NationStates Jolt Archive

Adon Olam Begins Embassy Exchanges

Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 04:51
--Official Transmission--

His Royal Majesty, Adara Ben Moishe, Melech of Adon Olam has decreed that Adon Olam shall allow nations to build embassies in the capital city of Beth Yisrael.


I) Each nation shall be allowed no more than fifty armed guards on embassy grounds, only ten of which are able to actually exit the grounds of the embassy.

II) Each nation shall be allowed no more than two armored vehicles for transport purposes; no more than three vehicles with diplomatic immunity; and no more than ten vehicles total. Absolutely no warfare systems are allowed. Non-military helicopters shall be allowed, they must be used for transport only, and may be equipped with only one (1) machine gun.

III) No nation shall be allowed to bring weapons larger than a handgun or assault rifle with a 9mm chamber onto embassy grounds.

IV) No nation shall be allowed to display any sign of religious affiliation outside of the grounds of the embassy.

V) Ambassadors shall be granted diplomatic immunity, except in cases of heinous crimes, where the ambassador in question shall be tried and if convicted, prosecuted in Adon Olam.

Thank you for your cooperation. A list of vacancies has been provided for your comfort.

Post Script:

Please also include the following information: the name of your current head of state, your nation's full name, the name of the diplomat you intend to send, if you would like to enter into negotiations with Adon Olam (if so, why), and any other notes of interest. Please include it in the following form:

Head of State:
Other Notes:

Yaakov Gal,
Minister of Foreign Relations
Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 04:52
Color Codes:

Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 04:55
International Boulevard

01 International Blvd - Protectorate of Lyras
02 International Blvd - People's Republic of Alfegos
03 International Blvd - Allied States of Vanek Drury Brieres
04 International Blvd - Democratic Republic of Illor
05 International Blvd - Kiravian Empire
06 International Blvd - Darkstalker Empire
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Enraged Goblins
13-08-2007, 05:03
The Yellow Alliance, that is, the Fire, Five Five, Two Star, Brightstar, More Shooty and Wind clans, would be most happy to establish an embassy with your nation, and indeed, would be quite keen to discuss the matter of horribly crushing our opponents of the Grey, Green, White, Orange and Red alliances.
But that can wait, as first off we'd have to build a proper Goblin Ball stadium.
Is there a handy source of high explosives located within the area of your embassy complex? Non-explosive Goblin Ball just isnt the same.
Oh yes, and we agree to all those terms and things. Do you mind if we build our embassy underground? Its far more comfortable for us that way if you dont care.
Kork Wind, Yellow Alliance Minister of Allies and Diplomatic Stuff
Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 05:15
--Official Transmission--

To the Enraged Goblins, your application for an embassy in Adon Olam has been denied. Reason: Non-peaceful actions.


Yaakov Gal,
Minister of Foreign Relations
Enraged Goblins
13-08-2007, 05:38
What? 'Enraged Goblins'? I was being quite civil, i'll have you know. Its those TwoSkulls bastards that are enraged. Why, just the other day you know, they raided one of our supply dumps. Totaly uncalled for, that was.
But if you dont care for relations with OUR alliance thats fine, go ahead and align yourself with some damned low-class buggers like the Greens. Tch, even the Greens dont like the Greens, I'm sure you'd fit right in with them ya genderless son of an anonymous father born of the involuntary union of a monkey and a pig. My curvy sword at your throat, son of a dog of the female persuasion!
Kork Wind, Yellow Alliance Minister of Allies and Diplomatic Stuff
13-08-2007, 07:45
Nation: Protectorate of Lyras
Head of State: Warmarshall Leon Krell
Diplomat: Lieutenant-General Vlad de Marco
Negotiations: Arms trading and military hardware.
Other Notes:

While in no means a condition of our embassy's establishment, it is part of Lyran law that its people carry arms when outside their place of residence. Further, the law specifically states that the minimum permissable firearm carried is a standard issue assault rifle. We would be much obliged if the prohibition on weapons with larger than 9mm chambers be waived. If this is not possible, we will make allowances, but that is our preference.

Along a similar vein, we would like, as one of our armoured vehicles, to bring in an LY220 Shepherd anti-aircraft system, mounted on an LY219 Ironheart chassis. Once more, acceptance of this is not a precondition to our arrival, but would be preferred.

The commander of the security detachment is Colonel Edward Rochester, who also acts as Military Attache. There are, by intent, 49 other security personnel, drawn from the ranks of Lyras' infantry forces, and trained for their role (as are all Lyrans, but that's besides the point) from birth.

A pair of black BMWs serves as the official transport, and a black HMMMWV fills the last diplomatically sanctioned slot. An LY219 APC variant serves as armoured transport. Three further cars fill the role of support vehicles, and provide embassy personnel transport for miscellaneous purposes within the Beth Yisrael area.

As a final query, are foreign embassies permitted the use of helicopters?
Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 07:58
--Official Transmission--

To: Protectorate of Lyras

Although His Majesty does indeed thank the Lyran government for the support they have shown the Olamite people, it is necessary for the peace of mind of our people for the ban on military war machines of foreign nations to remain. However, we shall indeed make an exception for the assault rifles. And to answer your last query, non-military helicopters are permitted. Meaning they must be for transport only, and if armed may only carry a single machine gun. If this is suitable to the Lyran Government, you may move immediately into the embassy at 01 International Boulevard.


Yaakov Gal,
Minister of Foreign Relations
13-08-2007, 08:34
Reserved for later post...
13-08-2007, 09:03
Alfegos Foreign Ministry
Department of Relations
Embassy Office

We are willing to set up an embassy in your country:

Nation: The People's Republic of Alfegos
Head of State: President A. Darel
Diplomat: Robert Vraskson
Negotiations: ?
Other Notes: 22 Embassy Staff, 15 Armed Guards. Helipad requested.
Vanek Drury Brieres
13-08-2007, 14:28
Nation: The Allied States of Vanek Drury Brieres
Head of States: Princes Thomas Vanek, Chris Drury, Daniel Briere, and Ryan Getzlaf
Diplomat: Ambassador to Adon Olam Jean-Sebastien (J-S) Giguere
Negotiations: ???
Other Notes: Permission to have a race track (with permission to race on it, my ambassador always brings two Bugatti Veyrons), and permission to have a runway and hangar for fixed-wing aircraft, as well as a helipad.

Return the favor, please. (
13-08-2007, 14:49
Illor Department of International Affairs

Nation: The Democratic Republic of Illor
Head of State: Lead Chair Charles Haigh
Diplomat: Lauren Indanta
Negotiations: We find all of your stipulations to be fully acceptable.
Other Notes: Illor would like to dedicate a large portion of it's embassy to educational facilities, in the form of instructional classrooms and libraries, in an attempt to familiarize our people with your nation's customs and laws while within your nation. And to this end, we would request that teachers or similar professionals from your country be placed within the staff of the embassy, which will consist of aides, instructional professionals, and clerical workers in addition to our Ambassadorial staff. The military presence would be minimal, no more than ten to fifteen lightly armed soldiers within the embassy's grounds. As a side note, Illor would like to question your stipulation of religious displays. While this is not an issue, as Illor has no official religion, we are curious as to the purpose of this restriction. I thank your for your time and your consideration.
The Office of Lead Chair Charles Haigh.
Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 20:57
--Official Transmission--

To: The People's Republic of Alfegos

We thank you for your interest in establishing an embassy in Adon Olam. Your embassy shall be located at 02 International Blvd.


Yaakov Gal,
Minister of Foreign Relations
Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 21:11
--Official Transmission--

To: Allied States of Vanek Drury Brieres

Permission to build a race track and to race on it, is granted, as long as the race track is built at least five miles outside of the city limits of Beth Yisrael. The runway for fixed-wing aircraft may be built next to the race track, facing away from Beth Yisrael. We do not wish for these to disturb the peace of our great city. Each embassy roof acts as a helipad as well. Your embassy shall be located at 04 International Boulevard.


Yaakov Gal,
Minister of Foreign Relations
13-08-2007, 21:12
Nation: Kiravian Empire
Head of State: Emperor Kexarin Raincedar
Diplomat: Diplomatic Officer Indiv Tempersea
Negotiations: Trade
Other Notes: We produce Information Technology, Chemicals, Scientific Equipment, Military Equipment, Electrical Machinery, Industrial Equipment, Spices, Transition Metals, Minerals, and Prefabricated Organisms, all of which we would gladly trade with you.
Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 21:15
--Official Transmission--

To: Democratic Republic of Illor

His Majesty has agreed to allow fifty of our finest scholars to work with your embassy part time, up to fifteen hours per week, to instruct and inform your people on our customs and nation. Also, the reason for the ban on religious displays is that our people consider it a sin to worship any other deity than Adonai. Because we believe that our peoples' rights come before the rights of other nations, we do not wish our people to be offended. Many have never been outside of Adon Olam, much less been exposed to other religions. Your embassy shall be located at 04 International Boulevard.


Yaakov Gal,
Minister of Foreign Relations
Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 21:23
--Official Transmission--

To: Kiravian Empire

We thank you for your willingness to operate an embassy in Adon Olam. Your embassy shall be located at 05 International Boulevard.


Yaakov Gal,
Minister of Foreign Relations
13-08-2007, 21:31
Thank you for accepting our Embassy.
Adon Olam
13-08-2007, 21:47
OOC: Haha I just saw your embassy page Kirav, I realized that we both have 50 embassy spots on roads almost named exactly the same. Completely unintentional on my part.
13-08-2007, 21:56
Lol. That is quite a coincidence!
Adon Olam
14-08-2007, 05:12
The Darkstalkers
14-08-2007, 05:31
Imperial Dark Realms Ministry of Foreing Affairs.

The Darkstalker Empire wishes to establish diplomatic relations with your nation as Regional Representative.

Nation: The Darkstalker Empire
Head of State: Kaiser Heydrich
Diplomat: Ambassador to Adon Olam: Alice Keesling
Negotiations: Trade and Technology
Other Notes: Roman Villa Style facilities with a helipad.

Imperial Foreign Affairs Minister
Violette Engel
Adon Olam
14-08-2007, 22:11
--Official Transmission--

To: Darkstalker Empire

We apologize for the inconvenience, but all embassies have been pre-built, and they are all identical, as to give a sense of uniformity and unity in the area. If this is still suitable to you, you may have the embassy at 06 International Boulevard.


Yaakov Gal,
Minister of Foreign Relations
The Darkstalkers
14-08-2007, 22:17
Imperial Dark Realms Ministry of Foreing Affairs.

The Darkstalker Empire gladly accepts your conditions and looks forward for a long time of excellent diplomatic and friendship relationships.

Imperial Foreign Affairs Minister
Violette Engel
Adon Olam
15-08-2007, 03:43
14-09-2007, 02:29
To: Yaakov Gal, Minister of Foreign Relations, Adon Olam
From: Ernest Klein, Secretary of External Affairs, Armed Republic of West Cedarbrook

On behalf of the people of West Cedarbrook and President Steinberg, we look forward to opening an embassy in Adon Olam and invite you to similarly open one in our capitol of Wrycova. It is the policy of the government to expand and deepen ties with other fraternal Jewish nations. Here is the information you specified.

Nation: Armed Republic of West Cedarbrook
Head of State: Louis B. Steinberg
Diplomat: Amb. David Stein
Negotiations: Trade and tarrif. Communications, Copywrite, Bankiing, Flight and Maritime agreements. Scientific and technological development.
Other Notes: Greetings for a happy, peaceful and prosperous 5768 from President Steinberg, and the West Cedarbrook Senate.
14-09-2007, 07:14
Nation: The People's Republic of Alfegos
Head of State: President A. Darel
Diplomat: Yil'soi Jenkins
Negotiations: Resource trade
Other Notes: Helipad, 25 embassy staff, 15 guards, 2 Armoured lAndrovers, 3 diplomatic cars, 1 UH-60 Blackhawk

We also invite you to build an embassy in our nation (see the link in my signature)
14-09-2007, 08:43
Let me guess, Israeli? yay, me too!
14-09-2007, 08:55
The People of Mephras greet you. We would like to establish an embassy in your nation.

Nation: The Experimental Communes of Mephras
Head of State: Steffan Monde
Diplomat: Reginald Star
Negotiations: Trade, Diplomatic Agreements
Other notes: We hope our relationship is one of peace and friendship. We also invite you to establish in embassy in our nation (see link in my sig)