NationStates Jolt Archive

Leocardia-sponsored terrorists in arms

30-07-2007, 00:53
The LeoMilitia, a state-sponsored terrorist organization by Leocardia, has completely finished its training on urban warfare, provided by Leocardia's Elite Forces Branch. Its strong terrorist army consisting of 655,350 militias provides Leocardia a more threatening nation, ever. Its weapons include a blend of 3rd world weaponry mixed with technological advancements.

The Leocardian Communist Government would like to congratulate the LeoMilitia with its excellent training and pride when trained with the Leocardian Elite Forces, with 350,000 AK-108 Assault Rifles, 50,000 RPG-7 w/ERA Penetration Shells, and would like to present a digital computerized uniform for the LeoMilitia plus helmet and kelvar vests.

There are currently 12,500 LeoMilitia's all over the world in various sets of countries.
Central Prestonia
30-07-2007, 01:00
Official Prestonian Statement

We will watch this development closely. We do not normally condone terrorism, but if it turns out that this group is legitimately attached to the military, then we will support it. However, if this group practices conventional terrorism against civilians, then condemnation will be swift in coming.

President Aaron H. Preston
The Black Agents
30-07-2007, 01:06
From: the Rogutis Agentie
To: LeoMilitia

Congrats on your completed training. Never let these other nations sway you from your tasks. Terrorism is a form of warfare, its a brutal, horrific form of warfare that others denounce because they do not possess the back bone needed to carry out the attacks. They cant stomach the carnage set by this form of war. So bravo, Bravo to your LeoMilitia.


Aegies- Grandmaster of the Rogutis Agentie
30-07-2007, 01:25
Ministry of State

The Vetalian government and people stands by their Leocardian allies in this new venture. Our forces will always available to support yours militarily,economically, and politically if and when they are needed in a theater of war. Congratulations on training a force capable of urban and unconventional warfare in all potential theaters.

Proconsul Valerian Kosyachenko
North Calaveras
30-07-2007, 01:34
The Peopl's communist state of NC

We believe these men are revolutionary's, they fight for what they believe is a just cause, the communist party of NC will provide weopons and other supplies to them...
30-07-2007, 01:53
Official Kampferian Statement

We denounce the use of terrorism as a way to accomplish a means. There are better ways to acheive a goal than to stooping to these levels.

Fuhrer Richtoff
30-07-2007, 23:08
We are proud to gain support from the nations around the world. We will use our terrorist tactics simply for defensive purposes. We will not release any information where the terrorists whereabouts, but will like to point out that Leocardia has LeoMilitias in ThePeoplesFreedom, currently in the Active stage.
Red Tide2
31-07-2007, 00:08
IC: Official Statement from TSRT Government
"Any of these 'LeoMilitias' found operating in the state will be arrested and dealt with as we deal with all terrorists*."
End Message

OOC: *That is, taken away, executed, and buried in a unmarked grave somewhere deep in a forest.
07-08-2007, 18:48
IC: Official Statement from TSRT Government
"Any of these 'LeoMilitias' found operating in the state will be arrested and dealt with as we deal with all terrorists*."
End Message

OOC: *That is, taken away, executed, and buried in a unmarked grave somewhere deep in a forest.

Declassified Document
There are 50 LeoMilitias in Red_Tide2