NationStates Jolt Archive

Kal'Har storefront (P/MT)

17-08-2007, 02:39
after recent dips in the Kal'Har treasury, the Kal'Har have decided to start a storefront

Splinter rifle- $200
Shuriken Rifle- $300
Kal'Har blades- $50
Talon Rifle (anti tank)- $1,000
Shuriken pistol- $100
Kal'Har swords- $500

Unique metals
Territe- $1,000 per ton
Glassite- $10,000 per ton
Gattite- $1 million per ton

Other unique items
Kal'Har pottery- $100 each
Kal'Har lamps- $20 each
Jiner bee honey- $5 per pound
Cave sloth meat- $10 per pound

Kal'Har trading post

here you can trade anything for something here of equal value
17-08-2007, 02:55
From: Animarnia Science Acadamy, Director Washu Makibi
TO: Kal'Har Trading Storefront

We would like to obtain detailed information on the properties and structures, abilityes and differances of Territe, Glassite and Gattite; dependong on this; The Animarnia Science Acadamy may purchase large quanties for study.

Washu Makibi
Director of Lighthall Animarnia Science Acadamy
17-08-2007, 03:13
From: Animarnia Science Acadamy, Director Washu Makibi
TO: Kal'Har Trading Storefront

We would like to obtain detailed information on the properties and structures, abilityes and differances of Territe, Glassite and Gattite; dependong on this; The Animarnia Science Acadamy may purchase large quanties for study.

Washu Makibi
Director of Lighthall Animarnia Science Acadamy

Confirmed. you will recive 20 splinter rifles for free with your purchase
17-08-2007, 04:16
Confirmed. you will recive 20 splinter rifles for free with your purchase

Well; we thank you for the rifles but we were asking primarily for information on these three matirels that you are selling; specifically there properties and abilitys and there potential uses. strengths, weakness' etc, etc. once we have this information we can make a sizeable order.