NationStates Jolt Archive

BBAABMNV Adĕlie Class Modernized Battleship

The Far Echo Islands
18-08-2007, 08:15
OOC: first
B-ballistic missile carrying
M-mine layer
N-nuclear powered
V-Heavier than air (aircraft capeable)


Official Design

Project History: Started in 1999, the Adĕlie Class Battleship Update Project, or ACBUP, worked to design a battleship equipped for the 21st century. Straying away from large and numerous cannons the Adĕlie Class looks decidedly odd, sporting only two triple 140mm guns on the bow and stern and a set of 360mm guns on its mid section which were added later in the project, however, this does not signify and lack of firepower of the Adĕlie Class. Using 225 cruise missiles of various types, the Adĕlie Class is one of the most potent warships in the field today.

Development: In the beginning the Adĕlie Class was planned to be as much a missile frigate as a battle ship, but as the design advanced so did the idea that big guns were no longer worth the hassle that they caused. A multifunctional craft emerged with a specialization in missile combat but roots in the big gun in the center and the capability to store a half dozen various VTOL aircraft or helicopters. As the age of stealth emerged more and more the project underwent another major redesign in 2002, using angular plates and curves to deflect radar signatures. This also led to the large but quick opening doors on the sides of the Adĕlie Class which house the CIWS and ESSM systems.

Electronics: The decision was made in 2001 to only upgrade on the Active Electronically Scanned Array radar system used on previous battleships and being implemented thought out the Echo Islands Navy instead of engineering an entirely new one. With the end of its usefulness no where near a foreseeable end, AESA. The ship was built with an integrated supercomputer core able to track multiple targets at any given time as well as managed the CIWS systems and other vital functions of the ship. The computer uses Tactical analysis and target tracking software (TAATS) that has been designed to compliment its missile systems.

Vital Statistics:
• Total Length: 790 feet
• Between Perpendiculars: 759 feet
• Beam: 111 feet
• Displacement
o 41,000 tons normal load
o 47, 000 tons mean war load
o 49,500 tons full load• Total Cruise Missile load out:
o 50 RGM Boeing Harpoon ship-to-ship missiles
o 150 BMG-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles with conventional warheads using DSMAC guidance systems to reduce production price to approximately 632,000 USD.
o 25 BMG-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles with nuclear/hydrogen/biological warheads using TERCOM guidance at a cost of 1,300,000 USD. (Optional 25 conventional tipped instead)• Defensive Armament:
o Twin 140mm defensive repeating cannons on bow/stern
o 20 .50 caliber Browning machine gun emplacements strategically placed around deck
o 75 RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles
o 100 chaff missile decoy targets
o Generation II 20mm automated Phalanx CIWS
o AN-SLQ25 Nixie towed torpedo decoy
o BBDMS modular mine/depth charge laying system• Propulsion:
o Trio of B/D2S compact nuclear reactors producing 75,000 shaft horsepower per reactor
o Cruising Speed: 34 knots
o Max Speed: 37 knots (overheat of reactors after 32 minutes)
o Range: Limited only by crew endurance and sustainability,
• Complement:
o 1500 Officers and men
• Costs:
o Production
 2.3 billion USD per ship unloaded
 2.6 billion USD per ship combat loaded
 3.1 billion USD per ship combat ready, exported and delivered
o Annual operating costs: 79 million USD

Basic design ( (NOTE: this drawing does NOT contain all the current systems of the Adĕlie Class. It is a beginning early 2002 sketch and is not up to date with the current Adĕlie Class specs. It is merely a reference to the basic hull and missile carrying systems of the Adĕlie.)
Armor System 3 ( Drawing heavily on the USS Iowa armor design, this design adds reinforcement structures to the design making it more rigid.

OOC: Credit due to Questers for that Armor base image, however the modifications were mine. I know ppl say this and that about NS draftroom, but I applied for an account there but it won't let me post yet, and I've worked so hard on this so far, I just wanted to tell about it. Criticism is welcome, I guess. This is my first design, so kind of learning as I go...Oh, and yes, I know the current pic side sucks. I will try and have a better one up by tomarrow.
18-08-2007, 08:52


that isn't going to help the rigidity of the armour. at all.
The Far Echo Islands
18-08-2007, 18:49
Crap. I was afraid of that.

So I decided to make this (

any better?
18-08-2007, 19:20
Um, no. In fact I think that may just make it worse.
The Far Echo Islands
18-08-2007, 20:50
Um, no. In fact I think that may just make it worse.


Well perhaps the third time's ( the charm...
18-08-2007, 21:04
OOC: Excellent seal, that Navy one.
The Far Echo Islands
18-08-2007, 21:17
ooc: thanks, I've found that the generator here ( quite a good job of making seals.
18-08-2007, 21:44
That site makes good speech bubbles as well.
The Far Echo Islands
18-08-2007, 22:34
lol, yes I know, (
18-08-2007, 23:36
lolz, lolz.
18-08-2007, 23:41
Official Communique

To: The Far Echo Islands
From: Theoroshian Military Unit Analysis Board (TMUAB)
Your ship design and philosophy is intriguing; however, in our view, the Theoroshian Navy has no need for a battleship, modernized or not. Frankly, a guided missile cruiser is a better envestment than a battleship is. We wish you luck with your unit.

Frederick Menucheck
Head Analysis Director
19-08-2007, 00:48
New Vantania would like to add a critique to the chorus: It's a horrible name.
19-08-2007, 01:37
Er, thats sort of better, but I don't see why its an improvement over what Iowa already had anyway...

You need to ask yourself (and post said thoughts) of why this is an improvement, not just do it because you think it looks right.
The Far Echo Islands
19-08-2007, 04:40
It's a horrible name.

I perfer the term unique

Er, thats sort of better, but I don't see why its an improvement over what Iowa already had anyway...

You need to ask yourself (and post said thoughts) of why this is an improvement, not just do it because you think it looks right.

Now, I'm trying to do that, however, I'm not sure of what exactly I'm doing. What do all these lines really represent, is it possible that a labeled picture exists. It's hard to know what I'm doing to make it better. I just assumed they were some kind of representation of armor, and so the natural conclusion I reached was the thicker and sturdier the better. I will probably stick with my latter design for this ship, but I already have other ships in the works and I would like some more information if you have any.
19-08-2007, 05:09
If you don't know what you're doing why are you doing it in the first place?

1. They're not just a representation of armour. They're a representation of how the hull was constructed in line with the armour.

2. Fallacious. If 'thicker was better' armour would be one gigantic block of steel. Ever heard of weight?

3. I don't quite understand how adding random criss-crossed lines / plates makes it sturdier.

4. I don't really have any internet sources for this type of thing, no.
The Far Echo Islands
19-08-2007, 05:20
Well, the ship its self is something that I've had well thought out. I know what I'm doing there, but as you said in your 'Battleships' thread about a week ago "none, maybe one or two, of us has the knowledge to design armor of our own" or something close to that. I think that I'll just be using the Iowa's armor design. That just makes things so much simpler.