NationStates Jolt Archive

Vitalita International Airport (purchase/rent hotel plots, gates, etc thread)

24-07-2007, 07:24

Vitalita International Airport has finished its recently expansion, marking it as the largest international airport world wide serving more than 1.42 billion customers daily and has 2,504,080,200 total gates.

Large enough to be seen from space - it takes over roughly 110,000 square miles - it is shaped in a massive "V", and is easily spotted - day or night - from space.

560,161,612 gates currently used in Vitalita International Airport!

Mega-Sectors: 18
Sectors: 115
Concourses: 98
Terminals: 196
Gates: 188 individual gates (Upto 5 per airline)
Small plots: 1998
Medium plots: 998
Large plots: 446
Mall plots: 198
Small hotels: 500
Medium hotels: 500
Large hotels: 236
Large hangers: 799
Hangers: 3999

What is a Mega-Sector, Sector, Concourse, Terminal, and Gate? (

Terminals, etc
Mega-Sector - $2.75 billion
Sector - $1 billion
Concource - $500 million
Terminal - $150 million
Gate - $500,000
Large Hanger (Houses 10 hangers) - $75 million
Hanger (Houses 1 plane) - $10 million
* Since you are buying them, your airline can do whatever they want to customize it, such as put in an amusement part, hotels, etc. After you have purchased a Mega-Sector, Sector, Concourse, or Terminal, tell us and everyone else what you've done to customize it! Click here and tell everyone what all you've done to customize it!

We are also are selling small (300 square ft), medium (1000 square ft), and large (3000 square ft) plots to put a restraunt, store, etc in. You can also purchase multiple ones next to eachother to make a larger area.

NEW!! Now you can purchase an area for an entire mall! Upto 125,000 square feet per mall allowed!

Small - $1 million
Medium - $1.25 million
Large - $1.75 million
Mall - $1.75 million per 3500 square ft

We're also looking to sell spots for hotels on our airports land. Plot sizes are 20,000 sqare ft., 50,000 square ft., and 100,000 square ft. If you require a larger area, please tell us and we will do so and give you the new price.

Small - $7.5 million
Medium - $12 million
Large - $15.5 million

Mega-Sector 1, 2: Star Alliance
Mega-Sector 3: ViZionair
Mega-Sector 4: Imperial Isles Airways
Mega Sector 5, 6, 7: Scandinvan Imperial Airways
Mega-Sector 8: Calizorinstan Imperial Airways
Mega-Sector 9: Arctura Airways
Mega-Sector 10: The Black Agency
Mega-Sector 11: PrestonAir
Mega-Sector 12: Credonia
Mega-Sector 13: Holy Paradise Air
Mega-Sector 14, 15, 16, 17: Xeraph
Sector 1: Empire Airlines
Concourse 1: PISS AIR
Concourse 2: Vitolia Airways
Terminal 1: Cross Air
Terminal 2: Greal Airways
Terminal 3-4: Starway Airways
Gate 1-5: The Black Agency
Gate 6: Air Ruccola
Gate 7: Ruccolian Airlines
Gate 8-12: Universal Air Freight
Mall 1: Bredford International Commerce
Mall 2: Angel Malls
Large Commercial Plots 1-10: Bredford International Commerce
Large Commercial Plots 11-53: Holy Paradise Amusement Parks
Large Commercial Plot 54: Shinjuku Outfitters
Medium Commercial Plots 1-2: Shinjuku Outfitters
Small Commercial Plot 1: Shinjuku Outfitters
Small Commercial Plot 2: Pearl Foods
Large Hotel Plots 1-5: Bredford International Commerce
Large Hotel Plot 6: International Hotels and Stays
Large Hotel Plots 7-8: Tucker Island state owned
Large Hotel Plots 9-14: Centurion Hotels
Large Hangers 1-100: Arctura Airways
Large Hangers 101-200: Holy Paradise Air
Large Hanger 201: Universal Air Freight
Hanger 1: Kenavtan Government

Currently being build:
We are at the beginning of adding 22 new arrival and 22 new departure runways.

Security Measures Required! Read before purchasing!
Your airlines MUST agree to ViZion's security measures: Click here ( for information on this. You may go above and beyond this, but this is the minimum.

After you've purchased!
After you have purchased a Mega-Sector, Sector, Concourse, or Terminal, tell us and everyone else what you've done to customize it! Post your customizations! (

Information on VIA
For more information on VIA, click here! (
The Scandinvans
24-07-2007, 07:31
Scandinvan Imperial Airways wishes to buy three mega sectors for a total of 7.25 billion which Imperial Airways shall use for either frieght or transportation of passengers to an aviable 50,013 destinations.

For the details behind this we shall implement them later in the required venue to report such things.
24-07-2007, 07:43
Scandinvan Imperial Airways wishes to buy three mega sectors for a total of 7.25 billion which Imperial Airways shall use for either frieght or transportation of passengers to an aviable 50,013 destinations.

For the details behind this we shall implement them later in the required venue to report such things.
This transaction has been completed. Thank you for your purchase! Please go to the link provided to let us know what kind of customizations have been made!

Your customization (
24-07-2007, 08:33
Alfegos Ministry of Trade

Our nation would like to purchase a sector of the airport as a cargo depot for our country's rare earth metal industry. We also wish to construct a Maglev Express link for the transport of cargo to/from your capital.

We would also wish to buy an arrival and departure runway, of length 2700 metres to accomodate our super-heavy transporters, and an aircraft tower.


Alfegos Ministry of War

Our nation wishes to purchase a mega-sector, as well as 2 each of runways, and 2 air-control towers.

This will be used as an APAF airbase, and will have stationed there:

15 APAF Jupiter Fighters
classifed APAF Stealth Bombers
classified APAF Wyvern Bombers
10 APAF C-130f Transport Planes.

We also request we have a Maglev link to your network, and that we are allowed extra security.
24-07-2007, 09:30
we would like to purchase one large plot of land for $500. Datium wishes to place an embassy near the international airport.
The Phoenix Milita
24-07-2007, 10:05
PISS AIR would like to purchase one Concourse and begin flights through it within the month.
24-07-2007, 14:36
Calizorinstan Imperial Airways wishes to purchase 1 Mega-Sector Terminal for 2.75 billion, for a large amount of flights to Calizorinstan itself, this will be a profitable route for us we hope,

Terry Max
Calizorinstan Imperial Airways
24-07-2007, 15:56
Alfegos Ministry of Trade

Our nation would like to purchase a sector of the airport as a cargo depot for our country's rare earth metal industry. We also wish to construct a Maglev Express link for the transport of cargo to/from your capital.

We would also wish to buy an arrival and departure runway, of length 2700 metres to accomodate our super-heavy transporters, and an aircraft tower.


Alfegos Ministry of War

Our nation wishes to purchase a mega-sector, as well as 2 each of runways, and 2 air-control towers.

This will be used as an APAF airbase, and will have stationed there:

15 APAF Jupiter Fighters
classifed APAF Stealth Bombers
classified APAF Wyvern Bombers
10 APAF C-130f Transport Planes.

We also request we have a Maglev link to your network, and that we are allowed extra security.
We are sorry, but we cannot sell runways or towers, and we are not a military base.
24-07-2007, 15:58
Calizorinstan Imperial Airways wishes to purchase 1 Mega-Sector Terminal for 2.75 billion, for a large amount of flights to Calizorinstan itself, this will be a profitable route for us we hope,

Terry Max
Calizorinstan Imperial Airways
Your purchase has been confirmed.
24-07-2007, 15:59
PISS AIR would like to purchase one Concourse and begin flights through it within the month.
Your order has been confirmed.
24-07-2007, 15:59
we would like to purchase one large plot of land for $500. Datium wishes to place an embassy near the international airport.
You do not need to purchase any plots for an embassy. Please refer to my signature for a link to my embassy thread. Thanks!
Etoile Arcture
24-07-2007, 17:28

Official Communiqué - Attention, Operator of Vitalita International Airport

I have been authorised by the Secretariat-General's Office of the Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture to make the following offer to the Vitalita International Airport Authority (VIAA) on behalf of our national airline carrier Arctura Airways.

The purchase of Mega-Sector 9 at Vitalita International Airport (VIA) for a total value of 2.75 billion USD. Mega-Sector 9 will be renamed the Arctura Airways Regional Mega-Hub and placed under the control of our national carrier Arctura Airways for use as a passenger and cargo hub.

We thank you for your time and look forward to do doing business with you.

Directorate-General of External Affairs, Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture
The Black Agents
24-07-2007, 17:30
The Black Agency would like to purchase 1 mega sector and if possible about 5 gates and 30 hangers.

We await the price on such an order.
25-07-2007, 05:13

Official Communiqué - Attention, Operator of Vitalita International Airport

I have been authorised by the Secretariat-General's Office of the Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture to make the following offer to the Vitalita International Airport Authority (VIAA) on behalf of our national airline carrier Arctura Airways.

The purchase of Mega-Sector 9 at Vitalita International Airport (VIA) for a total value of 2.75 billion USD. Mega-Sector 9 will be renamed the Arctura Airways Regional Mega-Hub and placed under the control of our national carrier Arctura Airways for use as a passenger and cargo hub.

We thank you for your time and look forward to do doing business with you.

Directorate-General of External Affairs, Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture
Your purchase has been confirmed.
25-07-2007, 05:17
The Black Agency would like to purchase 1 mega sector and if possible about 5 gates and 30 hangers.

We await the price on such an order.
Your order for a Mega Sector and 5 gates have been approved. Please check on the prices of hangers and let us know what you want. Thank you.
Central Prestonia
25-07-2007, 05:25
PrestonAir would like to purchase a mega-sector if one is still available
25-07-2007, 05:52
PrestonAir would like to purchase a mega-sector if one is still available
You have been approved!
25-07-2007, 05:55
Comdidia would like to purchase one of the Mega Sectors for some of our redone airlines.
25-07-2007, 06:02
Comdidia would like to purchase one of the Mega Sectors for some of our redone airlines.
Your purchase is confirmed.
26-07-2007, 15:45
Etoile Arcture
29-07-2007, 11:45

Official Communiqué - Attention, Operator of Vitalita International Airport

Arctura Airways wishes to make an additional investment in Vitalita International Airport by purchasing 100 large hangars at a total cost of $750 million USD.

Directorate-General of External Affairs, Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture
29-07-2007, 12:31
TO: Vitalita International Airport
FROM:John Weck, Henry Sheffield, BIC, Commonwealth of Bredford.

John Weck, the minister of Air-Transport, and Henry Sheffield, the Minister of Commerce, have decided to purchase enough area for one mall (which is around $63 million) and ten large land plots around it ($17.5 million). the mall and the surronding area (which all shall be used to construct a Commercial Center in the airport) shall belong to BIC, Bredford International Commerce. the total price is $80.5 million.

(that money shall come out of Bredford Commerce Budget.)

the BIC are also interested in buying 500,000 Square Feets for a new big hotel.

John Weck, Henry Sheffield, Bredford International Commerce, Commonwealth of Bredford.
29-07-2007, 18:45

Official Communiqué - Attention, Operator of Vitalita International Airport

Arctura Airways wishes to make an additional investment in Vitalita International Airport by purchasing 100 large hangars at a total cost of $750 million USD.

Directorate-General of External Affairs, Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture
Outstanding, your purchase is confirmed!
29-07-2007, 18:51
TO: Vitalita International Airport
FROM:John Weck, Henry Sheffield, BIC, Commonwealth of Bredford.

John Weck, the minister of Air-Transport, and Henry Sheffield, the Minister of Commerce, have decided to purchase enough area for one mall (which is around $63 million) and ten large land plots around it ($17.5 million). the mall and the surronding area (which all shall be used to construct a Commercial Center in the airport) shall belong to BIC, Bredford International Commerce. the total price is $80.5 million.

(that money shall come out of Bredford Commerce Budget.)

the BIC are also interested in buying 500,000 Square Feets for a new big hotel.

John Weck, Henry Sheffield, Bredford International Commerce, Commonwealth of Bredford.
Excellent! This purchase has been approved!
03-08-2007, 08:35
We are looking for more airlines!
The New True Cross
14-11-2007, 10:02
The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
Cross Air
1 terminal $150million

Money wired

Cross Air CEO Donald Winchester

Fort Boston International Airport and Airstation (
15-11-2007, 10:39
15-11-2007, 10:52
Vitolia Airways wishes to purchase one Concourse. In addition to that, International Hotels and Stays would like to purchase a Large Hotel plot.
15-11-2007, 11:52
Excellent! Vitolia Airways, you have been approved for your concourse. Int'l Hotels and Stays has been approved for their Hotel Plot!
01-12-2007, 09:08
13-12-2007, 09:19
Greal Airways wishes to purchase 1 terminal.
13-12-2007, 09:21
Greal Airways wishes to purchase 1 terminal.
Oily prata
13-12-2007, 09:26
Starway airways(Oily Prata) Would like to purchase 2 terminals for 300 million
13-12-2007, 09:27
Starway airways(Oily Prata) Would like to purchase 2 terminals for 300 million
11-05-2008, 08:44
13-05-2008, 22:02
Let us know if your airline or business is interested in purchasing an area in VIA!
19-05-2008, 21:04
Empire Airlines

To Whom it may concern,
Atruria's national and largest carrier, Empire Airlines, would very much like to purchase one of the new sectors under construction, once built.

Board of Directors,
Empire Airlines
19-05-2008, 23:38
You have been setup with one of our $1 billion Sectors!
07-06-2008, 16:42
The Kenavtan Government would like to purchase one (1) aircraft hangar for a Learjet 45 owned by Ambassador Garret Anderson from Kenavt, as it is his private transport and he wishes to store it while at Embassy Court.

We believe the total cost is $10 million USD, or $20.97 million Navts. This will be wired automatically on confirmation of order.
07-06-2008, 18:43
Your order has been confirmed!
16-06-2008, 06:54
Tucker Island
16-06-2008, 07:45
Tucker Island would like 2 hotels, please?
16-06-2008, 17:15
Which size plot are you inquiring upon? And will it be state-owned or company-owned?
Tucker Island
16-06-2008, 17:42
Two large, state owned hotels.
Holy Paradise
16-06-2008, 19:00
Vitalita International Airport has finished its recently expansion, marking it as the largest international airport world wide.

It is also among the busiest, and was designed based on ViZion City International Airport (, which, unfortunately, is no longer around after ViZion Italia was taken over by hostile Doomani forces.

Vitalita International Airport serves 16.5 million customers daily at this time, and is growing rapidly, with massive expansions underway to handle the expected growth over the next several years.

Mega-Sectors: 20
Sectors: 65
Concourses: 98
Terminals: 196
Gates: 195 individual gates (Upto 5 per airline)
Small plots: 2000
Medium plots: 1000
Large plots: 490
Mall plots: 199
Small hotels: 500
Medium hotels: 500
Large hotels: 244
Large hangers: 900
Hangers: 3999

What is a Mega-Sector, Sector, Concourse, Terminal, and Gate? (

Terminals, etc
Mega-Sector - $2.75 billion
Sector - $1 billion
Concource - $500 million
Terminal - $150 million
Gate - $500,000
Large Hanger (Houses 10 hangers) - $75 million
Hanger (Houses 1 plane) - $10 million
* Since you are buying them, your airline can do whatever they want to customize it, such as put in an amusement part, hotels, etc. After you have purchased a Mega-Sector, Sector, Concourse, or Terminal, tell us and everyone else what you've done to customize it! Click here and tell everyone what all you've done to customize it!

We are also are selling small (300 square ft), medium (1000 square ft), and large (3000 square ft) plots to put a restraunt, store, etc in. You can also purchase multiple ones next to eachother to make a larger area.

NEW!! Now you can purchase an area for an entire mall! Upto 125,000 square feet per mall allowed!

Small - $1 million
Medium - $1.25 million
Large - $1.75 million
Mall - $1.75 million per 3500 square ft

We're also looking to sell spots for hotels on our airports land. Plot sizes are 20,000 sqare ft., 50,000 square ft., and 100,000 square ft. If you require a larger area, please tell us and we will do so and give you the new price.

Small - $7.5 million
Medium - $12 million
Large - $15.5 million

Mega-Sector 1, 2: Star Alliance
Mega-Sector 3: ViZionair
Mega-Sector 4: Imperial Isles Airways
Mega Sector 5, 6, 7: Scandinvan Imperial Airways
Mega-Sector 8: Calizorinstan Imperial Airways
Mega-Sector 9: Arctura Airways
Mega-Sector 10: The Black Agency
Mega-Sector 11: PrestonAir
Mega-Sector 12: Credonia
Sector 1: Empire Airlines
Concourse 1: PISS AIR
Concourse 2: Vitolia Airways
Terminal 1: Cross Air
Terminal 2: Greal Airways
Terminal 3-4: Starway Airways
Gate 1-5: The Black Agency
Large Hangers 1-100: Arctura Airways
Mall 1: Bredford International Commerce
Large Commercial Plots 1-10: Bredford International Commerce
Large Hotel Plots 1-5: Bredford International Commerce
Large Hotel Plot 6: International Hotels and Stays
Hanger 1: Kenavtan Government

Currently being build:
50 new Sectors are under construction!

Security Measures Required! Read before purchasing!
Your airlines MUST agree to ViZion's security measures: Click here ( for information on this. You may go above and beyond this, but this is the minimum.

After you've purchased!
After you have purchased a Mega-Sector, Sector, Concourse, or Terminal, tell us and everyone else what you've done to customize it! Post your customizations! (

Information on VIA
For more information on VIA, click here! (

Official Statement of Holy Paradise Air:
We wish to purchase one mega-sector and 100 large hangers for our company. The money is enclosed in this TG.

Official Statement of Centurion Hotels:
We wish to purchase 5 large hotel spaces. The money is enclosed in this TG.

Official Statement of Angel Malls:
We would like to purchase 100,000 square feet for a mall. The money is enclosed.

Official Statement of Holy Paradise Amusement Parks:
We would like to purchase 125,000 square feet for making a park. The money is enclosed.
18-06-2008, 05:08
All five requests have been approved!

Thank you.
21-10-2008, 08:00

Attn: Vitalita International Airport

Dear Sir/Madam,

Our company, the national carrier of Ruccola, wishes to extend its network of destinations to ViZion as part of our overseas expansion programme. Air Ruccola plans to offer double daily services to Vitalita from our hub in Arugula (, and would like to purchase a gate in a terminal of your choice for this purpose. The requisite monetary amount will be sent upon receipt of your approval. We hope you find our application satisfactory, and look forward to inaugurating operations to your airport.

Yours faithfully,
Jason Lee
Head of Corporate Communications
Air Ruccola

Attn: Vitalita International Airport

Dear Sir/Madam,

Ruccolian Airlines is the second largest carrier in Ruccola by market share, and as such would like to augment its domestic, regional and inter-regional services by offering daily flights to Vitalita from Arugula. To this end, we wish to purchase a gate in a terminal of your choosing, and will transfer the requested five hundred thousand dollars to your company once your confirmation is received. Thank you for your time and kind attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,
Graziana Bertinelli
Head of Corporate Communications
Ruccolian Airlines
21-10-2008, 16:13
ooc: sheesh...your'e still peddling this friggin' airport? LOL....

ic: Xeraph would be delighted to purchase four Mega-Sectors. 11 billion USD (3.25 Billion Xeraphian Topaz Rings) to be Auto-Transferred upon completion of all Legalities.


Amra Tan'it, Lord High General IXF
21-10-2008, 16:19
OOC: Whew, like 4 months after my last post, not to shabby. :D lol I'll reply IC when I get home tonight from work... getting ready to go now.
22-10-2008, 04:21
ooc: sheesh...your'e still peddling this friggin' airport? LOL....

ic: Xeraph would be delighted to purchase four Mega-Sectors. 11 billion USD (3.25 Billion Xeraphian Topaz Rings) to be Auto-Transferred upon completion of all Legalities.


Amra Tan'it, Lord High General IXF
OOC: lol, what, it's a grand old airport. It aint even old. Just grand. :D
Wonderful! You have been approved for this purchase, and they are now under your name!
22-10-2008, 04:29

Attn: Vitalita International Airport

Dear Sir/Madam,

Our company, the national carrier of Ruccola, wishes to extend its network of destinations to ViZion as part of our overseas expansion programme. Air Ruccola plans to offer double daily services to Vitalita from our hub in Arugula (, and would like to purchase a gate in a terminal of your choice for this purpose. The requisite monetary amount will be sent upon receipt of your approval. We hope you find our application satisfactory, and look forward to inaugurating operations to your airport.

Yours faithfully,
Jason Lee
Head of Corporate Communications
Air Ruccola
Jason Lee

Thank you for your interest in both Vitalita International Airport and the nation of ViZion! We are pleased that you wish to extend your network of air traffic into our nation. Being one of the largest airports and more popular travel destinations, this will surely improve your airlines passenger count.

Gate number six has been assigned to you in Terminal SG-1.

Thank you again,

Patrick Robbinton
Manager of Airline Networking

Attn: Vitalita International Airport

Dear Sir/Madam,

Ruccolian Airlines is the second largest carrier in Ruccola by market share, and as such would like to augment its domestic, regional and inter-regional services by offering daily flights to Vitalita from Arugula. To this end, we wish to purchase a gate in a terminal of your choosing, and will transfer the requested five hundred thousand dollars to your company once your confirmation is received. Thank you for your time and kind attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,
Graziana Bertinelli
Head of Corporate Communications
Ruccolian Airlines

Graziana Bertinelli,

I wish to personally extend a welcome to the Vitalita International Airport. Your request for one gate - located in terminal SG-1 - has been approved. We thank you for your interest in flying to our nation via VIA, and we know it will only improve your customer traffic, given we are one of the more popular locations for tourism and one of the most active airports.

Thank you again,

Patrick Robbinton
Manager of Airline Networking
30-03-2009, 23:37
Defense Corporations
31-03-2009, 03:19
To: Vitalita International Airport
From: Lau Law, CoDC

Universal Air Freight would like to purchase 5 gates and 1 large hangar, for a total of $77,500,000. This will be used to make Vitalita an air freight hub for UAF.

Furthermore, Shinjuku Outfitters would like to open an outlet branch, consisting of one large plot, two medium plots, and one small plot, a total of 5300 square feet (~500 square meters). This will cost $5,250,000.

Finally, Pearl Foods would like to open a small restaurant, consisting of one small plot, next to the Shinjuku Outfitters store, selling pan-Pacific and pan-Asian cuisine. This will cost $1,000,000.

In total, the member corporations of the Confederacy of Defense Corporations will be paying $83,750,000.
01-04-2009, 04:07
Lau Law,

All requests have been approved! Thank you for your purchases!
07-04-2009, 18:21
Hey ViZy...can I buy 2 Mega-Sectors, 4 Terminals, 5 Large Hangers, and a Large Hotel?

Total: $6,851,250,000

Mega-Sector: Jarridian Airlines
Mega-Sector: Jarridia World Airlines

Terminal: HLaMIA International Airlines
Terminal: Smithso-Jarridian Transcontinental Airways
Terminal: Experience Jarridia Airlines
Terminal: General Overflow from other airlines.

Hotel: Hilcrest Hotels & Resorts