Conversion to Absolute Capitalism Confirmed
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 04:33
Gold Magazine
Senate sees Absolute Capitalism as solution to economy's woes
- After weeks of debate, the Senate has voted, narrowly, to abolish nearly every trade and Corporate law, including the minimum wage laws and unnaturally high tariffs. The abolishment of the high tariffs and the establishment of free trade, long longed for by investors from every class of society, opens a market previously closed to the the international world. According to many anaylsts, the new market is worth trillions with the IT market worth an estimated couple trillion by itself.
The abolishment of the minimum wage laws finally strike down the ridiculous minimum trade laws established by the government, and allows the heavy industry sector and automobile industry to finally recover if foreign investment comes. Many of the largest corporations have already confirmed that employees will have 'livable' wages and basic healthcare and pensions, although anything past this will up to the corporations. Due to the competition that this new system will throw upon the industries, many are guessing that workers can continue to see wages and benifets go up as they compete for skilled workers or quantities of unskilled workers to man the factories.
With the infamous tariffs abolished, the IT industry claims it will soon become the premier, as renewed investments, from home and abroad, will finally allow the industry to have the money to expand at will, whereas before it competed in a delicate domestic market, and an inaccessible international market.
Meanwhile, the government has decided to get away with its cornicupoa of taxes, which included, among other things, taxes on gasoline, purses, stamps, salt, surgar, and this tax added to the already large sales tax, which added nearly twenty half-marks to every Reichsmark spent. Instead, the government has opted for a flat income tax across the board, while leaving room for state and local governments to add sales tax, though state income tax, and many other taxes that were chocking the populace were abolished. State governors have added that they only intend to use sales tax to raise money for a public works project, such as a highway, and they claim that the sales tax won't be nearly as much as the now abolished federal sales tax. Just last night, Senate confirmed that the new flat income sales tax will be 20%, but they have confirmed it will be raised within just a few years to combat inflation.
Even if we cannot rely on the 20% tax rate, the complete revolution has saved the economy, and now encourages investments from every class, as well as international investment. And, with the new market estimated in the trillions, what international investor wouldn't want to jump on the bandwagon?
Nueve Italia
28-07-2007, 05:25
OOC: Adam Smith would be proud ...
Official Nitalian Economic Response
Having been made well aware of the recent relaxation of economic policies within ThePeoplesFreedom, I would like to extend both a helping hand and an offer I believe would benefit both our countries. These two notions are actually one in the same. I am speaking of a trade agreement between the Holy Imperial Republic and Yourself. In return for lowering tarrifs on trade goods specifically from your own nation, we can provide open markets in return for our being allowed to sell both Raw Materials and Finished Goods within ThePeoplesFreedom. This agreement can be pertaining only to one product, or, if so wished, to the vast diversity of goods the Holy Imperial Republic can offer.
We await either an acceptance, refusal, or counteroffer. The main terms of the agreement (price, goods, etc.), we are being left up to yourselves. However, in times of economic crisis and experimentation, consider we Nitalians as an ally.
Emperor Antonio Orsini Gori I
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 05:29
Commerce Department Communication
Tariffs have been abolished except for in certain emergency situations. There are none now, and thus you are allowed to trade whatever you want thats not an illegal substance.
28-07-2007, 05:48
OOC: Welcome to the Dark Side. ubercapitalism FTW
I congratulate you on your transition to most successful workable economic system in history, true capitalism. Several Tolvanic companies are interested in investing in your nation.
Lassiter Holdings Inc, Tolvan's largest and most successful private equity firm, will be sending a delegation to assess various potential acquisitions within TPF.
In addition the Bank of Brayton has expressed interest in providing lines of credit to any businesses requiring investment capital, provided they meet the Bank's credit standards.
Roger Burke
Commerce Minister
Commonwealth of Tolvan
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 06:13
Commerce Department Communication
Please feel free in setting up your banks. When banks are established in our nation, our federal reserve guards half, while the investing nation reserves half. Please feel free to talk to Liquid Investing, a mutual investment group which is the largest in TPF. They will direct you to some good investments, in hopes you can do the same to them. In addition, you may want to talk to Alex Gold, a premier venture capitalist and CEO of Gold Magazine, TPF's premier investing and business magazine.
New Leota
28-07-2007, 06:15
It is generally ill-advised to make short, one-line posts with smilies.
New Leota's Federal Government is pleased to see a nation moving towards less restricted economy, though the complete abolition of any Minimum Wage is disturbing to us. Keeping one, even if it were quite low could be a nice idea in the modern world, to prevent employee abuse.
Regardless how you choose to proceed, would you be interested in trading with us?
Michael Tafoya, Secretary of Commerce, Republic of New Leota.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 06:29
Commerce Department
The inherent philosophy of Absolute Capitalism helps to create an artificial minimum wage with all the competitiveness. If one company seeks to offer a slightly higher wage than another, the worker will seek to work for this company. While for the first few years you may see lower-than-normal wages, it will be enough to live on and it is expected to increase as capital increases. As for trade, it is Free Market, so you my buy or sell what you wish. As for us, we are always in need of gasoline and foods. We have also been informed that Liberty Motor works is interested in selling the Solstice, the very first hydrogen car to be introduced to the market. They are very interested in selling it, and they say that Nimrod-Davis, an oil company, is willing to establish hydrogen gas stations in your nation, as they seek to move away oil.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 06:39
Galactic seeks Foreign Investment
- Galactic is a private space company which operates in the deserts of The Peoples Freedom. The company receives hundreds of contracts to launch commercial satellite into space, and also occasionally receives military contracts. Recently, they have expanded into the field of space tourism, offering a craft that can go into space and provide weightlessness for up to three minutes. Each trip costs 500,000 Reichmarks, and they seek to lower it to 250,000.
Galactic wishes to partner with other space pioneers to construct a shuttle that can drift for ten minutes in space. However, their dream goal in to construct Babylon a huge, international space hotel and office space, of which is estimated to cost in the billions. Galactic claims to have a full working business plan for the space station, but interest in TPF has been lackluster do to interest in more conventional industries.
Finally, Galactic hopes to build a space elevator. There is currently one owned jointly by TPF and Wanderjar, but this is run by the state, and primarily used for military and sensitive commercial projects.
New Leota
28-07-2007, 07:03
Mmmm. Opportunities abound.
Regarding the offers from Liberty Motor Works and Nimrod-Davis, we would like to explore these possibilites if at all possible. Hydrogen-powered vehicles have the potential to reduce New Leota's reliance on petroleum, meaning we might be able to import less and get more use from the fields which we own.
Regarding the Galactic firm, Tijerino-Martin, my country's primary aerospace building and development firm would like to negotiate with Galactic about the building of a shuttle that meets the ten-minute drift limit as well as about the initiatives to develop a space elevator, and the Babylon station.
Michael Tafoya, Secretary of Commerce, Republic of New Leota.
The Lone Alliance
28-07-2007, 07:08
OOC: Hmmm Perhaps I should "Liberate" your country from corporate oppression.
-TLA response-
While we understand the reasoning, we believe that no long term good will come from "Absolute Capitalism" and that sooner or later the nation will suffer from it's negative effects.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 07:11
Commerce Department Communication
We have taken the liberty to arrange meetings with you and the companies. Private jets have been dispatched by us to pick your businessmen up. We wish you success and continued fortune.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 07:12
OOC: welcome to try.
New Leota
28-07-2007, 07:14
Do you want to RP the meeting(s), TPF? If so, do you just want to meet with Secretary Tafoya and all the businessmen at once?
Excellent. I am certain all parties concerned in these deals will profit greatly.
Michael Tafoya, Secretary of Commerce, Republic of New Leota.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 07:16
OOC: I wouldn't mind rping the meetings. You can skip the arrival and assume we are in negotiations, or whatever works.
New Leota
28-07-2007, 07:23
I'd just go straight to the meetings. I'll let you decide where it takes place for obvious reasons.
My negotiations teams contains the following persons.
1. Secretary Tafoya, New Leotan Federal Government
2. Anthony Tijerino, VP of Operations for Tijerino-Martin
3. Robert Hegyi, representing the New Leota Motor-Works Union*
* This last guy is here about the hydrogen-powered cars and such.
TO: Commerce Department, TPF
FROM: Lyran Governmental Trade Department
In conjunction with the second phase of Lyras' planned investment strategy for TPF, the Lyran Government wishes to make investments in the information technology sector, and also as much as possible of the Heavy Industrial sectors, with the capability to commence production of Lyran-designed military hardware being an important secondary consideration.
Generally speaking, Lyras intends to be exceptionally laissez faire, and allow business as usual, with an eye towards ensuring regular returns on investment. Current intended investment is, as far as Lyras is concerned, directed as much as possible towards establishing controlling or near-controlling stakes in the sectors in question.
For the moment, the Protectorate intends to consult with relevant persons within TPF to establish a timetable and manage the transitions required.
The assistance of the TPF Commerce Department in securing the relevant consultations would be greatly appreciated.
Lieutenant-General Aleksandr
Lyran Governmental Trade Department
Protectorate of Lyras
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 07:35
The meeting, an extremely important meeting for a variety of business, was decided to take place in the Elixir Hotel, a forty story five star hotel famed for its underwater gambling rooms, restaurants, and suites. A lot was riding on the backs of the people gathered here. Liberty Motor Works seeks to secure its first large foreign contract for its hydrogen car, which they hope will do and cause a domino effect. It was equally important for Nimrod-Davis, and they not only hoped to secure hydrogen fueling stations, but hopefully open up the country to their own oil exports. Finally, there was Galactic, the famed up-start corporation created by a crazy former billionaire and presidential candidate. For the first time, he saw his space station as possible and also his space elevator. He already knew the shuttle would be possible, but it would take dimes he did not have to make it happen. After they had greeted each other the man sat across.
Edgar Lutz, who was Vice-President of Inter-Corporate relation was jointly representing both oil/automobile companies, having worked in both.
Bill Dolson, the former billionaire who very nearly went bankrupt creating Galactic, was also personally attending the meeting.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 07:41
Commerce Department Communication
Your investments were orginally made with state-run corporations which we are afraid have either been liquidated or privatized. However, we shall not leave you in the dark, and as such we have established, through a our reserve bank, a line of credit to use for your second line of investments. We have scheduled appointments with Advanced Computing, the leader in the computer-building and software IT sector, and with Montage Tank Factory, a former state-run factory that has now been privatized. We are positive you could see your returns come from any of these companies, but your line of credit extends anywhere. We thank you for your business and wish you continued fortune.
TO: Advanced Computing, Inc, TPF
Montage Tank Factory, TPF
FROM: Lyran Governmental Trade Department
To whom it may concern
The Lyran Protectorate is seeking to expand its foreign capital generating assets, and your industries have been selected as the most likely do provide a return for investment in areas that the Lyran government has some experience in.
To that end, we seek a valuation of your assets, with a view towards acquiring part of full ownership, by means of direct monetary investment.
Please respond, at your convenience, to the below contact.
Lieutenant-General Aleksandr
Lyran Governmental Trade Department
Protectorate of Lyras
New Leota
28-07-2007, 07:51
Much was at stake on the New Leotan’s side of the meeting also, a fact lost to none of the individuals in the New Leotan delegation.
“Gentlemen,” said Secretary Tafoya, as the New Leotans approached the men they would have to negotiate with. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
He proceeded to introduce the men with him, beginning with Anthony Tijerino, son to the late Alfredo Tijerino, the man primarily behind founding Tijerino-Martin.
Robert Hegyi, the NLMWU representative, was introduced last.
“Gentlemen,” said Tafoya. “Shall we get down to business?”
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 07:55
Response List of Assets, Montage Tank Factory
26,000 production employees
3,000 office employees
26 Factories, capacity: estimated at 50 tanks per month.
Three Office Buildings
One Office Skyscraper
Response List of Assets, Advanced Computing
3,000 production employees
8,000 office employees
8 Factories, estimated Capacity: 900,000 computers monthly, overtime, 1.5 million compuetrs monthly [Standard PC's not laptops, servers, mainframes, or supercomputers, further info can be requested.]
18 office buildings
1 Office HQ
Rented floors on over 14 skyscrapers for office and server space
British Londinium
28-07-2007, 14:02
Official Communiqué
Though British Londinium's economy is a market socialist one, our corporations are unwilling to pass up such a marvelous opportunity to invest. The Londinian Broadcasting Group would like to begin regular broadcasts to TPF; Virgin Victoria wants to engage in regular flights to your major cities; Vernaccia Basin Rum has expressed a desire to begin mass exportation of rum to TPF; Royal Victorian Shell, PetroLondinium, and Virgin Petrol will start regular distribution of oil to TPF; and, finally, the Royale Group (BL's leading telecoms company) would like to start working within TPF.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 17:48
Commerce Department Communicatio
Please feel free to start investing, with Free Trade into effect, you can do whatever you please.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-07-2007, 17:55
" Yes, let us get down to business." Said Edgar, pouring himself some vodka and taking a sip before continuing.
" We would like to have an initial order of around 200 hydrogen cars shipped to your nation, focusing on your capital where our partners will also create a small number of hydrogen stations. If this test run is successful, we would like to start sending 29,000 cars annually to regional zone, and hopefully that would continue to rise per year. Also, we would be willing to export our hybrids, some of which run on pure electricity and some on gasoline and electricity. These get anywhere from forty-sixty miles per gallon, while the electric cars can drive up to eight hours. Then you plug them in to your house an fill them up overnight. For extended trips it has a gas tank that extends its range an additional four miles, and you can fill this up regularly at a petrol station."
The PeoplesFreedom
29-07-2007, 00:49
-Evening Bump-
The Transylvania
29-07-2007, 03:27
TO: Bill Dolson, the CEO of Galactic
FROM: Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus, His Royal Badass
This is to one billionaire to whatever I am, I think we can help each other out in the long run. I hear through the grape vine that you‘re close to losing everything, if something good doesn‘t come around. I love the idea of the international space hotel as I have been thinking about one myself.
So…I like doing deal through messages then in person as I’m a world leader, too and have very low free time on my hands. This is my deal, I’ll wire five hundred billion into Galactic’s accounts and I’ll become the CEO of Galactic, but you will stay on as the President of Galactic. Being part of the Timber Wolf Incorporated family, Galactic will get to use whatever assets they need. TWI has rocket scientists and really smart people working for them.
Think about it and get back to me.
His Royal Badass, His Royal Alpha Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus
The Emperor of the United Dominion
The Lord Marshal of the Black Sea
The Co-Regional Governor of Romania
The Count of Transylvania
The CEO and Owner of Timber Wolf Incorporated and it sub-companies
The PeoplesFreedom
29-07-2007, 04:29
Galactic Communication
While I would normally refute this offer, I fear that I have no choice. I am as you said, close to losing my fortune, as space is incredibly expensive. Your offer, being both generous and reasonable, is hereby accepted, provided that I also be manager of operations. I strongly believe that with your funds, we will be able to create the space hotel and elevator, and turn this struggling firm into a profitable one. I also have some plans here for asteroid mining, but that is, observantly, too far fetched for my lifetime.
The Transylvania
29-07-2007, 05:25
TO: Bill Dolson, the President of Galactic
FROM: Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus, His Royal Badass
Yes, yes, you’ll still get to be the manager of operations as the company is your body, Mister Dolson. The funds will be wired in a few days along with legal papers about our deal. Best of luck for your new boss, but you’re in charge and will act as my man to the rest of Galactic.
His Royal Badass, His Royal Alpha Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus
The Emperor of the United Dominion
The Lord Marshal of the Black Sea
The Co-Regional Governor of Romania
The Count of Transylvania
The CEO and Owner of Timber Wolf Incorporated and it sub-companies