Calizorinstani Elections 2007 (OPEN MT)
31-07-2007, 19:06
It is time again for the elections to be held in Calizorinstan for the next President of Calizorinstan, this will see if President Arnold has enough popularity to be re-elected. Here are the candidates and their views:
Jack Arnold:
New Imperial Socialism Democratic Party
He is a very popular candidate, he is the current president seeking re-election, if he is re-elected he will expand the defense budget, via transferring funds from the Religious/Law and Order Budget to the defense budget. He believes in compulsory military service, and has military experience, being a battleship captain for 8 years.
Henry Aberforth:
National Workers Rights Party:
He is a captain in the Calizorinstanian Navy, he is the 2nd popular candidate, if elected he will, work on Worker's Rights, and help unions within Calizorinstan, and will also seek to shrink the defense budget for the Social Welfare benefits program he proposes.
Aragon Lizak:
Calizorinstan Communist Party:
He used to be a former member of the Red Stars, and he was rumored to have commanded the defense of the communist Tatom government, and commanded the pincer attack that destroyed the Cazelian marines. He believes that the new socialism that John Arnold believes in is rubbish, and seeks to establish a Stalinist type regime, and claims, "It's for the Fatherland, that we should establish a true communist regime."
David Wood:
National Green Party
He is a former member of the "Calizorinstan Citizens for Peace" program, he advocates disbanding the Calizorinstan military, and thinks that Calizorinstan needs to work on a welfare program, and favors having the Khilistanians have their say, he is not very popular in Calizorinstan, but thinks he has a chance anyway...
British Londinium
31-07-2007, 19:14
Official Communiqué
Open Declaration:
The government of the People's Sovereign Republic hereby donates five million dollars each to the campaigns of Messrs Aberforth, Lizak, and Wood. President Arnold, unfortunately, does not receive any Londinian funds.
The Rt. Hon. Chase Ryan, MP
Minister of International Development
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 19:14
Open Decleration:
The Holy Empire will donate a sum of $20 million USD to the campaign of Jack Arnold, and Lord Sumguy wishes it to be known that the Sumguaian government supports President Arnold.
31-07-2007, 19:15
CNN News Special, Calizorinstan Elections '07:
We come live from the polls, it appears as though shockingly enough, David Wood is ahead in the election, with John Arnold trailing behind, but the
decision by Wood to disband the Calizorinstan military was so unpopular, that many who voted for Wood, upon learning this, retracted their votes, it is a tie now between John and Lizak.
Cazelia wishes to donate 10 million to Jack Arnold, courtesy of President Hasley
31-07-2007, 19:19
CNN Live Election Update Report:
We must say, this is an exciting election, Jack Arnold has gotten 30 million dollars in funds from foreign nations, thus he has stepped up his advertising campaign to a ferocity never before seen in Calizorinstan, his ads proclaiming his military experience and calmness in the Lerasian situation making him the perfect, or nearly perfect president of Calizorinstan if he is elected.
The polls show that Jack is coming out ahead, if he wins, he will be the first Admiral in Calizorinstan to be elected President.
31-07-2007, 19:24
OOC: I count thirty million from foreign nations. And wouldn't he have already been the first Admiral elected president, considering he's going for another term?
OOC: I corrected the total, my bad. He wasn't elected, the previous president resigned, and he chose Jack to take his place, so technically he wasn't elected, but you are right though in a sense..
British Londinium
31-07-2007, 19:25
OOC: I count thirty million from foreign nations. And wouldn't he have already been the first Admiral elected president, considering he's going for another term?
31-07-2007, 19:28
The Most Serene and Holy Altaic Empire of Tartarystan hereby donates seventy two million dollars to the campaign of Henry Aberforth.
31-07-2007, 19:28
Kampfers will hereby fund David Wood's campaign with 5 billion dollars. Have fun.
OOC: From one government waste to another :P
31-07-2007, 19:32
CNN Live Election Report :
David Wood is so unpopular that his house is being tarred with stinkbombs, thrown by unruly teenagers, and his photos are ripped off of his advert papers, even though he is tied with John Arnold, apparently the people already hate Wood. A masked man from an unknown organization had this to say "If Wood is elected, there will be a civil war, much more terrible then before.." The Calizorinstanian Marines clashed with supporters of Wood, which tried to grab the guns away from the Marines, and the Marines responded with force..
The Imperial Secriat of State, Foreign Government Office, donated US$2million to the campaign of David Wood.
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 19:39
OOC: this reminds me, I have yet to hold an election for the office of emperor..
31-07-2007, 19:43
CNN Live News Alert:
The Election is now turning out to be a fracas, supporters of Wood and Lizak have obtained guns and are now shooting each other, because of a supposed incident where Wood called Lizak "A red commie coward that uses plastic guns, and is a dirtbag scum of the highest degree.." Now the Calizorinstanian Marines are being called in, and the Red Stars are now attacking Wood's supporters in force, and the Calizorinstanian Army is currently repelling the Red Stars, this election so far is a bloodbath free for all.., ahhh!"
*the cameraman get's shot in the arm and drops the camera..*
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 19:50
To: Jack Arnold
From: Lord Sumguy
What's going on over there? I am hearing about firefights and riots from the embassy. If you need any asistance in keeping order, my military is always available to help, and I'm petty sure the AL would be willing to pitch in too. Keep yourself safe, the situation looks a lot like our own civil war did in the beginning. I should know, I started ours.
-Lord Sumguy
British Londinium
31-07-2007, 19:53
Calizorinstan engulfed in civil disorder
Riots and armed conflict have broken out in the unstable, third-world nation of Calizorinstan, with hundreds killed and thousands more wounded.
Initially, the disturbances were limited to sophomoric pranks, but it seems that supporters of Mssrs Wood and Lizak have begun a concentrated series of assaults against government military forces, the Calizorinstani press incorrectly labeling this crisis a "fraca".
"Quite primitive, really," says Charles Niblet, director of the People's Institute for International Affairs. "It's never good when a country can't even have a civil election without a bloodbath."
"I'm disgusted by the disregard that Calizorinstan holds for the democratic process," Cecilia Belladini, the Londinian Foreign Minister, announced. "British Londinium will do everything possible to restore order to the nation."
Later that day, the Ministry of War announced that the Second Legion was preparing to seize the city of San Diego and reestablish a semblance of order so proper elections could be held.
As of now, the Londinian military fleet is already sailing towards San Diego.
Story from LBG NEWS:
Published: 02:41:52 LST
31-07-2007, 19:55
The Calizorinstanian Government has counted the votes, and John Arnold won, in a press release meant to combat the Londinian one he says "I won fair and square, the reason for this bloodbath, is Wood's un-excusable comment to Lizak, this should never have happened, and I am ashamed this happened in a first world country like Calizorinstan. We suggest that since we've got the city all under control now, that the Second Fleet return home now that we're civilized again."
The cities were now quiet again, this was the first election that this had happened in, 50 elections went by without this happening..
31-07-2007, 19:56
To: Jack Arnold
From: Lord Sumguy
What's going on over there? I am hearing about firefights and riots from the embassy. If you need any asistance in keeping order, my military is always available to help, and I'm petty sure the AL would be willing to pitch in too. Keep yourself safe, the situation looks a lot like our own civil war did in the beginning. I should know, I started ours.
-Lord Sumguy
To:Lord Sumguy
We've got it all under control now, it was blown up by the press, in reality, they were just attacking each other, and only 15 people died, and only 30 injured.
-Jack Arnold
31-07-2007, 19:58
OOC: Yeah, I like it, being the downer dousing nation's hopes of a civil war is fun ;)
CNN live news report:
President Arnold has been re-elected, and now David Wood is disgraced forever, first resigning from his party's head post, and now he's fled the country! When word was spread of his insult to Lizak, he decided to flee the country, and Lizak is the new Military Minister as a consolation offer from President Arnold himself.
British Londinium
31-07-2007, 19:58
OOC: That's it? Huge, widespread riots, then quiet? Pah.
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 20:01
OOC: That's it? Huge, widespread riots, then quiet? Pah.
OOC: maybe it had something to do with the huge fleet coming to seize his capitol..:p
31-07-2007, 20:02
OOC: maybe it had something to do with the huge fleet coming to seize his capitol..:p
OOC: It did factor in, I didn't feel like having some foreign nation seize my capital...