The Czech Republic Catches Fire [ES]
Arkan Issues the October Resolution
The Union of Greater Europe has long, long believed that the nation of the Czech Republic is a province in rebellion, and has never recognized it's independence. The people of the Union have long thought it a gross injustice that they be separated from their Slavic brethren, and have tried time and time again to unify with the Czechs. However up until now... all has been in vain. The Czech Republic has resisted, and now the Union is ready to unify by force.
The October Resolution, released by the Commissar's Office yesterday afternoon stated that by October 31st, the Czech Republic will be completely annexed to the Union, and the last of the rebel resistance would be crushed under the boot of the Union Army. It also decreed that all Czech citizens are to become full citizens of the Union, and that all those whom need employment, aid, or medical supplies, would recieve it. It also stated that those whom resisted the unification would be erased from the history of Europe, as would all of their friends, and family. It was a message that offered hope, however there was a strong underlying threat... should you cross us, we will make you, and everyone you know suffer.
Arkan delivered this statement shortly after the October Resolution was released. "People of the Union, the time has come to finally reunite with our great brethren to the west! Our Czech allies who have for so long remained isolated by that putrid government in Prague... those foriegn dogs who keep up a wall of separation between us. It is time we march to Prague, tear down the oppressive regime of dictators and tyrants, and embrace our brethren!"
48 Hours Before
110,000 soldiers began moving to the Czech border. 110,000 men mounted in over 200 BTR-50's, 500 BTR-70's, 600 BMP-1's, 200 HMMWV's, and 2,000 large transport trucks. Thousands however simply caught rides by sitting atop of tanks, as over 800 T-55's and 350 T-72A's moved north. Moving under cover of darkness, and during the daylight, using rural areas and posing as if they were training, this massive army positioned itself along the Czech border. The object of the secrecy was to give the Czechs as little time to prepare as possible, so that when the first bombs started falling, the enemy had no idea what was happening. Arkan wanted absolute surprise, he wanted the enemy out of place and ill-prepared, so the entire movement, which only took two days due to the high-level of normal activity in the country, was in general, invisible.
T-72A Enroute
Forces Deployed to the Czech Border
Current Strength.
110,000 Combat Personel
230,000 Logistical Personel
T-72A Battle Tank [350]
T-55 Battle Tank [850]
M-84 Battle Tank [25]
M-95 Degman [10]
Armored Personel Carriers.
BTR-50 [200]
BTR-70 [500]
BRDM-2 [50]
BMP-1 [600]
M113 [110]
BOV M-86 [52]
M-63 "Plamen" [50]
BM-21 Grad [500]
122mm Heavy Mortars [160]
(122mm / 130mm / 152mm) Towed Artillery Pieces [900]
M-87 "Orkan [62]
2S1 Gvozdika [142]
88mm Mortars [600]
152mm DANA [80]
Air Defense.
SA-7 [500]
SA-13 [75]
SA-18 [100]
SA-14 [200]
SA-16 [100]
Bofors 40 mm gun L/70 [150]
ZU-23-2 [128]
GIRAFFE Radar [7]
Mil Mi-8 Transport Helicopter [50]
Mil Mi-24 Assault Helicopter [40]
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 [50]
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 [60]
Harbin H-5 Light Bomber [2]
G-4 Super Galebs. [50]
Su-22 [10]
Su-24 [5]
2:22 AM - Early Morning Before October Resolution Was Passed
The artillery batteries set up along the Slovak-Czech border were massive in strength, with over 300 BM-21 122mm MLRS Systems set up and ready to fire. They stood alongside over 450 155mm Towed Guns which had been deployed and positioned along a multi-mile front of the border. Finally there were 50 152mm DANA Artillery Guns which had been placed throughout the batteries, to add precision targeting of their oh-so-many targets. This large battery (or actually multiple batteries along the border) had many targets which had been aquired over the last several months. The targets? Military installations and bases across the Eastern portion of the Czech Republic. Everything within forty miles of the Slovak-Czech border was going to be in serious pain.
And it all began at once. Long before any sign of war was given, 300 BM-21's unleashed 1,200 122mm High Explosive Rockets. These 2,000 rockets were fired at airfields, military bases, SAM Sites, defensive positions, military warehouses and every other type of military installation imaginable. The goal was to first and foremost destroy all Czech defenses and military capabilities in the East, so that when the Union Forces began moving in, it was in all terms of the word, a cake walk. The 450 155mm Guns would then open up, showering the same targets with high explosive shells, simply making sure that the enemy had no means of defending itself, this wave however focused on air fields and anti-aircraft installations. Finally came the 50 DANA Self-Propelled Artillery Systems. These 50, high-precision weapons would fire 152mm High Explosive shells at power plants, radar stations, communication towers, fuel and ammo dumps and all other sorts of logistic necessities.
BM-21 Batteries
But this was only the begining...
6 Hours Later - Direct Message to the Czech Government
We demand you immidiate unconditional surrender, which will result in the annexation of your nation to the Union of Greater Europe. Until such a surrender is signed, we shall be at a state of war.
-Ministry of Foriegn Affairs
[Resistance anyone?]
Warsaw, Poland, Baltic Federation
Greater Europe invaded the Czech Republic. The Chancellor asked his advisor.
Mr. Chancellor, They calling it a rouge province or something.
To: The Union of Greater Europe
From: The Baltic Federation
Dear Sir or Madam,
We have notice a operation in the Czech Republic by your government. We ask that all Baltic citizens visiting the area be allowed to leave without harm.
Roland Yakovlev
Chancellor of the Federation
Amazonian Beasts
26-07-2007, 00:23
OOC: Want me to play the resistance? Doubtful I'll get involved, I'm about to slag North Korea and I need forces at home.
[@Amazonian. Absolutely fine with me.]
To: The Baltic Federation
From: The Union of Greater Europe
Dear Sir,
All Baltic Citizens inside the Czech Republic will be granted safe passage to the Polish border by Union Forces if they so desire to leave. If not, they, and their possessions will be protected to the fullest extent of the Union's Military Power. We urge foriegn nationals to leave, at least temporarily, to avoid civilian casualties, but if it is not their desire to do so, we will, of course, do our best to ensure their safety.
Nikoli Arkan,
Commissar of the Union
To: The Union of Greater Europe
From: The Republican Monarchy of Granate
You're attack on a the sovereign nation of the Czech Republic is a blatant attempt at imperialism, no matter how you spin it. You can say it's for their good all you want, but it won't matter. You're still an imperialist nation. We don't look kindly on Imperialists, not one bit.
So, in accordance with our beliefs and those of the Czech Republic, we have no choice but to mobilize our forces at our border. Mind you we're not at war, we are just mobilizing our forces so that you understand the severity of the situation. It's your choice, proceed with the invasion and face one yourself, or turn around and avoid a crisis.
To: The Czech Republic
From: The Republican Monarchy of Granate
We have heard of your plight. As the vile Union of Greater Europe attacks you, he feels as though he is in control. How wrong he is. He feels as though he is going to just roll-over you. Feh, you'll show him just how wrong he is. With our help it will be assured that your nation will succeed.
We are willing to supply your Militias with weaponry, ranging from Ak-74s/AKMs and RPGs to Mortars and Dragunov Sniper Rifles. All of these would be free of charge of course, at least until the fighting stops. We'll also supply with Bomb-Making Equipment so that you may really light a fire under the enemies ass. To assist your militias we will be deploying units from out Special Forces called the Cohort Legion. They are among the most well trained soldiers in our Military and are worth 100 regular soldiers in a fight.
We hope these will be most beneficial to you.
Amazonian Beasts
26-07-2007, 01:33
The operation had been overlooked two days before, but twenty-four hours ago, it had seemed as if the Union was up to something-and a Czech division had been sent to the border, auspiciously to "train". They were, in fact, waiting and watching the Union forces, to see what they would do. The Republic had plenty of forces and technology, and it could handle things if they went bad. The next day, it seemed, things were going bad.
The border had erupted on the division, but the military units weren't targeted-warehouses and air fields near the border were. As this began, rockets rained down, shredding apart buildings across the Czech border. The rockets weren't greatly aimed either-with many military buildings and locales being near civilian structures and locales, civilian casulties mounted high in the first wave alone, climbing as artillery pieces opened up with fire. Thousands were falling in the first wave, and as the Czech government scrambled, the division out to the border was to be the first into the fire. They were ready.
As the Union forces opened fire, after their first volley, the Czechs responded in kind. RM-70 MLRS opened up with salvos, Czech satellites showing targets to border commanders of the division. Hundreds of rockets sailed towards the Union forces, who didn't seem to be immediately expecting attack back. It was one combined division-but it could make the first advance costly. After the RM-70s opened fire, they drew back, keeping space between them, expecting return fire at any minute. DANA SPH guns moved up to support the RM-70s, popping up a withering assault of 152mm explosive shells towards the Union lines across the Czech border. T-72 tanks began laying up defensive positions, soldiers preparing for battle.
Back in the main Czech Republic, the leadership was scrambling. Divisions immediately began moving out within two hours of the reports of the attack coming in, some at high strength, others not, waiting for soldiers to come back from leave and other things. 6 JAS-39 Gripens near the border-far enough away to avoid the attacks of the artillery-took off, armed combined with AAW and Strike capabilities. They would strike at the Union forces from a distance off...and if air came to intercept them, the Gripens were more than ready.
As for the communication, the Czech government did not even respond to the Union government. No need to deal with the Eastern Bastards...they would pay for every inch. A communication was dispatched via tv to the entire nation, steeling resolve and talking about preliminary civilian casulty numbers already inflicting by the "murdering Eastern beasts." The civilian populace, far from the anticipiation by many governments that civilians regularly ran from combat, were prepared to stand for what they believed in.
Amazonian Beasts
26-07-2007, 01:35
To: The Czech Republic
From: The Republican Monarchy of Granate
We have heard of your plight. As the vile Union of Greater Europe attacks you, he feels as though he is in control. How wrong he is. He feels as though he is going to just roll-over you. Feh, you'll show him just how wrong he is. With our help it will be assured that your nation will succeed.
We are willing to supply your Militias with weaponry, ranging from Ak-74s/AKMs and RPGs to Mortars and Dragunov Sniper Rifles. All of these would be free of charge of course, at least until the fighting stops. We'll also supply with Bomb-Making Equipment so that you may really light a fire under the enemies ass. To assist your militias we will be deploying units from out Special Forces called the Cohort Legion. They are among the most well trained soldiers in our Military and are worth 100 regular soldiers in a fight.
We hope these will be most beneficial to you.
Addressed from the Czech Republic Government
European Brothers in Granate, we thank you dearly for the supplies and help in this time where the murdering beasts from the Union have already inflicted a heavy toll on our civilian populace. We will promise to pay back any war debts incurred by the Republican Monarchy involved in assistance as soon as the Union is sent back to the land they belong in.
-Czech Government
[Regarding the supplying of the Czechs. Normally id say go ahead, but if you could RP the movement of these weapons, id much appreciate it, as I would very much like to either intercept/destroy them. Second thing, could you be a little more specific with the numbers? Makes it easier for me to post casualties.]
Czech-Slovak Border
The Czech counter-strike was to say the least, unexpected. During the haste of the movement to the border, Union intelligence had not picked up the movement of the Czech division, and was now paying for it's pride. As the deafening volleys of rockets and artillery fire sang out, the soldiers on the ground smiled as they looked into the sky, not thinking that in the next few minutes, they would be on the recieving end of a similar barrage.
As the first Czech Rockets landed, man scrambled, diving under APC's, cramming into tanks, hiding behind trees... anything they could to cover themselves from the chaos. Rockets rained down on BM-21's and 155mm guns alike, taking a toll on what was there. [Again, id give numbers but ive no idea how many MLRS you have firing at me.] Those DANA that fired also hit the Union Artillery Batteries in a way that they were not prepared to be hit. Sending trucks and vehicles into the sky, burning carcasses of artillery systems sat next to those that continued firing.
However General Ivor Riban was not one to allow a mistake to continue. As field commanders requested permission to immidiately return fire, he stayed their hands. He knew that any good commander would move his artillery after unleashing a volley... it was simply good strategy. He told them to wait. He told them to gather ammunition, reposition and calculate losses. He told them to treat the wounded and prepare for a counter strike. He told them to deploy more artillery units. He told them he would soon relay satellite coordinates.
And so they did. As the Czechs pulled back, the Union forces towed away disabled vehicles, putting in their place fresh units from the larger army that waited behind. The BM-21's had fired less than half of their load of 122mm Rockets, the artillery not even a fraction of their stockpile. New BM-21 units even still were fully loaded. The Czech's repositioned, and this time they were being watched. One of the few Union Military Satellites in operation was detailing every move of the enemy, shooting coordinates from space to HQ in Slovakia, and from the HQ, to the regional Generals commanding the invasion... from the Generals to the artillery commanders... from the commanders to each specific artillery unit. And so they adjusted their aim... and when they shot back...
Another 1,000 122mm High Explosive Rockets were fired, along with some 3,500 155mm High Explosive shells. [Numbers depend on your numbers, im going to fire more than necessary, but if you have like 20 units...] The artillery opened up hell upon the enemy lines, or what appeared to be lines as infantry and T-72's began to form up. Firing mainly at the artillery portion of the force, they did not spare any portion of the Czech Division.
A secondary problem was encountered when the mobile RADAR systems began screeching. Six enemy bogies moving in from central Czech... luckily the Union was not so stupid as to leave nothing patroling their air. Twelve MiG-29 Fulcrums roamed the Slovak-Czech border just in case the Czechs were to try some sort of aerial counter attack. When the Giraffe RADAR systems picked up the Gripens some 70 miles out, they immidiately relayed their targets to the MiG's, which in turn moved to counter them. Switching on their R-27 (AA-10 'Alamo') medium-ranged air-to-air missiles, they locked and targeted the enemy from farther than the enemy could do to them. (Due to land&air based RADAR). They unleashed eighteen missiles in all, or three at each JAS-39 Gripen, from a distance of 75km's away. The Gripen, looking to hit their land targets from less than 20 miles away (max range of your Air-to-surface missile), would be within range of the MiG's.
However all was not well. The Czech's were mobilizing, and fast. It was time to move forward. 300 T-72A's rolled forward, accompanied by 400 APC's and 25,000 men. These forces deployed just outside of the enemy tank range (still inside your artillery range). This force moved right at the enemy... though out of range, they sat infront of them.
Two more forces were sent, one to the south, and one to the north of the Czech division. 300 T-55's, 2,500 men, and 100 APC's each. These two forces were to move around the enemy, hoping to surround them. As Union intelligence expected the majority of ammunition and supplies in the area to be destroyed, they would not hold out long in a slug fest with the Union Army.
Message to Granate
The Czech Republic is the soviergn land of the Union, and is, and always has been, a province in rebellion. Imperialism is taking what is not rightfully yours... what we now due, our quest for reunification, is not imperialism. Now we wish for no war with you, however you threaten us with invasion and mobilize at our border. We can only wonder at your intentions. Perhaps you should be looking to make friends rather than enemies... as their are giants to your east.
~Commissar Arkan
Reserves are being mobilized, and forces deployed in defensive positions along the Union-Granate border.
[If he is going to get involved w/ his nation, id really prefer you keep it. But if not, then feel free to give it to him.]
Amazonian Beasts
26-07-2007, 02:33
OOC: Pending whether Jared is taking over the Czech resistance or not...
26-07-2007, 03:28
"Chancellor Benz," The OberstGeneral of the OberKommando Wehrmacht (Armed Forces High Command) requested of the German national leader. "The situation in the Czech region has presented itself as an....opportunity."
"Really," He replied inquisitively. "How so might I ask?"
"The Kroandan Forces advance from the east, while the forces of Europe advance from the west, leaving the north exposed and soon to be in deadlock. We would be able to get support from our allies in the west should we press southwards into a "Police Action" and happen to occupy the territory indeffinately, with ultimate annexation when the time is right."
"What you speak of sounds true my dear General," The Chancellor conceeded. "Very well then. Mobilise the Wehrmacht. Bring the Tenth Armor, Thirteenth Mechanised, Eleventh Swiss Tank Brigade, First Swiss Brigade, Seventh Swiss Infantry Brigade, and Forteenth Mechanised Divisions to the border and claim it to be in the name of bolstering our border against Kroandan Aggression which we believe this war to be about. Also, bring the Austrian Territorial Army to maximum readiness for defensive actions. Then, once we are in position and our allies have proven themselves willing, we strike!"
"Jawohl mein herr!" The OberstGeneral replied with a salute, made a perfect about face, and left the office. Soon, some hundred thousand German soldiers and a thousand tanks would be at the border of the Czech Republic. The Chancellory had already decided to slowly bring about a new Prussian-esque state from the Federal Republic of Deutschland, rebuilding its military was key, and across the nation factories began producing weapons, tanks, artillery, ships, and aircraft for a juggernaught of a military which the German's planned to create. The beginning of this was the reincorporation of the Czech territory, and would begin with driving Kroando out.....
26-07-2007, 03:40
[If he is going to get involved w/ his nation, id really prefer you keep it. But if not, then feel free to give it to him.]
OOC: I am indeed getting involved, so >_<.
AB I guess gets it.
26-07-2007, 05:39
Encrypted Note to the Czech Republic
The Parliament of the Republic of Droskianishk has voted to allow the movement of arms, weaponry, and any other aid possible into Czech hands in order to stave off this blatant imperialism. The Republic does however need some air of deniability as well as a realistic way to move this aid into the Czech Republic, thus if you can provide a way for our aid to reach you it is yours.
Secretary of International Affairs,
Mr. Reddi
26-07-2007, 06:18
Imperial Square, Sudentor; 9:00 PM
The Commandante stood on his elevated platform above the leagions of infantry standing in formation in the square. Crowds sat in stands around the Square watching the rally as the spotlights shined down across the troops. Flags and banners were everywhere, flapping in the cold wind. Commandante Koslovic stepped up to the podium and began his speech.
"My people..." he said, his voice low and stern. "Our brethren to the West have sought to bring unity and order to the misguided Czech people. Their cause is just, yet The Oppressers and their Filth in the West wish to disrupt their quest for unity and order! They threaten reprisal if they do not abandon their intervention in the misguided ways! The Filth wants to keep the disorder to stay strong!" he paused, letting it sink in to the crowd. After a few more seconds, he started again.
"I say no!" he boomed, swinging his fist back behind him. "No longer will The Oppressors push around the Northern Peoples! Our Forefathers embarked on the greatest exodus of all Mankind. Constantly driven out of every place we sought shelter, we were pushed here, to these frozen wastes. We were broken, but now, we are a power to be reckoned with! No longer will The Oppressors spread their lies and spite among our people and brethren to the West! We will stand and fight!" his voice was in a full boom now, his gestures and charisma working the crowd.
"I have mobilized the 3rd Imperial Army under the command of Field Marshal Konstantin Rovanovic to assist our brethren in their time of need! We willl not stand down and we will gain vengeance! For the Northern Peoples! For the Exodus! For the Republic!" He ended with his arms raised, shouting to the heavens. Flag wavers flapped the banners in the wind while the crowd cheered, chanting "Hail the Commandante!"
The masses believed the 3rd Imperial Army was to go to war to the West, but that most likely wouldn't be the case. Other targets were selected in the East, targets more important than the current debacle going on in Europe. They were mobilizing, but until the order was given by Koslovic, they would move nowhere.
To: The Union of Greater Europe
From: The Republican Monarchy of Granate
How long has the Czech Republic been in rebellion then? For as long as we’ve known it’s been a separate country, not apart of some silly union of poor countries calling themselves the Union of Greater Europe. How can you call yourselves Greater Europe when you barely control a tiny bit of it? Still, we will give you one more chance to pull out of the Czech Republic before we will retaliate accordingly. To show you that we are not joking, during the next 48 hours I have ordered that the 229th Assault Regiment and 456th Assault Regiment be put to use. You’ll see how wrong you are, when your people are without power and your tanks destroyed.
The Border
Granatian Aircraft Patrol the Border constantly. Mainly to make sure the other side didn’t try to launch an attack suddenly, however unlikely that was. The patrols were usually made up of Su-25Ts and Su-24s. On occasion a Su-27 or MiG-29 would join the patrol from another Airbase, but most of the Airbases near the border were made up of the 229th Assault Regiment or the 456th Assault Regiment. But, there was another reason the Granatian Air Force did this. It was to make the other side used to Granatian Aircraft flying from bases and coming to the border. Even if the other side wanted to shoot down the Granatian Aircraft, it would require the use of their own Aircraft, because their SAM missiles were sorely lacking compared the Granatian SAM system. Today it would be different. Oh so very different.
40,000 Feet in the Air.
Not 30 minutes after the King had sent his message to the other side; the 229th and the 456th were already in the air and were quickly approaching the border. Over 60 Su-25Ts and 60 Su-24s were in the air in two groups, with 20 Su-27s for an escort borrowed from the 76th Tactical Fighter Regiment. Only heading Only 10 miles from the border, the two Groups broke apart into individual units heading for their destinations. The Su-25s would be used for Strafing runs against enemy armored units and installations along the border Their high combat load and slow speed allowed them to accurately drop bombs on the enemy while also being able to withstand enemy fire. They were told not to go under 5000 feet at the least, because that is where the enemies MANPAD SAM Missiles could be used. Otherwise they were sent off without an escort, because of their proximity to the Granatian SAM System.
The Su-24s on the other hand, were to fly higher and go deep inside enemy territory. Their mission was to bomb enemy dams, power plants, and highways. This would put the enemy in a state of panic, without power and highways destroyed. Information will move at a crawl and the populace will begin to riot. Due to their distance from the Granatian Border and SAM System they were given an escort, mostly to scare away enemy MiG-21s or MiG-23s and in the off chance that a MiG-29 came around shoot it down, which the Su-27s could do easily since they used the R-77 Air-To-Air Missile, which had a longer range then the American AIM-120 AMRAAM. It could knock out an enemy fighter at over 100km although it was usually used at distances less then 90km.
Amazonian Beasts
27-07-2007, 00:14
OOC: I have about 5k troops so far, 70 tanks, 15 rocket launchers, and 20 other artillery pieces at the front, along with 2 Mi-24 heloes. The rest of the stand-by army is coming up.
The Czech division at the front so far was all alone-but the other forces were coming. The Republic government, not looking towards the actions of other nations, were gearing up for a full-out bloody defensive action to make the Union suffer dearly for every inch of land they tread on-to make the red blood of these fellow Europeans spill all over the land and to run knee-deep as the native Czechs fought to defend their home.
The other forces, which would bring the forces on the border to around 80% of the stand-by army, were mobilizing and moving up fast. They were still miles and miles behind the division at the front, but they would get their soon enough-and hopefully the tacticians of the Union weren't great. Reserves were also coming up with the army, and about 110 reserve T-72 units, bringing a full armor assault force to advance, along with Air Defense weapons to ward off aerial attackers.
The next attack on the Czech lines hit hard, but by this time the Czechs were bunkering down in hastily-erected natural barricades and dirt mounds-any sort of cover they could afford. Troops held down as rockets and shells rained in, spewing metal shrapnel and flames across the battlefield. One shell hit directly on top of a T-72 whose crew hadn't done a great job of erecting some cover, blowing the tank into fiery bits and blowing apart the bodies of several running troops nearby.
Overall, the attack had been fierce, taking out a few hundred soldiers and personnel and a dozen and a half T-72 units. The artillery was far back enough to avoid the attack, and as the tank units of the Union advanced up, just outside of armor range but inside artillery range easy, the artillery-towards the rear-ripped open again. DANA rocket launchers began targeting and bracketing targets, while the 152mm shell launchers fired just behind the armored units, around 140 shells arcing towards the enemy as five dozen rockets poured in towards the force. They were goading the armor into moving forward-goading them into moving into the trap of AT-4 launchers and the T-72 tank guns.
The Gripens, on the other hand, were scrambling to avoid the anti-air weapons. They dove low towards the ground, flares spewing out the back, diverting the attention of a few missiles. As the warheads drew closer, the Gripens ripped towards a valley, drawing the missiles down. They sped over a hillly gorge, splitting up into groups of two to draw the missiles away and into more isolated patterns. The missiles remaining now sped in on the Gripens, chaff flying back to hopefully take some out-which several were. The rest blasted through the static jamming field thrown up by the advanced Swedish jets, slamming forth in high-explosive energy. Two Gripens were blown up straight in the air, a third having it's wing shorn off, spiraling towards the ground as the pilot ejected safely.
The Gripens formed up again, three remaining, speeding off towards the force.
Czech Reply to the Republic of Droskianishk
Any sort of air drop would hopefully be a feasible way to deliver supplies from Droskianishk, and it would avoid the Union force. We need all the help we can get!
-Czech Government
Official Statement by the Franco Confederation
The Franco Confederation and it's EC allies will most likely, if the war continues and the voting in for the outcome of Resolution #1 continues also in the way it is now, place strong sanctions preventing trade and access to waters from nearly all European nations against you. As a future EC member, a future ally, we ask you to at least find a less aggressive way of incorporating the Czech Republic into your Union.
We also have been informed that a fellow EC member has offered to assist the Czech's. They say if you attack, they will declare war. This is a grave situation for the stability of Europe, and may encourage outsiders to exploit us at this time and choose to...attack. Anyway, I urge you to reconsider your actions, whatever your reasons may be, before this becomes a European, and worldwide, incident.
- The Franco Confederation Ministry for Defence
[Note, this is not happening simotainiously with the war in the Czech.
EDIT. This is just to Granate. New posts coming to awnser others.]
Greater European - Granatian Border
If the Granatian high military command had thought that their attack would come as some sort of supprise to the Union Army, they were soarly... soarly mistaken. Long before the first strike occured, as a matter of fact, before any fighting at all had occured, the Union's Eastern Forces were setting up their positions. Mobile SAM Sites were deployed along the border, especially in areas in which the Granatian aircraft were picked up as patroling. Mobile and immobile RADAR stations across the border picked up every move the other side made in the air, and was well prepared for the strike when it did indeed come. Hundreds of shoulder mounted SAM units were dug in along the border, all using the guidance of the various radar set-ups along the border. Scores of 2K12 Kub's sat dug into tank-defences along the border, their long-range missiles having the capability to strike down aircraft over 75kilometers away. They were accompanied by a variety of 9K31 Strela-1's, 9K37 Buk's, and 9K35 Strela-10's, all dug in and camoflauged, and of course, hooked up to the greater RADAR grid. They were dug in so as to avoid any sort of RADAR detection, and to eliminate their heat signatures... and camoflagued so as to hide themselves from visible detection. S-200 towed systems were set up in the hills, next to houses, near various cover to avoid detection... they too were linked to the RADAR grid, ready to strike down the enemy when the opportunity presented itself. And then there were the RADAR installations. Doubtlessly they would be targeted. They were covered with Anti-Aircraft Guns, Bofors 40mm's and Bushmasters, so that when the enemy did indeed attempt to fly into the area, they would be covered... covered in exploding lead.
The enemy may have had superior numbers, technology and equipment... but based off their first strike, they apperantly had nothing in the means of strategy. Even if their 'patrols' were meant to throw off the Union Air Defense System, there is no way that anyone could misinterpret 140 aircraft moving at them at once. The reason that actual airforces stike with sorties no larger than six aircraft is simple. Because anything more than three aircraft blips on a screen will make even the most inept 3rd world radar operator flip a switch. There are scores of RADAR signatures on screens constantly, and it is quite simple to bypass the grid if there are two or three jets, they simply blend in... but a hundred and forty? My God... every single gun in the Union was suddenly pointing at them. 140 aircraft of any calibre in two or three groups would have trouble making it past flak guns... simply because their enemy would be prepared for them.
And though the Granatians were doing the attacking, it would be the Union that would fire the first shot. The single S-200 Battalion dug in across the border began the attack, with six separate single missile-launch rails, each dug into defensive positions.These six missiles were fired at six Su-25T's, while those aircraft were still in Granatian Territory. Firing from over 300km's away, they would be fired, and encountered long before the enemy aircraft even thought about engaging their targets. The RADAR locks that these missiles had were so strong, it was not very likely they would be evaded, for the entire Union RADAR Grid was in perfect working order, with layers of radar overlapping up and down the border. Two AWACS Radar Aircraft patrolled the skies, along with scores of mobile radar vehicles, and immobile radar sites, in addition to that RADAR of the S-200's... those locks were not going anywhere... especially since the enemy apperantly had no means of stealth.
However this was simply a starting wave of peppering fire. Six missiles, out of 140 aircraft? Nothing much to worry about, even if all six targets were destroyed. However what came next would be. Though their ranges were less than, in most cases, ten miles, there was no need to worry about the enemy hitting them first. They were for all intents and purposes, invisible. No RADAR on earth would pick them up, and no infared would see them, as they were covered in cool dirt, water, and left off... ergo, invisible. The human heat signatures were also hidden through similar means. They had no means of being targeted, and thus, the enemy would fly right into their grips. Over 61 9K31 Strela-1's, 9K37 Buk's, 9K35 Strela-10's and 2K12 Kub's were lined up along the border, lying in wait for the enemy aircraft.
And then the volleys of missiles were unleashed. All positioned 1-2 miles inland of the border, each system fired as many missiles as humanly possible. Usually two or three, sometimes even four missiles per unit, 192 missiles were fired in all, directly at the massive enemy force, which sat like a massive sitting duck as it came forward. These missiles, like those fired before them had superb range, height ceilings, speed, manuverability, and most importantly, RADAR lock ons, still being provided by the omniscient Union Radar Grid.
The previous volley was by far expected to be the most effective, as the enemy airforce simply could not avoid that many missiles of that calibre. The next wave was far larger, and could inflict serious casualties if everything went according to plan. Over 250 Strela 2 shoulder-mounted crews were dug in along the border, all being constantly radio'd enemy aircraft positions, so as to keep their eyes in the right places. Their cieling was probably lower than the enemy was flying, however the enemy may have had reason to fly into their range. Why? Well, the volley that was fired before would, if nothing else, force the Granatian pilots to employ evasive manuvers. They would be forced to fly around frantically, attempting to dodge incoming missiles. In this kind of chaos, this haste, they may even try to fly low, to throw the RADAR lock... this was, after all, the best way to lose a RADAR lock. If they flew low... they flew into the grips of the massive array of Strela 2 crews. 250 of them, all ready to fire their heat seaking missiles at the already distressed enemy pilots. They were also accompanied by 75 9K38 Igla's, which had a cieling of over 3.5km's and a range of over 5km's. They would be able to fire upon the enemy even if they stayed at their normal flight plan... which was unlikely.
This was not the end of the anti-air war, there was still the last lines of defense. Around every RADAR installation, power plant, logistical necessity, there were Bofors 40mm AA Guns scattered in the area. There were also dozens of Bushmasters, ZU-23-2's other high calibre guns, and ZSU-23-4's. When the enemy was in the area, it would be full of lead.
If the Granatians thought they would be able to walk in and trash the place... they were soarly mistaken.
Retaliation - Bulgarian-Macedonian Border
The Union may eventually fall... but by God it would inflict a toll before it did. The entire Macedonian Defense Force had been moved to the Granatian Border over the last several hundred hours, and was now completely prepared to hit them as hard as they could. The Union knew they fought a massive enemy, and that the opportunity to inflict pain on them in their homeland may not present itself again. It began with hitting Granatian Forces inside South-Western Bulgaria. The few satellites in the sky were snapping photos of the Bulgarian Border, the coordinates of enemy forces being detailed to the decimal. Those coordinates promptly found their way into the hands of the artillery crews in the area. Over 300 155mm and 122mm towed artillery guns were set up and ready along the border, and were now dumping hundreds upon hundreds of shells on those coordinates. Thousands of shells were now landing upon the mobilized Granatian Forces, and nothing would stop the bombardment. Over 110 BM-21 122mm MLRS systems joined in, firing hundreds upon hundreds of high explosive rockets at the various enemy postions.
Then came the drive. Over 360 T-55's and 100 M-84's lead some 12,000 men across the Granatian border towards Petrich, Bulgaria. Accompanied by over 100 various armored vehicles and 100 guns of various calibre, they would wreak their vengance upon the enemy, they would level the playing field, even if it meant leveling a city.
The remainder of the several hundred tanks, armored vehicles and guns across the border sat in their defensive positions, along with over 110,000 soldiers along the border, with more men moving out by the hour.
To: Granatian Monarchy
From: The Union of Greater Europe
We will lay low a great many of your people. We shall see how dearly your population treasures the freedom of the Czechs... especially when they are burying their children for your belligerency.
The Granatian Population may have been all for the 'saving of the Czechs'... however the priorities of people quickly change when their homes are on fire...
Response to the Franco Confederation
While we did at one time seek to join with the EC, we now see that there are no friends waiting for us here. We see that all of the European Community is unsympathetic the the plight of the people of the Czech Republic, whom wish nothing more than reunification with their mother Union. We see that we are spurned, and that it is war, not friendship that we are offered. However this is alright, as we have made other friends. If the EC will not befriend us, if the EC will continue to fight against us, through economic and military means, we will seek protection, and pledge our allegiance to the NPO.
Czech-Slovak Border Fight
As the Czechs prepared their hastily errected defenses under the barrage of heavy artillery fire, the Union main force settled into place, looking through their various night vision equipment at the enemy line... apperantly around 5,000 men... less than 100 tanks... holding still was not an option. As the first artillery of the Czech force opened up, the army was already surging forward, 300 T-72's blasting away at the enemy armored force with their 125mm guns. 50/150 BMP-1's, with similar range as the T-72's had switched from normal ammunition to AT-5 Anti-Tank Missiles, all targeting the various enemy T-72's along the line. Firing in unison with their T-72 counter parts, they unleashed over fifty anti-tank missiles in under five minutes. The remaining 100 BMP-1's fired their 73mm Smoothebores at the enemy infantry positions, hoping to soften them up for the 25,000 infantry surging across the field. The armored force moved forward, unloading infantry along the way, many of whom carried RPG-29's, which fired rockets every now and again at the enemy defenses. Additionally, 88mm mortar crews were dumped off every now and again, and they immidiately began firing frag rounds at the enemy.
Then came the flanking manuvers. 300 T-55's, 2,500 men and 100 BTR-60's moved in from the north, and another of the same force, from the south. The 250 of the T-55's (and 500 men) turned towards the side/rear of the enemy line, and under began shelling the enemy with their 110mm rifled guns. Though outdated by most terms, the 110mm gun could still wreak havoc on infantry, and could even do a number to the rear/side armor of the T-72. The T-55's hoped to encircle the enemy, forcing large numbers into surrender. The remainder of the two flanking forces, 50 T-55's and 100 BTR-60's (+1,200 men) moved at the enemy artillery. Equipped with Anti-Tank missiles, the infantry hoped to knock out the enemy artillery as quickly as possible.
All the while the immense barrage of 122mm Rockets, 155mm shells was joined by 122mm shells and even 110mm shells. The barrage was intense, hoping to break the resolve of the Czechs as the army advanced.
Casualties were expected, dozens of APC's, tanks and trucks lay burning in the fields, as the enemy artillery and air forces took their toll on the advancing army.
Donaghadee Golf Club
28-07-2007, 10:00
Official Diplomatic Message
Your nations theft of the Czech Republic's freedom has been deemed unacceptable by Donaghadee, demand that you leave their nation unharmed and pay compension to Czech Republic. Do not think this an idle threat as we are willing to stop your imperialist nation and protect the free people of Czech Republic
SIC to Czech Republic
The Kingdom of Donaghadee wants to defend your nations freedom and we are willing aid you in any way we can without going to war, this might happen anytime soon
Amazonian Beasts
31-07-2007, 00:18
OOC: Post coming...