The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 20:29
Hi this is the 101st. I would like some allies.
Here are the diffrent type of allies.
Trade allies
Full allies
War allies
manufacturing allies
sientific allies
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-08-2007, 20:36
The Buy & Sell Corporation, for all your trade needs. (
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-08-2007, 20:38
Before we commit to any sort of alliance with yourselves, we should like to know what you can offer us in return for our time.
In terms of a scientific alliance - can you donate scientists to aid work in our laboratories, in exchange for technology co-developed by them?
In terms of a Trade Agreement - what shape is your economy in? Barronian Anbaric Works (BAW) Corporation, one of Barronia's largest institutions, would be willing to invest in your infrastructure and utility networks providing there is a market for it.
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 20:43
Before we commit to any sort of alliance with yourselves, we should like to know what you can offer us in return for our time.
In terms of a scientific alliance - can you donate scientists to aid work in our laboratories, in exchange for technology co-developed by them?
In terms of a Trade Agreement - what shape is your economy in? Barronian Anbaric Works (BAW) Corporation, one of Barronia's largest institutions, would be willing to invest in your infrastructure and utility networks providing there is a market for it.
Sure um Ill give you scientists if you give me tech.
Ill give you power if you give me food. And hey im a newbie so my economy is strong.
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-08-2007, 20:49
Sure um Ill give you scientists if you give me tech.
Ill give you power if you give me food. And hey im a newbie so my economy is strong.
We have currently no need for electricity and other utilities - BAW is one of the biggest corporations in The Arab League (my region) for utilities. However, we are in need of manufactured goods - that is to say, vehicle parts and other, low-precision materials. In return for lower tarriffs on Barronian food, we will quite happily lower tarriffs on your goods.
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 20:50
We have currently no need for electricity and other utilities - BAW is one of the biggest corporations in The Arab League (my region) for utilities. However, we are in need of manufactured goods - that is to say, vehicle parts and other, low-precision materials. In return for lower tarriffs on Barronian food, we will quite happily lower tarriffs on your goods.
cool and do you have an embassy?
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-08-2007, 20:53
cool and do you have an embassy?
We have an embassy established with yourselves; but you haven't one with us. Something, we think, that can be rectified. A plot is available on Consulate Avenue.
19-08-2007, 20:54
101st Airborne: Do you want Buy & Sell, Inc. in your country or not?
Pan-Arab Barronia: The Buy & Sell Corporation manufactures all sorts of things, and would be willing to set up shop in your country.
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 20:56
101st Airborne: Do you want Buy & Sell, Inc. in your country or not?
Pan-Arab Barronia: The Buy & Sell Corporation manufactures all sorts of things, and would be willing to set up shop in your country.
Imperial isa
19-08-2007, 21:06
OOC you still use 7.62 × 63 mm ammo
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 21:06
Does anyone want to enlist in the 101st airborne jump school?:)
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-08-2007, 21:08
101st Airborne: Do you want Buy & Sell, Inc. in your country or not?
Pan-Arab Barronia: The Buy & Sell Corporation manufactures all sorts of things, and would be willing to set up shop in your country.
Hmm...sounds like something good. Definately need low-precision goods, car body parts and the like, and BAW need pylons - lots of pylons...
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 21:09
Hmm...sounds like something good. Definately need low-precision goods, car body parts and the like, and BAW need pylons - lots of pylons...
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 21:09
OOC you still use 7.62 × 63 mm ammo
19-08-2007, 21:10
So, would you like the full package, or just the stores, Pan-Arab Barronia?
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 21:12
So, would you like the factories, or just the stores, Pan-Arab Barronia?
Doesnt matter i just want some buisness
Imperial isa
19-08-2007, 21:13
OOC stand for out of character ,IC is in character ,SIC is secret in character and don't do what you have done /\
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-08-2007, 21:14
We'd be willing to hand you space for factories - our rail network is pretty damn advanced, as we spend a comparative fortune on public transport - so no worries about transportation.
19-08-2007, 21:17
Good, two deals in one day. Not bad. Your economy will be boosted by our presence, and unemployment rates will dive dramatically.
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 21:19
We'd be willing to hand you space for factories - our rail network is pretty damn advanced, as we spend a comparative fortune on public transport - so no worries about transportation.
Do you want to buy anything?
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-08-2007, 21:21
Good, two deals in one day. Not bad. Your economy will be boosted by our presence, and unemployment rates will dive dramatically.
Hell yeah...I got 9.0something% unemployment, and I need it driven down. Bear in mind, however, that the government is the sole provider of Public Transport, Utilities, and Healthcare. Just about everything else is regulated stingently, but it's pretty prosperous.
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 21:26
Hell yeah...I got 9.0something% unemployment, and I need it driven down. Bear in mind, however, that the government is the sole provider of Public Transport, Utilities, and Healthcare. Just about everything else is regulated stingently, but it's pretty prosperous.
Can you please build some prisons in my nation because crime is up.
Imperial isa
19-08-2007, 21:43
god you really need help in weapons using 7.62 × 63 mm eg 30 cal means you using world war two age weapons
The Order of America
19-08-2007, 22:18
My Nation would be willing to offer you defense in return for Low Presicion Vehicles and other Various Technologies also we would be Interested in setting up an Embassy with your Nation.
The101st Airborne
19-08-2007, 23:46
My Nation would be willing to offer you defense in return for Low Presicion Vehicles and other Various Technologies also we would be Interested in setting up an Embassy with your Nation.
The101st Airborne
20-08-2007, 23:32
The101st Airborne
20-08-2007, 23:35
The101st Airborne
22-09-2007, 21:27