New Brittonia
08-08-2007, 15:51
Republic of Maryland
Demographics, Economics, and Geography Basics:
Total Population: 6,383,388 people
Total Area: 38,585 sq. km
Population Density: 164,926 people/sq. km
Gross Domestic Product: M$199 billion (US$ 276 billion)
GDP Per Capita: M$31,174.66
Monetary Unit: Maryland Dollar (M$= Euro value)
Government Basics
Government Type: Constitutional republic
President of the Republic of Maryland (Head of State and Government): Jonathan Vick
Vice-President of the Republic of Maryland (Vice Head of State and Government): Michael Jackson
Division of Powers: Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Federal Capital: Baltimore
Military Basics
Divisions of Military:
Maryland Terrestrial Service
Maryland Naval Service
Maryland Aerial Service
Demographics, Economics, and Geography Basics:
Total Population: 6,383,388 people
Total Area: 38,585 sq. km
Population Density: 164,926 people/sq. km
Gross Domestic Product: M$199 billion (US$ 276 billion)
GDP Per Capita: M$31,174.66
Monetary Unit: Maryland Dollar (M$= Euro value)
Government Basics
Government Type: Constitutional republic
President of the Republic of Maryland (Head of State and Government): Jonathan Vick
Vice-President of the Republic of Maryland (Vice Head of State and Government): Michael Jackson
Division of Powers: Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Federal Capital: Baltimore
Military Basics
Divisions of Military:
Maryland Terrestrial Service
Maryland Naval Service
Maryland Aerial Service