NationStates Jolt Archive

Mass Protests in Brachiosaurus

16-08-2007, 02:08
Today Brach and Troodont Mothers Against War took to the street in protest against all wars. The females doing the protesting are still upset at losing children to the Brach civil war in which the Troodont's tried to use lethal force to make their own nation. An effort which failed due to the intervention of several human nations.
These protestors are now demanding an end to all war on NS Earth. The government has responded by sending police and troops armed with mustard gas and live ammo into the streets to monitor their movements, comments, and it is said their meetings are being secretly bugged as the government and society in general views them with great suspicion.
16-08-2007, 02:16
TBMAW leader, Candy Cane, says the groups goal is to stop the government from sending any more children into war.
She said the fact that the government had deployed troops against her was a sign of despotism and she claimed her home had been bugged by the Brach regime and the Troodont Independence Movement.

The protest has begun to spread to other cities in the Republic and police say they have been forced to arrest 120 females for illegally blocking intersections and 2 were arrested for violently attacking human bystanders who were photographing the protests and police response. One human died and his attacker will face the death penalty Cheif Gog said.
16-08-2007, 02:19
If you wish for asisstance in quelling this uprising, the Empire will gladly lend you some of our Civil Security personnel.
16-08-2007, 02:46
Sipping his morning coffee, Chancellor Seewyze flipped on the television...


...And promptly spat it out all over his lap, and opted to stare at the television in disbelief.

A friggin' group of disgruntled mothers, whom have already proven to be violent, demanding that every nation in the world lower their arms and never fight again... such arrogance and hypocracy wouldn't have normally phased him...

...But it was three in the goddamn morning.

Picking up his phone, he immediately called up his minister of foreign affairs.

"Call up Brachiosaurus, tell them that we'll gladly send them a battalion to help shut these bitches up."

"S-sir?" The woman gasped, not used to the crude tongue of her normally calm and friendly leader.

"You heard me."
16-08-2007, 03:01
For the record, our personnel will be armed with military-grade weapons and non-lethal chemical weaponry.
16-08-2007, 04:41
Sipping his morning coffee, Chancellor Seewyze flipped on the television...


...And promptly spat it out all over his lap, and opted to stare at the television in disbelief.

A friggin' group of disgruntled mothers, whom have already proven to be violent, demanding that every nation in the world lower their arms and never fight again... such arrogance and hypocracy wouldn't have normally phased him...

...But it was three in the goddamn morning.

Picking up his phone, he immediately called up his minister of foreign affairs.

"Call up Brachiosaurus, tell them that we'll gladly send them a battalion to help shut these bitches up."

"S-sir?" The woman gasped, not used to the crude tongue of her normally calm and friendly leader.

"You heard me."

The Brach government, leader of the dinoid races on Brach subcontinent, thanks the Kirav and Ontarium governments for their concerns and offers of assistance. However, we only use force against rebels and terrorists. The protests have not called for a revolt against the government and they have not advocated or engaged in acts of terrorism, therefore we must reject the suggestion that force be used against them. However, should the situation change, please be aware our forces can deal with it. We are prepared to use Mustard Gas against protestors who get out of line.
16-08-2007, 05:50
Should Greal send some riot police?
17-08-2007, 02:40
Should Greal send some riot police?

Brach Response:

Governments who feel the need to reinforce their embassies may send police forces to protect their embassies.
17-08-2007, 02:43
Greal has sent 50 police officers to protect the Greal embassy,they are under orders not to shoot unless attacked. How is the protests going?
17-08-2007, 06:00
WNN Report:

Today the police have been ordered to turn in their mustard gas grenades. After authorizing its use on demonstrators, the government reversed course today because of a backlash from opposition political parties and growing public sympathy with the protestors. This was the first time, since the civil war that police had been authorized to use a WMD on civilians. That authorization has now been revoked and the Grand Inquisitor has started an inquisition into how it was approved.

Meantime, police and protest leaders are seperately saying that the people arrested for violence are isolated incidents and that the protests seem to be staying peaceful, with the exception of people screaming anti war slogans at the embassies of nations known to be engaged in war.

One such slogan that was common among the protest groups was "Less War, More Sex"
18-08-2007, 01:24
"Less War, More Sex"

THe above saying has been declared the fourth official motto of Kirav.
19-08-2007, 01:14

Today Guinjion was invoked between the government and Troodont groups seeking Independence.

The government announces it has accepted the challenge. Under Dinoid culture, guinjion is two parties agree to have their territorial and equal rights disputes settled by a hardcore fight between just two individuals instead of having massive armies of people kill each other.
Representing the government will be Algon, the most feared and undefeated street fighter of all the Brach's. Algon served in the last war and recieved 54 medals of honor. Algon is known to show no mercy. He kills everyone who dares to fight him.
Representing the Troodonts will Trudent, the undefeated champion street fighter of the Troodonts. Don't let the name fool you, Trudent is equally as tough as Algon, with his body covered in scars and his left hand missing a finger that bitten off during a fight. During one fight, his opponent stuck a knife in his eye and to the shock of those in attendance, he pulled the knife out, and jabbed it into the skull of his opponent killing him.
The winner will become the Ultimate Fighting Champion of Brachiosaurus island.
19-08-2007, 02:00
The Empire inquires wheather this combat is merely an athletic event, or a form of legislation-by-violence.
19-08-2007, 02:04
As per the terms of our alliance, Qadesh is bound to send forces requested by Kirav to the area in question. Qadesh humbly awaits our allies orders.

OoC [to Kirav]: Will our Primary Outcomes Officers be on the ground?
19-08-2007, 02:07
No, they will not be needed here, as we're only planning to deploy civil defence units. However, we may deploy Outcomes troops to Ghassan, as the unrest there is escalating.
19-08-2007, 02:10
If that revolt [in Ghassan] becomes too much, I have the other half of "primary Outcomes" ready to go, they can be contracted under the Government of Qadesh, offering you, our most noble Ally, assistance.
19-08-2007, 05:32
The Empire inquires wheather this combat is merely an athletic event, or a form of legislation-by-violence.

It is a form of bringing final resolution to a dispute without the use of nuclear weaponry when peaceful settlement cannot be had otherwise.

It is better that only one or two people die over a political dispute than a hundred billion.
20-08-2007, 04:48
The Protestors have reacted to the government announcement with denunciations. Candy Cane led a march through the streets opposing the fight saying it only glamorized war and death.

In Miltok city, a small group of protestors threw dead Precocha beetles at a foreign embassy building. The Precocha beetle is a commonly eaten bug in Brachiosaurus, and having one thrown at you is the cultural equivalent of a tomatoe being thrown at you in human culture.