19-08-2007, 08:16
DSN - News Broadcasting
The Senate Passed the Preservation of Structural Aesthetics Act last week and today the Emperor speaking with the Papal Secretary in a private interview approved and proclaimed this very contraversial Bill. The Imperial Diet was consulted in depth and very few protests were raised, but they did insure that the courts would be accessable so that the Council woulnd't arbitrarily have the power to remove structures without cause or for political rather than aesthetic reasons.
Under this act only private buildings which are approved by the Civil Standards Council of the College of Architecture will be allowed to be constructed or remain above ground. This is on top of the environmental and structural restrictions in place already. Also buildings may be brought to the councils attention that are already in existence for judgment. Appeals can be brought to the courts on grounds of reasonableness. Also the council may instead call for the modification of buildings which in general do not meet the aesthetic standards of the council. The Council is appointed by the body of the College of Architecture.
This Act is supported by both the Imperial Senate and Imperial Diet, and has been proclaimed by the Emperor.
In addition to private structures, civil government structures above ground will now also need to apply to the council prior to building. The College has opted to create two classes of Councilors, D.Arch (doctors of Architecture), who will each handle each instance, then submit the findings of the structure to the whole of the council, as well as M.Arch who will be assigned to a D. Arch, and handle initial findings and research reports on the structures, but not submit final renderings. B. Arch will be assiged to M.Arch and assist them in their initial research and investigation.
B. Arch's require to hold a civil engineering degree, either awarded in a civil or military university or college.
Military Structures will not be effected by this act, but consultations may still be held. New Military Structures will have a special Military Branch that will approve "general strucutures" as well as start findings on older non historic sites which may see additions or reconstruction.
Underground constructions which do not have noticable sturcutre above ground are not effected by the act. Also the interiors of structures are not effect by this act.
D. Arch will have the power to make final determinations and each proclamation by any D. Arch will have 30 days to be overturned by a councilor at large, who was not intially assigned to the rendering. In case of dispute the findings are presented and all D. Archs will have a vote in regard to the strucuture. After which point it will only be appellable to the courts.
----------- 9 A.M. ADDITIONAL INFO
Classes of structures may be approved in "class" and similarity / sameness - via preapproved structures, rather then individual assessment. Likewise it can work for denile of structure due to sameness / similarity.
----- 11:30 A.M. Additional Info
The most contravesial aspect of the Act is that it also applies to foreign residents structures within ICCD, including Embassies and Consulates or any other foreign governments structures within ICCD.
----------- 6 P.M. News additional Info
A small number of protests have sprung up in Lacaes Prae, the hugely overpopulated megacity South East of East Lakes. It is the home of millions of foreign residents and one of the only cities in ICCD that commonly builds above ground. The Provincial Parliament of Lacus Prae is appealing to the Imperial Senate for exempt status from the Bill due to it's cultural uniqueness as well as sensitivities for economic and diplomatic reasons.
---------------------------11 P.M. addition
While this was expected for the last month or two when the bill was initially suggested in the Imperial Diet, very little focus on the issue occurred among Dian Citizens in Lacus Prae. Due to a leaked report which stated within 2 years as much as 60% of Lacus Prae's above ground structures could be slated for removal - more protests were raised. Now a front group mounting partisan rejection of the act has gotten signatures and support for a mass protest in Lacus Prae planned for three weeks. Polls conducted in the city by the secretariat suggest as much as 30% of the population of Lacus Prae may take part in the planned protests. The Emperor has not issued any statements. Various officials in the Imperial Houses have issued unofficial statements, and many seem to be supporting an annual quota or phased exemption, or dual approval of the Lacus Prae Regional council as well as the Architectural Council.
The Senate Passed the Preservation of Structural Aesthetics Act last week and today the Emperor speaking with the Papal Secretary in a private interview approved and proclaimed this very contraversial Bill. The Imperial Diet was consulted in depth and very few protests were raised, but they did insure that the courts would be accessable so that the Council woulnd't arbitrarily have the power to remove structures without cause or for political rather than aesthetic reasons.
Under this act only private buildings which are approved by the Civil Standards Council of the College of Architecture will be allowed to be constructed or remain above ground. This is on top of the environmental and structural restrictions in place already. Also buildings may be brought to the councils attention that are already in existence for judgment. Appeals can be brought to the courts on grounds of reasonableness. Also the council may instead call for the modification of buildings which in general do not meet the aesthetic standards of the council. The Council is appointed by the body of the College of Architecture.
This Act is supported by both the Imperial Senate and Imperial Diet, and has been proclaimed by the Emperor.
In addition to private structures, civil government structures above ground will now also need to apply to the council prior to building. The College has opted to create two classes of Councilors, D.Arch (doctors of Architecture), who will each handle each instance, then submit the findings of the structure to the whole of the council, as well as M.Arch who will be assigned to a D. Arch, and handle initial findings and research reports on the structures, but not submit final renderings. B. Arch will be assiged to M.Arch and assist them in their initial research and investigation.
B. Arch's require to hold a civil engineering degree, either awarded in a civil or military university or college.
Military Structures will not be effected by this act, but consultations may still be held. New Military Structures will have a special Military Branch that will approve "general strucutures" as well as start findings on older non historic sites which may see additions or reconstruction.
Underground constructions which do not have noticable sturcutre above ground are not effected by the act. Also the interiors of structures are not effect by this act.
D. Arch will have the power to make final determinations and each proclamation by any D. Arch will have 30 days to be overturned by a councilor at large, who was not intially assigned to the rendering. In case of dispute the findings are presented and all D. Archs will have a vote in regard to the strucuture. After which point it will only be appellable to the courts.
----------- 9 A.M. ADDITIONAL INFO
Classes of structures may be approved in "class" and similarity / sameness - via preapproved structures, rather then individual assessment. Likewise it can work for denile of structure due to sameness / similarity.
----- 11:30 A.M. Additional Info
The most contravesial aspect of the Act is that it also applies to foreign residents structures within ICCD, including Embassies and Consulates or any other foreign governments structures within ICCD.
----------- 6 P.M. News additional Info
A small number of protests have sprung up in Lacaes Prae, the hugely overpopulated megacity South East of East Lakes. It is the home of millions of foreign residents and one of the only cities in ICCD that commonly builds above ground. The Provincial Parliament of Lacus Prae is appealing to the Imperial Senate for exempt status from the Bill due to it's cultural uniqueness as well as sensitivities for economic and diplomatic reasons.
---------------------------11 P.M. addition
While this was expected for the last month or two when the bill was initially suggested in the Imperial Diet, very little focus on the issue occurred among Dian Citizens in Lacus Prae. Due to a leaked report which stated within 2 years as much as 60% of Lacus Prae's above ground structures could be slated for removal - more protests were raised. Now a front group mounting partisan rejection of the act has gotten signatures and support for a mass protest in Lacus Prae planned for three weeks. Polls conducted in the city by the secretariat suggest as much as 30% of the population of Lacus Prae may take part in the planned protests. The Emperor has not issued any statements. Various officials in the Imperial Houses have issued unofficial statements, and many seem to be supporting an annual quota or phased exemption, or dual approval of the Lacus Prae Regional council as well as the Architectural Council.