NationStates Jolt Archive

Accents of your Nation(OOC)

29-07-2007, 03:47
My mind sees things much clearer by using small details, so I figured I'd post a thread for people to post an "accent map". Here's mine:

By Italian, I mean slight Italian accent, and by South East US, I mean the "neutral" accent most Americans in Northern VA and the surrounding area have (not southern drawl, but not a pointed northern US accent either). Now get off your butt and get mapmaking.
British Londinium
29-07-2007, 03:51
OOC: Can we describe it, or do we have to make a map? :p
29-07-2007, 03:54
Almost all of my people speak like New Yorkers.

I'm serious.
29-07-2007, 03:58
BL, Either or, or both.
29-07-2007, 04:10
It depends. Almost all of Vetalia has European Russian accents of various thickness, with a handful of exceptions. In Vetalian culture, accent is used as a status symbol with the accents of cities like Petrovsk or Vetalia City seen as superior to those of more provincial regions like the northwest or central agricultural belt, which sound Estonian or Ukrainian, respectively. The thickness of these accents is also a status symbol, with light accents favored over heavy ones, especially in the central regions.

The noteworthy exception is around the city of Xilare; neither the name of the city, nor the local language have any ties to Russian and in fact have an almost Latin sound to them. Accents are best described as southern Italian. The primary explanation for this is that this was the territory of the ancient rivals to the Vetals and so way never properly assimilated despite the complete dominance of Vetalian governments over the region for the past three millenia.

Also, in the Xilare region, the Latin script is used rather than Cyrillic, the standard alphabet of the country, in informal contexts. However, the entire population of the region is comfortable with both due to generations of educational efforts and political pressure.
29-07-2007, 04:23
Virtually all Kuronans have a Kurma Accent from the Kurma language spoken widley around the country. The dialect doesn't varry much with the exception of foreigners, travlers, or the uneducated. Kurma may bear a strong resemblence to a Sweedish Accent crossed with a German one.
British Londinium
29-07-2007, 04:29
A hastily constructed dialect map:
29-07-2007, 04:37
Predominant languages in my country are Greek, English, and French and most people in my nation speak a smattering of all three mixed. Most of my people have a greek accent.
Mad Chester
29-07-2007, 04:58
I understand there's a difference between accents of a London person and a Manchester person (just like between folks from New York and Atlanta). So based on that, my accent map of Mad Chester is predominantly Mancunian, with a little bit of London, Australia and even Jamaica thrown in.
Nueve Italia
29-07-2007, 04:59
No map, but ...

The nuances of Nitalian dialect are enough to drive every foreign speaker mad. Everyone speaks Nitalian as their main language: a mixture of Italian, Spanish, and English. However, regional differences are as varied as they are complicated. Those from the Northeastern region of the nation speak the language with a more Italian inflection, using Italian more for verbs and people (as in pronouns), but base the majority of their nouns, grammar, and sentence structure on Spanish. This can cause some confusion in foreigners who think they're supposed to speak Italian, but are then lost as the language flexes back and forth between Italian and Spanish.

The Mid-Region's vernacular carries heavy English structure and wording. Indeed, the sentence structure follows an English pattern rather than a Latin-based language pattern, but, one again, the language fluctuates between what is known as Spanglish and Enalian: using English words and making them seem Italian, or taking Italian and Spanish cognates for their literal meaning. Still, Italian is the major influencing factor, but one can see a dramatic shift away from pure Italian by this point.

The South is almost entirely dominated by Spanish accents: Almost all resemblance to Nitalian is thrown out the window, save for nouns: every noun object is said or written in Italian, making it not entirely Spanish. However, nouns in the form of people and places are still Spanish.

The government is currently enforcing education laws to try and solidify Nitalian in the way the Mid-Region speaks it, which is considered the acceptable dialect.
29-07-2007, 05:01
Cookesland has 5 major Linguistic Regions

The West of Cookesland has a dialect i would describe as kinda like Northern Midwest accent

The Northern Cookeslandic dialect sounds like a New England Accent

The Port Imbris/Northeast Cookeslandic Dialect sounds like a Brooklynite accent

The Coricas/Central Cookeslandic Dialect sounds just like Philadelphian English

The Ariana/Southern Cookeslandic Dialect sounds like Southwest Californian English
29-07-2007, 05:52
Most people in Kahanistan have Israeli accents. Some Arabs have Egyptian, Jordanian, or Palestinian accents.
29-07-2007, 06:12
Southeast Asians have accents mixed with all others, though some have retained their regional accents. Some have Western parts of it thanks to overseas travelling, for the Union is unique yet diverse.
29-07-2007, 06:20
Cazelian accents are usualy somewhat californian, mixed with Cazatarian (sounds like german mixed with native accents)
29-07-2007, 07:14
Most Tolvans speak with a light Australian-New Zealand accent hybrid (Tolvan is located roughly between where they are on RL map and combines influences of both for RP purposes). People from around the northern city of Haindown, primarily populated by Chinese and Korean immigrants, speak English with a pronounced "Asian" accent and there native languages with their regular accents. The Te, indigenous islanders of Polynesian descent, speak with a Tolvanic accent as they are exposed to Tolvanic TV and radio at an early age.
29-07-2007, 07:26
The Primary Language of Skibereen is referred to as Irysh Gaelic.
Irysh Gaelic is a blend of Norwegian, Old English and Irish Gaelic.
While the primary roots of the language are European it was heavily influenced by African transplants in the early 17th century, and continued to be influenced by their presence.

Later natives of the Asian sub continent moved to Skibereen and this again effected the language.

Since Skibereen maintains an open border quite literally "accents" of nearly ever shade can be heard on the streets of Skibereen.

A working knowledge of Norwegian or Irish Gaelic can allow a person to move about Skibereen. Skibereenians tolerate english speakers and indeed one can function in Skibereen speaking only english however Skibereenians are known to deliberately make things more difficult for English speakers...this is considered humor.
29-07-2007, 23:33
Kiravian accents are a bit strange. Some speak like Midwestern Americans, some speak like Maritime Canadians. A vast group have Scottish, Irish, or English accents. There are small communities in the Kiravian South with New Zealand or Barbados accents.
Imperial isa
29-07-2007, 23:34
Australian accent for Common and as for Imperial has no earth base one
30-07-2007, 00:13
Shenyangi citizens have a very slightly Russian accent, though due to the constant flow of immigrants into the nation there are many people with all manner of accents.
30-07-2007, 03:23
Russian-esque/ Baltic region accents are predominant in the Northern mainland of Jimanistan, which was once Russian influenced until it was conquered by the islanders, Who's accent more closely resembles that of Spanish or Portugese folk. Where language in concerned, several languages, such as Russian and English, are dominant, while Spanish is important to many cultural groups... However, the official language is revived Latin.

(Maybe a map will come later, yes?)
30-07-2007, 22:24
Many of the people of Uiri speak a mix of french and english with some native Uir thrown in as their first language. Verbs are used straight from english although often with a vowel change. Other words are a mutated combination of the word in french and english.

Their english accent is very different from most others although canadian is very close.

a is pronounced short
e is pronounced short
i is pronounced like long e
u is pronounced like english oo
o is pronounced long

vowel-vowel or consonant-consonant combinations have each combining letter pronounced separetly. bear would be pronounced be-ar with both vowels ponounced as directed above.

Because of a lack of these letters in the Uir-latin alphabet they are pronounced like other letters

z is pronounced like s
x is pronounced like k s
q(or rather qu) is pronounced like k
c is pronounced like k
y is pronounced like long i in vowel uses and j in consonant uses.

These pronounciations are used regardless of what is before or after the letters. therefore yak is pronounced like jak and fly like in english. queen is pronounced like ke-en
This can get confusing if other words are pronounced the same way.

th is pronounced t-h so this would sound like t his
ch and sh are pronounced the same way except you substitute t for c(k) and s respectively.

p,b,d,m,n,r,f,v,j,s,l,k,g,h and w are pronounced plain.
30-07-2007, 22:28
Willinkians speak English with what is termed a "Willinkian" accent by her neighbors, which can be compared most closely to South African English, with hints of Greek (The other first language).
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 22:30
Most Sumguaians speak with an accent that is somewhat of a mix between highland scottish and southeastern US (VA and NC, not the deep south) accents.
30-07-2007, 22:47
I is too lazy to make a map, so this shall suffice:

The major and official language of Cravan is English, with followings in Spanish in the central regions. Mainland Cravan mostly speaks English with what is considered to be unaccented American English, with some elements of what could be considered Canadian and English pronunciations of some words. There are also some small portions of mainland Cravan in the Sapin and Prada areas that speak English with a slight Spanish accent, however this is largely kept to rural and mountainous areas where the Anglo influence did not take a great hold upon the unification of mainland Cravan some half a century ago.

Aurelias, one of Cravan's major overseas territories and a former independent kingdom before acqusition by the Empire, has a primarily Celtic culture and thus the population speaks with a Celtic accents. The accent of the area mostly resembles that of Scotland.

Carpanthium, a more recent addition to the Empire, has a population that speaks with a very similar accent to that of Northford. (First and second generation Carpanthians, since the holding has only been in the Empire some twenty-odd years. Most colonists who remain in Carpanthium after travelling from mainland Cravan retain their largely "unaccented" English, however newer generations came under Northfordian cultural influence and the like, resulting in more extreme accents.

Finally, Dresdon City, a colony-city in southeastern Haven, has many different accents. Those Cravanians who arrived from around the Empire retain their accents for the most part, their children maintaining only slight offshoots in most cases. The local Polynesian population also retains their distinct accent, however their language has been largely phased out, only used at the tribal and family level at this time.

And thus concludes my compeltely nonsensical ramblings where I had no idea what the fuck I was saying.
30-07-2007, 22:48
Dian Language Differs:

Archaic Dian - is used very rarely mostly at historical sites and preserved in some academic usages. (it is harsh more like a greek/herbrew/ mixed with hard indoeuropean (germanic) (The North Of the Provincia of ICCD the old kingdom still speaks with a harder tone but it is reduced very much to the far northern hill regions - sort of a mix of scottish/german and greek in feel)

Dian Latin - is much like Old latin (so it may sound a little wuzzy) - it is also known as Old Dian (common about 3000-1000 years ago) (very much like old latin) Southern ICCD and the isles has some areas that have a wuzzier tone but it is mostly just preserved in some words) (back then it was "the civilized language - so the softer you spoke it the more upclass you were - that kingdom/empire had a brutal end in part to orders often falling on deaf ears)

Dian Lingua Romance or Modern Dian - started about 1500 years ago and stretches to about 500 years ago) This is common over the North of the Empire the islands, and East Farland Coast which was colonized about this time. It is still in "common used" in academic circles, "Dians" and Is one of the "Official" langauges of the Empire - this has more of a vulgatish quality - and includes some Romaticized Farland Words. Accents may include french italian, spanish, portugeuse etc..

Farlander (Geisonati) is an ethnic language which resembles MesoAmerican language patterns It is very common in West Farland but is about 50% in east farland known and not used as a common language except among farland cultural groups. It is a "secondary Language in the Empire. Farlanders speak with more facial expression and more held tones and roles, they do not speak wuzzy Dian very wuzzy, but do not speak nearly as hard as Archaic Dian.

Franglais = Both French and English combined is one of the other Dian Languages and used as the current official language - and trade language. It takes more of a french leaning though, and uses some Romance tone.

Palamoan - Is an ethnic langauge with Dialects of their own
Is a "secondary or regonized ethnic language) it is more like east pacific languages - with an assiatic sense to it. Palamoans tend to have a more asian accent to their speach.

Xiander - a small outpost with more of an oriental history and culture - Xian uses an Asiatic language which is a mix of Chinese, Korean, Japanese, SouthEast Asian etc.. it is a "secondary langauge" or recognized secondary language.
They have a even more accented speech than the Palamoans.

Colonial - there are a number of outposts in the Empire - including Lakes, Lacus Prae, etc.. Franglais and Modern Dian are most common in those areas - and oddly it is the "normal" accent since about half the population of ICCD is in those areas (more than "the old country") And has 5 of the Dian capaitals zones (Imperial Island, Administrative Capital, Diplomatic Capital, Trade Capital Religious Capital. - and is posed to aquire one more) The historic, military, and judicialCapitals are located elsewhere. (The Historic Capital will likely never change, extra info)

There are also smaller ethnic groups in ICCD (specifically in the colonial area that still have "aboriginal and protected status". Those areas are "territories" of ICCD, not provinces with civil administrative zones. The even smaller other colonies also may have very small ethnic groups, but most are "protectorates" with their own internal control mechanisms.

The Main Dialects are
"Country Dian"
"Colonial Dian"
"Farlander Dian"
"Palamoan Dian"
"Xiander Dian"

These can also have creols but the core of the language has been centralized - it is slowly "fading as well. and Colonial Dian is by far becoming the standard.

My mind sees things much

clearer by using small details, so I figured I'd post a thread for people to post an "accent map". Here's mine:

By Italian, I mean slight Italian accent, and by South East US, I mean the "neutral" accent most Americans in Northern VA and the surrounding area have (not southern drawl, but not a pointed northern US accent either). Now get off your butt and get mapmaking.