NationStates Jolt Archive

A Trek Through the Stars (open FT)

26-07-2007, 04:18
OOC: I've done FT before, but I'd like to restart as all of my good story lines dried out


San Francisco Fleet Yard, in orbit of Primus III

The inhabitants of Primus had been exploring the stars for centuries, the last one had been done with warp capabilities. Zephram Cochrane's contributions were great, but the warp 5 barrier had not been broken by a Priman vessel. The Primans were outgunned by most species they encountered. While they remained peaceful, not every group encountered shared their willingness to coexist.

The Interstellar Defense Fleet (known to most simply as IDF or Starfleet by those in it) needed faster and more heavily armed ships to carry out deep space exploration missions. The warp 3 class vessels used for the last thirty years had been pushed to the breaking point. A new class had to be launched.

Admiral Archer had spent the last two decades as head of the Design Bureau. He had labored hard for a warp 5 engine and the ship which would carry it.

He finally had his design. Unfortunately, he would not live to see its launch, but his son Jonathon would come to be the first Commanding Officer of what would be the pathfinder for a new Starfleet.

The observation lounge at the top of the decade old San Francisco Yards was filled with dignitaries. It was a day to be celebrated. The launch of the ISS Enterprise NX-1, the first of the so called NX-class. The ship had been constructed over seven years of what was largely trial and error in her design.

She was now complete and ready for her launch. Starfleet officers, media personnel, and politicians lined the windows to see a bottle of champaign crash into the gleaming white duranium hull. The crowd cheered as this naval tradition was completed.

Speeches were read and the crew boarded the ship through umbilical links to the port airlocks. She only had a crew of 85, but they were crammed into the 7 deck vessel. She was 225 meters long, but much of that length was her dual nacelles, which stuck out from a pair of pylons at her stern.

The bulk of the ship's 80,000 metric tons remained in her saucer section, which was packed with crew quarters, storage, her matter/anti-matter reactor, and the bulk of the equipment needed to fly the ship at her design speed of warp factor 5.2.

Captain Archer was the last man to board the ship. He quickly took the turboshaft to the bridge. Her XO wasn't a Priman. She was a Vulcan who had been assigned as both a liason and as a guide to the Primans, who were of course newcomers in the galaxy. Her CMO was a Denobulan, who was well rounded in new medical techniques. The rest of her command crew was made up of humans from Primus III.

Archer was greeted by the crew on the bridge. He walked around the bridge. The controls were all flat paneled touch screens. One object stuck out. It was the dedication plaque placed during the ceremony. He examined the plaque

Starship Registry NX-01
Captain Jonathan Archer, Commanding Officer 2151
Sub-Commander T'Pol, Executive Officer 2151
Commander Charles Tucker, Chief Engineering Officer 2151 boldly go where no man has gone before

The beautiful plaque was made of bronze and was just to the left of the turboshaft. Archer eventually found his seat. Tucker reported that all systems were up and functioning. The Enterprise was about to go on her shakedown cruise.

"Take her out, Mr. Mayweather... straight and steady," ordered Archer. The blue lit impulse engines came to life and the vessel moved out with minimal power until she was well clear of the San Francisco Yards. "Ahead 1/4 impulse power."

The vessel accelerated as plasma shot out of the pair of engines at her stern. She was quickly moving out of site of the dignitaries who had been there to witness her launch. Archer was slow to test the impulse power drive. He wanted to try various maneuvers during the shakedown before engaging warp drive. He quickly increased his impulse speed until he was at a speed of .5c at full impulse.

"Mr. Tucker, power up the warp engines," ordered Archer. "Mr. Mayweather, increase to warp." The vessel could of course jump to warp, but it was considered better for new engines to accelerated to warp speed.

Mayweather adjusted the engine controls as both the port and starboard warp engines were now drawing power off of the mains. They began to provide thrust as the vessel pushed to .6c. The helmsman reported the speed as the vessel accelerated. "We are now at warp .7 sir. We are at .8, .9..." The vessel had seemed to almost jump as the inertial dampeners fought to keep up. "Warp 1," reported a calm Mayweather. "Warp 2, Warp 3, Warp 4." Her acceleration slowed.

The vessel topped out at warp factor 4.65. This was a good measure below her design speed, but Tucker and the engineers at the San Francisco Yards had a large amount of work ahead of them in order to get the ship to perform to her maximum potential. Either way, the new vessel had already set a Terran speed record. Archer began ordering various maneuvers at warp speed to put the vessel's hull through stressful motions. She responded well.
New Dornalia
26-07-2007, 04:31
OOC: Tag
The Tandu
26-07-2007, 04:32
Tagg'd and bagg'd.
Good to see more FT on the block :D*
28-07-2007, 05:52
The Enterprise had spent two weeks going through a tough shakedown cruise. The weapon systems were tested on the weapon range where the ship battled drone targets to test the potency of the weapons and to calibrate the targeting sensors.

Every major system on the vessel had been tested. The grappling hook was successful in both towing objects and pulling the shuttlepod into the launch bay.

The engines responded well to combat maneuvering. The deflector dish did its job and the polarized hull plating increased the ship's ability to survive an attack.

One more system needed to be tested, the transporter. It had been used in the past for cargo, but bio matter had never been tested aboard a ship. As the vessel neared the Warp 5 Facility at San Francisco Yards, Archer stepped onto the transporter pad. Trip Tucker nudged the controls and Archer dematerialized. He formed within the facility. The transporter had worked as planned.

With the shakedown completed, the Enterprise docked at the facility for a post-shakedown refit. The vessel came to a stop at Bay #1 at the facility. Directly next to her at bay #2 was the nearly finished PCU Columbia. Her own design would be tweaked based on the findings of the shakedown cruise. Several other vessels were taking shape in adjacent bays at the shipyard.

Tucker had sent the engineering data to the Starfleet Corp of Engineers. They had theorized on why the ship's engines hadn't broken warp 5. The primary goal of the refit would be to solve this issue. Other minor adjustments were made to various systems such as the inertial dampeners and power distribution system.

Testing had proven that circuits could possibly be overloaded when the polarized hull plating absorbed energy weapons during a battle. They needed to install better circuitry and put in redundant bypasses should a circuit be blown during combat.

After completion of the refit, the vessel would be commissioned as the first NCC registry vessel in starfleet.
29-07-2007, 04:52
Six Weeks Later

The refit had taken longer than expected, but the PCU Enterprise had now been taken out of refit status and was commissioned as the ISS Enterprise NCC-1. As she orbited Primus III with a full crew aboard, her sister ship Columbia was in her last two months of construction. She had been delayed by last minute changes based on the performance of the Enterprise's shakedown.

Captain Archer had been asked to beam down to earth to talk to Starfleet's CinC. He met the Fleet Admiral who gave him his first mission.

"We want you to go to Vulcan," stated the Admiral.

"Why Vulcan Sir?" asked Archer. "They have not been forthcoming in us reaching the achievement of warp 5 propulsion.

"That may be true, but the governing council believes the Vulcan High Command will put aside prejudices against humans if we can show them we can reach these achievements on our own."

"Excuse me Sir," began Archer. "But I don't think that will happen. Vulcans have been telling us for the last 98 years what we can and can not do. They won't stop trying to treat us like their young child just because we reached warp 5 flight. They denied my father the chance to see his dream come true. They are supposed to be our allies yet they deny us technology we plan to use peacefully."

"Calm down Jonathan," said the Admiral. "I knew your father and understand how much it would've meant for him to see his dream become a reality. Now I don't intend to sound like a Vulcan in saying this, but we must look at this without emotion. We have an opportunity here to further improve relations with a government that hasn't been as forthcoming as they ought to be."

"I'll do the mission Sir," stated Archer. "But I hate doing it with a Vulcan XO breathing down my neck. The Vulcans have put a spy on my ship."

"Now now, she isn't a spy," began the Admiral. "T'Pol is a guide. I hate to admit it, but we need one. There are races she has mentioned like the Romulans, Klingons, and Cardassians out there. We need her because she knows how to deal with them. Besides, every report filed to the Vulcan High Command has to go through my office."

Archer just nodded.

"You can leave now Captain, dismissed."

With that done, Archer left the office and called for Tripp to beam him to the Enterprise.

"Mr. Mayweather, set a course for Vulcan," began Archer. "Warp 5." The order was a great one to give. The vessel could go faster in emergencies, but warp 5 was her official maximum sustained cruising speed.

The vessel rocketed to warp and the crew settled in for the week long trip.
30-07-2007, 22:24

The Enterprise slowed to Warp 1 as she approached the outer edges of the Vulcan System. She didn't even have to clear customs as her arrival had been preplanned and was to go without interruptions.

The vessel orbitted the reddish M class planet of Vulcan. The planet had a harsh surface from the system's three stars. Captain Archer and T'Pol each went to the transporter. Commander Tucker was left as OIC while the two senior officers were on Vulcan.

The pair materialized at the entrance hall of the Vulcan High Command. Neither Archer nor T'Pol had much love for this governing body. They were a de-facto military government. It shocked Archer that a species that embraced logic would put up with this arrangement.

Captain Archer was met by Ambassador Soval. Soval had been the Vulcan Ambassador to Earth for several decades and had returned home to lobby his leaders to give more technology to Earth. He was Archer's one true friend on Vulcan.

Archer made the Vulcan hand sign as a greeting gesture to Soval.

"It is agreeable to see you Captain," began the Ambassador. "I come here bearing bad news regarding the technology discussions. I was unable to convince V'Las to open up. Despite the fact your people have matured and shown a great capacity for peaceful exploration, he doesn't want to facilitate further expansion by humans into space."

"Did he give a reason?" asked Archer. He made sure to show a calm demeanor. Showing anger in the face of a friend wouldn't help him here.

"He doesn't believe humans have been sincere in wanting peaceful exploration," responded the Ambassador. "He isn't looking at the situation logically. I am truly sorry, but there is nothing you can do Captain."

"How are other things going on Vulcan?" asked Archer in an attempt to change the subject and learn more information about the situation.

Soval showed emotion before answering. "I'm worried. Andoria has made peaceful overtures to put the hatchet aside. V'Las believes it is a trick."

"And he says we aren't trying to make peace," stated Archer.

"I myself have noted the irony Captain, but I don't think there is anything you can do here." Soval's communicator chirped. "If you'll excuse me Captain, I must be leaving now. Live long and prosper."

Soval departed and the two Enterprise crewmembers beamed back to the ship.

Commander Tucker was surprised that the pair returned so quickly. Archer called him into the briefing room to talk to him and T'Pol.

"Ambassador Soval was there," began Archer. "He must've been tipped off by Starfleet that we were coming and went on our behalf to talk sense into V'Las. It did little good and they rejected his pleas.

"So just like that we're leaving," Tucker asked rhetorically.

"Yes, there isn't anything we can do," stated T'Pol. "V'Las isn't going to help us and I know why. Soval told us that Andorian-Vulcan relations are heavily strained. There is a chance of a shooting war. V'Las knows we are on good terms with Andoria. Particularly our friend Shran."

"How can he know about Shran?" asked Archer. "The help he provided us wasn't widely disclosed."

"I don't know how, but the High Command did learn of it," stated T'Pol. "The High Command fears we would use the technology to aid Andoria in a war."

"And you're just telling me this now?" asked an annoyed Archer.

"It wouldn't do any good to say this in the High Command building," stated T'Pol. "They would have had it bugged. Either way, we won't accomplish anything staying in Vulcan."

"Very well," responded Archer. "We should head to Andoria. Something is fishy here."
30-07-2007, 23:49
The voyage to Andoria was postponed for a few months due to the fact that the Andorian leadership was busy talking with the Tellarites.

The Enterprise would in the meantime carry out the mission she was designed for. She would explore the Alpha Quadrant and map out new territories.

The vessel had now traveled for 5 weeks since leaving Vulcan. In that time, dozens of new star systems had been logged and analyzed. The vessel had once again found a new system. T'Pol was running scans and had discovered that one of the planets in this system was a Minshara Class (M class) planet and worthy of further exploration.

The plan was for the Enterprsie to enter orbit and beam a team down to explore. As Mayweather took the vessel into standard orbit, the vessel was rocked by a massive explosion.

Sparks flew across the vessel and bulkheads along D deck buckled as a large portion of the forward saucer section had its hull breached. The infected areas were sealed off, but much of the ship was damaged as secondary explosions caused havoc elsewhere aboard the ship.

"Damage Report!" ordered Archer.

"Sir, the mains were overloaded by the blast. I had to take the main energizer offline," stated Tucker from Engineering. "We have several ruptured pipes down here. It will be a while before I can give you main power. Auxiliary generators are running. We have a major hull breach on D deck along the port side of the forward saucer. That explosion wasn't an accident. We must have struck a mine. Our polarized hull plating wasn't activated. We had no defenses against it."

"How are our weapon systems?" asked Archer.

"Our photonic torpedo launchers are all we have. Without main power, I can't give you much power for phase cannons. We need all of that power for the forcefield around the breached sections. We're a sitting duck."

"Thank you Tucker," responded Archer. "Hoshi, put out a distress call."