
Length: 800
Width: 200 m
Draught: 12.8 m
Displacement: 890,000 tons
-40 (normal)
-60 knots (sprint)
-400x aircraft(200 F/A-18E Super Hornet & 50 C Harriers & 150 F-35 Black Widow II
Elevators: 9
Catapults: 9
Hull Type: Conventional
--60x Firestorm Missile Launchers (Retractable below deck)
--20x Torpedo Tubes (10x Mark 48 each)
--30x MK 15 Phalanx CIWS
--65x VLS Cells
--25x Guardian Turrets
--6x AMCCG
--4x DMI Mark IV 3-barrelled 30-inch ETC guns [15 guns]
--2x DMI Mark IV 2-barrelled 18-inch coilguns [6 guns]
--3x DMI Mark IV 4-barrelled 14-inch railguns [16 guns]
Armor: 1400mm Triad Armour
Air Search Radar: DMI LR50 3-D air search radar
Surface Search Radar: CPS-51X
Sonar: APDS system
-Triad Armour (1400mm)
-Guardian Turrets
-Mist Refraction
OOC: I know he put lots of thought and time into that carrier as well as all his other stuff, but 30" guns on a carrier and in that number is simply silly.
EDIT: God there are so many things wrong with that ship.
So many things wrong? Is there anything right about that carrier?
OoA, do yourself a favor and check out The NS Draftroom ( before you commit any more atrocities on that scale.
The Order of America
27-08-2007, 21:42
eh, I did Not know this thread was for constructive Criticism.........DMG built it and I mus t admit these guys costed quite a bit of money to Construct.....
eh, I did Not know this thread was for constructive Criticism.........DMG built it and I mus t admit these guys costed quite a bit of money to Construct.....
I hope you got a good return policy then....
For starters, you have more than twenty times the number of combat aircraft of a Nimitz class carrier with less than three times the flight-deck. even if that scaled proportionately (it doesn't) one of these carriers would only be able to support ~180 combat aircraft.
And that doesn't even take into account allt he deck space being used by the things absurd array of weapons, seriously, check out the NS draftroom, I don't normally criticize peoples equipment in the middle of an RP thread like this but...daaaaaaaamn, you've got the load out of four or five separate ships crammed into one.
Also, ditch the Harriers and F/A-18s, the F-35 is superior to both (assuming you take a mix of C (carrier take off) and B (STOVL) models.
The F-35 was designed to replace both of those (The F-18E/F was an interim fighter only approved for political reasons and only put into service past the service date of the F-35 due to budget restraints)
But I've taken enough of your time and enough space on this thread, go on, to the draftroom with you.
, go on, to the draftroom with you.
And take DMG with you, he needs some help with his ships.
Also, back to the rp, assuming you really are going to use this hidious "carrier", I think it is a tad over kill. I'm amazed this thread has nearly turned into a war rp simply by a young nation asking other countries to drill it for him. Bit unrealistic.
29-08-2007, 01:04
Nárthelion frowned as his holo showed the approaching submarine. This was a surprise; he had expected company from Mandrivia or any of the various nations attempting to usurp the field via force rather than subterfuge. But a random fourth party had been unexpected.
"My lord," an aide stepped in from the control room - the closest the rig had to a bridge - and said to him, "We have a message from the submarine. Came in over ELF."
Nárthelion nodded. "Well, play it, and we'll respond the same way..."
Greetings, Menelmacari Vessel.
This is a message from the Akimonadite Sub Featherborne.
The Autocratic Federated Empire has seen what you are doing, and we want in on it.
Nárthelion nodded. "Here's the message to send back..."
Attention Akimonadite Attack Submarine Featherborne, this is Offshore Installation Manager Nárthelion Ar-Feiniel aboard the Fëacemna Hróti Petroleum Extraction Platform Núralokë Minë.
While Menelmacari, and specifically Fëacemna Hróti-owned, installations are not in the habit of giving cuts of extractions, we cannot reasonably claim exclusivity over this particular deposit. If your people are interested, we can offer first crack at purchasing the oil we extract, or alternatively you're welcome to pull up a rig and stay a while.
Given the extreme engineering and technical difficulties of extracting oil in this manner, over fifty miles of lateral displacement, Fëacemna Hróti, Inc. also offers engineering consulting services. We are attaching a catalog of those services with this transmission. While it is considerably more expensive, we recommend the premium package, as it comes with a discount on the lease of a plasma lance drilling assembly for the duration of drilling, as well as on transmitted power to keep it running - a plasma lance's energy requirements are prodigious, but it will enable you to commence production considerably more quickly than with conventional drilling techniques.
We look forward to your response.
Núralokë Minë - Deep Serpent One, the name of the Menelmacari rig
Fëacemna Hróti - Earthspirit Mines, the company which owns Núralokë Minë and employs Nárthelion and his crew
OOC: I know he put lots of thought and time into that carrier as well as all his other stuff, but 30" guns on a carrier and in that number is simply silly.
EDIT: God there are so many things wrong with that ship.
[OOC: I did not design this ship.]
29-08-2007, 01:25
Something beeped in the conn. There was a new message.
Attention Akimonadite Attack Submarine Featherborne, this is Offshore Installation Manager Nárthelion Ar-Feiniel aboard the Fëacemna Hróti Petroleum Extraction Platform Núralokë Minë.
While Menelmacari, and specifically Fëacemna Hróti-owned, installations are not in the habit of giving cuts of extractions, we cannot reasonably claim exclusivity over this particular deposit. If your people are interested, we can offer first crack at the oil we extract, or alternatively you're welcome to pull up a rig and stay a while.
Given the extreme engineering and technical difficulties of extracting oil in this manner, over fifty miles of lateral displacement, Fëacemna Hróti, Inc. also offers engineering consulting services. We are attaching a catalog of those services with this transmission. While it is considerably more expensive, we recommend the premium package, as it comes with a discount on the lease of a plasma lance drilling assembly for the duration of drilling, as well as on transmitted power to keep it running - a plasma lance's energy requirements are prodigious, but it will enable you to commence production considerably more quickly than with conventional drilling techniques.
We look forward to your response.
The skipper pondered this message for a moment.
A reply was sent.
To: Núralokë Minë
We would like to plant a rig in the area.
We are also interested in the premium package that was mentioned.
An oil rig got underway in Akimonad.
[OOC: I did not design this ship.]
OOC: Whoever did needs some much needed guidance
Mandrivia, Stevid's pledge to defend your rightly owned oil fields remains open and we will be more than willing to send a small task force to help safeguard the oil fields. We ask nothing in return from you.
Draftrooms=Joke....almost everything on NS is wanked if you use anything past existing MT...Naval wise SD's in particular are wanked to unimaginable proportions...that carrier is also wanked all to hell
Clandonia Prime
29-08-2007, 15:57
OOC: Rofl, 30 inch guns on a carrier oh dear god no... And the draftroom is no joke, do not mess with draftroom.
OOC: Rofl, 30 inch guns on a carrier oh dear god no... And the draftroom is no joke, do not mess with draftroom.
OOC: Right on, also that's what I thought when I saw the guns on that thing. This boat isn't wide enough to take a flight deck and guns the size of a small mansion. Whoever designed it has created a monster ship that simply isn't feasible- even in NS!
Just so we don't seem like complete thread hijackers I must then heavily advise The Order of America not to use this carrier and promote its removal from DMG's storefront. He says he didn't design it and I believe him but any self respecting nation my end up buying one thinking it's great when this thing simply can not float let travel at 60 knots. (60knts, fast destroyers on NS can't even travel at that speed!)
The Order of America
29-08-2007, 23:23
OOC: Yes it is hideous but its still has been I am an a mature at this sorta stuff I had not a clue what I was doing but there it is.........It was a custom order on My part...i suppose DMG thought it was hideous to......:(
Its 35 Knots as DMG said that 45 was non feasible
The Order of America
29-08-2007, 23:26
I might Post it on the Draft room where I can make some adjustments on it.....
30-08-2007, 04:10
Those who are drilling in our oilfields are welcome to bring any kind of defense they wish. Furthermore, to any nations who are or are thinking of ever exploiting our offshores:
Hope you like watching your illegal drilling rigs go up in flames.
30-08-2007, 05:44
Heavily Encrypted Message to Mandrivia
The Mandalorian Empire of Maldorians would like to send a welcoming hand to the nation of Mandrivia. Because we are in the same alliance as Griffencrest, we will not engage them. Rather, we will send a small, handpicked group of Maldorian troops to your oil region in an effort to act as a last line of defense. If any non-CA members join the side of Griffencrest, then we will immediately engage them...
Good luck!
~High General A'Den
-Commander-In-Chief of all Maldorian forces.
OOC: Is this a yes or a no? I don't have oil, but I will help you.
OOC: Rofl, 30 inch guns on a carrier oh dear god no... And the draftroom is no joke, do not mess with draftroom.
Okay...sure the draftroom isn't a joke...give me some of the Hallucinogens you're on please my current stash obviously isn't up to par with whatever you have...ships with VLS tubes capable of launching off thousands of ICBM sized 30+ inch guns and what not and then making a ship the size of a small island capable of carrying 1000+ troops and tanks along with the 1000+ crew it takes to sail the thing and then you add 100+ planes or whatever it carries...the draftroom is a joke and one of the biggest examples of how wanked NS is the things they allow and then the things they don't allow is quite comical..if you take them seriously I feel sorry for you.
Okay...sure the draftroom isn't a joke...give me some of the Hallucinogens you're on please my current stash obviously isn't up to par with whatever you have...ships with VLS tubes capable of launching off thousands of ICBM sized 30+ inch guns and what not and then making a ship the size of a small island capable of carrying 1000+ troops and tanks along with the 1000+ crew it takes to sail the thing and then you add 100+ planes or whatever it carries...the draftroom is a joke and one of the biggest examples of how wanked NS is the things they allow and then the things they don't allow is quite comical..if you take them seriously I feel sorry for you.
What are you on? That's exactly the sort of designs the Draftroom discourages hit, not even just discourages, they hate that kind of thing worse than you do. The NSDraftroom is the one place on NS where some sensibility reigns. I don't know where you got those Ideas, but you've somehow confused Draftroom designs with those from the rest of NS.
No the draftroom approves things like the massive SD's and the're better off using your own common sense than relying on the draftroom to tell whats wanked and what isn't...of course thats all up to your own personal preferences and such...
No the draftroom approves things like the massive SD's and the're better off using your own common sense than relying on the draftroom to tell whats wanked and what isn't...of course thats all up to your own personal preferences and such...
That's not true, the Super Dreadnought is a feasible piece of floating artillery. It's just no nation in the RL world afford it. They use complex mathematics to work out dimensions and all sorts- not just for ships but also the armour on tanks.
It's complex stuff and no one can say it's wanked because the ships that float the seas today are designed via the same mathematical principles that the draftroom uses to work out displacement etc.
You could build a SD...all the things thrown on to them though are what make them wanked...they end up being a lot more than a floating piece of artillery..which would cost billions of dollars to maintain..the draftroom is good for things like...if you're building a ship...don't use Titanium..and small technical things like that...still common sense is best to use if you want to talk about things being wanked or not.
You could build a SD...all the things thrown on to them though are what make them wanked...
I dunno how, a 30" cannon is possible (I don't put them on mine- too big so I use 25"). The only reason why SD's are hard to accept by people is because they can't imagine them in the real world. They don't belong in RL, there's no point in them at. Carriers fulfilled that role, but in NS fleet actions almost always require them.
I find NS supercarriers work just fine...SD's IMO only exist because people are fascinated with the romanticized battleships from ww1 and ww2...
The Warmaster
30-08-2007, 17:52
OOC: Just to pop in here for my two cents; Gataway, you're both right and wrong. Right, because that carrier is very poorly designed. But dead wrong if you think the Draftroom is a joke. The guys on there know infinitely more than you about what is feasible and what is not. SDs exist in NS because people like gigantic battleships, but they could be built in RL too. They're just not practical. In NS, however, they are great assets; it's helpful for one ship to be able to sink an entire fleet by itself. Remember that NS will ALWAYS be larger than life, because of the nature of the game; the fact that nations can get so big justifies massive armies, impervious economies, and everything else that people get away with on NS. So everything is 'wanked' compared to RL, but this ISN'T RL, and the Draftroom does a great job of keeping things realistic while dealing with the NS-sized nature of things.
OOC: Just to pop in here for my two cents; Gataway, you're both right and wrong. Right, because that carrier is very poorly designed. But dead wrong if you think the Draftroom is a joke. The guys on there know infinitely more than you about what is feasible and what is not. SDs exist in NS because people like gigantic battleships, but they could be built in RL too. They're just not practical. In NS, however, they are great assets; it's helpful for one ship to be able to sink an entire fleet by itself. Remember that NS will ALWAYS be larger than life, because of the nature of the game; the fact that nations can get so big justifies massive armies, impervious economies, and everything else that people get away with on NS. So everything is 'wanked' compared to RL, but this ISN'T RL, and the Draftroom does a great job of keeping things realistic while dealing with the NS-sized nature of things.
Yes they know infinitely more than me...when several times I've spent less than 5 mins googling and can find an article to refute something they claimed.except for some technical things.going back to the not using titanium to build a ship....which I agree with them on....and SD's can hardly sink an entire fleet on their answer to SD's is a tactical nuke...a "lame" weapon to defeat a "lame" piece of equipment that or use a "goldeneye" type EMP focused weapon and turn the SD into a giant heap of floating metal without eyes ears or a means to move around...if they choose to ignore my tactical nuke I ignore their SD same with the focused EMP win either for NS being wanked...I've given up on trying to keep anything realistic on this game...pretty much whatever you can conjure up in your long as its not totally insane like this aircraft acceptable...and giving up on realism is my biggest reason for going towards can have an armada of SD's wont do any good when they're being bombarded from space
30-08-2007, 17:59
Why invest in offshore oil fields when you can invest in offshore energy generation stations. We are currently deploying some of our first offshore wave energy generators for the world market. These represent a new generation of energy technology. A permanent source of continuous energy from the ocean tides. These aquabuoys can provide clean renewable energy on a continous basis.
Please contact us if you are interested.
Mimi Ohyes, Minister of Trade
OOC: This is from a company I am invested in, so it might be considered advertising. I do have an interest in this on a personal level.
Clandonia Prime
30-08-2007, 18:05
Yes they know infinitely more than me...when several times I've spent less than 5 mins googling and can find an article to refute something they claimed.except for some technical things.going back to the not using titanium to build a ship....which I agree with them on....and SD's can hardly sink an entire fleet on their answer to SD's is a tactical nuke...a "lame" weapon to defeat a "lame" piece of equipment that or use a "goldeneye" type EMP focused weapon and turn the SD into a giant heap of floating metal without eyes ears or a means to move around...if they choose to ignore my tactical nuke I ignore their SD same with the focused EMP win either for NS being wanked...I've given up on trying to keep anything realistic on this game...pretty much whatever you can conjure up in your long as its not totally insane like this aircraft acceptable...and giving up on realism is my biggest reason for going towards can have an armada of SD's wont do any good when they're being bombarded from space
OOC: OK so you could use tactical nukes but then again I would probably do the same against your navy and considering how well SD's are protected in my navy it would be incredibly hard to sneak a missile or aircraft in with the amount of radar and UAV coverage and with the x-band radar on my Nelson Class super dreadnought then even stealth aircraft can be detected. EMP wouldn't do anything, ships have hardened electronics and when you've got hatches locked down with the amount of metal EMP wouldn't do a lot.
Oh and there are ships that can shoot things in orbit, the Praetonian Kingston Class, a variant of the Iron Duke has NPG emplacements on which can hit objects in high orbit.
OOC: OK so you could use tactical nukes but then again I would probably do the same against your navy and considering how well SD's are protected in my navy it would be incredibly hard to sneak a missile or aircraft in with the amount of radar and UAV coverage and with the x-band radar on my Nelson Class super dreadnought then even stealth aircraft can be detected. EMP wouldn't do anything, ships have hardened electronics and when you've got hatches locked down with the amount of metal EMP wouldn't do a lot.
Oh and there are ships that can shoot things in orbit, the Praetonian Kingston Class, a variant of the Iron Duke has NPG emplacements on which can hit objects in high orbit.
I don't really care SD's are wanked...I'd probably just ignore them outright and say tough cookies for you...and I don't see a ship doing any damage to a thing the size of a star destroyer with shields...or when its shooting "lasers" capable of clearing a hole straight through its hull from top to bottom...of course those would probably be ignored as well...and thus the rp for everyone
Clandonia Prime
30-08-2007, 18:31
OOC: Well people don't mix tech boundaries in such ways...
well you could it would be more realistic...a more advanced nation beats a lesser one...all that would be taken care of before the rp started though so that would be moot...
The Order of America
30-08-2007, 22:20
I might just post it on NS Draftroom....and let them all yell at me and completely remake my ship.....but the 30" Cannons are staying whether they like it or not.....I think the one thing I really messed up on though are the Countermeasures.....also the ship could do with a little bit more width to it......and I might have to hang some weather balloons to the Island to make it stay afloat but other than that it is perfectly feasible....
01-09-2007, 19:25
Furthermore, to any nations who are or are thinking of ever exploiting our offshores:
Hope you like watching your illegal drilling rigs go up in flames.
Nárthelion chuckled softly, and composed a response.
To whom it may concern, in the great nation of Mandrivia:
We're afraid we simply don't know what you're talking about. The Núralokë offshore drilling operation is entirely legal, as it is located outside your economic exclusion zone. To call your accusations baseless would be kind; they simply betray a lack of grasp on reality. Every geological survey demonstrates that the Núralokë oilfield is more than fifty miles separated from your own, and it is simply not possible to directional-drill such a distance. The longest directional drilling operation in commercial production spans a mere five miles.
We regret that we cannot allow inspectors either from your own nation or from CFEI aboard Núralokë Minë or any other Fëacemna-operated drilling installation at this or any other time. It is not only against company policy, it is also an insult to the long and spotless record of environment stewardship boasted by Fëacemna Hróti, Inc. in particular and Menelmacar in general. I should note that threats and obscene gestures are not helpful; they do not befit the expected conduct of a dignified modern government.
Núralokë Minë's storage tanks are capable of holding ten million barrels of crude oil alone (and an equivalent volume of liquefied natural gas (LNG)), not including oil that would be released directly from the wellhead itself. As such, an unprovoked attack on Núralokë Minë - to say nothing of the staggering loss of innocent life - would almost certainly release a massive quantity of crude oil into what, I must say, is a truly beautiful and unique marine environment. Such a release would far and away qualify as the largest oil spill ever recorded, a horror that I am sure neither of our nations - both, it seems, quite environmentally conscious - would want to be involved with; especially when one considers that the prevailing winds and ocean currents would carry the slick directly onto the Mandrivian coast.
Further, with war impending over the status of the deposits inside your territory, I would most humbly suggest that you have rather more to worry about at this time than harassing a legal drilling operation outside your jurisdiction, and that a rearrangement of your priorities is in order. However, if you so wish, you can direct further concerns and inquiries to Fëacemna Hróti's Public Relations Department in Sirasgar, Menelmacar.
Nárthelion Ar-Feiniel
Offshore Installation Manager
Núralokë Minë
Blackhelm Confederacy
02-09-2007, 08:57
A pair of stealth vessels slowly crept up to the maritime boundary of the small nation of Mandrivia, and awaited the order. After several tense minutes of waiting, the order had come from the boardroom. Tomahawk missiles were to be fired at a number of the larger drilling rigs around the Mandrivian coast. Soon, the sky would be filled with dozens of Tomahawk missiles, followed by the thick black smoke of the burning oil rigs. Once again, as with all Griffincrest operations, there was no way to positively identify the vessel from which the missile was fired, and the Madrivian government would be left only to point fingers and make hollow accusations.
Once news of the attack on the oil fields would began to show up in the media, the following letter was to be dispatched to the heads of Madrivia's oil companies.
"Dear Mandrivians,
It has appeared that you have trouble maintaining your rigs, and several of them have caught fire. It is truly a shame that such good oil has gone to such waste. There is, however, something that can be done about this. For merely 20% of your oil rigs, we can ensure, through standard safety procedures of course, that these accidents never happen again.
Jack Phoenixclaw, Chairman, Board of Investors, Griffincrest Oil Incorporated"
GMC Military Arms
02-09-2007, 10:40
I find NS supercarriers work just fine...SD's IMO only exist because people are fascinated with the romanticized battleships from ww1 and ww2...
Um, actually, they exist because modern air defence systems make a large surface combatant a worthwhile proposition, and on NS, unlike in real life, there's more than one major naval power. This means a blue-water naval engagement is more likely and so surface warfare is also more likely.
You're evaluating them in a way that makes no sense: all the measures you describe are either ineffective [large ships are easily shielded from EMP and would only lose major exposed sensor arrays] or equally effective against any surface combatant regardless of what it is.
Also, stop ending every sentence with an ellipsis. It makes you sound like you're drunk.
03-09-2007, 16:37
The Menelmacari knew which ships had fired the missiles, of course. As with everything else, the Elenpalantír network - Menelmacar's eyes in orbit - saw the stealth ships sail to Mandrivia, fire, and leave again; they saw new crews and materiel rotated in, the old ones rotated out. From the subterranean headquarters of the Prefecture of Defense the Menelmacari watched the missiles streak over the water towards their targets. And they saw what happened when they reached them, whether they missed or hit.
A "stealth" ship, of course, was merely hard to spot with radar. From orbit, especially with a sensor suite that could very well be reading your newspaper over your shoulder as you sit on a park bench - and was more than capable of doing so - the wakes of large surface combatants such as the Griffincrest ships responsible (to say nothing of the ships themselves) showed up quite clearly. And when you had enough of the damn things to see events transpire in real time... well!
Naturally, the Menelmacari had no particular reason to pass on this information. Their operations were proceeding just fine.
Blackhelm Confederacy
04-09-2007, 08:13
The Menelmacari knew which ships had fired the missiles, of course. As with everything else, the Elenpalantír network - Menelmacar's eyes in orbit - saw the stealth ships leave port, sail to Mandrivia, fire, and sail home. From the subterranean headquarters of the Prefecture of Defense the Menelmacari watched the missiles streak over the water towards their targets. And they saw what happened when they reached them, whether they missed or hit.
A "stealth" ship, of course, was merely hard to spot with radar. From orbit, especially with a sensor suite that could very well be reading your newspaper over your shoulder as you sit on a park bench - and was more than capable of doing so - the wakes of large surface combatants such as the Griffincrest ships responsible (to say nothing of the ships themselves) showed up quite clearly. And when you had enough of the damn things to see events transpire in real time... well!
Naturally, the Menelmacari had no particular reason to pass on this information. Their operations were proceeding just fine.
OOC: The stealth ships are never in port, ever. They are at sea 24/7/365. They rotate crews and get new supplies once every three months. You would have to be watching these guys for a long time to know where they are from.
DC-Platform 0917
"Vampire, vampire, vampire, We've got multiple contacts inbound, Weapons free, repeat Vampires, Weapons free!" The off-shore platform became a flurry of activity as the crew rushed to their positions. Off-shore oil drilling is a dangerous business, and the Conglomerate had taken to equipping it's platforms with CIWS systems to mitigate the threat. However, the defenses hadn't been designed against an actual missile attack on this scale. At the ranges CIWS operates, even a destroyed missile is still a threat, spaying shrapnel and flaming debris at the platform, so even though the incoming threats were destroyed, the platform suffered serious damage.
While the CIWS engaged the incoming missiles, the platforms off-board defenses in the form of helicopter gunship and Tiger-shark seacraft patrols took off after the origin of the threat.
While the patrol craft were chasing the revealed stealth vessels, Mondoth's satellite networks was lighting up as the platform put out a distress call, which was relayed to the Conglomerate regional and world headquarters and was quickly passed on to the companies veritable intelligence assets. Meteorological satellites transformed invisibly with the flip of a lens and twitch of a mirror into powerful imaging assets capable of reading license plate numbers from orbit. High res images were taken of the ships, still wreathed in smoke from the launches and soon the data would be cross referenced with archive images if the ships had been launched since the Odin network came on line ten years ago (OOC: were they?) then the Conglomerate would soon know who owned them and where to point the retaliation.
04-09-2007, 23:43
OOC: The stealth ships are never in port, ever. They are at sea 24/7/365. They rotate crews and get new supplies once every three months. You would have to be watching these guys for a long time to know where they are from.
OOC: Fair enough, I'll edit out the part about being in port.
On your other point: we watch everybody. The Elenpalantír (literal translation: 'star-farseer') system is a network of satellites on a tight mesh of perpendicular polar orbits. As one is leaving a sector, another is coming in. Any point on the surface is in view of multiple satellites at any given time. As such, the Menelmacari Prefecture of Imperial Defense and Homeland Security can call up real-time three-dimensional high-resolution footage of anywhere on earth. It's used for reconnaissance, investigation, scientific research, and also battlefield command and control. This system has been a staple of Menelmacari military and intelligence doctrine since early-mid 2003 real-time.
In the interest of exposition, another relatively recent post demonstrating the Elenpalantíri in action can be found here. (
15-09-2007, 01:26
Within a few days, the oil tanker had arrived, escorted by two Alfas.
"Good evening." the tanker radioed to the Menelmacari rig. "This is the M/V Heusen. Now, about that arrangement we had worked out..."
The tanker pulled close to the rig, with one of the three Alfas surfacing.
The tanker was massive, and it had been armed defensively in case of any contingency. There was a SH-60 sitting quietly on the deck.
Several crew members stood on the deck of the tanker, and a few navy officers climbed out of the conning tower of the surfaced Alfa.
It was a relatively calm day, with no big squalls. The officers climbed down the side of the conning tower and into a motorboat that had been unloaded from the tanker.
The motorboat's twin 300 hp engines powered up, speeding it across the water towards Núralokë Minë.