Operation: Burning Teacup (BL Invasion)
13-08-2007, 20:50
OOC: This is open to all. OOC Thread Here. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=12962979#post12962979)
Protectoran Harbors
The fleets of various nations gathered in the various sea-side harbors of Protectora. The locals of the various ports could only watch in awe and wonder what was happening. Meanwhile, corporations became delighted in the sudden boost in demand and went servicing unexpecting foreign sailors where over they were.
However, unsuspected blessings aside, the sailors were all there for one thing: to prepare for a war. They were all ready to leave, and they would soon. They just had to get the formalities out of the way.
Emerald Palace, Golddale, Riverrod
"So, Howar, we have the power. However, the Kraven Corporation has said they're defending them. Should we go through with this?" Emerald Emperor Garzahd Redmark I asked, setting on his lavishly decorated throne, the mighty throne room empty, special technology preventing echoes.
"Well, it's too late to turn back now, your Majesty. We can storm ahead, and try to bribe the Kraven Corporation. Maybe they can get the land, while we get the people? I'm sure we can find somewhere to put them all." Imperial Advisor Howar responded, bowed low to the floor, his back starting to ache.
"Yes, yes. You are very wise, brother. We have the message ready, I assume?" the Emerald Emperor said, waving about his jeweled and golden scepter, indicating Howar Redmark to rise.
"Yes, I just signaled to send the message, your Supremacy." Howar said, slowly straightening his aching back.
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: The Peoples' Sovereign Republic of British Londinium
From: The Free Empire of New Vantania, Coalition of Nations
The time has come. A mighty coalition has gathered against you. We will give you one chance, and then there will be consequences. Surrender now to the Coalition, and conditions will be most favorable. If you refuse, we will strike.
If you surrender, your government will be dismantled, and then new elections under a presidential system similar to the United States of America will happen. The Coalition of Nations will hold military bases in your nation to ensure you do not slip up again. Also, you will relinquish all nuclear, chemical, and biological weaponry, and submit yourself to Coalition inspectors. All persons involved in the nuclear attack on North Cazelia or the blending of innocents in Calaveras will be tried for war crimes. Further restrictions may be added by the Coalition.
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 20:56
Official Communiqué
Open Declaration:
The destruction of the institutions that have shaped this country is intolerable. Our nation is exceedingly democratic, and I will not have you destroy the systems that have sustained this country for three hundred years be eliminated simply so that your coalition of nations can smugly say that they brought about reforms.
I am not an unreasonable man, however, and I do not intend on starting a conflict over such a pathetic nation as North Calaveras. If your Coalition suspends its attack, and its members sign a non-aggression pact with this country, then we will agree to the dismantling of our nuclear weapons capabilities, assuming, of course, that our ability to utilize nuclear energy, and our anti-ballistic missile systems remain unimpeded.
The Rt. Hon. James Azzopardi, MP
Consul of British Londinium
13-08-2007, 21:00
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: The Peoples' Sovereign Republic of British Londinium
From: The Free Empire of New Vantania
"The Coalition of Nations will hold military bases in your nation to ensure you do not slip up again. Also, you will relinquish all... chemical, and biological weaponry, and submit yourself to Coalition inspectors. All persons involved in the nuclear attack on North Calaveras or the blending of innocents in Cazelia will be tried for war crimes."
Respond to all of the conditions.
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 21:10
Official Communiqué
To New Vantania:
You seem to take us for fools. Bases that will serve only to intimidate and coerce British Londinium shall certainly not be allowed within our borders. Is it not sufficient that we are willing to relinquish all nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons? Is it not sufficient that the two people responsible for both the Cazelian blendings and the Calaveran nuclear strike are dead? Before I am willing to make a decision regarding the remaining condition, the allowance of coalition inspectors into our borders, I will require detailed explanation of where they will be and what they will be looking for.
The Rt. Hon. James Azzopardi, MP
Consul of British Londinium
Praetorial Palace, Vetalia City
Upon hearing about the mobilization against the British Londinians, an emergency meeting of the Proconsular Council was called and the dozen Proconsuls along with officers of the armed forces gathered in the war room below the palace for their meeting. The Praetor entered last and approached the seated officials, pushing a button at his place that caused a map of Mediterranica and British Londinium to appear.
"As you can see, the coalition against British Londinium has mobilized and is demanding surrender of their forces and the imposition of foreign controls on their government and national policy. This is, of course, completely unacceptable."
"Of course, Praetor. But what are we to do?" The Minister of State spoke quietly, as if he had doubts about the process.
"The Ministry of Defense can call up our reserves and order the naval commands to mobilize for war. We can also upgrade our readiness if we need to."
"We can do more than that, Praetor. We have plans in place to completely mobilize the economy for total war and could begin preparations immediately."
The Minister of Trade added, "And, of course, we could declare embargoes against the foreign powers aligned against British Londinium. They have more to lose than we do, for sure."
"What kind of funds does the Ministry of Economic Development have on hand? We will need to pour a huge sum in to preparing our infrastructure for war, even more than it already is."
"We have $6 trillion in our accounts and could begin work immediately."
"Excellent, excellent. We will continue this discussion later, once I have spoken with the Londinian government to hear their take on the matter. Nonetheless, order the armed forces to prepare. We need to be on guard."
"Yes, Praetor."
"Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to contact the Consul."
Walking out of the meeting chamber, he headed down a concrete tunnel to another room, one outfitted with a wide variety of communication and observation equipment. The officers on hand in the room saluted as he entered and then took their positions at the equipment to ensure that the communication was secure.
Communications Center, Praetorial Bunker
The Praetor sat facing the large teleconference screen that would connect him directly with the British Londinian government. Pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts and deliver his message in the clearest manner possible, he then input the code to encrypt the conversation and waited for the connection to stabilize. When it was, a small red light flashed on the keyboard built in to the chair and he began to speak.
"Consul, this is Praetor Melnikov. We have heard of the preparations for war against your country and would be willing to lend assistance if you need it. Our country's resources are mobilizing for war as we speak, and all we would need is your assurance before we dispatch forces. In addition, we have approved the use of chemical and biological weaponry for use against hostile powers and we would like your opinion before using them..." He paused, continuing for emphasis "...if and when the time comes. For now, this war will be conventional, but if we need to we will not hold back any of our arsenal to prevent defeat."
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 21:12
"Thank you, Prætor," Consul Azzopardi replied once he picked up his mobile. "Vetalia's assistance will not be forgotten. Though, of course, we are hoping to reach a peaceful agreement, you see. Our military needn't rely on weapons of mass destruction, and I feel we can acquiesce to requests to eliminate them."
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 21:14
Official Communiqué
To New Vantania:
You seem to take us for fools. Bases that will serve only to intimidate and coerce British Londinium shall certainly not be allowed within our borders. Is it not sufficient that we are willing to relinquish all nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons? Is it not sufficient that the two people responsible for both the Cazelian blendings and the Calaveran nuclear strike are dead? Before I am willing to make a decision regarding the remaining condition, the allowance of coalition inspectors into our borders, I will require detailed explanation of where they will be and what they will be looking for.
The Rt. Hon. James Azzopardi, MP
Consul of British Londinium
OOC: perhaps you could petition for only the Hegemony to have bases and inspectors, as i doubt we will be quite as intrusive or puppeteering as the others that are currently readying to invade, espescially if I am re-elected as Hegemon.
"Yes, that would work. However, if anyone attempts to use that disarmament to strike at your nation, we will retaliate. Your nation will be under our nuclear and missile shield for the foreseeable future."
"However, there may be things to gain from disarmament, so I more than agree with your decision to pursue that course of action. I think the destruction of North Calaveras was more than enough to show what your nation is capable of and this may provide an opportunity to start anew. It's a damn sight better than war, that's for sure....not to mention, politically speaking, a boon for your government at home. I know our people will be happy to hear we've avoided war."
"However, in case things do not work, we will keep our forces mobilized for the next few months as a precaution."
13-08-2007, 21:20
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: The Peoples' Sovereign Republic of British Londinium
From: The Free Empire of New Vantania
We can understand your concern over the military bases. Perhaps if you allowed certain nations, such as New Vantania, Hegemony nations, etc. to buy the appropriate land in rather uninhabited area, the military bases would be acceptable?
As for the inspectors, they would be sent from Coalition nations on a random basis to search silos for biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons to ensure that the agreement is not broken.
13-08-2007, 21:22
Official Communique of the Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan
The Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan fully condemns this Axis of Evil arrayed against the People's Sovereign Republic of British Londinium and their brutal and belligerent foray into the realms of blatant expansionism, warmongering, and aggression. The Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan pledges to help defend the national sovereignty, freedom, and democratic institutions of the People's Sovereign Republic against foreign imperialist aggressors.
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 21:29
OOC: Because I'm too lazy to use my fancy letter writing template.
Official Reply to New Vantania
A military base of any type is simply unacceptable. The best I can do is allow random inspections.
13-08-2007, 21:38
Drasgard, Olmedreca
First Citizen Vesse Põhjakotkas looked out from the window of his office then Ernst Tormilind, Head of Military Intelligence entered: “Vesse, it has started, Vantania and its allies are moving against British Londinium as we expected.”
“Well, we don’t have any time to waste, we need to start mobilizing our forces immediately, invasion is not anything too serious, only thing that annoys me is that Kraven movement, it can cause some heavy problems, they probably have some really ugly plans.” said Vesse while still looking beautiful sunset.
“I suggest we keep low profile at the moment and avoid making any diplomatic statements, but at same time mobilize at full speed, as Londinium is next to us nobody will see anything strange in it.”
“Agree, inform all Supreme War Council members about situation, I want them all back to capital immediately! We need to get ready for war as fast as possible.”
Official Communique of the Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan
The Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan fully condemns this Axis of Evil arrayed against the People's Sovereign Republic of British Londinium and their brutal and belligerent foray into the realms of blatant expansionism, warmongering, and aggression. The Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan pledges to help defend the national sovereignty, freedom, and democratic institutions of the People's Sovereign Republic against foreign imperialist aggressors.
Hey, little country! Brittish Londinium shot 27000 nukes at a nation, and glassed it off the map, and you support his unjustified actions, hmmmm... (no offence BL)
I fully understand British Londinium's concern for military bases, how about the bases are in
bordering countries?
Im in full support of the inspections.
13-08-2007, 21:49
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: The Peoples' Sovereign Republic of British Londinium
From: The Free Empire of New Vantania
I insist that atleast one military base be given to us. Surely there must be some small island on the edge of your territorial waters that you're willing to let us purchase? We must come to an agreement soon, we can't let your people fall into the hands of the Kraven Corporation.
~From the High Seat of the God-Emperor, Dahagagorashk the Mighty, Lord of the Six Rivers, Protector of the Tombs of the Faithful, Guardian of the Paths of Justice, Bearer of the Scepter of the Willing, and Leader of the Upper Council of Corporations~
Ah, so it is war. The God-Emperor is pleased. Too long have the atrocities of the tiny nation British Londinium gone unpunished. British Londinium attacks nations with reckless abandon, turning them into scrap metal and dust. This needs to be stopped. Not only is this removing all productivity from all such nations, but it is a huge waste of nuclear weapons and a disgusting misuse of power. Perhaps this tiny nation of British Londinium should consider the rest of the world before going to such extreme and unnecessary measures. But, alas, it is too late for that.
The God-Emperor is displeased with this "Consul" of British Londinium, who pretends to be so "powerful", and yet, instead, attacks nations much weaker than itself. British Londinium, if it is as powerful as it claims, should instead destroy nation who deserve being destroyed. Unfortunately, in His august eyes, British Londinium has entered the category of such nations. British Londinium, tremble. The forces of the God-Emperor come with fire and steel, to bring punishment to those who deserve it. That is you. Tremble, for He will destroy you. The God-Emperor is invincible, and it time that you know such.
To the other nations who foolishly support the regime in British Londinium, the God-Emperor bids you listen. "Our quarrel is not with thee", he says. But if you are intent on following this nation of British Londinium, than you too will feel His wrath. He is not to be taken lightly and will sweep you away, lest you resist. Take this into consideration, allies of British Londinium, and make the correct choice. Do not support the madmen who rule that nation. Turn your heads to the Light of the God-Emperor, and do not follow the darkness, lest you are swallowed up by it.
Do not take the words of the God-Emperor lightly. He is all-knowing, mighty, and invincible. His forces shall destroy you and you should know this. Take note of him. Do not brush him away as a temporary enemy. He will destroy you. Know this, British Londinium. Know this. And know thy defeat.
Carridan Air Force Base, Varsola
The words of the God-Emperor were never simply idle words. They never were. The rule of the God-Emperor was absolute and few dared resist him. Of course there were dissenters - there were always dissenters to any dictatorial regime (though calling the much-loved God-Emperor a "dictator" was a ticket to death), but most dissenters were locked up, dead, locked up and dead, or in exile in nations against Varsola, such as those who it had fought in the War of Golden Succession. The God-Emperor had enemies, yes, but they were disunited, few in number, and no threat to his security as a whole.
Joseph Asagai grinned at his captain. "Off again, eh, Captain?" Asagai was a young pilot, but skilled, and he had risen in the ranks of the Varsolan air force, decimated in wars past, but growing stronger. He was used to the modern equipment that the Varsolans now used, unlike many of the older pilots, who were much more at ease with the now-defunct equipment of wars past. Asagai was very young, even in appearance - his light brown hair and brown eyes sparkled with enthusiasm for the war ahead. It was what almost all young soldiers dreamed of, fighting in combat for the God-Emperor. It was almost an honor to die for him.
Captain Gregory Miles smiled at the youthful exuberance of the younger pilot. He was more experienced, having fought in wars before, and he knew many of the tricks of the trade. It was to his credit that he did not laugh at the younger pilots - he knew combat firsthand and knew that fighting was not as glorious at it seemed and that it was less of an honor to die in the course of it as it sometimes seemed. "Yeah, I guess so." he responded, with almost no emotion in his voice. He did not want to destroy the enthusiasm of the youngsters. "You'll be seeing combat for the first time, eh, Asagai?"
Joseph Asagai grinned broadly. "Of course, sir! We'll be fighting up in the air, those enemies, hated by the God-Emperor, may he live forever." Asagai was very idealistic, a man (boy, almost, though Miles) who actually believed what the God-Emperor said. There were many such in Varsola, far outnumbering the more pragmatic souls, like Miles. "Yes, yes." Miles' voice still bore no emotion, but there was something there that seemed to indicate that he had heard such words a thousand times and more. "Now get up in the air."
Asagai's plane was the first plane up in the air from Carridan airfield. But all over Varsola, similar situations were occurring. Planes were being refueled, ships stocked with supplies, soldiers making sure that they had forgotten nothing and putting the finishing touches on their training. The war machine of the God-Emperor, of Varsola, was getting set to ride again.
British Londinium
14-08-2007, 00:09
OOC: Great. Why do I always have random '04 nations who barely RP decide to go "hehehe fuck you BL invadzors"? First Mondoth, then Kraven, now this.
Official Reply to New Vantania
A small, uninhabited island in our Indonesian colony is the best offer I can make in terms of giving you a military base. I ask that troop numbers remain no higher than 10,000 unless the Londinian government is notified.
OOC: I'm not random, I'm just better known as another nation, with which I post often, note.
British Londinium
14-08-2007, 00:19
OOC: 99 posts from a country I've never heard of or interacted with ever.
OOC: Yes, that's just how things are. Oh, and post count really doesn't matter much. Post quality does.
14-08-2007, 00:24
OOC: Great. Why do I always have random '04 nations who barely RP decide to go "hehehe fuck you BL invadzors"? First Mondoth, then Kraven, now this.
Official Reply to New Vantania
A small, uninhabited island in our Indonesian colony is the best offer I can make in terms of giving you a military base. I ask that troop numbers remain no higher than 10,000 unless the Londinian government is notified.
OOC: Erm....You've never heard The Kraven Corporation? 0__o
Qadesh, while being a small recently started nation, has had some problems finding its place on the world stage. It sees British Lodinium as the perfect ally to begin the process of finding a niche. The small nation of Qadesh would like to offer its help...
Newly Elected President David Edward,
I, recently elected as the president of Qadesh, would extend any assistance that I can and is feasible for you in this, your time of need. We ask nothing of you, only that your country's shores remain free and without threat. These invaders know not who they are dealing with, and I, personally, want them repulsed. Yours is a nation worthy of mimicking.
Thank You,
Standing On-Notice as your Ally,
President David Edward
The Republic of Qadesh
14-08-2007, 00:37
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: The Peoples' Sovereign Repbulic of British Londinium
From: The Free Empire of New Vantania
That is sufficient, and, this time, we will not attack you. Thank you kindly.
Now, regarding the Kraven Corporation. Both of our nations have heard the horrendous things commited by the Capitol Police. Please allow us to stand beside you and defend your land from these monsters.
14-08-2007, 00:43
The Imperial Empire of Maldorians demands nothing less than it's own island. We will not set up a base with nations whom we know nothing of...
OOC: Do we find ourselves on opposite sides once more Mandalorians?
I hope not, for I would be honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with your valiant warriors.
14-08-2007, 00:49
OOC: Do we find ourselves on opposite sides once more Mandalorians?
I hope not, for I would be honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with your valiant warriors.
OOC: Kinda, I am in the anti-BL. We are coming to an agreement, though. I want my own island. :D
Damn, we truly have gotten off to a bad start, first the OoA now this...
I, David Edward, sovergn leader of the Republic of Qadesh would like to bury the hachet of aggression and explore ways to work towards a miltary allience. If that is not feasible at this time, know that the Republic of Qadesh seeks not hotilies with your nation, but will stand to defend its ally British Londinium if they are attacked.
Nevertheless, I express my solemn prayer that this conflict is resolved without bloodshed.
Know that relenquishing to you an island may not be a possibility.
The President of Qadesh,
David Edward
14-08-2007, 01:09
Damn, we truly have gotten off to a bad start, first the OoA now this...
I, David Edward, sovergn leader of the Republic of Qadesh would like to bury the hachet of aggression and explore ways to work towards a miltary allience. If that is not feasible at this time, know that the Republic of Qadesh seeks not hotilies with your nation, but will stand to defend its ally British Londinium if they are attacked.
Nevertheless, I express my solemn prayer that this conflict is resolved without bloodshed.
Know that relenquishing to you an island may not be a possibility.
The President of Qadesh,
David Edward
OOC: I think that was directed to me.
Sure, that would work, yet it is important for our forces to have an island of their own. Working with nations of which we have no idea of their idealogies *spelling*, and military groups isn't always the greatest thing. This island would let our forces do their job without the interference of other nations.
~The Mandalore.
-Supreme Ruler of Maldorians.
OOC: So you want an island off the coast of BL?
IC: Qadesh, as a nation is unsure whether this is a prudent idea for our allies, though we will allow them to finally decide. We affirm that we are standing with our allies BL. It is the belief of the Qadeshian Government that an island off their coast might make them capitulate through only the use of force.
The President of Republic of Qadesh,
David Edward
P.S. Would an embassy be an appropriate substitute? It would allow you to keep a watch over their government without having a threatening presence.
14-08-2007, 01:19
P.S. Would an embassy be an appropriate substitute? It would allow you to keep a watch over their government without having a threatening presence.
OOC: I can't have military forces in an embassy...;)
OOC: I can't have military forces in an embassy...;)
Why do you see it a necessity to have military forces on BL's sovereign territory?
British Londinium
14-08-2007, 01:27
OOC: So that if I piss him off (which I most likely will) he can invade. Learn to share, people, and deal with your base in Indonesia.
Vontanas: OOCly speaking, are you planning on pulling what Kraven is, or are you legitmately going to help?
Most Noble Ally,
Qadesh believes that giving an island in this case would not to toward ending hostilities, it would only go towards igniting new ones. Instead of getting the Mandalorians to back down it gives them the initiative to start a war, even when you seem weak and unprepared. Unless, you can hem them in, and make it so that you can patrol the waters off the isle with warships...that might be acceptable.
The President of Qadesh and you Most Studious Ally,
David Edward
14-08-2007, 01:32
Why do you see it a necessity to have military forces on BL's sovereign territory?
BL is crazy. We need forces nearby to stop BL from doing more crazy things. n00king a nation, invading small nations, blending....If you want to defend someone who does that, well then....
Lord Sumguy
14-08-2007, 01:33
OOC: So that if I piss him off (which I most likely will) he can invade. Learn to share, people, and deal with your base in Indonesia.
Vontanas: OOCly speaking, are you planning on pulling what Kraven is, or are you legitmately going to help?
OOC: he's gonna legitimately help if I have anything to do with it.
To: the Maldorians
From: The republic of Qadesh
Defend them, maybe not, we are far too small. The only forces we have of note is a 1,000 man lightly armed riot patrol. You could invade and overtake us in an instant. I, David Edward, do not like it when humiliating peace terms are imposed. I just want to see a peaceful end to the coflict and all parties satisfied. BL's own allance is ready to expel them, and the world at large turns against them. Qadesh stands as their ally in case you are wrong and BL somehow rallies. I understand the precarious position this puts my small nation. Nevertheless Qadesh wishes hostilites to cease as soon as possible.
David Edward, the Republic of Qadesh
14-08-2007, 01:45
To: the Mandalorians
From: The republic of Qadesh
Defend them, maybe not, we are far too small. The only forces we have of note is a 1,000 man lightly armed riot patrol. You could invade and overtake us in an instant. I, David Edward, do not like it when humiliating peace terms are imposed. I just want to see a peaceful end to the coflict and all parties satisfied. BL's own allance is ready to expel them, and the world at large turns against them. Qadesh stands as their ally in case you are wrong and BL somehow rallies. I understand the precarious position this puts my small nation. Nevertheless Qadesh wishes hostilites to cease as soon as possible.
David Edward, the Republic of Qadesh
Maybe BL should have thought of all the land they ruined or all the people he killed. Setting up these bases are the only smart way to observe the unusual acts of them. We are sending a fleet to escort the troops being sent to the island. Any attack on them will be taken as an act of war and will be dealt with as such.
~The Mandalore.
-Supreme Ruler of Maldorians.
14-08-2007, 01:46
OOC: Of course I'm going to legitimately help. This war started for humanitarian purposes, I tried to wage it as humanely as possible, and now Kraven is going to come and skrew that up. That and, Kraven is like a giant you. If he had all the abilities you had, that would be the suxorz. That and after all this hype I want a war, and Kraven would be a better fight.
The Free Empire will give the Mandalore an isle that is within striking distance of British Londinium. The isle the Conference was held on.
British Londinium
14-08-2007, 01:48
OOC: Okay, then. Let's discuss this OOCly to keep it simple. How do you propose to help?
To: Maldorians
From Qadesh
We will stand down. I thin it is time your nation and mind cease these senseless head butting incidents, it only causes undo stress for our two nations. I would like to offer you the olive branch of Alliance. You may formalize all of the terms and ask us to capitulate.
Awaiting your rely,
David Edward, President of the Republic of Qadesh
14-08-2007, 01:51
The Free Empire will give the Mandalore an isle that is within striking distance of British Londinium. The isle the Conference was held on.
Very well, that will have to do. As mentioned before, our forces are soon to arrive at the island...
OOC: Specs on the island, please?
14-08-2007, 02:11
OOC: It's small-ish, with a "mountain" in the north, were a carved out military center, conference room, and guest rooms are. Also, there is a small, recently abandonded farm in the rest of the island.
The small nation of Qadesh, in a fortuitous twist, withdrawals its support from BL, and hereby supports the Maldorians, our allies. May our partnership grow and prosper.
David Edward, President of Qadesh
Ministry of State
As previously announced, the Vetalian nation and government remain firm in our commitment to the British Londinians and their government, and we will support them in whatever course of action they pursue. Should this require us to take military action against this coalition, so be it. Our forces are ready to fight to preserve the sovereignty of our ally and we are taking all necessary steps to mobilize and equip our nation for the time ahead, no matter what direction it ultimately takes.
We will not hesitate to use whatever tools necessary to ensure the continued stability and sovereignty of the Londinian government.
Proconsul V. Kosyachenko
North Calaveras
14-08-2007, 03:16
RCA HEADQUARTERS TO ALL coalition nations:
We ask that after the defeat of the BL goverment(if it happens), that the remaining political figures of NC be put in cammand of the BL goverment, and that all nuclear weopons be reliquished. This will be followed by moving mass forces of SOL troops into BL, to ensure this dosnt happen again. We will also sign a treaty that will not allow BL to have ANY in-human weoponary(Nukes, chemical weopons, Neutron bombs) we do however, agree that they may have nuclear reactors as a power source.
14-08-2007, 03:18
Cripistan will join in this war, and assist BL in any ways necessary.
14-08-2007, 03:21
Wow, NC you dont sound so sure, about a victory, having second thoughts?
British Londinium
14-08-2007, 03:26
RCA HEADQUARTERS TO ALL coalition nations:
We ask that after the defeat of the BL goverment(if it happens), that the remaining political figures of NC be put in cammand of the BL goverment, and that all nuclear weopons be reliquished. This will be followed by moving mass forces of SOL troops into BL, to ensure this dosnt happen again. We will also sign a treaty that will not allow BL to have ANY in-human weoponary(Nukes, chemical weopons, Neutron bombs) we do however, agree that they may have nuclear reactors as a power source.
OOC: Three things -
1. The coalition already agreed to a ceasefire and peace agreement.
2. You don't get a say in anything. Half of your population currently resides in my penal colonies, and Vetalia and I own your country.
3. I don't have a "goverment", NC. You might, but all I have is a "government".
14-08-2007, 03:32
The small nation of Qadesh, in a fortuitous twist, withdrawals its support from BL, and hereby supports the Maldorians, our allies. May our partnership grow and prosper.
David Edward, President of Qadesh
We are glad that you made the right choice. Your desicion will be remembered in years to come...
We stand ready most noble Ally Maldorians
David Edward,
President of Qadesh
14-08-2007, 03:46
OOC: Great. Why do I always have random '04 nations who barely RP decide to go "hehehe fuck you BL invadzors"? First Mondoth, then Kraven, now this.
Kraven is one of the best RPers that i've seen on NS. If you've read some of his threads, you'd know that he's not only one damn good of an RPer, but also someone you shouldn't piss off both OOCly and ICly.
He always has alterior motives, it's just trying to figure out what they are that's hard as hell.
14-08-2007, 04:02
Well, heres a thought. To all these little countries that say what BL did was wrong, watch out. BL used an amount of nukes that has 120% of the power of the son. That was 1/4 of BL's amount of nukes in total. Just soething for all of you to ponder on.
14-08-2007, 04:03
Well, heres a thought. To all these little countries that say what BL did was wrong, watch out. BL used an amount of nukes that has 120% of the power of the son. That was 1/4 of BL's amount of nukes in total. Just something for all of you to ponder on.
14-08-2007, 04:25
OOC: Cripistan shut up. Your the tiniest person in this thread. Not to mention that you haven't even read the thread.
NC: The war is over, and even if it wasn't the likelyhood a largely capitalist coalition would do that is ridiculous.
BL: I would support you economically and militarily. I'm getting a wierd vibe that I'm going to have to paratroop guys into Kensington, like I did in the thread Skgorria and Atopiana invaded you in. Anyways, I'm looking forward to a good, hard war with Kraven.
14-08-2007, 04:44
Zackroth would like to request the nation of Cripistan shut up. If there was an outbreak of war your army would be the first to be crushed into tiny Oreo crumb sized pieces.
We respect grudgingly the pact Vontanas has made. Even though it seems all our efforts anmd debating have gone to waste.
Aimless von Strangaild, High Leader of Zackaroth
14-08-2007, 13:16
The Free Empire will give the Mandalore an isle that is within striking distance of British Londinium. The isle the Conference was held on.
ooc: I have no idea what you mean with "striking distance" but BL's mainland is in Mediterranica(I posted map in OOC thread but its also in my sig) and you do not have any islands in the region.
OOC: The "coalition" may have agreed to a ceasefire, but I haven't, note. Shazbotdom, Kraven is not "one of the best RPers...on NS". He is a good RP'er who plays his nation well. But many people are interested in "pissing him off ICly", like me. As I've said, bring it on. (though putting it like that may be a bit undiplomatic, sorry. I have no intention to get anyone angry OOCly)
14-08-2007, 19:46
Official Communique of the Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan
The Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan supports the formulation of a fair peace and only politely requests that the coalition not attempt to saddle British Londinium with a slave treaty or anything of that kind. Peace is always a desirable outcome, but a peace should be fair...
Though we, as a government, may personally oppose the nuclear, chemical, and biological disarming of British Londinium as we believe it would remove their capability to defend themselves from future imperialist escapades, if the People's Sovereign Republic agrees to such an option, we cannot argue with their decision.
However, we are glad that the illegal invasion of the People's Sovereign Republic was halted with the prevailing of cooler and more rational minds. We realize we are only stating the obvious, but rogue nations who attempt to disregard the peacemaking intentions of both the People's Sovereign Republic and the coalition formerly arrayed against it by attempting to take aggressive action will not come upon with much success.
14-08-2007, 19:53
OOC: The "coalition" may have agreed to a ceasefire, but I haven't, note. Shazbotdom, Kraven is not "one of the best RPers...on NS". He is a good RP'er who plays his nation well. But many people are interested in "pissing him off ICly", like me. As I've said, bring it on. (though putting it like that may be a bit undiplomatic, sorry. I have no intention to get anyone angry OOCly)
ooc: If you want to piss off Kraven then you probably should ally with BL as its quite certain that Kraven will invade BL. :p
Here I was writing my own invasion of BL when I just saw this. Damn it all.:rolleyes: