Anti-Communist Alliance [Recruitment Thread]
The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2007, 03:30
Anti-Communist Alliance
It is clear to many nations that exist today that communism is a threat to a free and democratic world. Before now, these nations sat idly by or stood alone. No more. The Holy Reich of The Peoples Freedom has founded the Anti-Communist Alliance, also known as the ACA. Now is the time for all liberty-loving nations to band together as one to stop this menace. Please join this alliance and help to spread freedom and democracy to liberty-loving people everywhere.
Rules And Regulations
In order to join the ACA the member nations must have a free market. Certain state-owned ventures are fine, but supply and demand must be decided upon by the market and its needs but not the state.
Nations must be willing to defend capitalists and democracies whenever threatened by a communist state. No capitalist nation shall fall to the red devils. Nations must be willing to provide military forces to defend such nations at all times.
Nations must be willing to stop the growth of communism through whatever means possible. Whether or not this is through military or economical action is regardless, nations must help to stop the growth of the reds.
Nations should be willing to cooperate economically and militarily with each other, for without such cooperation, the alliance shall surely fail.
The governing of the alliance shall be conducted by two councils. The first is the governing council, responsible for internal and external affairs, unless they involve the military. The second council is the military council. This council shall run military affairs and organize member nations so that any crusade embarked on shall be a successful one.
Together, we shall stop the spread of the red devil, and by the blessings of our Lord, they shall perish from this earth.
Political Support:
-Steel and Fire
Member Nations
-The Holy Reich of The Peoples Freedom
-The Empire of Binaria
-The Republic of Vetalia
-Armed Republic of Schwerkrieg
-The Liberal Neo-Imperial Reich of Tocrowkia
The Binarian Empire wishes to join the Anti-Communist Alliance. We pleadge to stop the spread of communism whenever and where ever it rears its ugly head.
11-08-2007, 03:47
What is your stance on Socialist Nations? Nations who have an open market but roughly 50% state owned companies but 50% free market?
The Shazbotdom Empire has never attempted to force our ideologies onto other nations, but we have stepped in when we feel it's nessicary to stop political termoil, disccent and civil war that would kill innocent civlians. We feel that it is the job of the free world to help other nations get out of situations which would cause problems for not only their nation, but for the International Community.
I'm guessing this is in response to "The Soviet Commonwealth" alliance/organizaiton forming?
The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2007, 03:53
State Department Communication
The Anti-Communist Alliance is an alliance primarily made to stop the spread of aggressive communist nations, especially those who would seek to force their ideology through violent means. A Socialist nation is a branch off of communism, they still follow marx. Thus, we put them in the same lot as communists. However, the primary objective of the ACA is not to start random wars and purge the communist, but rather to defend against violent spreading. This isn't to say we will never wage an offensive war, but it does mean we won't wage one without a caucus belli. I hope this answers your question.
State Department Communication
The Empire of Binaria is hereby accepted into the ACA. Welcome.
11-08-2007, 03:54
What is your stance on Socialist Nations? Nations who have an open market but roughly 50% state owned companies but 50% free market?
The Shazbotdom Empire has never attempted to force our ideologies onto other nations, but we have stepped in when we feel it's nessicary to stop political termoil, disccent and civil war that would kill innocent civlians. We feel that it is the job of the free world to help other nations get out of situations which would cause problems for not only their nation, but for the International Community.
I'm guessing this is in response to "The Soviet Commonwealth" alliance/organizaiton forming?
I am certain they are quite tolerant of Socialistic Nations, for Wanderjar as well as numerous New Prussian Empire states claim socialistic Policies. Granted, Wanderjarian Socialism is truly a misnomer, merely a capitalist state with a strong welfare system, however that is another matter. I am certain they are fine with Socialistic nations.
Office of the Praetor of Vetalia
We will aid your alliance in its containment and eventual eradication of the Communist threat and the untold damage it has caused to states in the past. Although former regimes in our country once coddled and supported this menace, we stand firm in our commitment to stop such a dangerous ideology from further advance around the globe. The old order is a thing of the past and our nation is ready to move forward from the complacency that once marred us on the international stage.
The full might of our armed forces is at the disposal of this alliance in whatever cause it chooses to pursue.
Praetor Ivan Melnikov
The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2007, 03:58
State Department Communication
What a pleasure it is to be working with Vetalia. Welcome to the ACA.
11-08-2007, 04:03
(OOC: Any rules for/against CA members signing up?)
The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2007, 04:04
OOC: After the war I won't have a problem with it. I can put you on pending.
11-08-2007, 04:05
OOC: After the war I won't have a problem with it. I can put you on pending.
(OOC: Awesome, I'll see you then if my nation still exists :P)
Steel and Fire
11-08-2007, 04:56
Official Communiqué from the Republic of Steel and Fire
While the Republic will provide economic and political support to this alliance, and the Independent Task Forces will be allowed to assist it in military matters, we shall not officially become a member. We have become wary of chartered alliances with governing councils and binding regulations; popular support would turn against us if we were to join one. Nonetheless, we support the goals of this alliance and will help out if we are needed; simply let us know.
-- The Triumvirate
The real reason for S&F's reluctance to join was twofold: One, the Council of Twelve was not fond of alliances against something; two, it had plans for something else.
The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2007, 07:18
bump for the night.
The Lone Alliance
11-08-2007, 08:17
Yet another one of these? We advise the nations that there is the WACL and ACTO for all your commie oppressing needs. We have also noticed that you have left out how a nation who joins should act, I guess that means you have no problem if a nation executes thousands of their citizens weekly... As long as they have a Capitalist system. Consider your alliance placed on the idiots list.
-Lone Alliance Ministry of dealing with Stupid Nations.
The Order of America
11-08-2007, 14:29
The Order of America Will NOT stand by Idly while this disease spreads among our Fellow Nations. The Order of America Loves democracy. To truly love one you must hate the Other. Thus the Order of America must hate Communism. Let Democracy Spread, and Let this Disease die out before it drags humanity into the Depths. The Order of America wishes to Join your Alliance and wishes to Openly oppose the Disease alongside nations who share our Views.
Communism is without a doubt the vilest scourge ever visited upon our Earth. My nation has been and always will stand ready to contain and destroy Communism wherever it threatens the principles of freedom, religion, and the rights of kings. As such, it is my express wish that my nation be admitted into the Anti-Communist Alliance.
I await your reply.
His Most Catholic Majesty Frederick von Ulric IV of Rodenka, Defender of the Faith, Lord High Commander of the Royal Army, etc.
11-08-2007, 17:14
Olmedreca has always been anti-communistic, also we are member of ACTO, so we would like to join this new alliance.
Lembit Tuleplaneet, Foreign Minister
The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2007, 19:03
State Department Communication
Are the nations of Rodenka, Olmedreca, and The Order of America in agreement with the terms of the alliance and are you willing to carry these out?
11-08-2007, 19:56
While we find the goals of the ACA amiable, as our own fair nation has suffered under Communist rule previously, we are slightly disturbed by the amount of Religious dogma in it's charter.
Perhaps if you can ensure us that this is not a Pro-Theocracy alliance as well as a Anti-Communist one, we would join.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2007, 19:57
State Department Communication
No. This is not a religious alliance.
Celtic liger
11-08-2007, 20:16
capatailism is all well and grand but anti comunism is not the way forward a socalist system is a nesisary part of all states communism is just forced sytem of socailism and causes curuption
11-08-2007, 20:22
State Department Communication
No. This is not a religious alliance.
Well, the charter of the alliance makes it seem as such. We recommend toning down on said religious dogma. That being said, we would like to join.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2007, 20:24
State Department Communication
We welcome The Liberal Neo-Imperial Reich of Tocrowkia into this alliance.
11-08-2007, 21:09
Olmedreca would not apply unless we would agree with charter. Although from our satanistic viewpoint, some wordings may look slightly funny, but that does not change the fact that we are strongly anti-communistic.
Lembit Tuleplaneet, Foreign Minister
The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2007, 21:10
State Department Communication
Excellent. Welcome.
British Londinium
11-08-2007, 21:18
OOC: Isn't there already one of these?
11-08-2007, 21:18
ooc: Could you please erase that [NS::::] ? That retarded thing I got from jolt.
The Order of America
11-08-2007, 21:36
Is My Application Accepted?
12-08-2007, 04:23
Needless to say, GSIC -the Gelert Sentinels Intelligence Co-operative- keeps a close eye on the umpteenth doomed-to-fail counter-revolutionary effort from the reactionary camp of the ignorant. Another idle attempt to halt the rising of the tide, though, is not considered a major threat to progress in the world.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-08-2007, 06:27
State Department Communication
The OOA is hereby put on the pending list.
OOC: We will wait a few more days for applicants, then we will get it up and running with voting and such.
15-08-2007, 06:51
The National Assembly of the Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan is dominated by my party, the Social Democratic Party of Tartarystan. However, we oppose socialism, which aims to replace the capitalist system entirely. Instead, we aim to reform capitalism democratically through state regulation and the creation of state sponsored programs and organizations which work within the capitalist market system to ameliorate and/or remove perceived injustices inflicted by the capitalist market system. However, this is done in order to preserve the capitalist market system, not destroy or replace it. We still fully believe in the capitalist market system, we merely support a capitalist social market system. With that in mind, we firmly oppose communism. We inquire whether this organization is arrayed against social democracy. If it is not and arrayed only against communism, we would be willing to join.
- Imperial Chancellor Tulisen Cirgote
The PeoplesFreedom
15-08-2007, 06:57
State Department Communication
The ACA is not against Social Democracy per se. While we encourage loose business laws, it is not required, and thus you are cleared to join as long as you are wiling to carry out the duties required.
15-08-2007, 18:45
The Free Empire of New Vantania is most assuredly anti-communist. However, we have already commited our military forces to other forces, and thus we do not wish to join. We can provide economic assistance and political support. However, we feel that being herded into this would be a foolish move. We do encourage the ACA, but we simply cannot join. Still, as a symbol of our approval, three hundred million USDs has been donated to the ACA Treasury. We hope this money will be used to develop young nations, preventing them from turning to communism, and to defend nations against the Red menace.