NationStates Jolt Archive

God: The Game [Open]

18-08-2007, 21:24
From the joint partnership of Wolf Lands Inc. and Interactive Games comes the most fascinating game and investment in a millennium:

The newest and hottest game in the world, God has been under development for nearly fifty years. Built for the rich and powerful that want to reach that next level of hubris in life, God gives the player all of the omnipotence and omniscience enjoyed by a true deity in this real-life world. You are God. Real people, real lands, real consequences. Dictating your will through The Oracle, you are the supreme deity of your land, giving information, making orders, and designing your own perfect world. However, remember that this is not a computer game, your subjects are real people and thus you will have to keep them listening to you. If you keep them loyal and hanging on your every word, you can control every aspect of your land and people - [For example: every aspect of the construction of a buildings, the training of an army, the theories contemplated by philosophers, the science under experiments, the mythology they worship, the culture of your people, what their history books tell them, and even the way they wear their hair. Anything at all.]

The overall world is called Atlantis and is probably some one thousand square miles plus water claims. This world is surrounded by a ring of military grade missile submarines that are capable of and tasked to preventing any ship, aircraft, or other entity from entering or exiting. Thus the peoples of Atlantis' different lands should be instructed not to go out exploring past one hundred miles of shore or else they will be destroyed and never heard from again. In order to keep this world from outside interference, players are to inform their peoples that their little world is the only that exists, and the rest is deadly oceans.

Players gain control over a single land and people (for a hefty fee) via connection to an Oracle and can play their nation as if it were a game and they were God. Remember though, the object is not to become the most powerful people, but rather to develop your nation in whatever way you have most desired - so don't just go giving all of the available technology and information and building up a military, that is not the point of the game. Also remember that these are real people and will die if they get involved in a war; furthermore, as humans, they can't handle a massive theoretical or technological advancement in a short period of time (e.g. from stone age to industrial revolution). However, you can mix and match technology to create new situations such as having agricultural technology equivalent to the 1700s while still military equipment in the 1200s.

Their are clusters of lands together while others are divided by a sea, creating mini-continents within Atlantis. These others civilizations will also be controlled by players so think about creating alliances, trading resources, or making war. Have fun being God in a real world, but be a little realistic.

So, how does it work?
Fifty years ago Wolf Lands Inc. began construction on a mini-continent made of various islands. The land, named in whole as Atlantis (the name of the world the game takes place in), was developed with varying topography, geography, flora and fauna, and most importantly... resources. Some areas were developed with deep mines of coal, while others have great fields for agriculture, and others have a large number of animals. It was then divided up into twenty-five different lands with varying appearances and resources. None were much bigger than forty square miles and they were all about even in advantages and disadvantages (though what exactly they are changes from land to land) - the key is in how the people and player utilize each and develop their civilization This was the easy step...

The hard step was getting the people, or subjects, of these lands. In order for the concept of the game to work, the people would really truly have to believe that these unknown players giving them instructions were God and that the world (little as it is) that they live in is the whole world. The only way for that to work was to raise a group of ignorant people away from society and civilization. So the game producers put out an offer to all peoples of the Dominion; it offered five million dollars per couple that was willing to leave their life behind for a short period and enter into a contract that had two main parts: that they would move to these new lands and essentially act the part of what the future people would be, never giving any hint in any way of any other life or information; and secondly that they would have a minimum of two children within ten years, that would have a minimum of three children in twenty more years. While the contract itself and the plan for development was much more complicated and advanced than this simple explanation, it essentially meant for the creation of two generations of people that new nothing more than the world of Atlantis - they in fact did not even know there was any other world but that of Atlantis. At present time, that second generation of Atlantis-borns are around the age of twenty or so, meaning that the third generation is coming soon.

The Oracle:
The Oracle is your connection to the people of your land. In the eyes of the people, the Oracle is God's divine presence on earth - his messenger, if you will. However, the Oracle is not a person or living being, but rather appears in a variety of different forms in each of the lands. In some lands it will be a pool of water where words appear on its surface, in other lands it will be a revered object that projects its message upon a wall, and in still others it could be so many other things. What they have in common is that they deliver God's message to the people via written word (English originally), and they are the people's sole connection to their God through verbal prayer. While the satellites allow you to see all of Atlantis and what is going on, the only real microphones available for your people to talk to you are located on or around the Oracle, thus when in prayer they will talk to you there.

The Oracle's roll in a given society depends on how they have developed and what instructions they are given. In some they will originally be kept, guarded, or entrusted to civil leaders while in others there may be a religious body that hears and disseminates the word of God. However, should you dislike where it lies and what role it plays, all you have to do is give orders for it to be changed and your loyal subjects will do as instructed.

While it is a thing of mystery, power, and reverence for the people of the lands of Atlantis, to you the Oracle is simply a computer like any other. It has been installed with the God software and connected to our extensive networks, but otherwise it is no different than any other computer one may have bought at the store. The software has two main settings in which it can be used: Real World and Written Word. They are the two main ways of communicating your wants to the people of your land. The Real World appears to be much like a city-building game where you can place buildings, instruct buildings to train a certain number and type of soldiers, and the like - the software will then send this information to your people and they should follow along. However, for a more personal approach, the Written Word allows you to write directly to your subjects and allows you a lot more leeway in how you interact and what you order them to do. It also allows them more freedom in following your instructions; for example, in the Real World when you are attempting to build an army you have to detail exactly what number of soldiers, what type of soldiers, what type of weapons, and more, but in the Written Word you can simply instruct them to create a small army and they will do so as they see fit. However, there is actually a third setting that combines the first two called the Real Word. The Real Word allows you to input whatever images you would like, and you can easily send speak to them through your voice. The software will also allow you to edit these images and sounds, manipulating them to make them appear to your people as you desire. Thus with this setting you can send a picture of your appearance (real or otherwise), speak to your people in a thunderous voice or soft and soothing, and allow you even more leeway in running your land.

The entirety of Atlantis is overseen by an extensive network of satellites that keeps track of every aspect of life in the Game. It provides real-time video of the land and is supplemented by a more secretive system of land-based tracking devices. All of the information is fed into the main database and is overseen by a host of catalogers. With the help of the database and software, the catalogers keep up-to-date data and statistics on every aspect of the game from the number of ears of corn grown in Land XYZ to the health of Citizen 657 in Land YSX. The information is available to the players on their end of the Oracle, but game play edict dictates that it should not be shared with subjects.

Their exists a full-time staff (24/7) of fifty game Moderators that oversee the game. They, like any player, have full access to the information of the game, but do not interact with any of the people nor are they known to exist by the people. Their role is to keep the game running smoothly, settle player disputes, answers questions and requests [see: Rule #4], and enforce the rules. They, for all intents and purposes, should be considered the Gods' Gods as they have the ultimate power of cutting off a player's Oracle and control the game's satellites and defense abilities.

While Moderators will mainly stay out of the game for both the sake of fun and for the sake of the people involved, they are the authority on what is allowed and what is pushing it. If you are told that you are giving them too much technology too quickly, it is better to slow down then to have them have to instigate a natural disaster or suspend/ban you from the game.

Violation of any of the rules will result in forfeit of the game, rights to continue, and access to the Oracle.
1) No making contact - physical, personal, or otherwise - with the people or land of Atlantis.
2) No progressing technology, knowledge, theory, or information past the point of the world's common point in 1850.
3) No mass advancing technology, knowledge, theory, or information too rapidly (this a fairly arbitrary rule, so first violation will only earn a warning).
4) No informing the people's of Atlantis that they are part of a game or that their world is not real or complete (i.e. no informing them of the outside world or that you are not God).
5) Any direct intervention wanted or necessitated by a player must be requisition to the game's Moderators for approval and action. (For example, direct divine retribution in the form of an explosion or curing a sick worshipper).

How much leeway is given in terms of miracles, divine retribution, assorted smiting, and so forth, and how long does it take to turn around such a request?
Divine intervention, which encompasses retribution, miracles, smiting, and the sorts, is judged on a case-by-case manner. We will generally allow some sort of direct intervention when the god's divinity is in question by his or her followers. However, if it is done to convince one's people, we tend to ask that divine intervention be kept on the low side. Also, we will tend to favor divine intervention that does not directly harm the people in anyway, especially if we determine that another act of god could do as well (i.e. we would use smiting only as a last resort in dire circumstances - instead, sometimes, we could simply remove the person from the game). As for timing, our Moderator Staff is monitoring the game and your requests 24/7, and each has the power to answer and carry out any request - in addition, the game was installed to be able to show god's might, thus from the time you request it to the time it is applied would be mere seconds. One word of advice, though, is not to promise specific moments of divine power without first clearing them with the staff or else you, as a god, could look mighty foolish.

Is the five billion dollar fee a one-time thing, and are there any ongoing subscription fees?
Currently, the five billion dollar fee is a one-time cost. However, as time goes on we may add fees to newer accounts (those not purchased at the time) or add new options to the game that require an upgrade or constant fee. You will be alerted if any of this happens.

What happens normally when a player stops playing the game, closes his account, or dies
If a player decides to just stop playing (but retain his account), then nothing happens except that his or her people will probably feel abandoned by their god and who knows how they would react. If, however, a player dies or closes their account, we reserve the right to resell it - the new player can resume the role of the old player (the god persona they took on) or create a new one and explain it anyway they like (god struggle or what have you).

[ooc: See below]
Atlantis is a world of five mini-continents fairly close to each other. Each continents is roughly two hundred square miles and is divided up into five lands. The lands have different and varying amounts of resources as well as topography. Each land has roughly between fifteen hundred and two thousand people with a new generation coming soon and the oldest generation dying around its late fifties and early sixties. All peoples will begin with the common world technology of roughly the 12th century. Though the people have their own names for themselves and their lands (all based in English), you can change them to what you see fit so long as they respond to you.

Bernine Continent
Land 1 ~ Bredford; [#01-01-001] (
Land 2 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 3 ~ The Garbage Men; [#01-03-001] (
Land 4 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 5 ~ $5,000,000,000

Armenic Continent
Land 1 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 2 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 3 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 4 ~ New Brittonia; [#02-04-001] (
Land 5 ~ $5,000,000,000

Frexin Continent
Land 1 ~ Oily Prata; [#03-01-001] (
Land 2 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 3 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 4 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 5 ~ $5,000,000,000

Taligyr Continent
Land 1 ~ Naasha; [#04-01-001] (
Land 2 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 3 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 4 ~ Scaveutland; [#04-04-001] (
Land 5 ~ $5,000,000,000

Mechani Continent
Land 1 ~ Cookesland; [#05-01-001] (
Land 2 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 3 ~ Void Templar; [#05-03-001] (
Land 4 ~ $5,000,000,000
Land 5 ~ Frozopia; [#05-05-001] (

[OOC: This is sort of like real life NationStates.... If I have done a poor job of explaining it all, it's pretty simple: It's like a mini, real-life world but with Gods that actually exist and influence things. You can buy a land (meaning the land and people) and develop it in whatever way you like (e.g. you can make it a Hellenistic culture with a Germanic language and an African governing style). Just don't go overboard giving info/tech or the game's Mods will intervene. Feel free to RP, give updates, develop, and/or interact your lands here or in separate threads. For more information about the general idea, read about or, better yet, watch The Game (

About Lands: I am not going to give descriptions of every land, so I leave it up to you, but remember NationStates rules (in which you don't GodMod your nation) and go one step further to make it even more realistic. Each land will most likely have a coastline and borders with the other lands - they are not their own islands. None of them are going to have great geographic/topographic advantages or all of the necessary resources (they may have a lot of ore, but then they would have little suitable site for agriculture).

It costs only five billion dollars for one of your nation's people to play God. Buy a land and get to RPing. If you have any questions, please, please, please ask. Cheers and have fun.]
18-08-2007, 21:24

Nation: Bredford
Player: Government
ID: #01-01-001
Land: Nax (Bernine, #1)
Government: Town leader is Priest Luras
Religion: God Unrevealed
Resources: Cattle, Pearls, Fish, Ores...
Technology: 12th Century
-#1 (
-#2 (

Nation: The Garbage Men
Player: Trevor Desorté
ID: #01-03-001
Land: Gendar (Bernine, #3)
Government: Small Council (limited)
Religion: Fire God
Resources: Unknown
Technology: 12th Century
-#1 (
-#2 (
-#3 (
-#4 (
-#5 (
-#6 (
-#7 (

Nation: New Brittonia
Player: Prime Minister David Flowe on behalf of "God the Game: Trust"
ID: #02-04-001
Land: Brittonia (Armenic, #4)
Government: High Priest of Brittonia
Religion: God Unrevealed
Resources: Unknown
Technology: 12th Century
-#1 (
-#2 (

Nation: Oily Prata
Player: Micheal B. Ferdham
ID: #03-01-001
Land: N/A (Frexin, #1)
Government: N/A
Religion: God Unrevealed
Resources: Unknown
Technology: 12th Century

Nation: Naasha
Player: Thomas Lenrov
ID: #04-01-001
Land: Apolla (Taligyr, #1)
Government: High Priest of the Sun
Religion: Apollis, Lord of the Sun
Resources: Crops, Poultry, Livestock, Timber, and Stone.
Technology: 12th Century
-#1 (
-#2 (
-#3 (
-#4 (

Nation: Scaveutland
Player: Unknown
ID: #04-04-001
Land: Scaveut (Taligyr, #4)
Government: Vetti, leader
Religion: Scavret
Resources: Copper, Stone, Timber
Technology: 12th Century
-#1 (
-#2 (
-#3 (

Nation: Cookesland
Player: Apollonia Delray
ID: #05-01-001
Land: Ithilar ( (Mechani, #1)
Government: House of Ithilar (Monarchy)
Religion: Quelia, Water Goddess
Resources: Timber, Iron, Silver
Technology: 12th Century
-#1 (
-#2 (
-#3 (

Nation: Void Templar
Player: Maleficius
ID: #05-03-001
Land: N/A (Mechani, #3)
Government: Council of Guardians
Religion: Unknown
Resources: Unknown
Technology: 12th Century
-#1 (
-#2 (
-#3 (
-#4 (

Nation: Frozopia
Player: Brian Anderson
ID: #05-05-001
Land: N/A (Mechani, #5)
Government: Unknown
Religion: Trufens, God of Chaos
Resources: Unknown
Technology: 12th Century
-#1 (
-#2 (
-#3 (
18-08-2007, 21:32
the goverment of Bredford would like to purchase one land in the Bernine contienct for 5,000,000,000 paid from adminstration budget. i already have plans for the world.
18-08-2007, 21:38
OOC: Hasn't anyone ever told you that its not right to play 'God'? Go watch the Jurassic Park movies to see why. J/K
The Ctan
18-08-2007, 22:11
And how much to buy a controlling stake in Interactive Games? You know, if I’m going to do this, I’d rather like to visit, and that would necessitate being able to change the rules.

Luinthelë nos Ancalimë,
Owner, Lossë-elen Industries

OOC: Someone’s been watching Stargate: Atlantis – The Game….
18-08-2007, 22:13
the goverment of Bredford would like to purchase one land in the Bernine contienct for 5,000,000,000 paid from adminstration budget. i already have plans for the world.

You have been accepted by God: The Game (TM) as a new player.
A tech unit, composed of four specialists, if currently en route to your nation with the player-side Oracle computer, installed with all of the proper software. This unit will remain with you for the first month teaching you how to use the game in all its entirety and can answer any of your playing questions (for administrative questions, contact the Moderator Staff).
Your player pin (identification code) has been designated #01-01-001. You will need to log-in to the Oracle with it, and it will then be forever linked with that terminal. It will work with no other Oracle and you cannot access the game through any other computer. It will also help us track you as a player and keep a record of your work and issues.
You have been allotted Land #1, nameable as anything you wish, in the Bernine Continent. Develop it as you see fit, within the standards of the game.

Remember to adhere to the rules and have fun. You alone are now God of your people.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game
18-08-2007, 22:20
OOC: Hasn't anyone ever told you that its not right to play 'God'? Go watch the Jurassic Park movies to see why. J/K

OOC: But there are no dinosaurs here... or are there? :p
18-08-2007, 22:22
And how much to buy a controlling stake in Interactive Games? You know, if I’m going to do this, I’d rather like to visit, and that would necessitate being able to change the rules.

Luinthelë nos Ancalimë,
Owner, Lossë-elen Industries

OOC: Someone’s been watching Stargate: Atlantis – The Game….

Interactive Games is currently a privately owned company. Though it is quite small, it is on the rise in assets and proposed market value with the introduction of its innovative games. The public release of God: The Game sent its speculative stock prices up 470% and is rising consistently. Though I have no doubt Lossë-elen Industries is probably worth much more at this point as IG is a small private company and is capable of acquiring IG, the owner of the company is not likely willing to sell.

Furthermore, as it was a joint development by Wolf Lands Incorporated and Interactive Games, controlling Interactive Games would only give a 38% share of God: The Game (as Wolf Lands owns a majority share).

Also, visiting Atlantis itself is out of the question. While we do in fact have operators (employees of the Game) on the inside in order to keep tabs and react to situations, they are highly trained and their identities secret. Allowing you in would jeopardize the entire game.

We apologize, but these are our answers.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game

[OOC: Indeed. I saw the episode a couple of months ago and immediately noticed the idea link between NS and The Game.]
New Brittonia
18-08-2007, 22:30
OOC: interesting

Several organizations, governmental, medical, private, educational, and private, in the USS of New Brittonia have created the God the Game: Trust. The 5 Billion USD will arrive to you in cash. We wish to have slot 4 in the Armenic continent.
19-08-2007, 00:34
OOC: interesting

Several organizations, governmental, medical, private, educational, and private, in the USS of New Brittonia have created the God the Game: Trust. The 5 Billion USD will arrive to you in cash. We wish to have slot 4 in the Armenic continent.

You (the God the Game: Trust) have been accepted by God: The Game (TM) as a new player.
A tech unit, composed of four specialists, if currently en route to your nation with the player-side Oracle computer, installed with all of the proper software. This unit will remain with you for the first month teaching you how to use the game in all its entirety and can answer any of your playing questions (for administrative questions, contact the Moderator Staff).
Your player pin (identification code) has been designated #02-04-001. You will need to log-in to the Oracle with it, and it will then be forever linked with that terminal. It will work with no other Oracle and you cannot access the game through any other computer. It will also help us track you as a player and keep a record of your work and issues. Note that this means that there will have to be a centralized location for the Trust to access it as their is only one access-point (the Oracle computer) and one access pin.
You have been allotted Land #4, nameable as anything you wish, in the Armenic Continent. Develop it as you see fit, within the standards of the game.

Remember to adhere to the rules and have fun. You alone are now God of your people.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game
19-08-2007, 00:46
OCC:never thought you could think of things like these...
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-08-2007, 00:57

Abominable. No justification can possibly be given for this abhorrent use of human life.

The Oracle servers are being removed from all Barronian ISPs "viewable" lists on order of the government, as are any official "God: The Game" sites. We will not support the use of human life in this manner.

For Shame.

OOC: Hey, someone's gotta hate it. What would II be without a little controversy...
19-08-2007, 01:15
OCC:never thought you could think of things like these...

[OOC: Is that supposed to be an insult?]
19-08-2007, 01:25
OCC:nope, im just saying this is really out of this world.
19-08-2007, 01:28

Abominable. No justification can possibly be given for this abhorrent use of human life.

The Oracle servers are being removed from all Barronian ISPs "viewable" lists on order of the government, as are any official "God: The Game" sites. We will not support the use of human life in this manner.

For Shame.

OOC: Hey, someone's gotta hate it. What would II be without a little controversy...

We frankly don't care what you do in the privacy of your nation; though we do find it comical for you to get on the moral high horse and yet restrict your own citizens’ freedoms by limiting what they can see on the internet.

However, in your deft jump to judgment, you obviously lacked the capacity to fully understand the program. These "Oracle servers" as you put it, are neither servers nor are they viewable to your ISPs. They are one-to-one, computer-to-computer, connections only available to those who purchase a land.

When typing this, I questioned whether to even bother arguing with you about your final point... the "use of human life in this manner." However, I have decided to spare a moment of my time to respond. "This manner" that you speak of is nothing more than presenting people with a religion to follow. They do not have to choose to follow it or any instruction - that is all their own free choice. Any assumptions you have - which I am willing to bet is many - are founded in nothing more than your own imagination and expectation of the cruelty of humanity. I assure you they are wrong.

Moderator Staff,
God: The Game

[OOC: Hehe... I was waiting for someone to condemn it.]
19-08-2007, 01:32
OCC:nope, im just saying this is really out of this world.

[OOC: Oh, lol. I couldn't decide whether you meant that you didn't think I could personally think of something like this because I wasn't creative (and thus took it from SA) or whether you meant it in a more "awe-struck" way, like "I never imagined we'd land on the moon."]
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-08-2007, 01:40
We frankly don't care what you do in the privacy of your nation; though we do find it comical for you to get on the moral high horse and yet restrict your own citizens’ freedoms by limiting what they can see on the internet.

However, in your deft jump to judgment, you obviously lacked the capacity to fully understand the program. These "Oracle servers" as you put it, are neither servers nor are they viewable to your ISPs. They are one-to-one, computer-to-computer, connections only available to those who purchase a land.

When typing this, I questioned whether to even bother arguing with you about your final point... the "use of human life in this manner." However, I have decided to spare a moment of my time to respond. "This manner" that you speak of is nothing more than presenting people with a religion to follow. They do not have to choose to follow it or any instruction - that is all their own free choice. Any assumptions you have - which I am willing to bet is many - are founded in nothing more than your own imagination and expectation of the cruelty of humanity. I assure you they are wrong.

Moderator Staff,
God: The Game

[OOC: Hehe... I was waiting for someone to condemn it.]

OOC: Glad I could be of service

Of silly of us. Allowing some overly-spoilt 13-year-old with his father's credit card to control the lives of a civilisation isn't cruel at all.

Our blocking of the entire "God: The Game" system hardly compares to using humans as toys - the fact that they do not know of the "game" they are part of makes no difference to the fact that it is just that - a "game". Hardly an assumption, wouldn't you say? No doubt if they were members of your own family, you would be just as happy letting a sadistic millionaire toy with them as their "God"? We think not.

The ban stays, and our condemnation stands.
19-08-2007, 01:50
OOC: Glad I could be of service

Of silly of us. Allowing some overly-spoilt 13-year-old with his father's credit card to control the lives of a civilisation isn't cruel at all.

Our blocking of the entire "God: The Game" system hardly compares to using humans as toys - the fact that they do not know of the "game" they are part of makes no difference to the fact that it is just that - a "game". Hardly an assumption, wouldn't you say? No doubt if they were members of your own family, you would be just as happy letting a sadistic millionaire toy with them as their "God"? We think not.

The ban stays, and our condemnation stands.

Yes, yes... because we don't do any checks as to who is buying the lands. Oh, and I forgot about all of those credit card companies willing to give out cards that have $5 billion limits on them. Credit? Why would we even accept credit cards... pure wire transfers only. Your attempt at wit is amusing.

And how do you know that we aren't all part of a game right now? That these Gods people have talked about over the millennia aren't just people who have bought the rights to different peoples (like the Greeks, or Egyptians, or Scandinavian, or Aztec, or Middle Eastern, or any other culture). Would that really change what your life was worth to you? Would it make what you have lived and worked for any less worthy?

Again, I care not about your ban or condemnation.

Moderator Staff,
God: The Game
New Brittonia
19-08-2007, 03:39
Why would we even accept credit cards... pure wire transfers only.

OOOC: The USS of New Brittonia, as stated earlier, deals in cash only, historically, wire transfers were bad for us. Most things the NB government pays for is only in cash. Logistically, it really sucks but it is just one of those Brittonian quirks that you have to love. However, our secret banks (based off the swiss) do wire transfers quite a bit.
19-08-2007, 03:58
OOOC: The USS of New Brittonia, as stated earlier, deals in cash only, historically, wire transfers were bad for us. Most things the NB government pays for is only in cash. Logistically, it really sucks but it is just one of those Brittonian quirks that you have to love. However, our secret banks (based off the swiss) do wire transfers quite a bit.

OOC: Not a big deal really. They'd accept cash too - it was just a response to a ridiculous comment (I assume meant to be hyperbole) about a kid using a credit card to buy land and control people's lives.
New Brittonia
19-08-2007, 04:06
OOC: Not a big deal really. They'd accept cash too - it was just a response to a ridiculous comment (I assume meant to be hyperbole) about a kid using a credit card to buy land and control people's lives.

OOC: I know, when is IC starting?
19-08-2007, 04:14
OOC: I know, when is IC starting?

OOC: It's really up to you guys. You can make threads about the development, goings-on, and interactions between your lands or post little things in this thread. IF nobody is doing anything after a while and there are a bunch of people who have bought spaces, then I might create an IC Thread to get things going.
New Brittonia
19-08-2007, 04:24
OOC: It's really up to you guys. You can make threads about the development, goings-on, and interactions between your lands or post little things in this thread. IF nobody is doing anything after a while and there are a bunch of people who have bought spaces, then I might create an IC Thread to get things going.

OOC: Second, is there a set number of people we get and do you play Black and White?
19-08-2007, 04:28
OOC: Second, is there a set number of people we get and do you play Black and White?

[OOC: The number of people is stated at least twice in the first post. It is roughly between 1500-2000 - you can create the exact number. I have Black & White 2.]
New Brittonia
19-08-2007, 04:34
[OOC: The number of people is stated at least twice in the first post. It is roughly between 1500-2000 - you can create the exact number. I have Black & White 2.]

OOC: I will make a factbook, I will go on the lesser end because mine willl be more seafaring and have numerous Islands. Please tell me a program/website to make good maps?
19-08-2007, 04:50
OOC: I will make a factbook, I will go on the lesser end because mine willl be more seafaring and have numerous Islands. Please tell me a program/website to make good maps?

[OOC: Seriously, please read the first post. Nobody is going to have numerous islands. Each "land" is roughly forty square miles and is part of a mini-continent (an island) - there are sometime arbitrary, sometimes geographic borders between them, but they are next to each other on the same land. A seafaring nation just isn't that smart... you will have to deal with the other four people on the continent with you, plus the seas between the continents are really not that large (like the size of a channel), and there are no colonies in far off worlds to be had. Paint.]
New Brittonia
19-08-2007, 04:53
[OOC: Seriously, please read the first post. Nobody is going to have numerous islands. Each "land" is roughly forty square miles and is part of a mini-continent (an island) - there are sometime arbitrary, sometimes geographic borders between them, but they are next to each other on the same land. A seafaring nation just isn't that smart... you will have to deal with the other four people on the continent with you, plus the seas between the continents are really not that large (like the size of a channel), and there are no colonies in far off worlds to be had. Paint.]

OOC: Ah, my bad, sorry. I'll make an IC post here, unless you have a problem with that.
19-08-2007, 09:11
Mamas, a town in the land of Nax in the contient of Bernine, cotains about thousand man and women.

the town is surronded by large farms, worked by the people living in the town.

the town "leader" is a priest named Luras, performing the wishes of God.

the only animals known to the town are the Cow and the Bull,
which are breeded in the villages around Mamas.

(there about five hundred people living in small villages outside the town, but due to their small land they breed cattle and exchange cattle for agricultural products in the town "marketplace".)

the town is made of about four hundred small huts, and contains also a simple market place

(trading agricultural products, cattle, and other things that were considered unique that time like pearls, fish, strange ores and such.)

stones are only used to slaugther and cut the cattle meat, and help with other ordinary daily missions.
19-08-2007, 11:08
[OOC: Splendid. Remember though, your land does have between 1500-2000 people, not just one tiny village of 80.]
19-08-2007, 11:16
[OOC: Splendid. Remember though, your land does have between 1500-2000 people, not just one tiny village of 80.]

OOC: ah. i thought that we start with about eighty people or something near that. i shall edit.
Oily prata
19-08-2007, 11:30
OOC:*Jumps up and down* I wanna buy one! I wanna control someone's destiny!Nice idea DMG!

Official communique from Ferdham Nuclear Works(Runs the nuclear reactors in OP)
We at Ferdham applaud Wolf Lands Inc and Interactive Games for coming up with such a brilliant idea for a next-generation game. Not since the creation of nuclear power has there been a geater achievement!The ability to control people as gods! This is why I,As CEO and founder of Ferdham Inc. Would like to purchase A stake in the game. It would be nice if you could give us land in the Frexin Continent. Attached is the details of a swiss bank account in which the Five billion USD is stored.

ACC.No 1234567
Handing No.735434
Once again, I would like to applaud your initiative.

Micheal B. Ferdham
Ferdham Nuclear Works
Oily Prata
19-08-2007, 12:22
OOC: Ah, my bad, sorry. I'll make an IC post here, unless you have a problem with that.
[OOC: Of course I don't have a problem with that; I have said at least twice that people can make their posts about their lands here.]

OOC: ah. i thought that we start with about eighty people or something near that. i shall edit.
[OOC: Says it in the OP...]
19-08-2007, 12:30
OOC:*Jumps up and down* I wanna buy one! I wanna control someone's destiny!Nice idea DMG!

Official communique from Ferdham Nuclear Works(Runs the nuclear reactors in OP)
We at Ferdham applaud Wolf Lands Inc and Interactive Games for coming up with such a brilliant idea for a next-generation game. Not since the creation of nuclear power has there been a geater achievement!The ability to control people as gods! This is why I,As CEO and founder of Ferdham Inc. Would like to purchase A stake in the game. It would be nice if you could give us land in the Frexin Continent. Attached is the details of a swiss bank account in which the Five billion USD is stored.

ACC.No 1234567
Handing No.735434
Once again, I would like to applaud your initiative.

Micheal B. Ferdham
Ferdham Nuclear Works
Oily Prata

You have been accepted by God: The Game (TM) as a new player.
A tech unit, composed of four specialists, if currently en route to your nation with the player-side Oracle computer, installed with all of the proper software. This unit will remain with you for the first month teaching you how to use the game in all its entirety and can answer any of your playing questions (for administrative questions, contact the Moderator Staff).
Your player pin (identification code) has been designated #03-01-001. You will need to log-in to the Oracle with it, and it will then be forever linked with that terminal. It will work with no other Oracle and you cannot access the game through any other computer. It will also help us track you as a player and keep a record of your work and issues.
You have been allotted Land #1, nameable as anything you wish, in the Frexin Continent. Develop it as you see fit, within the standards of the game.

Remember to adhere to the rules and have fun. You alone are now God of your people.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game
19-08-2007, 13:00
I'm confused...
$5bn? For a game?
Is there something I'm missing?
New Brittonia
19-08-2007, 16:50
Prime Minister David Flower, unbeknownst to much of Brittonia had a bit of an interest in video games. So upon hearing of God: The Game he was rather intrigued. However, he did not have five billion dollars to spend freely. So he divised this scheme. He gathered several organizations, universities, hospitals, insitutions, think-tanks, the works. The organization formed the God: the Game: Trust, with Prime Minister the president of the organization. So, he had God: the Game, albeit with several secintests, historians, and psychologists watching to see what will happen. Flower was looking at his office in his vacation home in the mountains, when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in", he said.

A young man walked in with a manilla folder and said,
"Mr. Prime Minister, there is a package for you."

"Okay", he replied, somewhat realizing what it is.

He walked down the stairs, into the side oor near the kitchen, where all deliveries were recieved.

A man was frisking the driver, the vehicle was searched prior to its entrance. He said,
"Package for David Dlower, sign here."

OOC- Can you RP your technicians now? Oh, is the Oracle a large computer (a big server) or a normal PC computer, so I can RP it.
19-08-2007, 17:10
Official Communique

A private consortium of wealthy individuals, businesses and psychological researchers in Naasha, headed by myself, have gathered the five billion dollars needed to play God: The Game. We would like to apply to purchase land on the Taligyr continent.

Thomas Lenrov.
19-08-2007, 18:25
I'm confused...
$5bn? For a game?
Is there something I'm missing?

Yes, you are obviously missing a lot. I would recommend reading the write-up on the "game" again. You will realize that we are basically enabling somebody to become a real-life god to a small, 10th century civilization of roughly 2000 people. These are real people you are "playing" with and everything is happening in reality.

That is why the cost is $5 billion.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game
19-08-2007, 18:28
OOC- Can you RP your technicians now? Oh, is the Oracle a large computer (a big server) or a normal PC computer, so I can RP it.

[OOC: Sorry, I am traveling right now, so I don't have the time. You can RP them, though. They are basically just going to set up the computer, show you how to use the software, and answer any of the questions you have (all of this is pretty much explained in the first post).

The Oracle is just a regular computer installed with the proper software and connected to the games servers, which in turn connects it to the correct land's Oracle. This too is stated in the first post.]
19-08-2007, 18:31
Official Communique

A private consortium of wealthy individuals, businesses and psychological researchers in Naasha, headed by myself, have gathered the five billion dollars needed to play God: The Game. We would like to apply to purchase land on the Taligyr continent.

Thomas Lenrov.

You have been accepted by God: The Game (TM) as a new player.
A tech unit, composed of four specialists, if currently en route to your nation with the player-side Oracle computer, installed with all of the proper software. This unit will remain with you for the first month teaching you how to use the game in all its entirety and can answer any of your playing questions (for administrative questions, contact the Moderator Staff).
Your player pin (identification code) has been designated #04-01-001. You will need to log-in to the Oracle with it, and it will then be forever linked with that terminal. It will work with no other Oracle and you cannot access the game through any other computer. It will also help us track you as a player and keep a record of your work and issues.
You have been allotted Land #1, nameable as anything you wish, in the Taligyr Continent. Develop it as you see fit, within the standards of the game.

Remember to adhere to the rules and have fun. You alone are now God of your people.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game
19-08-2007, 19:58
How Do I join?
19-08-2007, 22:01
How Do I join?

[OOC: I would recommend getting acquainted with NationStates and your own country before trying to get involved with something like this. If you are new, read the threads labeled "Sticky" at the top of the International Incidents forum.]
20-08-2007, 19:42
Le 'bump
20-08-2007, 19:57
Over the month, the town of Mamas discoverd the Milk and the Cheese!

the vast cow herds in the villages surronding the town has finally gained important beyond their meat.

the cheese and milk, though, are quite considered quite 'expensive'.

you could buy a pot of milk for a single bull, and considerable number of agricultural products or\and fish.
New Brittonia
20-08-2007, 20:27
OOC: Sorry for the bad post

A man picked up the box and carried it to David's office, if if was dropped someone else would have to be at the blame. The man followed David to his office, opened a knife in his pocket, opened the box, and began to unpack the computer and assemble it. The man walked out and David turned the computer on.
"Mmm. . . Vista.", he muttered.

He let the computer load, and clicked on the icon that said
"God: the Game"

A screen opened up, and it said,
"First-Time Login"

He typed in
"God: the Game: Trust" under the field labeled user name and "02-04-001" under PIN code."

The screen loaded up and David went into the Written Word:

Attenton, everybody, living in the nation of Brittonia, which is what I will call you people now, I am your God.

You people will live, if you follow what I say.

Your leader will be the holiest one, the one who listens to what I say and acts upon my word. He will have complete dominion while you are on this land, and I will have power in the afterlife. However, if your leader, the High Priest of Brittonia, fails to act accordingly to my instructions, or abuses his power and hurts more Brittonians than he helps, he will no longer be the High Priest. There is no bias based on the gender or color of the skin of the priest, but every other priest must be of a different gender. To clairify it for yoou so those who are stupid may understand, the pattern goes like this: man, woman, man, woman, man, woman, and so on and so forth.

Despite the fact that the High Priest is supreme ruler of the Brittonians he will have to be kind to the people and listen to them. So, every fortnight, that is fourteen solar cycles, he will meet with the people in a meeting so everyone will have their voice heard.

When people have been accused of crimes, they will be tried for in a fair manner by a jury of 8 of their peers in around the same social background, age, and wealth as each other.

This is how the government of this nation will work. Later, I will tell you what is against the laws of God.
21-08-2007, 09:01
Nénuyen Tuilëvënda Culdalot nos Fithurin was practically bouncing as she saw the ad. A whole continent to play with! Playing god, even! It seemed like such fun, and – then she saw the price. The young elf, barely short of the half-century mark that signified adulthood, and just as excitable as a child half her age, pursed her lips. Five billion dollars. She didn’t have it, of course, but her family certainly did. Five billion dollars. That came out to about two billion credits and change. That wasn’t that much, was it? Not compared to the wealth of House Fithurin, itself far from the wealthiest of the Great Houses of the Noldor. First she dictated a message to the people running the game.

”By the Voice and Will of Lady Nénuyen Tuilëvënda Culdalot, of the Great House Fithurin, given at Vinyatírion, Menelmacar.
To the “God: the Game” Moderator Staff, Viscountania, DMG, greetings.

I am interested in possibly opening an account in your game. I do, however, have some questions.

First, is it permitted to teach magic to the people or the clergy or whatever?
Second, how much leeway is given in terms of miracles, divine retribution, assorted smiting, and so forth, and how long does it take to turn around such a request?
Third, is the Written Word system on the Oracle capable of displaying images, whether moving or stationary? If I can’t visit my people, I at least want them to know what their goddess looks like, so when they’re building temples they get the statues right. And that way I could also add pretty lights and pyrotechnics when I speak. Sound would be nice too... a good thundering divine voice couldn't hurt.
Fourth, would I be right in assuming that just about anything goes as long as it is through the Oracle?
Fifth, is the five billion dollar fee a one-time thing, and are there any ongoing subscription fees?
And sixth, more out of curiosity as Menelmacari are immortal unless killed, but what happens normally when a player stops playing the game, closes his account, or dies? Most players’ lifespan is not going to be particularly longer than those of their worshippers.

I look forward to your response, and hopefully, to joining your player community.”

And then, up she hopped, and scampered off to find Lady Serendis, her mother. It was Culda's birthday soon, after all, and she’d been doing well in school.

OOC: Thought I'd throw in the obscenely wealthy child the pan-Arab fellow worried about. Though Culda's really a very nice girl. And, please say yes to question 3. And hopefully question 1 as well. ;)
21-08-2007, 14:22
Nénuyen Tuilëvënda Culdalot nos Fithurin was practically bouncing as she saw the ad. A whole continent to play with! Playing god, even! It seemed like such fun, and – then she saw the price. The young elf, barely short of the half-century mark that signified adulthood, and just as excitable as a child half her age, pursed her lips. Five billion dollars. She didn’t have it, of course, but her family certainly did. Five billion dollars. That came out to about two billion credits and change. That wasn’t that much, was it? Not compared to the wealth of House Fithurin, itself far from the wealthiest of the Great Houses of the Noldor. First she dictated a message to the people running the game.

”By the Voice and Will of Lady Nénuyen Tuilëvënda Culdalot, of the Great House Fithurin, given at Vinyatírion, Menelmacar.
To the “God: the Game” Moderator Staff, Viscountania, DMG, greetings.

I am interested in possibly opening an account in your game. I do, however, have some questions.

First, is it permitted to teach magic to the people or the clergy or whatever?
Second, how much leeway is given in terms of miracles, divine retribution, assorted smiting, and so forth, and how long does it take to turn around such a request?
Third, is the Written Word system on the Oracle capable of displaying images, whether moving or stationary? If I can’t visit my people, I at least want them to know what their goddess looks like, so when they’re building temples they get the statues right. And that way I could also add pretty lights and pyrotechnics when I speak. Sound would be nice too... a good thundering divine voice couldn't hurt.
Fourth, would I be right in assuming that just about anything goes as long as it is through the Oracle?
Fifth, is the five billion dollar fee a one-time thing, and are there any ongoing subscription fees?
And sixth, more out of curiosity as Menelmacari are immortal unless killed, but what happens normally when a player stops playing the game, closes his account, or dies? Most players’ lifespan is not going to be particularly longer than those of their worshippers.

I look forward to your response, and hopefully, to joining your player community.”

And then, up she hopped, and scampered off to find Lady Serendis, her mother. It was Culda's birthday soon, after all, and she’d been doing well in school.

OOC: Thought I'd throw in the obscenely wealthy child the pan-Arab fellow worried about. Though Culda's really a very nice girl. And, please say yes to question 3. And hopefully question 1 as well. ;)

It is with great honor and pleasure that I write in response to your questions, Lady Nénuyen Tuilëvënda Culdalot, of the Great House Fithurin, given at Vinyatírion, Menelmacar. We are delighted that you are interested in participating in our venture, and we hope that our answers are, if not entirely satisfactory, at least acceptable.

Yes, you may teach them magic to your heart's desire. In fact, you may already find that a rare few have already figured out how to pull off some slight-of-hand and scam tricks, though it will depend on which land you take up as your own.

Divine intervention, which encompasses retribution, miracles, smiting, and the sorts, is judged on a case-by-case manner. We will generally allow some sort of direct intervention when the god's divinity is in question by his or her followers. However, if it is done to convince one's people, we tend to ask that divine intervention be kept on the low side. Also, we will tend to favor divine intervention that does not directly harm the people in anyway, especially if we determine that another act of god could do as well (i.e. we would use smiting only as a last resort in dire circumstances - instead, sometimes, we could simply remove the person from the game). As for timing, our Moderator Staff is monitoring the game and your requests 24/7, and each has the power to answer and carry out any request - in addition, the game was installed to be able to show god's might, thus from the time you request it to the time it is applied would be mere seconds. One word of advice, though, is not to promise specific moments of divine power without first clearing them with the staff or else you, as a god, could look mighty foolish.

There is actually a third setting for the Oracle that combines the first two. It allows you to input whatever images you would like, and you can easily send speak to them through your voice. The software will also allow you to edit these images and sounds, manipulating them to make them appear to your people as you desire.

Yes, just about anything goes, so long as it does not violate the rules or the spirit of the game. If there is anything specific you would like to ask or are unsure about, I would recommend asking the Moderator Staff rather than trying to find a loop hole in the game (because we will rule against it anyway).

Currently, the five billion dollar fee is a one-time cost. However, as time goes on we may add fees to newer accounts (those not purchased at the time) or add new options to the game that require an upgrade or constant fee. You will be alerted if any of this happens.

If a player decides to just stop playing (but retain his account), then nothing happens except that his or her people will probably feel abandoned by their god and who knows how they would react. If, however, a player dies or closes their account, we reserve the right to resell it - the new player can resume the role of the old player (the god persona they took on) or create a new one and explain it anyway they like (god struggle or what have you).

I hope I have answered your questions in their fullest. You have any additional questions or concerns, please bring them forward for both yourself and all the players of the game.

I look forward to hearing from you, Lady Nénuyen Tuilëvënda Culdalot.
Moderator Staff

OOC: Awesome, nice to have you around. Just for clarification, seeing as I generally try to keep my MT nation separate from any fantasy, my answer to question 1 means that you can teach them magic like illusions and tricks (RL) rather than energy magic (fantasy). I realize that keeping fantasy separate from it in this case would pretty much completely bar you from participating, so I am just going to let the other stuff slide and keep magic out of it.
21-08-2007, 18:10
OOC: Hmm. I'll try to RP that as the people not being able to wrap their minds around the concepts, though Culda will be disappointed. From her perspective she'd be a more effective deity if she can teach her priests a few things, y'know? ;) IC post coming.
21-08-2007, 23:28
OOC: Hmm. I'll try to RP that as the people not being able to wrap their minds around the concepts, though Culda will be disappointed. From her perspective she'd be a more effective deity if she can teach her priests a few things, y'know? ;) IC post coming.

[OOC: She can teach her priests plenty... I am just not going to allow magic (not just in the lands, but any mention of it here). *slightly confused*]
New Brittonia
22-08-2007, 00:39
OOC: DMG are you gonna make a responce to the rules I set down?
22-08-2007, 00:49
OOC: DMG are you gonna make a responce to the rules I set down?

[OOC: Me? They're your people. You control them...]
New Brittonia
22-08-2007, 01:04
[OOC: Me? They're your people. You control them...]

OOC: I thought that you show what happens after I tell them what to do
22-08-2007, 01:14
OOC: I thought that you show what happens after I tell them what to do

[OOC: Wasn't planning on it. It's just like how NS works for us, except that it is supposed to be real for the NS people.
New Brittonia
22-08-2007, 01:25
[OOC: Wasn't planning on it. It's just like how NS works for us, except that it is supposed to be real for the NS people.

OOC: I know, i thought it was just as after you do the issues, the computer shows you the results, I can tell the people what to do but you tell what thepeople do as a result
22-08-2007, 03:00
OOC: I know, i thought it was just as after you do the issues, the computer shows you the results, I can tell the people what to do but you tell what thepeople do as a result

[OOC: No, as I have said, it is all you RPing. You do it all. Just be relatively realistic in their reactions and actions.]
New Brittonia
22-08-2007, 03:15
[OOC: No, as I have said, it is all you RPing. You do it all. Just be relatively realistic in their reactions and actions.]

OOC: Oh, i'll have to think then
22-08-2007, 18:15
[OOC: The front page has me listed as in land #1 in error, I think. Your reply suggested I was in land #4.]

Thomas finished reading the last of the email and closed his inbox. Already it had been filled with suggestions from the various members of Naasha's God: The Game trust. He'd read them later, since some of these people had donated vast amounts of money for the privilege, but for now, it was time to play.

He ran the Oracle application and entered the player PIN which he had memorised and then deleted, #04-01-001. He quickly reviewed the land which he had been given, under the watchful eyes of one of the tech unit. Land #1 on the Taligyr continent had a population of 1875, a section in brackets told him that one birth was expected within the week and that two people were close to death.

So far so good, the land appeared mostly flat and grassy and the climate was sunny and temperate. The land ended abruptly in a rocky and jagged coastline to the north and west, and this coast was guarded by steep cliffs of dark brown stone. The southern coast featured lower cliffs, protected by sandy beaches and a variety of tall grasses and resilient trees. To the east, the peninsula met the rest of the continent, bordering with lands #3 and #5 along a natural ridge that made a perfect boundary.

The population, the program informed him, lived mostly in a town in the centre of the land. Two further villages lay to the east, mostly farmers growing crops and raising poultry to trade in the capital. A small collection of dwellings on the south coast appeared to house fishermen, who rarely interacted with the rest of the community. The Oracle was a large, rectangular rock with smooth faces on each side, set upright in land a little to the west of the larger town. It was clearly taken from the land's coast, although the dark brown had faded to a light, golden colour in the sunlight, a perfect monument for a God.

Thomas opened the program's art folder and quickly found a simple, elegant line drawing of the sun which he caused to appear, as if etched into the Oracle's east face, although the rock itself remained smooth to the touch. Some quick assistance from the tech unit allowed the drawing to follow the position of the sun in the sky as it moved around the Oracle, thanks to the built in light sensors. He was almost ready to make himself known to his people, but first he had to check the satellite weather map.

What a perfect way for a Sun God to reveal Himself. Thomas grinned as two brilliantly white clouds parted spectacularly to reveal the dazzling noon sun, directly overhead in the sky. He used the Real Word software to alter his voice as he spoke, making it sound deep and melodious, echoing across the town and its alarmed residents.

"Followers!" He caused the Oracle to rumble slightly as he spoke, drawing the people toward it. "Hear Me, who is Master of the Skies, Lord of the Sun and God of my people. You are my people and it is I who has granted you peace, prosperity, food and shelter since time immemorial."

"For I am Apollis, and you shall hear My will, carry out My bidding and worship Me. For this I will grant you My benevolence. Let those amongst you who are brave and true enough to become My servants step forward..."

Even as the crowd milled about in confusion, Thomas was impressed with the Oracle software, which was automatically displaying profiles of the people who looked most likely to step forward. He picked his favourite five from amongst the crowd and activated his microphone once more.

"I know which of you feel the call to become my agents on this land and I call you to step forward know and receive My blessing." He had to hurry them along now, the sun had disappeared behind clouds once more and he knew it would reappear momentarily, casting an impressive ray of light down on the spot before the Oracle. He called each out by the names given to him by the computer, each stepping forward obediently at his bidding. There were two women, one young the other middle-aged, two younger men and one authoritative looking older man with distinguished white hair and a serious look upon his face.

"These five shall become Priests of the Sun. They have My blessing and any person who seeks to harm them shall incur great wrath and disaster upon himself."

Thomas called up a blank map of the land, highlighted the border with the other lands and transmitted it to the Oracle's east face. "These are the lands of the Sun, stretching from the shining seas of the west to the where the land meets the continent, which shall be called Taligyr, to the east. This town is to be the capital of My lands, which shall be called Apolla, and the capital shall be called Annapollis, for it is a blessed city. My Priests will deliver My guidance to you, for they know in their hearts what is best for Apolla."

"Now go! For I shall speak to my Priests of My Will..."
22-08-2007, 19:14
[OOC: The front page has me listed as in land #1 in error, I think. Your reply suggested I was in land #4.]

[OOC: Aye, I meant it to be land #1, so I changed it in my original response to that. No biggie. It can still border #3 and #5. And good job on the post - I like it.]
22-08-2007, 21:05
[OOC: Aye, I meant it to be land #1, so I changed it in my original response to that. No biggie. It can still border #3 and #5. And good job on the post - I like it.]

Thanks, updated my post to reflect that.
22-08-2007, 22:58
[OOC: I hope interest in this picks up, it's a great concept for a thread.]

Thomas Lenrov drummed his fingers on the table, waiting for the crowd to disperse from around the Oracle. Only once the last lingerer had left did he address the remaining Priests, lowering the volume and removing the booming quality from his voice.

"You five will become the first of the order of my Priests. It will be your duty to oversee these sacred lands, to guide the people and to punish any injustices. Your first task will be to elect a High Priest from amongst your number, so that they may carry out My Will and lead Apolla. Those remaining amongst you shall each dwell in one of the settlements of the people, where you will construct a shrine like this one and teach the people My Will."

He switched off the microphone, letting the people confer for a time while he typed out an email to the moderation team. His question was simple, what was the moderator's views on conversion and movement of people within the game. Was it against the rules to 'steal' some other players worshippers, whether by accident or design?

Glancing back at the main screen, he saw that the Priests had made a decision, the distinguished looking, silver-haired man had stepped toward the Oracle and was looking expectant. Thomas flipped the talk switch and began to speak.

"I confer upon you the title of High Priest. You will govern and aid your peers in all of their works, you will lead the people in their worship of me and you will punish those who wrong the laws set in place by me. In addition, all of you Priests may judge your fellows both according to my laws and those that come naturally to all people, you may do unto them as you wish. I will place my laws upon the face of my altar so that you may record them and keep them at my shrines."

"I will teach you the first of my laws now, for it is the most important and must be followed each and every day by as many followers who are able. It is the Law of Worship. At the rising of the sun each morning, you will kneel before me, facing the east, for that is where I shall appear. The Priest will lead the people in giving thanks to me for the prosperity I have brought to my people and they shall rejoice at my coming. At the setting of the sun, all shall face the west, where I shall leave, and stand tall, gazing upon the light until it is extinguished, only then may fires and lights be lit. The Priest will lead the people in contemplation of the day, and pray for my return in the morn."

"Now, three of you must leave here. You will go unto the people of Edenmont in the east, who grow the corn and livestock for my people. You will go unto the people of Faray, who fish the southern seas and you will go unto the people of Tamalt in the north and east, who fell timber to build great buildings. You will spread the word of my coming to these people, you will build shrines in the likeness of the one here and you will teach them the prayers of morning and dusk. And they will receive me with open arms, for any who doubt shall be brought here to witness my power."

"You, who remains and is not the High Priest. You will start the construction of a fitting site of prayer around this altar. Use benches of wood and stone and a raised dais, so that the people may see the Priest, but do not build walls, for they shield the people from the glory of the sunlight."
23-08-2007, 01:52
[OOC: I hope interest in this picks up, it's a great concept for a thread.]

He switched off the microphone, letting the people confer for a time while he typed out an email to the moderation team. His question was simple, what was the moderator's views on conversion and movement of people within the game. Was it against the rules to 'steal' some other players worshippers, whether by accident or design?

[OOC: Thanks, I hope so too.]

With fifty moderators working in six-hour shifts around the clock, there was effectively always one moderator per two players. However, with only a few players having registered so far, there were way more than necessary to operate the game's command center in the Dominion.

When an email arrived into the center, it was routed to Moderator #347, named Mike, for a response. The computer quickly identified its origin as being player #04-01-001 and brought up his profile on the side of the screen...

Dear Thomas Lenrov,
To put it simply, no it is not against the rules to gain worshippers by accident or by design whether peacefully or forcefully. However, at this early point in the game, we would ask you to refrain from doing so as most other peoples have no god as of yet. That is to say, wait until another player has claimed a land near yours and he or she has revealed himself to his people. Once a land and people have a player/god, you may steal to your hearts delight.

Moderator #347,
God: The Game
The Garbage Men
23-08-2007, 03:38
It tickled his fancy... he chuckled as he perused his personnel assets... which numbered in the Trilions worth...

An email was despatched by the CEO, of the Garbage Men, Trevor Desorté despatched an email off.

Subject: God: The Game

To head of accounts,

I want in, 5 Billion is ready to transfer from the Administrative budget, which is at my discretion.

I wish to acquire: Land 3, of the Bernine Continent.

CEO of The Garbage Men, Trevor Desorté

OOC: I presume my oracle can be purely be a sacred fire?
23-08-2007, 03:44
It tickled his fancy... he chuckled as he perused his personnel assets... which numbered in the Trilions worth...

An email was despatched by the CEO, of the Garbage Men, Trevor Desorté despatched an email off.

Subject: God: The Game

To head of accounts,

I want in, 5 Billion is ready to transfer from the Administrative budget, which is at my discretion.

I wish to acquire: Land 3, of the Bernine Continent.

CEO of The Garbage Men, Trevor Desorté

OOC: I presume my oracle can be purely be a sacred fire?

You have been accepted by God: The Game (TM) as a new player.
A tech unit, composed of four specialists, if currently en route to your nation with the player-side Oracle computer, installed with all of the proper software. This unit will remain with you for the first month teaching you how to use the game in all its entirety and can answer any of your playing questions (for administrative questions, contact the Moderator Staff).
Your player pin (identification code) has been designated #01-03-001. You will need to log-in to the Oracle with it, and it will then be forever linked with that terminal. It will work with no other Oracle and you cannot access the game through any other computer. It will also help us track you as a player and keep a record of your work and issues.
You have been allotted Land #3, nameable as anything you wish, in the Bernine Continent. Develop it as you see fit, within the standards of the game.

Remember to adhere to the rules and have fun. You alone are now God of your people.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game

[OOC: Umm... I guess it could be a fire, but realize that you don't have any real divine or magical powers, so they could just put the fire out if they wanted to...]
The Garbage Men
23-08-2007, 05:41
The Land of Gendar was full of rolling hills, it looked quite idealic, the 1984 inhabitants where spread throughout the land in small settlements amung which the largely farming community toiled worked their fields and basically just existed. There was nothing else for them to do, they existed, lived of fresh vegetables grown in small family plots, cows, sheep and other beasts in small domesticated herds provided meat and milk.

The largest settlement and the defacto centre of commerce, was named Rena and from Rena a small council provided a some what limited structure of government.

Trevor pondered the information as it was provided by him as he just worked his way around the program getting shown some things and abilities of the program and the game as a whole...

He had thought that he wanted to manfest himself in the world as a fire the technicians told him that it wouldn't be any abnormal fire, that they could extinguish the fire... but perhaps perhaps he could work with this...

The oracle in the world looked like it was a stone bench, up until this point it was just dismissed as another lump of rock... But he set the oracle to a setting... It looked like an etching, but the rock was smooth, flame danced about on the surface of the stone, the sound of fire crackling emanating from the stone.

People started to gather around this strange sight.. nothing else seemed to happen until suddenly a booming voice echoed around...

"All those that know me fear me! I am the Lord of Fire, giving warmth and light as well death and destruction. I am the one who tests and tries, those that overcome will be blessed and those that fail will fall by the wayside. Succeed and you will become most blessed and I shall bestow my blessings upon you.... Soon I shall bestow my first test... and you will know the blessings of your Lord and God upon you. In 3 days I will return with your task, but know this.... I am FIRE!"
24-08-2007, 01:27
Good post... bump
The Garbage Men
25-08-2007, 04:08
"I better ask the moderation staff, you say."

"Well, yes you better, depends on exactly the way you want to do it... anything like calling fire down from the sky is going to need the moderators."

"Bah, what good is a fire god if you can't do something as simple as calling fire down from the sky. Fine then, I'll type it up.."

To: God Mods
From: Trevor Desorté
Subject: Divine Interaction Request.

PIN: #01-03-001

At noon local time in Gendar, In 2 days I will appear once again to the people of my lands... I wish to leave them with no doubt as to my power. I will ask the people to lay wood on top of the stone that is my oracle and then announce that I will descend a sacred flame from heaven. At this point I would like to have the wood ontop of my oracle burst in flame as if the fire came from the sky. Perhaps a powerful laser?

Anyway thank you.
25-08-2007, 04:25
To: God Mods
From: Trevor Desorté
Subject: Divine Interaction Request.

PIN: #01-03-001

At noon local time in Gendar, In 2 days I will appear once again to the people of my lands... I wish to leave them with no doubt as to my power. I will ask the people to lay wood on top of the stone that is my oracle and then announce that I will descend a sacred flame from heaven. At this point I would like to have the wood ontop of my oracle burst in flame as if the fire came from the sky. Perhaps a powerful laser?

Anyway thank you.

In just the time it took to write the response, a message was dispatched from the game's central command back to the player labeled #01-03-001.

To: Trevore Desorté
From: Moderator #112
Subject: Divine Interaction Request.

Indeed, we can do this. It seems to be a worthy way of using divine intervention without harming anybody. As for the methods, we do indeed have lasers stationed on the satellites over-watching the game; however, I was also thinking about simply dropping a piece of "Greek Fire" on the wood. As you may very well know, Greek Fire will stick to its target and is near impossible to put out (it must burn out on its own). We have the means to do either, so we shall leave the choice up to you.

Moderator #112
Moderator Staff
God: The Game

[OOC: You don't have to respond; you can just identify which you choice by the content of your post.]
The Garbage Men
26-08-2007, 07:37
After the Fire God first revealed himself to the people, they started to ask what it all meant. What would he want from them what does this mean for their uncomplicated lives...

3 days later it seemed that everyone was gathered around the oracle, for Trevor the program told him that exactly 163 people gathered around, including all the members of the council. He smilled to himself and then activated the oracle... As before the flame danced on the side with the crackling fire echoeing around.

"My people... I have a task for you, I will show you my power, on top of this sacred stone you shall make as if you would create a fireplace. But do not set it alight, I will provide for my self the sacred fire... You have been given a task by your god... fulfil it."

It wasn't long before a small pire of wood was set up... It was coming upon noon and "You have fulfilled your task, and I am pleased... Stand back lest you be consumed by and you will see the power of your god........ I give you the sacred fire."

... That was the cue, greek fire fell from the sky landing on the pile of wood, setting it alight.. There was a little splashback from the greek fire as it landed... none of it landed on any person but it created a nice visual effect and emphasised the "power" of the god.

Trevor pulled up a list of names that he had selected during the 3 days, 5 people where in the list and yes, all of them where there.

"Those that I call shall step forward towards the sacred flame ..."

He read out those names, the pronounciation was right if not a bit odd but that was the land. All those 5 stepped forward,

"You 5 will be my priests, one of your number will be my high priest, I shall give you responsibilities you shall build me a temple." A rotating image of the temple appeared in the flame. "This will be how it will look like, you are standing in the forecourt and these shall the dimensions of it be... " he spoke the dimensions of the temple. The oracle was to be in the centre of the forecourt and and 2 alters were to be right and left of it.

There were to be living quarters for the priests in the temple.

"I am not a god to be unreachable by my people I am with amongst my people providing warmth and light, Come to the sacred fire and ask of me, if you have true fire in your heart I will make it happen... I have spoken... Now leave and start gathering the materials for my temple, I shall along with the councillors..." he spoke the names of the councillors "Stay, I have words for you..."

"My high priest, <name>, shall join your number he shall ensure my will is carried out. So it shall be."

"Now go, all of you and do as I have instructed you this day Councilors."

"Priests, your main duty is ensure my sacred flame extinguished, if you fail my wrath will fall and with it I shall bring destruction upon you."

"Remember all that I have commanded..."

And with that Trevor turned his microphone off, and he watched as his people scurried about getting the materials ready, as he instructed to construct the temple, which would be the largest construction project ever under taken... For now he had set up and shown his good hood, it would now be upto his little players to follow.
27-08-2007, 02:04
People, buy your land slot now and become God!
27-08-2007, 02:37
Apollonia was reading through the papers out in her living room. Her husband, Victor, was one of the 5 heads of the International Banking Syndicate. Although she possessed almost anything she fancied, Apollonia felt empty. She had no children, and was allergic to anything with fur. Now, her eyes passed over the tech section of the paper.

"Hmmm...God: The Game?"

She was never really a gamey person, but well...what did she have to lose? Victor had basically given her a carte blache. So Apollonia went to her computer and went straight to her e-mail

To: God: The Game Account Managers

I wish to start an account in your new game and will wire you the money frommy personal account. I would like to acquire Mechani Continent - Land 1 as my territory please. Thank you.

Apollonia Delray

Wait until she told Julie, Apollonia thought to herself, she'll never believe this.
27-08-2007, 02:54
Apollonia was reading through the papers out in her living room. Her husband, Victor, was one of the 5 heads of the International Banking Syndicate. Although she possessed almost anything she fancied, Apollonia felt empty. She had no children, and was allergic to anything with fur. Now, her eyes passed over the tech section of the paper.

"Hmmm...God: The Game?"

She was never really a gamey person, but well...what did she have to lose? Victor had basically given her a carte blache. So Apollonia went to her computer and went straight to her e-mail

To: God: The Game Account Managers

I wish to start an account in your new game and will wire you the money frommy personal account. I would like to acquire Mechani Continent - Land 1 as my territory please. Thank you.

Apollonia Delray

Wait until she told Julie, Apollonia thought to herself, she'll never believe this.

You have been accepted by God: The Game (TM) as a new player.
A tech unit, composed of four specialists, if currently en route to your nation with the player-side Oracle computer, installed with all of the proper software. This unit will remain with you for the first month teaching you how to use the game in all its entirety and can answer any of your playing questions (for administrative questions, contact the Moderator Staff).
Your player pin (identification code) has been designated #05-01-001. You will need to log-in to the Oracle with it, and it will then be forever linked with that terminal. It will work with no other Oracle and you cannot access the game through any other computer. It will also help us track you as a player and keep a record of your work and issues.
You have been allotted Land #1, nameable as anything you wish, in the Mechani Continent. Develop it as you see fit, within the standards of the game.

Remember to adhere to the rules and have fun. You alone are now God of your people.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game
The World Soviet Party
27-08-2007, 03:14
OOC: Can we ask who the other players are?

I mean, off the game, can I ask you who controls each land before deciding my purchase?
27-08-2007, 03:20
[OOC: Can we ask who the other players are?

I mean, off the game, can I ask you who controls each land before deciding my purchase?]

[OOC: Hmm... good question. I am going to say no in order to protect their privacy as well as to keep it from influencing the game (like making an alliance because you like that person). However, I will allow you to send e-mails to each player's account asking if they would reveal their identity to you.]
27-08-2007, 13:08
The Delivery men had come to her house and set up the game. Apollonia was so excited! Soon they were done, the man doffed his hat and she thanked him. “Let’s see how well I can play this.” She thought to herself.

She let the computer load, and clicked on the icon that said
"God: the Game"

A screen opened up, and it said,
"First-Time Login"

Se typed in
"Apollonia Munsolio" under the field labeled user name and "05-01-001" under PIN code

The screen opened up to a page describing everything about her territory, and she clicked on a link to the map. It was a large peninsula on the left side of the Mechani Continent.

“I wonder what the local name for the place is?” she though upon seeing it.

The land was separated from the rest of the continent by a long mountain range with snowy caps. There were long rivers, tall forests, and towards center, rolling plains.

Then she saw the stats of her people:

“There are 1,426 people in this place and they migrate from place to place as a tribe”

“2 are soon to be born, 1 will soon pass on…”

“Chieftain recently deceased, anarchy is prevalent…”

She then moved into the written word section, “Now how do I make a good entrance?” she muttered herself.


It was the early morning in their world, and as Apollonia looked over her domain she saw a tent the was a bit away from the others and pulled up the stats on it. A young man and his wife lived there. His name was Arano, his wife’s was Tallia, they had no children yet, they were intelligent and most important of all they were charismatic.

This new civilization needed some good leaders, this was great luck on her part. “Here goes nothing, I guess...”
27-08-2007, 15:11
A spring bubbled up from the ground and it’s water rose to create the form of a beautiful young woman. Arano rose from where he had been guarding his tent.

“Who are you!?” he asked in a voice half of caution, half of wonder.

She used the Real Word device and spoke to him in a soft watery voice:

“My name is Quelia, I am the Goddess of Water. Oceans bow before me, Sea tremble at my knees, the mightiest Rivers turn at the point of my hand…but fear not, I don’t wish to harm you or your people.”

“What do you want of me, my lady?” asked Arano

“Bring everyone in your tribe to this spot in one hour, I wish to speak to them as a group.”

The Water Goddess and her spring sunk back into ground


Apollonia was having a lot of fun with this she continued to see how the game worked, before she knew it an hour had passed and used her Written word to speak with Arano.

On her screen she saw no one there, save Arano, his wife and a few others.


“No one has come?” she said surprised

“We tried very hard, Goddess, but no one would believe us…” said Tallia

“I see, I will summon them then.

Then using the Real Word accessory in a loud booming voice Apollonia said “NOMADS OF THIS LAND, COME TO THE SOUND OF MY VOICE!”

Soon many were scurrying their way to the site of the spring. When she thought all were there she told Arano earlier and then asked:

“What do refer to yourselves as a tribe?”

“We call ourselves the Shoaru, Ma’am.” Said a small boy before any one could srop him.

“Shoaru I want you to be my people, and to you I give this land. What is it called?”

“It has no name, we don’t name the places where we go.” Spoke Arano.

“Then it shall have one, and this place will be called Ithilar ( Now I ask something of you, move you tents, families, and belongings to the east of here, where the three great rivers separate. There you will build the city of Beryliat which will be the gem of your nation and envy of the world.”

The she looked toward Arano and Tallia

“Can you lead these people to the site, build a city, and establish law?”

“Yes, Ma’am” they replied

“Will your decisions be just and fair, your laws the same?”

“They will be.”

“Will you have the people nominate Elders to guide and give you consul.”

“We will.”

“When you arrive at the site of your new capital, will you build a temple where you find a fountain on top of a hill so that I may hear my people and my people hear me?”

“Yes, we will.”

“Now kneel and arise, King Arano and Queen Tallia of the House of Ithilar.”

“Shoaru people, I give you your new King and Queen, listen to them well.”

Then The Goddess departed the people and left them to their task.


“I love this game!” said Apollonia when she had logged off for the day
27-08-2007, 16:41
[OOC: Nice job. Just one thing though: you realize that your Oracle is going to remain where it is while your people move to a city and build a temple there?]
27-08-2007, 17:47
OOC: How do you advance from 10th century to 1850 within the players life time? I maybe interested in this.
27-08-2007, 17:58
OOC: How do you advance from 10th century to 1850 within the players life time? I maybe interested in this.

[OOC: Well first, I changed the starting point from the 10th century to the 12th century, but forgot to update the post. *fixed* But about how you advance is very simple, you can teach your people technologies, can direct them to research and study, or give them hints, etc. You are god - all of this technology already exists in the NS world where the player is - so all you have to do is give it to them (though there are restrictions). If they are 12th century tech and you want to give them a solid-fuel rocket built in the 13th century, so be it. You just have to RP it and be careful not to give them too much too soon. I hope this explains it - if not, I'll try again.]
27-08-2007, 20:11
"Did you read that article today!? About that game!!!" Brian Anderson spoke, President of Frozopia's innovative technologies department. A life long geek and video game addict, he headed a department founded by the government but privatised over time untill it was a joint project between several powerful corporations and the Government.

"It'll never happen. 5 billion dollars." His assistant looked exasperated.

"We can say defence. They will pay anything with the big D on it. Besides this is good er.....whats the word? People research."


"Thats the one. I think."

"I will see what I can do....."

To: God: The Game Account Managers
From: Frozopia's innovative technologies department

We are interested in starting a God account. We wish to take control of the 5th province in Mechani Continent. 5 Billion dollars will be wired through once we recieve our confirmation.

Thank you

President Ryan Anderson

OOC: what I meant is how can you progress the nation in such a short period time as the players life? Just keep throwing technology at them and not worry about population growth etc?
27-08-2007, 23:28
[OOC: Nice job. Just one thing though: you realize that your Oracle is going to remain where it is while your people move to a city and build a temple there?]

[OoC: i was going to let the first dry up and tell them to build the temple where they found it at the site of the new city.]
28-08-2007, 00:46
[OoC: i was going to let the first dry up and tell them to build the temple where they found it at the site of the new city.]

[OOC: This isn't magic or divine power. Its a computer with accessories and high-end technology (capable of producing images, effects, and more). But it's not like the water and computer can magically move to the new city because you say it does. Keep in mind that you are only God in their mind, not in reality.]
28-08-2007, 00:48
"Did you read that article today!? About that game!!!" Brian Anderson spoke, President of Frozopia's innovative technologies department. A life long geek and video game addict, he headed a department founded by the government but privatised over time untill it was a joint project between several powerful corporations and the Government.

"It'll never happen. 5 billion dollars." His assistant looked exasperated.

"We can say defence. They will pay anything with the big D on it. Besides this is good er.....whats the word? People research."


"Thats the one. I think."

"I will see what I can do....."

To: God: The Game Account Managers
From: Frozopia's innovative technologies department

We are interested in starting a God account. We wish to take control of the 5th province in Mechani Continent. 5 Billion dollars will be wired through once we recieve our confirmation.

Thank you

President Ryan Anderson

OOC: what I meant is how can you progress the nation in such a short period time as the players life? Just keep throwing technology at them and not worry about population growth etc?

You have been accepted by God: The Game (TM) as a new player.
A tech unit, composed of four specialists, if currently en route to your nation with the player-side Oracle computer, installed with all of the proper software. This unit will remain with you for the first month teaching you how to use the game in all its entirety and can answer any of your playing questions (for administrative questions, contact the Moderator Staff).
Your player pin (identification code) has been designated #05-05-001. You will need to log-in to the Oracle with it, and it will then be forever linked with that terminal. It will work with no other Oracle and you cannot access the game through any other computer. It will also help us track you as a player and keep a record of your work and issues.
You have been allotted Land #5, nameable as anything you wish, in the Mechani Continent. Develop it as you see fit, within the standards of the game.

Remember to adhere to the rules and have fun. You alone are now God of your people.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game

[OOC: Well it's not like you have to advance them to the 1850s - that isn't the objective or anything, just the limit. Hell, you could leave them with 12th century tech and forbid them from advancing if you wanted. Or you could keep them around 14th century tech but toss in some things (albeit probably not weapons) from the early 19th century.]
28-08-2007, 05:21
[OOC: This isn't magic or divine power. Its a computer with accessories and high-end technology (capable of producing images, effects, and more). But it's not like the water and computer can magically move to the new city because you say it does. Keep in mind that you are only God in their mind, not in reality.]

[OoC: couldn't i make an image of the water in the new spot i want it in or something?]
28-08-2007, 05:35
[OoC: couldn't i make an image of the water in the new spot i want it in or something?]

[OOC: How? The computer, known as the Oracle, that controls all of that will not be anywhere near that new spot, and thus incapable of creating that image from so far away.]
28-08-2007, 21:00
Dear GM

We at Frozopia are hoping to start the game with a bang, but are unsure about your capabilities and rules. What do we have in mind? A huge thunder storm to strike our continent, and then from the sky will plummet 20 suits of armour (armour, sword and shield with armour carefully designed within Frozopia to be nigh indestructable and incredibly light) for 20 selected candidates of our province. Thus we hope to begin a brotherhood of warriors. We also hope to place small but powerfull remote explosives in the armour, should it ever fall into hands we feel it does not belong.

Thanks in advance!
29-08-2007, 00:51
Dear GM

We at Frozopia are hoping to start the game with a bang, but are unsure about your capabilities and rules. What do we have in mind? A huge thunder storm to strike our continent, and then from the sky will plummet 20 suits of armour (armour, sword and shield with armour carefully designed within Frozopia to be nigh indestructable and incredibly light) for 20 selected candidates of our province. Thus we hope to begin a brotherhood of warriors. We also hope to place small but powerfull remote explosives in the armour, should it ever fall into hands we feel it does not belong.

Thanks in advance!

A response was quickly whisked away to the account user from Frozopia,

To Who it may concern,

You're request is one of a certain magnitude that permits me to say that we warn you to not over request and over use your powers. Thus, if you go through with this, you should probably not come seeking additional divine intervention anytime soon.

That being said, we are capable of creating a terrifying lightning storm in the skies, though it will not strike the land itself. However, on the suits issue, we must respond in the negative to two aspects of them. Dropping suits of armor and swords is just fine; however, making them to be "nigh indestructable and incredibly light" is an abuse of your godly power and goes against the spirit of the game. You may create a warrior cult, but you seem to want an unfair advantage over other players. Furthermore, the explosives required for such destruction are most certainly beyond their technology level and the appropriate advancement level. We must decline these two aspects of the armor, though giving normal armor without explosives would be fine.

Moderator Staff
God the Game

The Moderator writing the particular notice was quite upset as he tapped the final keys and sent the message away...
The Garbage Men
29-08-2007, 02:15
Things where going well, his people responded well to his god persona and the temple was talking shape around it would take months to finish and so that gave him enough time to create his holy book.

But for the moment, he had a bit of a writers block he couldn't determine exactly what to write. He'd caughtup on the work he had but still, didn't have an idea... He looked around the landscape and brought up some geological reports on some of the hills...

There was some gold, Coal, quality building stone, Copper, Iron... not in great quantities but certainly enough for his purposes. And then to his surprise he found some sulfur and phosphorus... Now he'd be able to have fun as the Fire God.
29-08-2007, 17:04
[OOC: If you don't know what to do, you could always try to make contact (hostile or peaceful) with Bredford's people in Land #1... though you might have to TG him about it. Or you could send out a little boat to explore.]
29-08-2007, 18:03
the town of Mamas was advancing rather quickly. stone houses have been built, and the city council has been formed.

agricultural farms were organized and elite class was also created.

Mamas growed to the size of twenty thousand men.

various priest guilds have been formed, in the villages and in the city districts.

those all priest guilds would listen to him, with each priest guild was controlling a single village or a small part of the town.

tributes (mainly agricultural products, though milk and cattle also arrived) arrived to the priest guilds, who used it to expand the villages, and ofcourse, build more temple to serve 'God'.

however, few people became disobedient.. a strong rebellious priest guild that was controlling west Mamas made the entire area into their own, and all the area became large area of crime and murders. the former priest of that guild, called 'Hanay', became the rulers of the district.

the city of Mamas is in continous internal war, and to add worse, a small disease in the center of the town became a huge plague, that currently engulfing the entire town.

Mamas was in complete chaos, as due to the plague no villager wanted to bring his products into town, fearing of roberry by the 'Hanay' guild or the disease.

the city was starving and the 'Hanay' guild controlled its streets.

to prevent the situation from escalating, God called to the village priest guilds to call an holy crusade against the 'Hanay' guild.
29-08-2007, 18:10
Thomas smiled as his PDA beeped the 'Oracle alert' for the second time in two days. The tech unit had been happy to show him how to have the Oracle software alert him when someone approached the altar, he'd have to see about tipping these guys when they left. For now he strode over to the computer and activated the software, the screen showed a small gathering of people in front of the rock, waiting nervously. He had already dealt with a group like this from the southern village of Faray, who had brought a tribute of fish, shells and one or two pearls, his missionaries were doing a fine job of converting the others of his land it seemed.

The carts of timber and large flat stones suggested that these were the people from Tamalt, an industrious village in the northeast. As he watched, the young woman who he had appointed as a Priest two days earlier came forward and bowed before the rock.

"I have brought these people before you, oh Mighty Lord. They wish to hear you speak and have brought offerings of stone and wood to build a prayer site to you."

Lenrov smiled at the awed, expectant faces of the villagers behind her, typing in a command to have the Oracle pulse slightly while they waited. Finally, he activated the Real Word and spoke.

"Greetings, Followers. You are wise to have come before me and I will accept your gifts. You will remain here for the day, helping the people of Annapollis to build my prayer site."

He caused the sketch he had made earlier to appear on the face of the rock. A simple circle of round white stones, with the Oracle in the centre. Then benches of the flat brown rock they had in abundance in circles around the middle. The Priest would stand on a dais next to the Oracle, so that he or she would be framed against the sky to the worshippers.

"When the day is done, my Priests shall lead you in the Dusk Worship and then you may journey to your homes. Each third man shall bear a bright torch to shield the people in light, this is the way that journeys in darkness must be undertaken."

He was pleased to note that the High Priest appeared to be writing down his words and remembered to keep a record for himself, it wouldn't be impressive to forget his own lessons. The rest stood in reverent silence for a moment before realising he was finished and going to unload the carts of supplies. The villagers from Faray had marked out the circle with the shells and rocks they had brought yesterday and he hoped that the benches and dais would be completed by the villagers from Tamalt today and Edenmont tomorrow, it seemed fitting.

Thomas Lenrov smiled, he seemed to be thinking like a God...
29-08-2007, 18:27
Mamas growed to the size of twenty thousand men.

[OOC: Umm... no. That just isn't possible. You have less than a thousand women and not all of them are of child bearing age anymore. Thus even with six hundred women continuously popping out babies, it would probably take around thirty-five years to give birth to that many babies... not to mention that you wouldn't be able to support such a sudden surge in population and people would be dying as new babies were born. So just no.]
29-08-2007, 19:00
OOC: I meant the explosives at the whim of the gods rather than the peoples.

Dear GM
OMG u Nazi fag. WTF r u talking about. Ur just jelous cos i thot up teh idea b4 u did. ROFLOLOLOLOL n00b fag lol lol lol. k lemme do wat i want. N00b l2p

Brian was momentarily distracted by a phone call and exited the room to answer it. Giving his assistant plenty of time to jump in and edit the message.

Dear GM

Although I am unhappy with the compromise, we will accept it. However the explosives were solely for the use of the player e.g. god and not the people thus something I considered fair. I hope you will rethink this as after all, the greek fire I witnessed you use for another player was beyond their technology.
29-08-2007, 19:21
OOC: I meant the explosives at the whim of the gods rather than the peoples.

Dear GM
OMG u Nazi fag. WTF r u talking about. Ur just jelous cos i thot up teh idea b4 u did. ROFLOLOLOLOL n00b fag lol lol lol. k lemme do wat i want. N00b l2p

Brian was momentarily distracted by a phone call and exited the room to answer it. Giving his assistant plenty of time to jump in and edit the message.

Dear GM

Although I am unhappy with the compromise, we will accept it. However the explosives were solely for the use of the player e.g. god and not the people thus something I considered fair. I hope you will rethink this as after all, the greek fire I witnessed you use for another player was beyond their technology.

Dear Unhappy Deity,

We assumed that the explosives would be detonated by yourself and not the people, but it still violates both the spirit of the game and their technology. The point is not to make the best uber-soldiers you can and then keep their equipment safe from the enemy.

Greek fire was invented as far back as the 7th century according to what reports you believe. However, all reports agree that it was way before the 12th century. While the people in that land may not have had it themselves yet, it was of a technological age long past. Furthermore, the use of the Greek fire was not one intended to give advantage over other players and people in the game - merely as a symbol of their undying god.

Moderater #347
Moderator Staff

[OOC: Yeah, I know, but it is like saying can I have a nuke under my city so if it is taken over, I can keep it away from the enemy? Whether or not it is for you or for your people, it violates the spirit of the game. If you want to fight, you shall do it fairly.]
Void Templar
29-08-2007, 20:44
The Void Templarian Shadow Council would like to purchase a land in the Mechani Continent, preferably land 3.
29-08-2007, 21:30
[OOC: Hey DMG, I like the overviews of each land on the frontpage, let me give you a few more details for mine, since they tend to be buried in my posts. The God persona is Apollis, Lord of the Sun and I named the land after it; Apolla. The resources are crops (wheat, corn, some vegetables), poultry, livestock (cows and pigs, few horses), timber and stone.]
29-08-2007, 22:12
Apollonia was very happy with her people, she had two magnificent temples in Ithilar. One was in the capital of Beryliat and the other was were her oracle was, where she first met Aranos and Tallia, now a small town called Queliana in her honor.

"Let's see how things are..." and she logged into the game


She went to the screen and saw a satellite view of Ithilar. She zoomed to Queliana and then to her beautiful temple where she saw King Aranos praying. Apollonia entered the Real Word mode and said in a soft and gentle voice "Aranos King, what is wrong?"

"Oh, mighty Quelia, plague has come to our lands the western cities have been hit very hard and their is great chaos. On top of this a wicked man, has declared you a false god and all shall worship the dark god Th'ekiangutha, that demands human sacrifice. Please deliver us Goddess!" and the King fell to his knees."

"I shall take care of this."

"Thank you, Goddess!"

"Now, to talk of lighter things, tell me what resources you have found in this land of Ithilar."

At this the King gave the watery Quelia a puzzled look

"The Kingdom timber in the west and in the eastern mountains there is iron and we have also found vast vast amounts of silver."

"What are you using the timber for?"

"Mostly or houses, Goddess."

"Start to build ships to fish and explore my oceans, strong and sturdy ones. Be wary of and respect, but do not fear the seas."

"Yes, Goddess."

"Now I must leave, remember what i have told you."

"Thank you again, my Goddess."


"Shit!" swore Apollonia,

she went to her e-mail:

To: God: The Game Moderators

My nation has been hit by a terrible plague and also faces an uprising from men who doubt my divine authority. I would like to request to use divine intervention to remove this man and cure the people. Thank you, i await your response.

Best Regards,
~ Apollonia Delray
The Garbage Men
30-08-2007, 01:57
The basics had been looked after, everything in his world had been set, He wasn't happy with the council but he was working a plan to deal with that. Trevor started to look abroad, into the Land 1 of Bernine. He pulled up the information available on the player.

There wasn't much a brief look at the details seemed to indicate that he didn't reveal himself yet the leader was a priest. He pulled up the details of the religion he founded aparrently that he was called 'God'. Trevor laughed... as he he looked around the Land of Nax... Perhaps it was time for the Fire God to show his power and challenge someone elses power...
30-08-2007, 04:17
The Void Templarian Shadow Council would like to purchase a land in the Mechani Continent, preferably land 3.

You have been accepted by God: The Game (TM) as a new player. The fee is five billion dollars.
A tech unit, composed of four specialists, if currently en route to your nation with the player-side Oracle computer, installed with all of the proper software. This unit will remain with you for the first month teaching you how to use the game in all its entirety and can answer any of your playing questions (for administrative questions, contact the Moderator Staff).
Your player pin (identification code) has been designated #05-03-001. You will need to log-in to the Oracle with it, and it will then be forever linked with that terminal. It will work with no other Oracle and you cannot access the game through any other computer. It will also help us track you as a player and keep a record of your work and issues.
You have been allotted Land #3, nameable as anything you wish, in the Mechani Continent. Develop it as you see fit, within the standards of the game.

Remember to adhere to the rules and have fun. You alone are now God of your people.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game
30-08-2007, 04:19
[OOC: Hey DMG, I like the overviews of each land on the frontpage, let me give you a few more details for mine, since they tend to be buried in my posts. The God persona is Apollis, Lord of the Sun and I named the land after it; Apolla. The resources are crops (wheat, corn, some vegetables), poultry, livestock (cows and pigs, few horses), timber and stone.]

[OOC: Awesome, thanks.]
30-08-2007, 04:31
To: God: The Game Moderators

My nation has been hit by a terrible plague and also faces an uprising from men who doubt my divine authority. I would like to request to use divine intervention to remove this man and cure the people. Thank you, i await your response.

Best Regards,
~ Apollonia Delray

To: Account User #05-01-001
From: Moderator #347
Subject: Divine Intervention

This is all possible. However, you should know that this is a big request, albeit a necessary one, and thus should not come lightly. We have a couple of undercover game operators inside your land who live amongst your people in believable ignorance. During the night, they will take various samples of an infected person for medical testing. At the same time, they will tranquilize and remove the nonbeliever via submersible. He will be removed to a facility where he will be rehabilitated and kept quiet. Though you should note the possible consequences of removing a nonbeliever...

Once our analysis of the plague is finished. We will be inserting the cure into the local water and food supply, so the villagers will not suspect a thing. This will be completed within one week's time, but note that the villagers will take longer to be cured (especially because of the drug intake method). Your request has been accepted.

Moderator #347
Moderator Staff
30-08-2007, 04:34
The basics had been looked after, everything in his world had been set, He wasn't happy with the council but he was working a plan to deal with that. Trevor started to look abroad, into the Land 1 of Bernine. He pulled up the information available on the player.

There wasn't much a brief look at the details seemed to indicate that he didn't reveal himself yet the leader was a priest. He pulled up the details of the religion he founded aparrently that he was called 'God'. Trevor laughed... as he he looked around the Land of Nax... Perhaps it was time for the Fire God to show his power and challenge someone elses power...

[OOC: Duh, duh, duhhhh! The plot thickens! Nice, first inter-land incident? Don't forget to contact him because I do not know how active he is.
Void Templar
30-08-2007, 04:58
Thank you. We will wire you the money now.

Maleficius watched the people from Wolf Inc. setting up his Oracle computer. "Thanks, folks. Now, leave."

He sat down at the computer and turned it on. He clicked on the God: The Game icon and waited for it to load. The screen displayed ; 'First Time Login.' Under user name, he typed 'Rafzekael'. He named his small land 'Skorn'. He entered the Real World mode.

Mortals. I am your God. Your saviour. Your Messiah.
You will live by my word, and if you do so live in peace. Obey and great blessing shall be poured upon you in unfathomable quantities. Disobey and the penalty is damnation.
You will be governed fairly by a council of my choosing. The 10 Guardians will serve and protect you and your needs. However, for my protection and aid, I will require a sacrifice of blood and flesh. My laws are simple. Commit adultery, arson, murder, robbery or anything else that hurts your fellows, and the punishment is death by burning. If you ever have needs or are in need of guidance, send one of the Council to my Temple. I will answer your prayers. He made an apparition of the 'God' appear out of the eyes sockets of the Skull Oracle. It was clad in robes of black smoke, with eyes of green fire. It looked down upon the terrified faces of the villagers. And laughed.
This was belief. The way they looked like they didn't know whether to laugh, cry or wet their pants. Let 100 come forward and place their hand on the skull. I will know their very souls and pick the Guardians.

Around an hour later, he had his 10 Guardians. Guardians! You are now honor bound to protect your people and be rewarded with seats of honor in Heaven if you do so well. The main Guardian, Kaza-hiti, turned around to the 1000-strong crowd. "People! We are you aides! Do not think of us as your betters, think of us as your servants! We will protect you in times of need! We, the Council of Guardians, believe the first thing to do would be to gather food and other resources to feed our numbers and to build houses and places of relaxation! So says Rafzekael!"
30-08-2007, 05:24
[OOC: Be wary of threatening your people with death. The Moderators will not fulfill this request, thus you best hope that your own followers will do so.]
Void Templar
30-08-2007, 05:30
[OOC: It's a relatively fair deal. You commit crime and you die, so any non-criminals should not really mind.]
30-08-2007, 05:32
[OOC: It's a relatively fair deal. You commit crime and you die, so any non-criminals should not really mind.]

[OOC: I meant more about the rhetoric, "live by my word, die by me word," and, "disobey and die plus eternal damnation." I'm just saying be careful - it could backfire if they don't want to kill each other.]
Void Templar
30-08-2007, 05:38
[OOC: Point taken...]
30-08-2007, 20:17
OOC: To the above posts not related to me, I'd be surprised if they didnt enforce the punishments themselves. Human history ftw. Hell our ancesters didnt even need a god to appear infront of them.

The lightning storm tore across the sky. Terrified, the inhabitants of the gentle plains fell to their knees. Children wailed held in the protective arms of their weaping mothers, the menfolk cowered before the might of 'God'.



The courageous but peaceful men of the plains rode and walked under the dark and raging sky. Almost feeling their way in the darkness as their torches extinguished, the few 100 young men arrived to discover the 20 jet black suits of armour.


The men examined the armour, to find names engraved in the pieces. 20 Men walked forward to collect their armour, heavy pieces composed of chainmail untop of leather with metal plates protecting much also. With each piece came a sword and shield. On the shield was a emblem which seemed to represent a storm.
30-08-2007, 20:55
[OOC: Nice post, I'm glad I'm not on a continent with you to be honest! :D]
Void Templar
30-08-2007, 21:26
Maleficius glanced at the screen. Kaza-hiti was praying at the temple. In front of him, on the Altar, lay a sacrificed lamb. Maleficius clicked his fingers. "Time to honor the agreement." He entered the Real World.

The guardian looked up into the face of the 'God.'
"My lord, some do not believe. They gather in the town and spread their festering word amongst the faithful. What shall we do?"
The God's image's eyes flared and turned from green to red. His voice went down to a gruffer, deeper town.
Gather a mushroom in the forest, named Fly Algaric, then bring it before me. Bless it, slice it into pieces then grind them into a powder. Add the powder to water and bring the Unfaithful Leaders before the Altar. Let them drink the water and I will speak to their very souls.
"Yes, Lord, it shall be done."
30-08-2007, 23:43
[OOC: Nice post, I'm glad I'm not on a continent with you to be honest! :D]

[OoC: What lovely neighbors i have lol :rolleyes:]
31-08-2007, 01:33
OOC: To the above posts not related to me, I'd be surprised if they didnt enforce the punishments themselves. Human history ftw. Hell our ancesters didnt even need a god to appear infront of them.

[OOC: My point was a more general one of "don't make threats that you can't back up."]
31-08-2007, 02:38

The Grand Confederacy of Scaveutland would like to purchase Land 4 of the Taligyr Continent.

5 billion credits have already been transfered into your treasury.

This idea of a miniature world sounds intreaging. Thank you.

OOC: I hope that you are still accepting offers.
The Garbage Men
31-08-2007, 02:51
OOC: I've TGed him but Bredford hasn't responded... Oh, well


To: God Mods
From: Trevot Desorté
Subject: Challenge others power

I have a question, I wish to try and challenge the power of another Land. I was wondering exactly what I can do as a "challenger" to the land. Could I perhaps start a bushfire in some area, close enough to be noticed but not to provide damage. If so would there be a way to on command extinguish the fire as to undoubtedly leave the command of fire in my domain.

If such is unacceptible could you give me advice as to the type of activity that can be undertaken.

Thank You
31-08-2007, 03:54

The Grand Confederacy of Scaveutland would like to purchase Land 4 of the Taligyr Continent.

5 billion credits have already been transfered into your treasury.

This idea of a miniature world sounds intreaging. Thank you.

OOC: I hope that you are still accepting offers.

You have been accepted by God: The Game (TM) as a new player.
A tech unit, composed of four specialists, if currently en route to your nation with the player-side Oracle computer, installed with all of the proper software. This unit will remain with you for the first month teaching you how to use the game in all its entirety and can answer any of your playing questions (for administrative questions, contact the Moderator Staff).
Your player pin (identification code) has been designated #04-04-001. You will need to log-in to the Oracle with it, and it will then be forever linked with that terminal. It will work with no other Oracle and you cannot access the game through any other computer. It will also help us track you as a player and keep a record of your work and issues.
You have been allotted Land #4, nameable as anything you wish, in the Taligyr Continent. Develop it as you see fit, within the standards of the game.

Remember to adhere to the rules and have fun. You alone are now God of your people.
Moderator Staff,
God: The Game
31-08-2007, 04:00
OOC: I've TGed him but Bredford hasn't responded... Oh, well


To: God Mods
From: Trevot Desorté
Subject: Challenge others power

I have a question, I wish to try and challenge the power of another Land. I was wondering exactly what I can do as a "challenger" to the land. Could I perhaps start a bushfire in some area, close enough to be noticed but not to provide damage. If so would there be a way to on command extinguish the fire as to undoubtedly leave the command of fire in my domain.

If such is unacceptible could you give me advice as to the type of activity that can be undertaken.

Thank You

To: Trevot Desorté
From: Moderator Staff
Subject: Challenge Others Power

When dealing with inter-land relations, we tend to be a bit stricter on a god's powers and abilities for obvious reasons of bias and the spirit of the game. We have no way of extinguishing a fire so quickly without also giving you the apparent ability of control over other elements like the earth, the wind, or water.

We are going to have to quash that idea. As for advice, we aren't quite sure what you are looking to do so we can't provide such useful ideas. Do you wish to challenge the other god - something we would again warn against - or do you wish to challenge his land and people with your own? If the latter, I would use the usual methods of international diplomacy and war.

Moderator #112
Moderator Staff
31-08-2007, 17:11
Vetti had collected water from the pool all her life. From the time that her mother had told her were it was, but today, something was different. It might have been the golden glow from the pool, or the disembodied voice,but whatever it was, something was different.

"Young one, what is your name?" the voice said.

"I am Vetti. Whom are you oh lord?"

"I am Scavret. And I have come to you, Vetti, to lead your people, the Scaveutii to greatness."

"I-I-I will do as you command my god." Vetti quavered and knelt in front of the glowing pool.

"Good, you will be my voice to the people. Go, do not yet tell anyone of me. Take water from my pool and return tomorrow. I will give you instructions then"

"Yes oh lord." Vetti quickly dipped her pot in the glowing pool and fled into the woods.

Downloading sattelite map........



Download completed.

Loading translation.........



Loading completed.

The land of Scaveut is a fertile system of valleys which houses incredible amounts of arible land as well as a large timber supply, however mineral resources are surprisingly scarce save for two, there are many areas for possible stone quarrying, meaning that nearly all houses in the land are made at least partially of stone, as well as some deposits of copper in the high hills.

The people, the Scaveutii, are farily short in stature and olive-skinned. Mainly farmers, they are strong willed and work well in groups, but again, small in stature which presents problems in dealing with larger objects or obstacles.
31-08-2007, 18:01
[OOC: Nice. Land/people overviews are great.]
Void Templar
31-08-2007, 18:34
After the rouge faith leader's had finished hallucinating, they dropped to their knees in front of the skull, praying. Maleficius grinned. "That easy?" He entered the real word again.
You have seen the error of your ways and the visions I have given you?
"Yes, lord, we doubted your power, but in the visions, we saw you, standing tall amongst a garden of black roses, the skeleton of the sacrificial lamb grazing upon them. The hills turned to purple and the water to blood."
Excellent. Go, children, and go about your daily tasks. Your sins are forgiven.
31-08-2007, 19:52
The Trufenians began the construction of the academy, digging stone from the rugged mountainside and cutting down the local forrests. Within a short period of time traders gathered at the city to sell food and alchohol to the labourers, entrepreneurs constructed inns and houses, jugglers and dancers came to entertain the growing town. A few tough farmers came to lay their stake on the surrounding rough and growing (due to deforestation) grasslands, digging steps in to maximise the space uponwhich they could grow vegetables.

Meanwhile the 20 Trufenian warriors trained and trained, adjusting to the heavy suits of armour, fighting from the saddle with a variety of weapons as they hacked and slashed at wooden dummies. They were all young, all strong toughened by hard previous lives. Sweating away under the blue skies, the men remained in not quite blissful ignorance of the geek who commanded them like toy soldiers.
Void Templar
31-08-2007, 20:43
Maleficius looked at a .txt file he had made, regarding his land in God.

The people who inhabit the land, known as Karasians, are dark haired, eyed and skinned people. They tend to favor hunters and horsemen in their civilization, and are generally well-built folk. They all have skill with bows and display a masterful control and respect of horse, like the old Mongols of Genghis Khan.

They live in mostly mountainous steppe, with little arable land, so they hunt and practice animal husbandry for their food. The use other animals to aid them, such as hawks. They are a loose affiliation of tribes, bound together by common land, religion and heritage. Their land, although lacking in grain, is rich in ores and stone.
31-08-2007, 20:56
[OOC: Congrats, Frozopia, by reading your post, a light blinked in my head, and you have given me an idea for an aspect of one of my new colonies.]
01-09-2007, 00:16
Vetti returned to the pool, again carrying the pot, the pool was still glowing with the godly light.

"I have returned oh lord." Vetti said kneeling.

"Good, tell me Vetti, do you have any family?"

"Lord, I only have my sister and brother. They are both younger than I."

"And your parents?"

"They passed away in a quarrying accident lord." Vetti said glumly.

"I see. Vetti, I will need people to bring my word to the others, please bring your two siblings to this place, do not tell them why, they shall see."

"Yes lord." Vetti said bowing, she then filled the pot and left through the woods.

Leaving Real World.....



Real World Left.....



Logging off......


Setting relog time on proximity sensors.....


01-09-2007, 01:56
[OOC: For a moment, when there were slightly less people, I was debating on condensing the number of slots and lands. However, now that we have some more, I am going to hold off on this for the time being. Though, if we continue to have some continents with only one person, I may just take out that continent and move them to another so that everyone can have others on their land to interact and combat with.]
The Garbage Men
01-09-2007, 02:05
Trevor cursed as he read the reply... It looked like he'd have to do this the old fasioned way.

But who to choose... hang on, there's a person down at the Oracle. A man, he was obviously coming to pray, Trevor put on his Headphones and listened.

"Oh, Lord of Fire, the one who tries men's hearts and proves them, listen to me, I pray, this day. Hear the longings of my heart."

As the prayer started he pulled up the information about his man, Jason Baker, 28. Devout follower.

"I am listening, what is your request?"

"I wish to be one of your choosen, I wish to devote my life to you, for you are mighty, the world shakes at your power. Though I am unworthy of you."

"It is I who decide who is worthy, I who test and know, do not presume to know the wonders of my tests. The Lord your god knows you, knows your desires, I will fulfil your request, but as a messenger for me. You will go to the Land of Nax and preach to the people there, bring the enlightenment of fire to their dark land. You will be my first chosen to do this work and you will forever been known as favoured by your god."

"Thank you, Lord, but how will I bring your word to them? What will I say."

"Tell them of my greatness, who I am. You shall light a lantern from the sacred fire and take it with you, It shall be a sign to all those that see. Now, go prepare for your journey for it is a long one."

"Yes ... I will do as your words say, Thank you."

And with that Jason backed away with his head bowed and prepared for his journey.

Soon after an email was sent to the Game's moderators.

To: God Mods
From: Trevor Desorté
Subject: Foreign Divine Intervention

I have just sent, i suppose you would call a missionary,or perhaps prophet. I would like to be able to verify his words by my supposed action. I request that I be able to drop a small amount of greek fire onto hard, barren ground that he finds, specially choosen to cause little chance of major fire danger. Would this be acceptible to the Moderators?
01-09-2007, 02:50
Vetti walked out of the woods leading two others, a boy, about 2 years younger, and a girl, who was only about 12. The boy took one look at the glowing pool and recoiled.

"Vetti! What demonry is this?"

"Hush child!" the voice rumbled, "I have commanded Vetti to bring you here, you have done well Vetti."

"Thank you lord." said Vetti.

"I have instructed your sister to bring you here, so that you may bring my word to your people. You shall be my tongue, you shall be my voice."

"they shall do as you command Lord Scavret." Vetti said, pulling her siblings into a bow.

"I know they shall. Now I shall give you your instructions. To you Vetti, you shall be my voice to the elders. You will go, and tell them what I say."

"I shall lord."

"Speak with the leaders. They are to improve your fields. You will follow these details that I will show you, for new irrigation." Vetti went quiet for a moment, and her eyes grew distant. In a minute it was over. She blinked several times, and looked back into the pool.

"Thank you my lord, I shall instruct them."

"Good, and you, what is your name?"

The young man looked into the pool, "My name is Yerret, lord."

"Yerret, you will be my voice to the military. To your military. You will instruct them in these new weapons, the sword."

As with Vetti, Yerret's eyes grew distant for a minute and refocused.
"My lord, this will be difficult, but our metalsmiths are skilled in blade making. It shall be as you say."

"Good. And to you child, what is your name?"

"M-m-m-my name i-is Velate l-l-l-lord." Came the quavering voice of the young girl.

"Velate, you shall go to the builders, the townsmen. And prepare mills for the new harvests of grain."

For a third time, Velate's eyes became blank, and resharpened in several moments.
"We shall do as you say lord."

"Good. You may be disbelieved, but press on, all of you, you will spread these ideas, and only when they have all three been accepted, can you tell the other people of me. Go, my children, and spread the good word."

The three departed into the woods and headed for town, to speak with the elders, the commanders, and the builders each with a seperate mission of importance.
01-09-2007, 03:01
To: God Mods
From: Trevor Desorté
Subject: Foreign Divine Intervention

I have just sent, i suppose you would call a missionary,or perhaps prophet. I would like to be able to verify his words by my supposed action. I request that I be able to drop a small amount of greek fire onto hard, barren ground that he finds, specially choosen to cause little chance of major fire danger. Would this be acceptible to the Moderators?

To: Trevor Desorté
From: Moderator Staff
Subject: Foreign Divine Intervention

We are aware of your actions and encourage your attempts at inter-land communication in whatever manner. However, a problem arises with inter-land dealings when gods want to prove themselves in physical ways. What it leads to is one player requesting one action and then to prove himself back, the other player must request a trumping action, and the cycle continues (or else one god would lose in the eyes of those he is trying to convince). You see why this would be a major problem. We do not wish for the game to become a prick waving contest between players, but rather a prick waving contents between peoples.

However, may I suggest a similar but different course of action. Instead of dropping fire from the sky as a sign of your power, perhaps you could give this messenger a torch alight with greek fire and challenge the people from the other land to put it out, or something along those lines.

Moderator #347
Moderator Staff
The Garbage Men
01-09-2007, 05:46
As Jason returned to the Oracle under the watchful and approving eye of the priests, a lantern in his hand.

"Step Forward Jason, before you leave I have a gift." With that one of the priests stepped forward and presented Jason with small containers of unlit Greek Fire.

"This will show my power, set it alight with the sacred flame and it will burn and will not be quenched, Use wisely and know that always as long as the lantern is shining, so I am with you. No go and take my warming light to the unbelievers."

Jason lit his lantern and bought alot of oil with him and he set off on his great journey. He would find many people had heard of his mission and gave him bread, food, water, more oil and various other aids to his journey as he was on his way to the land of Nax.
01-09-2007, 15:51
[OOC: Depending on where he begins the journey in your land and where it leads him in the other land, it probably would only take a few hours, not days. Just a note.]
01-09-2007, 20:30
Yerret's quest was by far the easiest. As he approached the militia camp on the edge of town, he directed himself to the smithy to complete his mission. As soon as he stepped into the smithy he was noticed by one of the apprentices.

"what do you want here? The master isn't accepting any more apprentices!"

"Fear not, I don't want an apprenticeship, but I must speak with your master."

From the back room came a muffled voice, "Who is it?"

"Nothing master, I'll deal with it." the apprentice replied. "What do you want?"

"I mist speak with your master," Yerret said louder.

The muffled voice came again, "What's goin' on out there?" The sound of footsteps could be heard coming from the back. Out of the back room strode a tall and incredibly burly man, who was obviously the smith.
"Who are you?" The smith rumbled.

"my name is Yerret, I have come to help you with your blade making."

" He he he," The smith growled," How would you help? You, who hasn't even been inside of a smithy before. What do you know?"

"You have been working on creating a new blade haven't you? I know how it will be made."

"alright, little smith," Said the smith chuckling, "if you give me instructions, I'll make your blade idea. But if it doesn't work....." The smith made a strangling motion with his hands.

"I understand. Don't worry, it will work."

"alright, let's get working."
01-09-2007, 21:17
[OOC: Interesting idea. Me wonders what kind of sword it will be.]
02-09-2007, 03:04
It had been hours of work, with the help of the smith's two apprentices they had finished. The blade was perfect.

It was two feet in length and double edged. With a single handed grip, the sword was obviously a stabbing weapon. The smith took the blade in his hand and stabbed the air several times.

"My word... This is it! This is what I've been trying to do! How did you know how to make this?"

"I cannot say at this time, but you will see soon sir."

"I'm sure I will." Said the smith chuckling, "Thank you son, but what should I call it?"

"How about the Gladius?"

"hmmm... gladius..... I like it."

As Yerret walked from the smithy, the master smith's voice boomed from inside, "Alright you lazy slobs! Let's get to making some more Gladii!"

Mission accomplished Yerret said to himself.
02-09-2007, 03:41
[OOC: lol, cool. Not to say your people knew it already, but the Gladius has been in use since the 4th century BCE during the Roman Republic. That's about fifteen hundred years of technology in the past, but no matter. Just pointing it out.]
02-09-2007, 17:11
OOC: lol.

The Trufenian Chosen (as they were now called) had gathered many followers. Across the plains many young men came eager to look for their own spot among the legendary warrior. Although yet untested anywhere else other than the training ground, they now wore their armour like a second skin and carried their weapons with ease.

For the new recruits there was no armour nor glory. Instead they were expected to train as hard as the the Chosen but separately. No crowds came to watch them, no young maidens threw themselves at their feet. Instead they were jeered at, considered pretenders. Often they took up second jobs to pay for their food, accomodation as no others would help them. But they stoicly put up with the dishonour, dreaming of days when Trufens would bask them with his light.

What everyone failed to comprehend was chaos. They were soft plainsmen, even the toughest of the chosen, and Chaos was alien to their ordered lives. Perhaps they would understand within time....
02-09-2007, 19:02
[OOC:I was trying to make the point that my civilization had been relatively peaceful and low in military tech.]
02-09-2007, 19:19
[OOC:I was trying to make the point that my civilization had been relatively peaceful and low in military tech.]

[OOC: lol, very low indeed. I was just commenting. You can do anything you want with past tech.]
08-09-2007, 23:50
bump for more
The Garbage Men
09-09-2007, 06:34
Trevor just watched as his priest that he had assigned to the governing council went about his business, something was up. He was a new power in the region and even as a god, the council would want to keep the power it had, despite whatever limitations it had.

His behaviour was weird while performing his priestly duties he was immaculate, did everything as exactly as he was told, but away he lapsed. He was known to spend alot of social time with the council. It was just a matter of proving it and knowing exactly what he was doing.

He typed up another email to the Game Mods and sent it off. This time inquireing about what investigation, information he could receive in regards to the wayward priest, and deal with it finally once and for all.
09-09-2007, 16:13
[OOC: You might want to consider using another one of your subjects to investigate him.]
12-09-2007, 16:46
Thomas smiled happily at the prayer site which his worshippers had finished building for him. The round white and brown structure, open to the elements, belied the simplicity of his people, that and their ability to follow instructions.

Still, even a simple, self-sufficient people needed friends. With that in mind, he called the High Priest before him and ordered him to summon a sturdy man who would travel to the others of the continent, to spread the word of God and to establish alliances with their neighbours.

Particularly important was to secure a source of iron or copper ore. The only deposit in his lands was well underground and he doubted his people had the technology or manpower to harvest it, better to find others with a ready supply and trade for it. After all, what use was having a land if you could only defend it with sharpened sticks?

And so, he told the messenger to take with him a wagon, loaded with gifts of all the land had to offer and to spread the word across the continent of the friendship of the people of Apolla.
18-09-2007, 05:13
18-09-2007, 14:26
Official Announcement of the United States Government

We in Allanea are appalled and disgusted by the existence of this ‘game’ by DMG, known as God: The Game. What could be more perverse then buying and selling the privilege of controlling other people’s lives in this fashion. This is nothing short of chattel slavery, the worst kind of sin that a person can commit.

Admittedly, the people of DMG do not sell their slaves cheaply – the cost hovering at over two million dollars per person. But the fact remains – this is nothing short of the most horrible of crimes against humanity – slavery. Let it be heard all over the world – the people of DMG are slavers, pure and simple.

The United States of Allanea will use our observation satellites and picosattelites to locate this so-called ‘land of Atlantis’ and make its location public. Further, we condemn DMG for its inhuman practices and ask the rest of the world to do the same.
19-09-2007, 02:51
Official Response

Niether the government nor the game's moderating staff feel the need to address this attack. Clearly it has been made without full knowledge of reality and the facts of the game.
19-09-2007, 11:45
OOC: How is my evaluation flawed?
19-09-2007, 13:42
OOC: How is my evaluation flawed?
[OOC: It isn't; they simply don't want to admit ICly that they're slavers.

Government response when I'm off campus and have access to my file with the flag and official statement format.]


Radio outlet somewhere in K'stanian Haven

"Shalom. My name is Gideon Roth, and I am the Chief Rabbi of Metzuda. The Wolf Lands Inc. and Interactive Games have committed the worst form of Baalist idolatry imaginable."

"These children of Belial actually raise people, in the same way that we raise laboratory specimens, in a sick 'game' that even the Amalekite beasts of Doomanum would find repugnant. These disgusting degenerates, for the sake of filthy lucre, sell the lives of human beings - not for slavery, which is at least productive - but for entertainment and to make the 'owner' of these individuals a virtual G-Dash-D on Earth."

"For five billion dollars, or some three billion shekelim, these disgusting Demogades sell entire communities for one to manipulate and control as if this were some warped version of Sid Meier's Civilisation mixed with 1984 and Dante's Inferno. The money that the Baalist self-idolaters pay to these sick corporations goes to buy more slaves to stock the plantations, so to speak. I need not remind domestic listeners that billions of our people have been sold as slaves, and many of our brothers, sisters, and other loved ones are likely being brainwashed to believe that some spoiled rich brat is their Maker."

"Join us in boycotting all products from that evil nation. No more should we buy weapons from this nation that treats entire communities as chattel stocks, we should sooner be eradicated than fund these beasts. No more should we import infrastructure from them; items tainted by idolatry and Baalism are an abomination to the LORD."

"In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts."

20-09-2007, 00:07
OOC: How is my evaluation flawed?

[OOC: Well, first of all, it's not like my guys would just accept it and say "You're Right," whether you are or not. Second of all, it isn't slavery. They may be guilty of teaching ignorance or neglect, but there is no forced servitude, only trickery and illusion of power.]
The Garbage Men
20-09-2007, 03:46
"Damn, these guys, why won't they just let me have some fun. It's not like we're committing genocide or anything." Trevor was angry, he needed to vent. Perhaps some time as the fire god was exactly what he needed.

He started looked at what was going on around his nation, the priest was entering a house, it was odd because that house, he knew was meant to be vacant, and so who was he meeting. This was perfect time to act, get the evidence he needed. Pulling up a list of names of people around the oracle he choose someone, he had seen that name before and he always was a loyal follower. He could be counted on for this task.

He called out the name... "Come to me, child of the flame." As he got closer it looked like a cocoon of flame enveloped him. It was however only an illusion. So that other people would not get too close and to help ensure privacy, for the oracle was a place where the public could access it.

"A priest of mine has betrayed me, he is seeking power through the council, he has shunned me, and turned his back on his sacred duty. He is now in the supposedly vacant house, the address is ..., go there and seek the evidence for his betrayal of his god. Go!"

The fire shield disappated and he ran off to see what evidence he could find for his God.
22-09-2007, 23:07