Operation: Catnip (Semi-Closed; ATTN TPF, BL, Vontanas, Cazelia)
The World Soviet Party
16-08-2007, 02:54
OOC: From the thread New Species Discovered (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=535680), TG me to join, or ask me via MSN.
Red Army HQ,
Red City,
The World Soviet Party
By now, it was a known fact that soon, the Red Army would be fighting anthopomorphic tiger-like creatures, measuring 8-feet and capable of tearing a man apart with their claws.
That, however, didnt mean they had the resources to shoot down a stratospheric bomber carrying over 27 pounds of assorted bombs and napalm. This made the Soviets very happy, even if Cazelia, the nation hosting these kittens, happened to defend them, the power of the coalition now formed with a number of other countries, would be enough to deter them.
By noon, the 1st Fleet had set sail to the Cazelian coast, where the first stages of this conflict would take place.
Fleet ORBAT:
Duke Class BTN (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12468658&postcount=1) x 1
-T.P.S. Red October
Argentine Class Galleon (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9139231&postcount=295) x 2
-T.P.S. December
-T.P.S. July Independence
Aquilifer-class Command Carrier (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12048115&postcount=33) x 3
-T.P.S. Gustavich
-T.P.S. Aszenmilovich
-T.P.S. Bergsteinburg
Indomitable Class Trimaran-Hull Battleship (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8739969&postcount=14) x 4
-T.P.S. Zeus
-T.P.S. Spartacus
-T.P.S. Claudius
-T.P.S. Augustus
Bergstein Class Light Frigate (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12331908&postcount=41) x 11
-T.P.S. Bergstein
-T.P.S. Chuikov
-T.P.S. Zhukov II
-T.P.S. Aszenmil
-T.P.S. Masala
-T.P.S. Olivo
-T.P.S. Martinez
-T.P.S. Giraudo
-T.P.S. Genzano
-T.P.S. Gerez
-T.P.S. Oyarzu
Magna Casa Class Ballistic-Missile Submarine (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8740037&postcount=18) x 2
-T.P.S. yet to be named
-T.P.S. yet to be named
Blowpipe Class Attack Submarine (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8740037&postcount=18) x 3
-T.P.S. yet to be named
-T.P.S. yet to be named
-T.P.S. yet to be named
Konstantin Class Ballistic Missile Submarine (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12601305&postcount=1) x 6
-T.P.S Konstantin
-T.P.S yet to be named
-T.P.S yet to be named
-T.P.S yet to be named
-T.P.S yet to be named
-T.P.S yet to be named
Will probably end up naming the nameless ones during the conflict.
The Warmaster
16-08-2007, 02:59
OOC: You're invading him too, eh? That makes how many? *grins*
General Government of Vetalian Cazelia
By order of the Praetor of Vetalia, Ivan Melnikov, and his representative in Cazelia, the Viceroyal Praetor Ivan Rochev:
We hereby authorize forces mobilizing against these creatures full mobility along our coastline and through our territory, and also authorize full use of its transportation systems and infrastructure for the duration of the conflict. In addition, we encourage this coalition to inspect and explore our own territory for this subterranean menace and will provide detailed maps and surveys of the terrain for their use.
Furthermore, the forces of the Occupation Army are at your disposal for any extermination or cleanup needs should your forces prove insufficient. Questions can be directed to my office should there be any dispute over the programmes thus implemented.
Proconsul V. Fedorov, Subministry of State
The World Soviet Party
16-08-2007, 03:05
General Government of Vetalian Cazelia
By order of the Praetor of Vetalia, Ivan Melnikov, and his representative in Cazelia, the Viceroyal Praetor Ivan Rochev:
We hereby authorize forces mobilizing against these creatures full mobility along our coastline and through our territory, and also authorize full use of its transportation systems and infrastructure for the duration of the conflict. In addition, we encourage this coalition to inspect and explore our own territory for this subterranean menace and will provide detailed maps and surveys of the terrain for their use.
Furthermore, the forces of the Occupation Army are at your disposal for any extermination or cleanup needs should your forces prove insufficient. Questions can be directed to my office should there be any dispute over the programmes thus implemented.
Proconsul V. Fedorov, Subministry of State
Official Diplomatic Communique
From: The World Soviet Party
To: Proconsul V. Fedorov, Subministry of State, Vetalia
We thank and appreciate your support, we'll be happy to help you track and eradicate these pests as soon as we are done with the ones in the "Sovereign Cazelia".
Even as we speak, our own occupation troops are setting up defenses in case the Cazelians try anything.
We'll let you know if anything happens.
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
Central Prestonia
16-08-2007, 03:13
To: General-Secretary of The World Soviet Party
From: Pres. Aaron H. Preston
Comrade, I urge you to stand your forces down. These creatures are helping the democratic factions of Cazelia retake their country from the self-proclaimed king Jonathan Cargill. Surely you can understand that destroying this species would be a severe blow to the forces of justice attempting to retake their nation from the fascists. In addition, the new species poses no real harm to the human population, as current reports indicate that they function like humans. Again, I urge you in the name of logic and reason to stand your troops down.
Yours in Friendship and Solidarity,
Aaron H Preston
Aaron H. Preston
President, Socialist Republic of Central Prestonia
Chairman, Prestonian Democratic Socialist Party
The 7000
16-08-2007, 03:26
To the World Soviet Party:
If you so wish, the Dominion of the 7000 will offer its services against these creatures. We are a warrior peoples, and we see benefit in testing our strength against such a fearsome race of opponents. All we ask in return is transportation to and from the arena of battle.
16-08-2007, 03:39
The Free Empire was in a bit of a pickle, as Cazelia was still a somewhat dysfunctional member of the Hegemony. So, to get around it, the hired foreigners in Buy & Sell's mercenary branch, created a cheap and large immigrant corps, and generally made an army of those who weren't New Vantanians. With this diverse invasion force assmebled, they soon departed from British Londinian Indonesia to make the long journey to Cazelia, prepared to destroy the new furry menace.
16-08-2007, 03:52
The Revolutionary Government of the Glorious Republic of Leafanistan
We have no comment at this time, except we will not take sides, nor impose sanctions on any nations involved.
Thank you.
The Human Order of the Glorious Republic
Death to all those that challenge the Imperium of Man on his home world of Terra!
to: all attacking nations
from: Ingram Hasley
please stop this madness. this would be like exterminating an innocent group of animals. please, i ask you, leave these creatures alone. they have done nothing to you, and bear no treat to humankind. they also represent a significant part in Cazelian history.
to: 'British Londinium'
from: Scarlov Darkheart
if any weapon is fired upon my people, a significant effort will be taken to have you killed. we have never done anything to you, and your 'human superiority' is just another excuse for racism against everything. oh, and by the way, we aqiured one of your blenders. they are very good for making slurpees
OOC- slurpees are a Kal'Har favorite :D
Central Prestonia
16-08-2007, 06:39
to: all attacking nations
from: Ingram Hasley
please stop this madness. this would be like exterminating an innocent group of animals. please, i ask you, leave these creatures alone. they have done nothing to you, and bear no treat to humankind. they also represent a significant part in Cazelian history.
to: 'British Londinium'
from: Scarlov Darkheart
if any weapon is fired upon my people, a significant effort will be taken to have you killed. we have never done anything to you, and your 'human superiority' is just another excuse for racism against everything. oh, and by the way, we aqiured one of your blenders. they are very good for making slurpees
OOC- slurpees are a Kal'Har favorite :D
OOC: Good to see a Londinian killing machine going to humane use.
Buddha C
16-08-2007, 06:43
{{OOC: CP want a response in your presidential thing :D. Anyways, might send in an Air Cavalry brigade, dunno.}}
Encripted Message to Cazeila
Greal can help defend the creatures, Can Greal send a transports to pick up a few Tiger-like-Creatures?
From Greal War Department, Greal Ministry of Defense.
Encripted Message to Cazeila
Greal can help defend the creatures, Can Greal send a transports to pick up a few Tiger-like-Creatures?
From Greal War Department, Greal Ministry of Defense.
to: Greal
From: Ingram Hasley
we accept this offer, and we would like help in defending the Kal'Har
Central Prestonia
16-08-2007, 06:56
{{OOC: CP want a response in your presidential thing :D. Anyways, might send in an Air Cavalry brigade, dunno.}}
OOC: Just assume that the donation has been received, I don't want to RP accepting every single donation because they're probably going to pile up.
Buddha C
16-08-2007, 07:01
{{OOC: Lol, just wonder the affect it would have on the polls :p.}}
{{OOC: Lol, just wonder the affect it would have on the polls :p.}}
OOC- are you on my side?
Buddha C
16-08-2007, 07:04
{{OOC: Dunno, guna fight the best RPer, I might not join either.}}
The World Soviet Party
16-08-2007, 14:14
Complaints from Central Prestonia and other nations had been promptly ignored, after all, they didnt deserve a response.
Now, the Cazelians, they were a whole different group, they had been invaded, conquered, divided and even blended. Yet they stood firm.
That was a matter the Soviets would have to fix, for now, the fleet continued to make it's way to Cazelian Sovereign Territory, bringing with them well over 100,000 troops, without counting the ones already deployed in Soviet Cazelia.
"why them!" roared Ingram, slamming his fist on the table "don't the soviets know these guys are helping us fight for freedom!" Ingram was angry, knowing that the soviets had helped during the occupation "this is genocide! against rules of the UCRA! action must be taken!" Thomas Knight replied, handing him his laptop
To- all U.C.R.A members
From- Ingram Hasley
this is a cry to the alliance. there is to be genocide of a species on our soverign territory. this must not be allowed, and all members are ordered to converge on Cazelia at once. since this is encrypted, you must not tell anyone.
Ingram Hasley
outside of tunnel entrance...
Marines, Cargillians and Kal'Har stood together. civilians staged protests, stood in front of tanks and threw their garbage at the troops. the troops were to hold off the enemy until the evacuation ships arrived
The Scandinvans
16-08-2007, 19:47
In response to this growing outcry over these filth, Emperor Olaf IV has formed the "Humans First" Society which calls for a world with humans as the only truly sentient creatures from Earth. As a result this mockery of creatures that have been considered the equal of humans by the nation of Cazelia. Further, Emperor Olaf IV puts his full support in the termination of these vile creatures from th face of Earth as they are a threat to all humans as long as one of them draws breath into their bodies and he believes we should not rest until the last one of their bodies has become cold.
Imperial Steward,
Lord Erida
In response to this growing outcry over these filth, Emperor Olaf IV has formed the "Humans First" Society which calls for a world with humans as the only truly sentient creatures from Earth. As a result this mockery of creatures that have been considered the equal of humans by the nation of Cazelia. Further, Emperor Olaf IV puts his full support in the termination of these vile creatures from th face of Earth as they are a threat to all humans as long as one of them draws breath into their bodies and he believes we should not rest until the last one of their bodies has become cold.
Imperial Steward,
Lord Erida
Message to the Scandinavians
xenophobes. it is the first word that comes to my mind. scared of another species, thinking you are superior. just like Nazis. if you are truly fearless, help defend these creatures from total destruction.
have you ever seen the battlefeild?
the only good type of leader is the one who has seen war and death in their own eyes
and lost someone to it...
Ingram Hasley
The World Soviet Party
16-08-2007, 22:14
Finally, the fleet arrived to Soviet Cazelia, and unloading of the troops started the moment the first transport docked.
However, this was not to be an infantry mission, they were merely reinforcements and "just in case" lifesavers, basically covering the Air Force with their might, and protecting the borders.
On military airfields all over the Protectorate, hundreds of bombers and fighters started landing, the attack was planned for tomorrow, in coordination with the Navy and the carrier-borne assets that would soon rain death over the Kal'Har.
at 2:39 AM, just after the soviet bombers landed, Ingram ordered a cruise missile strike against them. nearly two thousand conventional cruise missiles, either explosive or cluster flew into soviet territory, seeking out airfeilds and supply stashes
The World Soviet Party
16-08-2007, 22:45
at 2:39 AM, just after the soviet bombers landed, Ingram ordered a cruise missile strike against them. nearly two thousand conventional cruise missiles, either explosive or cluster flew into soviet territory, seeking out airfeilds and supply stashes
The attack was quickly noticed by the Soviets, whom readied their own missiles and promptly fired them at the Cazelian ordnance.
Of course, the combined fire of well over 1,000 S-400s, not counting any other devices (which the soviets had in stock, such as hand-held SAMs and the likes) would tear apart any missiles the Cazelians could have shot at them.
Still, there's always a margin for error, and one or two cruise missiles hit their intended targets, hitting an airfield and disabling the runway.
This meant war, and thus, the order was given to fire back. This order of course, was carried out and soon, the Cazelians would have to face the combined power oF 5,000 missiles, ranging from explosives to EMPs and even "fake" gas which was, in fact, coloured smoke (intended to pass as mustard gas and the likes). Units along the border were told to open fire with their own artillery batteries, thus adding them to the missiles.
The attack was quickly noticed by the Soviets, whom readied their own missiles and promptly fired them at the Cazelian ordnance.
Of course, the combined fire of well over 1,000 S-400s, not counting any other devices (which the soviets had in stock, such as hand-held SAMs and the likes) would tear apart any missiles the Cazelians could have shot at them.
Still, there's always a margin for error, and one or two cruise missiles hit their intended targets, hitting an airfield and disabling the runway.
This meant war, and thus, the order was given to fire back. This order of course, was carried out and soon, the Cazelians would have to face the combined power oF 5,000 missiles, ranging from explosives to EMPs and even "fake" gas which was, in fact, coloured smoke (intended to pass as mustard gas and the likes). Units along the border were told to open fire with their own artillery batteries, thus adding them to the missiles.
Cazelian MRLS systems a couple miles from the border opened fire, trying to hit the airfields with their small, unguided missiles. then the orbital missiles fired, streaking down from the heavens, hitting their targets with deadly accuracy
British Londinium
16-08-2007, 23:19
OOC: So wankish to say you stole my equipment. It's one thing to say you made your own, another to go "zomg you left ur equpmet in my countrie and i took it lol".
OOC: So wankish to say you stole my equipment. It's one thing to say you made your own, another to go "zomg you left ur equpmet in my countrie and i took it lol".
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 00:09
OOC: RP damage to your side, plz.
Also, I need to know exactly how many "ORBITAL MISSILES" you shot at me.
The unguided rockets were but mosquitoes to the Soviet SAM defenses, and none of them managed to hit anything.
Still, such an attack could not go unpunished, and the decision was made to "godrod" the Cazelian capitol. Well over the battlefield and earth's atmosphere, one satellite recieved some data, which happened to be coordinates, thus, it slowly turned around until it had it's sights on Cazelia, namely, it's capitol (Duh). Then, without further ado, it let go three of it's rods, firing them directly at the heart of the enemy.
Anyways, by now, the Soviet aircraft had been properly fueled and it's crews had rested long enough. Thus, the main bomber force got ready to take-off, in only a few hours, the so called Kar'Hal (and probably the Cazelian populace) would be gone.
[OOC: Sorry to butt in, but are any of Cazelia's attacks aimed at the Soviet homeland?]
OOC: RP damage to your side, plz.
Also, I need to know exactly how many "ORBITAL MISSILES" you shot at me.
The unguided rockets were but mosquitoes to the Soviet SAM defenses, and none of them managed to hit anything.
Still, such an attack could not go unpunished, and the decision was made to "godrod" the Cazelian capitol. Well over the battlefield and earth's atmosphere, one satellite recieved some data, which happened to be coordinates, thus, it slowly turned around until it had it's sights on Cazelia, namely, it's capitol (Duh). Then, without further ado, it let go three of it's rods, firing them directly at the heart of the enemy.
Anyways, by now, the Soviet aircraft had been properly fueled and it's crews had rested long enough. Thus, the main bomber force got ready to take-off, in only a few hours, the so called Kar'Hal (and probably the Cazelian populace) would be gone.
OOC- 1 million small orbital missiles
From- Ingram Hasley
i wish to end this conflict. there is no point in fighting over a species that has never done anything to you. please back down, or you will face the wrath of the UCRA on charges of attempted genocide and unprovoked assaults upon Cazelian and Kal'Har land.
Caz'e city, dawn on August 16th
the godrod slammed into the capitol building, incinerating King Cargill and everyone within a 10 mile radius. the number of deaths was 13 million, with only 2 million military casualties. twenty minutes after the attack, hundreds of Cazelian aircraft took off for Soviet Cazelia, tankers, bombers, fighters and transports.
after Ingram recived word, he knew he was in command. four hours later, every single weapons satilitte Cazelia had was pointed at TWSP.
and they fired
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 00:33
OOC- 1 million small orbital missiles
From- Ingram Hasley
i wish to end this conflict. there is no point in fighting over a species that has never done anything to you. please back down, or you will face the wrath of the UCRA on charges of attempted genocide and unprovoked assaults upon Cazelian and Kal'Har land.
Caz'e city, dawn on August 16th
the godrod slammed into the capitol building, incinerating King Cargill and everyone within a 10 mile radius. the number of deaths was 13 million, with only 2 million military casualties. twenty minutes after the attack, hundreds of Cazelian aircraft took off for Soviet Cazelia, tankers, bombers, fighters and transports.
after Ingram recived word, he knew he was in command. four hours later, every single weapons satilitte Cazelia had was pointed at TWSP.
and they fired
OOC: How many satellites, and what types?
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Mr. Hasley (I dont remember your name, there are lots and lots of Hasleys)
From: TWSP
No, how about YOU surrender?
The take off was once again detected thanks to the fine satellites developed by the Dartians, thanks to them, the Soviets managed to get every fighter they had up into the skies, literally hundreds (like between 250-500) F-22s and F-28Cs filled the sky, ready to down the enemy air force. On the ground, SAM teams, both systems and hand-held devices, were aimed upwards.
It seemed the Cazelians would be obliterated as soon as they made their first move.
[OOC: Sorry to butt in, but are any of Cazelia's attacks aimed at the Soviet homeland?]
QFT. NEA systems, which comprise lots of Naashan assets will be employed to intercept attacks on the continental territory of TWSP. I wanna know if I get to use them. ;)
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 00:40
QFT. NEA systems, which comprise lots of Naashan assets will be employed to intercept attacks on the continental territory of TWSP. I wanna know if I get to use them. ;)
OOC: Yes you do, read his last post stating all of his satellites would strike TWSP =P
Fort Lang, Luluville, TWSP
Powerful search radars pierced the thin layers of cloud that hung over the Naashan base. The base was already on full alert, with the Expeditionary Squadron on stand-by in case they were needed by the forces in Trivalvia. As such, it came as a small surprise to the personnel when they were informed that they would be tracking and intercepting Cazelian attacks on the Soviet mainland.
The base and surrounding area SAM sites were brought online and pointed to the sky while the Naashan radar operators began sharing data with their Soviet counterparts, the NEA technology integrating smoothly. Let the Cazelians take their best shot, but Naasha was obliged to help block it.
OOC: How many satellites, and what types?
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Mr. Hasley (I dont remember your name, there are lots and lots of Hasleys)
From: TWSP
No, how about YOU surrender?
The take off was once again detected thanks to the fine satellites developed by the Dartians, thanks to them, the Soviets managed to get every fighter they had up into the skies, literally hundreds (like between 250-500) F-22s and F-28Cs filled the sky, ready to down the enemy air force. On the ground, SAM teams, both systems and hand-held devices, were aimed upwards.
It seemed the Cazelians would be obliterated as soon as they made their first move.
My name is Ingram, and dont you forget it. i would like to know the terms, but i will not accept total genocide of the Kal'Har
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 02:03
My name is Ingram, and dont you forget it. i would like to know the terms, but i will not accept total genocide of the Kal'Har
Good, as we only have one term, and that term is:
From now on and till' the ending of times, no more Hasleys will rule Cazelia, and thay includes you, so please, go on and prepare your resignation.
Good, as we only have one term, and that term is:
From now on and till' the ending of times, no more Hasleys will rule Cazelia, and thay includes you, so please, go on and prepare your resignation.
how about we let the people decide that, for choice is a civil right and in essence democracy itself. no Hasley will run for president unless the people demand it and want it. those are my terms, and the democratic terms
i will not run for President, and we will have a change. the Kal'Har leader, Scarlov Darkheart will be running, along Mary Portman, Thomas Knight and Rowan Conellius
Greal has sent planes to pick up creatures, they are currently waiting at the Cazeila's airport.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 02:27
Well, let me think about it... No, either you do as we say, or the war continues, your choice, Ingram.
Well, let me think about it... No, either you do as we say, or the war continues, your choice, Ingram.
you know what, i dont have to listen to some pussy communist who has never actually seen war. Cazelia will never surrender to cowards like you. so burn in hell, fucker
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 02:47
you know what, i dont have to listen to some pussy communist who has never actually seen war. Cazelia will never surrender to cowards like you. so burn in hell, fucker
"I guess they didnt teach you manners and diplomacy back in college, eh?
Well, your choice."
And with that, all communications were cut, the next thing the Cazelians would know is that 10 ICBMs loaded with EMP warheads were about to hit their main cities, needless to say they wouldnt have much technology left after that.
Central Prestonia
17-08-2007, 02:53
OOC: TWSP, I'm going to ask you to hold off for a bit while I attempt to reason with Caz. Caz, TWSP is being generous by not invading you. He's giving you a benevolent treaty and I'd take it if I were you. I have some respect for you because of the stuff you've been through w/ BL, but seriously you need to make some smart diplomatic choices. Take his offer, you probably won't find a better one out there.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 03:08
"missiles" said operator C-129, as Ingram walked over "activate ground and orbital countermeasures" said Ingram
Position of ICBMs
8 of the ICBMs were cut down by orbital countermeasures, but the other two hit Orlock and New riverport, disabling them. the Cazelians replied with a cruise missile launch of nearly 10,000 EMP, conventional and black smoke (chemical, creates buring senstion if skin comes in contact, no permanent effects) warheads
OOC: Where did you launch them at?
OOC: TWSP, I'm going to ask you to hold off for a bit while I attempt to reason with Caz. Caz, TWSP is being generous by not invading you. He's giving you a benevolent treaty and I'd take it if I were you. I have some respect for you because of the stuff you've been through w/ BL, but seriously you need to make some smart diplomatic choices. Take his offer, you probably won't find a better one out there.
OOC- fine, but someday he will pay
OOC: Where did you launch them at?
OOC- i re-accept your offer
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 03:13
OOC- fine, but someday he will pay
OOC: I'll assume the launch was cancelled then, yours I mean.
Good, it makes us glad to see that you are finally coming to your senses, Mr. Hasley.
I guess it's time to organize the next elections?
Oh, and remember, no Hasleys.
OOC: I'll assume the launch was cancelled then, yours I mean.
Good, it makes us glad to see that you are finally coming to your senses, Mr. Hasley.
I guess it's time to organize the next elections?
Oh, and remember, no Hasleys.
as being former leader, i declare Scarlov Darkheart President of the newly formed Kal'Har-Cazelia joint empire, and will only take position as secretary of defense
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 03:18
as being former leader, i declare Scarlov Darkheart President of the newly formed Kal'Har-Cazelia joint empire, and will only take position as secretary of defense
Official Soviet Response
That's okay by us, Mr. Secretary.
British Londinium
17-08-2007, 03:25
OOC: TWSP, may I please, pretty please with sugar on top, have some territory? I'd like to remind the Cazelians why they dislike me so much.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 03:28
OOC: TWSP, may I please, pretty please with sugar on top, have some territory? I'd like to remind the Cazelians why they dislike me so much.
OOC: Fine by me, I dont think they can really say no right no, thus I'm grating you the title of "Protector of Orlock", thus making the city and the are sorrouding it yours.
Orlock Londii?
As a show of good-will, The World Soviet Party is granting the city of Orlock a new protector, British Londinium.
The Far Echo Islands
17-08-2007, 03:32
*Ice Box, New St. Petersburg, Arctica Province, the Far Echo Islands*
“Shit.” The Grand Arbiter said when he was told of the Cazellian situation. “If this had happened only a week ago!” Damn it, damn it, damn it! I devote us to one cause of genocide prevention and then bam! Another one pops up the next day in one of our strongest allies! Those damn fucking Soviet bastards! What the hell have these fucking tigers ever done to them?!” The Grand Arbiter said expressing built up stress from over the last few weeks.
“Well, sir, there is one very potent military option we have left; all you have to do is press that red button.” The Arch military advisor Luke Iris said.
“Yes, I know. Keep the sites locked up tight, but ready the missiles to be fired. Equip the first 50 with conventional warheads. The next 10 with biological, the next 50 with hydrogen, the rest with the biggest damn nukes we got. Begin evacuation of all major cities, say it’s a tsunami, and get them into the country side and bunkers if you can get them in. But until some real stuff starts, let’s just watch the show.” The Grand Arbiter finished by turning on a LCD TV that displayed a satellite feed of Cazellia.
Official International Warning
To the World Soviet Party:
The Far Echo Islands will not stand by and watch our ally be trampled upon. We will defend them by any means necessary.
For Cazellia, For Liberty,
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
British Londinium
17-08-2007, 03:34
OOC: Yay! I'll probably call it Londinian Extraterritorial Dependency of Orlock, or something depressingly technical.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 03:36
Secret Diplomatic Communique
From: The World Soviet Party
You make a lot of threats for a peace-loving nation, but I'll let you know one thing, we didnt do this to kill the tigers, they are okay, I guess, and they wont be harmed, heck you can even have them yourself.
The real reason for this war was to oust Hasley and his family, I guess the world just got tired of them being in charge every time, even after wars and revolutions.
Now, I'd suggest you keep those nukes for yourself, because, damned be I, I wont stand and watch while you kill my people, there'll be retaliation.
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
BL, you should check your TGs and do what I suggested, only this time you can do it on your own, YAY!
17-08-2007, 03:53
The Wanderjarian Government requests of its long time allies rights to assist them in the crusade of pacifying this troubled nation and supporting their long term well being. We shall deploy one Schutztruppe Battalion consisting of Five hundred Wanderjarian Schutzstaffel Deaths Head soldiers, in addition to an armored Support company of some thirty Panzerkampfwagon XIs as well as BMP-3 support and a transport and attack helicopter wing. We shall make these troops land and position themselves wherever needed and per your acceptance.
~Furher Baker of the Wanderjarian First Reich.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 03:58
The Wanderjarian Government requests of its long time allies rights to assist them in the crusade of pacifying this troubled nation and supporting their long term well being. We shall deploy one Schutztruppe Battalion consisting of Five hundred Wanderjarian Schutzstaffel Deaths Head soldiers, in addition to an armored Support company of some thirty Panzerkampfwagon XIs as well as BMP-3 support and a transport and attack helicopter wing. We shall make these troops land and position themselves wherever needed and per your acceptance.
~Furher Baker of the Wanderjarian First Reich.
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Wanderjar
From: The World Soviet Party
Greetings and salutations many, of course we'd be glad to get help from our Wanderjarian allies.
Thus, we are giving you the title of "Protector of Kaztania", please, try to keep the city in order and clean.
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
17-08-2007, 04:01
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Wanderjar
From: The World Soviet Party
Greetings and salutations many, of course we'd be glad to get help from our Wanderjarian allies.
Thus, we are giving you the title of "Protector of Kaztania", please, try to keep the city in order and clean.
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
Oh rest assured comrades, we shall keep this city in true Prussian order.
The Far Echo Islands
17-08-2007, 04:07
Secret Diplomatic Communiqué
To: BL, TSWP, Wanderjar
In that case, we will withdraw our threat of nuclear destruction, however, we do ask, that since you have essentially accomplished your goals in the nation, your reconstruction be quick and your occupation short.
We will not evacuate any more of the sentient Tigers, however, of the million or so asked, about 10,000 indicated that they would like to immigrate to the Echo Islands and be naturalized citizens there. We will allow them immigration. Transport ships and planes will need access to ports and airports to reintegrate the 100,000 we had gotten on the ships before the end of hostilities. These will be non military vessels and craft, and only a few lightly armed gaurds will be on scene.
With hope for the future,
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
The Warmaster
17-08-2007, 04:12
OOC: TWSP, you conquered ALL of Cazelia? Cause if so, I'll buy the rights to as much of that shit as I can. I'm currently in a war against him...but no point bleeding if I can just buy out his already-conquered territory. ;) If I'm not understand the point of this thread, forgive me.
His Divine Majesty the Sacred Emperor has heard that you are selling ownership of the conquered nation of Cazelia. Given our ongoing war against this nation and its allies, the Imperium will purchase all land in former Cazelia not claimed by another nation or your own already. Please reply with your price, and if reasonable, we shall transfer the funds.
Lord Regent Melchior Valgoth
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 04:13
Official Soviet Response
Sure, go ahead.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 04:16
His Divine Majesty the Sacred Emperor has heard that you are selling ownership of the conquered nation of Cazelia. Given our ongoing war against this nation and its allies, the Imperium will purchase all land in former Cazelia not claimed by another nation or your own already. Please reply with your price, and if reasonable, we shall transfer the funds.
Lord Regent Melchior Valgoth
Official Soviet Response
We are sorry to inform you that we are not currently selling Cazelian territory, we are merely giving it away as protectorates, you are free to apply for one, of course.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 04:17
OOC: For everyone with a protectorate, M... MA... MAP!
And the old, but full frontal map:
The Warmaster
17-08-2007, 04:18
Official Soviet Response
We are sorry to inform you that we are not currently selling Cazelian territory, we are merely giving it away as protectorates, you are free to apply for one, of course.
To: Whom It May Concern, The World Soviet Party
Then we would indeed like to apply. What would be required in such an application?
Lord Regent Melchior Valgoth
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 04:20
To: Whom It May Concern, The World Soviet Party
Then we would indeed like to apply. What would be required in such an application?
Lord Regent Melchior Valgoth
Official Soviet Response
Nothing, really, we'll set you up a piece.
The Warmaster
17-08-2007, 04:22
Official Soviet Response
Nothing, really, we'll set you up a piece.
To: Whom It May Concern, The World Soviet Party
Excellent! A pleasure doing business with you.
Lord Regent Melchior Valgoth
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 04:25
Updated map.
17-08-2007, 04:31
Tigerlan humbly requests a small amount of territory within the newly liberated area of Cazelia, With this Territory, we shall improve the Economy and Life of the Civilians there, and Aid them in all ventures, Educating the Children and Young, Whilst Protecting them from threats abroad and within.
We await your Reply.
Fuhrer of the Totalitarian Socialist State of Tigerlan
War Office Briefing Room, Palace of the Revolution Underground Bunker Complex; Tailville DR, Wagdog
"So we can confirm Cazelian surrender, yes Mario?" General Secretary Charles Lind was alone with the Vampire in this deepest sanctum of Wagdian military might. Not that he feared for his neck or anything, since Wagdian vampires had long gotten used to feeding on either proscripted criminals ambushed in dark allies or else on 'blood rations' left over from hospital banks. But he did want this operation to be carried out quite delicately, since if he didn't there was the possibility of inadvertent combat against UFAN-friendly forces assisting the Cazelian rebel faction formerly against the Cargill Dynasty.
"Yes Comrade." The vampire was smiling again over his blood-red cravat. This operation would bring many new... friends, from the Kal'Har people to Wagdog. Full sapient felinoids, rather than merely were-beings like Wagdog's current stock; very full of potential indeed. "All is ready."
The secret deal had almost gone through too late, but now they were ready to move in and complete their part of the operation. "Very well. Authorization is Given. Move on it."
And with that, the airlift began.
Airbases Across Wagdog
The massive An-225 Cossack transports, some 50 in all though more could move if necessary, took off along with 50 more Il-76 Candids and An-124 Condors for assistance. 250 FA-15D Cardinals of one whole Fighter Wing provided escort, to be supported by 100 A-50 Mainstay AWACS and Il-78 Midas tankers. Their destination: Soviet Cazelia, and the rendezvous with the latest generation of Wagdians to come.
Soviet Cazelia
The forty-odd thousand strong peacekeepers, having been present ever since the Londinian crises of some time ago, began preparing for the transports' arrival. They moved out, their intelligence support asking the Soviets for the locations of those Kal'Har willing to relocate to Wagdog for a new life. No combat was expected, though they had some capability should it be required after all. To avoid stepping on any toes, the following message was dispatched to Soviet and Wanderjarian forces...
British Londinium
17-08-2007, 04:35
Official Londinian Communiqué
To the Far Echo Islands:
Your request for a brief occupation and rapid reconstruction is hereby denied. The area of Orlock is being incorporated into Greater British Londinium, where it will serve the People's Sovereign Republic however we see fit.
Furthermore, your request for Orlock's ports to be opened to your vessels is denied. Any further evacuation of the Xal'Har from the Londinian sector will be deemed an act of war, a war bound to be far more brutal than the first between our two countries.
Ex legis, æquitas.
The Rt. Hon. James Azzopardi, MP
Consul of British Londinium
The Far Echo Islands
17-08-2007, 04:57
Secret Diplomatic Communiqué
To BL:
It is unfortunate that you see it that way. Instead of returning 90,000 of the Kal'Har to their home we will evacuate the full 100,000 who are still on board our ships. They will be naturalized citizens once arriving in the Echo Islands. We also extend to them diplomatic immunity so that if any of them make it into my nation on their own they will not be deported. These things that would have not happened had you granted me access.
With deep regret,
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter of the Far Echo Islands
Imkahd Vermikiv, a Far Echo Islands civil rights advocate who had come with the SWEU expedition, had decided to slip back into the British Londinium occupied part of Cazellia after he had heard it was now a protectorate of that evil nation. He had left everything that identified him as a Far Echo Islander on the transport ship he had left from and swam ashore. He was here first to watch what the Londii's next move was, then, if circumstances deteriorate, create an underground railroad of sorts to get Kal'Har our of Londii ternary. Two other men had accompanied him on this personal mission.
OOC: Just to clarify, Vermikiv is a man who is here as a civilian, you don't know he swam ashore, much less what’s going on in his head. He is part of a mostly private enterprise acting on his own free will. I just wanted to not be accused of god modding when I begin the underground railroad to get them the hell out of there.
17-08-2007, 16:21
OOC: I can't get onto Jolt all day because it crashed and everyone forgets me. What's the world coming to?
The Free Empire of New Vantania would like to take one of Cazelia's coastal cities as a protectorate, helping end the scourge of piracy in Cazelia.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 16:43
Tigerlan humbly requests a small amount of territory within the newly liberated area of Cazelia, With this Territory, we shall improve the Economy and Life of the Civilians there, and Aid them in all ventures, Educating the Children and Young, Whilst Protecting them from threats abroad and within.
We await your Reply.
Fuhrer of the Totalitarian Socialist State of Tigerlan
OOC: I can't get onto Jolt all day because it crashed and everyone forgets me. What's the world coming to?
The Free Empire of New Vantania would like to take one of Cazelia's coastal cities as a protectorate, helping end the scourge of piracy in Cazelia.
And yes.
17-08-2007, 17:12
Under the cover of darkness several dozen cargo aircraft decended upon the Kaztanian International Airport, the runways cleared of all other vessels due to the high priority of the cargo upon these aircraft. They touched down lightly and pulled off to the side, occupying the majority of the airstrip, and once all were landed and parked, their boarding ramps were lowered and columns of black clad Wanderjarian soldiers exited. Wearing their "Helghast" armor and equipment, and with black armbands with large white skulls and cross bones, all who bore witness of them would know immediately that these were the feared Wanderjarian SS, the Schutzstaffel, Deaths Head Legion.
One of the Officer's, a well muscled older man wearing a black leather trench coat with a Knight's Cross at the neck of his shirt collar and long black jackboots made his exit from a cargo plane leading a column of some fifty Wanderjarian SS troopers. He looked around cautiously, eyeing with distrust the black surroundings of the airfield. Aside from the runway lights, all light had been killed from the airport facilities, leaving only a bright orange ambient light which hung across the sky from the rest of the large coastal city.
Another Officer joined him, removing his hat and leather gloves he said, "Well Zitsev, we are here. Cazelia."
"Aye, indeed," The other Officer replied. "So we are." He continued watching as the SS soldiers formed up by Platoons on the tarmac, awaiting the Brigadesfurher-SS to give the orders to move out. "Why do you think the Furher sent us here, eh Silberg?"
"I couldn't tell you what Furher Baker had in mind," Silberg replied, fastening his pistol belt around his waist. "But I can tell you that this will be a good opportunity to show the world something."
Zitsev looked at his friend and colleague curiously, "And what might that be?"
Chuckling, SS-Hauptscharführer Silberg replied, "Don't fuck with the Wanderjarians."
Laughing uproariously SS-Hauptscharführer Zitsev replied, "Quite. Indeed so. See you around the Head Quarters compound."
"See you," Silberg replied, setting his hand up in farewell as he walked to his Company.
Zitsev, nodding to his self, headed towards his own, which was positioned two companies down the line from his friend's. As he walked up to the unit, his Executive Officer, SS-Obersturmführer Volker approached and saluted him, by extending his right arm into the air and stamping the ground with his right jackboot. The rest of the one hundred men in the company soon followed suit. "Mein herr Obersturmführer! The troops are assembled."
"Excellent," Zitsev replied. "Good work. Now then, we are going to consolidate here for the evening, and wait for our tanks and armored personnel carriers to arrive within the next few hours. Tommorrow morning we'll advance and begin setting up throughout the city. Apparantly, five hundred SS soldiers isn't going to do the trick, so they're bringing up another twelve hundred Blackshirted Wehrmacht soldiers to assist. They'll be manning check points and such, we'll be doing the actual suppressing," He added with a wink to his XO. "Come now, get the troops resting. There won't be much from here on out."
"Jawohl mein herr," He replied, about facing crisply. He relayed the commands to the Company, and the troops let fall their ruck sacks and equipment. They would sleep there tonight, but the following morning when they awoke, they would immediately proceed to a concrete building which was constructed by the Kriegsmarine SeeBees to accomodate their arrival, as well as a series of smaller Company level bunkers and trench works. It would be up to them to lay the barbed wire, check points, razor wire, electrical fences, propaganda loudspeakers, spot lights, and machine gun towers, which would be done relatively quickly, over the course of the next week. Once this was done, and everything was settled, the unit Commander, SS-Oberführer Heinrich Baak, would announce to the people the intention of the Wanderjarian forces stationed here, and they would obey....or face the wrath of the SS.
OOC: I'm likely going to make my own thread for my occupation, because mine is going to be....more involved lol
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 21:48
A short answer was sent to the Wagdog'ians:
"Sure, go ahead, we wont bother you."
OOC: Nice post, Wandy.
17-08-2007, 21:48
OOC: TWSP, make a M...MA...MAP!
Sorry about that, but whenever I check on the new posts that's the first thing I see.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 21:50
Official declaration of being pissed off
the President and Secretary of defense were killed in a peaceful mission to Orlock. this must not go unpunished.
The World Soviet Party
17-08-2007, 22:04
Official declaration of being pissed off
the President and Secretary of defense were killed in a peaceful mission to Orlock. this must not go unpunished.
Official Soviet Response
What were they doing in Londinian territory in the first place? I mean, THEY did know the Londinians are a bit crazy and they are hated by them.
That aside, did they ask for permission?
The World Soviet Party
21-08-2007, 00:11
OOC: Bump for this main thread.
Across Soviet Cazelia...
Having received word from the Soviets that operations here were approved, straightaway the PKF soldiers moved out to find and bring in the local Kal'Har population. Not many were estimated, most reliably in the high thousands or low tens of thousands, so evacuation was not expected to take long or require a particularly obtrusive operation. However, precautions were to be taken on both security and diplomatic fronts.
Security-wise, all soldiers were deploying with shotguns firing less-than-lethal ammunition; unless they happened to be support-weapons crews, whose arms remained lethal as a just-in-case measure. Futhermore, although held in reserve in case needed, the force's attached tank battalion was ready to intervene if needed for a show-of-force or more.
In regards to diplomacy, however, said tanks and even most APCs were being kept far from the entrances to the cave networks where intel believed the Kal'Har lived. The face of their new life, inasmuch as possible, was to be a human one so as to maximize trust; even if an armed one as well per necessity. Loudspeakers situated some meters into the cave mouths blared the following message from the PKF's commander, General David Erst. Not so loud that word of it might get out unduly quickly, and more to the point far enough inside to also aid secrecy somewhat as well as ensure maximum echo into the caves; but if the Londinians or the others bent on exterminating the Kal'Har found out well then, frankly, Wagdog didn't particularly care. If they had a problem with a country saving the lives of those it also deemed to be sentient and worthy of a decent existence, then they could simply sputter; or else take what action they dared and risk learning just how seriously indeed Wagdog took its own refugee protection policies...
"Attention, honorable and courageous Kal'Har! We applaud your resistance in the southern lands against the Londinian imperialists and those others who would deny your rights, truly! But alas, all of Cazelia it seems has grown too dangerous, and you remain few compared to those who would stop at nothing to exterminate even your very memory from this world. There is scarce opportunity for you left in Cazelia for the foreseeable future, and the risk required to remain in pursuit of it is arguably too great to justify.
But if you accompany us, to our land which is also home to many werepersons among other types of metahuman, whom coexist well-enough with normal humans as you have with the Cazelians, we can assure your people what they deserve above all: A chance! There will be caves and tunnels enough for you in many places, so do come! There will be friends by the town and city and even state, so do come! There will be an advanced economy which you could contribute to well and earn more than a fair living in so doing, so please do come!
And if any should deign to pursue you, thinking that we would merely stand aside, know this. Under absolutely no circumstances do we in Wagdog ever allow those innocents under our protection to suffer predation, once they have volunteered themselves into such or otherwise come under our responsibility. Any who sought to harm you, would in so doing harm us... and would pay what we both know to be the natural price for such. We have deployed units from our own army and air forces to safely convey you to our islands, and under their protection you can be assured safe passage. So do come, friends; and begin a new chapter for the Kal'Har civilization as new comrades of ours in Wagdog."
So in place, and so broadcasting into the caves as carefully as the nature of the operation would allow, all that could be done was wait. Wait within and around the caves of Soviet Cazelia, hoping that by the time news of this got past the occupation zone's borders the operation would be over and done with. Reasonably hoping, for it was unlikely the Soviets would spill the beans on their old allies' activities in what was the Soviet occupation zone after all; but hoping still in point of fact.
the Kal'Har went with the Wagdog troops, but instead of thousands, there were close to a million of them