SNN Interviews Senator Davidson (Closed; ATTN TPF)
The World Soviet Party
04-08-2007, 03:02
George Charmichael: Hello and welcome to a new edition of "News of Today", this your host, George Charmichael speaking from an undisclosed location in The Holy Reich of The PeoplesFreedom.
Today, we are interviewing Senator Davidson, a member of TPF'ian Armed Forces Commitee which is currently overseeing the CA-NPE conflict.
*The Senator enters the room and Charmichael stands up to shake his hand*
Welcome senator, it's a pleasure to meet you, would you like to take a seat?
The PeoplesFreedom
04-08-2007, 03:06
Senator Davidson was young, at around forty five years old, he was also short and had a balding head, coming from the stress commonly put on senators and his days in the army. He had risen to prominence early in his life after successfully suing the army after they had failed to give him proper medical treatment after he had been wounded in a training accident. He was a mayor for his hometown before he won an upset victory over the former incumbent. After years of working as a no-name senator, he had finally gained some attention after securing a seat on the Armed Forces Committee.
" Thank you for having me here, George." He gave a friendly, if ugly, smile and sat down.
The World Soviet Party
04-08-2007, 03:12
Senator Davidson was young, at around forty five years old, he was also short and had a balding head, coming from the stress commonly put on senators and his days in the army. He had risen to prominence early in his life after successfully suing the army after they had failed to give him proper medical treatment after he had been wounded in a training accident. He was a mayor for his hometown before he won an upset victory over the former incumbent. After years of working as a no-name senator, he had finally gained some attention after securing a seat on the Armed Forces Committee.
" Thank you for having me here, George." He gave a friendly, if ugly, smile and sat down.
"So, tell me Senator, could you please explain to our audience what has been going with the NPE lately?
It's a known fact that many people around the globe still think the New Prussian Empire is a fascist, if not nazi, alliance, would you like to clear their minds and doubts?"
The PeoplesFreedom
04-08-2007, 03:24
" Well as your audience no doubt knows, we are currently fighting The Corporate Alliance. They prefer to get their resources through means of war rather than purchasing parity. This alone should prove that we are not Nazi's per se, as they would no doubt side with them. Additionally, we have no race agenda and the vast majority of NPE members are democracies and have good human rights records."
The World Soviet Party
04-08-2007, 03:28
" Well as your audience no doubt knows, we are currently fighting The Corporate Alliance. They prefer to get their resources through means of war rather than purchasing parity. This alone should prove that we are not Nazi's per se, as they would no doubt side with them. Additionally, we have no race agenda and the vast majority of NPE members are democracies and have good human rights records."
"I'm sure many people will find that statement enlighting, but let's cut to the chase, shall we Senator?
Many people are wondering what's the back-story behind this war, the majority knows about the actions of Wanderjar against the Corporates, but they are baffled as to why the CA would strike The PeoplesFreedom, a perfectly capitalist nation, or the rest of the NPE for that matter."
The World Soviet Party
04-08-2007, 03:32
" Well that's pretty simple. We are in Wanderjar's alliance and thus they want to attack his allies."
"Simple enough indeed.
Another questions, a question many people are pondering about, is why hasn't Wanderjar, the obvious target of this whole war, intervened yet.
Would you happen to know the answer to this problem?"
The PeoplesFreedom
04-08-2007, 03:33
" Well that's pretty simple. We are in Wanderjar's alliance and thus they want to attack his allies."
The PeoplesFreedom
04-08-2007, 03:35
" From what I understand, without giving away sensitive information, is that they are in the process of mobilizing. Also, their homeland in Nova Europa is under attack. Beyond this I cannot say for national security purposes."
The World Soviet Party
04-08-2007, 03:41
" From what I understand, without giving away sensitive information, is that they are in the process of mobilizing. Also, their homeland in Nova Europa is under attack. Beyond this I cannot say for national security purposes."
"Interesting, then I guess we Soviets we'll have to keep our guard up in case the CA wants to take a shot at us.
Anyways, Senator, what's your overall view of the war, how do you think things have been faring for the NPE so far? Would you qualify their actions as 'okay' so far?"
The PeoplesFreedom
04-08-2007, 03:43
" I think we are doing well considering the circumstances. As with all wars, it is a sad thing, but this one is unfortunately needed. Meanwhile, we have received word that Greater Prussia will be aiding us."
The World Soviet Party
04-08-2007, 03:46
" I think we are doing well considering the circumstances. As with all wars, it is a sad thing, but this one is unfortunately needed. Meanwhile, we have received word that Greater Prussia will be aiding us."
"That's good news for our Prussian viewers everywhere, Senator.
Now, one last question as our time is running out, do you think the NPE is set to obtain a definitive victory early in the conflict, or does this strike you as the 'long, weary and hard-fought' war?"
The PeoplesFreedom
04-08-2007, 03:47
" I really cannot say. We hope for this, but we are prepared for the worst. There will be final victory, however. God is with us."
The World Soviet Party
04-08-2007, 03:53
" I really cannot say. We hope for this, but we are prepared for the worst. There will be final victory, however. God is with us."
"Let's hope you are right Senator.
Well, that's all the time we had tonight"
*Stands up to shake the Senator's hand again*
"Again, it was a pleasure having you here tonight, let's hope we can meet again for another interview after the NPE's victory, eh?"
*Turning to the camera*
"Well people, I hope you enjoyed the insight given to us by Senator Davidson, I'm sure that today we cleared up a lot of doubts and the world's now a wiser place, now saying goodbye to you this is George Charmichael for Soviet News Network."