The other side of dolphin rights [fantasy rp open]
The Far Echo Islands
04-08-2007, 02:20
OOC: A lot of you know about the dolphin rights debates that took place a few weeks ago in the Far Echo Islands, but I got to thinkin’ and I was like, dood, what if I made a fantasy rp like that?!!1! So that’s pretty much what this is, create a dolphin, (or two, or three or you could have a dolphin and a few other types of sea life) and play his/her life in the underwater world in the waters of the southern Echo Islands. Or we could drift to other waters later, but that’s were it’ll start. This is definitely a fantasy rp, so I am gonna go all out, the dolphin ‘pod’ that we create is going to be a mixture of species (likely) and probably some that would never mix in a pod in real life. I’m not gonna turn this into a biology lesson but it would be a good idea to at least read this page ( if you aren’t caught up or don’t know about your delphinine. There are a few restrictions: no fresh water dolphin species, and no huge species (ie: orca, false killer) but I’m pretty much letting you choose the one that you think looks coolest because I’m not counting anything like water temperature, Pacific – Atlantic, etc. Finally, you can start with a few dolphins now or start with one and add some more later. Also, you can choose to be any sea creature really, just so long as it interracts with the pod in some way. But only small-medium sized dolphins can make up the pod. So to get my self and the game started here goes:
Dolphin Species: Dusky
Name: Zeal
Sex: M
Age: (calf, juvenile, adult) juvenile
Identifying characteristics: (if any) Scar from shark attack when he was a calf on his left side, slight paranoia due to the loss of his mother recently, and is going through well, what all juveniles of just about any species do.
OOC: that wiki page is a good place to choose you species as well, and since it’s noob protected it should be pretty accurate.
North Calaveras
04-08-2007, 02:25
OCC: cool idea, but we can ONLY be dolphins?
The Far Echo Islands
04-08-2007, 02:35
ooc: humm, I guess some other sea life would make it a lot more interesting. Some sharks that terrorize the pack form time to time, a fish desperately trying not to get eaten, sure, I guess you can be just about any thing really, but it needs to interact with the pod in some way or another.
North Calaveras
04-08-2007, 02:38
Yippeee!!! lol, okay, what kind of shark could i be, of course i would think a great white would be to big.
The Far Echo Islands
04-08-2007, 02:41
Yea, a Great White would be awful big, you could work it in, but it would probably be better to stick with tiger sharks and the likes of.
04-08-2007, 02:50
Being Kelp or seaweed would be AWESOME! (Did you know people feed cows kelp? Weird)
HMM... What to be?
A jelly fish!
Species: Australian spotted jellyfish
Name: Mike
Sex: M
Age: juvenile
Identifying characteristics: Spotted, Squishy, Stings
North Calaveras
04-08-2007, 02:54
Shark Specias: Oceanic White tip
Name: Seth
Sex: M
Age: (calf, juvenile, adult)juvinile
Identifying characteristics: (if any)NONE
The Far Echo Islands
04-08-2007, 02:54
ooc: Ok. maybe after NC makes his choice I'll start the story.
ooc: speak of the devil...
The World Soviet Party
04-08-2007, 02:56
You could make an RP where dolphins discuss giving humans "Dolphin Rights" :D
The Far Echo Islands
04-08-2007, 03:20
ooc: lol, that might actually make for a good part of the storyline later if we come into contact with divers or something. Maybe, I'd have to see how everybody else felt about it.
Zeal swam timidly through the water. Separated from the protection of his pod he was very venerable to shark attack. He knew all to well the terror and pain a shark could inflict, one had killed his mother a year ago and the wound on his left side from that attack was barley healed. It had left a jagged scar that he often whished he could see if only to see it.
His eye caught something off in the distance of the clear water. He let out a few echolocation clicks but still couldn’t pick out what it was. He decided to swim out to see for himself. He was surprised to see it was a jellyfish, they weren’t usually alone. But then something made a noise in the water behind him. His acute hearing let him hear every swish of the tail, no matter how silent the creature tried to be, he could tell one thing for sure, it was a shark.
North Calaveras
04-08-2007, 03:35
Seth Cruised and could sense a dolphin, he kept his distance, a dolphin could be dangerous, even to a shark, he was still pretty young, but he was strong.
The Far Echo Islands
04-08-2007, 05:49
Zeal let out a single echolocation click. It gave him just enough audio reflection to 'see' the shark well. He thought for a moment, not moving, if he swam away very fast the shark might take it as a sign of weakness and strike, the shark could likely out swim him as well. If he moved away very slowly he might have a chance, but the shark might think that was a sign that he couldn't swim fast; and strike. He elected for a third option, he moved very close to the jelly.
Maybe, he thought, the tentacle shape would throw the shark off. It was truly a irrational plan formed out of stress and nativity.
04-08-2007, 06:08
This is clearly the most creative RP I've ever seen on NS. :D
The Far Echo Islands
04-08-2007, 06:33
This is clearly the most creative RP I've ever seen on NS. :D
ooc: thank you very much, I do pride myself a little on thinking 'outside the box'
The Nerean Community
04-08-2007, 07:18
Species: 'Type /b/' Orca whale
Name: Keil'neikien mi-kininiekienei eeneek-mrekeniedi
Sex: Female
Age: semi-mature adult (16 years)
Identifying characteristics: scar on dorsal fin from attempting to complete a multibarrelroll far too close to a modcave
Keil'neikien swam lazily in the shallower waters off the coast of Chile's Queen Adelaide Archipelago area, content to remain with her little pack of five other whales for the time being. The food here was good for the moment, and honestly, it was rather nice. Not that she would admit it, but there was also a certain whale she'd been eyeballing for some time now, and was quite determined to be his, even if that meant sticking with the same pack for longer than she was used to.
She clicked slyly at a whale some distance away, giving a flirty toss of her fluke, twisting her body up so that her head pointed toward the surface, before giving a couple of giddy chirps and turning away in a flurry of air bubbles. Foxy girl.
04-08-2007, 12:03
I think you should make another thread, I will be gone for about 8 days.
Mike was carelessly floating aimlessly sorta looking for food. When all of a sudden a Shark popped out of nowhere. "AHHH!" "Back off" Mike screamed. "Or i will be forced to hurt you!"
Dolphin Species:: Indo-Pacific Bottlenosed Dolphin, Tursiops aduncus
Name: Pelagicus
Sex: M
Age: Adult
Identifying characteristics: Calm and logical personality, streamlined swimming technique.
OOC: that wiki page is a good place to choose you species as well, and since it’s noob protected it should be pretty accurate.
To refer to a semi-protected page as "noob protected" is the mark of an experienced editor.
The Far Echo Islands
07-08-2007, 01:55
Zeal heard the swish of a tail, very faint, streamlined in its movement in the water. He could not see the creature visually. And he didn’t want to alert the shark with an echolocation click, so he sat near the jelly while he debated weather or not the noise behind him was another dolphin or a shark.
North Calaveras
07-08-2007, 01:57
OCC: Im back/ i thought there were no Orcas?
The Far Echo Islands
07-08-2007, 02:01
ooc: huh, what, were did you get that there were orcas...
North Calaveras
07-08-2007, 02:03
Species: 'Type /b/' Orca whale
Name: Keil'neikien mi-kininiekienei eeneek-mrekeniedi
Sex: Female
Age: semi-mature adult (16 years)
Identifying characteristics: scar on dorsal fin from attempting to complete a multibarrelroll far too close to a modcave
Keil'neikien swam lazily in the shallower waters off the coast of Chile's Queen Adelaide Archipelago area, content to remain with her little pack of five other whales for the time being. The food here was good for the moment, and honestly, it was rather nice. Not that she would admit it, but there was also a certain whale she'd been eyeballing for some time now, and was quite determined to be his, even if that meant sticking with the same pack for longer than she was used to.
She clicked slyly at a whale some distance away, giving a flirty toss of her fluke, twisting her body up so that her head pointed toward the surface, before giving a couple of giddy chirps and turning away in a flurry of air bubbles. Foxy girl.
this one
The Far Echo Islands
07-08-2007, 02:21
woah, I missed the whole 15th post on this thread somehow...this is a really hard one to acess, TNC seems like quite a good writer, but seriouly, ocra's are huge, I really am at an impass...
*to TNC*
I would really like it if you could change you species to one of the smaller dolphin species, the orca's are dolphins, yes, but they don't really fit into the pod, but be glad, I am going to give you a break because you seem like a really good writer, you can keep your orca's if you can work them into the game fairly well.
North Calaveras
07-08-2007, 02:24
OOC: i was going to be a great white if there was a Orca, but oh well.
The Far Echo Islands
07-08-2007, 02:28
err, I never said you couln't have two characters, and nothin yet has fully commited you to being a white tip, it han't been mentioned IC, so you can still change I guess...but if you'll wait 'till tommarrow I'll make a new thread, TG the url to everybody and I'll have more lax discriptions of what you can and can't be, because it has become apperenant that everybody seems to have a different favorite sea animial...if that's ok.
North Calaveras
07-08-2007, 02:32
OCCyou do that, i will wait till tomarrow XD