19-08-2007, 06:37
Official Title: Les États Français Impériaux de l'Europe
Common Title: La France ou L'Empire Français
Capital: Paris
Form of Goverment: Constitiutional Monarchy; while an emperor still rules our vast empire, he also shares power with a parliament elected of the people and a Chambre de Bourgouis, a house of wealthy landowners, businessmen, and merchants (not nobles!). The parliament and Chambre de Bourgouis are made up entirely of landowning males. The nation's constitiution was drafted to appease rebelling peasants who demanded they be given a code of unwavering laws to govern the empire which also afford them several rights including the right to due process and the right to free speech. Slavery was recently outlawed in all French territories in Europe, however slavery is still practiced in France's overseas colonies. Two exceptions from this anti-slavery law in Europe are Naples and Sicily who demanded they be allowed to keep their slaves for agricultural purposes when France annexed the region.
Ruler: Emperor Louis XVII
Louis (heir to empire)
France: 37,386,000
92% French
4% Breton
3% German
1% Basque
Belgium & Luxembourg: 4,987,400
48% Dutch
43% French
9% German
Ireland: 6,080,000
84% Irish/Gaelic
13% English
3% French
Mediterranean Islands & Naples: 4,647,000
87% Italian
9% French
4% African Slaves
Canary and Madeira Islands: 96,000
62% Spanish
34% Portuguese
4% French
American Plantation Colonies & Isle of Bermuda: 192,700
49% Native American
41% French Colonists
10% African Slaves
Panama: 173,000
52% French Colonists
42% Native Americans
6% African Slaves
Cuba: 1,099,400
78% French Colonists
16% African Slaves
6% Native Americans
Nova Scotia: 87,000
71% Native Americans
29% French Colonists
Soa Tome & Principe, Rio Muni, and Gabon: 132,280
81% Native Africans
14% French Colonists
5% African Slaves
St. Helena: 900
98% French Colonists
1% African Slaves
1% Natives
Cape Town: 3,700
52% French Colonists
45% Native Africans
3% African Slaves
Montenegro: 141,000
47% Montenegrins
26% Serbians
8% Albanians
8% Bosnians
4% French
4% Macedonians
3% Greek
Gibralter Straights Territories: 81,000
55% Native Africans
38% French
7% African Slaves
French India: 2,602,000
67% Indians
29% French Colonists
4% African Slaves
Mindanao & Negros: 1,341,000
87% Native Filipinos
10% French Colonists
3% African Slaves
Persian Gulf Colonies: 1,212,000
74% Arab
13% French Colonists
11% Persian
2% African Slaves
Liberia: 722,000
62% Native Africans
34% French Colonists
4% African Slaves
Uruguay: 301,000
64% Native Americans
31% French Colonists
5% African Slaves
Total Population: 54,722,280
Military: 1,040,946 (2% of Total Population)
800,946 Riflemen*(breech loaded rifles)
230,800 Cavalry (armed with revolvers)
1,700 Cannons (manned by 9,200 troops, six per cannon)
*40,000 of our highest ranking standing infantry officers were given revolvers.
40% Stationed in France and Belgium
5% Stationed in Ireland
10% Stationed in Naples, Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica
5% Stationed in African Colonies
15% Stationed in American Colonies
4% Stationed in Cuba
3% Stationed in Phillipines
11% Stationed in India
2% Stationed in Uruguay
2% Stationed in Nova Scotia
3% Stationed in Persian Gulf Colonies
Miltary Reserves: 1,810,664 (3.5% of Total Population)
1,424,664 Riflemen (breech loaded rifles)
370,000 Cavalry (armed with revolvers)
3000 Cannons (manned by 16,000 troops, six per cannon)
Military Reserves are only called to duty during times of invasion or "dire" war conditions. Also, all non-European colonies within the empire have militias in them made up of European colonists. They are given brief training and armed with whatever gun surpluses the military has. If the army doesn't have extra rifles to give out, the militias are forced to supply their own weapons. Colonists are only allowed into the militia after being deemed "trustworthy" by the provincial government. All militia troops are given tax breaks for their loyal service to the crown.
Home Fleet Stationed at Bordeaux
7 Steam Battleships
10 Steam Frigates
4 Ironclads
11 Gunboats
Emperor's Fleet Stationed at Nantes
4 Steam Battleships
6 Steam Frigates
2 Ironclads
8 Gunboats
Mediterranean Fleet Rotates Between Marseilles, Naples, and Palermo; Primarily in Marsielles
2 Steam Battleships
1 Steam Frigate
1 Ironclad
7 Gunboats
American Fleet Stationed at Charleston
1 Steam Battleship
5 Steam Frigates
1 Ironclads
6 Gunboats
Fleet of Parliament Stationed at Havana
4 Steam Frigates
1 Ironclad
5 Gunboats
African Fleet Stationed at Principe
1 Steam Battleship
3 Steam Frigate
4 Gunboats
Persian & Indian Fleet Stationed at Bombay
2 Steam Battleships
4 Steam Frigates
6 Gunboats
France was the pioneer of ironclad technology (having built the first one ever in 1859) which is why they have more of them than other nations.
Religious Breakdown:
91% Roman Catholic
7% Pagan
1% Hindu
1% Muslim
Political Breakdown:
60% Royal Party (sometimes known as the "King's Party")
It is widely known that the Royal Party is put in office, whether legally or not, by the emperor. They approve any of the monarch's bills, follow him blindly, and are known to be conservatives, usually from wealthy backgrounds. They are very nationalist and run on a platform of pro-imperialism, pro-industry, and pro-slavery.
26% Progressive Party
The Progressive Party are considered the liberal party of France. They believe in a republic, the rights of the people, are against slavery anywhere in the empire, they believe that industrization should be slowed down and the enviroment spared, equality for all, minimum wages and worker's rights, the dismantiling of the Chambre de Bourgouis, an end to imperialism, and military pacifiscim. They are kept from controlling too much power by the emperor and are often accused of being atheists, anarchists, and/or anti-France.
9% Communist Party
An upstart party based on some radical ideas from Spain, they believe land, wealth and everything else should be dispersed equally. They think every man, woman, and child should live equally -- even slaves. The are against the nobility, clergy, and religion in general. The people, with the exception of the poorest and laziest of factory workers, give the communists little creedance. Despite this they are considered a dangerous, fringe party of leftists, athiests, and anarchists. The emperor has expressely said that they are an unwanted, threatening party and blames Spain for letting such ideas sprout from their nation. He has also said that by kindly allowing the Progressive Party to exist, the Communist Party was the result and on several occasions he has called the Progressive Party "a group of communists."
5% Confederate Party
The Confederate Party supports the decentralization of power within the French Empire and believes that provinces in the empire should be made semi-autonomous and have only to answer to a centralized authority in important matters such as war. The are also known to take up many libertarian causes. The Progressive Party often accuses them of dividing the liberal vote. Although they are the smallest party to make it onto the ballet, it is widely rumored throughout the empire that young prince Henri is a member of the Confederate Party.
Industrial Potenial: 570
France, Belgium, and Luxembourg: 97
Ireland: 32
Naples, Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica: 39
Atlantic Islands: 12
Rio Muni & Gabon: 33
Liberia: 30
Gibralter & French Morrocco: 17
Montenegro: 14
Uruguay: 34
North American Colonies: 58
Indian Principalities & Bombay: 73
Persian Gulf Colonies: 54
French Phillipines: 44
Macua Colony: 43
Common Title: La France ou L'Empire Français
Capital: Paris
Form of Goverment: Constitiutional Monarchy; while an emperor still rules our vast empire, he also shares power with a parliament elected of the people and a Chambre de Bourgouis, a house of wealthy landowners, businessmen, and merchants (not nobles!). The parliament and Chambre de Bourgouis are made up entirely of landowning males. The nation's constitiution was drafted to appease rebelling peasants who demanded they be given a code of unwavering laws to govern the empire which also afford them several rights including the right to due process and the right to free speech. Slavery was recently outlawed in all French territories in Europe, however slavery is still practiced in France's overseas colonies. Two exceptions from this anti-slavery law in Europe are Naples and Sicily who demanded they be allowed to keep their slaves for agricultural purposes when France annexed the region.
Ruler: Emperor Louis XVII
Louis (heir to empire)
France: 37,386,000
92% French
4% Breton
3% German
1% Basque
Belgium & Luxembourg: 4,987,400
48% Dutch
43% French
9% German
Ireland: 6,080,000
84% Irish/Gaelic
13% English
3% French
Mediterranean Islands & Naples: 4,647,000
87% Italian
9% French
4% African Slaves
Canary and Madeira Islands: 96,000
62% Spanish
34% Portuguese
4% French
American Plantation Colonies & Isle of Bermuda: 192,700
49% Native American
41% French Colonists
10% African Slaves
Panama: 173,000
52% French Colonists
42% Native Americans
6% African Slaves
Cuba: 1,099,400
78% French Colonists
16% African Slaves
6% Native Americans
Nova Scotia: 87,000
71% Native Americans
29% French Colonists
Soa Tome & Principe, Rio Muni, and Gabon: 132,280
81% Native Africans
14% French Colonists
5% African Slaves
St. Helena: 900
98% French Colonists
1% African Slaves
1% Natives
Cape Town: 3,700
52% French Colonists
45% Native Africans
3% African Slaves
Montenegro: 141,000
47% Montenegrins
26% Serbians
8% Albanians
8% Bosnians
4% French
4% Macedonians
3% Greek
Gibralter Straights Territories: 81,000
55% Native Africans
38% French
7% African Slaves
French India: 2,602,000
67% Indians
29% French Colonists
4% African Slaves
Mindanao & Negros: 1,341,000
87% Native Filipinos
10% French Colonists
3% African Slaves
Persian Gulf Colonies: 1,212,000
74% Arab
13% French Colonists
11% Persian
2% African Slaves
Liberia: 722,000
62% Native Africans
34% French Colonists
4% African Slaves
Uruguay: 301,000
64% Native Americans
31% French Colonists
5% African Slaves
Total Population: 54,722,280
Military: 1,040,946 (2% of Total Population)
800,946 Riflemen*(breech loaded rifles)
230,800 Cavalry (armed with revolvers)
1,700 Cannons (manned by 9,200 troops, six per cannon)
*40,000 of our highest ranking standing infantry officers were given revolvers.
40% Stationed in France and Belgium
5% Stationed in Ireland
10% Stationed in Naples, Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica
5% Stationed in African Colonies
15% Stationed in American Colonies
4% Stationed in Cuba
3% Stationed in Phillipines
11% Stationed in India
2% Stationed in Uruguay
2% Stationed in Nova Scotia
3% Stationed in Persian Gulf Colonies
Miltary Reserves: 1,810,664 (3.5% of Total Population)
1,424,664 Riflemen (breech loaded rifles)
370,000 Cavalry (armed with revolvers)
3000 Cannons (manned by 16,000 troops, six per cannon)
Military Reserves are only called to duty during times of invasion or "dire" war conditions. Also, all non-European colonies within the empire have militias in them made up of European colonists. They are given brief training and armed with whatever gun surpluses the military has. If the army doesn't have extra rifles to give out, the militias are forced to supply their own weapons. Colonists are only allowed into the militia after being deemed "trustworthy" by the provincial government. All militia troops are given tax breaks for their loyal service to the crown.
Home Fleet Stationed at Bordeaux
7 Steam Battleships
10 Steam Frigates
4 Ironclads
11 Gunboats
Emperor's Fleet Stationed at Nantes
4 Steam Battleships
6 Steam Frigates
2 Ironclads
8 Gunboats
Mediterranean Fleet Rotates Between Marseilles, Naples, and Palermo; Primarily in Marsielles
2 Steam Battleships
1 Steam Frigate
1 Ironclad
7 Gunboats
American Fleet Stationed at Charleston
1 Steam Battleship
5 Steam Frigates
1 Ironclads
6 Gunboats
Fleet of Parliament Stationed at Havana
4 Steam Frigates
1 Ironclad
5 Gunboats
African Fleet Stationed at Principe
1 Steam Battleship
3 Steam Frigate
4 Gunboats
Persian & Indian Fleet Stationed at Bombay
2 Steam Battleships
4 Steam Frigates
6 Gunboats
France was the pioneer of ironclad technology (having built the first one ever in 1859) which is why they have more of them than other nations.
Religious Breakdown:
91% Roman Catholic
7% Pagan
1% Hindu
1% Muslim
Political Breakdown:
60% Royal Party (sometimes known as the "King's Party")
It is widely known that the Royal Party is put in office, whether legally or not, by the emperor. They approve any of the monarch's bills, follow him blindly, and are known to be conservatives, usually from wealthy backgrounds. They are very nationalist and run on a platform of pro-imperialism, pro-industry, and pro-slavery.
26% Progressive Party
The Progressive Party are considered the liberal party of France. They believe in a republic, the rights of the people, are against slavery anywhere in the empire, they believe that industrization should be slowed down and the enviroment spared, equality for all, minimum wages and worker's rights, the dismantiling of the Chambre de Bourgouis, an end to imperialism, and military pacifiscim. They are kept from controlling too much power by the emperor and are often accused of being atheists, anarchists, and/or anti-France.
9% Communist Party
An upstart party based on some radical ideas from Spain, they believe land, wealth and everything else should be dispersed equally. They think every man, woman, and child should live equally -- even slaves. The are against the nobility, clergy, and religion in general. The people, with the exception of the poorest and laziest of factory workers, give the communists little creedance. Despite this they are considered a dangerous, fringe party of leftists, athiests, and anarchists. The emperor has expressely said that they are an unwanted, threatening party and blames Spain for letting such ideas sprout from their nation. He has also said that by kindly allowing the Progressive Party to exist, the Communist Party was the result and on several occasions he has called the Progressive Party "a group of communists."
5% Confederate Party
The Confederate Party supports the decentralization of power within the French Empire and believes that provinces in the empire should be made semi-autonomous and have only to answer to a centralized authority in important matters such as war. The are also known to take up many libertarian causes. The Progressive Party often accuses them of dividing the liberal vote. Although they are the smallest party to make it onto the ballet, it is widely rumored throughout the empire that young prince Henri is a member of the Confederate Party.
Industrial Potenial: 570
France, Belgium, and Luxembourg: 97
Ireland: 32
Naples, Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica: 39
Atlantic Islands: 12
Rio Muni & Gabon: 33
Liberia: 30
Gibralter & French Morrocco: 17
Montenegro: 14
Uruguay: 34
North American Colonies: 58
Indian Principalities & Bombay: 73
Persian Gulf Colonies: 54
French Phillipines: 44
Macua Colony: 43