NationStates Jolt Archive

a dark day...

17-08-2007, 22:01
just today, Secretary Ingram Hasley and President Scarlov Darkheart were killed in a hail of bullets during a peaceful mission to Orlock. this was the abrupt end of a new era and the murder of two great men.

the funeral will be held at Caz'e city air force base, 12 noon
New Manth
17-08-2007, 22:11
Denomination of Foreign Diplomacy Official Statement

Congratulations to the Londinian government on neutralizing the leader of a dangerous... well perhaps dangerous dignifies them too much, but a rogue state. Hopefully no more of them will come along, though you can never tell. Like roaches, the Hasleys seem to keep coming back just when you thought you'd killed them all.

Still, it seems now that the matter may finally be settled. With millions of Vetalian and allied troops in the country, the military in shambles, and the civilian leadership now dead, Cazelia has effectively ceased to operate as an independent state.

The Denomination urges all Cazelians receiving this message to cease resisting and surrender to allied forces - there is no hope in continuing to fight in these circumstances.
One World Alliance
17-08-2007, 22:11
The Republic mourns the passage of such great souls.

-His Excellency, Chancellor Nicolae Augustus of the Republic of One World Alliance
17-08-2007, 22:29
OOC- this basically means i'm going inactive for while. i will return....
Central Prestonia
17-08-2007, 22:34
Official Prestonian Statement

The Socialist Republic of Central Prestonia condemns in highest terms the unprovoked murder of Ingram Hasley and Scarlov Darkheart. The Londinians have yet again shown themselves to be butchers in matters of international relations. We mourn the passing of two great statesmen, and for the first time in Prestonian history flags will be lowered to half-mast for foreign diplomats. The Londinian government has shown itself incapable of mercy or ethics. In the ultimate act of cowardice, it has abandoned it's own people in the midst of a Kraven invasion. We urge all nations of the world, cut off your trade with these butchers, and show them that their actions are unacceptable.
17-08-2007, 22:37
Office of the Praetor of Vetalia

Perhaps, next time, your officials should stop in Vetalia first...we won't shoot at you on the landing field and there's no bounty on your heads. Our country prefers to avoid opening fire on foreign officials, since we do enjoy not being shot at during our visits around the world. We'd be happy to work with the Londinians to ensure a safe and secure meeting environment should the need ever arise.

Our most sincere apologies for this shooting, and we do send our best wishes to the families in this most unfortunate time.

Praetor Ivan Melnikov
17-08-2007, 22:43
Drasgard Times

Cazelian Leaders receive Darwin award

Recently we could read doctor Risto Kuusakoski article about Homo Cazelius and that how Cazelians are inferior to normal humans. Many people voiced doubts about that article and scientific methods used by Kuusakoski. I personally am not expert in genetics so I can not really comment it. But still, now we can say that no matter if Cazelains are different species than Homo Sapiens or not, they definitely are dumber.

Everyone knows how Londinians hate Cazelians. Everyone remembers how British Londinium invaded Cazelia, everyone remembers how Londinians used giant blenders for executing Cazelians. BL has demonstrated its hostility towards Cazelia in every possible moment. Still secretary Ingram Hasley(Cazelia seems to have lots of Hasleys) and president Scarlov Darkheart were dumb enough to travel to Orlock which currently is under Londinian control. Of course they were fastly executed. Total idiocy, which resulted death, has won for those retards darwin award, I am sure all sane persons are happy that their genes were removed from the world.

[ooc: As usual this is not official position of my government as my government does not comment so irrelevant stuff]
18-08-2007, 01:14
The Free Empire condems the illegal invasion of the Londinian Protectorate, Orlock. Any Homo sapien would realize that going into another nation's sovereign territory is illegal. However, it is a well known fact that Homo cazelius is up to ninety percent less intelligent among their intellectuals then the retarded amongst Homo sapiens. That is all.
18-08-2007, 01:17
Kirav mourns. And thinks that Cazelia deserves a break. They've been invaded, what, 7 times now?
18-08-2007, 01:37
the empire of bernizzle fully supports the agressive actions of londinium in their war against cazelia, the heads of state should not have gone to an enemy controlled territory, and the bullets show why
18-08-2007, 06:42
Kirav mourns. And thinks that Cazelia deserves a break. They've been invaded, what, 7 times now?

OOC- i'm going dormant after making a few departing posts.

i will return in your hour of need