Waldenburg 2
24-07-2007, 20:58
Formal Long: The Most Serene and Autocratic Republic of Waldenburg
Formal: The Serene Republic of Waldenburg
Common Name: Waldenburg
(RL Land Claims: Turkey, Albania, and Greece)
Government Style: Quasi-Parliamentary Republic\Oligarchy
Head of State: His Excellency George Patrin
Head of Government: George Patrin
Capital: Blünderburg
National Language: English, Arabic
Currency: Waldenburger Florin (3:1 in comparison with the dollar)
State Religion: None
Population: 90,008,894
Government and General:
Waldenburg sits with it’s capital on the Bosporus, separated across the span, and from there in culture. Originally the Republic was patched together through small wars and royal inbreeding. Eventually through hundreds of years the Republic took shape patching different cultures together under an always-shifting banner. At least eight different minority groups are represented in the Republic. Essentially the common man in the street has no power to pick the executive offices although from every city or constituency a representative is elected from a poll selected by the Chancellor (Executive.) Through that system, though created based on the system that all executives would not abuse their power, it can create a system of political round robin, with each candidate receiving an endorsement from the Chancellor so that the Chancellor may receive their vote later on.
Occasionally a flaw comes up in the system but most of the time the executive positions are only vacated through death and resignations.
Executive Positions:
Chancellor: Elected by the Parliament to serve as head of state and government by a majority of the House of Service. Though as the head of a democracy his powers are limited, though he is allowed vetoes, military control, and becomes a dictator when the House of Service announces a state of emergency. The Chancellor works from the Palace of Ibblestern outside, Blünderburg, weekly reporting to the Parliament.
Margrave Imperator: An elected life position handed out by Parliament and acting as a check to the power of the Chancellor. The business of the treasury is this man’s sole choosing, and money is dispensed only at his will. In the case of emergency he becomes redundant with the rest of the government, but at times of peace he holds that most valuable of all national items. Major decisions can be vetoed by the Parliament.
Legislative: Misleadingly this branch also encompasses all judicial matters, as crime and punishment are a more selective form of democracy acted upon by local and municipal consul. The main body of the legislative branch is formed by the Parliament, subdivided into the House of Service and the House of Command. Both have equal numbers and are separated merely on the divide between the Republic over the Bosporus. Each house has 500 members who vote on the issues of the government and present their bills to the Chancellor or Margrave as needed.
Legislative Positions:
High Speaker: The most senior MP becomes the High speaker; it is merely an organizational position that handles the everyday running of the Parliaments. He has the power to committees or remove them, he also can had away pensions and the very few knighthoods available.
Prime Designate: Always a coveted position the Prime Designate is the Minister of state and control the tariffs, taxes, immigration and infrastructure of the state. Several men have been assassinated for the seat and it proves the most powerful, as the Designate can even levy taxes on Executive property for no predestined purpose. Unfortunately it is an elective position and mainly absolute bumblers are placed in it to be controlled through the hierarchy.
Venerator: Technically he writes the past, and all records of state. It seems a boring and menial job but again a powerful one. When ones name changes from Anderson to Jacobs the tax dollars can pile up. Usually his underlings handle the business and allow the Venerator to manage the more important matters finding loopholes in ancient and forgotten treaties.
Commissioner General: The leading civil servant and architect of growth. This office manages most things related to human resource, from education to government employment, and health care. The Commissioner is elected from a pool by the House of Command.
People of Note:
Chancellor: George Patrin
Margrave Imperator: Ronald Rogue
High Speaker: Elizabeth Trenton
Prime Designate: Howard Mortenson
Venerator: Sir Jacob Hartlieb
Commissioner General: Louis Heartbridge
Minister of Trade: Carol Heartbridge
Minister of Religious Affairs: Jabir Amread
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Andrew Webber
Minister of the Fisheries: Mellor Uplant
Minister of Unilateral Decision Making: Harold Thousis
After the urban reclamation act vast tracks of land became available for investment at dirt cheap prices for those who could afford a slice of it. Unfortunately those displaced were given land in Greece for free which sent the government into debt for thirty years and cut growth in all sections. Until that point Parliament was the major military power but to keep up with payments on the land debt is was cut to less then a twentieth of it’s size. With major investments from the aristocracy building farms and factories by the dozen it was inevitable to either face a rebellion or extend the ruling class further.
Again the economy is booming though social strife is apparent as the Parliamentary government becomes less powerful by the day. It is blood of the workers for the benefit to the owners. Waldenburg, despite the overwhelming evidence is probably the least corrupt government in the world, as the machinery for Parliament is tiny, and the administration streamlined. Most of the expense of the country falls on the wealthy land barrens who are only more than happy to pay provided their unique system of self bolstering continues.
Natural Resources:
Coal, Iron Ore, Copper, Chromium, antimony, mercury, gold, barite, borate, celestite, emery, feldspar, limestone, magnesite, marble, perlite, clay, hydropower, lead, zinc, timber, bauxite, salt, marble, nickel, petroleum, lignite
GDP: 760,969,000,000 USD
GDP Growth: (An Average) 9.78%
Government Budget: 167,413,180,000 (22%)
Unemployment: 2.89
Budget Breakdown:
Industry and Economy: 60,268,744,800 (36%)
Administration: 6,696,527,200 (4%)
Education: 15,067,186,200 (9%)
Defense: 13,391,054,400 (8%)
Infrastructure: 23,437,845,200 (14%)
Healthcare: 23,437,845,200 (14%)
Other: 33,482,636,000 (20%)
Surplus Additional Funds: 8,370,659,000 (5%)
Major Cities:
According to the land reclamation act of 1954, almost all of Waldenburg’s cities and about 60% of it’s population have been condensed into a mega polis spread across northern Thrace and expanding into Albania and to the nearest edge of the Bosporus. Nearly fifty five million people live inside it’s poorly defined borders, and live comfortably in the comfortable climate. Because of it’s comparative date of formation the city is in a constant state of construction with new buildings rising from the ground everyday. To quite large amounts of people the town is lacking as contractors can only keep up with so many neighborhoods.
The space saved from this urban consolidation, is used for massive agricultural programs and the en masse exploitation of mineral resources. Though Blündeburg holds the majority of people there are other cities mostly of laborers for the government sponsored projects and programs. These cities are mostly inland or near the areas of exploitation. The second largest city is Ibblestern in Anatolia and acts as the main drop off point over the Bosporus. It is considered an unfair system by those working the farms and factories and could lead to problems unless a more stable situation is creaeted.
Military- Despite the occasional coup that is necessary Waldenburg has little need of standing armies, the city of Blünderburg possess some of the most elaborate defense known to man due to it’s sprawl and importance to the Republic. In Blünderburg it is impossible to find an inch of sky not being monitored by SAM sites and strategic fall back points should the city be breached. Any invading army to the Republic’s core would find a hell of Urban combat situation as they traverse a strategically built city, uphill with private militias sniping out of every window.
Despite the impossibilities of taking a city that size, the military is actually quite inefficient at offensive operations, and although would be supported by the other military arms, does not consider itself a viable attack force. The main reason for that is the exact levying of the army, which is still based of the feudal system. Any noblemen or man of means must raise and maintain a body of men for civil defense. And usually because these men are all within the corrupt ruling circle this system works incredibly well in matters of internal security but not very well when an actual battle plans must be drawn up. Weapons and organization vary although due to the few men who had inside tips on where the government was going they are fairly well armed.
Private Regiments:
1st Chancellor’s Heavy Infantry
2nd Chancellor’s Heavy Infantry
17th Chancellor’s Rifles
18th Chancellor’s Blünderburger Rifles
19th Chancellor’s Rifles
20th Chancellor’s Rifles
7th Chancellor’s Anatolian Grenadiers
8th Chancellor’s Heavy Grenadiers
2nd Chancellor’s Heavy Republican Dragoons
3rd Chancellor’s Heavy Republican Dragoons
4th Chancellor’s Heavy Republican Dragoons
5th Chancellor’s Heavy Guardian Hussar Guards
18th Chancellor’s Signal Corps Detachment Blünderburg
143rd Republican Armored Infantry
144th Republican Armored Infantry
6th Guards Mechanized Infantry
1st Chancellor’s Armored cavalry
4th Republican Artillery Regiment of Ibblesguard
55th Chancellor’s Heavy Artillery Regiment
56th Chancellor’s Heavy Artillery Regiment
5th Duke of Ayyorl’s Light Infantry
6th Duke of Ayyorl’s Light Infantry
7th Duke of Ayyorl’s Light Infantry
8th Duke of Ayyorl’s Skirmishing Regiment
17th Duke of Ayyorl’s Heavy Infantry
18th Duke of Ayyorl’s Heavy Infantry
81st Duke of Ayyorl’s Stormtrooper Regiment
82nd Duke Ayyorl’s Stormtrooper Regiment
17th Duke of Ayyorl’s Heavy Armored Cavalry
9th Duke of Ayyorl’s Mechanized Infantry
10th Duke of Ayyorl’s Mechanized Infantry
56th Duke of Ayyorl’s Light Reconnaissance Regiment
1st Lady Opplant’s Airborne Regiment
2nd Lady Opplant’s Airborne Regiment
3rd Lady Opplant’s Airborne Regiment
Lady Opplant’s 1st Helicopter Assault Regiment
Lady Opplant’s 2nd Helicopter Assault Regiment
18th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Assault Bombers
6th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
7th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
8th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
9th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
10th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
11th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
17th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Command Regiment
18th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Command Regiment
73rd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Grenadiers
74th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Grenadiers
3rd Lady Opplant’s Heavy Stormtroopers
5th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Heavy Infantry
6th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Heavy Infantry
3rd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Light Artillery
4th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Light Artillery
5th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Light Artillery
13th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Heavy Artillery
14th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Heavy Artillery
3rd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Mountain Artillery
4th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Mountain Artillery
182nd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Armored Regiment
183rd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Armored Regiment
42nd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Mechanized Infantry
43rd Lady Opplant’s colonial Mechanized Infantry
1st Designate’s Special Forces
2nd Designate’s Special Forces
3rd Designate’s Special Forces
4th Designate’s Special Forces
5th Designate’s Special Forces
6th Designate’s Special Forces
3rd Designate’s Armored Amphibious Assault Regiment
4th Designate’s Armored Amphibious Assault Regiment
5th Designate’s Armored Amphibious Assault Regiment
6th Designate’s Armored Amphibious Assault Regiment
7th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
8th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
9th Desingate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
10th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
11th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
12th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
3rd Ibblesguard Heavy Infantry
4th Ibblesguard Heavy Infantry
4th Ibblesguard Heavy Infantry
61st Ibblesguard Light Foot Regiment
1st Ibblesguard Armored Cavalry
Republican Guard: While the rich may have their own arm, the legislature must have their own dark hand. The Republican guard acts as the private police force of the parliament, it is only answerable to the High speaker. Though not exactly military it has counter terrorism and armed response training, and armed as an advanced police force. Though it only numbers around seven thousand it is capable of instilling fear in the city of Blünderburg.
The previous was a list of standing private armies of the nobles of the Waldenburg Republic, there are more in the time of war but they will be fresh conscripts, and armed below standard when they are raised. To benefit those nobles raising forces, massive tax cuts are granted usually equally out to free passage for those who raise men. While seeming bad on paper, this system drastically cuts logistics and the beaucracy of the military departments. There are many more with nearly 400,000 men in the Private Regiments at any given time. These however are the more important ones held by the very elite or a city. In times of war the numbers can rise to 1.2 million armed men, though quality and equipment can not be assured to the maximum extent.
Republican Standing Army: Though there would be little point in comparison of the private armies to the Republics, should infighting arise it is a thought to have a force outside of the noble’s control. It is the offensive branch of the Waldenburg Republic and consists of 3 motorized divisions, one infantry division, and an artillery division. They operate nearly nine hundred 95 Degman MBT’s. About 55.000 men also answer the call of the Parliament’s military arm.
Once, before the advent of steam power a early Anatolian emperor described a style of naval warfare in which larger ships are constantly battered by smaller ships despite the casualties. Other then the fact that no one can now remember his name Waldenburg adopted his policy of naval numbers to combat stronger and more capable ships. This is obviously displayed in the number of small missile boats and Frigates available while there are no carriers, cruisers or similar major blue water ships. This view should have been outdated at the air carrier on the basis of the offensive squadron but remians on due to the comparatively cheap price of producing a patrol boat. The Private Regiments and their holders approve of this doctrine for the reason that should there be civil war the navy will be incapable of handling perhaps a few foreign mercenaries. Acting as a Grand fleet though it is nearly unstoppable, though due to logistics it is hardly ever concentrated.
Command Base: 22 Admiralty BLVD, Blünderburg
Supreme Commander: Chancellor George Patrin
Commanding Officers: Grand Admiral Lord Terrance Opplant, Admiral Haridius Majori, Count Stephani Beri
Total Personnel: 135,700
Waldenburger Republic Navy:
Chancellor Class Frigate
10X MEKO 200 HN Class Frigates
WRS Theseus (Squadron Leader)
WRS Righteous
WRS Fin of God
WRS Malpractice
WRS Lightinig
WRS Throne of Man
WRS West Wind
WRS Demon
WRS Faithful
WRS Harbinger
Angel Class Frigate
10X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kortenaer_class_frigate
WRS Perseus
WRS Invincible
WRS Mighty
WRS Dawn of Man
WRS Unyielding Justice
WRS Patrin
WRS Guardian
WRS Corrupter
WRS Shield
WRS Anatolia
Triumph Class Friagte
8X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Hazard_Perry_class_frigate
WRS Endeavor
WRS Septarch
WRS Turbulent
WRS Freedom
WRS Light of Dawn
WRS Silver Fish
WRS Triumph
WRS Bounty
Infinite Class Friagte
3X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knox_class_frigate
WRS Sapphire Dawn
WRS Burning Furnace
WRS Ibblesguard
Praetor Class Corvette
1X Poluchat Klasse
WRS Hurricane
Reverence Class Corvette
8X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%27Estienne_d%27Orves_class
WRS Gold Chariot
WRS Amber
WRS Silence
WRS Marquee
WRS Phoenix
WRS Warsong
WRS Cornith
WRS Able
Athens Class Missile Boat
15X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FACM_Cl...mbattante_IIIb
WRS Eden
WRS Hydra
WRS Marvel
WRS Star of the North
WRS Trion
WRS Imperical
WRS Opal Fire
WRS Light Fantastic
WRS Lord of Heaven
WRS Margrave
WRS Siphon
WRS Golden Henderson
WRS Dominator
WRS Chancellor's Might
WRS Evil
Glory Class Missile Boat
13X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C4%B1l%C4%B1%C3%A7_class
WRS Glory
WRS Harpy
WRS Perseus
WRS Minerva
WRS Harrow
WRS Hallow
WRS Tighten
WRS Trident
WRS Diversity
WRS Odin
WRS Enlightenment
WRS Supreme Might
WRS Command
Anatolia Class Submarine (Type 209 1200)
22X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_209_submarine
All submarines are named on a two number basis then in a numerary sequence on which they were brought into the fleet. For the Anatolia Class it is PS, so PS-12, PS-13 ect.
Victory Class Submarine
4X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_214_submarine
VS-1, VS-2, VS-3, VS-4
Osprey Class Gunship
8X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunboats_Class_Osprey_HSY-56A
WRS Inevitable
WRS Artifact
WRS Marvel Du
WRS Sanctity
WRS Telebrey
WRS Sanctus Abrievum
WRS Crete
WRS Iolite
Pilot Class Gunship
3X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunboats_Class_Thetis
WRS Ultraviolet
WRS Patriot
WRS Judgment
Enlightenment Class Gunship:
2X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asheville_Class_Gunboat
WRS Noble
WRS Orient
Herald Class Mine Warfare Vessels
10X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asheville_Class_Gunboat
Again all given numerary names with the title this time being HM-Number/
Seeker Class Mineship
12X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunt_class_MCMV
See Submarine details, number to Sequence. Name Given MH-Number
Fuhrer Class Mine Warfare Vessel
15X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenthal_class_mine_hunter
FM-1 Through FM-15
Jupiter Class Patrol Ship
14X Sea Spectre PB MK III
WRS Waldenburg
WRS Overlord
WRS Mercy
WRS Chastity
WRS Silver Bell
WRS Coral Sea
WRS Denver
WRS Respite
WRS Wasp
WRS Unlimited
WRS Truth
WRS Thunder’s Forge
WRS Cyprus
WRS Orchid
WRS Minotaur
Republican Air Guard:
I will finish this slightly later.
Coming Soon Aiforce Economics
Formal: The Serene Republic of Waldenburg
Common Name: Waldenburg
(RL Land Claims: Turkey, Albania, and Greece)
Government Style: Quasi-Parliamentary Republic\Oligarchy
Head of State: His Excellency George Patrin
Head of Government: George Patrin
Capital: Blünderburg
National Language: English, Arabic
Currency: Waldenburger Florin (3:1 in comparison with the dollar)
State Religion: None
Population: 90,008,894
Government and General:
Waldenburg sits with it’s capital on the Bosporus, separated across the span, and from there in culture. Originally the Republic was patched together through small wars and royal inbreeding. Eventually through hundreds of years the Republic took shape patching different cultures together under an always-shifting banner. At least eight different minority groups are represented in the Republic. Essentially the common man in the street has no power to pick the executive offices although from every city or constituency a representative is elected from a poll selected by the Chancellor (Executive.) Through that system, though created based on the system that all executives would not abuse their power, it can create a system of political round robin, with each candidate receiving an endorsement from the Chancellor so that the Chancellor may receive their vote later on.
Occasionally a flaw comes up in the system but most of the time the executive positions are only vacated through death and resignations.
Executive Positions:
Chancellor: Elected by the Parliament to serve as head of state and government by a majority of the House of Service. Though as the head of a democracy his powers are limited, though he is allowed vetoes, military control, and becomes a dictator when the House of Service announces a state of emergency. The Chancellor works from the Palace of Ibblestern outside, Blünderburg, weekly reporting to the Parliament.
Margrave Imperator: An elected life position handed out by Parliament and acting as a check to the power of the Chancellor. The business of the treasury is this man’s sole choosing, and money is dispensed only at his will. In the case of emergency he becomes redundant with the rest of the government, but at times of peace he holds that most valuable of all national items. Major decisions can be vetoed by the Parliament.
Legislative: Misleadingly this branch also encompasses all judicial matters, as crime and punishment are a more selective form of democracy acted upon by local and municipal consul. The main body of the legislative branch is formed by the Parliament, subdivided into the House of Service and the House of Command. Both have equal numbers and are separated merely on the divide between the Republic over the Bosporus. Each house has 500 members who vote on the issues of the government and present their bills to the Chancellor or Margrave as needed.
Legislative Positions:
High Speaker: The most senior MP becomes the High speaker; it is merely an organizational position that handles the everyday running of the Parliaments. He has the power to committees or remove them, he also can had away pensions and the very few knighthoods available.
Prime Designate: Always a coveted position the Prime Designate is the Minister of state and control the tariffs, taxes, immigration and infrastructure of the state. Several men have been assassinated for the seat and it proves the most powerful, as the Designate can even levy taxes on Executive property for no predestined purpose. Unfortunately it is an elective position and mainly absolute bumblers are placed in it to be controlled through the hierarchy.
Venerator: Technically he writes the past, and all records of state. It seems a boring and menial job but again a powerful one. When ones name changes from Anderson to Jacobs the tax dollars can pile up. Usually his underlings handle the business and allow the Venerator to manage the more important matters finding loopholes in ancient and forgotten treaties.
Commissioner General: The leading civil servant and architect of growth. This office manages most things related to human resource, from education to government employment, and health care. The Commissioner is elected from a pool by the House of Command.
People of Note:
Chancellor: George Patrin
Margrave Imperator: Ronald Rogue
High Speaker: Elizabeth Trenton
Prime Designate: Howard Mortenson
Venerator: Sir Jacob Hartlieb
Commissioner General: Louis Heartbridge
Minister of Trade: Carol Heartbridge
Minister of Religious Affairs: Jabir Amread
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Andrew Webber
Minister of the Fisheries: Mellor Uplant
Minister of Unilateral Decision Making: Harold Thousis
After the urban reclamation act vast tracks of land became available for investment at dirt cheap prices for those who could afford a slice of it. Unfortunately those displaced were given land in Greece for free which sent the government into debt for thirty years and cut growth in all sections. Until that point Parliament was the major military power but to keep up with payments on the land debt is was cut to less then a twentieth of it’s size. With major investments from the aristocracy building farms and factories by the dozen it was inevitable to either face a rebellion or extend the ruling class further.
Again the economy is booming though social strife is apparent as the Parliamentary government becomes less powerful by the day. It is blood of the workers for the benefit to the owners. Waldenburg, despite the overwhelming evidence is probably the least corrupt government in the world, as the machinery for Parliament is tiny, and the administration streamlined. Most of the expense of the country falls on the wealthy land barrens who are only more than happy to pay provided their unique system of self bolstering continues.
Natural Resources:
Coal, Iron Ore, Copper, Chromium, antimony, mercury, gold, barite, borate, celestite, emery, feldspar, limestone, magnesite, marble, perlite, clay, hydropower, lead, zinc, timber, bauxite, salt, marble, nickel, petroleum, lignite
GDP: 760,969,000,000 USD
GDP Growth: (An Average) 9.78%
Government Budget: 167,413,180,000 (22%)
Unemployment: 2.89
Budget Breakdown:
Industry and Economy: 60,268,744,800 (36%)
Administration: 6,696,527,200 (4%)
Education: 15,067,186,200 (9%)
Defense: 13,391,054,400 (8%)
Infrastructure: 23,437,845,200 (14%)
Healthcare: 23,437,845,200 (14%)
Other: 33,482,636,000 (20%)
Surplus Additional Funds: 8,370,659,000 (5%)
Major Cities:
According to the land reclamation act of 1954, almost all of Waldenburg’s cities and about 60% of it’s population have been condensed into a mega polis spread across northern Thrace and expanding into Albania and to the nearest edge of the Bosporus. Nearly fifty five million people live inside it’s poorly defined borders, and live comfortably in the comfortable climate. Because of it’s comparative date of formation the city is in a constant state of construction with new buildings rising from the ground everyday. To quite large amounts of people the town is lacking as contractors can only keep up with so many neighborhoods.
The space saved from this urban consolidation, is used for massive agricultural programs and the en masse exploitation of mineral resources. Though Blündeburg holds the majority of people there are other cities mostly of laborers for the government sponsored projects and programs. These cities are mostly inland or near the areas of exploitation. The second largest city is Ibblestern in Anatolia and acts as the main drop off point over the Bosporus. It is considered an unfair system by those working the farms and factories and could lead to problems unless a more stable situation is creaeted.
Military- Despite the occasional coup that is necessary Waldenburg has little need of standing armies, the city of Blünderburg possess some of the most elaborate defense known to man due to it’s sprawl and importance to the Republic. In Blünderburg it is impossible to find an inch of sky not being monitored by SAM sites and strategic fall back points should the city be breached. Any invading army to the Republic’s core would find a hell of Urban combat situation as they traverse a strategically built city, uphill with private militias sniping out of every window.
Despite the impossibilities of taking a city that size, the military is actually quite inefficient at offensive operations, and although would be supported by the other military arms, does not consider itself a viable attack force. The main reason for that is the exact levying of the army, which is still based of the feudal system. Any noblemen or man of means must raise and maintain a body of men for civil defense. And usually because these men are all within the corrupt ruling circle this system works incredibly well in matters of internal security but not very well when an actual battle plans must be drawn up. Weapons and organization vary although due to the few men who had inside tips on where the government was going they are fairly well armed.
Private Regiments:
1st Chancellor’s Heavy Infantry
2nd Chancellor’s Heavy Infantry
17th Chancellor’s Rifles
18th Chancellor’s Blünderburger Rifles
19th Chancellor’s Rifles
20th Chancellor’s Rifles
7th Chancellor’s Anatolian Grenadiers
8th Chancellor’s Heavy Grenadiers
2nd Chancellor’s Heavy Republican Dragoons
3rd Chancellor’s Heavy Republican Dragoons
4th Chancellor’s Heavy Republican Dragoons
5th Chancellor’s Heavy Guardian Hussar Guards
18th Chancellor’s Signal Corps Detachment Blünderburg
143rd Republican Armored Infantry
144th Republican Armored Infantry
6th Guards Mechanized Infantry
1st Chancellor’s Armored cavalry
4th Republican Artillery Regiment of Ibblesguard
55th Chancellor’s Heavy Artillery Regiment
56th Chancellor’s Heavy Artillery Regiment
5th Duke of Ayyorl’s Light Infantry
6th Duke of Ayyorl’s Light Infantry
7th Duke of Ayyorl’s Light Infantry
8th Duke of Ayyorl’s Skirmishing Regiment
17th Duke of Ayyorl’s Heavy Infantry
18th Duke of Ayyorl’s Heavy Infantry
81st Duke of Ayyorl’s Stormtrooper Regiment
82nd Duke Ayyorl’s Stormtrooper Regiment
17th Duke of Ayyorl’s Heavy Armored Cavalry
9th Duke of Ayyorl’s Mechanized Infantry
10th Duke of Ayyorl’s Mechanized Infantry
56th Duke of Ayyorl’s Light Reconnaissance Regiment
1st Lady Opplant’s Airborne Regiment
2nd Lady Opplant’s Airborne Regiment
3rd Lady Opplant’s Airborne Regiment
Lady Opplant’s 1st Helicopter Assault Regiment
Lady Opplant’s 2nd Helicopter Assault Regiment
18th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Assault Bombers
6th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
7th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
8th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
9th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
10th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
11th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Rifles
17th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Command Regiment
18th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Command Regiment
73rd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Grenadiers
74th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Grenadiers
3rd Lady Opplant’s Heavy Stormtroopers
5th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Heavy Infantry
6th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Heavy Infantry
3rd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Light Artillery
4th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Light Artillery
5th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Light Artillery
13th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Heavy Artillery
14th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Heavy Artillery
3rd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Mountain Artillery
4th Lady Opplant’s Colonial Mountain Artillery
182nd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Armored Regiment
183rd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Armored Regiment
42nd Lady Opplant’s Colonial Mechanized Infantry
43rd Lady Opplant’s colonial Mechanized Infantry
1st Designate’s Special Forces
2nd Designate’s Special Forces
3rd Designate’s Special Forces
4th Designate’s Special Forces
5th Designate’s Special Forces
6th Designate’s Special Forces
3rd Designate’s Armored Amphibious Assault Regiment
4th Designate’s Armored Amphibious Assault Regiment
5th Designate’s Armored Amphibious Assault Regiment
6th Designate’s Armored Amphibious Assault Regiment
7th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
8th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
9th Desingate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
10th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
11th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
12th Designate’s Amphibious Assault Regiment
3rd Ibblesguard Heavy Infantry
4th Ibblesguard Heavy Infantry
4th Ibblesguard Heavy Infantry
61st Ibblesguard Light Foot Regiment
1st Ibblesguard Armored Cavalry
Republican Guard: While the rich may have their own arm, the legislature must have their own dark hand. The Republican guard acts as the private police force of the parliament, it is only answerable to the High speaker. Though not exactly military it has counter terrorism and armed response training, and armed as an advanced police force. Though it only numbers around seven thousand it is capable of instilling fear in the city of Blünderburg.
The previous was a list of standing private armies of the nobles of the Waldenburg Republic, there are more in the time of war but they will be fresh conscripts, and armed below standard when they are raised. To benefit those nobles raising forces, massive tax cuts are granted usually equally out to free passage for those who raise men. While seeming bad on paper, this system drastically cuts logistics and the beaucracy of the military departments. There are many more with nearly 400,000 men in the Private Regiments at any given time. These however are the more important ones held by the very elite or a city. In times of war the numbers can rise to 1.2 million armed men, though quality and equipment can not be assured to the maximum extent.
Republican Standing Army: Though there would be little point in comparison of the private armies to the Republics, should infighting arise it is a thought to have a force outside of the noble’s control. It is the offensive branch of the Waldenburg Republic and consists of 3 motorized divisions, one infantry division, and an artillery division. They operate nearly nine hundred 95 Degman MBT’s. About 55.000 men also answer the call of the Parliament’s military arm.
Once, before the advent of steam power a early Anatolian emperor described a style of naval warfare in which larger ships are constantly battered by smaller ships despite the casualties. Other then the fact that no one can now remember his name Waldenburg adopted his policy of naval numbers to combat stronger and more capable ships. This is obviously displayed in the number of small missile boats and Frigates available while there are no carriers, cruisers or similar major blue water ships. This view should have been outdated at the air carrier on the basis of the offensive squadron but remians on due to the comparatively cheap price of producing a patrol boat. The Private Regiments and their holders approve of this doctrine for the reason that should there be civil war the navy will be incapable of handling perhaps a few foreign mercenaries. Acting as a Grand fleet though it is nearly unstoppable, though due to logistics it is hardly ever concentrated.
Command Base: 22 Admiralty BLVD, Blünderburg
Supreme Commander: Chancellor George Patrin
Commanding Officers: Grand Admiral Lord Terrance Opplant, Admiral Haridius Majori, Count Stephani Beri
Total Personnel: 135,700
Waldenburger Republic Navy:
Chancellor Class Frigate
10X MEKO 200 HN Class Frigates
WRS Theseus (Squadron Leader)
WRS Righteous
WRS Fin of God
WRS Malpractice
WRS Lightinig
WRS Throne of Man
WRS West Wind
WRS Demon
WRS Faithful
WRS Harbinger
Angel Class Frigate
10X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kortenaer_class_frigate
WRS Perseus
WRS Invincible
WRS Mighty
WRS Dawn of Man
WRS Unyielding Justice
WRS Patrin
WRS Guardian
WRS Corrupter
WRS Shield
WRS Anatolia
Triumph Class Friagte
8X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Hazard_Perry_class_frigate
WRS Endeavor
WRS Septarch
WRS Turbulent
WRS Freedom
WRS Light of Dawn
WRS Silver Fish
WRS Triumph
WRS Bounty
Infinite Class Friagte
3X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knox_class_frigate
WRS Sapphire Dawn
WRS Burning Furnace
WRS Ibblesguard
Praetor Class Corvette
1X Poluchat Klasse
WRS Hurricane
Reverence Class Corvette
8X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%27Estienne_d%27Orves_class
WRS Gold Chariot
WRS Amber
WRS Silence
WRS Marquee
WRS Phoenix
WRS Warsong
WRS Cornith
WRS Able
Athens Class Missile Boat
15X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FACM_Cl...mbattante_IIIb
WRS Eden
WRS Hydra
WRS Marvel
WRS Star of the North
WRS Trion
WRS Imperical
WRS Opal Fire
WRS Light Fantastic
WRS Lord of Heaven
WRS Margrave
WRS Siphon
WRS Golden Henderson
WRS Dominator
WRS Chancellor's Might
WRS Evil
Glory Class Missile Boat
13X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C4%B1l%C4%B1%C3%A7_class
WRS Glory
WRS Harpy
WRS Perseus
WRS Minerva
WRS Harrow
WRS Hallow
WRS Tighten
WRS Trident
WRS Diversity
WRS Odin
WRS Enlightenment
WRS Supreme Might
WRS Command
Anatolia Class Submarine (Type 209 1200)
22X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_209_submarine
All submarines are named on a two number basis then in a numerary sequence on which they were brought into the fleet. For the Anatolia Class it is PS, so PS-12, PS-13 ect.
Victory Class Submarine
4X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_214_submarine
VS-1, VS-2, VS-3, VS-4
Osprey Class Gunship
8X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunboats_Class_Osprey_HSY-56A
WRS Inevitable
WRS Artifact
WRS Marvel Du
WRS Sanctity
WRS Telebrey
WRS Sanctus Abrievum
WRS Crete
WRS Iolite
Pilot Class Gunship
3X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunboats_Class_Thetis
WRS Ultraviolet
WRS Patriot
WRS Judgment
Enlightenment Class Gunship:
2X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asheville_Class_Gunboat
WRS Noble
WRS Orient
Herald Class Mine Warfare Vessels
10X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asheville_Class_Gunboat
Again all given numerary names with the title this time being HM-Number/
Seeker Class Mineship
12X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunt_class_MCMV
See Submarine details, number to Sequence. Name Given MH-Number
Fuhrer Class Mine Warfare Vessel
15X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenthal_class_mine_hunter
FM-1 Through FM-15
Jupiter Class Patrol Ship
14X Sea Spectre PB MK III
WRS Waldenburg
WRS Overlord
WRS Mercy
WRS Chastity
WRS Silver Bell
WRS Coral Sea
WRS Denver
WRS Respite
WRS Wasp
WRS Unlimited
WRS Truth
WRS Thunder’s Forge
WRS Cyprus
WRS Orchid
WRS Minotaur
Republican Air Guard:
I will finish this slightly later.
Coming Soon Aiforce Economics