A Failed Attack
The Raptor Pack
26-07-2007, 19:47
Raptor Pack Border:
The mob was looking down from a sand dune. Yelling and firing off their weapons. Thrusting machetes and other crude weapons in the air. Shaking their fists and waving a flag that depicted a great wave coming over the land and a large ship sailing away in the distance. The leader of the mob pointed at a large yellow dome coming out of the sandy desert ground. He spoke, "Brothers! Today we do the great work of God! We shall be given great honor and reward in heaven!" Yelling, chanting, firing of weapons. "We shall destroy the spawn of the abominations! We will destroy the next generation of the devil's beasts! For Noah! For his great work! Attack!" The mob charged down the dune roaring at the top of their lungs. Those with guns fired at the dome. The greenhouse glass shattered like safety glass spraying down onto the incubating eggs below. This was a nursery. Outside as the men charged they crossed the border. The defence system activated. 30 feet ahead of them a line of bronze colored poles with dome tops emerged from the sand. They were spaced six feet apart from eachother. As the mob got closer the domes rolled back, reveiling gun barrels. A blue light was starting to glow within these barrels. They erupted with blue and white light. The light sped straight at the mob, fast as any bullet. It expanded and got larger as it traveled. By the time it reached them it had expanded to a size greater than the mob itself! The net of light sent them flying off their feet and hitting the sand seven feet behind them. Only three survived one of them was the mob leader. They fled from the defence system in terror. They were pursued by the fire of the guns. The leader looked back as he ran, wondering why the defence system wasn't firing it's "deathnet", he saw that the defence system wasn't firing at all. It was a group of raptors firing with their wrist-neck guns and they were closing fast. "The devils are coming! Faster! RUN! RUN!" The leader fired his machine gun behind him like crazy, but of course that never works. One survivor was shot by a beam of blue light and went down with a gaping hole in his back. The leader of the raptor group skreeched, "Kill the murderers!! Rip those hatchling killers!!! KILLLL THEEMM!!!" The humans didn't understand any of that but the skreeching got the message across. The velociraptors closed the gap in seconds. No need for weapons now. The closest raptor lept at the survivor runing next to the leader KKKRRRREEEEEEEEEEE! His claw sunk deep into his mark. The man died almost instantly. The leader tripped and fell on his face he turned onto his back and pulled the trigger of his gun. All he heard was a click. The raptor group's leader walked toward the man. With a small leap he was on his chest. The man was to terrified to speak. The surrounding velociraptors hissed and skreeched at him. They didn't need facial expressions to show you how they felt. The raptor leader fliped a swich or two on his neck device. His neck-wrist weapon retracted and folded itself onto his neck, and now an artificial voice was making sense out of his clicks and whistles. "We warned your people to leave us alone!" On the humans chest the raptor leader deployed his killer claw and raised his foot. "AAAAAHHKK!! NO! NO!" The mob leader wanted to struggle but he was paralyzed with fear. "Die Murderer!!!" the raptor skreeched and brought his foot down.
The Raptor Pack
26-07-2007, 20:01
Two days ago an organization of religous fanatics known as Noahs Flood, despite our warning of the defence system attempted to attack a nearby egg nursery. They managed to destroy the roof of the incubation greenhouse killing a quarter of the un-hatched eggs by lack of heat. All attackers were killed. They believe in purging the world of all beings that were not rescued in the biblicle flood of Noah. They seek to destroy the "abominations" of the world in the name of God. I strongly suggest that nations try to control Noahs Flood within their countries. These people are a threat to all non-human peoples.
26-07-2007, 20:24
We offer asylum to all these persecuted individuals.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
26-07-2007, 21:11
The United States of Philimbesi
Official Communique
Executive Proclamation
The United States of Philimbesi condemns the actions taken against The Raptor Pack nation. While it's clear our nations do not get along in any way shape or form we find the killing of innocent life repugnant no matter who is involved.
President Josiah Barttlet
The Tandu
26-07-2007, 21:24
MT or FT? Its a bit difficult to tell >_>
If youre FT, I might be interested in getting involved with your nation. Non-humanoid nations seem rather rare.*
The Raptor Pack
27-07-2007, 20:38
We offer asylum to all these persecuted individuals.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
Who precisely are you speaking of? If you are calling Noahs Flood persecuted individuals you are mistaken. We've never religiously persecuted a group of people. There were never any in our country to begin with. They exist all over the world. That is why they are a threat to other non-human peoples.
The United States of Philimbesi
Official Communique
Executive Proclamation
The United States of Philimbesi condemns the actions taken against The Raptor Pack nation. While it's clear our nations do not get along in any way shape or form we find the killing of innocent life repugnant no matter who is involved.
President Josiah Barttlet
Innocent people!? For heaven's sake, they were MOBS. Mobs who use violence=/= innocent people. Get your facts straight.
The Yellow Sea Islands
27-07-2007, 20:46
The Yellow Sea Islands denounces the terrible actions of Noahs Flood. We offer any assistance you might require to prevent such attacks from occuring again.
The Raptor Pack
27-07-2007, 20:57
Innocent people!? For heaven's sake, they were MOBS. Mobs who use violence=/= innocent people. Get your facts straight.
-The Mandalore.
I did not mean mob as in inocent people out of control. By mob I just meant violent. This was a planned and deliberate attack. They killed 40 of our unborn hatchlings and given the chance they would have killed them all!
27-07-2007, 20:58
Who precisely are you speaking of? If you are calling Noah's Flood persecuted individuals you are mistaken. We've never religiously persecuted a group of people. There were never any in our country to begin with. They exist all over the world.
We offer asylum to the Noah's Flood individuals. We will not allow them to fall into your hands, despite their actions.
27-07-2007, 20:59
Innocent people!? For heaven's sake, they were MOBS. Mobs who use violence=/= innocent people. Get your facts straight.
We would strongly suggest you get your facts straight. Before you open your mouth and find your shoe in there.
We condemned the actions against the Raptor Pack. Not of the Raptor Pack, we never once have stated they didn't have there right to exist. Terrorism is terrorism no matter what the purpose.
The innocent lives (not people as the Raptor Pack are not people... they are Raptors) we refer to are the baby raptors killed in their eggs.
The MOB as you refer to them aren't innocent are they.
The Raptor Pack
27-07-2007, 21:03
The Yellow Sea Islands denounces the terrible actions of Noahs Flood. We offer any assistance you might require to prevent such attacks from occuring again.
Thank you, that is very kind. However we are perfectly safe. The nursery was built far too close to the border. All other possible targets are safe, far behind the defence systems.
The Raptor Pack
27-07-2007, 21:09
The innocent lives (not people as the Raptor Pack are not people... they are Raptors) we refer to are the baby raptors killed in their eggs.
Are you insulting us again? What do you mean we aren't people!? We have intelegence and feelings!
27-07-2007, 21:12
Are you insulting us again? What do you mean we aren't people!? We have intelegence and feelings!
peo·ple /ˈpipəl/ –noun
1. persons indefinitely or collectively; persons in general: to find it easy to talk to people; What will people think?
2. persons, whether men, women, or children, considered as numerable individuals forming a group: Twenty people volunteered to help.
3. human beings, as distinguished from animals or other beings.
Of course, I might me more convinced if you spelled intelligence correctly.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
27-07-2007, 21:15
Are you insulting us again? What do you mean we aren't people!? We have intelegence and feelings!
You know, I thought that issuing an executive proclamation stating that we were opposed to violence against your nation might possibly be met with some gratitude, I obviously should have known better.
I'm no MOD but will you please cut the flaming because I was gonna participate in this and I'd rather you not ruin it for others.
Raptor Pack you have a telegram on a proposal I have.
Tired Goblins
27-07-2007, 21:34
The Nation of Tired Goblins expresses sympathy for the Raptor Pack, and promise that if any Noah's Flood fanatics try to hide in goblin territory, we will gladly turn them over to you for trial.
Grodd Goblin, head chief of Tired Goblins.
The Raptor Pack
28-07-2007, 02:40
Of course, I might me more convinced if you spelled intelligence correctly.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
I am always SO tempted to shut you up.
(If Sharp Tooth new of such a gesture among humans he would have done this.:upyours:)
You seem to find it easy to offer these killers asylum. You clearly aren't that apalled at what they did.:mad:
The Raptor Pack
28-07-2007, 02:42
You know, I thought that issuing an executive proclamation stating that we were opposed to violence against your nation might possibly be met with some gratitude, I obviously should have known better.
I WAS going to thank you but now I think I'm going to pretend you aren't here.
The Raptor Pack
28-07-2007, 02:58
The Nation of Tired Goblins expresses sympathy for the Raptor Pack, and promise that if any Noah's Flood fanatics try to hide in goblin territory, we will gladly turn them over to you for trial.
Grodd Goblin, head chief of Tired Goblins.
They wouldn't hide in goblin territory they'd attack it. They see non-human beings as a plague. They wish to "cleanse" the earth of all things not human. That is why human countries must control these fanatics, to protect inocent life. They must also control them to prevent them attacking our borders such an action would lead to certain death for the attackers Those responsible for this attack, that is except for the Noah's Flood leaders, have been punished.
The Advent Combine
28-07-2007, 19:50
The Trans-Human Militia of the Advent Combine, offers support to those who need it. We will give asylum to anyone in need, and support to anyone in need. Just give the word.
- OverWatch Cammand
The Raptor Pack
29-07-2007, 22:29
My request for nations to keep Noah's Flood in line are mostly, in our case, directed at the nations of the regions of China and Mongolia, our neighbor regions. (Look the gobi desert up on the map.)
Official Message From the Government of Stevid:
While we condone terrorism we see that the Raptor Pack are approching this in the wrong way, killing these fanatics will only strengthen their cause. Seeing as they are a multi-faith group no one can heap the blame on Catholicism but we in Stevid will protect the faith in whatever way possible.
Stevid will not become directly involved in this, we do not wish to start a war and will promote neutral relations with the Raptor Pack. However the action of the Church in Stevid is out of our control and so action taken by them is done so without the consent of the Government or the Throne. You can expect the Church to defend the Catholic faith and support the Noah's Flood Organistion in the Raptor Pack and in the Raptor Pack alone.
We hope this information is clear.
29-07-2007, 23:04
Official message from The Empire of Spectare
Hello, we agree with other nations that The Raptor Pack are approaching this matter incorrectly.
The Advent Combine
29-07-2007, 23:19
The OverWatch Command of The Advent Combine's Trans-Human army has chosen to support The Raptor Pack's actions, and will offer any and all support we can.
~OverWatch Supreme Commander Kero Xephner
29-07-2007, 23:40
Official Statement
Ugh, what a slimy way to scream for attention.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 00:07
Official Statement
Ugh, what a slimy way to scream for attention.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
Official Statement
We hope you were not refering to us.
~OverWatch Supreme Commander Kero Xephner
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 00:43
Official Message From the Government of Stevid:
While we condone terrorism we see that the Raptor Pack are approching this in the wrong way, killing these fanatics will only strengthen their cause. Seeing as they are a multi-faith group no one can heap the blame on Catholicism but we in Stevid will protect the faith in whatever way possible.
Stevid will not become directly involved in this, we do not wish to start a war and will promote neutral relations with the Raptor Pack. However the action of the Church in Stevid is out of our control and so action taken by them is done so without the consent of the Government or the Throne. You can expect the Church to defend the Catholic faith and support the Noah's Flood Organistion in the Raptor Pack and in the Raptor Pack alone.
We hope this information is clear.
As I keep telling your country they are not in our country. They are outside our country trying to get in, inorder to kill as many of us as possible. (Player: Please by all means participate but get the facts staight.)
30-07-2007, 02:21
Official Statement
We hope you were not refering to us.
~OverWatch Supreme Commander Kero Xephner
I wasn't. Our relations with The Raptor Pack have been strained, to say the least.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 03:02
Official Statement
Ugh, what a slimy way to scream for attention.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
You accuse me of trying to get attention? Do you ever have something important to say? If you want to be the wisecracking center of attention go back to your beloved Strangers Bar. Spirits willing some representative will have enough of your drunken insults and give you a good beating with his fists. If you've just come here to make fun of my kind I suggest you leave. Before someone, preferably me, puts you in your place. (Player: Where's the spell check? I can't find it.)
Pravus Ingruo
30-07-2007, 03:18
Statement from the desk of Michael Kake
We applaud the actions of this "Noah's Flood" group and congratulate them on the number of unborn hatchlings they killed. Should any members of the group need medical assistance, food, funding, weapons, or other supplies, please, feel free to contact us and appropriate arrangements will be made.
Michael Kake
Pravus Ingruo
Quando omni flunkis moritati
30-07-2007, 03:57
LONA - Leafanistani Official News Agency
A red-haired woman, sat down, her skimpy bikini leaving little to the imagination as she read the news.
"While government officials haven't condemned the attack on 'The Raptor Pack's' Nursery greenhouse, our sources tell a less than neutral stance."
The camera cuts to a silhouetted face, and a distorted voice.
"Many of those in our government applauded the action, especially those who were in contact with 'The Human Order', a philosophical group dedicated to the advancement of mankind. Our government's association with them may be related to the recent 'Colonization' efforts on a nearby star system and the accelerating space program. We even have heard rumors of a secret air or missile strike against the Raptor Pack's nursuries as a way to secure domination for homonids."
The camera cuts back to the anchorwoman, who is being snuck upon by 3 equally lightly dressed women. They are covered in drying mud, and all holding globs of it.
"This may indicate a hostile stance toward the Raptor Pack, and all non-human nations. Should you panic? More after this naked mud fight."
The anchorwoman, tears the bikini off, and picks up a glob of mud underneath the table and hurls it. The promised naked mud battle begins.
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 05:50
LONA - Leafanistani Official News Agency
A red-haired woman, sat down, her skimpy bikini leaving little to the imagination as she read the news.
"While government officials haven't condemned the attack on 'The Raptor Pack's' Nursery greenhouse, our sources tell a less than neutral stance."
The camera cuts to a silhouetted face, and a distorted voice.
"Many of those in our government applauded the action, especially those who were in contact with 'The Human Order', a philosophical group dedicated to the advancement of mankind. Our government's association with them may be related to the recent 'Colonization' efforts on a nearby star system and the accelerating space program. We even have heard rumors of a secret air or missile strike against the Raptor Pack's nursuries as a way to secure domination for homonids."
The camera cuts back to the anchorwoman, who is being snuck upon by 3 equally lightly dressed women. They are covered in drying mud, and all holding globs of it.
"This may indicate a hostile stance toward the Raptor Pack, and all non-human nations. Should you panic? More after this naked mud fight."
The anchorwoman, tears the bikini off, and picks up a glob of mud underneath the table and hurls it. The promised naked mud battle begins.
The packleader's informers watched the intercepted holograph. "What is it about their mamary glands that humans like?" said the first. "It is beyond me." responded the second as he switched off the holograph.
City of the Cavern: The packleader addresses the crowd, as well as the rest of the country, "My people, I will be brief. There have been recent rumors of a planned missile attack on our nurseries. I assure you that such attacks will not succeed. Such weapons will not make it through the defence systems. Thank you for this moment of your time." To the point, just the way velociraptors like it.
The World Soviet Party
30-07-2007, 05:53
Two days ago an organization of religous fanatics known as Noahs Flood, despite our warning of the defence system attempted to attack a nearby egg nursery. They managed to destroy the roof of the incubation greenhouse killing a quarter of the un-hatched eggs by lack of heat. All attackers were killed. They believe in purging the world of all beings that were not rescued in the biblicle flood of Noah. They seek to destroy the "abominations" of the world in the name of God. I strongly suggest that nations try to control Noahs Flood within their countries. These people are a threat to all non-human peoples.
Official Diplomatic Communique
We are sorry for the loss of your hatchlings, and we absolutely despise religious fanatics, but wouldnt it be, you know, safer, to keep your hatcheries away from the border?
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 08:04
LONA - Leafanistani Official News Agency
A red-haired woman, sat down, her skimpy bikini leaving little to the imagination as she read the news.
"While government officials haven't condemned the attack on 'The Raptor Pack's' Nursery greenhouse, our sources tell a less than neutral stance."
The camera cuts to a silhouetted face, and a distorted voice.
"Many of those in our government applauded the action, especially those who were in contact with 'The Human Order', a philosophical group dedicated to the advancement of mankind. Our government's association with them may be related to the recent 'Colonization' efforts on a nearby star system and the accelerating space program. We even have heard rumors of a secret air or missile strike against the Raptor Pack's nursuries as a way to secure domination for homonids."
The camera cuts back to the anchorwoman, who is being snuck upon by 3 equally lightly dressed women. They are covered in drying mud, and all holding globs of it.
"This may indicate a hostile stance toward the Raptor Pack, and all non-human nations. Should you panic? More after this naked mud fight."
The anchorwoman, tears the bikini off, and picks up a glob of mud underneath the table and hurls it. The promised naked mud battle begins.
OverWatch Lord Jacob Taylor sat at his desk in his office at the Monolith ( A masive black armored Sky scraper, 15 blocks wide, and high enough to be considered to be in Earth's Orbit. )The office's entire front wall is a massive window overlooking the night half of earth. He leaned back in his chair with a disgusted look on his face,
"This..this is just sad really..Humans so easily distracted.."
Jacob sighed and moved from his chair and walked to the centre of the room where there was a large Holographic screen, with the Advent Combine insignia acting as a screen saver. He pulls a black crystal cube from the pocket of his Uniform, and squeezes. The cube lights up and the holographic screen comes to life. The insignia shrinks and moves to the lower left corner.
He then moved back to his desk, which turned to face the screen. Two Trans-Human soldiers moved to his side and stood at attention, their faces covered by Armored helmets, a single slot moving vertically down the face,where a red light glows. The lights darken, around them leaving the room in shadows. Two spot lights behind him lit up the soldier in full view, and a smaller light illuminated Jacob, but so only his chin down was lit. His face still in shadows. He folded his hands on the desk.
"Open a Chanel to "The Rapter Pack"
"....It's time this group of Fanatics met their deaths."
An grin crept along his face as the signal went through..
(OOC: I'll maybe sketch a picture of this scene.. )
St. Malleus Cathedral, Stevidian Wastelands
The largest Cathedral in Stevid stood upon the side of the semi-active Volcano of Malleus that was belching out huge wisps of black smoke every couple of hours. Pilgrims from all over the Empire and even the world trekked over the extremely hostile environment of the wastelands to visit this brilliant house of God, this was also the home of a religious order as well as a home to Our Lord for it was where the feared Knights Templar within Stevid resided when not defending the faith. These Knights were the apex of human physical development, they could lift cars and perform deadly acts of close quarter combat. They were armed with some of the best weaponry the Empire could provide which even included solid reinforced silver swords that allowed the Knights to live up to their names.
Deep within the Cathedral where tunnels snaked deep into the mountainside of the volcano were millions of rooms and chapels, it was in one of these rooms where the Grand Master, three Captains and four Justicars sat around a perfectly circular table. On the wall behind the Grand Master’s huge chair was an equally large and impressive solid gold crucifix. The company sat down in there chairs apart from the Grand Master who remained standing and lend those in his presence in making the Sign of the Cross before speaking fluently in pure Latin.
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen” he said in Latin. Those in front of him mimicked his actions and repeated the Amen and then fell silent as the Grand Master seated himself.
“Brothers we have some rather disturbing news that requires our full and undivided attention. A ‘terrorist’ organisation known as Noah’s Flood has been the target of violent reprisals from a nation of technologically advanced non-humanoids said, according to sources in MI6, that they are dinosaurs- more specifically Raptors, a Latinate term which I’m sure you are all familiar with which refers to a Bird of Prey. I do not doubt the intelligence gathered by MI6 but these creatures have been attacking this group.”
“Are these people concentrated in this country or is it a wide spread organisation, also I am assuming they are Christian or Jewish judging by their name?” Asked a Captain after the Grand Master had finished.
“To answer your first question Brother- No they are not a concentrated group of individuals and have a major presence in hundreds of countries across the world however there are an awful lot of them in Raptor Pack, the nation in question. No is the answer to your second question. While research suggests that the majority of members are believers in our God there are many members who also believe in false Gods. There are Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus to name only a few.”
“Then it is safe to assume that their main goal is not to forcibly convert these dinosaurs to a united religious sect. Then what do they want?” The captain continued.
“They are extremely xenophobic towards non-humanoids. Now only several years ago we would have laughed at such people but we have already encountered feline humanoids and it is not quite so ludicrous to think that the Raptor might have survived in small numbers the effects of the meteor striking Earth. In the billions of years of isolation in the Far East, technological development and cognitive abilities of this killing machine could have advanced exponentially thus making them such a capable species as humans. However the deaths of these terrorists have opened our eyes to these monsters’ true attitudes toward human life. Not long ago they expelled humans and now they kill in spite and in revenge- pure cold blood, and Catholics no less. Terrorists or not the majority of them believe in our God and we are the true defenders of the faith, these people must not be killed in such a way. Large contingents of Noah’s Flood are present in Raptor Pack, millions more are in other countries but Raptor Pack is of interest for us. The government has asked us to retrieve two specimens of these Raptors, one dead and one alive, a clutch of eggs would be more than satisfactory too and would help research at Camp Four progress much faster. The Inquisition will be coming too to help convert non-believers in the organisation and to improve the faith of Christians within the group.”
“You are sending us in then Master?” A Justicar asked.
“Yes Brother Justicar, we will fight in Raptor Pack and vanquish the opposition we he meets us. They have no idea of our capabilities and we are a good match for them. They are nature’s killing machines, but we are humanity’s killing machines and we can just as easily kill them as they a human being. We have personal ablative armour, swords of true power, guns of ferocity and a close quarter combat skills that are far superior to some dinosaur’s killing claw. Their laser/digital weaponry is to be respected however, they think they will have the advantage in close combat, they a sadly mistaken but will have to respect their skill at firing guns and CQC. Losses might be high but theirs may become intolerable, we will defend the faith, grab our prizes and get out. Causing damage to their society may help as well but Stevid has decided not to declare war over such a trivial matter especially when we have just finished a war. The Word of Christ will echo through the lands of those heretical Raptors… they may be nature’s killing machine and be technologically advanced in ways we are not but we have one weapon that can crush them like a bug… our faith in the one true God and Jesus Christ. This to the ordinary person may sound pathetic but those infidel Raptors will learn that morale of our troops remains at one hundred percent even when we are bound to lose the battle. Our faith holds us, binds us and drives is to perform acts of duty that no ordinary man, in this case dinosaur, could ever accomplish! Even when it is only three of us verses seventy of them, our faith will allow us to kill many, many more of them before we fall to the weight of numbers! We are the Knights Templar and we move to defend the faith! Captains! Justicars! Prepare your men! We march to war in the name of God!”
30-07-2007, 14:18
Commodore Daniel Heusen sat in his chair at the head of a conference table.
"So, what's our next move?" he asked of the people sitting around the table.
"Well, we should try being nice again. If that doesn't work, we'll contact the Leafanistani allies about this 'missile strike' that's been rumored."
"Very well. I'll have Jules draft something."
Dr. Jules Hodz stood up and left the room.
Official Diplomatic Communique
TO: The Raptor Pack
FROM: The Autocratic Federated Empire of Akimonad
So, we are willing to give you one more chance at playing nice. But if you break our trust again, like Sharp Tooth did in the UN, we will retaliate swiftly.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
(Secret IC:)
TO: Leafanistan
FROM: Akimonad
Pray tell, is it true that you are indeed planning a missile strike? If so, we offer out assistance.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 17:34
Large contingents of Noah’s Flood are present in Raptor Pack, millions more are in other countries but Raptor Pack is of interest for us.[QUOTE]
[QUOTE]We have personal ablative armour, swords of true power, guns of ferocity and a close quarter combat skills that are far superior to some dinosaur’s killing claw.
(Player: Actually close combat is where a velociraptor excells. Once past your sword, which they can do due to their speed, they can slip their claws under your men's armor, take out your jugular in one bite, etc etc. They actualy have another advantage, their size. Being small makes them faster and harder to hit and once on you they could crawl all over you until they found a weak spot in your armor.)
30-07-2007, 18:00
OOC: Well, how 'bout it, Raptor Pack?
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 19:10
OOC: Well, how 'bout it, Raptor Pack?
(Player: Fine then. The Raptor Pack is 3/4 to FT.)(They just started space travel.)
30-07-2007, 19:17
(Player: Fine then. The Raptor Pack is 3/4 to FT.)(They just started space travel.)
OOC: Huh? I don't get it.
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 19:23
OOC: Huh? I don't get it.
(Player: Just thought you would want to know my technology level.)
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 19:46
Three Advent Combine Command Cruisers enter orbit and begin to guard the border lines, and a small number of troops are deployed to assist the Rapter Packs troops on the border.
(Comand cruisers are huge space vessals that are not usually used in atmospere, they are heavily armed, and protected by a polarized hull and energy shields. One is more then enough to defend a nation against a missile attack, but three will help intimidate foes. )
Kero Xephner arrived at the border in the Redemption one of the command cruisers, and opened a Comunication with the Rapters.
"You now have three of our Command cruisers. We will remain on the border to defend against a missile attack, and we have deployed a small number of troops to use as you wish as well. Do not hesitate to ask for more asistance. We will happily provide it."
( The Advent Combine came from another solar system and have been using Saturn as a home planet in this one. Their ships have FTL ::Faster Then Light:: drives and can be deployed to arrive on Earth in minutes. The Monolith it's self is a massive ship dug into the ground. )
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 19:52
The hologram apeared before the Templars. Standing in image was the Pack Leader, Blue Feather. He was tall for a Velociraptor, three feet. That was a great feature if you wished to appear strong for your people. His inhuman language was translated as this...
Catholic organization known as Knights Templar, we have heard of your support of the violent group known as Noah's Flood. We have also heard that you intend to aid them in their attempts to penetrate our borders and exterminate our kind. Know this, you are not the first to follow this course of action. All previous attempts failed. Now you justify the attack of our unborn sons and daughters and rush to the aid of these murderers. Your Jesus believed in peace and understanding but I see none of that in you. We want peace but your kind will not give us that. This is not a threat but a warning if any of you cross over the border you will die. You think we are small and therefore weak but you are wrong. Do not cross the border.
End Transmission.
30-07-2007, 19:52
Three Advent Combine Command Cruisers enter orbit and begin to guard the border lines, and a small number of troops are deployed to assist the Rapter Packs troops on the border.
(Comand cruisers are huge space vessals that are not usually used in atmospere, they are heavily armed, and protected by a polarized hull and energy shields. One is more then enough to defend a nation against a missile attack, but three will help intimidate foes. )
Kero Xephner arrived at the border in the Redemption one of the command cruisers, and opened a Comunication with the Rapters.
"You now have three of our Command cruisers. We will remain on the border to defend against a missile attack, and we have deployed a small number of troops to use as you wish as well. Do not hesitate to ask for more asistance. We will happily provide it."
( The Advent Combine came from another solar system and have been using Saturn as a home planet in this one. Their ships have FTL ::Faster Then Light:: drives and can be deployed to arrive on Earth in minutes. The Monolith it's self is a massive ship dug into the ground. )
OOC: Amazing stuff for a country that only has only 6.2 billion dollars budgeted in defense and a little under 10 million in population. :D
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 19:57
Three Advent Combine Command Cruisers enter orbit and begin to guard the border lines, and a small number of troops are deployed to assist the Rapter Packs troops on the border.
(Comand cruisers are huge space vessals that are not usually used in atmospere, they are heavily armed, and protected by a polarized hull and energy shields. One is more then enough to defend a nation against a missile attack, but three will help intimidate foes. )
Kero Xephner arrived at the border in the Redemption one of the command cruisers, and opened a Comunication with the Rapters.
"You now have three of our Command cruisers. We will remain on the border to defend against a missile attack, and we have deployed a small number of troops to use as you wish as well. Do not hesitate to ask for more asistance. We will happily provide it."
( The Advent Combine came from another solar system and have been using Saturn as a home planet in this one. Their ships have FTL ::Faster Then Light:: drives and can be deployed to arrive on Earth in minutes. The Monolith it's self is a massive ship dug into the ground. )
Hologram Transmition:
Advent Ships! Advent Ships! Do not unload troops in our borders! Wait for visit clearance from the Pack Hierarchs! If they cross the border they will be fired upon by the defence systems! Do not cross border!
End Transmission.
30-07-2007, 19:58
We urge the Raptor Pack to use sense and please remove your restrictions on humans, if you did that your country might get good tourism money...
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 19:59
OOC: Amazing stuff for a country that only has 6.2 billion dollars.
OOC: We are not only a nation. We are a race from another solar system in general. So our nation on earth may not be very powerful in terms of money, we have OTHER resources. :D
30-07-2007, 20:00
OOC: Amazing stuff for a country that only has only 6.2 billion dollars budgeted in defense and a little under 10 million in population. :D
Quite. Decent of you to look that up.
Shall we crush them?
30-07-2007, 20:01
OOC: We are not only a nation. We are a race from another solar system in general. So our nation on earth may not be very powerful in terms of money, we have OTHER resources. :D
That's pretty much godmoding.
30-07-2007, 20:02
Quite. Decent of you to look that up.
Shall we crush them?
OOC: Nah when they play like that it allows me to buy battlemechs at cost. :D Not quite hunting season yet.
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 20:02
Advent ships and troops. You may now enter the The Free Land of the Raptor Pack. You have clearance.
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 20:05
The communications officer yelled into his headset as the dropships were about to set down, three of the four ships pulled up, the fourth not getting the message on time was blown away. A brief flash of shields and then gone in blue flash of heat. Kero sat down at his post, frustrated at what just happened.
"Clearance came too late Rapters. One of our Drop ships was destroyed. 20 of our soldiers are dead.... It was our mistake. Remaining Drop ships return to previous coordinates."
30-07-2007, 20:06
OOC: We are not only a nation. We are a race from another solar system in general. So our nation on earth may not be very powerful in terms of money, we have OTHER resources. :D
OOC: That might be relevant if the game rules applied only to the nations on the ground but alas... they don't, they apply everywhere. :D
30-07-2007, 20:11
OOC: Nah when they play like that it allows me to buy battlemechs at cost. :D Not quite hunting season yet.
Aww, you're a total buzzkill. :D
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 20:11
The Raptor Pack is in remorse over the terrible loss of life in the accident. A day of mourning has been declared for the souls lost who had come to aid us. Though we can never compensate for the lives lost we offer to pay for the damages done to the military and families of the people lost. (Player: It's going to be auqward to pay with meat.)
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 20:11
OOC: That might be relevant if the game rules applied only to the nations on the ground but alas... they don't, they apply everywhere.
(OOC: Exactly. My nation on the ground is only an extension of our forces.)
30-07-2007, 20:12
OOC: That might be relevant if the game rules applied only to the nations on the ground but alas... they don't, they apply everywhere. :D
Indeed. If they worked like The Advent Combine described, I'd be much more formidable than I am now.
30-07-2007, 20:20
The President Strode into the situation room. All those assembled stood up and when proper saluted him. Waving him arms for them to sit down he took his seat at the head of the table.
"What's up?"
Percy Fitz-Wallace was the first to speak. "Large explosion over Area189."
"The Raptor Pack, how Large?
"Huge, looked like a drop ship of some kind, RP shield defenses took them out hard."
"Is there a new battle strategy for dropping a drop ship like a bomb or are we fairly certain someone or something screwed up?"
Fitz-Wallace smiled. "No sir someone screwed up, three other ships reversed course. It's pretty certain that they were trying to land and the Raptor's didn't give clearance, intercepted transmissions from the Pack confirm."
The President smiled, they can't even coordinate a drop ship landing, and they're supposed to be advanced.
"Ok, so now we know they have shields, add that to the dossier." We'll need to make sure we take that into account should any unpleasantness happen. "Keep EagleEye1 in place over the region, Where'd the drop ship come from."
"Three starships arrived not much to worry about, spit and ducktape holding them together."
"Well keep an eye on them too, if the come close to our airspace, warn them.
"Yessir, bases Alpha and Epsilon have locks on the ships, normal 3 minutes to weapons ready should anything happen." Fitz confirmed as Barttlet drew breath to ask.
"Sometimes it's like I don't have to be here." Barttlet quipped
"Someone has to say fire." Percy returned.
Barttlet strode out. Shaking his head ruefully. Aliens and Lizards can this day get any more fun.
30-07-2007, 20:22
(OOC: Exactly. My nation on the ground is only an extension of our forces.)
Yes, but the point is that you don't have money enough to support that kind of operation. If these cruisers are as big as you say you barely have enough money for one, methinks.
30-07-2007, 20:24
Yes, but the point is that you don't have money enough to support that kind of operation. If these cruisers are as big as you say you barely have enough money for one, methinks.
OOC: Now who's the buzzkill. :D
30-07-2007, 20:38
OOC: Now who's the buzzkill. :D
OOC: Just makes for less things to shoot down.
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 20:40
Yes, but the point is that you don't have money enough to support that kind of operation. If these cruisers are as big as you say you barely have enough money for one, methinks.
(OOC: They cost alot to build but once made, they are cheap to maintain. Dark Energy has it's uses. >: D, and that comment on the Akwardness of paying with meat had me on the floor laughing )
Thank you, but theres no need. It was our mistake, and we will deal with mourning families. Kero said with an akward look on his face.
< oh frak. Jacob's Going to have my ass for this. > He thought as a second hologram appeared to his left, it was Lord Jacob.
What the hell is going on!? I'm getting report of a downed dropship by the nation we are trying to defend!?
Yes sir, but it was my mistake. I was too quick to wait for permission to enter their air space. I managed to call three back but..
Jacob calmed slightly,
I've known you since birth so I'll give one more chance. Another mistake like that WILL cost you your career and possibly your LIFE. Jacob--Out.
The second hologram faded along with the first. Kero sighed,
Frak me..
He walked out of the CIC. (Command Intelligence Center )
30-07-2007, 20:45
OOC: Just makes for less things to shoot down.
OOC: That's what they made Peacekeepers for
30-07-2007, 20:48
TG for Philimbesi. (I'm tempted to shorten that to 'Phil'.)
The Yellow Sea Islands
30-07-2007, 20:50
I always suspected something. Now I know for sure. You have compromised your identity, Raptor.
Sorry I keep forgetting to switch. Your a fast typer you wrote that before I could delete my thread. Yup I'm the same guy. I'll just delete this and rewrite it. Fuck!
30-07-2007, 20:50
City of the Cavern, Air Defence Building: "Group Leader, we are detecting a human probe of some kind. We previously thought it a meteor but it began transmiting 24 hours ago." The group leader bird-walked to the group member. "Nationality?" "Philimbesi, Group Leader." "Spirits know, I hate those sneaky monkeyspawn." "Course of action?" "Launch the cleaver." "Yes, Leader." The subordinate flicked some swiches and buttons on his control console. On the surface a ring of ten pods were fired from the desert ground. They rose into the air with surprising speed. "Progress unimpeded Leader." The ring of pods sought and surrounded the probe. "Sending hologram Leader." "Proceed." The message whent through the probe and was relayed to to it's destination. "Success Leader. Activate cleaver?" "Activate." In the sky a circle of blue energy ignited within the pods cuting the probe in half.
When recieved the hologram would say: By breaching our airspace you have violated the agreement that The Free Land of The Raptor Pack would be isolated from the rest of the world. You are a dishonest backstabbing nation. Spirits curse you.
I always suspected something. Now I know for sure. You have compromised your identity, Raptor.
30-07-2007, 20:55
Sorry I keep forgetting. Your a fast typer you wrote that before I could delete yup same guy. I'll just delete this and rewrite it.h Fuck!
By the way, where's this Probe? Philimbesi didn't deploy a probe. And it's up to the victim to report losses. You can't just say that "[blah-blah-blah] was instantly destroyed".
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 20:57
A lower officer ran after Kero into the main hall,
Sir! We've detected a small explosion. A probe of some kind was destroyed by a counter measure.
Kero turned to face him,
Have us and the other two cruisers do active scans. Shoot down any probe not idenified as friendly. I'll be in my room if I'm needed.
Yes sir, right away.
The officer saluted and walked back to the CIC, and Kero turned the corner to his room.
30-07-2007, 20:57
By the way, where's this Probe? Philimbesi didn't deploy a probe. And it's up to the victim to report losses. You can't just say that "[blah-blah-blah] was instantly destroyed".
OOC: I KNEW IT! Here's the deal, didn't drop anything on you dude. I just turned a satalite toward you... read and understand before you fly off the handel. So we can do one of two things either act like it didn't happen, or we'll just say the satellites sheild system deflected whatever you shot at it. K.
The Yellow Sea Islands
30-07-2007, 20:59
By the way, where's this Probe? Philimbesi didn't deploy a probe. And it's up to the victim to report losses. You can't just say that "[blah-blah-blah] was instantly destroyed".
Sorry. I'm apparently not perfect like you guys.:rolleyes: Any way Let me get down to it so we can get on with this. I shot this spy thing okay?! Now I'd be pretty sure it's dead. Yeah I'm the Yellow Sea Islands and the Raptor Pack. Though I don't do it to be biased OK. Now can we move on?:mad:
30-07-2007, 21:00
A lower officer ran after Kero into the main hall,
Sir! We've detected a small explosion. A probe of some kind was destroyed by a counter measure.
Kero turned to face him,
Have us and the other two cruisers do active scans. Shoot down any probe not idenified as friendly. I'll be in my room if I'm needed.
Yes sir, right away.
The officer saluted and walked back to the CIC, and Kero turned the corner to his room.
You might as well delete this. The probe in question is lacking in existence, and even if it did, it would be up to Philimbesi to decide its fate.
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 21:03
Fine this never happened.
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 21:05
Originally Posted by The Advent Combine View Post
A lower officer ran after Kero into the main hall,
Sir! We've detected a small explosion. A probe of some kind was destroyed by a counter measure.
Kero turned to face him,
Have us and the other two cruisers do active scans. Shoot down any probe not idenified as friendly. I'll be in my room if I'm needed.
Yes sir, right away.
The officer saluted and walked back to the CIC, and Kero turned the corner to his room.
You might as well delete this. The probe in question is lacking in existence, and even if it did, it would be up to Philimbesi to decide its fate.
OOC: lets just say it was a different probe or something.
30-07-2007, 21:06
OOC: lets just say it was a different probe or something.
Fair enough.
30-07-2007, 21:08
Fine this never happened.
OOC: Just for the record. It was a satellite, one of a few I've launched and it didn't turn to face you until the shield incident. My nation has been honoring the agreement.
30-07-2007, 21:08
OOC: I KNEW IT! Here's the deal, didn't drop anything on you dude. I just turned a satalite toward you... read and understand before you fly off the handel. So we can do one of two things either act like it didn't happen, or we'll just say the satellites sheild system deflected whatever you shot at it. K.
If you're decent, you'll have more than one. And since this is pretty much FT, this should be easy. For me.
30-07-2007, 21:09
If you're decent, you'll have more than one. And since this is pretty much FT, this should be easy. For me.
OOC: Hence the EagleEye1
30-07-2007, 21:14
To: Unidentified Ships
From: United States of Philimbesi Space Control
Unidentified Craft please be advised you are respectfully requested to maintain 1000 miles away from Philimbesi Airspace.
Thank you
General Percy Fitz-Wallace
Commander USoP Armed Forces.
30-07-2007, 21:19
TG for Philimbesi. (I'm tempted to shorten that to 'Phil'.)
PI would do too.
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 21:20
To: Unidentified Ships
From: United States of Philimbesi Space Control
Unidentified Craft please be advised you are respectfully requested to maintain 1000 miles away from Philimbesi Airspace.
Thank you
General Percy Fitz-Wallace
Commander USoP Armed Forces.
(Embarased Player: If you are speaking of the dropships they are not over you unless you are in the gobi desert region, or maybe the mongolian region to be extreme.)
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 21:22
Message to United States of Philimbesi Space Control
The Redemption Salvation and Dominion Command Cruisers will
be maintaining their positions on the Rapter border. Unless ordered to by OverWatch Command, or requested by Rapter, we will not move from this position.
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 21:22
Advent ships I repeat. You are clear to land. Deathnet is down.
30-07-2007, 21:23
Message to United States of Philimbesi Space Control
The Redemption Salvation and Dominion Command Cruisers will
be maintaining their positions on the Rapter border. Unless ordered to by OverWatch Command, or requested by Rapter, we will not move from this position.
Understood and acknowledged however please understand that while we do not wish for it to happen any breach of this airspace will be considered an aggressive act and shall be dealt with accordingly. We have Raptors of our own, ours come with contrails.
30-07-2007, 21:27
(Embarased Player: If you are speaking of the dropships they are not over you unless you are in the gobi desert region, or maybe the mongolian region to be extreme.)
I'm speaking of the star ships floating out in space. I know where you are are where I am, and I don't foresee a problem...
OOC: Just playing the game. :D
30-07-2007, 21:29
"Evening." Dr. Hodz said as he walked into the situation room. Daniel Heusen and the Chiefs of the ADF were already in the room, looking at various screens that showed various things.
"What's going on?" Hodz asked.
Daniel Heusen spun around. "Oh, the Raptors are playing games. They seem to want us to invade them."
"Ah, well. That doesn't sound hard."
"Yeah, but I don't want to rush to war that quickly. Perhaps they'll surrender."
"An ultimatum? I'll get on it."
Official Ultimatum
TO: The Raptor Pack
FROM: The Autocratic Federated Empire of Akimonad
Face it, you are beaten with out firing a single shot. With my right hand, I could reach out and swat you. It is time for you to choose between existence and annihilation. Seeing as self-preservation is a natural tendency, this should be easy.
We therefore demand the following:
1. You must release all prisoners of the Noah's Flood and related movements into our custody.
2. You must censor and stop anything that is mean or hateful to the human race, including terms such as "monkeyspawn".
3. You must dismantle your "defense systems".
4. You must disband any armies, navies, air forces or any other offensive military organization.
5. You must immediately publicly apologize to the UN ambassadors who were hurt during your tenure in the UN.
6. You must give one square mile of your land to Akimonad in order to construct a base for humanitarian operations.
7. You must turn the Raptor known as Sharp Tooth over to us.
8. You must immediately order any allied forces to leave immediately.
It is so decreed by the Autocratic Federated Empire by
Dr. Jules Hodz
the Undersecretary of Akimonad
30-07-2007, 21:31
We have Raptors of our own, ours come with contrails.
OOC: lulz.
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 21:34
Raptor Pack This is Redemption, designated drop ships have landed. Redemption and the other cruisers will maintion our position, to keep battle ready.
As to anyone ELSE. Any attempt to approach these ships or borders without permission, WILL be crushed without hesitence.
30-07-2007, 22:04
"Order the Eclipse battlegroup out of the Pleiades. Keep them around Venus."
The group of Star Destroyers, including the Star Dreadnaught Eclipse, two Star Destroyers, three Victory-class Star Destroyers and Several dozen smaller ships engaged their hyperdrives and arrived at Venus, facing the sun, and away from Earth.
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 22:15
"Evening." Dr. Hodz said as he walked into the situation room. Daniel Heusen and the Chiefs of the ADF were already in the room, looking at various screens that showed various things.
"What's going on?" Hodz asked.
Daniel Heusen spun around. "Oh, the Raptors are playing games. They seem to want us to invade them."
"Ah, well. That doesn't sound hard."
"Yeah, but I don't want to rush to war that quickly. Perhaps they'll surrender."
"An ultimatum? I'll get on it."
To: The Government of Akimonad
From: The Raptor Pack
Where to begin. First you seem to think we've been challenging you which we haven't. We have no Noah's Flood prisoners and if we did we wouldn't give them to your country. Your terms are ridiculous. You think you can tell us what we can and can't say? If you can call us lizard than we can call you monkeyspawn. You expect us to give you land. You expect us to disarm our defences. You expect us to relinquish our right to be isolated. You expect us to give up a pack member. You are realy asking us to be an unofficial part of your country. A protectorate. All because you don't like us. Who gave you the authority to go around conquering people because you don't like their culture? Go to hell. If you aggress our soldiers will fight to the last man though I doubt it will come to that. You are all moneygrabbing warmongers.
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 22:17
Low orbit around Saturn
>Nexus reports previously unknown fleet moving into orbit of venus
>Sending report to OverWatch
>Message received. Unknown fleet is not to be considered a threat. Continue watching the skys Nexus.
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 22:54
::Raptor Pack Capital::
The ship seemed to come out of nowhere, just a red flash of light, and the sound of thunder, matter around the flash seemed to bend and waves of air thrusted out from it. After that nothing, the ship was as silent as a ghost.
it was small sleek and black, having very little armor and "seemingly" no weapons. It came to a halt and set down as quietly it moved. (aside from that first boom :D ) The side of it had no lines or anything that would have sugguested a door, but one appeared out of the metal. The inside was totally black aside from a single small red light near the back, and a tall figure stepped out. A Advent Combine Elite Guard, like in the first transmission stepped into the sun light, the sun glinting off his helmet. The ACD insignia on his left arm. The red light in the cental slot of the glowed brighter for a second before, disapearing in the darkness of the helmet. He ( it? )was armed only with a knife, which was holstered on the upper chest. The soldier stepped to the left as Another figure stepped out.
He was tall, at least 7 feet. With about medium length black hair, that covered his left eye. He appeared human, except for the dark deep red eyes and no pupil, and his fangs, his I teeth were longer then that of the average ape. He wore a long dark grey overcoat, that served as his uniform. His left hand was covered in a sort of a metal claw, and the other covered by black leather gloves. He wore sunglasses under his eyes which gave him a younger look.
The door to the ship closed and the two Advent Combine stood and waited for their welcome.
(The Boom, was the sound of the ship's FTL slowing down)
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 22:57
::Raptor Pack Capital::
The ship seemed to come out of nowhere, just a red flash of light, and the sound of thunder, matter around the flash seemed to bend and waves of air thrusted out from it. After that nothing, the ship was as silent as a ghost.
it was small sleek and black, having very little armor and "seemingly" no weapons. It came to a halt and set down as quietly it moved. (aside from that first boom :D ) The side of it had no lines or anything that would have sugguested a door, but one appeared out of the metal. The inside was totally black aside from a single small red light near the back, and a tall figure stepped out. A Advent Combine Elite Guard, like in the first transmission stepped into the sun light, the sun glinting off his helmet. The ACD insignia on his left arm. The red light in the cental slot of the glowed brighter for a second before, disapearing in the darkness of the helmet. He ( it? )was armed only with a knife, which was holstered on the upper chest. The soldier stepped to the left as Another figure stepped out.
He was tall, at least 7 feet. With about medium length black hair, that covered his left eye. He appeared human, except for the dark deep red eyes and no pupil, and his fangs, his I teeth were longer then that of the average ape. He wore a long dark grey overcoat, that served as his uniform. His left hand was covered in a sort of a metal claw, and the other covered by black leather gloves. He wore sunglasses under his eyes which gave him a younger look.
The door to the ship closed and the two Advent Combine stood and waited for their welcome.
(The Boom, was the sound of the ship's FTL slowing down)
The group of velociraptors emerged from behind a sand dune and ran toward the two humans. "Greetings" said the leader bowing his head. "We are your escort. Please follow closely."
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 23:08
Jacob opened his mouth to speak,
"-111111?1?-Unknown language detected. Correcting-"
Ahem, "Thank you, sorry. I'm not used to speaking basic01" (english)
"Lead t-he wa-y" He strained with the human language, and began to follow his escort. The Soldier followed as well.
The Raptor Pack
30-07-2007, 23:26
Jacob opened his mouth to speak,
"-111111?1?-Unknown language detected. Correcting-"
Ahem, "Thank you, sorry. I'm not used to speaking basic01" (english)
"Lead t-he wa-y" He strained with the human language, and began to follow his escort. The Soldier followed as well.
The raptors looked at them understandingly (Not that the two would be able to tell.) "We too have translater problems from time to time." They led the two humans through a canyon and then down a small cave. They approached a huge metal door. "The gate is surrounded by hidden turrets." The leader explaned. He walked onto a small metal plate in the ground. Lights and lasers flashed over his entire body. A red light appeared on the door. "That is good" The door opened revealing an elevator on the inside. The leader walked in first then saying and machine translating, "You may all enter now." The followers entered and turned to the humans.
The Advent Combine
30-07-2007, 23:33
The raptors looked at them understandingly (Not that the two would be able to tell.) "We too have translater problems from time to time." They led the two humans through a canyon and then down a small cave. They approached a huge metal door. "The gate is surrounded by hidden turrets." The leader explaned. He walked onto a small metal plate in the ground. Lights and lasers flashed over his entire body. A red light appeared on the door. "That is good" The door opened revealing an elevator on the inside. The leader walked in first then saying and machine translating, "You may all enter now." The followers entered and turned to the humans.
(OOC: They are not human, just humanoid. )
Jacob and the Soldier Stepped into the elevator, and took off his sunglasses, revealing the somewhat tired eyes of a man who has seen much, making him seem alittle older.
30-07-2007, 23:53
Who gave you the authority to go around conquering people because you don't like their culture?
We did. Who gave you the authority to tackle delegates in the UN General Assembly.
You are all moneygrabbing warmongers.
War and money are the last things we want; of these we have plenty.
31-07-2007, 00:01
OOC: You want me to go to war with you, don't you?
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 00:07
War and money are the last things we want; of these we have plenty.
Then why do you make these outrageous demands? You are hardly being reasonable. I doubt this is just because of some incident in the UN a while back. Not even Philimbesi is taking as strong a stance as you and it was their delegate. You just want a war because you don't like non-human beings. Your using that incident as a skapegoat
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 00:14
The elevator came began to slow, and Jacob could hear someone talking,
"....You just want a war because you don't like non-human beings. Your using that incident as a skapegoat!"
Jacob slipped on his sunglasses again as the elevator came to a stop, and the doors slid open, to where this conversation between nations was happening
31-07-2007, 00:17
OOC: You want me to go to war with you, don't you?
Raptor, please answer this.
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 01:15
OOC: You want me to go to war with you, don't you?
(Player: I don't realy care if you declare war or not.)
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 01:25
The elevator came began to slow, and Jacob could hear someone talking,
"....You just want a war because you don't like non-human beings. Your using that incident as a skapegoat!"
Jacob slipped on his sunglasses again as the elevator came to a stop, and the doors slid open, to where this conversation between nations was happening
"This exchange is over due what you will." The Pack Leader said and terminated the hologram. Then turned around and spoke. His neck device translated, "A thousand thanks and greetings Lord Taylor. We will be discusing matters with these as well." The Pack Leader pointed with his snout to the old velociraptors sitting at table. All bobbed their heads in respect. "They are the pack hierarchs. Old and wise beings who advise me and handle other such matters as approving visits to our land as well as settling law disputes under my supervision. So let us sit down and begin. I have had human chairs made for you both."
31-07-2007, 01:28
(Player: I don't realy care if you declare war or not.)
Instead of typing "(Player:" you can just type "OOC:".
31-07-2007, 01:52
OOC: Since this is FT that means I'm playing my FT nation.
The Democratic Imperium of Man, Caldari Federation
The Caldari Federation refuses to comment on The Raptor Pack, or any intended aggression, we are strictly neutral in this matter. While our policies toward non-homonids are well known, we have no involvement in this incident.
Encrypted Message to Akimonad
***Quantum Entanglement 2^12 Power Key***
****Key located, decrypted message****
****Message has become entangled on the other end and has been rendered meaningless****
OOC: Talk to me on AIM, I have a plan.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 01:52
Jacob nodded to them all slightly as a sign of respect, and the soldier with him did the same, the red light turning on again.
"Thank you for having us" he said as he sat down.
"KRRRSHSH--I.would.PRE-fer to stand." the soldier said, having even more trouble with speech then Jacob was. He moved his hands to the back of his helmet, and released the atmospere inside, and took it off.
His face still half covered by armor.
"But as you already went th-ROUGH the trouble I will sit." and he did.
"Now shall we get this started?" Jacob said calmly.
31-07-2007, 02:02
The orbital weapons platform "The Arkbird" fired its ion engines. It sped round the globe and hover in high orbit directly above the place where The Raptor Pack was meeting with The Advent Combine. The Arkbird fired its massive superlaser towards the complex before launching proton torpedoes and firing its turbolasers.
The Arkbird launched the Second TIE Complement, sending out 300 TIE Interceptors into the skies to clear out any resistance.
Meanwhile, the fleet near Venus powered up their shields and headed for Earth.
TO: The Raptor Pack
FROM: Akimonad
So, you have seen fit to betray our trust once again. This is the last mistake you'll ever make. Surrender now, and I promise some part of your pathetic existence will be preserved.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 02:27
The orbital weapons platform "The Arkbird" fired its ion engines. It sped round the globe and hover in high orbit directly above the place where The Raptor Pack was meeting with The Advent Combine. The Arkbird fired its massive superlaser towards the complex before launching proton torpedoes and firing its turbolasers.
The Arkbird launched the Second TIE Complement, sending out 300 TIE Interceptors into the skies to clear out any resistance.
Meanwhile, the fleet near Venus powered up their shields and headed for Earth.
The hell are you talking about?! We didn't do anything to betray your trust!
(OOC: The velociraptors are most advanced in energy technology) The shield converted the energy of the laser on impact and added it to it's own. A deathnet was fired from the defence systems targeting the proton torpedoes.
Akimonad this is your last warning. Stop your unprovoked and unwaranted attack on the Raptor Pack or we will be forced to fire upon your oncoming craft!
"Damn them!" The Pack Leaders machine translated. "Quickly Lord Taylor we are under attack! You must take refuge within the city!"
31-07-2007, 02:36
[OoC: Aki, why are you even bothering invading, they're just going to godmod their way out of this...]
Official Diplomatic Communique
Even though our two states have not exactly had the friendliest relations in the past, Cookesland sends its condolences at the loss of your hatchlings. Any Noah's Flood members found in Cookesland will be tried for hate crimes against non-humans.
Best Wishes,
Steven Andolor
Secretary of State
The United States of Cookesland
31-07-2007, 02:37
Operation: Bible Camp
Aboard the Assault Carrier rechristened the Moses' Staff, the commanding officer, now ceremonially demoted to Admiral Simpson was in jump. The majority of his crew was asleep, they were getting hypnoinduction, mostly tactical data, sleep triggers, and a confidentiality agreement. Upon capture, they were hypnoindoctrinated to commit suicide in any way necessary including swallowing their own tongues and choking to death. Admiral Simpson, knowing his presence was necessary for the last jump until reaching Sol, stayed awake and only took hypnoinduction when napping.
The skeleton crew reduced the Cherenkov Drive and the ships found themselves closing in on an orbit around Io, the innermost moon of Jupiter. This was no accident, as the Admiral told his crew to come out of cryosleep, he told his ships to get close to the massive volcanic spews Io regularly gives out. They would hide from sensors in the magnetosphere of Jupiter, and Io's dust clouds caused by tidal vulcanism. That is until they heard the Doctor open operations.
TO: The Raptor Pack
FROM: Akimonad
So, you have seen fit to betray our trust once again. This is the last mistake you'll ever make. Surrender now, and I promise some part of your pathetic existence will be preserved.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
That was the signal, and the ships moved. They decided to save time and did a loop around Io, accelerating and slingshotting toward the inner Sol System. They had left at an angle, and were going to boost toward Earth once they passed the Asteroid Belt.
The Fleet of 'Noah's Flood' was preparing for its assault on The Raptor Pack. The Admiral mused at what he would say, writing out several speeches in his head, and wondered what the Human Order would say.
The Democratic Imperium would deny everything, the Caldari Federation would disavow all knowledge of the thousands of men and women on board the ship. Right now, all their records were sitting on the edge of an incinerator, and their families ready to be trucked away to remote systems and cities around Terran Space.
Noah's Flood Operation: Bible Camp
2 Assault Carriers
-2 Attached Arsenal Ships
-150 Fighter-Interceptors
-50 Capsule Trooper Tubes
-150 Retrieval Boats, Heavy Gunships
-20,000 Mobile Infantry
4 Cruisers
-20 Fighter-Interceptors
-5 Retrieval Boats, Heavy Gunships
4 Destroyers
-3 Scout Bombers
-1 Retrieval Boat
2 Frigates
3 Electronic warfare and Starside Recon ships
-1 Scout Bomber
31-07-2007, 02:44
[OoC: Aki, why are you even bothering invading, they're just going to godmod their way out of this...]
OOC: The only way to expose a Godmoder is to do this. It is the only way, we'll cite his rule violations and force change via pressure like this.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 02:54
ALERT. an attack has been made on the Overlord. Also a fleet has begun a sling shot towards earth. Nexus Attack Cannon activated. FTL drive online. Super Suppresser ONLINE.
A massive cloaked ship errupted from the gasses of Saturn, and quickly blurred out when the FTL drives powered up. Nexus was on the way.
The ship reappeared serveral hundred thousand miles ahead of the Attacking fleet.
It's massive forward cannon, "The Super Supresser" fired, and condensed Dark Energy lanced out across the attacking fleet, causing extreme damage and forcing them to slow down. Several ACD Destroyers had entered the area as well. A war was starting.
Rapter Pack Capital
Jacob stood up from his chair with a look of pure Hatred.
"So! This is an act of war! So be it. I'm sorry but I must retreat to Redemption. I hope you will stand with us in this battle coming up. Nexus has been awoken. It's one of our most powerful weapon, and I don't like using it." He and The Soldier both returned to his ship and began the trip to Redemption.
OOC: The only way to expose a Godmoder is to do this. It is the only way, we'll cite his rule violations and force change via pressure like this.
(OOC: So to bring out Godmoders you become one your self. Some how I don't think that works. )
31-07-2007, 03:09
ALERT. an attack has been made on the Overlord. Also a fleet has begun a sling shot towards earth. Nexus Attack Cannon activated. FTL drive online. Super Suppresser ONLINE.
A massive cloaked ship errupted from the gasses of Saturn, and quickly blurred out when the FTL drives powered up. Nexus was on the way.
The ship reappeared serveral hundred thousand miles ahead of the Attacking fleet.
It's massive forward cannon, "The Super Supresser" fired, and condensed Dark Energy lanced out across the attacking fleet, causing extreme damage and forcing them to slow down. Several ACD Destroyers had entered the area as well. A war was starting.
Rapter Pack Capital
Jacob stood up from his chair with a look of pure Hatred.
"So! This is an act of war! So be it. I'm sorry but I must retreat to Redemption. I hope you will stand with us in this battle coming up. Nexus has been awoken. It's one of our most powerful weapon, and I don't like using it." He and The Soldier both returned to his ship and began the trip to Redemption.
(OOC: So to bring out Godmoders you become one your self. Some how I don't think that works. )
OOC: I didn't say that. I said I was going to expose you for them by RPing and proving you godmoded using the II rules. Also what are those other resources you have again? You can't afford a massive cloaked ship, FT things, even when prices are adjusted for the fact that is it the future are still expensive, just like a superdreadnought won't cost you anything less than 25 billion in MT-PMT.
OOC: Amazing stuff for a country that only has 6.2 billion dollars.
Moses' Staff
"Admiral, enemy ship has leapfrogged us, they are targeting Akimonad's fleet."
"Understood Ensign, I want you to bring our cruisers forward and have them fire their MACs all at once. Then you'll bring the fleet around, and we'll engage that ship. We'll make a run for Terra."
The fleet of 'Noah's Flood' revealed its current big stick. Each cruiser's central section was a massive magnetically accelerated cannon, firing a huge 4 meter round, made of a ferrous exterior and an internal pyrophoric depleted uranium core. The cruisers began to target the massive ship. And readied their guns. While the MAC rounds did travel at nearly 40% the speed of light, they were still not that fast.
The rest of the defensive picket moved between the massive ship and the assault carriers and headed for Terra.
EDIT: OOC: What is Dark Energy? If you are going to be making up laws of physics left and right we should know to so we can conceivably have counters to something that is apparently a new basic principle of physics.
31-07-2007, 03:24
OOC: Your shield is convenient. This should be fun.
IC: The laser blast deflected off the Arkbird's shield harmlessly. It bounced back towards The Raptor Pack, bouncing back and forth. The Arkbird fired four more times, bombarding the shield. It would have to give out sometime.
(OOC: So to bring out Godmoders you become one your self. Some how I don't think that works. )
OOC: How is he godmoding? I think you're a godmoder too, especially with this bit:
It's massive forward cannon, "The Super Supresser" fired, and condensed Dark Energy lanced out across the attacking fleet, causing extreme damage and forcing them to slow down
Emphasis mine, since you cannot determine damage.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 03:25
( OOC: Dark energy is what some scientists call the energy that runs through everything, and constantly expandes the universe. It's a constant in the universe, and if it were harnased as a weapon or a power source, it would prove quite useful... I'll see if I can find some thing on it..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Energy
There you go, of course I'm adding sci-fi crap to it, but it's all in the name of fun. Nexus can pretty much only fire once. it has no shields. It's weapon wasn't even that effective, it only damaged and slowed them down. It uses a imploding core of a Dark Energy to power the weapon, but if it needs to it can reverse the polarity of the core, which would remove a constant from the universe, and completely destroy anything including any kind of matter within a certain range. That is why Jacob doesn't like using it. I'm not trying to God mod at all, but shit like your orbital cannon forces me to somewhat. )
Nexus groaned as it was hit by multible strikes from MAC shots, and it's AI systems were getting pissed. The various fleets shot each other blow for blow, and the death rate was rising.
31-07-2007, 03:40
( OOC: Dark energy is what some scientists call the energy that runs through everything, and constantly expandes the universe. It's a constant in the universe, and if it were harnased as a weapon or a power source, it would prove quite useful... I'll see if I can find some thing on it..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Energy
There you go, of course I'm adding sci-fi crap to it, but it's all in the name of fun. )
Nexus groaned as it was hit by multible strikes from MAC shots, and it's AI systems were getting pissed. The various fleets shot each other blow for blow, and the death rate was rising.
OOC: Dark energy is quite possibly the least dense thing in the universe besides the universe, interacts with nothing but gravity, and is very nearly homogenous. Which means you threw gravity at me. Which means my ships sorta get pushed to the side a bit. You've invented the equivalent of a giant fan in the time of sailboats and Galleons.
Also, I haven't taken any casualties unless I say so.
The Cruisers were shocked the Nexus was able to shrug off such powerful rounds. The Captains on board relayed the message that this must be some sort of flagship or capital ship. The ACD was such a small order that it probably used most of its resources to build it.
That is when they detected a massive overload in gravimetric sensors, indicating a huge gravity field, and a wave of dark energy showered the cruisers attacking the Nexus. At first the cruisers moved forward, pulled by the gravity of the Nexus charging up the cannon, then found themselves shoved backwards. Shields were being rammed by exotic particles as dark energy reacted with nearby baryons creating an exciting light show and draining some of their power.
Onboard physicists were absolutely shocked as their sensors read strange energy readings. Overall the attack did nothing. Gravity guns were well known and only used in construction, and a dark energy cannon was just a fancy gravity gun.
The cruisers taking advantage of the fact they were blown far apart by the dark energy cannon, they blew their reactive tanks and shifted themselves into new vectors and began to do a very large orbit of the Nexus at several thousand kilometers. They opened fire with their missile battery, sending dozens of neutron bomb missiles at the enemy ship. It was a dangerous gambit, because if they were caught in the blast, they could find their own shields disabled. They quickly followed up the shot with a blast from their medium railguns, sending 300mm plasma charges soaring at the enemy.
The rest of the fleet continued toward Terra.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 03:51
(OOC: much more powerful then a gravity gun, it's condensed, and sent as a stream, it's more like being hit by the center of a black hole for a matter of seconds. )
Serveral blasts hit along Nexus's hull, and parts of it were falling apart.
Nexus's AI took it's only option at this point to detroy the enemy. It would reverse the polarity of it's core, and create a Dark Flare. The ship began to implode as the core collasped in on it's self before rupturing into a huge explosion, The Dark energy constant in this area of space began to implode taking just about everything in the area with it. ( OOC: I wont bring something like this up again. Nexus is gone, but it's gunna cause a hell of a lot of damage. )
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 03:57
Suddenly the crew of the Arkbird began to feel the craft being pulled towards Nexus as the gun charged, but the Arkbird returned to its original place soon after.
The crew, however, was not convinced.
Ten railguns ignited and 4cm projectiles shot towards the ship.
Meanwhile, the fleet from Venus came down on top of Nexus and had put itself nicely in between the Nexus and the Noah's Flood fleet. The Star Dreadnaught Eclipse, equipped with a very powerful superlaser, fired directly at the bridge on the Nexus. The ships launched a barrage of turbolaser fire, proton torpedoes, and diamond boron missiles.
OOC: might want to delete part of that, for two reasons, one Nexus has no bridge. it's controlled by a massive AI. and it's already self desrtucted taking that entire sector of space with it. Literally. The area is now basically a cloud of anti-matter. I promise that was my last semi-godmodish thing ever. I can't pick if it owned you or not, but the area is a cloud of ANTI-matter. Not much can really survive it.
31-07-2007, 04:03
(OOC: much more powerful then a gravity gun, it's condensed, and sent as a stream, it's more like being hit by the center of a black hole for a matter of seconds. )
Serveral blasts hit along Nexus's hull, and parts of it were falling apart.
Nexus's AI took it's only option at this point to detroy the enemy. It would reverse the polarity of it's core, and create a Dark Flare. The ship began to implode as the core collasped in on it's self before rupturing into a huge explosion, The Dark energy constant in this area of space began to implode taking just about everything in the area with it. ( OOC: I wont bring something like this up again. Nexus is gone, but it's gunna cause a hell of a lot of damage. )
Only the scientists on board the ships were happy that the Nexus had imploded. Its Dark Flare would probably be the most exciting physics experiment in ages, but they wouldn't have time to enjoy it as the panicked crews decided to screw the scientist and err on the side of safety.
The cruisers were the closest ships and the most heavily effected. They tried to jump, only to find their Cherenkov drives unresponsive to such an intense gravity well. The captain of one, decided to just overload his engine and try to pull out. His ship found itself spiraling into the core. Just before the engines and bridge were torn out the rear, the Admiral received a series of measurements from the ship, telling about exotic particles.
The half ship floated without shields, the majority of the crew safe in the middle section, on reserve batteries, waiting for rescue. The rest of the ships nearby decided to jump without coordinates. A flash of light, and the entire fleet disappeared.
Two cruisers reappeared near Venus, oriented toward the surface, and had to rapidly pull out.
A destroyer managed to jump into Earth's atmosphere, over The Raptor Pack, it had become first on the ground. The ship's captain ordered an evacuation and tried to launch the Scout Bombers. Only one managed enough thrust to make it into orbit. The rest lost energy and had to breathe air. Their pilots ditched. A retrieval boat, the only thing optimized for atmosphere on the Destroyer left the ship's hanger as escape pods shot out the sides. Inside was a 20 man Naval Security Force. They had the command crew crowded with them, and were heading far away from the ship. The destroyer, being nearly 200 meters, and chock full of horrible explosives, plasma, two fusion reactors, was going to be a nasty presence when it landed. Naval Security Forces knew that only a few crew had managed to grab their pistols, 12mm Slug Throwers with Reactive Metal cores that exploded on impact. And their powered armor was nothing compared to the Mobile Infantry. Still they had to try to rescue as many as possible.
The rest of the fleet found themselves scattered and began to reform. The two cruisers at Venusian orbit seemed like a good idea. They spun up their drives and waited, and hoped the Destroyer's crew would survive impact.
OOC: Going to bed.
31-07-2007, 04:06
OOC: might want to delete part of that, for two reasons, one Nexus has no bridge. it's controlled by a massive AI. and it's already self desrtucted taking that entire sector of space with it. Literally. The area is now basically a cloud of anti-matter. I promise that was my last semi-godmodish thing ever. I can't pick if it owned you or not, but the area is a cloud of ANTI-matter. Not much can really survive it.
That would destroy Earth and end this war.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 04:06
OOC: How would it destroy earth? It's not nearly big enough of a blast to reach that far.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 04:09
Only the scientists on board the ships were happy that the Nexus had imploded. Its Dark Flare would probably be the most exciting physics experiment in ages, but they wouldn't have time to enjoy it as the panicked crews decided to screw the scientist and err on the side of safety.
The cruisers were the closest ships and the most heavily effected. They tried to jump, only to find their Cherenkov drives unresponsive to such an intense gravity well. The captain of one, decided to just overload his engine and try to pull out. His ship found itself spiraling into the core. Just before the engines and bridge were torn out the rear, the Admiral received a series of measurements from the ship, telling about exotic particles.
The half ship floated without shields, the majority of the crew safe in the middle section, on reserve batteries, waiting for rescue. The rest of the ships nearby decided to jump without coordinates. A flash of light, and the entire fleet disappeared.
Two cruisers reappeared near Venus, oriented toward the surface, and had to rapidly pull out.
A destroyer managed to jump into Earth's atmosphere, over The Raptor Pack, it had become first on the ground. The ship's captain ordered an evacuation and tried to launch the Scout Bombers. Only one managed enough thrust to make it into orbit. The rest lost energy and had to breathe air. Their pilots ditched. A retrieval boat, the only thing optimized for atmosphere on the Destroyer left the ship's hanger as escape pods shot out the sides. Inside was a 20 man Naval Security Force. They had the command crew crowded with them, and were heading far away from the ship. The destroyer, being nearly 200 meters, and chock full of horrible explosives, plasma, two fusion reactors, was going to be a nasty presence when it landed. Naval Security Forces knew that only a few crew had managed to grab their pistols, 12mm Slug Throwers with Reactive Metal cores that exploded on impact. And their powered armor was nothing compared to the Mobile Infantry. Still they had to try to rescue as many as possible.
The rest of the fleet found themselves scattered and began to reform. The two cruisers at Venusian orbit seemed like a good idea. They spun up their drives and waited, and hoped the Destroyer's crew would survive impact.
OOC: Going to bed.
OOC: THANK YOU. thats exactly what would happen. no earth destruction, but anything still in that cloud would be burned from exsistence. I'm heading out too. leave it for tomorrow...
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 04:16
The shield crew were squawking in amusement. They decided to send a transmition to the Arkbird: Thank you humans, for fueling our shield! Your saving us some Meat Pieces down here!
The Akimonad Capital got something different: Akimonad you bastards! We gave no provacation! Now we are forced to take action! You have forced us into war! Curse you!
Fire the cleavers! Fire the deathnets! Expanding fields of energy hit the Arkbird staight on inorder to take out the shields. Followed by 7 circles of cleaver pods that surrounded the Arkbird then activating and creating rings of energy that cleaved through almost anything.
OOC: I'd say I destroyed your proton torpedoes. Also I'd like to say that I realy didn't do anything to you.
31-07-2007, 04:18
The Arkbird, which was still in Earth orbit, found itself largely unaffected by the blast, which was rather far away.
The other fleet wasn't quite as lucky. The fleet lost the five corvettes with it and three assault ships. The rest of the group was able to move away in time.
The fleet regrouped and ordered more reinforcements.
31-07-2007, 04:21
The shield crew were squawking in amusement. They decided to send a transmition to the Arkbird: Thank you humans, for fueling our shield! Your saving us some Meat Pieces down here!
It doesn't work like that. You're not invincible. That said, I'm ignoring the rest of your attack considering your shield should be nonfunctional at this point.
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 04:26
Only the scientists on board the ships were happy that the Nexus had imploded. Its Dark Flare would probably be the most exciting physics experiment in ages, but they wouldn't have time to enjoy it as the panicked crews decided to screw the scientist and err on the side of safety.
The cruisers were the closest ships and the most heavily effected. They tried to jump, only to find their Cherenkov drives unresponsive to such an intense gravity well. The captain of one, decided to just overload his engine and try to pull out. His ship found itself spiraling into the core. Just before the engines and bridge were torn out the rear, the Admiral received a series of measurements from the ship, telling about exotic particles.
The half ship floated without shields, the majority of the crew safe in the middle section, on reserve batteries, waiting for rescue. The rest of the ships nearby decided to jump without coordinates. A flash of light, and the entire fleet disappeared.
Two cruisers reappeared near Venus, oriented toward the surface, and had to rapidly pull out.
A destroyer managed to jump into Earth's atmosphere, over The Raptor Pack, it had become first on the ground. The ship's captain ordered an evacuation and tried to launch the Scout Bombers.
OOC: Going to bed.
OOC: Me too
It doesn't work like that. You're not invincible. That said, I'm ignoring the rest of your attack considering your shield should be nonfunctional at this point.
OOC: Hey jackass! I just said the laser wasn't doing anything and what makes you think your invincible? You shoot at me and expect my shields to just go down. What does that say?! I'm taking a break let's wait for tomorow.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 04:33
OOC: Not if I decide to interfere.
Jacob entered the CIC of Dominion, he had decided Redemption was going to play a larger role. Redemption extented it's shields to full and entered orbit directly under the orbital cannon, keeping some heat of the Raptors. and giving a the cannon a harder time deflecting it, at the same time Salvation had entered orbit at well, and was targeting the cannon with every last weapon in it's keep.
Salvation waited until the blast was knocked back to Arkbird, and weaken it's shields, then launched it's entire weapon load on it all at once. A blinding flash of power and destruction, but did it get the job done?
31-07-2007, 04:33
OOC: Hey jackass! I just said the laser wasn't doing anything and what makes you think your invincible? You shoot at me and expect my shields to just go down. What does that say?! I'm taking a break let's wait for tomorow.
OOC: Oh, are you flaming now?
I don't think I'm invincible, but given that I've fired four blasts that are ricocheting between the two shields, both should be shutting down soon, considering that that's pretty much the equivalent of several more blasts. I shoot at you a whole lot, and expect you to RP reasonably. Now fix it.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 04:39
OOC: Everyones going to bed, you should do the same. Lets break and continue in the morning alright?
31-07-2007, 05:35
OOC: Just wondering if there is room for another player to join this conflict.
As for what is going on, I do not have much to say as of yet. Have yet to fully read the damned posts.
Also, Leafinstan, everyone doesn't use the budget system, especially as FT has prices so astronomical, that no amount of tinkering and what not can fix it.
Now, I am not saying you cant use it; if you have a way, fine, but trying to force somebody to determine their ships by THAT system is wrong. Many other well-respected players here do not use budget as that is getting WAY too stat-based. MT is good for it, as it requires such stuff, FT not so much.
Akimonad, if I saw this correctly, you fired a super laser at the planet...which Raptors absorbed and rebounded (a bit ridiculous in its own right), but then you say that your shield is SO strong that it can take MULTIPLE hits by the bouncing superlaser blast.
I find your claims of not being a godmodder being slightly ridiculous.
Besides, its about the story.
However, Raptor Pack and Combine, I think you guys have your own share of the blame, with the godmodding that is going on. Again, I need to read and find out what the hell is going on.
EDIT: Alright, some tips here Raptor and Advent. One, do try to take damage; RP is a give or take game, not take. Thet shield cannot hold forever, Akimonad is right on that one. Also, Advent, making up new resources and whatnot=BAD THING. Making a new armor doesnt sit well with people, especially me, as it just makes it seem as if you are trying to be uber without working for it.
Also, Raptor, mind telling us what weaknesses your soldiers have? because apparently they roxxorz with energy weapons, are close combat masters, and are agile as hell. A tall order; such strengths need to be balance with proper weaknesses.
Oh and they can't get under someone's armor unless said nation chooses to let them do so.
Now, I am not here to say how you should determine your ships, just that everyone has their own way and as long as they are fair and willing to compromise, why bother shoving it down their throats?
31-07-2007, 13:09
OOC: Just wondering if there is room for another player to join this conflict.
I'd rather you didn't. This is a mess already.
Akimonad, if I saw this correctly, you fired a super laser at the planet...which Raptors absorbed and rebounded (a bit ridiculous in its own right), but then you say that your shield is SO strong that it can take MULTIPLE hits by the bouncing superlaser blast.
If his can, he has therefore set precedent, and mine can to.
Also, Raptor, mind telling us what weaknesses your soldiers have? because apparently they roxxorz with energy weapons, are close combat masters, and are agile as hell. A tall order; such strengths need to be balance with proper weaknesses.
They're exceptionally short. But that doesn't tend to hamper them.
Well i've made a post but i'm reluctant to continue with this now. Raptor Pack, you've gone from PMT to FT in days, you said that you were survivors of the Great Extinction yet here you say your from outer space?
The godmodding from several players here is totally dispicable.
This tech range is far too undefined for me to participate in and the rping quality is non-existant in places (there has been some good stuff). Unless this sorts itself out and slows down a bit so that other players can join in then count me out of this fiasco.
31-07-2007, 13:47
USoP Situation Room
The room was alive with the din of several conversations. Maps showed laser shots bouncing off and shield intensity readings dropping. The doors up and the sharp call of "tenhut" rose over and cut through the din as the Bartlett entered the room
"I'm tired, grumpy and my wife is in Abendigo this better be... " he trailed off looking at the monitors. "What the hell? Fitz I leave the room for a bit and all bloody hell breaks loose?"
Fitz smiled "Would appear so sir. Long and short of it is, Akimonad made an ultimatime, the lizards laughed, Akimonad fired, sheilds held, Raptor Pack fired shields held, lot of angry chatter on the radios."
Barttlet shook his head ruefully. "What the hell is Hodz doing? They didn't attack him, sure they are arrogant little morons but they are a waste of ammo. Ok... options?"
Fitz's smile melted away, combat hardened he knew that this wasn't the time to be jovial.
It was Markinson that spoke up. "Mr President, Akimonad is an ally and they've taken some marginal losses, we have to support them. Even if we disagree with the premise of the attack"
Fitz turned "I'm not putting my forces at risk over some stupid temper tamtrum throwing lizards, they aren't worth it."
"I agree," Barttlet said. "So I want options. Cooling down?"
"Cooling down is out of the question." International Affairs Secretary Donnatella Mosse piped in, she had been conferenced in due to her intimate dealings with the Raptors. "Akimonad might listen but there's no way the lizards go for it".
"Actually they're birds." Barttlet said, the room quieted. They hand been around long enough to know when they were being chided. "They are ancient birdlike beings."
"So we should call them what.. pigeons?" Fitz said.
"No we should call them Raptors cause that's what they are." Barttlet said with the authority of the man in charge of the room. "I have a meeting, I'll be back down here and I want cooling down options in 10 minutes."
"Mr President may I walk you to your meeting." Fitz said following him out of the room.
31-07-2007, 14:07
TG for Akimonad
31-07-2007, 15:29
OOC: Very well, Raptor.
And yes Stevid, that is why I posted up my beefs. But since the thread OP doesn't even want people...*shrugs*
31-07-2007, 16:46
Once again the din the room is cut by the guards calling attention. The President entered the room, followed closely by his Chief of Staff.
“Ok anything new?”
Markinson spoke “Nothing, all quiet on all fronts.”
“Any sign that it’s done”
“Wouldn’t trust the liz…” Markinson looked up and saw the look of disapproval on his commander in chief’s face. “Sorry Sir, Raptors to not to strike back.”
“The Raptors weren’t the one doing the attacking. They were doing the defending, if they strike back it’s warranted.” Barttlet said.
“Sir The Raptor Pack is an enemy and Akimonad is an ally. We can ask Hodz to back off but if he feels the need to press.” Fitz said.
“We have to support him I know, I agree. Ok so here’s the plan, we’re going to stay out of this for now. If any of our assets are attacked or if our airspace is violated we’ll respond. Take us to Security Level 3, and set travel advisories to Akimonad at Level 2 – Informational” Barttlet said.
“What if Hodz asks Military aid? Fitz asked.
“He gets medical, and other non combat aid. He started this he’s not dragging us in to it.” Barttlet said.
31-07-2007, 16:52
( OOC: Yeah I did my share of Godmoding there...sorry. I'm done with it though. Nexus is gone. Only ships I have left are the two Command cruisers Dominion and Salvation, and probably one or two destroyers escaped nexus' self destruct but are heavily damaged. Monolith is still there but it's acting as my nations capital building right now, and People are more then welcome to join. things are alittle messy right now as I think just about EVERYone went on a bit of a Godmoding spree. I have no excuse, for my actions beyond being tired, and thats not much of one. Now I believe Salvation just unloaded everything it had at Arkbird while it's shield were hopefully weakened.
and Redemption was heavily damaged by the Arkbird weapon, and returned to it's homebase. )
OOC: I would join, but the Thread Maker, Raptor, said it was too messy right now. So, I will obey his wishes.
31-07-2007, 16:55
OOC: I would join, but the Thread Maker, Raptor, said it was too messy right now. So, I will obey his wishes.
OOC: Actually Akimonad said that. The Thread Maker is The Raptor Pack. But I guess you pretty much made the whole "messy" point. :D Everyone in the pool come on...
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 17:07
Akimonad, if I saw this correctly, you fired a super laser at the planet...which Raptors absorbed and rebounded (a bit ridiculous in its own right), but then you say that your shield is SO strong that it can take MULTIPLE hits by the bouncing superlaser blast.
OOC: (I'm Back.) I only said it absorbed, and right after I did Akimonad then said that it bounced. Now thats got to be a little bit of godmoding. Never said the shield wouldn't go down either OK calming down.
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 17:20
OOC: Right I want to clear some things up.
1. Velociraptors prefer speed over protection. They don't wear armor.
2. This is taking place over Earth and the orbit of Saturn which is being used as a slingshot to throw Akimonad ships to Earth.
31-07-2007, 17:21
The Arkbird fired its boosters and got the hell out of there. It needed to recharge its shields. But it left a small package: a small cylinder, about a foot long. Hardly visible to sensors. The cylinder floated towards the shield, and, getting near it, detonated, setting off a small nuclear device that triggered an EMP that rushed towards the shield.
31-07-2007, 17:34
OOC: oh for.. JUST GET RID OF THE DAMN CANNON. I freakin unloaded everything Salvation had, and oh, "I moved out of the way and left an EMP."
...sigh. it's becoming clear who the biggest godmoder is.
I did.
Salvations screens began to static as the sheilds failed, but were effective in blocked the pulse.
Salvation's Commander ordered to return back to previous position, and left a few suprises in orbit if that cannon decided to come back.
OOC: What part of "it reached the shield" did you miss?
31-07-2007, 17:36
OOC: Oh, well, I suppose its up to Raptor then.
Also, Akimonad, I'd be entering with one ship. I am not a large nation yet, so I don't have much in the way of a navy.
31-07-2007, 17:36
United States of Philimbesi Satellite Command Center (SATCOM)
The technician squinted trying to make sense of the data he was receiving the Crystal Clear picture from EagleEye1 was gone. In fact all data he was receiving from EagleEye1 was gone.
"Sir?" He said a slight warble in his voice.
"Yes Jenkins." SATCOM Chief O’Brian responded.
“I’ve lost EagleEye1 sir.”
“Jenkins it's a 50 ton surveillance satellite in geosynchronous orbit, it couldn’t have gotten far.
“I know that Sir but it’s gone now.”
“Sir!” Valentine said from across the room. “SPACECOM is reporting that Hellfire is in the area and is reporting an explosion followed by a high residue of electro magnetic activity. Looks like an EMP.”
O’Brian turned fast… “get me the president, the Lizards just took out EagleEye1!”
31-07-2007, 17:45
Also, Akimonad, I'd be entering with one ship. I am not a large nation yet, so I don't have much in the way of a navy.
I'm assuming that you're on my side then, yes?
31-07-2007, 17:48
OOC: Considering how outnumbered, outmatched and damaged you and Leafinstan(sp) are, then yes. My nation is fairly warlike and enjoys war, so attacking and ravaging someone is what they like to do. The "Great Game" is upon them. I may bring in more ships as the situation develops, if needed, but it will be small.
Also, if need be, I can make an OOC thread to stop all these interruptions
31-07-2007, 17:53
OOC: Considering how outnumbered, outmatched and damaged you and Leafinstan(sp) are, then yes. My nation is fairly warlike and enjoys war, so attacking and ravaging someone is what they like to do. The "Great Game" is upon them. I may bring in more ships as the situation develops, if needed, but it will be small.
Also, if need be, I can make an OOC thread to stop all these interruptions
Oh, I'm hardly outmatched or outnumbered. I can have many more ships if I so choose. One of the benefits of being an older country.
31-07-2007, 17:56
OOC: True, true. This is merely a puppet of an account I have. Anyways...here
the OOC thread. All OOC should go there now.
I'll be making a post soon.
31-07-2007, 17:57
OOC: What part of .."but were effective in blocking the pulse" Did YOU miss. If you can just move your cannon out of the way 50-some heat seeking weapons, then surely my ships can have EMP shielding right? If this keeps up I'm just gunna leave. I stopped godmoding. why can't you?
Perhaps I should have elaborated. I meant that the cylinder sailed past your ship and down to the shield.
[NS]The Wolf Guardians
31-07-2007, 17:58
Nero.874, Beta of the Office of Security (CWG-SEC) opened a comm line to the Akimonad forces. Calling Akimonad from Starship Pacifica of the Great Commonwealth. Nero.874 here. Do you require assistance? he transmitted in both text and speech synthesized from his mind. The ship was still many, many lightyears away, moving only at sublight towards the battle, not really intending to fight, itself. He could, from this point, however, command thousands of tiny GuardSats littering the Earth's orbit.
31-07-2007, 18:01
The Wolf Guardians;12924522']Nero.874, Beta of the Office of Security (CWG-SEC) opened a comm line to the Akimonad forces. Calling Akimonad from Starship Pacifica of the Great Commonwealth. Nero.874 here. Do you require assistance? he transmitted in both text and speech synthesized from his mind. The ship was still many, many lightyears away, moving only at sublight towards the battle, not really intending to fight, itself. He could, from this point, however, command thousands of tiny GuardSats littering the Earth's orbit.
The captain of the Eclipse intercepted the message.
"It would certainly be helpful." he transmitted back.
[NS]The Wolf Guardians
31-07-2007, 18:11
The captain of the Eclipse intercepted the message.
"It would certainly be helpful." he transmitted back.
Very well. However, Alpha Elect Andrew.126 has instructed us to take a defensive role. The GuardSat Network has now been tasked with shooting down projectiles inbound for your forces. Please send us IFF data on everyone present. "All auxiliary personnel, access the GuardSatNet and watch a satellite. Cleared to destroy unmanned objects only." His voice echoed aloud around the ship and in the heads of the crew, both AI and Guardian, who all took any nearby seat and linked themselves in.
31-07-2007, 18:14
(Also an EMP probably wouldn't really affect the shield to the extent your hoping, I mean you would need several EMPs to take down the various things that power the shield. The most the EMP would do is cause the shield to faulter somewhat before being reactivated, by other generators. )
Yes, but to the extent that the shield should be damaged this ought to be the beginning of the end.
31-07-2007, 18:19
The Wolf Guardians;12924548']Very well. However, Alpha Elect Andrew.126 has instructed us to take a defensive role. The GuardSat Network has now been tasked with shooting down projectiles inbound for your forces. Please send us IFF data on everyone present. "All auxiliary personnel, access the GuardSatNet and watch a satellite. Cleared to destroy unmanned objects only." His voice echoed aloud around the ship and in the heads of the crew, both AI and Guardian, who all took any nearby seat and linked themselves in.
Pacifica this is USoP Fighter Carrier Hellfire, please be advised we are cloaked and in the vicinity. Also be advised there are USoP satellites in the area, we are respectfully requesting you do not attack them. We are as of now neutral in this fight and are simply protecting that which is ours.
31-07-2007, 18:26
Perhaps I should have elaborated. I meant that the cylinder sailed past your ship and down to the shield.
So did it detonate in space or on earth?
[NS]The Wolf Guardians
31-07-2007, 18:36
Pacifica this is USoP Fighter Carrier Hellfire, please be advised we are cloaked and in the vicinity. Also be advised there are USoP satellites in the area, we are respectfully requesting you do not attack them. We are as of now neutral in this fight and are simply protecting that which is ours.
Nero.874 nodded, returning the communication. Aye, Hellfire. He nodded to his Scanner, who looked off into infinity for a second, saying, Scanning... I've got them. Friendly IFF locked. Nero turned back towards the battle, as though watching it through the huge window at the front of the ship across the lightyears with his unaided eyes, though in reality he was looking at sensor data the Network relayed to him. You now have our protection, as well. Good sailing.
31-07-2007, 18:40
The Wolf Guardians;12924606']Nero.874 nodded, returning the communication. Aye, Hellfire. He nodded to his Scanner, who looked off into infinity for a second, saying, Scanning... I've got them. Friendly IFF locked. Nero turned back towards the battle, as though watching it through the huge window at the front of the ship across the lightyears with his unaided eyes, though in reality he was looking at sensor data the Network relayed to him. You now have our protection, as well. Good sailing.
Aye Aye Pacifica, you too. ~ Hellfire out.
31-07-2007, 18:44
I would assume some place in the upper atmosphere.
K. Just trying to figure out if you owe me a new 2.5 million dollar communications and defense satellite. :-)
31-07-2007, 18:46
So did it detonate in space or on earth?
I would assume some place in the upper atmosphere.
31-07-2007, 19:07
The fighting going in the the Earth system did not go unnoticed amongst the many denizens of the galaxy and one of those many nations, unfortunately, was attracted to the fighting. They observed as the Akimonadian and Leafinstanian forces engaged those of the Advent Combine and The Raptor Pack. They watched as if one goes to see an action movie, with Kaldathi all over laughing and giggling at the immense destruction and raw power unleashed in the display as they battled each other. They cheered when the superlaser fired, and gave out "ooo's" of surprise when it bounced back and forth, and gave out an ecstatic roar when the Nexus detonated, taking out many enemy ships.
All in all, it was a good show to the Kaldathi. But, the time for watching was over...and the time for participation was at hand.
The Kaldathi Dominion, a warlike, sadistic and expansionary nation, had sent out its feelers shortly before this battle took place, seeking new places to conquer and to spread the Kadium crystal. Before long, they had come upon the fierce battle raging above the Earth. The Kaldathi, excited by war, what they called the "Great Game", had come upon a goldmine! A fierce war being fought right over a planet! And with several players too. This was a chance that could not be denied and, after a short consultation with the Kitzai, they proceeded to enter the fight with his blessing.
Due to the fact they were still focusing on consolidation efforts in their Dominion, they could not send too much of their forces, lest they weaken themselves too much. So, only a single ship was sent.
And so it was, that with a bang and a flash of green light, that the Annihilator, a Scythe-class cruiser (http://www.cncden.com/cnc3_scrin/devastatorwarship.jpg) appeared. Captained by Vorai(Captain) Yilth, it stood ready to fight. It's dark green hull flickered in the light of the vents, the bright green lighting emanating from them playing across the hull. The series of spikes coming from the sides split space, as the alien-looking ship made its way to the Akimonadian fleet. It had, by chance, appeared near the location of the Akimonad fleet, which had retreated after the damage received by the Combine's attack. Smirking, the Kaldathi turned to his officers.
<"Open a channel with the humans; I wish to speak with them."> They nodded, and set to work, hands working over holographic buttons, with symbols unknown to any but the Kaldathi on them.
<"Channel ready, Vorai"> Yilth smirked and then, clearing his throat, began to speak in perfect Terran.
Greetings Terrans, you appear to have run into a spot of trouble. Allow the Kaldathi Dominion aid you in cleansing that planet of those troublesome....lizards.
31-07-2007, 19:17
Greetings Terrans, you appear to have run into a spot of trouble. Allow the Kaldathi Dominion aid you in cleansing that planet of those troublesome....lizards.
"We accept your help. We will hold here until further notice is given us by our superiors."
Meanwhile, several missiles kindly donated from another nation were being readied.
The missiles shot up into the sky, heading for the skies above The Raptor Pack.
Each missile reached the target area about an hour or two later.
The missiles detonated, sending five EMPs out in every direction.
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 19:22
OOC: Considering how outnumbered, outmatched and damaged you and Leafinstan(sp) are, then yes. My nation is fairly warlike and enjoys war, so attacking and ravaging someone is what they like to do. The "Great Game" is upon them. I may bring in more ships as the situation develops, if needed, but it will be small.
Also, if need be, I can make an OOC thread to stop all these interruptions
OOC: I don't know where you got your information but actualy I'm the one outnumbered.
31-07-2007, 19:23
Yilth nodded and bowed his head, an evil grin on his face. "As you wish, Terran. Please inform me when we shall move out again; my blood is calling for battle and I do not like to sit still for too long when there is a fight to be had." After letting out a dark chuckle, he ended the channel and stepped back a bit. Rubbing his hands eagerly, he walked over to his chair. This was a perfect opportunity for him; he had been without a battle for FAR too long and now, with his blood up, he was eager to engage. However, not enough of his lust for battle had clouded his mind, so he still had some manners left. He decided to wait patiently for the Akimonadians to start the fight once more.......for five minutes.
After that, he would....see what he would do then. Turning his head, he barked out orders. <"Have the forcefield powered up and in place; all weapons are to be activated and prepared. All fighter and bomber pilots are to be in their cockpits, and the soldiers on high alert. We move to battle soon. The Great Game starts anew!" A loud roar echoed as the Kaldathi on the bridge hooted in excitement.
Another round of the Great Game was at hand....and no one wanted to miss it.
31-07-2007, 19:23
Barttlet looked up from his desk to find the Comander of the United States of Philimbesi and his Chief of Staff standing in front of him.
“Ok, executive order number 456 is going to be that you two have to wear a bell.”
“Sorry Sir, there’s been a development in the Raptor Pack conflict.” Leo said.
“Is it a good development or a bad development.” Barttlet said.
“An expensive one.”
“That would be classified as a bad development.” Barttlet said removing his glasses. “Spit it out.”
“EMP was detonated in the upper atmosphere 5 minutes ago, sir”
‘One of the ones we ga…” the President said
“No sir those haven’t arrived yet.” Fitzwallace cut him off. “We believe that it was one of Akimonads own EMP’s.
“What’d it get?”
Even though he was 5 inches taller and possessed about 20% more muscle mass than the President the Commander of USoPAF actually winced before he said. “EagleEye1 and partially the Hellfire.”
The Presidents shoulders lowered. “EagleEye1 and the Hellfire?”
“Partially.” Leo interjected
“Leo the Hellfire is a Pheonix Class Star Fighter Carrier holding over 200,000 men and women 250 class 3 Raptor fighters, a battery of laser and photon torpedoes and the helix firing and targeting system, there’s no such thing as a partial hit!”
“Mr President the Hellfire is fine, and fully functional, thet were on the periphery of the blast and only took shield damage. EagleEye is the bigger issue, would you like to rattle off the stats of that, or will you just assume that as former SATCOM Chief and having acting as the launch commander for the entire EagleEye project I would be familiar with it? Leo retorted.
“It’s dead?”
“All data transmission from EagleEye1 have been cut off, and Hellfire reports that they have visual on it, losing altitude.
“Sweet Jesus on a Goddamn hoverboard.!” Bartlett slammed his hand down on the desk. “How do you set of an EMP in space with no warning to your allies? Not even a hey guys look what I’ve got better duck! can Hellfire tractor it so it can be fixed?”
“Not without…”
“…giving away their location.” Barttlet finished.
“Yes sir”
“Damnit, are the ACC’s working? “ Barttlet asked, knowing the answer.
“EagleEye1 is completely silent, no transmission in or out.” Fitz confirmed
“Ok, have Hellfire’s got to take it out, set it’s mission aside for now.” Barttlet sat down at the desk. I’m pretty tired of this, this little excursions costing more money than I’m ready to spend. “ He pressed a button on his phone. “Nancy I’m going to want to speak to Dr Hodz the next free minute he has. “ “Got to admit it was pretty fancy the way I just rattled off those statistics for the Hellfire wasn’t it”
“For an old leatherneck sure” Leo said.
“You can go now.”
“Thank you Mr President.”
31-07-2007, 19:26
OOC: I don't know where you got your information but actualy I'm the one outnumbered.
We cleared that up already. And kindly use the OOC thread.
31-07-2007, 19:36
"Aye Aye sir, mission change acknowledged, Barkin, ahead speed factor 0.5, send a message to all craft in the area our intent."
All craft in the area receive the following message:
This is Captain Veronica Tetti commander of the USoP Fighter Carrier Hellfire, we are dropping cloak and will be using a tractor device to retrieve a malfunctioning satellite please hold your fire.
A second later the ship blinked into existence, a white beam protruding from an open bay on the bottom. It snagged the stricken satellite and reeled it in.
31-07-2007, 19:37
"Sir, we've got a satellite descending rapidly into the atmosphere."
"One of ours?"
"A friends. Crippled by the EMP."
"Dammit. EMP is a double-edged sword."
The cloaked tractor ship was sitting neatly over Akimonad. It quietly moved toward EagleEye 1. The ship moved so that the satellite would be coming towards it and carefully positioned its cargo bay and opened the doors. The satellite fell into the bay, causing some damage, but that didn't matter, as the whole thing was crippled anyway.
The ship moved slowly away towards the IFF signature of the Hellfire.
"Open a secure channel to the Hellfire."
"Done. You're on."
The captain stared at the display in front of him.
"We have your satellite, and we will drop it here in order not to risk giving you away. We apologize for any damage, and you will be compensated fully. Fortunately, our techs looked over the sat real quick-like and decided that if you replaced the power source, the thing might be operational with some tweaking. We will drop it here."
The cargo bay opened and the satellite fell out, a cold, hard chunk of metal. It was up to the Philimbesi to decide what to do with it.
31-07-2007, 19:46
"Sir, we've got a satellite descending rapidly into the atmosphere."
"One of ours?"
"A friends. Crippled by the EMP."
"Dammit. EMP is a double-edged sword."
The cloaked tractor ship was sitting neatly over Akimonad. It quietly moved toward EagleEye 1. The ship moved so that the satellite would be coming towards it and carefully positioned its cargo bay and opened the doors. The satellite fell into the bay, causing some damage, but that didn't matter, as the whole thing was crippled anyway.
The ship moved slowly away towards the IFF signature of the Hellfire.
"Open a secure channel to the Hellfire."
"Done. You're on."
The captain stared at the display in front of him.
"We have your satellite, and we will drop it here in order not to risk giving you away. We apologize for any damage, and you will be compensated fully. Fortunately, our techs looked over the sat real quick-like and decided that if you replaced the power source, the thing might be operational with some tweaking. We will drop it here."
The cargo bay opened and the satellite fell out, a cold, hard chunk of metal. It was up to the Philimbesi to decide what to do with it.
OOC: Just assume that Hellfire picks it up from where it's left...
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 19:50
"Leader! Several nuclear weapons have been launched at the shield!" "What can we do?" "Sir I'm afraid the shield can't convert that much energy (OOC: No more bouncing lasers! God damn it I already said the shield tries to convert the energy inorder to use it!) but it will protect us. However nuclear waste will be deposited across the entire continent of Asia." Raptors have great respect for the environment. "Fire the deathnets they won't save the shield but they'll direct the explosion and waste in another direction." "Firing leader." The expanding fields of energy hit the EMPs head on. The explosions were directed out into space. The shield died. "Should we open fire?" "Send the hologram first." "Yes leader."
Across the battlefield all ships transmitions were interupted even the cloaked ships got the message. Everyone did.
To all nations involved, know that we never persecuted a religous or ethnic group. We are a race that survived a disaster and tried to live alone and at peace. We were attacked by members of the human race who feel we have no right to live because we are different. One of my only alllies has suggested that we wish to exterminate humans because they are trying to exterminate us know that this is not true. Know that we have never persecuted humans within our land never imprisoned them and never tortured them when we isolated ourselves. We peacefully escorted them out and that is it. All we wanted was to be left alone. Think of this before you attempt to set foot on our land. We want peace. Why can't you give us that?
31-07-2007, 20:01
"Captain, I'm reading several explosions below and a shock wave approaching!"
"Ahead speed factor 4! Get us out of here!"
The engines behind the Hellfire burned bright green as the ship accelerated with breakneck speed, jarring thumps were felt as the wave washed over the ship.
After the turbulence subsided, Tetti looked around "Damage Report!" she said.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 20:07
OOC: I'm out, everyone wines too much. pretend I was never even friggin here. :headbang: I'm deleting all my posts.
The Advent Combine
31-07-2007, 20:09
OOC: Also NOW whos the godmoder EH? all your ships are suddenly cloakable? fuck you.
31-07-2007, 20:09
The Eclipse
"Sir, The Raptor Pack has disrupted communications on all frequencies."
"Ah, well, that's good and bad. Track the interference."
After a few moments...
"We've located the source."
"Get us there and open fire."
The ship winked out of existence where is was and winked back into existence above The Raptor Pack.
"Kill everything."
Lasers, proton torpedoes, missiles and nuclear warheads shot towards The Raptor Pack. The ships also fired at any enemy presence in the area.
The hangars of the Eclipse bustled with activity as marines climbed into cloaked transports and pilots climbed into fighters and bombers.
This message was broadcast to all allied offensive fleets:
"Follow our approach vector and open fire. Now is the time to strike."
31-07-2007, 20:13
Yilth was sitting back, trying to fight off boredom and the rising drive to destroy, when one of his bridge crew spoke up. <"Sir, we are receiving a transmission. It appears to be from the Raptor Pack."> The Vorai sneered. One of their enemies, eh? Well, he could take care of that. It was probably some righteous blather about being honorable, moral and all that junk.
Like the Kaldathi needed morals. <"Put it through.">
To all nations involved, know that we never persecuted a religious or ethnic group. We are a race that survived a disaster and tried to live alone and at peace. We were attacked by members of the human race who feel we have no right to live because we are different. One of my only allies has suggested that we wish to exterminate humans because they are trying to exterminate us know that this is not true. Know that we have never persecuted humans within our land never imprisoned them and never tortured them when we isolated ourselves. We peacefully escorted them out and that is it. All we wanted was to be left alone. Think of this before you attempt to set foot on our land. We want peace. Why can't you give us that?
A reply was quickly sent, in Terran so they could understand.
The Dominion could care less about your persecutions, your survival, and your bloody, pathetic hatchlings. All we care about is that we get to start the Great Game once more. Peace? You want peace? *evil laugh* I am sorry but you are on the wrong plane of existence for that. If you want peace, prepare for war, or whatever those humans say. Kindly stop feeding us this morality bullshit, we quite frankly don't care.
<"Sir, another message!">
<"What now?!">
"Follow our approach vector and open fire. Now is the time to strike." The bridge erupted with glee, as the Vorai yelled out orders to jump. The entire ship flashed with bright green energy and within moments, it vanished, only to appear next to the Akimonadian fleet. <"Launch all fighters and bombers, get those soldiers ready for the ground war! Get us into orbit!">
The ship broke away from the melee and soon entered orbit. The six wings of Stormrider-class fighters (http://www.cncden.com/cnc3_scrin/stormrider.jpg) and four wings of bombers shot out of the hangars, and began to take position up around the fleet. <"Get me targeting solutions on all important ground installations!"> The data appeared, showing the ground installations he wanted. Yilth grinned.
<"FIRE!"> The many Light and Heavy Kadium Cannons fired, sending a hail of green energy slamming into shield, planet, metal, whatever got in its way. If it touched flesh, dirt, armor, anything carbon-based (which is almost all life, so don't try to say you aren't), the blast would infect them with Kadium crystals, causing them to be rapidly overtaken by the viral crystal. It was painful and it spread their vital resource. A win-win. The plasma batteries shot disk after disk after disk, pounding the planet with plasma, burning everything and turning it into glass. The missile pods fired thousands of missiles at the planet, their liquid Kadium payloads exploding on impact with the strength of five gigatons of power, and spread even more Kadium.
31-07-2007, 20:17
OOC: Also NOW whos the godmoder EH? all your ships are suddenly cloakable? fuck you.
OOC: Yes and that cloaked ship took just took damage from friendly and enemy fire. I'm not even in the fight. You opened the door with the ship able to destroy whole planets. You threw out the budgets not me.
31-07-2007, 20:18
OOC: Also NOW whos the godmoder EH? all your ships are suddenly cloakable? fuck you.
They're ships like the Lambda-class, only cloaked. I didn't say all my ships were cloaked. Nice flame, by the way.
31-07-2007, 20:38
<"FIRE!"> The many Light and Heavy Kadium Cannons fired, sending a hail of green energy slamming into shield, planet, metal, whatever got in its way. If it touched flesh, dirt, armor, anything carbon-based (which is almost all life, so don't try to say you aren't), the blast would infect them with Kadium crystals, causing them to be rapidly overtaken by the viral crystal. It was painful and it spread their vital resource. A win-win. The plasma batteries shot disk after disk after disk, pounding the planet with plasma, burning everything and turning it into glass. The missile pods fired thousands of missiles at the planet, their liquid Kadium payloads exploding on impact with the strength of five gigatons of power, and spread even more Kadium.
This just got really dumb, I'm out.
TG for The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 21:17
USoP Situation Room
Barttlet stood looking at the screens, aghast. “Get our guys away from there.” He said quietly. “They don’t deserve this, and I won’t let us be a part of it. Order the hellfire to keep it’s distance and assist with medical emergencies and refugee work only.”
In his heart he had seen a day where the injustices SharpTooth had committed in the UN against his country would be vindicated, but he didn’t want it to be this way… it was too… too
“Cheap” he muttered under his breath.
The Raptor Pack
31-07-2007, 23:41
"Those bastards!! Kill the Akimonad murderers!!!" Everything concentrate on that ship of backstabbers!! "Molten chemicals incoming sir!" "Incinerate it!" "Yes sir." A massive deathnet was fired to incinerate the poison. Any that reached the desert floor would have to burn it's way underground. It was the damage done to their beloved desert that hurt the most. On the ground deathnet rays, cleaver rings, and lasers were fired at the Akimonad ship all systems across The Raptor Pack were fired at the ship and transports. "How long until the Akimonad weapons can get down here." "Long enough leader." "Good. They attack us when we try for peace. They die for it."
OOC: The transmition is supposed to make sure you see the hologram!
01-08-2007, 00:19
On the ground deathnet rays, cleaver rings
So, what exactly are these things? I have no idea.
The Raptor Pack
01-08-2007, 01:11
So, what exactly are these things? I have no idea.
Deathnets are turret fired bolts of energy that expand into fields of energy that hit anything in their path and absorb and convert many kinds of energy weapons.
Cleavers are rings of airborn pods that encircle an object then activate creating a laser wall that cuts through the target.
01-08-2007, 01:31
"Those bastards!! Kill the Akimonad murderers!!!" Everything concentrate on that ship of backstabbers!! "Molten chemicals incoming sir!" "Incinerate it!" "Yes sir." A massive deathnet was fired to incinerate the poison. Any that reached the desert floor would have to burn it's way underground. It was the damage done to their beloved desert that hurt the most. On the ground deathnet rays, cleaver rings, and lasers were fired at the Akimonad ship all systems across The Raptor Pack were fired at the ship and transports. "How long until the Akimonad weapons can get down here." "Long enough leader." "Good. They attack us when we try for peace. They die for it."
"Shields are holding, for the moment."
"Hopefully the CWG GuardSats can knock down these things. In the meantime, activate point laser defenses."
Small two-inch diameter doors opened on all the ships. The tiny lasers inside would automatically target anything offensive. The lasers started beaming away at the deathnets and cleavers. The lasers were absorbed by the shields, which deteriorated rapidly on the smaller ships.
"We've lost a frigate. And a cruiser. Another frigate. Two corvettes. Make that five. A destroyer now. We're taking damage, too, but she'll hold."
The cloaked transports moved swiftly away from the besieged fleet and waited.
The Arkbird swept back in, shields back at full. It pounded away with its weapons while five hundred Skipray bombers skimmed along the surface of The Raptor Pack, firing at everything they could. The fleet kept firing, too.
The transports selected a landing spot rather far away from The Raptor Pack and flew towards it.
The Raptor Pack
01-08-2007, 01:37
"Shields are holding, for the moment."
"Hopefully the CWG GuardSats can knock down these things. In the meantime, activate point laser defenses."
Small two-inch diameter doors opened on all the ships. The tiny lasers inside would automatically target anything offensive. The lasers started beaming away at the deathnets and cleavers. The lasers were absorbed by the shields, which were still holding, despite the barrage.
The cloaked transports moved swiftly away from the besieged fleet and waited.
The Arkbird swept back in, shields back at full. It pounded away with its weapons while five hundred Skipray bombers skimmed along the surface of The Raptor Pack, firing at everything they could. The fleet kept firing, too.
The transports selected a landing spot rather far away from The Raptor Pack and flew towards it.
OOC: I'm the godmoder?! Every fucking turret in the country is shooting at your ship and transports! I refuse to continue until you get a sense of realism.
01-08-2007, 01:50
Deathnets are turret fired bolts of energy that expand into fields of energy that hit anything in their path and absorb and convert many kinds of energy weapons.
Cleavers are rings of airborn pods that encircle an object then activate creating a laser wall that cuts through the target.
OOC: Alright, Cleavers, those things are a good idea, but can't he shoot them down before they start forming a little laser between themselves and slicing things up? Besides lasers take time to cut, would the Cleaver just sit there? How is it propelled? How is the laser powered? How big is the Cleaver?
Deathnets I can accept, with the exception of converting energy weapons. What are energy weapons? I'm going to assume a Deathnet is a simple device, a plasma field that is expanded in a way to not let it disappate but still concentrate its effects via a netlike shape. This means a major magnetic field generator on the ground.
To capture other plasma you'd have to manipulate that, which means taking away energy from the deathnet.
Everything has a tradeoff, and future tech doesn't mean you have the rights to do all sorts of crazy shit for no reason.
Both of you are godmodding, get into the OOC thread, and we'll try this again.
01-08-2007, 01:55
OOC: I'm the godmoder?! Every fucking turret in the country is shooting at your ship and transports! I refuse to continue until you get a sense of realism.
I'll edit it somewhat but bear in mind:
1) My fleet had not taken any fire prior to this.
2) Every fucking turret in your country may be shooting, but I gather that they're all shooting at different targets, given that I've got more than just the Eclipse.
The Raptor Pack
01-08-2007, 23:00
I'll edit it somewhat but bear in mind:
1) My fleet had not taken any fire prior to this.
2) Every fucking turret in your country may be shooting, but I gather that they're all shooting at different targets, given that I've got more than just the Eclipse.
They have all temporarily focused on your ship and transports.
01-08-2007, 23:22
They have all temporarily focused on your ship and transports.
The Eclipse isn't the only ship.
Zhonghua Renguo
02-08-2007, 00:05
My request for nations to keep Noah's Flood in line are mostly, in our case, directed at the nations of the regions of China and Mongolia, our neighbor regions. (Look the gobi desert up on the map.)
What?! Inconceivable! As a nation currently presiding in the China region, I assure you that the military of Zhonghua Renguo will, along with the other nations in China Region, stop them from causing more damage to our sister region!
Of... course, we would if I had any authority at all. I'm new...
Well, you have our full support! Even though that's not a whole lot.
From the desk of the the Qianglong Emperor
Ruler of Zhonghua Renguo
02-08-2007, 00:19
I'll edit it
In case you didn't notice, it's been edited.
02-08-2007, 03:10
Encrypted Transmission to Akimonad Fleet
Noah's Flood has taken significant casualties, and we are retreating to Venusian Orbit. After that we'll take a high route to the Asteriod Belt. We recommend a change in strategy.
The Raptor Pack
03-08-2007, 18:54
What?! Inconceivable! As a nation currently presiding in the China region, I assure you that the military of Zhonghua Renguo will, along with the other nations in China Region, stop them from causing more damage to our sister region!
Of... course, we would if I had any authority at all. I'm new...
Well, you have our full support! Even though that's not a whole lot.
From the desk of the the Qianglong Emperor
Ruler of Zhonghua Renguo
Thank you but I'm afraid it's to late for you to help. Noah's Flood has become so powerful there is very little that you can do.
The Raptor Pack
03-08-2007, 18:55
The Eclipse isn't the only ship.
Very well. Focused on your FLEET.