Tribal Stronghold HQ (Closed, TS allies.)
The place to be if you want to talk about strategy, logistics or tactics as an ally to the TS in the Alestrian War.
Link to the IC thread:
Link to the general OOC thread.
There are currently about 8000 men (including tank corp) parked off the cost of Roster. What do you want me to do with them?
+ There needs to be a decent target for some more ICBM (non-nuclear) coming in at the island.
Also, Alpha 13 squad have been deployed outside hexham. Any suggestions?
could i ask you send all 8000 men round to the south of Roster so our forces can use the 'pincer' tactic and crush the enemies :sniper:
Alfegos, if you could answer my request in the general OOC thread it would be perfect.
You have full operability for your troops, but please coordinate with the others. Currently the 1st Mechanized Division is reinforcing Alversia's and Datium's position in the town.
Datium, that would lead them into the First Colonial Army, not very good odds for them.
Edit: Be sure that all ICBM's launched at the island will be shot down, one way or the other.
30-07-2007, 11:18
I am planning to strike through the heart of the city with one decisive blow very soon. Any reinforcements are welcome. Will be Roleplaying this shortly.
Shall we go IC and form a command centre in the TS capital?
Encrypted Transmission
Tribal Stronghold and Allies
Within the next hour the Frozopian Royal Guard will be making their counter offensive upon the enemy position within the city of Roser. We hope to punch through the northern section of the city with our armour and infantry while simultaneously bombarding enemy defensive formations in the centre and southern sections of the city. But this plan cannot succeed by Frozopian hands only. We request all allies to rendezvous at the co-ordinates provided with this transmission.
We also recommend a Allied Head Quarters is set up in the city of Richmond. We can discuss strategies further there.
General Crawford, Commander of all Frozopian forces within the region.
Oily prata
30-07-2007, 11:26
I'd love to but i am currntly stuck in time until someone tells me where to land my troops.
I need land forces in rosser!!!
30-07-2007, 14:23
The I Armoured Battalion could launch an assualt from the north of the city to link up with Alfego's landing corps.
well come on then let's take that city!!!!
Encrypted message.
To: Allies of the Tribal Stronghold.
In response to the request of the Frozopian commanders request, we have assigned multiple air squadrons to offer assistance. Furthermore the 1st Mechanized Division, reinforced with fresh men and equipment will be at your command for this operation. We regret being unable to provide more assistance, but we are currently gearing up for a major counter-offensive in the south of the country.
In regards to the matter of establishing an allied HQ one of our bunkers is being prepared for this task. Let us hope that the plans established in there will quicken our victory.
Michel Belisarius, Supreme Commander of the Stronghold Army.
Datium, Frozopia and Alfegos have dispatched troops to Roser already.
30-07-2007, 14:30
Allow the defenders time to rp their defence. Im sure they will retreat if they are sensible.
Allow the defenders time to rp their defence. Im sure they will retreat if they are sensible.
Or receive reinforcements.
30-07-2007, 14:46
Or that.
Damn it wheres that crying smiley.
Etoile Arcture
30-07-2007, 15:13
Guys, give BL and the others CA allies time to react to events in Rosser, it won't encourage more CA sign-ups if the TS allies make it a cakewalk. Personally I think it should turn into a meatgrinder, no one ever took a city except room by room.
I'm going to bag Richmond and its approaches for my area of operations, since I have to bring everything in by air and I need to have a working airport until I can start new constructions.
@ Oily prata, you can come ashore at Richmond as by my next post I'll have RPed my air and ground defences there. The north-east part of the island appears to be the First Allied Army zone.
Guys, give BL and the others CA allies time to react to events in Rosser, it won't encourage more CA sign-ups if the TS allies make it a cakewalk. Personally I think it should turn into a meatgrinder, no one ever took a city except room by room.
And there's two Colonial army corps on the way.