NationStates Jolt Archive

Prestonian Presidential Elections

Central Prestonia
15-08-2007, 18:55
The time has come to elect a new President of Central Prestonia. When elected, the President will serve a four-year term before another election takes place. During this time, if the President is found to have abused his power, he may be impeached by popular recall vote. The following persons have been nominated by their respective parties for the Presidency of Central Prestonia:

Prestonian Democratic Socialist Party
Justin M. Gannon/Marcus Combs
Background: Justin Gannon, 36, is currently the Vice President. His platform is mostly based on Preston's, but with a few key differences. He opposes the amnesty given to the crime syndicate Fist & Fire by Pres. Preston. He has said "even though they helped the revolution, they're still criminals and should be treated accordingly." Gannon favors a slight reduction in military spending and more environmental spending. He also states that "the President must be accountable to the people" and plans to introduce a "report card" public opinion poll to be sent to voters every three months to gauge his progress. Widely expected to win the Presidency.

Republican Party
Steven Propper/Mick Hudson
Background: Propper is currently the Senate Republican Leader. His running mate, Mick Hudson, is currently Secretary of Defense. The pair favors privatizing the economy, increased military spending, and a "return to common decency and morality." They plan to bring Church and State closer and reinstate the ban on gay marriage and public nudity. Says Propper "It's about damn time we stopped being so open about everything. Open-Mindedness is good but there are definite lines of right and wrong that me need to obey." Holds a small but committed support group among businesses and the wealthy.

Democratic Party
Matthew Quinlan/Elizabeth Lorenzen
Background: Quinlan, current mayor of Hudson, is described as centrist by most political analysts. He favors partial privatization of the economy, a balanced budget, and more emphasis on civil services. His trademark quote: "The country serves the people, and my policies will reflect that." He also favors rehabilitation for criminals and opening the borders to refugees more often. Seen by most as a solid choice for President, if not necessarily the front-runner.
Central Prestonia
15-08-2007, 19:01
OOC: This was supposed to include a poll but it didn't go through so just post your vote here.
15-08-2007, 19:14
to- Central Prestonia
from- Ingram Hasley

we want Preston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Central Prestonia
15-08-2007, 19:17
To: Ingram Hasley
From: Central Prestonian Department of State

As per constitutional regulations, Pres. Preston may only serve two terms, which he has. However, he officially endorses Justin Gannon for President.
15-08-2007, 19:19
To: Ingram Hasley
From: Central Prestonian Department of State

As per constitutional regulations, Pres. Preston may only serve two terms, which he has. However, he officially endorses Justin Gannon for President.

we mean the other Preston. a young fighter pilot, who i am currently serving with
15-08-2007, 20:25
We suport QUinlan
Central Prestonia
16-08-2007, 03:01
we mean the other Preston. a young fighter pilot, who i am currently serving with
To: Ingram Hasley
From: Steve Preston

I see you want me to be President. I was actually asked to run, but I told them I would wait. I plan to run in the 2015 election on the Prestonian Democratic Socialist ticket. Feel free to endorse me then.
British Londinium
16-08-2007, 03:02
OOC: Which candidate would be most friendly towards BL? And, do our votes actually influence the election, or have you OOCly already picked a candidate to win?
Buddha C
16-08-2007, 03:07
{{OOC: Who is pro-peace keeping and for the general populace? Oh, and who is pro-Buddhism, and if there are none, who is Anti-Buddhism?}}
Central Prestonia
16-08-2007, 03:27
OOC: Everyone's pretty equal on BL. They feel that with Azzopardi in office things might change, but you still bear watching. With regards to Buddhism, it's a major religion in the nation so it's accepted by pretty much the whole population. Quinlan favors peace-keeping over military action, Gannon and Quinlan tie on most citizen-friendly, and you guys decide who wins. Hope that answers everything.
16-08-2007, 03:41
The Free Empire of New Vantania would like to donate fifty billion USDs to Steven Popper for his electoral campaign. Also, we donate five hundred million electoral pamphlets promoting his campaign.
Buddha C
16-08-2007, 03:42
{{OOC: Just IC and OOC interest. Percentage of Buddhist populace support Buddhist C's radical overseas assault on the Nova Pictavian Terranists who (ICly in my nation) declared that all Capitalist nations should be destroyed.}}
Buddha C
16-08-2007, 04:38
The Holy Socialist Autocracy of Buddha C hands a total of twenty-six billion USD to Democratic Party's Presidential Candidate Matthew Quinlan's officer, along with a further eighteen hundred dollars to all Buddhists in the Prestonian nation that vote for the supported candidate.
Vanek Drury Brieres
16-08-2007, 14:35
New Brittonia
16-08-2007, 14:42
The Communist Party of the United Socialist States of New Brittona will like to donate 20,000,000 new pound sterling (pegged to the Euro) to the Gannon/Combs campaign.
Central Prestonia
16-08-2007, 14:42
OOC: Current Results:

Voting ends August 20th (RL date)
New Brittonia
16-08-2007, 14:47
Vote for Gannon.
The World Soviet Party
16-08-2007, 15:58
We endorse Mr. Gannon.
16-08-2007, 16:13
OOC: A five billion dollar donation and tons of propaganda pamphlets from the gov't pretty much equals a vote of support.
16-08-2007, 20:09
Central Prestonia
16-08-2007, 20:11
OOC: A five billion dollar donation and tons of propaganda pamphlets from the gov't pretty much equals a vote of support.
Duly noted. Your vote will be counted.
Lord Sumguy
16-08-2007, 20:14
The Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy endorses and donates 6 billion USD to the campaign of Mr. Quinlan, and encourages him to futher privatize the economy, as to truly serve the people is to ensure the liberty of the citizenry in all aspects of life.
Central Prestonia
21-08-2007, 02:39
Bump for more votes.
21-08-2007, 09:40
The general support in Honako is for Justin M. Gannon.