NationStates Jolt Archive

PIAP (Pacific Islands Alliance Plan)

09-08-2007, 18:30

This is where you join the Alliance in which all members of the Pacific Islands Region can join... fill in this submittal Form...

National Leader:
UN Category:
09-08-2007, 19:16
Nation: The Communist Union of Leocardia
National Leader: Jason Batista
Population: 3.651 billion (as of 08/09/07)
UN Category: Iron Fist Consumerists (as of 08/09/07)
09-08-2007, 23:06
Nation: The Dictatorship of Miroxia
National Leader: Dictator Roland Adams III
Population: 50 Million (as of 8/10/07)
UN Category: Corrupt Dictatorship (as of 8/9/07)
10-08-2007, 08:55
Miroxia!, welcome to Pacific Islands Alliance Plan they will be a meeting every two days (or something like that) on the following webpage to discuss everything about the region etc.

We must apoligise Leocardia but in order to join the PIAP is to join the region of Pacific Islands... sorry...

Okay, once you have joined Pacific Islands and signed up for PIAP, then could you go to,

and then from there you can go to,

for the PIAP meetings, the introduction will say 11/8/07 but feel free to start the debate today and allow it to last for 1 or 2 days... :D
10-08-2007, 09:03
Miroxia! welcome to Pacific Islands! you are part of PIAP as of now! you can go onto the forums and register in the 'citezenship applications' from there you can go into the first PIAP meeting labelled Pacific islands conference hall then, Pacific islands meeting 11/8/07 - 18/8/07.

sorry Leocardia, you must join the region of Pacific Islands to be part of PIAP, but if you do join Pacific Islands then you will automatically be part of PIAP... :D:D:D

for forums visit:

note: you must fill in a form in citizenship applications before taking part in all other forums
10-08-2007, 10:44
Miroxia! welcome aboard! all PIAP meetings are held on the forums and your army is part of PIAF (Pacific Islands Armed Forces)

Sorry Leocardia, you must be part of Pacific Islands to join PIAP but if you do join the region you will automatically be part of the Alliance... :D:D:D
Zhonghua Renguo
10-08-2007, 18:36
Nation: The Empire of Zhonghua Renguo
National Leader: The Venerable and Filial Emperor Wang Shilong
Poulation: 18 million (As of 8/10/07)
UN Category: Father Knows Best State (As of 8/10/07)
10-08-2007, 18:49
thank you zhonghua renguo, and welcome to PIAP please join the regional forums and fill in the form in citizenship applications from there you can take part in all debates
11-08-2007, 09:12
12-08-2007, 10:24
13-08-2007, 10:55
BUMP!!!!! :headbang:
14-08-2007, 09:50
Nation: Riopo
Leader: Alex Price
Population: 8 million (As of 14.08.07)
U.N category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
14-08-2007, 10:33
welcome aboard Riopo feel free to join the Regional Forums the adress is on the Pacific Islands Page and Debate about issues as Foreign Minister
14-08-2007, 11:14
In my office it says that I get 'missions' what are they?
14-08-2007, 11:25
OOC - well, i could start a thread saying 'Pacific Islands, now accepting embassies' and it would be your job to write all the names down of people wanting embassies or something like that

And RP in Pacific Peace Conference, we need you at the Golf Course. Well, i'm the only one there at the moment like
18-08-2007, 15:19
Nation: The Soud Parliametari Republik ef Uiri (in Uir) The South parliamentary Republic of Uiri (in English)
National Leader: Edward Forgul
Poulation: 900 million or more as of tomorrow.
UN Category: Corporate Police State, hoping to escape it soon.
18-08-2007, 15:27