Famine on Planet Xango (FT Open)
Earth, Kurona 2510
Kurona used to be an economically undveleoped nation. Farming used to be a thing of the past but then something amazing happend, an underwater volacano in Xanadou blew, making Kurona 10 times larger than it used to be and making the soil far richer. When Genetic Engenering proved to be a complete failure with horrible side-effects, demand for naturall farming went up. Now farming was more profitable but it was still the biggest gamble. Somethings never change. Now Kurona was number one in the world for agriculture but still pretty low on the charts in terms of the galaxy. But that didn't matter. Kurona seldom space travled at all. It usually kept it's feet on the ground. In Sonomi a new princess was being crowned. She was only the 7th Princess in Kuronan history.
"We bestow onto you Midori Hirihito Princess of the Principality of Kurona."
She was crowned and the audience applauded. "Thank you. I'm proud to be your new Princess, and I hope I can be a good ruler and one who you will love for all time. Thank you."
More applause. Midori retreated to the palace. "Princess, now is the time to select your first order of duty. We have a stack the top are highly recommended. She looked through the stack and came to a file. "What's this?"
"That is out of our area Highness..."
"It's from Kanami, you rember them right our ally? Looks like one of their planet colonies is suffering from famine. They requested help."
"We don't have a space vehicle to even meet the demand of the famine rate on that planet."
"A Solar Storm completly took out all crops on that planet. It's no diffrent when a storm takes out a farm here. But they have always helped us when we needed it now we should do the same. Get them to give us a ship that can support it. We'll fill it with farmers and they will grow a feast of diffrent foods for Xango."
"As you wish."
Somewhere else in Sonomi. "It's working perfectly." The voice belonged to Koji Minimoto a shrewed buisness man who sought to make a buck on anything. Xango was his pet project, he made sure the solar storm hit the planet he made sure they would go hungry. That way Industiral Illusions would be called to save the day for a hefty price. I.I.L. was also in Genetic Engenering. Sadly the demand was a last minute emergency to save people from going hungry. It never paid well because naturalization was the rage. "Sir, I'm afraid I have some news. Our new Princess has decided to relive the famine."
"What? Not now not when I'm so close to making the biggest profit and bring back this technology. Who cares if it works, nothing is ment to work, were here to make money."
"Well sir, we could take out the Princess."
"No not our style. Besides I know away I can still make money off of this. Industrial Illusions owns half the space ships in the world. All I have to do is blast the ship out of the sky and I will collect the insurance money. But we have to tie it into somesort of freak accident, something to give away support to natural farming. We need to show it's dangerous."
"Well sir, sabatoge may be out of the question but there are plenty of space pirates. We can have a ship get raided erase the logs and make it look like a nitrogen related accident. After all they create artifical lightning on these ships."
"It's perfect. Find the best of the best."
14-08-2007, 15:48
Hello Kurona,
This is Mimi Ohyes, Commonalitarianism Minister of Trade, "We can initially offer you aid in the form of food, fish, shrimp, strawberries, rice, lettuce, tomatoes, wheat, and a variety of other foods will be sent to you from our skyfarms and deep farms free no strings attached. We are sending a million tons of food by transport cargo ship to your world as a gesture of good will."
Mimi continues, "We are also offering to sell you deep farms and sky farms to help you with your agricultural problem. Considering the solar storms, you may opt for deep farms. All of the food is organic because it is grown indoors under controlled conditions in an intensive farm ecosystem. I am sending over a brochure on our product." http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=524601
The scene changes, "Hello, I am Doctor Eric Cruonis, I work for the Ecotechnics Institutue, a specialty organization blending ecology and industrial commerce. We can look at your current ecological problems. We currently have a seed and genetic database from thirteen worlds. We would be willing to help you if you are willing to let us do a full genetic assay of your world so we can take samples and your world to our catalog."
"Your highness this is..."
"Hello, I am Doctor Eric Cruonis, I work for the Ecotechnics Institutue, a specialty organization blending ecology and industrial commerce. We can look at your current ecological problems. We currently have a seed and genetic database from thirteen worlds. We would be willing to help you if you are willing to let us do a full genetic assay of your world so we can take samples and your world to our catalog."
"Ah it's a pleasure Doctor. Well Kurona isn't the one in need of aid, just a planet in Sector 7 of the Federal Republican Glaxey. This planet's crops were taken out by a massive solar storm, apparently their solar sheilds failed. But we have a plan, it's bold but I think you are the people for the job. We want to have a giant space transport create a mini colony aboard full of farmers and farms and deliver to the planet. Time is of the essence. And seeing as you are known for your sky farms maybe you can help us out. "
15-08-2007, 19:03
If you would like we could transport the farms aboard a partially paraterraformed asteroid city ship. The top of the asteroid contains several arcology domes. We would commission one of these free city arcologies to bring the deep farms in. They are hyperspace capable, but move very slowly on impulse drive in system.
If you truly desired, this would be a first commission, we could take a four kilometer long nickel iron asteroid, mine out the center of the asteroid, place fusion deuterium deuterium power plants, storage bays, equipment bays build a hyperspace generation ring around the asteroid, impeller impulse engines, docking bays for cargo ships, then build two 1 1/2 kilometer planned domes to store the farms.
This represents a major civilian asset, we ask permission to bring an escort for the city ship of four heavy asteroid destroyers, along with transport cargo ships from city.
"Very well. We need these ships to be equpied with the ability to create rainwater, sunshine thunder and lighthing. From what we have found most farmers would like to be able to have contact with neighbors and freinds aboard the colony. We are thinking three maybe four farms to a dome."
15-08-2007, 20:07
OOC: This ship has jumped into the Kurona system. It's not cloacked, and should be detected in seconds assuming you have any decent sensors.
IC: "And... jump complete."
"Why do you keep saying that? The jump was over by the time you got to the "n"."
"With repsect, sir, because I can."
Captain Parry Karp decided to keep his mouth shut because he knew he was going to loose the argument. Special Warrant Officer "Nyno" 904 had a prodigous talant for any kind of regulations lawyering. This was an unfortunate side effect of the fact that he advised those of the crew with feeble flesh-blood-brains on what was legal. But anyone could tell you that Commonwealth AIs were almost, if not quite, entirely free, and those in the military could hold a certain rather peculiar type of rank. They could certainly make useless comments after every teraport.
"Anyway, sir, its the most interesting kind of system. Inhabited, no wormgate. And I don't mean "yet another Fendorian protocol job" kind of habitation. These people have orbital artifacts and audible transmissions flying around."
"What are they saying?"
"Background civilian, I'm already filing that, and a bit of stuff about a famine and a colony ship. That's about the only thing worthy of any priority above four. Let's see. "Xango" is suffering a famine, and a colony ship is being sent with... wait, there's only one hab-world around here! That means these people are sending out to a world outside the system, is my best guess."
"They can tereport?"
"Teraport, teleport, whatever. This is tera incognita for me, sir. Best I can say is "be cautious"."
"I'll remember that, Nyno. Transmit the following in every language on database and translation pictorials."
"Greetings, sophonts of this system. The crew of this vessel are explorers sent by the Ghanj-Rho Commonwealth, to establish diplomatic relations with any states encountered. We would be interested in negotiations and in any knowledge of your language. Please reply in your native language and enclose a translated na edited copy of this database. Transmission ends. Okay, now stick a dictionary and grammar textbook on the end."
"Done and sent."
"Then now we wait."
The Fedral Union
15-08-2007, 20:13
secret message From the Federation government to Kurona on encoded frequency 10502a02:
Author: Bester kayborn
Subject Famine:
It has come to our attention that your world is suffering from a famine, it ashamed to see such an event and we here in the united federation of the federal union are willing to help. we may be able to send replicators to your world, as well as teraforming equipment, able to crate a stable climate for growing crops. of course, our government is willing to do this and perhaps build your economy if you allow us to... invest modestly in to your nation.
Thank you sincerely: bester kayborn
It pleases us that you are intrested in helping our cause. Please come to Kurona ASAP
Princess Midori
17-08-2007, 19:29
Each dome will be designed to have weather control with the dome basic sun, rain, snow, mist, and other effects included. There will be four farms to each dome, each farm will be designed to be a complete ecosystem farm, another word for it is integrated farm. One farm will represent mountain crops, terraced rice fields, grape fields, goats, sheep, etc, another farm will represent forest land crops-- large fruit trees, olive trees, nut trees, berries, and other crops, another farm will represent crops on a plain, wheat, barley, corn, cows, chickens, etc, and the final farm will be river type farm with aquaculture-- fish, shrimp, rice, cabbages, squash, lettuce, etc.. Each dome will be designed so it can be planted at its new location and continue to exist. They will be self contained, you should be able to place them on a moon, under an ocean, on a planet, or even an asteroid in space. We are looking forward to any more specifications you would like for this commission.
Mimi Ohyes, Minister of Trade.
"Round up the farmers of this country. Pay them any price."
As you wish. Several farmers were rounded up, newly weds large famlies, ranchers, even florists were thrown into the mix.
Greetings explorers of distant lands, we are Kuronans of the Planet Earth located in sector A Parasec 3 of the Milky Way Galaxy. We observe several Earthly languages. Kurona's Primary languages are: Kurma, Japanese and Japanese Sign Language for the hearing unabled. If you wish to land please do so in the air strip near our capital Sonomi. Her Highness Midori Hirihito wishes to ask for thoughs with heavy knowledge of space travel."
Nova Boozia
18-08-2007, 16:42
OOC: Yes, this is Ghanj-Rho. I'll try not to make this mistake again.
IC:"Here's the reply, sir," said Nyno, one of the little mobile nodes independant of the ship's (that was, "his") computer core hovering over to the captain
Greetings explorers of distant lands, we are Kuronans of the Planet Earth located in sector A Parasec 3 of the Milky Way Galaxy. We observe several Earthly languages. Kurona's Primary languages are: Kurma, Japanese and Japanese Sign Language for the hearing unabled. If you wish to land please do so in the air strip near our capital Sonomi. Her Highness Midori Hirihito wishes to ask for thoughs with heavy knowledge of space travel."
"Okay, compile following and take us in to land. Transmit in Japanese, naturally." Karp glanced around, making sure any Uniocs on the bridge had the single eye fixed firmly on their work.
My crew and I appreciate your invitation and will be touching down shortly. The Massey Reynstein is a little over 400 meters long. If your facilities aren't designed to take that, she can hover. One question, however: how heavy does our knowledge of space travel need to be? I have aboard fully trained navigators and engineers with full knowledge of teraportation and sublight travel, but they are mostly Uniocs and... not untrusted, but not so trusted I would want them around a foriegn royal.
18-08-2007, 17:06
Through the use of probes and pickets, the Order had found yet another intelligent race that would have to be exterminated. However, these new enemies were deemed priority one, which meant that they were harmless. Still, the Order hierarchy had demanded that a small picket force of two ships transit into Enemy controlled space, go into cloak, and shut their drives down. They were completely invisible, with no movement to betray that they were there.
The rest of the survey flotilla moved away from the new Enemies and transited back to Order controlled space. Then, they continued their search for the Conquered's technology.
OOC: Yes, this is Ghanj-Rho. I'll try not to make this mistake again.
IC:"Here's the reply, sir," said Nyno, one of the little mobile nodes independant of the ship's (that was, "his") computer core hovering over to the captain
"Okay, compile following and take us in to land. Transmit in Japanese, naturally." Karp glanced around, making sure any Uniocs on the bridge had the single eye fixed firmly on their work.
Your ship will be fine to land. Your knowledge should pretain to long travel. Further details will be mentioned upon your landing. Thank you.
Princess Midori
Farmers and all others rolled into Sonomi by the masses. Many with children. "I wonder what this will be?"
"Can't wait."
19-08-2007, 09:39
OOC: This strip (http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20030921.html) shows good views of a ship like Reynstein, blown in half and intact. Also, an explanation of my power supply, and why it has such a huge mass reading, and what nyno's nodes looks like (a little floting robot head).
Go ahead and read the whole comic. It's good.
IC:The Massey Reynstein, having noted previously that Kurona lacked a teraport interdiction system, descended to a little above the landing area at above-light speed. Anyone watching with sensors would get quite a shock: billions of microscopic wormholes sprang open, spewing forth equally tiny packets of matter before slamming shut. The matter, in mere microseconds, had resolved into a ship which, despite being 400 meters long and slender, had an improbably huge mass reading.
It was quite an elegant design: entirely symetrical a tube, studded by point-defence, sensors and such in a regular pattern, widening into rectangular but nonetheless gracefully curved boxes at both ends. Too large too be entirely hidden, the blue, shining spheres of the ships twin anhilation plants poked out above and below these.
The ship decended until the plants were less than a meter off the ground before opening hatches. The creatures (http://zoo.nightstar.net/images/smiles/schlockicon.gif) that emerged first were... interesting. Each one was basically a mound of brownish-green slime of a consistancy much like clay. Up close, a layer of very short, fuzzy hair was visible, like that of a peach. Each one sported at least two eyes. Often more. They appeared unarmed to the naked eye, but anyone with a scanner couldn't help but notice a lot of dangerous looking metalic things inside their mouths.
Other creatures followed them: uniocs, their head-sized eyes atop exagerated necks, maroon bodies humanoid but for their backwards-bent knees. Karp was the last: he was a Fobottr, very much like a human, although with entirely seperate origins. He was slightly too large and muscled, though, and of course had two torsos and four arms.
The assemblage emerged from the shadow of their vessel and stood, as politely as you can when half your party is made up of amorphous blobs, awaiting the welcome wagon.
"Presenting Her Majesty, Midori Hirihito."
Midori entered the room. All the simple farmers stood and bowed. "Please." She said kindly. "I know you are wondering why I have summoned you here, away from your farms and with all your famlies. I have a very important assignment for all of you. Kurona's farms are bustling with bountiful crops year after year. Thus we have more than enough to help a distant star in need. Xanago is a colony of our allies. A solar storm took out all remaining vegitation on that planet. We are going to fill a spaceship full of you and controlled enviromental farms. You will all cultivate and harvest. By the time you reach there you will have 4 seasons worth of harvest sufficant enough to feed the people of Xango. Because you are all from diffrent climates all over Kurona you will be placed in a dome according to your climate prefrance. Thoes that know the Kurona cold will be able to adapt, thoes that only know warmth will be in warmth only. Care for your crops please. Storms will be present in your domes but not usually be sever enough to damage. But with the many hazards of space, anything can happen. Act like you would here, be prepared. Houses have also been built according to your status and current living conditions. We don't wish to shock you or frighten you. We encourage you to bring famliy along but immediate more prefreably. It will be a long trip, go home pack all that you need to take but come back and be ready."
Thunder crashed along with several lightning strikes. It had been a few days since the dozens of farmers were recruted. Along was a single mother and her daughter. They were leaving tonight, despite the stormy weather outside. Rena finished packing. She looked at her family photo and her late father. "Rena?" Mimiru asked followed by a clap of thunder. Rena jumped. "Sorry dear."
"It's fine ma'ma. Such a long trip, I'm a little scared."
"I know I am too." they embraced. Thunder crashed. "But we have to do this. The pay is good and we can pay off our debts."
Rena sighed. "Well..."
"Let's move out." Both grabed their bags and put on their raincoats. a Matching yellow. They through their bags in the back and steped up to the cart. Mimiru took controll of the reins and slapped to get the horses moving. It would be a long trek for a stormy night.
Meanwhile another family was preparing to set out. It was just as rainy as it was with the others. "Molly?"
"I'm ready. Are the kids ready?"
"Madison still needs help but she wants you."
Molly knelt down to Madison's level and laced up her boots. "I don't want to go, it's scary out there."
"There's nothing to be scared about honey, just a little thunder." Another clap of thunder. Molly put on Madison's rainhat and took her hand. "Ma," Jenny said.
"Take your sister sweetheart."
Jenny took Madisons hand and went into the rain. Molly put out the oil lamps and drained the oil and alchol from the lamps. The house was now pitch dark illuminated only by the flashes of lightning. Molly ran out into the rain and took the seat next to her husband. They took off just like many more on this rainy night.
20-08-2007, 21:35
Dozens of massive asteroid ships transited from hyperspace covered with massive reinforced farming domes. They moved slowly in system. Each was a nickel iron composite at least 3 kilometers long.
Escorting them were several warships. Each was black bristling with a variety of weaponry, armor and shielding. One had seen recent combat, Patches showed grey where the bioceramic outer shell had regrown.
The asteroid ships released cargo ships, simple ceramic and steel constructs which moved to the planet to land. They each moved on impeller drives moving in quickly, then dropping through the upper atmosphere slowly on their gravity plates, landing very softly almost like a feather.
A delegation from the Ecotechnic institute was there to meet them. It was a surprising mix of beings, several tall neo-canid moreaus, a group of armored eight foot long purple worms sprouting a variety of tentacles, and a large group of humans from several different worlds, some were tall and very thin-- having grown up in space, and a few were very heavy and squat having come from a high g planet.
As dawn broke the trailing thunder clouds made their way out to see. "Looks like our first convoy is here."
"Yes. You're majesty as a newly cornated princess are you sure it's wise to travel to Xango? Afterall..."
"My sister will take over things just fine. I want to be there to present the rations. Kurona has always been on the reciving end of aid, now it's our turn."
All the farmers had arrived into Sonomi. "At last we're here." They all uttered.
Mimiru and Rena no longer buttoned down in raingear were among the very last in line to pull up. "Excuse me madams we have been instructed to take your horses to a special stable."
"Thank you."
They hopped down. "Guess we have to pull this by hand now."
"How did they know we were apart of this?"
"Hard to say. But I guess we have to do what we have to do." They started pulling. Everyone else was too.
"I don't understand ma?" Asked Jenny. "Why can't we take our own horses."
"I wish I knew sweetheart." Molly said. "But I'm sure they will give us horses. They wouldn't leave us with out transportation."
More and more famlies arrived. Singles, same sex couples, children too many to count.
"We are over capacitated. We need to cut the crowed by half."
"I've got an idea."
"Ladies and gentalmen, will you please come this way and listen. Thank you. The time is now 9:45 A.M. If you have crossed into Sonomi after 8:45 you may not attend this."
The crowed cried.
"I lost my crop, I need work."
"I'm sorry but the ships have a limited crew/civilian capacity. We can not take you all."
And just like that half the crowed left. "I swear half the countries pouplation showed up."
Midori was having her picture taken against several backdrops.
"So your highness, being on the Flag Ship does not bother you?"
"Not at all. The flag ship is just as safe as all the others."
"This mission is one for the ages, the biggest relife operation in that galaxy and system, in Kurona's History and the biggest natural cultivation project in space."
"It certianly is one. Kurona has always been on the reciving end of aid. When Tornadoes, floods, fires, hurricanes ravaged us when war hit home, others have been there to help us back up. Now it's our turn to help."
"All right Princess, this will be the missions symbol, hold up the box..."
The light flashed
The hatch doors of the ships opend. People steped up by the hundreds and all were disperesed to their assigned dome. Midori steped aboard the flag ship and into the Bridge. "Welcome your Highness. Welcome to Tiatan I."
"Your magesty? All ships are sealed, everyone is aboard and accounted for, we are ready for lift off."
"Take us off then."
"We are free of all air traffic. Skies clear, thurst at 16% Commence Primary Ignition." The ships all lifted off from the surface of earth and into space for their long journey
22-08-2007, 03:16
The ships began their long slow majestic voyage to the point where gravity wells would not affect the hyperspace jump engines. It would take quite a while to adjust to the internal conditions inside the ships.
Everything inside the ships was filled with greenery. Plants provided oxygen and helped keep the air clean in the ships. Also gardening, miniature plants, and biosculpting plants was a hobby of many of the technicians and farmers who were helping the farmers from Kurona.
The inside of the ships mostly had gravity and containment fields. There were a few areas where people aboard could entertain themselves free of gravity in the ships, doing zero g dancing or acrobatics, even combat ball a form of zero g rugby.
As part of the long journey, the farmers were given emergency drills in case of an asteroid strike, a pirate raid, equipment failure, or some similar kind of disaster. There was a safety area in case of raiders.
They were shown how to operate the failsafes, and improved safety features, everything had at least double redundancy in case of failure was rugged.
The homes were comfortable, but small, beds and tables could be pulled out of walls, furniture was designed to fold up for easy storage, or be self-inflating, there were bright colors in most of the rooms and corridors, there were built in electronics equipment for kitchens, televisions, appliances, etc. to save space. Bathroom water was recycled, people could take showers, but the water was completely recaptured.
There were some recreation areas, as well as an open market where people could trade things among themselves. The ships were like a self contained city.
They could watch the escort heavy destroyers practicing maneuvers to protect the farm ships.
It took a while, but the ships eventually reached outsystem, where they would make the first of several jumps into hyperspace, the massive rings around the asteroids powered up, then there was a distortion in space, followed by a long period of grayness outside, then return to normal space.
The domes went form simulated day time to simulated night. "First schedulaed thunderstrom will commence now." Much like a typical Kuronan night a storm suddenly struck, (despite the fact this one is planned) . Jenny was awoken. She and her sister detested thunder and lightning. But they usally were okay with each other. "Jenny...." whispered Madison. She climbed into bed with her big sister. They cuddled up. "This feels so strange. We are in the middle of space but it still feels like were in Kurona." Jenny said. "Why does it still storm?" More thunder.
"Well, if it didn't how could anything grow?"
"I guess so."
24-08-2007, 16:10
The voyage continued. Several of the domes took small asteroid hits, but these quickly sealed, the outer domes skin of programmable matter, changing to a more liquid form, sealing the holes then hardening again. The innger layer absorbed the asteroids into a clear gel like substance.
Outside the refueling ships came and refilled the deuterium tanks in the asteroid ship for the next jump to the Xango system. They checked the jump rings to make sure all the electronics and pieces functioned properly to generate the energy fields that let them move into Heim hyperspace.
Preparations were made for the final long jump to Kurona. They had finished the first hyperspace jump and everything had worked the way it was supposed to.
The seed beds were planted, the fertilizer laid in, and the animals starting to grow properly. Horses were being brought in by transport because of the requests from the colonists. There were not just earth horses, there were golden horses from the Paradise system, and red fire horses from the Muse system.
Also the colonists were shown a catalog of different vegetation from several human worlds they might be interested in to add to the rebuilding of the ecosystem on Kurona. There were an incredible variety of plants from many different human occupied worlds. Ganoxa, Schwullunde, Paradise, Muse, and a few other planets were represented.
The ships entered a dense nebula. Now was the time. Several small snub ships began to advance on the ships. Pirates and a great deal of them. But these pirates weren't intrested in stealing, just brining down these ships. They quickly and stealthly snuck up to the sides and began to cut.
Rena and her mother Mimiru were dealing with the artifical heat. It felt like the sun was really beating down on them as they worked their plot of farmland. "It's easy to forget..." Rena panted "That we aren't on Earth anymore."
"I know babe. But things will get acustomed soon."
"Hope so."
The two girls tiresly plowed the feiled by hand. Kuronan's always did.
Suddenly the wind picked up and the thunder came. "That's odd, there wasn't a storm schedulaed today."
"Looks bad." Rena said.
"Honey it's controlled, they wouldn't send us a squall or anything. Unless it malfunctions."
The artifical storm drew closer. "Come on, come on!" Mimiru grabbed Rena's hand and dashed for the safety of their farm house. This wasn't right."
In the controll room buzzers all over were going off. "This is odd, we have seven storm malfunctions sector 7."
"The wind and water is picking up in Dome 4."
"The drains have closed, it's going to flood out!"
"This is no Malfunction," Midori said. "This is sabatoge."
Lighting streaked down from the dark and angry simulated skies.
In sector 5, it was night in the domes and stormy too. Jenny, Madison, their brother Josh were all with their parents tonight. "I didn't think they would make storms this bad." Molly said
"Maybe it's some kind of test, to make sure our crops are hardy. We still have a long ways to go so even if the test fails I'm sure we can replant in time."
Molly clung to her husband's comforting words.
In the controll bay the pirates were working hard to make sure their sabatoge would work.
"Let's see them deal with out oxygen shall we?"
"Crank up the windspead here, a little tornado ought to set them straight."
"And The Lord Said, I shall flood the earth with torrential rains for 40 days and 40 nights." The pirate quoted from the Kurma Bible.
More alarms were going off by the dozens. "That's it sweep the Bays see if someone is down there."
25-08-2007, 19:11
The pirates began to cut at the domes, at first the beams striking the domes began to heat them up, then they noticed how the domes began to self seal, the outer layer was designed to counteract meteorites and minor impacts. It was a layer of programmable matter, it began to thin under the onslaught of the cutting beams, hardening into a layer of pseudo carbon armor. There were a few holes still outgassiing some atmosphere.
The escort of four heavy destroyers was waiting for the pirates. They did not notice the pirates at first, because of their stealthy approach. Each heavy destroyer first launched a salvo of a dozen high yield ball lightning electromagnetic pulse missiles (disruptor) designed to disable ships. This was followed by the launch of a mix of boarding pods and starfury fighters.
Inside the ships, there was a general alarm. The klaxons sounded. The preparation for pirates attacks was under way. civilians were led into areas with internal containment fields. Structural integrity fields were activated, compartmentalizing the inside of the ship. If one part of the ship was blown up, the other parts would still function.
The Royal Guards were sent bellow to sweep the area for these men. "Clear!" They weaved through the confusing maze-like narrow hallways.
The rain was comming down harder and the water was starting to rise. Mimiru and Rena were strugling to keep the house dry from the occasionally blowing in water, whenver the door would blow open rain water would fly in. The two women would have to force it shut against tremendous pressure. "Reminds me of that nasty gale we had, rember hon?"
"Yeah, I thought the house would blow over." Rena said. "Do you think it will flood?"
"Hope not. We'll just have to wait it out and hope for the best."
"Nothing." The guards said. Suddenly a blast of laser fire came killing a few. "We need back up 14th Cooridore Section H. Repeat we need back up in the 14th Cooridore of Section H."
Out side the ship a harsh dog fight was already starting up. "Rouge 1, watch your tail."
26-08-2007, 20:31
The starfury fighters would attempt to knock holes in the enemies ships shielding with a mix of plasma repeaters and antimatter bombs so the boarding pods could glom onto the outer hulls of the fighters using a combination of shaped charges and fusion burners they would attempt to cut holes through the enemy ships.Teams consisting of a mix of power armor and light space mech would attempt to seize the boarded ships if possible.
The mech would go through the ships like tissue paper burning through walls and blasting doors off hinges so they could get to the command centers or engine rooms to take the ships. The boarders were a mix of wolf pack canids, human space marines, and multi tentacled and weaponed armored warrior worms.
The boarders had all been through something called "harmonic training," a form of mental conditioning which prepared them for fighting calmly and systematically without fear and without quarter even against overwhelming odds.
The huge asteroid ships attempted to manever so the domes were facing away from the pirates attacks, so the majority of the attacks would first strike the outer layer of programmable matter, then cut into the 10 meter thick nickel iron outer shell of the asteroid ships. Despite this a few of the domes had opened up leaking gas.
A few farms had been lost, but luckily, they could only get one farm at a time in each dome because of the internal containment fields.
Several cargo ships had been caught as a few of the pirates cut open the docking bay on one of the asteroids.
The four heavy destroyers moved to interdict between the pirates and asteroid ships. They activated shields, raising what looked like a bubble within a bubble, an outer energy field, with an inner repulsor field.
Virtually all the farmers were unaware of the chaose going around them. While some Farms were being saturated others were blistiring hot. Even the girls were starting to want to go topless. Sara Avalon wasn't one of thoes type but she did push her bounds. She often wore her overalls with or with out a shirt. And with her and her big brother working on a truck for her self, she needed the pockets. "Whew, this is comming along nicely." She said. "Yeah once we are off this space-ship and out of Kurona we will have some transport that goes faster than 5 miles-an-hour. " She laughed. "I don't know, I'll miss the tranquil Kurona when this is over. I mean I know we are still going to farm but now there will be cars and pollution and noise." The ship shook. "ah, earthquake!" Sara screamed. "But were are in space, a controlled enviroment."
"I'm scared."
Her brother held her. "Probably asteriods again."
The ship shook again she held even tighter to her bother.
"Fine, all units concetrate fire, don't let them get away."
26-08-2007, 22:54
The security teams on the asteroids try to tell the farmers about the attack and bring them into secure shelters.
Two of the heavy destroyers shields go out after taking concentrated fire from the pirates. The other two heavy destroyers shields are heating up.
They respond with a barrage of a variety of guns. They open up with a mix of rapid fire tribarrel coil cannons and repulsion beam cannons designed to throw tungsten carbon at very high velocities, sending thousands of rounds of darts tipped with high explosive towards the enemy which are not being boarded, as well as high energy fusion particle beams.
"This is a lost cause, 780,000 Somalians isn't worth this." The pirate said. "Fall back!"
The pirate ships retreated into the nebula. A few exta were shot down before hand though. Down in the bay area the remainding pirates were shot dead. "Now we have to fix this mess..."
27-08-2007, 04:26
The four August Heavy Destroyers called in their remaining fighters. A number of the pirate ships had been captured by boarding crews or destroyed. The destroyed ships would be picked up for salvage by salvage scows and recycled. The captured ships were prizes of wars, these would be sold at auction to privateers in Commonii space, a portion of this would go to the soldiers salaries as bounties.
The pirates didn't go to waste, after interrogation, they were promptly shipped off to mining colonies or pharmaceutical farms on marginal worlds where they would work or starve doing heavy labor under the direction of the Department of Mental Hygiene and the Cruon Commercial House, Prison Division.
Because of the attack, two more heavy destroyers were called in along with a pair of repair tenders to fix the damage caused by the pirates.
The asteroid ships would need another day or two to get repaired before they jumped.
OOC: This is my monstrous armored heavy destroyer.
The damages were still being fixed in a scramble mess.
The water was still rising in the Farm dome where Rean and Mimiru were. They were the only one's in that dome unforunatley. The storm raged, just like a strom back on Kurona. The Thunder and lighting were constant
Reana was writing in her diary trying to keep her mind off the storm. The door was being pushed open by the water. They jumped up onto a desk and clung to each other.
"We have power restored to several domes and have began drainage on severl more. At least 6 domes are now underwater and we are still working."
28-08-2007, 03:27
The sabotage was happening inside the ship. At first the AI didn't notice it, everything was following standard protocol. It looked like some hackers were at it again rewriting protocols. They were playing with the oxygen levels as well. Then the flooding started. Warning lights flashed. They had to send in emergency repair bots to three of the domes.
The domes were designed to be redundant, when the primary systems stopped working, a message was sent to the command bridge, and the secondary systems started coming on line. Most of the control functions were switched to the command bridge where security teams were dispatched.
The ships were being searched by now for saboteurs. Teams of canids trained in tracking with superb smell and sight sniffed for intruders. The worms used chemical analyzers to try and find intruders.
The repair bots quickly stopped functioning. What was happening. A red light appeared. The AI sent out a message, "Send technicians to sector three, we have a malfunction in the computer core. Activate basic network security protocols. Biometric functions for secure areas."
On the bridge of some of the asteroid ships, there was evidence of sabotage. They would have to send in security teams to find out where the location was. The weather control was being rerouted to the command bridges. Technicians and the central AI worked quickly to regain control of the weather.
Meanwhile an unarmed technical crew was going to check out the pirates location.
Powered armored soldiers entered the flooded domes, their armor was much like a spacesuit designed to function in a variety of environments, the artificial muscles in the suits allowed them to swim into the domes, bringing in space suits for survivors, oxygen, and supplies. The troops tried to get access to the manual flood controls as well as locate people and equipment.
They also brought in repair mecha, who attempted to pump the water into back into the recycling tanks, as well as do manual shutoffs for the water system on the ships.
In the flooded domes it was a mess, but not beyond repair.
Finally the rain had stopped in the saturated domes. The water was still waist high. "Come on sweetheart." Mimiru urged her. Both girls got into the water. IT was pretty cold. The water was adjusted to water of Kurona. Which is seldome known for warm rains. They waded through the water to the steel dore so cleverly camoflauged but an Exit Sign would always appear in the event of an emergency. "Wait, Mama, if you open the door the water will spill out into the halls. It could be bad."
"Your right. Come on." They waded back to the farm house and crept back onto the desk.
In other domes things seemed to be returing to normal. The heat levels were being reduced to 66 regardless of Climate prefrences. "Finally...." Sara said as she whipped the sweat from her browe. "I thought it would never cool down."
"You two okay?" Asked their mother. "Yeah." They responded.
The storms had let up in the other domes that didn't have their drains closed up. Molly woke up with rays of sunshine beaming in her eyes. "Hey it's morning. The storm is over."
"Your highness we are begining restoration. Commonalitarianism is also preparing for restorations on their own ships. All pirate sbatoures have been killed on this ship."
"Very good."
28-08-2007, 11:59
The Commonalitarianism was in an interesting quandry of what to do with the seven domes. The aquaculture area had basically flooded out in each of the seven domes filling the dome with various shrimp and fish. Seaweed had also spred into the shallows. They could turn the whole dome into a mix of rice and fish farms, expanding the aquaculture system. The only part that wasn't as effected was the mountain farms, the water had run downhill leaving a big lake with a terraced mountainside. The plains farm and the forest farm had been destroyed. It was a big mess, but not completely unsalvageable. They were looking at turning it into a big lake next to a mountain as a redesign...
Some of the scientists and technicians also pondered putting a few floating hydroponic rafts where vegetables would grow, The houess would have to be raised on stilts. It would be an interesting idea.
They made the suggestion to the Kuronans to see what they thought.
29-08-2007, 14:44
Cleanup and rebuilding of the domes began immediately. Three shifts covering the whole day were created, the late shift was given a slight bonus. Construction mecha with various tool attachments diggers, earth movers and similar equipment worked closely with all terrain walkers and droids to clean up the areas. The droids did simple repetitive tasks, while the human controlled mecha and walkers did heavier work. Big floating anti-grav containers moved around earth. Powered exoskeleton workers with tool hand attachments rebuilt the houses systematically, putting in nails, laying the frameworks and rebuilding. The construction mecha picked up trees moved around earth, and helped rebuild the inside of the dome. Outside of the domes, a new coat of reprogrammable matter was added.
They worked diligently, checking the equipment after each shift and cleaning it properly, watching for saboteurs, and working methodically with planning and intelligence to get the job done right.
The Kuronans were asked to help in replanting the domes and choosing which plants went where.
Houses were cleaned and rebuilt. They were asked to help in the rebuilding.
Some of the pirates had been captured in the storming of the ships by boarding pods.
They were taken to interrogation chambers where their bodies were monitored while they were interrogated. They were given drugs designed to make them continuously talk about whatever was on their mind and feel very relaxed.
Interrogators questioned them going over any discrepancies in their conversations. The pirates simply couldn't stop talking. An AI checked the facts about what they were saying using basic information from various encyclopedias. They were questioned about it whenever they made a false statement.
The interrogations limited sleep to four hours a night until. They were done.
The scanners could not tell the specifics about what they were thinking about, but could tell which parts of the brain were active at any given moment so they could tell basic things like when they were hungry, thinking about sex, sleep, or basic drives.
They were pumping the pirates for information.
"So you failed."
"Yes sir, but you didn't tell me they would have such defences mounted."
"Fine then. I'll just have to try a new strategy."
(OOC: I'm getting writers block so forgive me for being so short)
31-08-2007, 03:01
IC: Secret
Mimi Ohyes, Minister of Trade to Office of Economic and Special Warfare.
Mimi, "Commander Smithers, we have a problem, we are running into cost overruns caused by a pirate attack on a delivery of humanitarian ships to the Xango system. We need to find out who is behind these attacks. We did not expect this to happen. While we do want to continue the aid shipment, we do not want to run into any more cost problems."
Sargent Smithers, a neo-canid sporting a leather vest, and a blue tricorner hat, "I understand, we need to do a scan ahead of the incoming ships to see if there are problems. I am dispatching a few scout vessels to check the system before the big ships jump in. Tell them to wait for repairs."
Several small cargo ships are going to enter the Xango systems, they will be exactly that cargo ships, with some extra scanning equipment sending back information to the Office of Economic and Special Warfare. They will be carrying some relief supplies, cabbages, rice, chickens to the planet.
Also we will send two monitoring probes to the edge of the Xango system to monitor incoming and outgoing communication traffic.
We don't know what is happening on Xango and are trying to find out what is waiting for us before we jump.
OOC: Make something up mercenaries, a pirate fleet, a corporate takeover, etc. Try the next thing. Get the story going. I will probably want to see some of my ships destroyed, etc.
Another attempt of sbatoge, this time it involved sending the ships way off course, into a major solar storm.
08-09-2007, 00:29
The ships navcomps had been tampered with. This was unexpected. Only the senior personnel had access to the ships computers. The security teams had already locked everyone out of the regular loop. It would only be a matter of time before they found the saboteurs.
They expected to get to Kurona on this jump. Repairs had been made to the outer hulls of the ships.
They ended up 20 light years off course in a solar storm. Fortunately, the ships were heavily shielded. It confused sensors enough that it would add several more light years travel on the next several jumps. The lightning was attracted to the jump engines and the jump engines would have to be overhaudled.
The outer shells of the ships took jagged lightning strikes from superheated gas, they had plasma burn the outer shells scoring them and causing melting to the ships in many places.
There was enough time involved in making repairs. They would have to systematically question all of the passengers and crew.
Teams of neocanids went sniffing through the various passenger areas, the worms brought chemical analyzers in sniffing for contraband and hidden spy equipment.
Records of the navcomps and AI intervention identified several humans had tampered with the navigation computers. A few were identifiable.
Two of the asteroid ships had been in the center of the storm. One had been destroyed as it was overwhelmed with lightning, radiation, and plasma. It had turned into a charred mass. Many people had made it to escape pods. The captain of course went down with his ship as was traditional.
Another one had been badly damaged enough that they had to evacuate the ship and spread the survivors among the other ships.
08-09-2007, 14:51
To deal with the problem of more sabotage, the crews shut down the engines, and the warships bring in a wormhole jump gate to tow the asteroid ships through. The warships interlock their shields forming a large shield bubble. At the edge of the Xango system, several warships and a mix of support asteroid legion ships open another jump gate.
The asteroid legion troops look worse than pirates, they are recruited from the toughest riff raff in the galaxy, offered a chance to serve instead of prison, or just want adventure and to kill things. They represent dozens of different races.
This is for fast transit between two points.
Failsafes and antisabotage measures are taken including making it impossible to turn on the engines or nav equipment while being towed, or meddle with life support. The AI is replaced with a new military grade AI with shielding, lockdowns, and high security.
Flights of fighters, and assault pods are sent out to scour the area around the jump gate near Xango. It looks like there is a full carrier group inbound.
The massive ships are hauled through the wormhole jump gates. This is a huge expense for the Commonalitarianism, it represents a permanent fixed trade installation in the Xango system.
Waiting at the edge of the Xango system are what remains of the original asteroid ships. Two are missing, many are damaged, their domes are being rebuilt, there are scars from pirates, the insides are undergoing overhaul as well as the outsides.
"This is getting out of control, we already lost a ship."
"We know your highness, we asure you we are doing everything in our power to catch these sabatoures."
"Now were over stocked 5 farmers to a dome on this ship, a few have been injured. These are farmers not soldiers, they don't know about combat."
"We have a few slight glitches in the system from the last solar storm, we are trying to work them out."
"Please do so."
08-09-2007, 17:50
A special unit from the Asteroid Legion comes in to search the ships. There are several humanoids with very big ears, several canids with very sharp noses, a couple of worm sophonts with many eyes, a bunch of jelly like creature with hundreds of pseudopods, some insect like creatures with special chemically sensitive equipment, and even a human and a mournful looking canid wearing patches with a brain on them-- sensitives.
They go to the area where last sabotage occurs sweeping the area for dna, chemical residues, any clue, they search the computers with an AI to find out what was done. They go from place to place until they get clues.*
* Please let me know if they have found any clues.