Emergency Hegemony Council Meeting: (Closed, ATTN Hegemony nations, BL)
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 02:16
Lord Sumguy walked into the council room, as he had done so only a few months before. The council was to hold an emergency meeting at the request of Greal and Ziongo. The temporary Hegemon rubbed his eyes, he had not slept more than 3 hours in the past several days.
President Massaquine rose to talk, "We of Zoingo and Greal are getting concerned for the complicated matter that has happened over the past couple of hours with North Calveres. They have suceeded in getting a new member in the SOL, our alliance (region alliance). Only at the price of our entire alliance possibly getting put under the flags of BL, Vetalia, and others. I condem NC's recent actions and please ask for the Hegemony to dismiss NC before the Hegemony's members suffer a similar fate."
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 02:29
"What has North Calaveras done to deserve expulsion?"
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 02:29
Arcadia Terrazas, Londinian liaison to the Hegemony, sauntered slowly into the meeting room, taking a seat close to the head of the table. She carried a thin, light titanium briefcase, and set it gently on the table. As it opened, it not only revealed various folders and official white papers, but a recording device and satellite uplink to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kensington.
She was not entirely sure why she had been called to the emergency meeting, but she listened with apprehension.
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 02:31
a delegate was immediatly chopperd in, Natillia sat down.
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 02:33
"Ms. Terrazas, please disable the recording equipment in your briefcase, the matters we will discuss should not be recorded." Lord Sumguy said. He waved his hand and Royal Guardsman walked over to the woman to take the equipment from her.
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 02:35
Natallia: Comrades, we are faced with almost overwhelming odds, i need ideas.
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 02:37
"Ms. Terrazas, please disable the recording equipment in your briefcase, the matters we will discuss should not be recorded." Lord Sumguy said. He waved his hand and Royal Guardsman walked over to the woman to take the equipment from her.
"Excuse me," Arcardia said curtly. "But there is nothing that I cannot hear that the government of my country cannot hear. The uplink to Kensington remains, Lord Sumguy, unless, of course, you wish for certain problems to arise..." She glared menacingly at the Royal Guardsmen.
"What has North Calaveras done to deserve expulsion?"
"Its not what North Calaveres has done, its the after affect of what is going to happen. According to the pact the members have signed, we must help any nation that is invaded that is part of the Hegemony. That is considered an act of war to BL, Vetalia, TPF, Zacaroth, Ravea, the list goes on and on. I know im not the one to go saying this, but its suicidal to help NC at this point. Im just concerned for the other members of the Hegemony, but Geal and Zoingo (me) are in the most bind, not only are we in NC's alliance, but if we go to war with them in the Hegemony, that will put us as double targets. If we dont dismiss him, than we should have an exception to the part with helping others that are attacked."
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 02:41
"Then I am afraid i may have to ask you to leave at a certain point in the meeting. Furthermore, i doubt what more 'problems' could arise, as your nation is already invading one of our members." Why did I ever trust them? Lord Sumguy thought, rubbing his forehead in fatigue and exasperation.
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 02:41
Natallia: So you woud like to abandon us, after we joined this alliance? I'm a little shocked.
United kingdom2
12-08-2007, 02:41
Prime Minister Howard stared at Ms.Terrazas in disgust. He could see that a threat had been made and he was almost at his top to blast open and shout out. But keeping him to himselve he calmed down and cursed her under his breath and waited for the many more members to arrive.
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 02:45
"It will be deactivated at my leisure," Arcadia shot back. "And it is illogical of you to 'ask me to leave' simply because of recording equipment. Do you not think that everything I hear in this meeting, regardless of whether or not I have my attaché case, will be repeated to my government? Now, I highly recommend that you drop the issue and worry about more pressing affairs."
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 02:55
"But not until after the meeting, Ms. Terrazas, that is my goal. I do not think you realize how little of a position you have to make demands, as British Londinium and the Hegemony are all but officialy at war. President Massaquine, we did not create this alliance to abandon one another every time a crisis occurs. Now will you please give me a legitimate reason why North Calaveras should be expelled?"
Natallia: So you woud like to abandon us, after we joined this alliance? I'm a little shocked.
"We have considered your acts foolish, not greedy as most of the people that are attacking you consider you. All you did was get yourself deeper and deeper into a big mess that could have been solved. I bring before the council, evidence M23-kz, and Ns-101, if Lord Sumgy would please read.....
M23-kz http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=535353
In this evidence, NC accidently made everyone in the thread think that he had a client state, threats of war appeard, but everything calms down.
Ns-101 http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=535364
In this thread, Nc is overconfident in the fact that he thinks that TPF would just let NC have his half of the country back.
These and other factors from other countries including the anti-communist countries that thought he was spreading communism lead to the invasion thread: Caramel Teacup
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 02:57
"And where in our charter does it say that a nation may be expelled for overconfidence or misunderstandings?"
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 03:00
Natilla stared at the Zoingo ambassador: Perhaps we shouldnt have trusted you in the Sons of Lenin, knowing you would betray us in our greatest time of need.
12-08-2007, 03:00
President Foxswift walked into the meeting room of the Hegemony quickly and sat down.
"Can someone fill me in on what has happened concerning North Calaveras and British Londinium? I must apologize for my lack of knowledge, but this meeting has not been called at a rather bad time for me."
Natilla stared at the Zoingo ambassador: Perhaps we shouldnt have trusted you in the Sons of Lenin, knowing you would betray us in our greatest time of need.
"O we would love to help you go up agains nations that are 3x your size! This was not the battle to pick as my rep. from our last meeting told your rep, your supposed to choose the battle carefuly, your supposed to do the same with deplomacy."
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 03:08
Natallia: Exactly what has NC done to deserve this, a nation wanted in SOL, we let him, and now there is war from getting a new member?
"And where in our charter does it say that a nation may be expelled for overconfidence or misunderstandings?"
We aren't necessarily saying that NC should be expelled, were just saying that the Hegemony shouldn't go to war against an overwhelming force that has been brought upon to NC. The most we should give is aid and supplies, not men, then we would avoid going to war against this force, its apauling."
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 03:22
"Well, ladies and gentlemen," Arcadia said smugly. "I'm afraid that the issue is now moot, considering that North Calaveras, within the next half-hour, will be hit with tens of thousands of nuclear warheads."
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 03:23
Natillia got up and left the room.
Natallia: Exactly what has NC done to deserve this, a nation wanted in SOL, we let him, and now there is war from getting a new member?
"Actually, I have no idea, maybe BL was wating for an excuse to go to war with you. And apperently he found one, and now he has support, he must have been planning this for a long time."
He gave a distint glare over at Arcadia.
"Has British Londinium been wating for an oppertunity like this, Mrs. Arcadia?"
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 03:27
Lord Sumguy's face went blank as he stared at the woman. "Get out." He said quietly. "I strongly suggest you take the next flight back to your nation, as it may be the last to ever travel there from the Empire. Why i ever tried to befriend a nation of such bloodthirsty barbarians i will never know."
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 03:27
"Ms Terrazas to you," Arcadia replied. "No, we have not been searching for an excuse to go to war."
She picked up her briefcase and left the room.
12-08-2007, 03:29
[OoC: Can someone please tell me what going on?]
United kingdom2
12-08-2007, 03:33
Prime Minister Howard yelled at her,"You bloodthirsty pig!". John calmed himselve and saw she was already leaving the room. This war would kill millions but John said nothing more after that knowing all nations would turn a deak ear to what he had to say.
"Well Lord Sumguy, Im sorry for falsely accusing Nc. Based on that womens reaction, BL has been planning this for a long time."
An annalysis from a secretary came into the room, gave the President a newspaper, and left.
30 seconds later, he fainted.
On the newspaper It read:
NC shot with 27000 ICBM's SOL members next?????
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 03:39
"What is the will of the council?" Lord Sumguy asked, "What will our next course of action be?"
I don't know, my president has just fainted........
United kingdom2
12-08-2007, 03:45
Prime Minister Howard's aide came up to him and gave him a letter from the defence department. After he finnshed it he took off his glasses and let him self go on the table. He screamed and slamed the table with his fists with anger and hatred. Tears streamed down his face as he tried to answer the question that was given to the members. He piped up and answered,"We save as many lives as we can first". After that Howard sobbed as he couldn't believe a nation would use nuclear war heads and kill millions.
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 03:51
"My nation will be sending aid workers immediately, let none of us ever forget this."
United kingdom2
12-08-2007, 03:53
Howard pulled himselve together and calmed down. There was nothing he could but see the site of war. He had to enter that country and see what was happening and the people who were dying. He sobbed a bit but stoped as he listened to the other members."The United Kingdom will also send aid workers".
12-08-2007, 04:15
OOC: This war is to freaking fast. By the time we agree, it'll be over.
Two gentlemen wearily arose from their one hour of slumber, walking out of the election room. They were Fredrick Crockett and Tucker Redmark. Pausing to clear his throat, a mute stepped out of the shadows and signed them a summary of what happened. Gloomily dismayed, Fredrick responded to Lord Sumguy's query,
"Technically, this is not an attack against North Calaveras, but a liberation attempt of a nation. Despite their intentions, NC marched their army to a nation's capitol, afterwhich the government changed. As such, as well as the fact that BL just turned NC and surrounding areas into a nuclear hellscape, I suggest we don't get involved militarily. What's more, we are sending aid workers immediantly. Also, Lord Sumguy, I suggest you make me temporary Polemarch until the elections pass."
The president woke up from fainting, and replied," Yes, we will send as much aid as possible, I didn't expect BL to wipe NC off the map. I feel so guilty, for 2 reasons, 1. I make false accusations, and 2. My nation almost falls under the category of pasafists. Only when were faced with overwhelming odds."
"But onto the main reason we called this meeting, the Prussain Empire has split in two. Forces either support TPF, or Wandjar. Also we recieved reports from a third party that wants to remain ananamous, that BL didn't react to NC opening his silos. In fact, these reports state that NC had only opened his silos in reaction to BL preparing to launch his nukes. So BL struck first, and glassed NC with nukes. So no matter how innocent BL tries to be, his actions were a crime against humanity. I mean, using 27000 nukes? My god! His leaders even knew about the over kill."
12-08-2007, 16:27
"Thank you Mr. President for answering my question.", said President Foxwift to his Zoingo Counter-part.
"So are we just going to sit here and do nothing while one of our members is destroyed? It says in our charter that we will treat an attack on one of our members as an attack on the whole!"
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 17:41
OOC: This war is to freaking fast. By the time we agree, it'll be over.
Two gentlemen wearily arose from their one hour of slumber, walking out of the election room. They were Fredrick Crockett and Tucker Redmark. Pausing to clear his throat, a mute stepped out of the shadows and signed them a summary of what happened. Gloomily dismayed, Fredrick responded to Lord Sumguy's query,
"Technically, this is not an attack against North Calaveras, but a liberation attempt of a nation. Despite their intentions, NC marched their army to a nation's capitol, afterwhich the government changed. As such, as well as the fact that BL just turned NC and surrounding areas into a nuclear hellscape, I suggest we don't get involved militarily. What's more, we are sending aid workers immediantly. Also, Lord Sumguy, I suggest you make me temporary Polemarch until the elections pass."
"I am afraid I am going to hae to deny your request, Mr. Crockett, as the rest of the council does not appear to share your views on what should be done militarily. So what does the council wish? Are we to declare war upon British Londinium?"
"Thank you Mr. President for answering my question.", said President Foxwift to his Zoingo Counter-part.
"So are we just going to sit here and do nothing while one of our members is destroyed? It says in our charter that we will treat an attack on one of our members as an attack on the whole!"
"Your welcome"
"No Idea, if we attack, we might free NC. But, we have the problems with the occupying forces, and the radiation that lurkes throught NC."
12-08-2007, 18:40
Col.Arnold snorted and said to Lord Sumguy "You had no right to kick the BL rep out of the meeting!, BL is in the UFAN, and according to the UFAN members, his nuking was completely justifed! North Calaveras was threatening BL, and BL had to take action didn't they? I for one vote for the expulsion of North Calaveras out of the Hegemony, and no North Calaverian citizens are welcome in my nation!" He stamped his foot and said in a defiant tone "Enough's enough, haven't you realized what you've gotten us into!, you've nearly had my nation destroyed because of a wrong intuition of yours!" His face was red, very angry..
"Woha, hold up there Col. Arnold." Mr. Massaquine calmly said. "His nuking was not justified, NC was wating for BL's troops to land, and when they would, NC would detinate his missles, causing BL's troops to be wiped off. But instead, he just went and launched a fourth of his arsenal at NC, he even knew it was overkill. He glassed him off the map, which glassing is not justified by UFAN."
proof: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12958276&postcount=52
"I for one, think NC should stay for now in the Hegemony, and we should give as much aid as possible. Obviously you Col. Arnold, have suffered a slight misunderstanding, thats all."
And with that, the President leaned back in his chair.
12-08-2007, 20:08
Col.Arnold relaxed and said "I've disliked the North Calaverans, but I wouldn't nuke them like BL did, I admit, Consul Davidson did wrong there. But they've basically got what was coming to them."
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 20:22
OCC: is bl out of heregemoy?
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 20:27
OOC: I wasn't in the Hegemony to start with.
OOC: I wasn't in the Hegemony to start with.
Aren't you an associate of the Hegemony?
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 21:37
Something like that, yeah. Also, I'd like to inform all members of the Hegemony considering going to war with me the following:
1. I still have several thousand more nukes left.
2. The attack on North Calaveras entailed 12 gigatons worth of missiles (120% of the sun's energy). I'd hate to have to do that to another nation.
12-08-2007, 21:40
Col.Arnold apologized and said "I have no excuse for what I've just said, I am sorry Lord Sumguy for my outburst."
Something like that, yeah. Also, I'd like to inform all members of the Hegemony considering going to war with me the following:
1. I still have several thousand more nukes left.
2. The attack on North Calaveras entailed 12 gigatons worth of missiles (120% of the sun's energy). I'd hate to have to do that to another nation.
well, no reversing it now, were all doomed
12-08-2007, 22:08
"So the plan is we sit in the council room doing nothing, asking the person next to us what do we do now?"
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 22:23
"Then let us vote. Should the Hegemony declare war upon the nation British Londnium?"
OOC: just say "aye" or "nay"
and BL, the Hegemony nations have more than enough nukes to glass your nation, any further nuclear action aganst us would be suicidal.
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 22:40
OOC: You assume they'll be able to get through my extensive ABM network. And, do you really want to test me? Really? I've got 13,000 missiles left, Lord Sumguy, and I'd rather not use them. It'd be best for all of us if we let this drop.
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 22:41
OCC:SOL combined has more than that
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 22:43
OOC: I didn't bother to include aircraft-based and submarine-based nukes. Only ICBMs. And each ICBM has at least three separate warheads within.
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 22:45
OCC: lets not do this, i dont want to see another nation gone over something like this.
The World Soviet Party
12-08-2007, 22:47
OOC: For the record, I have troops in BL, and if they get killed due to your reckeless nuclear attacks, hell will be unleashed on you all.
Just my two cents.
North Calaveras
12-08-2007, 22:49
There were 600,000 Greal troops in NC....
The PeoplesFreedom
12-08-2007, 22:51
OOC: I got 75,000 nukes left and my people are rather pisses over this entire situation.
The Far Echo Islands
12-08-2007, 22:54
A trio of sonic deceleration booms was heard in the meeting room; it came from an aqua camouflaged Concord jet as well as the two JAU-64 escort fighters that were with it. The wheels of the aircraft squealed as they brought the planes from over one hundred fifty miles an hour to zero in a few hundred feet. A staircase was brought to the side of the Concord and ladders to the sides of the fighters, out of the Concord stepped the Sectary of State of the Far Echo Islands, Carroll Hennessey, as well as several armed security guards. Out of the fighters strode two men in G-suits, the same aqua camouflage as all the planes, whom doubled as the Sectary’s aids. Ms. Sectary had a long flowing silvery dress, but not excessively long and very low cut. Her should length hair was cut straight, and it was colored a natural brunette.
She strode into the counsel room casually late, but not caring, slightly snickering at the British Londinium representative whom had been kicked from the meeting, but not too hard, she had received word of the fate of the nation of North Calaveras, the absolute glassing of it, and knew that her nation could do little about it, the military would be stretched to invade such a large nation and it was already embattled in the Pictivan Theater and previous conflicts with British Londinium had brought her nation to the razors edge of annihilation. None the less, she presented an aurora of confidence and sincerity that many politicians lacked.
Immediately after taking her seat and popping open a hemp bag, from which she withdrew one document then set aside, she began a short speech about BL’s action.
“The British Londii actions taken in the North Calaveran Theater represent the nation’s contempt for human life as well as contempt for the environment. The use of nuclear weapons should always be a last resort, if ever used, yet the British Londinium government authorized them to be used in excess not long after a declaration of war. To use nuclear devices on an excessive scale such as this shows a carelessness for human life and the earth which we inhabit, I believe that this is grounds for the Hegemony of Nations to no longer recognize British Londinium’s sovereignty, and to hold that stance until a new government is emplaced or British Londinium makes a massive reconstruction and clean up effort in North Calaveras, and issues a public apology for the excessive use of nuclear weapons against a foreign power. The use of nuclear weapons was totally unnecessary in the first place, and the destruction wrought not only in urban centers but in the country sides as well. The excessive use of nuclear force is a terrible tragedy, we send out our condolences to any North Calaveran citizen who still survives and offers them a refuge in the Echo Islands. Finally, while the government does not condone the use on nuclear weapons under anything less than the most extreme circumstances, we would like to inform the nation of the Hegemony that our nuclear arsenal of a classified number of intercontinental ballistic missiles has been armed, primed and are ready for launch within minutes, however, they have no specific coordinates up loaded at the time, and we do not plan to use them unless absolutely necessary, and then, we will deploy them with responsibility and in moderation, unlike British Londinium.” She finished with a look that instilled fear and empathy at the same time.
12-08-2007, 22:56
OOC: BL if you start just throwing nukes around there will be a huge backlash against you. Nations don't like others who prefer " Nuke first, ask questions later"
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 23:01
OOC: Yes, thank you for informing me of that. I only mention nukes because I predict that the Hegemony will (stupidly) launch nukes against me. I do not like nuclear weapons in RP - they tend to ruin them quite quickly. I only use nukes when they are about to be used against me. Btw, Hegemony nations, when you attack, do you plan on going immediately to glassing?
12-08-2007, 23:02
[OoC: this reminds me of the blender incident...how far is this all going to go?]
The Far Echo Islands
12-08-2007, 23:14
OOC: recorder or no damn recorder, we need to let the BL rep back in so we can do more of this ICly.
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 23:21
OOC: May I have my rep come back in?
OOC: BL if you start just throwing nukes around there will be a huge backlash against you. Nations don't like others who prefer " Nuke first, ask questions later"
BL, just why did you want to glass NC? All you had to do was destroy the silos, if you did that, then NC wouldn't have any form of WMD against you. So instead of cleaning up what you did, destroying hundreds of millions of lives, getting bad rep, and getting blamed for the spread of the radiation into other countries, you would have a completly intact country under your flag that would probably spread fear and resentment to all who opposed you.
Just saying, not the smartest move on your part.
occ: sure, have her come back in (no sarcasim intended)
I say "abstain"
The Far Echo Islands
12-08-2007, 23:32
[ooc: it's Lord Sumguy's call, or we could take a vote, if so, I say 'aye' in advance]
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 23:34
Arcadia re-entered the room, roughly slamming her briefcase on the conference table.
"Let's get down to business, shall we?" she said curtly.
12-08-2007, 23:42
OOC: This happened before BL came back.
"Whether or not the Council agrees with me on whether we should attack or not, I have extensive experience militarily, and with British Londinium. My people collectivly have been around since the very first invasion of British Londinium by Atopiana and Skgorria, then the destruction of the Swanner regime by the Sovereign League, and then the invasion by NATO. Interestingly enough, when there was sufficient force gathered against them, they quickly surrendered without a fight. Thus, I feel the best way to defeat these scum is to gather support. Freedom loving, humanitarian, non-NATO and Gholgoth forces. We need to gather support, the UFAN, former GASN members, the GUSN, anyone and everyone we can. The British Londinians have proven themselves multiple times to be incapable of governing themselves. I suggest we do not let them have a government if we should take them over."
The Far Echo Islands
12-08-2007, 23:42
"Ms. Representative," Carroll said coyly, "you should perhaps read this." She finished by passing Arcadia a printed copy of the speech she'd made earlier.
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 23:43
"I am not concerned with your blitherings. I am here simply to prevent war from erupting between the Hegemony and British Londinium," Arcadia said stonily.
The Far Echo Islands
12-08-2007, 23:55
The sectary of state turned her nose up and let out something close to a snort, "Stupid Londii," she muttered, "arrogant and contemptuous as usual."
She then put on a fake smile, and said "Well, of course, a war would be a horrible thing." She said, trying to remain in character of a happy diplomat and not an angry woman during her period as she was.
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2007, 23:58
"Perhaps if you did not want war, you should not have glassed one of our members." Lord Sumguy said cooly. He paused to write something down a a peice of paper, and gave it to a guard, who in turn gave it to the Vontanian representative. On the paper was a single sentence: self-government will remain, we will not sink to the level of our enemies.
Lord Sumguy looked around at the table again. "Arcadia, please leave the room again for a moment. I wish to hold a vote upon our next action, and I have no intention of allowing your government to know the result just yet."
British Londinium
12-08-2007, 23:58
"Now, what will it take to avert war? We've already donated one trillion denarii to the South Calaveran authorities, we've managed to rescue the majority of the North Calaveran survivors and give them shelter in Tasmania. Fuck, we're even willing to give Sumatripte back to Lord Sumguy! Seven hundred million have already perished - let's not add to that number."
13-08-2007, 00:06
Col.Arnold stood up and said firmly "No, but if it goes yes, I shall resign from the Hegemony!"
The Far Echo Islands
13-08-2007, 00:08
"I do not condone war either," The Sectary began in a more sincere tone, "However, I do believe that The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson and anyone else whom authorized this attack should stand down and be held for crimes against humanity." But, then she thought, war would be a lot easier...
13-08-2007, 00:10
Colonel Arnold smiled, and said calmly "Even if we suggest that Ms.Secretary, I doubt that British Londinium would do it, for one, what's a small band of nations influence on a 3 billion pop nation?, nada, zilch!"
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 00:12
"A war crimes tribunal is not possible. We would be willing, however, to sign a non-aggression and mutual defence pact with the Hegemony, in addition to expanding our aid and relief programmes in the Calaveras."
13-08-2007, 00:13
Col.Arnold said "I heartily suggest we accept this offer, it will at the least, be an excellent peaceful way."
13-08-2007, 00:17
Crockett slipped a reply back to Sumguy telling him to wait until prying ears were gone, before saying fluidly,
"I think that British Londinium should have a limit of ten thousand ballistic missles, and that Hegemonic inspectors should ensure this limit isn't breached. That along with returning Sumatripe and non-aggresion. Of course, this likely isn't going to happen with the hot-headed people in the council. I do apologize, most sincerely." He said this with the most wicked of smiles, but betraying nothing in his tone.
13-08-2007, 00:20
Col.John Arnold said calmly "My good friend Crockett, you know as well as I do, that British Londinium is not going to accept this, they will not want our prying noses in their nuclear arsenal. How do you think that they are going to accept it, I am sorry Sir, but that idea seems ludicrous to me.."
The Far Echo Islands
13-08-2007, 00:35
"I agree that BL should not have a nuclear arsenal, especially one numbering in the six figures, after this event, I also see that there is no way to enforce it save with Londii cooperation, which are two words that don't often appear in the same sentence."
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 00:48
"Yet you cannot bring back the hundreds of millions that your madman of a consul murdered." Lord Sumguy said, looking at the woman. "If you will donate further to the reconstruction of an independant North Calaveras in addition to what you have already stated, then I at least will be content, though I can not speak for the rest of the council."
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 00:50
"That is the very goal of our reconstruction effort. A stable, secure North Calaveras. We are utilizing all material and personnel available to us so that rebuilding and decontamination can be achieved."
North Calaveras
13-08-2007, 00:51
OCC: hes asking about a independent NC, not factions of it.
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 00:53
OOC: The factions are simply zones of control. At the end, you'll walk out slightly weaker, but completely independent.
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 01:12
"Then as Hegemon i accept the terms you have offered, including the surrender of Sumatripte and the proposed mutual protection pact. I have but two more requests, which is that international Hegemony forces be permitted to assist in establishing order and rebuilding the nation, and that all North Calaveras civilians within the custody of British Londinium forces be released immediately. Upon the fufillment of these requests, i will sign a peace agreement. The council may override my decision if it wishes, but for now it stands."
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 01:13
"I would have no objections. But their armaments must be limited to small, personal weapons such as pistols."
The Far Echo Islands
13-08-2007, 01:17
"In that case we will be deploying an aid troops to NC within hours, they will be armed with MP7A1's and Tyrone 10mm automatic pistols, as well as 2 flash and 2 fragmentation grenades. That is a standard peace keeping load out in the Far Echo Islands."
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 01:18
"Would rifles loaded with non-lethal charges be acceptable?"
OOC: previous post has been edited
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 01:20
"Yes, yes they would. Rubber bullets or tranq darts."
The Far Echo Islands
13-08-2007, 01:20
"I would also sign Lord Sumguy's proposed treaty."
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 01:23
"I would also sign Lord Sumguy's proposed treaty."
OOC: as Hegemon i would be signing it on behalf of the entire Hegemony unless the council should voe to ovveride my decision.
The Far Echo Islands
13-08-2007, 01:26
ooc: well, then, I don't vote to override you treaty...
"The terms are acceptable, though it will never replace what has already been lost (unless we have a spare time machine ;)) I am fully behind this teaty."
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 03:00
OOC: Bl, would you mind drafting a peace agreement so that i can have LS sign it?
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 03:01
OOC: Bl, would you mind drafting a peace agreement so that i can have LS sign it?
OOC: Can we just assume that one was drafted?
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 03:03
OOC: alrighty.
IC: Lord Sumguy read and signed the document that was placed before him, officially sealing the agreement. He stood up. "Hegemony peacekeeping forces and reconstruction workers should arrive within North Calaveras within three days.
OOC: ill RP the Sumguaian troops when i get up tommorow, all other Hegemony nations should RP their own troops arriving.
13-08-2007, 04:15
"I'm glad we could avoid disaster. Seems to be something that often happens between my nation and British Londinium."
OOC: I suggest all people to visit the anti-BL conference (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=12960987&posted=1#post12960987).
I heard that NC was hit by nukes, is it true? because I am bound by a treaty that I will help NC by any means nescresary. (I have 45,000 nukes) So now we have to send troops to NC?
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 12:22
OOC: Yes, he was hit with 12 GT worth of nuclear weapons. He's already surrendered, for all intents and purposes. The majority of his population (that survived) now resides in my colonies, where they are free to live their lives as they wish. I would seriously reconsider defending NC at this point, if I were you.
13-08-2007, 12:27
Fair enough BL used Nukes against NC, but what i think we've got to watch out for is smaller, dumber nations getting their hands on these weapons. They will be the most dangerous.
British Londinium
13-08-2007, 12:37
OOC: There are no airfields. They were all nuked.
And there are no people there anymore, either. All Calaverans in the Londinian sector were removed and transported to Tasmania. You might as well wait for my anti-rad nanobots to clear some more land up; otherwise you're just killing soldiers pointlessly.
13-08-2007, 19:40
A man walked over to President Foxswift and whispered in his ear.
"Thank you." said the President
"It appears War will be knocking on British Londinium's doorstep soon, unless it is stopped. What will we of the Hegemony do if a war breaks out? Stand with British Londinium or stand up to them? I ask the council to put up this issue."
Lord Sumguy
13-08-2007, 19:42
"I would wait and see what will happen before we take sides."
13-08-2007, 19:45
SIC: Hegemony States Only
"No matter what happens, New Vantania has made up it's mind. We vote aye to ending this, once and for all."
If you want to attack them, you will need all the support and alliances you can get.