NationStates Jolt Archive

Hegemony Elections (Closed, ATTN Hegemony members)

Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 18:05
This is the thread in which the Hegemony will elect a new Hegemon, Vice Hegemon, and Polemarch. You cannot vote for yourself. The current Candidates are:

Lord Sumguy [4]
Vontanas [1]

Vice Hegemon:
Cazelia [2]
Greston [2]
Greal [0]

Vontanas [2]
Greston [1]
Greal [1]


Lord Sumguy votes for:

Hegemon: Vontanas
Vice-Hegemon: Greston
Polemarch: Vontanas
13-08-2007, 18:10
Cookesland wishes to know what a Polemarch is

Hegemon: Lord Sumguy
Vice-Hegemon: Abstain
Polemarch: Vontanas
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 18:16
Ooc: Tba?

the Polemarch is the head of the Hegemony military operations.
13-08-2007, 18:17
OOC: Why can you not vote for yourself?


The Free Empire of New Vantania would like to inform Cookesland that the Polemarch is in charge of all military operations.

Hegemon: Lord Sumguy
Vice-Hegemon: Greston
Polemarch: Greston

Also, if elected Hegemon, I will cut out on some of the democracy in the Hegemony. While we all debate and vote on whether to go to war, our allies die and eventually the chance is lost. For an example, see North Calaveras.
13-08-2007, 18:23
Ooc: Tba?

the Polemarch is the head of the Hegemony military operations.

[OoC: To Be Announced
13-08-2007, 21:25
Zoingo votes for

Hegemon: Lord Sumguy
Vice-Hegemon: Cazelia
Polemarch: Greal
13-08-2007, 21:32
The Free Empire is changing it's vote for Hegemon from Lord Sumguy to Akimonad.
13-08-2007, 21:37
The Free Empire is changing it's vote for Hegemon from Lord Sumguy to Akimonad.

All you have to do is edit your post..........
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 21:43
The Free Empire is changing it's vote for Hegemon from Lord Sumguy to Akimonad.

OOC: aw man...why?
13-08-2007, 21:48
OOC: Zoingo, if I did that LS probably wouldn't notice. Lord Sumguy, sorry man, I have to do what I can. Although you are my second choice for Hegemon, after myself of course. I'll tell you what, if I start seriously lagging behind I'll change my vote back.
13-08-2007, 21:49
point taken
13-08-2007, 22:25
Hegemon: Lord Sumguy

Vice Hegemon: Cazelia

Polemarch: Vontanas
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 22:26
oh crud, i just remembered that Akimonad is no longer a member, so will everyone who voted for him re-vote? (Vontanas, Cookesland)
13-08-2007, 22:41
The Free Empire of New Vantania abstains voting for Hegemon and Polemarch.
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 22:46
OOC: well fine, lets see how you like it when i abstain! :p
13-08-2007, 22:48
Fine! We will vote for Lord Sumguy and Greal for Hegemon and Polemarch respectivly.
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 22:49
OOC: hehehe...
13-08-2007, 22:54
Actually, lets make that Greston for Vice-Hegemon.
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 22:55
you already did...
14-08-2007, 04:10
Here's the updated votes from Cookesland:

Hegemon: Lord Sumguy
Vice-Hegemon: Abstain
Polemarch: Vontanas
Lord Sumguy
14-08-2007, 12:31
OOC: the votes have been updated.
Lord Sumguy
14-08-2007, 19:58
OOC: bump for those who have not yet voted. voting ends tommorow.
14-08-2007, 20:09
I'm abstaining my vote for polemarch.
Lord Sumguy
14-08-2007, 21:06
due to the current crisis in British Londinium, the elections have ended a day early. The new Hegemony officials are as follows:

Hegemon: Lord Sumguy
Vice-Hegemon: undecided (tie, nations that abstained may still vote)
Polemarch: Vontanas
14-08-2007, 22:17
As Polemarch, I am passing legislation to standardize the munitions, missle types, bayonet types, etc. of the Hegemonic military.