NationStates Jolt Archive

Alpha Squadron

24-07-2007, 12:07
with the '03,'04 v '05,'06,'07 war approaching i say we prepare, this is the form for the Alpha squadron on the '05,'06,'07 side...

Positions are Alpha, Alpha 2, Alpha 3 and Alpha 4. This is the hightest squadron followed Beta, Gamma, Delta etc...

If you're interested submit this form e.g

Name: Gerry Fred Jones
Age: 27
Height: 5,9"
Position: Luitenant
Favoured Weapon: Colt 49
Favoured Force: Navy

from then positions will be assigned and there will be 5 in each team:

Now lets beat those '03's and '04's :sniper:
24-07-2007, 12:37
The what war, is there actually going to be something that stupid?

dude, is there actually goign to be a war between the different year nations, there are not enough in 03 and 04 to go up against 05,06 and 07 most of the early ones died and they would be swarmed. this will not work at all.

on the other hand, how bout a open world war, as many alliances as wanted, get up to 10 nations in it and it should work. Any more and it would be too fast and confusing.
24-07-2007, 14:39
don't blame me the war is not my idea, but i like yours you should post that. How do you change the name of your nation 'cos myn is the CONFEDEREACY of Datium but i want a name like the ISLAND of Datium you know something different how do you do that?
24-07-2007, 15:00
Here's our top soldier, with his group of 300.

Name: William Seth Nathans
Age: 57
Height: 6'9"
Position: General
Favored Weapon: Flamethrower
Favored Force: Marines Corps
24-07-2007, 15:06
Thanks Miroxia, you can pull him out of the Alpha Squadron whenever you wish :)
24-07-2007, 16:12
sorry, but he and fifty soldiers are returning to Miroxia, because of the cold war against Shazbotdom. I'll leave his apprentice with you and 250 soldiers. I'm afraid of a real war, and he's our marine leader; Shazbotdom is an island with 3 island colonies, so i need our marines. i'll help whenever, though.:)
24-07-2007, 17:02
What the fuck is this shit? There is no 02/03 v rest war. Gtfo plox.
24-07-2007, 17:06
nah read the threads! they're's not one yet but y'kno am jus organizin... gotta problem wif that?! :mad:
The Black Agents
24-07-2007, 17:08
OOC: The war in question is being organized by ViZion.
24-07-2007, 17:34
so black agents are u on the '05,'06 and '07 side?
The PeoplesFreedom
24-07-2007, 18:33
What the fuck is this shit? There is no 02/03 v rest war. Gtfo plox.