NationStates Jolt Archive

Random cruise liner massacre! OMG!

Enraged Goblins
13-08-2007, 05:33
The Bay of the Flarg, Bloody Islands
Smoke rose from the cruise ships decks. Yes, all of them.
The few remaining passengers who had not already been horribly killed were far too busy panicking to enjoy the natural beauty of the Bloody Islands, being one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, containing on six islands enough biodiversity to fill several religious type arks to capacity. Perhaps most interesting of the various residents of the island were the Bloody Island Goblins, a sub-species of the regular Goblinicus Genericus found on the mainland, the Bloody Island subtype, amoung other things, could swim quite well, and often applied their techincal skills to ships of all sorts, often with the same fervor that their mainland cousins applied to armoured vehicles.
In this case they were applying the Goblin tradition of killing everything in the general area to a group of human tourists who had apparently run afoul of the weather somewhere and had the misfourtune to wind up in the little slice of Hell's version of Eden known as the Bloody Islands.
Happily, many of them hadnt suffered long. The ones stapled to the ships bow might've taken a while to die of course, but it was their own fault for not fighting back. Goblins took a dim view of begging for your life and not resisting at all, if you dont make it fun, they will. Especially Bloody Island Goblins.
The cruise ship itself wasnt in much better condition than its passengers, the opening volley unleashed by the frigate the Goblins had modified had torn an impressive gash in the liners superstructure, exposing three decks and ruining a number of staterooms. The frigate in question was not a new ship, in fact, it was rather rusty and featured no missile armament at all, but appeared to have been fitted with an increadible number of artillery pieces of all sizes, several of which appeared to be older than the ship itself. However old they were, age had not apparently negated their functionality and many of them were far better maintained than the ship itself.
A steady stream of Goblins bearing suitcases, electronic items and shiny objects was passing between the ships. The frigate appeared to have rammed the larger vessel, its highly modified prow ripping a hole in the cruise liner far above the waterline in order to allow access by the Goblin boarding parties, most of which seemed to be armed with various bladed weapons and the occasional pistol. Few, if any, carried anything like an automatic weapon, apparently not wishing to waste ammunition on unarmed civilians which it was so much more fun to hunt them down and hack them into bits.
Why, you ask, why would these Goblins go out of their way to hunt down and attack an unarmed vessel in such a manner? Especially when your average Bloody Island Goblin's idea of 'money' has more in common with oysters than bits of paper.
Well, its quite simple really.
Bloody Islands Goblins are real bastards, and rather sadistic ones at that. The Two Skulls Clan are well known for being highly aggressive, but they usually only pick targets that are fun, namely their neighbors. Bloody Islands Goblins, on the other hand, are downright savage, they just like killing stuff, really. Looting is a pleasant bonus, of course. It gives them more stuff to barter with for bigger guns, with which they can kill more stuff.
Arent you glad YOU werent on that ship? I know I am.