NationStates Jolt Archive

Droskianishk Debates/Election (ES only)

31-07-2007, 18:37
(OOC:Same format as my last one. You pose as a reporter ask as many questions of all or just some of the candidates that you want and then vote on the poll)

Droskianishk Central News

Welcome to tonights debate of the 2007 Droskian Elections! Tonight we have all four of the candidates for the next president of Droskianishk. We'll begin with a short introduction of all four.

Mr. Jack Smith, a communist who believes that Droskianishks future lies with the end of capitalism world wide and a larger Droskian presence in the world, and who is currently in staunch opposition to both the economic meetings with Animarnia and the current Korean War.

Mr. Daniel Studeneg, a member of the Droskian Fascist Party who believes that Droskianishk should have a larger presence world-wide, and believes too that capitalism is no longer serving the state in the proper manner. He currently supports the economic talks with Animarnia and believes that Droskianishk should remain neutral in the Korean War.

President Mark Shedar, a member of the Droskian Liberty Party, a man who has led Droskianishk for the past six years to a better and stronger economy, safer homes, and more respect world-wide. President Shedar believes that Droskianishk should focus more on internal issues such as a growing crime rate and still striking numbers of impovershed. He has also taken a current stance against the Korean War.

Ms. Shanyia Kuen, a member of the Droskian Peoples Party, a woman who is relatively new to the scene of politics and is largely known for her tough stance on education, abuse in the home, and the relative lack of Droskian presence in the international community, she says that its about time that someone did something about the North Korean menace and says she's willing to support Animarnia in its efforts in any way possible.

Well folks, the moderator said looking at a group of reporters both domestic and foreign, the floor is now open.
31-07-2007, 18:37
"Stehenie Richards here from Kampfers. What is each of your views on both the EC and the NPO in today's polarized world?"
Dweladelfia prime
31-07-2007, 18:42
"Calisto Rafael Rio Times, What will each of you do in the Current North Korean conflict? Will you send troops? Or will you ask for a diplomatic solution."
31-07-2007, 19:10
Jack Smith- I believe these organizations are a continuing example of class struggle. The Imperialist powers organizing so that their precious cheap resources and labor will not be lost to the poorer and underdeveloped nations. If elected president I will refuse to trade with any nation involved with either organization. As to the current Korean Conflict I would immediately put an end to Animarnian economic talks, I would immediately cease trade with Animarnia until she should come to the negotiation table and end this mindless violence.

Daniel Studeneg- It is my opinion that these type of organizations take from the soveriegnty of independent nations. These organizations say that their members are free to come and go as they please but should a member nation decide to leave I believe we would see how free membership really is when that nation is blacklisted for trade and is regarded suspiciously in times of war. My position on the Korean Conflict is quite clear, we should stear clear.

Mark Shedar- I have to disagree with Mr. Studeneg, it is organizations like these which help to protect the sovereignty of said nations. These type of organizations help their member nations to better protect their economic interests both at home and abroad, and in such a competetive and polarized world as we have today their very important. The world continues to shrink and I think that as it does we will continue to see more of these groups. In fact that was the entire point of the Southeast Asian Economic Conference, to develop an Asian Economic Association so that all Asian nations could band together in order to protect themselves from both economic imperialism and militaristic imperialism, as well as to simply better the economic situations of their people. Do I like the certain actions of the NOP, such as the recent invasion of North Korea? No not in the least but that is in their interest and I don't expect them not to work towards their own interests, but thats a two way street, they can't expect Droskianishk to not work towards our own interests. The North Korean Conflict needs to be handled with care, right now I'm currently against it merely because the Animarnians and Amazonians did not let us know and still have not communicated with us about it. I'm also not to keen on starting a war with a nation that so far has done nothing to either nation involved.

Shaynia Kuen- Well I think its funny that you should use the term 'polarized world' because I think that it is in a very large way the fault of these organizations that the world is so polarized. I agree with President Shedar that nations need to work for their peoples interests but these organizations are not the best way to do so. These organizations are binding alliances ones that can domino effect the world into war, or as you said Mr. Richards 'polarize' the world. I believe that yes cooperation and understanding are key, but they shouldn't necessarily be arrived at in such a binding and permanent way. I believe that Droskianishk and Animarnia should have many points of cooperation but I do not believe that our two nations should form a permanent binding alliance as President Shedars actions seem to indicate that he wants, I believe that such an economic alliance will only lead to more polarization against European powers, and perhaps even lead to a polarization of the whole world along continental lines. But I think that in order to have more cooperation we need to have less polarization through organizations and alliances such as the EC and the NPO. I think its about damn time that someone took care of that dictator, if elected I would make sure either nation got the aid it needed, although I doubt the war will still be going on once I take office. So all that remains to be seen is whether or not they will become dictators of these people too, or if they will grant North Korea a new independence, one which means no more tyranny.
31-07-2007, 19:14
A Reporter with dyed Pink hair spoke up - "We would like to know how each of you currently views the Korean war; and how you view Animarnia's part in it; do you view it as just imperalism or see some form of Final humanitarian Solution when the strong have acted to finnaly help the weak where the world stood by and watched?" the reporter asked simply.

"Also if each of you could outline your foriegn and economic policy" she added.
31-07-2007, 19:52
Jack Smith- I believe that the Animarnians are just another imperialist nation looking for their slice. They got in on the game late but their making up for every lost moment. My foreign policy would consist of economic sanctions against those imperialist nations which continue their disgusting path, and economic rewards for those nations which strive for economic unity amongst the classes. Here at home I will strive for a free and equal health system for all Droskians regardless of wealth, class, race, or gender.

Daniel Studeneg- Animarnia is a nation looking to increase its power globally, and for that it cannot be held in a negative light. My foreign policy will be to fight more pronounced for a stronger Droskianishk on the world stage, through both economic and military power. Economically I think companies must be made to serve the state more than they are currently doing in the free market system of Droskianishk.

Mark Shedar- I do not yet know how to view Animarnia, as they have not yet contacted us. Until we have been contacted I will not know how to view the whole Korean War, whether as imperialist or as humanitarian, but I still find it odd that one could call war humanitarian. My foreign policy will consist largely of diplomacy, of opening new embassies across the globe and here at home, a policy of helping but not being afraid to put our foot down should someone cross a line. I admitt I have been fairly weak at doing this thus far, but foreign policy will be the main focus of my administration should I be re-elected. My economic policy will remain largely the same, a small tarriff on resources and manufactured goods which can and are produced in Droskianishk unless the imported good contains parts made in Droskianishk. I believe we need lower income taxes as well as corporate taxes to help aid the growth of the economy.

Shaynia Kuen- ANimarnia is leading a humanitarian mission, and as we see this war continue to unfold I believe we will see more and more nations jump on the bandwagon, however I believe it is important for me to point out that I believe North Korea should be given its independence again and not made part of either Animarnia or Amazonian, and so this is the development that I am waiting to see. My foreign policy will be one of cooperation with all nations of the world, I will not see this great nation become one of the many clique nations, we will be a friend to all that seek one. But we will be a just friend, one with boundaries one with limits to just how far that friendship can be pushed. Economically I see Animarnia as one of our closest friends, one with which our friendship should be allowed to blossom, I also see our northerly neighbors as potential military friends. Economically I agree greatly with President Shedar, but why not take it further? It is wrong of Droskianishk to punish the wealthy, it is wrong for Droskianishk to punish the employed. If elected I will eliminate the income tax of Droskianishk entirely. Droskianishk can survive off small corporate and sales taxes.
31-07-2007, 19:57
A unusually tall man with light brown hair and small glasses stood next.

"Franklin Rock IV, FNN News. I'm just wondering about each of your feelings towards the Armed Federation, possible expansion in the Middle East, the Middle Eastern Alliance Treaty, or MEAT, between the Armed Federation and Waldenburg, and where you see your nation heading in terms of dependence on foreign oil." Franklin sat back down, whipping open his small laptop, ready to take notes.
31-07-2007, 20:02
The same reporter nodded as she scribbled down notes about the varous answers; "as a nuclear armed nation; We would like to also ask what each of the candidates policy is on nuclear weapons; and the use there off"
Amazonian Beasts
31-07-2007, 20:12
"Skyler Tiberius, Amazonian Central Network," a pugnacious, stocky man in his mid thirties stood up and announced. "You have all taken a stance on the NPO so far, but I ask further questions. What are your plans for the Asian-Pacific sphere as a whole in regard to other first-world nations? In addition, how do you plan to handle the expansion of the Amazonian Dominion, keeping in mind that they are aligned with two of the world's strongest powers and share a good tie with Animarnia as well, besides having the world's second-strongest economy? Finally, if a nation closer to Droskianishk were attacked by the NPO, what would Drosk response be according to your own views?"

The man sat down-he had voiced the questions with authority-and it was. ACN was the government-biased news network that extended across Amazonia and frequently portrayed positive Amazonian sentiments...and the questions all pertained to the present or future of the Dominion.
31-07-2007, 20:26
Jack Smith- I would be more than willing to deal with Middle Eastern leaders if elected president, should they make a sign of good faith, of moving towards economic equality for their people, as to their oil I would prefer that Droskianishk purchase middle eastern oil as opposed to the Imperialist Animarnian oil. As to nuclear weapons I believe that no nation should have them, and if elected president I would work tiresly to the destruction of all nuclear weapons world-wide. I plan on helping the entire sphere move towards economic equality and unity in order to help the entire world break of its chains of oppression. If a nation attacked by the NPO which bordered Droskianishk I would immediately aid the victim of imperialist aggression.

Daniel Studeneg- I disagree with Mr. Smith we should be dealing with Middle Eastern leaders now, regardless of their actions. I however believe that Middle Eastern oil should only be purchased sparingly after all oil possible has been purchased from Animarnia. And from what we cannot produce through nuclear generators. I believe that nuclear weapons should not be disarmed, and that they are vital in the defense of our great nation. I believe that Droskianishk is a if not the major power in the region and as such I would protect our nations interests regardless of how other nations were affected because that is why I will have been elected. If a neighboring nation was attacked I would opt to defend it as that is in our region and our national interests.

Mark Shedar- It is a regret of mine that I have not yet communicated with Middle Eastern leaders, however I plan to begin doing so so that diplomacy can be regularized with them. It is my hope that Middle Eastern oil will only be purchased after all oil possible has been bought from Animarnia and from what we cannot produce with nuclear generators. Nuclear weaponry is the bane of human existence, however it is a fact of life and I believe it is foolishly niave to hope that terrorists or rogue nations will simply play by rules which they have always ignored. I believe that a nation has every right to use a nuclear weapon in defense should they feel that that is the only option left to them. However these weapons should only be used against legitimate military targets. Droskianishk is a world class nation and thus deserves the same respect. As Animarnia and Droskianishk are the most populous nations in the world and rising superpowers I believe we will see a reshaping of the world along those lines. I believe that in order to work more effectively with Amazonian and to move more effectively into the role of superpower Droskianishk must first open diplomacy with Amazonian. And if a nation were attacked by the NPO it would depend on the reason that nation were attacked whether or not Droskianishk would get involved or on what side.

Shanyia Kuen- I believe that we should actively engage Middle Eastern nations in economic negotiations and deals. There is much to be gained for both nations involved if only Droskianishk should engage them in dialogue. It is important for Droskianishk to have a variety of fuel sources and so I believe it is important for Droskianishk to purchase fuel supplies from both Animarnia and the Middle East so that Droskianishk is not as reliant on any one source. As to nuclear weapons I believe they are detestable and that their use should remain unthinkable, I can't even begin to think about any situation in which I could order the use of a nuclear weapon. But our reasons for keeping them cannot be because of terrorists, after all who can you launch a nuclear device at if they are hiding within your own nation? The only truly honest answer I can give is that nuclear weapons should only be used in defense, never in attack and they should only be used when all other options have been wasted. I agree stronglly with Mark Shedar on the issue of Amazonian and diplomacy as well as whether or not Droskianishk would get involved with a war with NPO, as long as the NPO is not currently planning to invade a nearby nation" she finished jokingly arousing a laugh.
31-07-2007, 20:48
The Reporter nodded along with the answers and wrote down notes before piping up to ask another question. "If I could have a little leeway I would like Mr Studeneg to expand on how nuclear weapons are paramount to the defence of the nation and how such weapons could be used under his administration" she asked then paused.

"and I would also like to ask Mr Shedar what he definces as a legitimate Military target that a nuclear weapon could be used on if required" she added
31-07-2007, 20:55
Daniel Studeneg- Of course, well all great nations today have nuclear weapons, should we disarm our weapons what stops them from merely launching nuclear weapons should war break out? We would not be able to stop them, we would not be able to retaliate in a way equal to the way in which they struck us.

Mark Shedar- An appropriate legitimate military target would be a military base, a deployment of troops in a foreign country, troops on a battlefield, etc.
31-07-2007, 20:56
Franklin stood again, smiling.

"While I do not wish to be rude, all four of you failed to answer my two most pressing questions. What are your views on the Armed Federation itself, and, second, what would be your reaction to possible expansion in the Middle East?"
31-07-2007, 21:19
"Mr Studeneg and how would you use such weapons? For example would a pre-emptive first strike be considered an option under your administration and I would like to know the answer to my collegues question about MEAT and its expansion in the middle east."
01-08-2007, 05:38
Jack Smith- I don't believe that any nation needs to be ramping up their armarments, especially a nation in such a precarious place as the middle east. The Middle East will continue to be a powderkeg for the forseeable future, its natural resources, primarily crude oil will be the central focus point of these conflicts. Any expansion in the middle east would recieve more than bad looks from my administration. Should that expansion take place great pains would be taken to wane Droskianishk of its oil needs.

Daniel Studeneg- All nations have the right, nay, the responsibility to arm themselves in order to better protect their people. The Armed Republic may use this armarment to expand in its region in order to better stabalize the region as well as the world economy. My opponent Mr. Smith is right, the Middle East will continue to be a region of conflict unless we can be assured there will be no conflict and one way of doing that would be for the Armed Republic to expand. And yes, a pre-emptive strike would not be beyond the realm of possibilities regarding nuclear weapons, of course it would be regretable, but all options cannot be taken off the table.

Mark Shedar- The Armed Republic is viewed as the Republic currently regards all nations with exception to Animarnia, as a possible friend, but neither overwhelmingly friendly nor overwhelmingly negatively, however should the Armed Republic move to expand its borders that would change. I do not view imperialism highly. I do not know how I would respond, that would depend entirely on the magnitude of the conflict.

Shaynia Kuen- I believe that the Armed Republic should be counted as a friend and as a stable ally in the region. I also believe that it depends entirely on where the borders are expanded, there are several unsavory characters in the middle east. This however does not mean I would support rampant imperialism. The Armed Republic would be held responsible for the welfare of those nations and should the Armed Republic act irresponsibly the Republic of Droskianishk would of course have to see to it that these actions were rectified.
01-08-2007, 16:42
A tall Franco reporter, with a thick French accent spoke. "The general view of the Franco Confederation, and possibly the EC, is a more isolationist policies, focusing on internal issues, and taking liberal, and sometimes slightly-left-wing stances on world and internal issues."

"It is widely believed by our population that the divide between the alliances should not exist, and is too tense. They desire a more independent world; does your nation also desire this, to all candidates?"

"Though, they accept the fact that the alliances are different - the Franco Confederation is perceived as more focusing on social justice, peace, developing stronger economies and free trade - the NPO seems to focus more on expansion and military development, and is ruled somewhat by dictators or un-elected bodies. Secondly, what are your views on the Franco Confederation, and their ideals? And thirdly, how do you plan to cope with the internal struggles your nation faces, such as poverty, as that is one of the issues in the foremost of the people’s thoughts in Franco."
01-08-2007, 16:51
A medium-height, darker-skinned Varyag stood up and spoke.

"I speak on behalf of the Imperial Gov't when I ask you how the Droskian people would react to the use of chemical and biological weapons. They are powerful creations that can change the tide of battle quickly, a strategy that our Field Marshals such as "The Reaper" use regularily."
01-08-2007, 17:35
Jack Smith- The alliances should not exist at all, the only alliances that should exist are those of the oppressors and the oppressed. It will be my perogative to help the oppressed from all across the world to free themselves from their opressers starting here with Droskianishk by providing free medical care to all Droskians, and by nationalizing our top industries so that the greedy cannot continue to exploit the hard working people of Droskianishk. I believe Franco is heading in a good direction, the real test will be to see how far they take it, how much change the people of Franco are willing to see. I would never support the use of chemical or biological weapons.

Daniel Studeneg- It is that internal view of the EC which I find disturbing, this is what I was discussing earlier when I said these alliances take the sovereignty of their members, and this is why I will never support or join an alliance should I be elected. I believe that Franco has also taken good steps but I believe that your nation is near if not at the end of its necessary change. And about Droskianishk internally, I believe that we are moving forward at a breakneck pace, sure a little more oversight is needed to ensure that this pace continues, but I believe in the next 10 or 20 years the poverty of Droskianishk will largely dissipate as we continue to grow economically. Chemical and biological weapons are again a possibility at the disposal of the government, should we feel it is necessary, although Droskianishk currently does not have these weapons if elected president I would have them built.

Mark Shedar- I believe that these alliances exist to protect their member states sovreignty and independence, and for as long as we have states we will have tension between them all struggling for their national interests. I am not a fan of Francos internal policies, they are far too left wing for myself and on internal issues I will not govern the same way and I will not fight for the same policies as many of their politicians fight, but we do stand for the same basic fundamental ideas such as: freedom,equality,and the ability to better onesself whether that is economically or politically. Our two nations have different means to the same ends, and perhaps even our means will lead to different ends. But I see no reason that we can't work together on international issues, which is really the only point on which sovereign nations should be dealing with one another in my opinion, let Droskian people elect their own leaders to deal with internal issues and let the Frank people elect their own leaders to deal with issues that effect them. Droskianishk is continuing to develop and in order to eradicate the massive issue of poverty in Droskianishk I believe it is the governments job to help the nation continue to develop by encouraging through low taxes that development. And as to chemical and biological weapons I do not believe that these weapons should be used outside the same parameters I described earlier pertaining to nuclear weaponry.

Shanyia Kuen- Well if you don't believe that these alliances should cause tension you shouldn't be in them. That is what alliances do they cause tension between the member states of other alliances, that was the cause of World War 1 and World War 2. Franco is as the President said a bit leftist, but I believe their hearts are in the right place and many time so is their policy both internal and international. I believe the best way for Droskianishk to deal with poverty is to eradicate income taxes so the people of Droskianishk are freer to make more choices about where their money is spent, and they can make investments should they so choose, I believe that Droskianishk has the responsibility to protect the safety of the worker but also to encourage to corporation to do better and to have its proffit margins grow. As for chemical weapons, if we have nuclear weapons I do not believe it is necessary to have chemical or biological weapons.