NationStates Jolt Archive

Border attack in the Scicilian states

13-08-2007, 13:21
SCS NEWS Broadcast

We are here live as the first Imjin guard airforce land the 1st legion commando bregade just on the border of the country the holy empire of snowy magnus. We can here machine gun rounds flying over our heads here from this postion behind the local school in the border town of Rhamel, the situation here as esclated over the last couple of hours ,the reports are scatterd but we have reason to believe that a faction of a group called the slf (sciclain liberation front) which are being paid by the goverment of snowy magnus , are behind the rescent terroist attack on the embesey in the rome allied state country. So in affect the sciclian councial gave the go ahead for milatary action against the rebels.

(studio) whats happening now john

well the first air wing the the jihaut nation launched an air rade just seconds ago the noise is defining. Jesues crrist that was close (what happend john) Things have just got worst, the local police station has been taken over by the rebels, intense rpg rounds and ak 47 fire coming from the roof at our location, we are moving now with the 2 aromured brigade now the lepaerd 2 tanks are now firing rounds in to the building..........................(lose of signal)

(studio) we appear to be haveing technical difficulties.

sorry the tank next to me got hit and exploded it getting extremly hectic down here the sisutaion is spirlling out of countrol hopefully the milatary can get this under control, this is john evans reporting for Sciclian news.

(studio) We now go live to the commander in charge of the operation who is giving a statement

Minas Aslaniian cnc northan brigades The situation is being handeld by the combined forces of our milatary and we hope to ahev the situation under control soon , and we give this advise to people in the combat zone please stay in your homes dont go out these peopel are armed and dangerous.

(studio) The loses at the moment are 2 lepoerd 2 tanks and the following soilders have been killed in action.

Billy dayle
Tom ororke
Dimitri aslanian
Ricahrd maclary (syber terroisim expert computer hacked but still alive)
James galbrath

Stay tuned for more information this was SCS news thank you for listning.
13-08-2007, 13:32
The Sciclaian councail is now in discution about the consiquences of the rebel attack on goverment buildings int he republic of injin ad other member states of this great region, we are here to discuss the consiquences of the goverment of the holy empire of snowy magnus for funding the rebels and the attack on goverment instilations, across the region.( all memebers edit this post to aid your nations belif what should happen)

President technoelite of the Republic of Imjin: the holy empire of snowy magnus should be held responcable for the situation and should be asked to pay reperations for the damage called to our nations and if this is not followed he should be removed form the region becasue of this injustice unless their govermant can prove that they had no conection with the rebels.
13-08-2007, 13:36
The situation has intesifyed as the mayor of Rhamel has been taken hostage by the rebals we dont know what the milatary responce will be byt eh scicialian high command but we have reasont to beilve that the glitch 100 speacial forces have been moblised to rescue the mayor, we all pray that it will be a sucsess but, shit wahtt he hell..........incoming oh my good i cant belive it a blackhawk of the Royal jihaut air force just got hit by an rpg and crashed into a bus full of refugees oh my good its hell intself down here.

Death count 1000 civilians killed or injuerd
Allied troops 5 killed 10 injuerd
Rebel death count EST 50
13-08-2007, 13:39
who and why are these people fighting?
13-08-2007, 13:57
We belive that the collective govermetns are to blame for extreme poverty and religous persicutions and we belive that we can destroy the infidels to make are casue heard across the world, and when those pig heads in the goverments see our resolve they shall bow down to us long live the liberation.
13-08-2007, 14:01
Alright, so why do you believe Liberation is the way forward. I mean i'm all for freedom, but too much is Bad, do you agree?
13-08-2007, 14:04
Offical Email from the Kansiovian Government

We would like to know if any of your Major cities are in threat, if they are, we would want to warn our Kansoivan Holiday-makers or bussinessmen to leave your Nation as soon as possiable.

President Attontov
13-08-2007, 14:15
This is the second day into the fighting and the situation is still bad as the fighting between the Sciclian liberation front and the Sciclian goverments armed forces have increased, we have heard reports that the rome italian allies air forces F117 bombers have hit a possible rebel stronghold inside tthe country of snowy magnus which could become a decleration of war the region holds its breath as the voilence could esclate becasue of this action.

The death count continues to mount but the rebel resolve does not seem to be breaking....Two a10 ground attack planes have just straffed a possible rebal position and wait a second napalm has jsut been dropped in can just conferm this . It is getting out of control here once more..... what a second it can be the rebal have a tank a russian made t-90 tank how the hell could they get hold of that jeseus christ, the tank has jsut taken out two challanger two tanks and is now moving up the main road, soilders are running past my postion now wait there bringing forward a javlian missile system.. he is hit and oh my goodness it hit the fuel tank the tank ahs ingullfed into flames. It still much of a hot zone here it reminds me of the time i spent in the Imjin civil war , this is john evans signing off.
13-08-2007, 14:24
The Kansiovian Government has no reasont to ask its people to leave the nations but i would advise people that are there to propier for an evacuation jsut in case the crisis escleates , but we do say one thing the collective gobvermet condems teh rebals and there cause and Kansiovian Government
has no fear the goverment is doing all it can to protect its intrests and people in our nation.

For other nation people help guide

1. If your goverment has any douts telegram or post if the think there intrests are in danger.

2. We advise the goverment of nations who has people planning to travel or in the country to please stay away fromt he affected area.

3. If any nations want to evacutate there citizens u have permission to use navel forces to moniter the evacuation , becasue all airports are closed down. But please contact the nation u are using by telegaram for permission .

Thank u for your coperation
13-08-2007, 14:26
OCC: Sorry to point out, I dont really get what you mean for point number 3. And its very unlikely a T-90 can take out 2 challenger tanks.
13-08-2007, 14:29
Regarding number your post about number 3 please evacuate people by ship if u need to airports are closed down but consult the govermetn concerned first. It is possible becasuse the tank was hit from behind and the other got emoblised
13-08-2007, 14:33
Breaking news just a car bomb has just exploded out side the republic of imjins parliement buildiing reports are scetcy but the early estimate is that civlain casulties are lol.. hang on one sec we have reason to belive that the holy empire of snowy magnus has moblised it milatary forces and is moving towards the border with the republic if imjin just south of the city of rhamel where the fighting is taking place. We shall keep u updated.

(afternoon broadcast)This just in we have reason to belive that a milatary cue has just happend in the holy empire of snowy magnus and the primeminster of the nation has escaped to his neighbouring nation the kingdom of jihaut, and the new milatary regiem has been backing the rebels which have been attacking rhamel. Stay tuned for new information.

We go live to the Sciclian defence councail where the exiled PM of the holy empire of snowy magnus makes an address to the region. I appeal to the councail to help me recalm my nation from the militant regeme which has been put in place i propose milatary action against my nation to oust the current goverment. Ah breaking news just in the empire of snowy magnus under the new regine have jsut crashed into the republic of imjins western border andd moving towards the port of rhodes.
13-08-2007, 15:13
today at 12.00am the republic of imjin declared war against the millitant regeme now in place in the holy empire of snowy magnus to remove the tyrant and to reinstall the exeiled PM.

Advise to nations

the crisis has esclated please put any evacuation proceduers in place and start to evacuate your personal and citzens who have a vaild passport from the republic of imjins capital city of Imjin city please.

PM Technoeltie
13-08-2007, 15:51
ooc: Spellcheck might just be a good idea...