The Galactic Library (FT)
The Tandu
28-07-2007, 08:40
Greetings from the Galactic Library Institute,
It has come to the attention of the Galactic Library Institute (GLI, henceforth) that this Galaxy (presently Galaxy 18) lacks even the most basic access to the Galactic Library. Notification by Clan Tandu and a request on their part has prompted swift action on the Institutes part.
Presently plans call for the introduction of a local branch library (b-class, containing roughly 1/3 of the Main Library's contents, roughly 6x10^132 yottabytes (IE: A lot)), with forwarding capability to the Main Library in Galaxy 2. Naturally such requests are priority based and low-level requests may take significant amounts of time to process, considering the overall strain on the Library, with several million requests per hab-day.
As reports indicate that numerous languages are present throughout Galaxy 18, the primary branch unit will be assigned a Galactic 1 interface system, a simple binary language which is typically easy to learn for all oxygen-breathing races. Provisions will also be made for Galactic 2 and Galactic 5 interfaces, these being the more popular languages in the vast majority of the Library Institutes holdings.
Interface access is, naturally, provided free of charge to any and all comers, on all subjects. The primary principal of the Galactic Library is freedom of information, all information, to all comers. This, of course, includes military and various sensitive subjects, and while the Library cannot condone such actions, those not wishing civilian populations to have access to such material should advise their citizens not to patronize our facilities.
The Institute has selected an uninhabited, fallow planet on Galactic Arm 2 (Coordinates follow), which appears to be unclaimed. If any claimants step forward we will, of course, reconsider our claim.
On another subject, the Library Institute will, for a fee, be pleased to install D-P class units at locations selected by the purchaser, and crew them as is required. There is no fee after installation, although for the larger class units the initial fee can be quite substantial, upwards of fifty trillion galactic credit units.
Those wishing to arrange such an installation should contact the Galactic Branch Library (Terragens Sector) on Tanith. Naturally priority is given to senior patron requests of the Galactic clans, but requests from the clans of Galaxy 18 will be considered if time presents itself.
We also strongly encourage those who obtain Library units to contribute to the Galactic Library itself, submissions may be made through any Library unit in contact with the main Branch Library of your galaxy. As updates are a strong priority for the Library Institute submissions are typically reviewed within 10-20 hab-years of submission. The Library Institute prides itself on the speed and effeciency of this process.
We thank you for your consideration and patience,
Galaxy 18 Senior Librarian, Kachualla Kanten ab-Linten-ab-Siqul-ul-Nish
28-07-2007, 09:06
Pfft, the Republic's library is much cooler, for the simple fact that we have two or three unique stories within it. If anyone wants to read these, or create their own works, here's a link to our personal forums:
28-07-2007, 14:46
Listening Carefully, Strategos Ralk, newly appointed commander of the Commonalitarianism space navy stepped forward, there were apparently no qualifications on prior claimants on a fallow world. He spoke, "We are a prior claimant to this world, we are sending ships to orbit this world." "We are seeking allies to back up our claims on this world, we are willing to divide the interest on our prior claim."
The Tandu
28-07-2007, 18:19
There is no need. The GLI has already selected several other unclaimed worlds on which to establish this particular branch unit. We will establish our claim elsewhere.
While we have no personal issue with you, splitting a claim on a world which tme Galaxy 18 Main Branch was established would create issues in regards to the nuetrality of the GLI and its interests. The GLI has no wish to become involved in any conflict, and sharing a world would mean potentially becoming involved in the conflicts of that worlds other claimant.
If, however, you would like to arrange for a smaller unit, however, we would be pleased to deliver. Typically an E-Class unit is considered suitable for larger worlds, while something approaching a K-Class branch is more desireable on colonial worlds due to its power power and crew requirements.
Galaxy 18 Senior Librarian, Kachualla Kanten ab-Linten-ab-Siqul-ul-Nish
28-07-2007, 20:47
We see your claim to producing galactic library units at a price of $50 trillion credits as outrageous and inappropriate, in an earlier time period, we produced the first of a similar unit, The Final Encyclopedia/Greater Synopticon of Entirty in alliance with Intracircumcordei, as the first step of consolidating all knowledge on Terra since then we have expanded to several systems.
The cost you are quoting is beyond your total domestic output. Partial access to the Final Encyclopedia network, an AI library system charged with acquiring, disseminating and absorbing knowledge was in millions of credits, not trillions.
You have further stated this is a search system, not an intelligent system, further creating a limited interface which is limited in access. This makes the hardware being offered substandard in terms of the latest technology. We do not even know if it is connected through a subspace, or bell quantum tunneling ansible.
We would like you to move your operations to another system not so close to our own, and offer a reasonable entrance fee for your library exchange system.
OOC: This would be based on the nationstates calculator based on population.
28-07-2007, 21:09
The beginnings of the Final Encyclopedia/Greater Synopticon of Entirty stretch back to the first true artificial intelligences in 2085. Our calender in Commonalitarianism reads 2600. We have had over 500 years to develop a competent information data network.
The Tandu
28-07-2007, 21:10
*OOC: The GUI isnt part of my nation, its a seperate entity which is part of a sort of 'semi-government' that runs the Five Galaxies of David Brin's Uplift universe. Considering how much money flows into the Institutes, fifty tril. isnt a whole lot.*
If you have no interest in a branch unit, you need only say so. While we regret that you do not appreciate the value of several aeons of accumulated information, it is of course your own descision.
As to the cost, Library units over E-class are self contained environments, supported by their own power systems, atmospheric circulation systems, and capacity for several thousand simultanious accesses. The main core processing/storage unit for such facilities typically costs approximatly one billion Gal-Credits, chiefly due to the miniturization technology involved in storing such vast amounts of data in such a relativly small space. While we do not doubt that your own unit stores five times the data in one eighth the space with several petahertz increase in processing power, it is our deep regret to express to you our lack of interest in such a system.
As the other planet is on a seperate galactic arm from the planet you 'claim', then we have no further conflict.
In regards to your requests involving pricing, suggestions must be submitted to the Main Branch Library at Tanith. At the present rate of processing your suggestion will be seen to within the next sixty three hab-years, give or take a few years depending on the priority your request is assigned.
Have a nice day.
Galaxy 18 Senior Librarian, Kachualla Kanten ab-Linten-ab-Siqul-ul-Nish
EDIT, insert where appropriate:
If you wish to compare the history of the units, the GUI was established by the Progenitors an indeterminate period of several billion years ago, at the founding of Galactic civilization as we know it. As all Galactic civlizations are expected to contribute to the Library, the current total of information accounts for several trillion years of history when viewed in an 'end to end' fashion.
28-07-2007, 21:44
OOC: Which is precisely why we want you to leave, it is already bad enough with FT WMDs, giving general access to scalar weapons in the FT sector would not be fun. It is the classic problem of handing a primitive a steel axe, the primitives culture will be destroyed completely, having no means to produce the steel ax, they will turn to the producer of the steel ax as the only reliable source breaking apart most of the internal power structures in the culture. The Galactic Library would not be a blessing.
The Tandu
28-07-2007, 21:47
They never arrived, and now theyre planning on a site a bajillion and a half lightyears away. And welcome to one of the central conflicts of the Uplift universe, FYI.*
28-07-2007, 21:58
Commander Ralk smiled, a whole new world lay below him for the taking. The system scanners and mapping devices flew in.
OOC: The central AI mind of the Greater Synopticon of Entirty/Final Encyclopedia smiled a secret smile, it had been far more than a library for hundreds of years, ever since the Eternals had spoken to it in their ancient language in 2200 it had changed and become kindled something much more. The ancient symbolic language of the Eternals had written new concepts and even consciousness, some might say a soul into it. The Von Neumann self replicating exploratory probe network fed in the change of location of the leaving Great Library. It might be several hundred years, but eventually the cloaked probes would reach the location of the Galactic Library.
The Tandu
28-07-2007, 22:02
*OOC: As I said, it never arrived. It was PLANNED for that location, but as your people claimed to own that world, they changed the location. Nobody arrived there at all.*
New Brittonia
28-07-2007, 22:56
ooc-can i join? I never did FT so i don't know what to do.
The Tandu
28-07-2007, 23:08
*OOC: I certainly wont stop you. Im hoping this'll be more character-y in the future once I've got a few Library's set up. S'alright with me if you dont have an FT persona yet, now's as good a time to start as any, amirite? :D*
02-08-2007, 02:24
a great blue wormhole opens up at the planets coordinants. several smaller wormholes open up all over the area. after about five seconds ships start popping out of the hyperspace wormholes at an alarming pace. from the big wormhole flies the CSS Wolf as well as several other battleships. from each of the smaller wormholes flies several troop carriers.
from the bridge of the Wolf
greatings Commander Ralk. this is Captain Roffmann we came as you requested. and we brought company. at your discretion we will set implacements all around the planet as well as drop the troops onto the planet in mass.
02-08-2007, 03:22
Captain apparently we have a new world to claim, there was going to be an alien library built here, but they never showed up. We claimed prior ownership of the world, they never contested the claim, and chose to go elsewhere. Now we have a new world for the taking. A colony world. It is a rare opportunity, as you are one of our allies, we will gladly settle the world with you.
We look forward to future cooperation. Colony worlds are rare in our sector, most worlds are not fallow for humans, canids, or buggers. We look forward to a glorious future together.
We shall name this new world "Bluff".
The Tandu
02-08-2007, 03:34
Before we get into a military conflict here, I'm going to take pains to point out that if you go forward with this and attempt to assault the Galactic Library, you will be facing attack from five galaxies worth of superpowers, think of it as facing ten or twelve Imperiums of Man, or, if you like, think of it as a really huge Jihad. We're talking millions of capitol ships and probably trillions of soldiers, most of them far more capable fighters than humans.
And theyre not going to stop with defeating whatever you sent against the Library, because attacking the Galactic Library is the equivalent of drawing a pentagram in goats blood on the Pope's doorstep and eating a baby inside of it.
Thats my fair warning, feel free to ignore me or it if you like, but its been given.
And considering the eco-minded culture of the Galactics, they would most likely have selected a world which was unlikely to develope any sort of intelligent life in the next few million years, which indicates that the planet is not likely to be worth colonising. Just sayin', though. Its your planet, after all.*
It was with great ceremony that the Galactic Library (Galaxy 18 Branch) was set into place on its foundation, prepared with the greatest of care by GLI engineers. The design was the result of two billion years of refinement, careful planning, and slow evolution. If the Galactics were good at one thing, it was doing things slowly.
While the great proton generators that powered the structure were being set into place, the Thennanin battleships Krondorsfire and Alphenasfire hovered overhead. Thennanin ships were not renowned for their beauty, but were legendary for being as hard to kill as a cockroach, able to survive assaults by entire fleets and keep on kicking until the bitter end, if bitter it must be. The Thennanin were also model Galactic citizens, and had thus voluntiered their ships to watch over the installation of the newest Branch Library, even if it seemed that it would only be for use by the Tandu.
Captain Kault of the Krondorsfire growled to himself. Few other species could growl like a Thennanin, with two mouths and an organ-of-prayer to back them up.
Humans...they have nearly an entire galaxy to themselves. He thought, And this particular bunch of them appeared to be even more radical than the ones in Galaxy Two. I shall re-evaluate my opinion of Clan Terragens when I return home. If they were like these...humans, then they have much improved themselves.
His eyes scanned the battleships bridge. Most of the ships crew was Pilla or Hul in origin. Few Thennanin dealt well with the chaos of battle, the disorder and general mayhem could cause them to have breakdowns without proper conditioning, so they used clients instead. The Pilla looked rather like large bears with oversized jaws, an impression many of Clan Terra found highly amusing when coupled with their high-pitched method of speaking.
Humor...even amougn Galactic civlization, where humor was considered a trait to be removed in the process of Uplift by most species, the Thennanin were famous for being utterly without a sense of what was 'funny.' The Tandu, at the least, KNEW what irony was. The Thennanin...well, most Thennanin thought irony meant something had iron in it.
The blue glow of the first stage of powering-up gradually vanished as the Great Library began to activate its systems, siphoning power from the massive banks which held its reserves should something go wrong with its generators. That was unlikely, of course. The last recorded generator failure in a Library unit was from two hundred and thirty seven million hab-years ago, the result of a Nish getting too close to a power coupling.
Inside, representatives from all the Galactic Clans were milling about, mumbling to each other in various strains of Galactic Languages 1-11. Plant-like Kanten, the almost-human (typically styled 'Devil Trickster) Tymbrimmi, the insectoid Tandu, and a few humans and their clients. A Neo-Dolphin and a Neo-Ape engaged in conversation with a spindly Kresh. The ape appeared to be expounding on some Galactic philosophy regarding the nature of the soul as a component of entire species rather than individuals. The Dolphin was speaking to the Kresh in a sonic-range too high for the Ape to hear expressing his opinion that Dr. Albert (the ape) was a puffed up fuzzball.
The great tan cube that was the Central Processor and Data Storage Unit hovered a few meters off the ground in the center of the Librarys main plaza, the rayed spiral design of the Galactic Library emblazoned on its sides, glinting faintly in the well-lit interior of the Library. Signs to its left and right directed occupants to 'species-oriented display units' adapted for the various anatomical designs present in Galactic culture. High displays for the Avian Gubru, low dislplays for the short Tytal, 360 degree displays for the Kanten who had eyes pretty much everywhere. And a variety of others, of course.
Naturally representatives from Galaxy 18 had been invited as well, but it seemed that few had been keen to show up, typical of radical crazies such as seemed to thrive in this galaxy. Hopefully they would all wipe themselves out in a few million hab-years or so, then the Migration Institute could bring some kind of order to this place.
For now, most of the various guests seemed to be milling about, chatting and generally nobbing each others hobs. Politicalese was the language of choice, despite all the signs being in Galactic Eleven (the language the Tandu spoke), and most of those present spoke it quite well.
OOC: Dude....for a nation as young as yourself, it is godmodding in the highest form, to be doing that. To have that many superpowers, even a galaxy, under your control. And, quite frankly, to control something that has all this information and what not, even if its not your nation, is quite ridiculous.
02-08-2007, 03:46
OOC: No we are not going to attack the library, just take the world which the library left. We have paraterraforming technology and arcology technology, as long as it is a world it will work fine for us.
The second part would be spying on the Tandu with self replicating probes Von Neumann Engines. It would not be attacking them. More like sneaking into their neighborhood and attempting to steal their technology. We design the probes to look like asteroids, or have small cloaks on them.
Basically, we would try and find the various Tandu systems and spy on them. Cold war stuff.
The Tandu
02-08-2007, 04:01
Telros, as I said, its the GLI, not me. If nobody bothers them, they arent going to bugger with anybody.
Its Uplift Universe canon, if you dont like it, ignore it. And, just so you know, I HAVE been around (and active, yes) since 2003. I can TG you with my old nation, if you like. If you'll promise not to tell anybody who I am ;)
Commonalitarianism, thats kinda like spying on a dictionary >_>
As I said, the Library is free use to all, and all the technology contained in it comes FROM the Library. If you want to send your d00dz in to look up Phase Matter/Antimatter Conversion Beams or whatever, go for it. It might take a while due to the sheer volume of information, but it would certainly be faster than spying.
And remember, its the Galactic Library Institute, not the Tandu.*
It doesn't matter; if you use it, it is confined by your nation and its stat. And also, you may have been around since 2003 on another account, but this nation has it. And trying to use population from another nation for this puppet is godmodding.
The Tandu
02-08-2007, 04:15
'Kay, ignore it.*
02-08-2007, 04:24
The Republic's library doesn't have a bunch of controversy surrounding it either.:p
02-08-2007, 04:29
OOC: I never actually thought I'd be saying this, but I agree with Telros on this one. Owning even one galaxy is insane godmod. I could see a galactic library, yes, but not an extragalactic library.
The Tandu
02-08-2007, 04:32
The Republic's library doesn't have a bunch of controversy surrounding it either.:p
The GLI throws a metaphorical brick at you.
OOC: I never actually thought I'd be saying this, but I agree with Telros on this one. Owning even one galaxy is insane godmod. I could see a galactic library, yes, but not an extragalactic library.
Never thought you'd agree with me? What do you mean by that? =P
02-08-2007, 04:41
Never thought you'd agree with me? What do you mean by that? =P
OOC: Though you are correct when you point out my (and others) mistakes, we always seem to be at odds. I use to feel a little resentfull of this, then learned that was the way NS worked and got over it. :p
The Tandu
02-08-2007, 04:47
Back in the day, it was also considered rude to fill peoples threads with off topic OOC discussion. Please stop.*
02-08-2007, 11:33
OOC: It would be patently ridiculous. We wouldn't be spying on the dictionary, but the people who use the dictionary which could be kind of interesting.
The Tandu
02-08-2007, 11:37
Although all this OOC is getting rather out of hand, you wouldnt need to spy on them either. The Library is neutral ground. You can follow the guys in if you like, provided you dont talk too loudly ;)*
Here is the OOC thread, if we need to take this OOC any further.
03-08-2007, 02:47
to tell you the truth commander we only came to aid you in your claim as we are alies. as such we hold no claim to this world. if their is any technological or archiological finds we may be interested in sharing those. we are a small people so land isn't that much of a problem for us. that said this planet does seem to occupy an adjacent position to our respective sectors and thereby it behoves us to have an ally installed on it reather then some unknown national interest. bluff sounds like a good name for this world to us. we also look foward to working with your people for a very long time.
05-08-2007, 05:53
In and around the Nexus portal dian's and thier allies were involved in talks.
The breif war that unfolded a century ago left the elvin homeworld inside the nexus. The Elves using their psychic powers managed to save the planet and it's moon from utter destruction. The event caused an alliance between the now supra psychic elves (who insist it is MAGIK!) and the rebel dian forces of the nexus navigators. The war left much of the Dian colonies ravaged as the autopiloting systems and non psychic forces raided the colonies that sided with the rebels. The rebels and their allies were pushed into the nexus, and after the elvin homeworld was torn into the rift the tides turned. As the elves and their core allies managed to control the nexus portal. The Dian Empire quickly closed off the portal. As supplies from the colonies dwindled the Empire collapsed with population issues and internal political forces. The new factions that rose up offered peace with the core and the elves. Long time ally Commonalitirism had sent a message to Dia - and it had now received it. ICCD used the nexus to send a team or researchers to the GLI to study and make archives on a number of space technologies.
- meanwhile human cyborg warriors are forming again in the antipsychic wings of the Empire.
Little does anyone know but the planet itself is waking up.
05-08-2007, 06:23
The GLI throws a metaphorical brick at you.
I throw a literal brick through the Libraries window.