NationStates Jolt Archive

A Royal Occasion (Wide Open, MT)

14-08-2007, 06:06
In the city of Danin, the capital of the small nation of Kilvanas, preparations were being made for a grand festival to celebrate the enthronement of Kaiserin Katherine Ashnard V. Though the Kaiserin was young, very young, only seventeen years old, many within the Imperial Court had little doubt about her ability to effectively rule the nation. Having effectively lead to the stamping several Communist rebellions within the nation, she was looked upon kindly.

Her rise to power was somewhat suspicious, however. Every single relative that either matched or surpassed her in leadership qualities suspiciously died in recent months. One prime example being her cousin, a popular and charismatic Count of the province of Anjon, the region Danin it self was based in was found, quite dead on a secluded road one night, after having seemingly been run over several times by very large vehicle. Most likely an SUV.

But as most Kilvanese were proles, they didn't bother to question the mysterious deaths. Instead they were quite excited that their new Kaiser expressed interest in bringing Kilvanas to the international stage. The tiny nation had been isolated for several centuries, keeping to it self in the face of war-mongering and imperialism. So far, they had managed to escape the eyes and ears of the wolves of nations that existed.

And while the prospect of being a player on the world map excited many, some questioned rather or not this would be desirable, or even safe for the nation. Many couldn't help but wonder if some terrible fate might befall the people if this route was taken. These concerns were of course dismissed by the Kaiserin and her court.

The Royal Palace, a massive complex, hundreds of years old had been spruced up more than usual for the occasion. Balloons, punch fountains, all manner of beautiful ribbons and bows as well as a massive disco ball had been set in place for the occasion, while a telegram was sent out to the world at large. It would be the first in many centuries, and hopefully, not the last.

To: The World
From: The Empire of Kilvanas

Greetings and fair fortune, nations of the world. We here in Kilvanas wish to enter the inter-nation community after many long years of isolationism and stagnation. Kaiserine Katherine V has recently ascended to the throne of our nation, and we wish to celebrate the occasion with our foreign brothers.

The celebration will be held in the capital city of Danin, in the royal palace. Drinks will be served. Music will be played, and party favors given to those attending. We will try to make it a marry occasion for all attending.

[OOC: My first real character and nation RP. I do hope at least some will participate, as I really want to try and get involved here.]
14-08-2007, 07:55
To: The World
From: The Empire of Kilvanas

Greetings and fair fortune, nations of the world. We here in Kilvanas wish to enter the inter-nation community after many long years of isolationism and stagnation. Kaiserine Katherine V has recently ascended to the throne of our nation, and we wish to celebrate the occasion with our foreign brothers.

The celebration will be held in the capital city of Danin, in the royal palace. Drinks will be served. Music will be played, and party favors given to those attending. We will try to make it a marry occasion for all attending.

The Empress ( help but laugh at the phrase 'party favors for those attending,' even though she knew she would go. She would drag her husband along with her. She had been pit on the throne at the age of 17 also. She knew how it felt to have that immense pressure set on your shoulders.

To:The Empire of Kilvanas
From:Empress Kristina Schraepl II

We would be happy to attend this gathering. Although we will have to be discreet seeing as we are in a war at the moment. I also understand how this must feel and would be willing to help in any way I can.
Imperial isa
14-08-2007, 08:02
a copy of the letter end up at the Imperial Embassy in ViZion's capital and was sent on to Imperial Military Headquarters

To The Empire of Kilvanas
Emperor Carlos Wesker of The Shadow Empire of Imperial and Three others and Wolf and German Shepherd will be showing up
all so a warning the wolfs is the size of a Siberian Tiger as wolves here are big
14-08-2007, 14:34
King Albert IV, of Canadstein, was getting up in age and rarely ever left the country. Though he still made public appearance within Canadstein, his health was far too degraded to leave. Usually when it came to Royal Celebrations in other countries he would usually send one of his eager sons, Edward, Harry, and Nicholas. As Albert came upon a letter from Kilvanas he opened it and read the contents. It was another Royal Ball.

He thought for a second, and decided which son to send, Nicholas. Nicholas was third in line for King, after his brothers Edward and Harry. Though some said that he was the most handsome out of the three. Plus it would be good for Nicholas to get out of the country. Recently he had underwent a tumultuous breakup from his girlfriend. This breakup had literally created a media storm, so it would be best for Nicholas to have an escape.

Quickly Albert retrieved a fountain pen and a piece of parchment. Then put pen to parchment.

To: The Empire of Kilvanas
From: The Republic of Canadstein

I, King Albert IV, would be delighted to attend the Royal Gathering, but my health will probably stop that. So in turn I will send my son, Prince Nicholas, to this celebration. I think a little vacation from Canadstein will do him some good. Also I think he will be eager to go, once I mention that a beautiful Kaiserin will be there.

King Albert IV
The KAT Administration
14-08-2007, 21:36
To: The Empire of Kilvanas
From: The KAT Administration

We are delighted in hearing of your new leader. We hope that diplomatic relations would soon be opened between our two countries and we would enjoy attending your celebration.

Because this is such an occasion, The Council has decided that our fearless leader herself, 16 year old, Kendra, will come and attend.

She is quite excited for the festivities and is currently picking out a special outfit. (She told us to tell you that)

The Council of the KAT Administration
15-08-2007, 02:15
This was the standardized letter sent out in reply:

We thank all of you who are attending for doing so. To be in the company of so many foreign leaders is a great honor, and certainly is not one we were expecting.

Suitable escort to the palace will be arranged by our limousine agencies when you land at Danin airport. We look forward to seeing you all
New Brittonia
15-08-2007, 02:27
A letter was sent to Kilvanas.

Deputy Prime Minister of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia Mohammed Javaid would like to come. Prime Minister David Flower is at another nation so he cannot come. He is bringing two gifts for the new queen.

Foreign Minister of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia
Sarah Lynch
15-08-2007, 02:33
President Webb reread the letter, going over each word as if it held some deeper meaning...

To: The World
From: The Empire of Kilvanas

Greetings and fair fortune, nations of the world. We here in Kilvanas wish to enter the inter-nation community after many long years of isolationism and stagnation. Kaiserine Katherine V has recently ascended to the throne of our nation, and we wish to celebrate the occasion with our foreign brothers.

The celebration will be held in the capital city of Danin, in the royal palace. Drinks will be served. Music will be played, and party favors given to those attending. We will try to make it a marry occasion for all attending.

He looked over the UN File on Kilvanas, then, slowly, he pressed the button on his speakerphone to his personal secretary.
"Amy, would you kindly ask Mrs. Brer to come to my office?"
"Certainly, Mr. President. Shall I set up a meet-"
"No no, I mean now."
"Let me see... She's at a meeting."
"The meeting can wait. Also, I want my plane ready by tomorrow morning."
"Certainly, Mr. President."

That night, a telegram was sent back to Kilvanas:
To: The Empire of Kilvanas
From: The Republic of Enatai

We are pleased to inform you that President Webb will be attending with his wife and son. Bodyguards will accompany them as is customary in all public situations.

President Webb understands Kilvanas' predicament and feels sympathetic towards Kilvanas' situation. He is quite pleased that Kilvanas is taking the initiative. He looks forwards to the occasion.
15-08-2007, 06:37
We would be honored to host President of Enatai and the Deputy Prime Minister New Brittonia. Limousine escort will be awaiting you at the airport when you arrive.

We promise to make the occasion one worth your valuable time!

[OOC: Feel free to start arriving at any time, everybody.]
The KAT Administration
15-08-2007, 16:13
OOC: Kilvanas, please let us know when the party actually starts, please ^^
Imperial isa
15-08-2007, 16:40
This was the standardized letter sent out in reply:

To: The Empire of Kilvanas
please don't waste your time with limousines for us, we will bring our own HMMWV in your C-5 Galaxy
15-08-2007, 23:48
[OOC:Jolt seems to have eaten the post I made last night. Just go ahead and start arriving, I'll make a better IC post later.]

We would be honored to host the leaders of Enatai and New Brittonia. If you wish, transportation will be arranged for them to the palace upon their arrival.
16-08-2007, 00:20
We would like to welcome Kilvanas to the international stage, and would be delighted to attend the coronation of your new Kaiserine. Though His Grace, the Steward, cannot attend personally, his younger sister Valeria will be sent in his stead.

-Reich Foreign Ministry-
Red Tide2
16-08-2007, 00:28
Official Statement from TSRT Government
"The Totalitarian State would be more then delighted to send a person to visit you nation. We have chosen Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Gromkyo as our representative at your Kaisers coronation."
End Message
16-08-2007, 00:30
The Empire welcomes Kilvanas to the international community, and bids you and your new Queen the best of fortunes.
16-08-2007, 07:09
Again, we would be honored to host your delegates. If you wish, transportation will be arranged for them upon their arrival.

Meanwhile, as the preparations were nearing their end, Katherine was also preparing herself for the occasion. The teenage Kaiserin, was a beautiful girl, featuring flaming red hair, and contrastingly ice blue eyes. As Katherine did not normally venture outside the safety of the palace walls, she was rather pallid, but all the same, pretty.

She was dressed in a modest, yet light white and black silk dress, which were the Kilvanese national colors. Her hair was done up on a stylish bun, and she had stiletto heels, which increased her short height of only five feet one inches somewhat. Flanked by an entourage of government officials and guards, the new Kaiserin awaited near the entrance of the palace to greet her guests personally.
Imperial isa
16-08-2007, 09:53
a C-5 Galaxy lands at the airport and unload three HMMWVs on to the tarmac
"well we'll here"said someone in Formal Uniform to a man taller then him in Battledress

"yur Carlos"said the man as he watch to females in formal uniform walk over to them from the plane

"nau drital whol dos draa"said the man to them as they near him and Carlos
Oily prata
16-08-2007, 11:28
The Reepublic of Oily Prata would like to welcome Kilvanas to the international community. We would like to send our foreign ministry general, Mr.Nikolas Tezla,to attend your royal ball> However,we would like to inform you that he has been the target of assasination attempts,and we will be providing a full guard for his safety. Thank you.
President Zeko
Oily Prata

The C-5 galaxy rumbled as it hit a bout of minor turbulence. General Tezla prayed for a safe journey. He would have one. Four F-19 Knights flew in formation around the Lumbering Giant,Passive and active scanners kicking into overdrive,making sure nothing got within the 'safe bubble' around the C-5. Secured tightly in the back,Technicians going over it again and again to make sure it was safe, was a bionix APC."Man," Tezla thought.[/I]"We sure are gonna make an impression!"[/I]
17-08-2007, 22:57
Two Kilvenese officers walked over to greet the newly arrived Carlos, and also greet the other arriving delegates when ever they landed...if they did. A female officer approached Carlos and gave him a bow.

"Greetings, and welcome to Kilvanas."
The KAT Administration
17-08-2007, 23:15
Kendra climbed into her fighter jet. Constantly against the protests of her Council, she enjoyed to fly herself to wherever it was she had to go, whether it was within nation, or outside the nation.

With her escort of several other jets from her rather large sized military she took off into the darkening skies of The KAT Administration and began her flight over to the Empire of Kilvanas. She glanced over at her fellow militants, good friends of hers they had become. Being there mere age of 16, the Council had her closely watched. But, on the bright side, she did get to choose the operatives that watched her. She often complained that she was more like the "President of the USA's daughter" than she was "Supreme Ruler of a divine dictatorship". Council was always rolling their eyes, but still, they always had to subject to her...or get thrown to the lions.

After a period of time she tapped her microphone that connected her to her militants. "Take a look boys, due Southeast, there's Kilvanas. Downward my air-sharks" she said in a posh military form as she turned and descended into the Kilvanas airport.

As soon as every jet was stationed, Kendra jumped out, was joined by her operatives and looked around at the new nation she was currently in.
17-08-2007, 23:25
Kendra would see that, despite it's isolationist policy, that Danin airport had the clean, modern look and feel of any contemporary airport. The massive complex was made mostly of of sparkling, pristine glass, which revealed the hundreds of people moving this way and that within the structure.

Miles away, the sparkling lights of the city of Danin proper could be seen. Dozens of sky scrapers jutted into the sky, filling the vista with the sleek, somewhat Gothic looking buildings. One of the officer greetings Carlos broke off to welcome her.

"Er...welcome to Kilvanas." He began. "A most unusual transport for a delegate..." He motioned to the fighter jet.
Imperial isa
17-08-2007, 23:43
Two Kilvenese officers walked over to greet the newly arrived Carlos, and also greet the other arriving delegates when ever they landed...if they did. A female officer approached Carlos and gave him a bow.

"Greetings, and welcome to Kilvanas."

"thank you"said Carlos as the man next to him givens out orders to ten other soldiers by hand signals at a speed that was hard to see

a wolf and a german shepherd walks off the plane, the wolf sits next to the man given out orders and the german shepherd next the woman
18-08-2007, 00:32
A Learjet 23 was getting ready to land on to the designated airport. Aboard the plane was one certain Prince Nicholas. He peered out the window and looked at the landscape bellow him. Nicholas let out a sigh, then moved his head back. Right now he was grateful that he was finally out of Canadstein and media storm back there, but his heart still ached.

Recently Nicholas had underwent a tumultuous breakup from his girlfriend, Angela a daughter of the Duke of Kent. He had thought that she just might be the one, but early one morning, while reading the newspaper, he saw a photo of his Angela kissing some other man. Nicholas could not believe what was right in his face. He thought that she truly loved him, but it was just all a ruse. After the release of the photos a media storm developed. On every tabloid there was either a picture of Nicholas or Angela. It got so bad that Nicholas had to leave his University and retreat back to one the families' secluded country homes.

The Prince was a strapping medium built young man, with dirty blond hair, but nothing could compare with his captivating light blue eyes. Some said that those eyes could melt a women's heart, but Nicholas often thought it was a joke. Nicholas towered over his brothers, even though he was the youngest, at 6'3".

Canadsteinians usually did not like to make big arrivals, so they were usually modest. Nicholas could see the array of military planes, and guess that they were from foreign countries. He chuckled as he was going to arrive in a small learjet.

Once the Learjet landed Nicholas walked out into the sunlight. He was dressed in black three piece suit. To finish it all off a top his head was a black bowler hat. Back in Canadstein the bowler hat had some how become very fashionable to wear again, but most foreigners would have seen it as old fashion. But that did not obviously stop Nicholas from wearing one. He elegantly walked down the steps of the plane and looked around. A city in the distance seemed to catch his eye.
18-08-2007, 00:56
By now, a series of limos had been pulling up at the airport, several meters away from the aircraft for safety reasons. The Kaiserin had ordered the guests be brought to the palace as soon as possible so the festivities could begin.

Two more uniformed guards walked up to the newly arrived Prince Nicholas. Having been made aware of his status ahead of time, they both bowed before him. "Greetings, sir Nicholas. Welcome to Kilvanas. The Kaiserin has ordered was escort you and the other guests to the palace as soon as possible."
Imperial isa
18-08-2007, 01:04
By now, a series of limos had been pulling up at the airport, several meters away from the aircraft for safety reasons. The Kaiserin had ordered the guests be brought to the palace as soon as possible so the festivities could begin.

Carlos takes one look at the limos and Laughed
"they are for rich SOB "said Carlos then points to the three HMMWVs
18-08-2007, 03:16
Nicholas greeted the two guards and noted how well designed their uniforms were. When the guards first greeted him, Nicholas was a little startled. He was so use to being hounded by the media that he was pleasantly surprised. Afterwards he walked over to the first limo and then heard some laughter. Nicholas turned around and found a ghastly man laughing at the limos. He thought that it was very rude not to accept something from host. That man must have been very vain. Nicholas shook his head in disbelief, but quickly entered the limo.
18-08-2007, 05:56
President Webb stepped off of his private plane, a white 747 with Enatai Airways painted in bold letters on the side. For all anyone knew, it could have been a commercial passenger plane if all they saw was the outside, and didn't notice the semi-hidden machine guns camoflauged into the wings, disguised as a part of the wing's mechanical parts. Webb smiled and waved at the four military-grade FutureMark Industries helicopters that accompanied his plane everywhere. After all of the aircraft had fueled up, he made a small hand motion, and all of the men in the helicopters got out, and one could see that they were all large, stocky men in dark glasses and million-dollar-looking dark navy blazers and slacks. Most of them had wiry earpieces.
Finally his wife stepped out of the plane, accompanied by her own personal bodyguards, one of whom was carrying a small suitcase with a lock on it. Webb smiled knowingly at her, nodding his head in the direction of the suitcase, and she smiled knowingly back.
"So, this is Kilvanas, is it? Quite nice, quite nice," Webb said, looking around. "Their airport certainly is modernized, I see. Sort of reminds you of the Factoria-Eastgate National Airport, doesn't it?"
"Well, sort of. From the side," Mrs. Webb said, disinterested.
Both of them were guided inside the airport.
18-08-2007, 06:27
The massive Mi-26 Halo touched down on the tarmac, its escort of two AH-23 attack helicopters lingering overhead for a few minutes, then turning and flying off into the distance. The door of the snow-white helicopter swung open, a series of steps came down and four soldiers in white military dress uniform carrying P-90s jumped out and formed a small circle around the exit, relaxed but with fingers on triggers. A man came down the steps, clearly the person which the soldiers were guarding. The Federal Republic of Hamilay's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Fletcher, was in his late thirties, of average height and build, with black hair atop a thin face. He was dressed, as usual, in a nondescript black and white business suit, carrying an FN Five-SeveN pistol at his belt. Fletcher nodded politely to the guards, who fell in behind him as he approached the line of limousines.
Imperial isa
18-08-2007, 09:45
Nicholas greeted the two guards and noted how well designed their uniforms were. When the guards first greeted him, Nicholas was a little startled. He was so use to being hounded by the media that he was pleasantly surprised. Afterwards he walked over to the first limo and then heard some laughter. Nicholas turned around and found a ghastly man laughing at the limos. He thought that it was very rude not to accept something from host. That man must have been very vain. Nicholas shook his head in disbelief, but quickly entered the limo.

OOC i know you read it
but it more rude of them ordering us to them when we said we bring you own cars in a letter back to them

the roar of the V12 Engines could be heard as the three HMMWVs start up and move out with man manning all three mounted .50cals HMGs
The KAT Administration
18-08-2007, 19:17
Kendra would see that, despite it's isolationist policy, that Danin airport had the clean, modern look and feel of any contemporary airport. The massive complex was made mostly of of sparkling, pristine glass, which revealed the hundreds of people moving this way and that within the structure.

Miles away, the sparkling lights of the city of Danin proper could be seen. Dozens of sky scrapers jutted into the sky, filling the vista with the sleek, somewhat Gothic looking buildings. One of the officer greetings Carlos broke off to welcome her.

"Er...welcome to Kilvanas." He began. "A most unusual transport for a delegate..." He motioned to the fighter jet.

Kendra did note the sparkling glass, she nodded, impressed. "I think we'll like it here, boys" she said with a smile as she looked towards the skyscrapers thinking about what was coming soon.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the official that had come to greet them. She turned to face the man speaking to her about her jet. " mean this baby?" she said patting her plane on the nose gently. "Yeah, we go everywhere together. We don't use boring old Galaxies" she said motioning to the larger, fancier planes down the runway.

"Take good care of those" she said rather harshly towards the workers rushing over. She began to walk cheerfully towards the limos looking around again. She didn't get to go outside her nation often, there was always too much to take care of. As she walked, she noted Carlos laughing at the transportation and a young man that had arrived which seemingly was with his father. She smiled to herself before climbing into the limo, wondering who she would get to meet later.
18-08-2007, 20:54
the roar of the V12 Engines could be heard as the three HMMWVs start up and move out with man manning all three mounted .50cals HMGs

The Kilvanese guards were terrified, to say the least. Several more armed guards began to approach, just in case things took an ugly turn. "Sir, we cannot allow you to enter the city with armored, armed vehicles." One of the guards spoke calmly, but firmly.

Nicholas greeted the two guards and noted how well designed their uniforms were. When the guards first greeted him, Nicholas was a little startled. He was so use to being hounded by the media that he was pleasantly surprised. Afterwards he walked over to the first limo and then heard some laughter. Nicholas turned around and found a ghastly man laughing at the limos. He thought that it was very rude not to accept something from host. That man must have been very vain. Nicholas shook his head in disbelief, but quickly entered the limo.

Due to the rapidly developing security crisis outside, the limo took off at a rather fast pace. The interior was sophisticated, to say the very least.Leather seating, plush white carpet and tinted windows, plus a small plasma screen and drink dispensers were there for Nicholas's entertainment during the journey to the palace.

President Webb stepped off of his private plane, a white 747 with Enatai Airways painted in bold letters on the side. For all anyone knew, it could have been a commercial passenger plane if all they saw was the outside, and didn't notice the semi-hidden machine guns camoflauged into the wings, disguised as a part of the wing's mechanical parts. Webb smiled and waved at the four military-grade FutureMark Industries helicopters that accompanied his plane everywhere. After all of the aircraft had fueled up, he made a small hand motion, and all of the men in the helicopters got out, and one could see that they were all large, stocky men in dark glasses and million-dollar-looking dark navy blazers and slacks. Most of them had wiry earpieces.
Finally his wife stepped out of the plane, accompanied by her own personal bodyguards, one of whom was carrying a small suitcase with a lock on it. Webb smiled knowingly at her, nodding his head in the direction of the suitcase, and she smiled knowingly back.
"So, this is Kilvanas, is it? Quite nice, quite nice," Webb said, looking around. "Their airport certainly is modernized, I see. Sort of reminds you of the Factoria-Eastgate National Airport, doesn't it?"
"Well, sort of. From the side," Mrs. Webb said, disinterested.
Both of them were guided inside the airport.

"Good evening, Mr. Webb." Greeted another female guard, approaching the President and his entourage. "If you will follow me, Mr President, I will escort you to your limousine. We have something of a security situation, but I wouldn't worry about it...."

The massive Mi-26 Halo touched down on the tarmac, its escort of two AH-23 attack helicopters lingering overhead for a few minutes, then turning and flying off into the distance. The door of the snow-white helicopter swung open, a series of steps came down and four soldiers in white military dress uniform carrying P-90s jumped out and formed a small circle around the exit, relaxed but with fingers on triggers. A man came down the steps, clearly the person which the soldiers were guarding. The Federal Republic of Hamilay's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Fletcher, was in his late thirties, of average height and build, with black hair atop a thin face. He was dressed, as usual, in a nondescript black and white business suit, carrying an FN Five-SeveN pistol at his belt. Fletcher nodded politely to the guards, who fell in behind him as he approached the line of limousines.

Mr. Fletcher was greeted by a male guard in much the same manner as everyone else. "Good evening, Mr. Fletcher...right this way." He gestured to the limousine. Though the Kilvanese wanted to provide a welcoming atmosphere for their guests, he could see several sharpshooters and guards taking up positions, surrounding the humveees that had just arrived from one of the other guest nations....

Kendra did note the sparkling glass, she nodded, impressed. "I think we'll like it here, boys" she said with a smile as she looked towards the skyscrapers thinking about what was coming soon.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the official that had come to greet them. She turned to face the man speaking to her about her jet. " mean this baby?" she said patting her plane on the nose gently. "Yeah, we go everywhere together. We don't use boring old Galaxies" she said motioning to the larger, fancier planes down the runway.

"Take good care of those" she said rather harshly towards the workers rushing over. She began to walk cheerfully towards the limos looking around again. She didn't get to go outside her nation often, there was always too much to take care of. As she walked, she noted Carlos laughing at the transportation and a young man that had arrived which seemingly was with his father. She smiled to herself before climbing into the limo, wondering who she would get to meet later.

"Don't worry miss, we will!" Called back one of the guards as Kendra was escorted to her own limo. Just like Nicholas, she was quickly whisked away rather quickly so she wouldn't be in harms way if things took an ugly turn.
19-08-2007, 02:13
Webb gave an odd sort of half-smile at the female guard, then said after a time,
"Security Situation? Is there a problem? I can lend a hand if there is. I'm sure that the guys here," he said, nodding towards his many security guards, all of them looking very casual, as if this was just another day hanging out with a buddy (only with suits on), "are perfectly qualified for any job, they're all trained rigorously for ten years, I see to it personally. They're quite helpful, and always love to see action in other countries. They'll love somewhere like Kilvanas. It's actually one of the first times any of us been outside of a select few regions around Enatai in a long while. But I'm rambling. The point is, if you need help, just ask. Oh, and you don't mind if our boys search the Limousine, do you? Security purposes, you see."
19-08-2007, 02:35
Fletcher gave another polite nod and a smile to the Kilvanese guard and chuckled maddeningly on seeing the humvees be surrounded. "Ah, crazy Isans. Very well, lead on." Two guards turned away and returned to the helicopter, and is rotor blades began to spin for takeoff. The Minister and the remaining two soldiers entered the limousine and settled down.

"Nice one, this is," said the Minister, as he took a glass of brandy from the bar.
The KAT Administration
19-08-2007, 02:52
"Don't worry miss, we will!" Called back one of the guards as Kendra was escorted to her own limo. Just like Nicholas, she was quickly whisked away rather quickly so she wouldn't be in harms way if things took an ugly turn.

Kendra nodded in satisfaction at the answer with a sweet smile to the guard before the limo was quickly whisked off the palace. Kendra turned and took one last look at her jets before turning to her operatives who were looking earnestly out the window. She smiled slightly and looked ahead.
Imperial isa
19-08-2007, 04:42
The Kilvanese guards were terrified, to say the least. Several more armed guards began to approach, just in case things took an ugly turn. "Sir, we cannot allow you to enter the city with armored, armed vehicles." One of the guards spoke calmly, but firmly..
OOC Hamilay stop using my peoples FT name

"one i have a death warrant on my head from the Helghast Empire ,two your limos can not with stand a helghan AT rocket and three you would not last one second with a Helghan Spetsnaz, so if you want to go down in our history book for letting me die do go on "said Carlos firmly

"shit whats going on"asked Carlos as the HMMWVs move backwards towards the ramp of the C-5

"it clear these people don't care for safety of their guess or their guess judement of bring their own guards and transport if they see the ones given to them is not up to standard so i calling pull out "said the Man Carlos was talking to before standing on the runway

"and the way they are acting right now over our transport makes me think they are working with the Helghast Empire and that there are Helghan Spetsnaz in the area" he added loudly so Carlos could hear
New Brittonia
19-08-2007, 05:33
As the New Brittonian Cessna Mustang, International Two, landed at the airport in Kilvanas, the Deputy Prime Minister of New Brittonia got more excited. Ususlly it was his superior, the Prime Minister of New Brittonia that got the foreign visits. However, this was different. Mohammed loved coronations ever since the coronation of the UK2 queen. He had several gifts to bring, but this was not the point. His goal was to go and represent New Brittonia, but he did like going inside churches. Not that Mohammad Javaid was Christian, he is Muslim, but he liked seeing the inside of them. As the plane stopped, the ladder was brought put. A man opened the door and Javaid and his two bodyguards got up simultaneusly.

Javaid was the first to ge out. He looked really good for 53, ut some people wmay say he is to thin. His black hair was slightly grey at top. His brown skin was in deep contrast to his attire. A wite suit, white shoes, white pants, a white shirt, and a white tie with silver pinstripes. He was carrying a black leather briefcase with the presents.

His bodyguards were a bit of a contrast. Both men were over 300 pounds in weight. They wore black pinstriped suits and had Beretta 92 pistols in their hip holsters.

Mohammed began to make his way to the limousines, noticing the arguument near some military vehicles.
Oily prata
19-08-2007, 08:36
The Galaxy turned as it's pilot prepared to land at kilvana's airport. The Fighters had accompanied the Galaxy as long as they could,but had peeled off back towards their forward base.
Inside,Tezla straightened his uniform,making sure the AEGIS vest he wore under it was fastened,and the concealed Diablo Pistol loaded.

When the galaxy landed,instead of the run of the mill staircase, an inflatable
ramp was realeased, followed by four fully-equipped OPDF marines.Then came the general,then another four marines.Tezla had ordered the marines not to unload the bionix,but instead boost the guard.He waited as a kilvanan representative approached.
21-08-2007, 01:57
OOC: What would everyone say to a time skip so your characters just arrive at the palace? It'd make the burden a bit easier on me, seeing as I kinda fell behind. :p
The KAT Administration
24-08-2007, 00:26
Kendra stepped out of the limo in front of the palace and looked at it in admiration. "This is very nice, very nice indeed" she said with a nod at allt he decorations.

She moved into the lobby with her men close behind. Her vibrant purple eyes
(OOC: I know this will all seem a bit weird and long)) gazed at everything from lighting to architecture to the security to the other guests in the building. She ran a hand through her naturally red-streaked and red-ended black hair and sighed slightly, it didn't look like anyone else her age was present yet, and she tended to bore of talking foreign affairs with old diplomats that insisted that she back down in her military advancements. Her country was a dictatorship, highly militaristic, no one seemed to understand that. 'Either that..' she thought looking at the sashed democratic men inside, 'Or they're scared out of their minds'. She smiled slightly at this thought before glancing at herself in a mirror. She had on an elegant Dark red dress which coordinated nicely with her odd eyes and brought out the red in her hair. She was a sight for normal people, let alone the ruler of her own country, and the diplomats sometimes had problems with her, especially because she was young.

But her country was so loyal, they adored her. Why did foreign affairs had to be so hard? And not just that, just making friends with people from other countries. They always seemed to be so wrongly intimidated by the fact that, at the mere age of 16, she was ruling effectively and supremely with the help of her Council who did whatever she asked anyways. What it came down to, was that she was flattered to be invited here, which was why she came herself instead of some stuffy man in a suit.

She perused these thoughts as she stood in the doorway into the ballroom, watching everyone but lost in thought.