Emporer Pudu
02-08-2007, 17:34
The people who walk in darkness; will see a great light
Upon those who dwell in the land of gloom; a light will shine
The Dominion of Emperor Pudu is a great and vast land, its history punctuated by brief periods of war, followed by the endlessly repeated dogma; Community, Conformity, Stability.
Certain times in the history of the Dominion, certain foes of her Emperor, have served often to punctuate that Stability, and to danger the Community. Nigh on a decade ago, such an event came to pass.
In the little heard-of land of Chitzeland, a Pope died and a President was assassinated, and chaos and tumult of the populace rose to the surface. The nation was a boiling pot of civil war, genocide, rebellion, and holy war. The Dominion, moving along her eternal mission, stepped into this scarred land, and distributed order. Quickly did the armies of the Emperor spread, quicker still would they have were it not for the intervention of another small, un-noticed nation-state; The Dominion of Wanderjar, and its own Emperor, Christoph Baker.
Wanderjar then fought against the righteous armies of the proud Emperor, and resisted the rightful expanse of the Emperor's will. In the end, they were defeated; cast aside; and forgotten; for a time.
Ever since have the interests of the Pudite Dominion been intertwined with the concerns of the Wanderjarian. Their armies and allies were encountered ever after, and a long series of wars broke upon the Emperor. His soldiers, proud, brave, and upright as they were, were being worn down, and the tireless navies of the Emperor were showing signs of being worn thin.
Constant warfare along the side of the Emperor's friends, constant warfare against the Emperor's Global Alliance of Sovereign Nations foes, and then, the New Prussian Empire, and other, rouge states, all counting themselves among the allies and benefactors of Wanderjar.
It seemed, that there was a common link.
For a way is shown us; a fate is revealed;
Upon its shoulder Dominion rests
Deep within the reaches of the Dominion's homeland, rested a small room, it's stark white walls and heavy wooden tables an archaic contrast to the tangle of computers, wires, and LCD screens that were, seemingly improbably, crammed into the limited space.
Here was one of four-thousand like rooms, completely without unique qualities, save for its location. Roughly half a kilometer above this room, to the pride of those within, was the great offices of the Emperor himself, and it was to his will that they toiled now.
Standing out among their number, that number being a company of dark-clad, pale faces, each sitting motionlessly tapping away at their screens, was a newcomer. Dressed in a flowing white trench coat, he was a spark of light, glowing with the aura of the computers surrounding him. He wore long, straight silver hair, and had a face as pale as those around him, although he was not one of their kin.
He was the personal aide to the Emperor, and his foreign affairs officer, the door to the outside world; Mr. White. His moniker was a title alone, given to any who filled his post, and he had no real identification, outside of his serial number, stored as it was deep within the banks of some lost archive.
He was here, following a report issued to his office only hours before, an issue the Dominion has many times dealt with in the past few years. For once again, the Emperor was called to battle. The newest incarnation of allies the enemies in Wanderjar had formed around themselves; the New Prussian Empire, was now entering obvious and open hostilities with the Pudite allies, the Corporate Alliance.
Despite never joining the monolith that was the CA, the Dominion had long before stood as a powerful associate, and was often called to fight alongside them. Such here was the case.
Were it any normal occurrence, and time in the last number of years, the Emperor would have eagerly dispatched an Imperial Army Group and a naval taskforce, and been done with the battle as it passed from the region.
This time, however, was different. Mr. White, receiving from one of the Media Observation Technicians a dossier of events and players, he left the room, bound for a far more important destination than his usual small room, more important company than the assembly of Admirals and Generals that would come at his call.
He was bound to see the Emperor himself, and deal with the matter, once and for all.
They name him God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace;
His Dominion is vast and forever powerful;
Mr. White strode brazenly through the upper halls of the Compound, passing as he did many ranks of assembled guards; the Scholae Palatinae, personal wardens of the Emperor.
Their gilded golden armor and massive, towering physique showed them as the deadly soldiers they were, holding firm in their hands massive golden-tipped halberds and bearing great golden shields. They stood there, unmoving, eyes unwavering, and none had seen them move. They stared increasingly forward, eyes not following the foreign affairs officer through as he passed, only leveling upon him as he moved between the pairs that flanked the halls.
Soon, he reached a solid door, a portal of steel, which, upon his command, slid open, to reveal the greatest of chambers inside the Dominion. Nowhere else in the empire would such splendor be envisioned, such fantastic superfluous wealth be displayed. For here was a great chamber, stretching hundreds of feet into the air, hundreds of feet wide, all coated firmly with gold and silver, great wide pillars rising into the dark of ceiling, thick and heavy stone buttresses lining the upper walls. Alcoves were placed all along the walls, deep chambers unseen by the eye, for the light fleeted across them, containing more of the unseen, unheard, Scholae Palatinae, or perhaps even more fell warrior-fanatics.
Mr. White felt humbled here, as indeed was the purpose of so majestic a venue. He walked faster through here, eager to be beyond its overbearing effect.
At the end of the room, there was a set of stairs, marble steps rising perhaps thirty feet up, to find themselves before a second, simple, steel door.
Unadorned with the frivolities of the past chamber, it was a simple a structure as anywhere else in the Dominion. As Mr. White approached, he could see no guards, though he was sure eyes were on him. He touched the steel door, and after a second, it slid up and out of the way much in the manner of that before.
Into the sanctum he strode, stepping off the marble landing, moving instead to a soft grey carpet, springy for never being used. This room was adorned simply, with matte white walls and a grey carpet from wall to wall. There were two small legged chairs, and a small glass-topped table between. A waiting room. Mr. White took a stood, waiting as would one for a dentist. Much of the effect of the previous hall was destroyed, although the memory remained, in this strange place.
Beyond this room, was a third simple door. Within minutes, it too slid open, though by no will of White. He passed through, after a short pause, to enter a second small, white-walled room. It's difference marked by a small green plant in the far-left corner, and a massive oaken desk dominating the right side of the room. Behind this desk, rested the most powerful man in the nation, a roughly six-foot man, with a short, trimmed white beard and neatly combed hair. His face was fraught with lines of age, and an educated guess would place his years nearer to seventy than the younger days of the great and active Emperors. From behind his wooden desk, he controlled the fate of billions of human lives, each warped and modified to fit into his image of what was the perfect society.
Standing before the Emperor, as Mr. White was, he had a perfect view over his shoulder, and out the only window in the Dominion, looking out over his Domain, which was, as could be seen from here, simply a great flat plain of black panels that made up the surface of the hundreds of kilometers square Compounds.
Softly, the Emperor spoke, "My servant, I know what it is you bring to me,"
From His throne and over his Kingdom;
That which he confirms and sustains;
Mr. White looked at the desk of his Emperor, thinking it improper to look him full in the eyes, "My Lord, you know I have brought to you tidings of a great stirring, such that you have requested,"
The Emperor responded, in his soft, fatherly voice, "This is good; and sooner come than was anticipated. I should like to see these tidings, personally, before we make any rash decisions, however,"
And with that, Mr. White handed the simple manila folder over onto the shining surface of the polished desk, and slid it into his Emperor's fingers.
The Emperor looked at it for a moment, turned it open, and read. He had not read long, when he returned his look to White, who again averted his eyes, "This is good that we have seen this, it is exactly what we have hoped for. The blasphemous Wanderjarian realm again interposes itself with our interests, and now, for the first time, we know the way,"
Mr. White nodded, "Plans have already been set in motion, my Lord,"
"Ah, but that is all that you know, for long before we received this document, had plans been moving, wheels turning, and now they cannot be reversed. Even as we converse here, my navies make flank speed for the waters of the enemies. Our work cannot be undone..."
"It is good to have heard this Lord, and good to know of our Dominion's imperishable foresight and strength,"
"Indeed, though much more happens than you are privy to hear, and see."
"Of course, Lord, it was arrogant of me to think these things..." He lowered his gaze further.
The Emperor continued, "Yes, but indeed you are privy to much more than many, White, and for this reason, I will bequeath you with our plans, as they effect the present,"
"I thank you, Lord," He bowed his head, quickly, and the Emperor continued,
"The largest Battle Fleet ever assembled by the Imperial Navy has been drawn up, commanded as I am sure you could have deduced, by no other but my Sea Marshal and Grand Admiral, Volodislav Kadova. There under his command he has fully half of our surface strength in the Imperial Navy, and certainly far more numerous than anything we will have arrayed against us. Twelve fleets are sailing now, in two groups, for the North Sea, and then south through and unto the frigid waters of the Baltic,"
"May we warm those waters with the blood of the faithless,"
"Indeed, and we shall. Now, though, is not the time for that talk. We must be patient, and let the force given to Kadova decide for us what will be our fates there."
Mr. White nodded.
"Once we've forced our way through; a feat I am certain, despite my previous statement, that we are capable of, Lord High Field Marshal Petrov Romil will take the land, and make that nation ours. Our strategy revolves around keeping his armored formations supplied and supported, simply enough. More prongs will be added to the attack as it progresses, as is the way of Pudite warfare..."
Mr. White nodded again.
Shortly after, the Emperor dismissed him, to return through the small waiting room, and back through the Great Hall, and then again to the uniform white tunnels of the compound.
For every boot that tramped in battle;
by Judgement and Justice;
Many thousands of miles away, atop a wave-battered sea, floated the largest concentration of the Dominion's power ever assembled upon the earth, outside of the Dominion itself. Here, the paths of the two battle-groups diverged, and each took their own separate way to the doom of their enemies.
The first group, to be led by Grand Admiral Kadova himself, was made up of seven-thousand, eight-hundred surface ships, all spread across the ocean in a great crescent, stepping out from the center, where lay the Emperor Pudu XLII, the Dominions Hood-class supercapital. Upon this bridge did Kadova command from, looking out as it did over the great horizon-spanning force arrayed for him. Gleaming white steel reflected wherever the eye could see, the brazen color scheme of the Imperial Navy making itself known upon the eye. It may have been painful to even look upon, were it not for the eyes that beheld them, shaded as they were by implanted softeners, to ease it.
All around him, such eyes gazed out over the sea, and some below it. Hundreds of aircraft prowled above, and submarines below. Athens-class picket ships made massive circles of the fleet in small groups of three or four, and deeper inside, larger ships waited to strike an unwavering blow against any who would resist their will. Of both of the identical fleets, this was true.
Now, before the great force parted ways, one to circle through the great North Sea, and another to approach through the Channel, they would offer a parting token. This would not be given to one-another, however, it was more a statement of combined intent than anything else.
In the rear of both fleets, row upon row of tubes slid open...
Four-hundred and twenty great beasts slid to the surface, from just below the waves where they lurked. Their backs were long and wide and flat, and punctuated now by the many thousands of holes marking the launch ports of one after another deadly missile...
Upon each ship were laid one-thousand and three-hundred of these tubes, and all told among the four-hundred and twenty ships, there sat nearly six-hundred thousand weapons, waiting the command to launch, the simple order that would allow them to fulfill their purpose and bring their death to the enemy, wherever he may be. And they needn't wait long.
Seconds later, that order came, and five-hundred and forty-six thousand TD-ALM-7 long-range cruise missiles lifted off. They were joined quickly by counterparts from further submerged sections of the fleet, and again by the nearly eight-hundred missile cruisers deployed here. All counted, eight-hundred and thirteen thousand, eight-hundred and forty missiles left their respective tubes, and shot, at roughly mach seven, towards their respective targets; the civilian population centers of the nation of Wanderjar...
Far from hoping to demoralize the people, as the Pudite commanders were sure the opposite would prove true, they were simply an effort to kill the most people, in the quickest way. Although the Wanderjarians may have had warning of their coming, it would do no harm to test their readiness. In any case, the ships would have ample time to reload their missile cells before any further use of them was required.
The TD-ALM-7s would deliver six-hundred of high-explosive fragmentation warheads, directly into the most densely populated areas in Wanderjar. This work would mean, in the future, less work for the ground soldiers of the Emperor; fewer insurgents and militiamen. Even the smallest effect, had an effect.
Both now and forever;
Meanwhile, as the fleets before them launched their first salvo, the smaller force behind waited. Silently. These ships, in stark contrast to the glowing white of the force ahead, were painted in a matte black, and moved in a great oval formation, keeping together and moving as one, and not as discorporate elements of a whole, as the Imperial Navy did before them.
For, contained under these decks, were the finest weapon the Emperor had to offer to this campaign; the Praetorian Guard, and his personal field division, the Comitatenses Palatini, the much-feared personal dispensers of the Emperor's ire and contempt, of which he had no shortage of, when applied to this foe.
They were the mailed fist of the Dominion, and would be striking the killing blow, the decisive strike, where the Imperial Army would stall. They would break the front where the enemy resisted, and they would win the battles that had caused the greatest generals to falter. Nothing would stand before the march of these silent automatons, the dread warriors of a far-off Emperor...
The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts will do this
Upon those who dwell in the land of gloom; a light will shine
The Dominion of Emperor Pudu is a great and vast land, its history punctuated by brief periods of war, followed by the endlessly repeated dogma; Community, Conformity, Stability.
Certain times in the history of the Dominion, certain foes of her Emperor, have served often to punctuate that Stability, and to danger the Community. Nigh on a decade ago, such an event came to pass.
In the little heard-of land of Chitzeland, a Pope died and a President was assassinated, and chaos and tumult of the populace rose to the surface. The nation was a boiling pot of civil war, genocide, rebellion, and holy war. The Dominion, moving along her eternal mission, stepped into this scarred land, and distributed order. Quickly did the armies of the Emperor spread, quicker still would they have were it not for the intervention of another small, un-noticed nation-state; The Dominion of Wanderjar, and its own Emperor, Christoph Baker.
Wanderjar then fought against the righteous armies of the proud Emperor, and resisted the rightful expanse of the Emperor's will. In the end, they were defeated; cast aside; and forgotten; for a time.
Ever since have the interests of the Pudite Dominion been intertwined with the concerns of the Wanderjarian. Their armies and allies were encountered ever after, and a long series of wars broke upon the Emperor. His soldiers, proud, brave, and upright as they were, were being worn down, and the tireless navies of the Emperor were showing signs of being worn thin.
Constant warfare along the side of the Emperor's friends, constant warfare against the Emperor's Global Alliance of Sovereign Nations foes, and then, the New Prussian Empire, and other, rouge states, all counting themselves among the allies and benefactors of Wanderjar.
It seemed, that there was a common link.
For a way is shown us; a fate is revealed;
Upon its shoulder Dominion rests
Deep within the reaches of the Dominion's homeland, rested a small room, it's stark white walls and heavy wooden tables an archaic contrast to the tangle of computers, wires, and LCD screens that were, seemingly improbably, crammed into the limited space.
Here was one of four-thousand like rooms, completely without unique qualities, save for its location. Roughly half a kilometer above this room, to the pride of those within, was the great offices of the Emperor himself, and it was to his will that they toiled now.
Standing out among their number, that number being a company of dark-clad, pale faces, each sitting motionlessly tapping away at their screens, was a newcomer. Dressed in a flowing white trench coat, he was a spark of light, glowing with the aura of the computers surrounding him. He wore long, straight silver hair, and had a face as pale as those around him, although he was not one of their kin.
He was the personal aide to the Emperor, and his foreign affairs officer, the door to the outside world; Mr. White. His moniker was a title alone, given to any who filled his post, and he had no real identification, outside of his serial number, stored as it was deep within the banks of some lost archive.
He was here, following a report issued to his office only hours before, an issue the Dominion has many times dealt with in the past few years. For once again, the Emperor was called to battle. The newest incarnation of allies the enemies in Wanderjar had formed around themselves; the New Prussian Empire, was now entering obvious and open hostilities with the Pudite allies, the Corporate Alliance.
Despite never joining the monolith that was the CA, the Dominion had long before stood as a powerful associate, and was often called to fight alongside them. Such here was the case.
Were it any normal occurrence, and time in the last number of years, the Emperor would have eagerly dispatched an Imperial Army Group and a naval taskforce, and been done with the battle as it passed from the region.
This time, however, was different. Mr. White, receiving from one of the Media Observation Technicians a dossier of events and players, he left the room, bound for a far more important destination than his usual small room, more important company than the assembly of Admirals and Generals that would come at his call.
He was bound to see the Emperor himself, and deal with the matter, once and for all.
They name him God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace;
His Dominion is vast and forever powerful;
Mr. White strode brazenly through the upper halls of the Compound, passing as he did many ranks of assembled guards; the Scholae Palatinae, personal wardens of the Emperor.
Their gilded golden armor and massive, towering physique showed them as the deadly soldiers they were, holding firm in their hands massive golden-tipped halberds and bearing great golden shields. They stood there, unmoving, eyes unwavering, and none had seen them move. They stared increasingly forward, eyes not following the foreign affairs officer through as he passed, only leveling upon him as he moved between the pairs that flanked the halls.
Soon, he reached a solid door, a portal of steel, which, upon his command, slid open, to reveal the greatest of chambers inside the Dominion. Nowhere else in the empire would such splendor be envisioned, such fantastic superfluous wealth be displayed. For here was a great chamber, stretching hundreds of feet into the air, hundreds of feet wide, all coated firmly with gold and silver, great wide pillars rising into the dark of ceiling, thick and heavy stone buttresses lining the upper walls. Alcoves were placed all along the walls, deep chambers unseen by the eye, for the light fleeted across them, containing more of the unseen, unheard, Scholae Palatinae, or perhaps even more fell warrior-fanatics.
Mr. White felt humbled here, as indeed was the purpose of so majestic a venue. He walked faster through here, eager to be beyond its overbearing effect.
At the end of the room, there was a set of stairs, marble steps rising perhaps thirty feet up, to find themselves before a second, simple, steel door.
Unadorned with the frivolities of the past chamber, it was a simple a structure as anywhere else in the Dominion. As Mr. White approached, he could see no guards, though he was sure eyes were on him. He touched the steel door, and after a second, it slid up and out of the way much in the manner of that before.
Into the sanctum he strode, stepping off the marble landing, moving instead to a soft grey carpet, springy for never being used. This room was adorned simply, with matte white walls and a grey carpet from wall to wall. There were two small legged chairs, and a small glass-topped table between. A waiting room. Mr. White took a stood, waiting as would one for a dentist. Much of the effect of the previous hall was destroyed, although the memory remained, in this strange place.
Beyond this room, was a third simple door. Within minutes, it too slid open, though by no will of White. He passed through, after a short pause, to enter a second small, white-walled room. It's difference marked by a small green plant in the far-left corner, and a massive oaken desk dominating the right side of the room. Behind this desk, rested the most powerful man in the nation, a roughly six-foot man, with a short, trimmed white beard and neatly combed hair. His face was fraught with lines of age, and an educated guess would place his years nearer to seventy than the younger days of the great and active Emperors. From behind his wooden desk, he controlled the fate of billions of human lives, each warped and modified to fit into his image of what was the perfect society.
Standing before the Emperor, as Mr. White was, he had a perfect view over his shoulder, and out the only window in the Dominion, looking out over his Domain, which was, as could be seen from here, simply a great flat plain of black panels that made up the surface of the hundreds of kilometers square Compounds.
Softly, the Emperor spoke, "My servant, I know what it is you bring to me,"
From His throne and over his Kingdom;
That which he confirms and sustains;
Mr. White looked at the desk of his Emperor, thinking it improper to look him full in the eyes, "My Lord, you know I have brought to you tidings of a great stirring, such that you have requested,"
The Emperor responded, in his soft, fatherly voice, "This is good; and sooner come than was anticipated. I should like to see these tidings, personally, before we make any rash decisions, however,"
And with that, Mr. White handed the simple manila folder over onto the shining surface of the polished desk, and slid it into his Emperor's fingers.
The Emperor looked at it for a moment, turned it open, and read. He had not read long, when he returned his look to White, who again averted his eyes, "This is good that we have seen this, it is exactly what we have hoped for. The blasphemous Wanderjarian realm again interposes itself with our interests, and now, for the first time, we know the way,"
Mr. White nodded, "Plans have already been set in motion, my Lord,"
"Ah, but that is all that you know, for long before we received this document, had plans been moving, wheels turning, and now they cannot be reversed. Even as we converse here, my navies make flank speed for the waters of the enemies. Our work cannot be undone..."
"It is good to have heard this Lord, and good to know of our Dominion's imperishable foresight and strength,"
"Indeed, though much more happens than you are privy to hear, and see."
"Of course, Lord, it was arrogant of me to think these things..." He lowered his gaze further.
The Emperor continued, "Yes, but indeed you are privy to much more than many, White, and for this reason, I will bequeath you with our plans, as they effect the present,"
"I thank you, Lord," He bowed his head, quickly, and the Emperor continued,
"The largest Battle Fleet ever assembled by the Imperial Navy has been drawn up, commanded as I am sure you could have deduced, by no other but my Sea Marshal and Grand Admiral, Volodislav Kadova. There under his command he has fully half of our surface strength in the Imperial Navy, and certainly far more numerous than anything we will have arrayed against us. Twelve fleets are sailing now, in two groups, for the North Sea, and then south through and unto the frigid waters of the Baltic,"
"May we warm those waters with the blood of the faithless,"
"Indeed, and we shall. Now, though, is not the time for that talk. We must be patient, and let the force given to Kadova decide for us what will be our fates there."
Mr. White nodded.
"Once we've forced our way through; a feat I am certain, despite my previous statement, that we are capable of, Lord High Field Marshal Petrov Romil will take the land, and make that nation ours. Our strategy revolves around keeping his armored formations supplied and supported, simply enough. More prongs will be added to the attack as it progresses, as is the way of Pudite warfare..."
Mr. White nodded again.
Shortly after, the Emperor dismissed him, to return through the small waiting room, and back through the Great Hall, and then again to the uniform white tunnels of the compound.
For every boot that tramped in battle;
by Judgement and Justice;
Many thousands of miles away, atop a wave-battered sea, floated the largest concentration of the Dominion's power ever assembled upon the earth, outside of the Dominion itself. Here, the paths of the two battle-groups diverged, and each took their own separate way to the doom of their enemies.
The first group, to be led by Grand Admiral Kadova himself, was made up of seven-thousand, eight-hundred surface ships, all spread across the ocean in a great crescent, stepping out from the center, where lay the Emperor Pudu XLII, the Dominions Hood-class supercapital. Upon this bridge did Kadova command from, looking out as it did over the great horizon-spanning force arrayed for him. Gleaming white steel reflected wherever the eye could see, the brazen color scheme of the Imperial Navy making itself known upon the eye. It may have been painful to even look upon, were it not for the eyes that beheld them, shaded as they were by implanted softeners, to ease it.
All around him, such eyes gazed out over the sea, and some below it. Hundreds of aircraft prowled above, and submarines below. Athens-class picket ships made massive circles of the fleet in small groups of three or four, and deeper inside, larger ships waited to strike an unwavering blow against any who would resist their will. Of both of the identical fleets, this was true.
Now, before the great force parted ways, one to circle through the great North Sea, and another to approach through the Channel, they would offer a parting token. This would not be given to one-another, however, it was more a statement of combined intent than anything else.
In the rear of both fleets, row upon row of tubes slid open...
Four-hundred and twenty great beasts slid to the surface, from just below the waves where they lurked. Their backs were long and wide and flat, and punctuated now by the many thousands of holes marking the launch ports of one after another deadly missile...
Upon each ship were laid one-thousand and three-hundred of these tubes, and all told among the four-hundred and twenty ships, there sat nearly six-hundred thousand weapons, waiting the command to launch, the simple order that would allow them to fulfill their purpose and bring their death to the enemy, wherever he may be. And they needn't wait long.
Seconds later, that order came, and five-hundred and forty-six thousand TD-ALM-7 long-range cruise missiles lifted off. They were joined quickly by counterparts from further submerged sections of the fleet, and again by the nearly eight-hundred missile cruisers deployed here. All counted, eight-hundred and thirteen thousand, eight-hundred and forty missiles left their respective tubes, and shot, at roughly mach seven, towards their respective targets; the civilian population centers of the nation of Wanderjar...
Far from hoping to demoralize the people, as the Pudite commanders were sure the opposite would prove true, they were simply an effort to kill the most people, in the quickest way. Although the Wanderjarians may have had warning of their coming, it would do no harm to test their readiness. In any case, the ships would have ample time to reload their missile cells before any further use of them was required.
The TD-ALM-7s would deliver six-hundred of high-explosive fragmentation warheads, directly into the most densely populated areas in Wanderjar. This work would mean, in the future, less work for the ground soldiers of the Emperor; fewer insurgents and militiamen. Even the smallest effect, had an effect.
Both now and forever;
Meanwhile, as the fleets before them launched their first salvo, the smaller force behind waited. Silently. These ships, in stark contrast to the glowing white of the force ahead, were painted in a matte black, and moved in a great oval formation, keeping together and moving as one, and not as discorporate elements of a whole, as the Imperial Navy did before them.
For, contained under these decks, were the finest weapon the Emperor had to offer to this campaign; the Praetorian Guard, and his personal field division, the Comitatenses Palatini, the much-feared personal dispensers of the Emperor's ire and contempt, of which he had no shortage of, when applied to this foe.
They were the mailed fist of the Dominion, and would be striking the killing blow, the decisive strike, where the Imperial Army would stall. They would break the front where the enemy resisted, and they would win the battles that had caused the greatest generals to falter. Nothing would stand before the march of these silent automatons, the dread warriors of a far-off Emperor...
The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts will do this