Imperial Dark Realms opens embassy exchange.
The Darkstalkers
15-08-2007, 06:36
Imperial Dark Realms Ministry of Foreign Affairs (
The Imperial Dark Realms leader Kaiser Heydrich of the Darkstalker Empire has decreed that The Imperial Dark Realms shall allow nations to build embassies in the capital city Asturia Marina.
I. No More Than 30 Armed Guards.
II. No more than three vehicles with diplomatic immunity; and no more than ten vehicles total, helicopters will be allowed, they must be used for transport only.
III. Only .45 caliber weaponry or less previously approved by our government.
One assault rifle or submachine gun and hand gun per guard.
IV. The rest is to be determined with each individual case.
V. Land will be sold to the Nation that establishes the Embassy
VI.-Embassy staff no more than 100 members.
VII.-No nation shall be allowed to display any sign of religious affiliation outside of the grounds of the embassy.
VIII.-Ambassadors shall be granted diplomatic immunity, except in cases of heinous crimes, where the ambassador in question shall be tried and if convicted, prosecuted in The Imperial Dark Realms.
Post Script:
The Embassy includes a Diplomatic Mansion for the Diplomat's familly.
Please also include the following information: the name of your current head of state, your nation's full name, the name of the diplomat you intend to send, if you would like to enter into negotiations with the Imperial Dark Realms and any other notes of interest. Please include it in the following form:
Head of State:
Other Notes:
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
The Darkstalkers
15-08-2007, 06:58
Royal Blue-- Close Ally (Hightest Honor)
Blue -- Colony of the Imperial Dark Realms
Magenta -- Friendly
Dark Green -- Ally
Dark Orange -- Standard Embassy
Silver -- Embassies with Strict Security Regulations
Red -- War/Suspended Relations
Black--Government Facilities
~~ -- Soon to be Ejected
* -- Soon to be member of an Alliance the Imperial Dark Realms is a part of
Ente Allee
61 The Government of VandaheimAmbassador: Rodney Perkins
64 The Holy Empire of Stevid Ambassador: Charles T. Forrester
66 The Kingdom of Hugo Duck
70 The Republic of Greston Ambassador:Robert Van Burbal
Tod Engel Alle
5100 Imperial Ministry of War
5101 The Republic of Dweladelfia prime Ambassador: Christy Ualan
5104 Imperial Ministry of Foregin Affairs
Flieger Platz
13 Imperial Ministry of Labour
17 The Federation of Northern Colonies Ambassador:Casey Chambers
20 The Barbaric Empire of Xeraph Ambassador: Admiral Lord Salerno
Koniglich Alle
201 The Allied States of Vanek Drury Brieres Ambassador: Jean-Sebastien (J-S) Giguere
208 The Dictatorship of Greal Ambassador: Grant Yurtly
214 Imperial Parliament
Mee noi Strasse
1063 The People's Republic of Alfegos Ambassador: Illikson Ill'os
1067 The Queendom of Full Moon Black Orchid Ambassador : Alexei Tzaytsev
Odin Allee
550 Imperial Ministry of Industry and Development
553 Sovereign Socialist Nation of MokastanaAmbassador: Charles Sanchez
559 Kingdom of SaintB Ambassador: Lord Kyle Rogers
Reich Platz
324 Imperial Ministry of Education
328 The Commonwealth of Ok-La-Ho-Ma Ambassador: Arthur Hedge
333 The Democratic Republic of Mexicaltzingo
Kuntz Allee
44 The Dictatorship of the KAT Administration Ambassador: Admiral Joesph Radcliff
50 The Republic of Unhasu.
Spiegel Platz
82 Imperial Ministry of Information
84 The Kingdom of Orzio Ambassador: Christoff Phearson
88 The Queendom of Obscure Wonderland. Ambassador: Allison Heinz
90The Republic of the Purepechas
20-08-2007, 17:15
Nation: Sovereign Socialist Nation of Mokastana
Head of State:Generalissimo Raul Dugal
Diplomat: Charles Sanchez
Other Notes: we require at least 10 armed gaurds at embassies, however since this will be a stand alone buiding we would like 20 of our Jaguar Elite Infantry to be stationed there
20-08-2007, 17:19
Nation:Sovereign Socialist Nation of Mokastana
Head of State:Generalissimo Raul Dugal
Diplomat:Charles Sanchez
Other Notes:
OCC: just ignore the other application by Mokastan i was loggged in as my second nation (im deleting it)
The Darkstalkers
20-08-2007, 17:32
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Sovereign Socialist Nation of Mokastana, your embassy will be located at Odin Alle 553
Imperial Minstry of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
Vanek Drury Brieres
20-08-2007, 17:36
Nation: The Allied States of Vanek Drury Brieres
Head of States: Princes Thomas Vanek, Chris Drury, Daniel Briere, and Ryan Getzlaf
Diplomat: Jean-Sebastien (J-S) Giguere
Other Notes: Please have an embassy in our country ( What did you think of my RL neighbor, The101st Airborne?
The Darkstalkers
20-08-2007, 17:46
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Allied States of Vanek Drury Brieres, your embassy will be located at 201 Koniglich Alle
We are keeping a close surveillance on its activities.
As a young nation it seems to be eager to be under the spotlight specially on military affairs.
We'll see how it's behaviour develops within the next months.
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
Imperial Dark Realms Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Imperial Dark Realms leader Kaiser Heydrich of the Darkstalker Empire has decreed that The Imperial Dark Realms shall allow nations to build embassies in the capital city Asturia Marina.
I. No More Than 30 Armed Guards.
II. No more than three vehicles with diplomatic immunity; and no more than ten vehicles total, helicopters will be allowed, they must be used for transport only.
III. Only .45 caliber weaponry or less previously approved by our government.
One assault rifle or submachine gun and hand gun per guard.
IV. The rest is to be determined with each individual case.
V. Land will be sold to the Nation that establishes the Embassy
VI.-Embassy staff no more than 100 members.
VII.-No nation shall be allowed to display any sign of religious affiliation outside of the grounds of the embassy.
VIII.-Ambassadors shall be granted diplomatic immunity, except in cases of heinous crimes, where the ambassador in question shall be tried and if convicted, prosecuted in The Imperial Dark Realms.
Post Script:
Please also include the following information: the name of your current head of state, your nation's full name, the name of the diplomat you intend to send, if you would like to enter into negotiations with the Imperial Dark Realms and any other notes of interest. Please include it in the following form:
Nation: The Barbaric Empire of Xeraph
Head of State: Lords Sethanis, Vlad, and Strickland, Regents
Diplomat: Admiral Lord Salerno
Negotiations: Full Alliance to include trade, diplomacy, and military defense.
Other Notes:
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel..
Vanek Drury Brieres
20-08-2007, 17:50
Thank You.
The Darkstalkers
20-08-2007, 17:56
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Barbaric Empire of Xeraph, your embassy will be located at Flieger Platz 20.
We'll send an Imperial Commission to study your generous offer.
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Barbaric Empire of Xeraph, your embassy will be located at Flieger Platz 20.
We'll send an Imperial Commission to study your generous offer.
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
Minister Engel,
The Regents are gratified with your response. Your embassy will be located on 13 landscaped acres in our Royal city of Ravennii. It comes complete with a main Ambassadorial Residence, a secondary residence for staff, a barracks for your security team, a HeloPad, and an Olympic-size pool.
We look forward to the arrival of your commission.
The Regents of Xeraph
As a young nation, we are very interested in gaining new friends. It is the wish of our nation to have friendly relations with your nation.
Nation: The Kingdom of Orzio
Head of State: Anthonti Browenska
Diplomat: Christoff Phearson
Other Notes: You are welcome to open an embassy in our nation (thread will be coming)
The Darkstalkers
20-08-2007, 19:11
The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Kingdom of Orzio will be located at 84 Spiegel Platz
And wishes your nation a brilliant future.
We'll be opening our embassy as soon as possible
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
The Darkstalkers
21-08-2007, 00:19
The Darkstalkers
21-08-2007, 18:28
The KAT Administration
21-08-2007, 21:23
Nation: The KAT Administration
Head of State: Kendra the Supreme Divine Dictator.
Diplomat: Admiral Joesph Radcliff
Negotiations: An alliance is requested of the DarkStalkers. Trade offers are also open.
Other Notes:
The Admiral also requests that his family attends with him to the embassy.
10 BlackGuards will be accompanying him.
15 workers will also be accompanying him in the building. Their families will not be attending with them.
One helicopter will be transported along with 3 Humvees.
One limo is also requested.
You have an embassy in our country currently
The Council
Under the ruling of Kendra the Supreme Divine Dictator
The Darkstalkers
21-08-2007, 21:36
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To the KAT Administration, your embassy will be located at 44 Kuntz Alle.
The Diplomat's family is welcome in our country, the Embassy includes a Diplomatic Mansion with a helipad.
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel.
To: Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs Violette Engel
From: The Parliment of The Republic of Greston
Subject: Embassy Contract
Nation: The Republic of Greston
Head of State: Michael Check
Diplomat: Robert Van Burbal
Other Notes:
- 15 SS Agents
- 30 workers will accompany him
- His Envoy will consist of two Rolls Royces, and one limo
The Darkstalkers
22-08-2007, 05:31
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Greston, your embassy will be located at 70 Ente Alle.
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
The KAT Administration
22-08-2007, 13:16
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To the KAT Administration, your embassy will be located at 44 Kuntz Alle.
The Diplomat's family is welcome in our country, the Embassy includes a Diplomatic Mansion with a helipad.
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel.
Many thanks. The Admiral and his family will be sent over at the set date.
The Darkstalkers
22-08-2007, 22:15
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To the Republic of Greston, we'll be waiting for your diplomatic Staff
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
The Darkstalkers
24-08-2007, 05:00
25-08-2007, 03:53
Ambassador: Arthur Hedge
Staff: 12
Vehicles: 3 SUVs, 1x Ki-1T Helicopter
Security: 24 (Marines)
Weapons: AK-103, PHX "Falcon Elite" .45ACP
Special Needs:none
We request an embassy in your nation. We have responded to your request for an embassy in our nation.
The Darkstalkers
26-08-2007, 20:08
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
To The Commonwealth of Ok-La-Ho-Ma your embassy will be located 328 Reich Platz
Imperial Minstry of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
The Darkstalkers
30-08-2007, 21:26
Nation: The Holy Empire of Stevid
Head of State: King Alistair I & Prime Minister David M. Conroy
Diplomat: Ambassador Charles T. Forrester
Negotiations: We hope to engage in talks for a possible future alliance, political agreement and the furtherment of trade relations
Other Notes: We request a helipad and that visitors respect the Catholic oreintation of those workers within the embassy.
Thank you kindly for you time.
Northern Colonies
06-09-2007, 07:42
The Federation of Northern Colonies wishes to open an embassy in the Darkstalkers
Nation: Federation of Northern Colonies
Head of State: His Most Excellency Jonathan O'Brien
Diplomat: Casey Chambers
Negotiations: Possible
Other Notes: None at the moment
Yours Sincerely,
Alexander Peters
Nation: Dictatorship of Greal
Head of State: President Sarah Watson
Diplomat: Grant Yurtly
Other Notes:
Greal is putting 10 armed gaurds at the Embassy when approved.
Please have a embassy in our nation (
The Darkstalkers
08-09-2007, 04:36
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To The Holy Empire of Stevid, your embassy will be located at 64 Ente Alle.
We will contact you for trade and future alliance agreements.
The Catholic Orientation of your government will be respected, as most of our population is catholic.
Your Helipad is granted.
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
The Darkstalkers
08-09-2007, 04:40
The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To The Federation of Northern Colonies, your embassy will be located at 17 Flieger Platz.
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
The Darkstalkers
08-09-2007, 04:45
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To The Dictatorship of Greal, your embassy will be located at 208 Koniglich Alle.
Your guard has been approved by our Security Forces and Government.
Our diplomat will arrive to your nation within the next days.
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Violette Engel.
Nation: The People's Republic of Alfegos
Head of State: President A. Darel
Diplomat: Illikson Ill'os
Negotiations: Free World Alliance membership, trade
Other Notes: 15 armed guards, 3 diplomatic vehicles, 26 embassy staff, 1 UH-60 Blackhawk.
We also ask you to create an embassy in our nation (see the link in the sig.)
Nation: Kingdom of SaintB
Head of State: "Saint" Benard I
Diplomat: Lord Kyle Rogers
Negotiations: Trade Agreements
Other Notes:
The typical SaintB embassy is a 2 story building surrounded by a 2 foot brick wall under a 6 foot iron fence. The main entrance is a 15 foot decorative iron gate with at least two guards in dress uniform manning it. The building has one sub-level that contains emergency communictions gear and a self-containd bunker. The cost is usually about $37 million USD. Non-Military personell are generally hired from within the nation itself unless relations go stale. Non-Civillian Personel work on a security basis only with a small armory deamed sufficient for defense by Saint Benard I. Each Embassy can house up to 75 people at once.
Landscaping: Ambassador's taste
Personell: 15 (Cooking, Cleaning, Gardening Staff)
Non-Civillian Personell: Total: 19, Soldiers 15, Special Services 2, Security Agents 1, Military Atachee 1.
Entrances: Front Gate, Helo Pad on roof.
Arms: Ares III Rifle 20, Ares K7 2, Achilles Shotgun 5, Argonaught .357 20
The Darkstalkers
17-09-2007, 04:08
The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To The People's Republic of Alfegos, your embassy will be located at 1063 Mee Noi Strasse.
Our diplomats will arrive to your nation within the next few days.
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel
The Darkstalkers
17-09-2007, 04:14
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To the Kingdom of SaintB, your embassy will be located at 559 Odin Alle.
Your rpecial requests had been approved by our government.
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Violette Engel
17-09-2007, 04:39
The Government of Vandaheim would be honored to establish an embassy in your fine nation.
Nation: Vandaheim
Head of State: High Chancellor Karl Tolberg
Diplomat: Ambassador Rodney Perkins
Negotiations: Please open an embassy with us here (
Other Notes:
28 Armed Guards (.45 HK USP, TAR21 Assualt Rifles)
96 Embassy Staff
Number of Vehicles & Type: Armored S65 Mercedes Sedan (4), Armored Stretch Jaguar XJR Limousine (1), GMC Savana Cargo Van (2), Chevy Malibu (1), Toyota Station Wagon (1)
Number of Helicopters: NH90 Helicopter Executive Edition, Unarmed (1)
Special Requests: Helipad
Thank you,
Katrina Lief
Overseer of State
The Darkstalkers
17-09-2007, 17:19
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To The Government of Vandaheim, your embassy will be located at 61 Ente Alle.
Your special requests has been approved by our government.
Our diplomats will be arriving within the next days.
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
Violette Engel