On Allanean Barbarity: A documentary
24-07-2007, 01:46
A short thirty second clip of the Questarian Anthem is played as the Questarian flag unrolls to reveal the main character in this documentary; the guide, if you will.
"Hello, and my name is Allan Woods. I am here today to talk to you about the nation of Allanea."
The friendly looking caucasian man pulls down a map of Allanea and a flag next to it.
"This is Allanea. To you, they may look like an ordinary nation. Unfortunately, this is not the case. While the Allaneans claim to be the most liberty-loving people in the world, they are amongst the most barbaric and savage people known to man.
Over the screen begins to play a loop of a gay/furry pride parade in Allanea's capital.
"Even in peacetime, Allaneans are a sick people. Any kind of cultural oddity; any kind of deformed and depraved practice that other nations would find degenerate and digusting in its practices, the Allaneans love to behold, in public, with their children and in their schools."
"But it is in wartime that Allaneans are amongst the most pathetic, barbaric, savage, and disgusting collective of humans that has ever existed upon this planet." the man continues as the movie reel of the furry pride march ends. Onto the screen are projected pictures and movie reels of the results of the ebola attacks on the Kriegos cities. Churches are being cleared out by NBC crew and on the street the dead people, old, young and middle aged alike lie in neat lines as rigor mortis begins to set in.
"This is the result of an Allanean first strike on Kriegorgrad: biological weapons in the form of airborne ebola used indiscriminately against the civilian population. This madness was stopped only by a Questarian retaliatory strike on Allanean cities, something our nation did not do lightly."
Next are projected video loops of prisoners of war being executed; the material is fairly stock, fresh of course, and could really be attributed to any nation. "Not only do Allaneans take great joy in shooting and killing unarmed prisoners of war and civilians, they also have no regard for civilian casualties and even intend to cause them... ere is a propaganda leaflet dropped over Azahan cities:
(The propaganda is read out by a different voice in an Allanean accent)
"People of Azaha!
You must know that today, the Questarian government has bombed three San-Nereianan cities, causing a small amount of civilian deaths. This is a retaliation strike for that. Make no mistake: we will continue bombing. Every day, without mercy, without compromise, without surrender. The Allanean aicraft will become a permanent feature of your skies, and the Allanean bomb – a permanent feature of the rest of your lives – and your lives will be short indeed. We will continue killing you. We will slaughter everybody you hold dear.
We Allaneans are held by the world to be butchers, baby killers, decadent scum. This is not good news for you, because it means that we no longer care what the world thinks of us. We are known as the Butchers of Yurka, of Zenti, of Antanjyl, of Aoogah, of Axackal... hundreds of places where leaders who opposed Allanea have died merely because they were not quick enough to scribble their surrender. Often, their people died with them. Be careful, people of Azaha.
"Indiscriminate bombing strikes in Azaha have killed up to one million people and counting." Woods is back. "The Allaneans take glee in the number of helpless unarmed civilians they can kill. They enjoy the destruction of human life in the same way the arch enemy of freedom Damien Dreadfire and his cohorts do, for they are a sick people and their culture is demented and perverted - it has no responsibilities, boundaries, or restrictions."
"Allanea is one of our prime enemies in our war against NATO imperialism and the barbarity of their assosciated states. Hopefully this video has given you an insight into how the Allanean mind works. And never forget: Allied forces fight for freedom!"
The video ends with another 30 seonds of the Questarian anthem.
The Gupta Dynasty
24-07-2007, 02:41
On Allanean Barbarity was generally well-received in Yafor 2 - the premise of the documentary, along with the buzz that it would contain "new Allanean atrocities, revealed!" made many people obtain a copy (often pirated, in the manner of Yaforites), but many were disappointed with the movie itself. "Blatant patriotism" was the most heard complaint, while many grumbled that the Questarian attitude towards some of Allanea's few good qualities (its tolerance) was "disgraceful". However, On Allanean Barbarity sold well for a foreign documentary, merely on its premise.
Page 24 “The New Theeb Discoverer........
Channel 24 of the Vetakan Today Network made a bold move last night by airing the Documentary "On Allanean Barbarity" a documentary which has been defined by some as nothing more than a peice of Questarian Propaganda whilst others refer to it as an Eye Opener to a Secret Menace in todays modern world.
Elliot Chansland author of "The Next Strator: Allanean" a controversial book providing an intresting arguement that left unchecked Allanea will become the next Evil Strator like Genocidal State refers to "On Allanean Barbarity" "As a media eye opener to the uneducated masses of this modern world". Elliot also went on to call for the Vetakan Government "to cut all ties with the Allanean Menace and Pressure the World Powers to take such action".
Professor Francis Malcloam, Head of International Affairs and Political Studies at the University of New Theeb a regular Columnist of this Paper called Mr Chansland's book "Unfounded" and "Without Reason or Base" in regard to "On Allanean Barbarity: A Documentary" Professor Malcloam defined the program as nothing more than a vindictive peice of "Questarian Propaganda"
By Susan Donliland
If there is something the Allanean people are good at, it is an operation of the New Media – the video blogs, the peer-to-peer networks, the various mailing lists. And so, on NSYoutube and on several other sites, Allanean responses to the video appear. They open with a map of the Allanean-Questarian border.
“Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Bob Willis. I have a few questions.”
A muscular black man points to the map. “Do you know why Allanea is at war with Questaria?”
A large red arrow appears, showing the route by which Questarian forces entered Allanea.
“This was because on the 13th of July, 1951 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=532858) on Questaria’s calendar, Questarians invaded Allanea without provocation. Simultaneously, Northfordian artillery delivered thousands of biological and chemical shells at the Carpathanium border ( http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12882318&postcount=20), killing hundreds, perhaps thousands of civilians. It was in retaliation for that that Allanea staged a limited bioweapons deployment.”
The Allanean nods sadly.
“And who are those Questarians, those noble fighters for freedom?”
The footage on the screen is a footage taken in a Doomani street, with a dozen of people incinterated alive on the street lights, screaming in pain.
“These are the people who will wage war in support of their ally Doomingsland. They had invaded Allanea, who they believe is an ‘enemy of freedom’, and yet they support Doomingsland. Interesting, also, about their stance against AMF, the so-called arch-enemy of freedom –“
Footage of Questarian racist groups on parades is shown on screen.
“Funny how they don’t tell you in their videos that they don’t let black people vote, isn’t it? Or how Hebrew and Yiddish aren’t recognized as languages? Or how they don’t let unmarried women vote?”
The black man disappears from the screen. “In Questers, I would be an invisible man. But let me show you who the Questarians are – in their own words.
Over the screen begins to play a loop of a gay/furry pride parade in Allanea's capital. It is the same footage from the Questarian video, and the voice from that video is heard:
"Even in peacetime, Allaneans are a sick people. Any kind of cultural oddity; any kind of deformed and depraved practice that other nations would find degenerate and digusting in its practices, the Allaneans love to behold, in public, with their children and in their schools."
“The tolerance – and indeed acceptance – of different people, be they gay, furry, or African, is the cornerstone of our society. It is the cornerstone of all people. And yet, it appears that the Questarians would abolish that. It appears that they would have you believe that Allanea, for her tolerance for them, is a threat to you.”
“That is for a simple reason:”
“Questarians. Hate. Freedom. Let there be no doubt about this in any way:”
“Questarians hate black people, they hate gays, furries, and Jews. They side with Doomingsland against Allanea, they will with racists against their victims, and they side with slavery and against freedom.”
The video ends with a link with www.questarianthreat.all , a database to various Questarian malpractices and atrocities.
24-07-2007, 12:13
[OOC: Why would you make a website dedicated to my atrocities and malpractices when there actually are none?]
OOC: All depends what you describe as an atrocity or malpractice. For example I describe the unprovoked invasion of my nation, the endorsement of Doomingsland and the general racism of your nation as a malpractice. Oh, and your hatred of furries.
British Londinium
24-07-2007, 23:12
On Allanean Barbarity was broadcast by LBG Four at 20:30, and received some of the most dismal reviews in the history of documentaries within British Londinium. One critic termed the film a "orgy of pomposity and self-righteousness", whilst another said it was "a pathetic foray into propaganda" and a "horrific cacophony of xenophobia and extreme nationalism". Many in the country burned copies of the documentary that went on sale.
West Corinthia
25-07-2007, 00:04
The documentary On Allanean Barbarity was released with mixed reviews in several government-sponsored West Corinthian movie theaters. Though most dismissed it as irreverent propaganda, some left the movie theaters with a profound expression that could only be interpreted as, "those sick Allanean bastards."
Since the West Corinthian government has no official stance on the conflict, no message has been drafted in response to the documentary.
The Lone Alliance
25-07-2007, 05:22
LAN News...
Tonights top story, TLA government officials issued a full censor of the recently released movie "On Allanean Barbarity" despite protests from civil rights groups. On reactions the government response was, "While we share no love for either side of this conflict, if you expect full triades of garbage and insults will gain allies to your side... You are horribly mistaken! This was followed by a 5 Billion credit donation to NATO. If Quester's goal was to gain TLA support, it appears to have backfired.
25-07-2007, 11:55
Beddgelens receive the Questrian, er, thing, with a measure of confusion followed by nervous laughter, in the main. A typical conversation following such uneasy chuckles runs as follows, for what little it matters to the world:
"Wait, what the frick was that with the furries? Was that footage supposed to be in there?"
"Was that... because... are we supposed to assume that the Allaneans are about to gun them down?"
"No, no, I think it's because the government doesn't shoot people for being a bit alienated from their humanity."
"Yeah? That's it? Who the hell do these Questrians think they are, then? We ought to shoot them, eh?"
"...mates, sorry, I can't get over the use of furries in war-crimes propaganda. I'm goin' down the round 'ouse. Get some booze."
25-07-2007, 18:45
Whats a Questrian?
25-07-2007, 18:49
Drasgard Times
Short analysis of "On Allanean Barbarity", the propaganda movie
analysis by: Aleksander Lutsukivi Ph.D.
I recently saw that new Questarian "documentary". It is quite interesting how so powerful nation like Questers managed to make so pathetic propaganda movie. And I do not mean that making propaganda movie is pathetic, in wartime its completely logical, just even as propaganda that movie still was total failure.
That Questarian flag and anthem in the end and beginning effectively backfired on all non-Questarian watchers. Of course Questarian watchers probably liked it but for foreign use they really should had left it out, pure overkill. Now to that gay parade, I would suggest to execute those who added it into movie, such incompetence in wartime should equal treason. Combined with those Questarian flags and anthem it effectively worked as anti-Questarian propaganda in very many states, picturing Questarians as primitive, uneduqated and intolerant.
Lets see what they actualy should have done. Allanea use biological weapons aganist Krierograd. That event should had given unlimited amount of priceless propaganda images and videos. For example, I would had added video of some dieing Krierograd children, every normal person would be angered if they would see images of little kids who are quilty in nothing and die as result of biological attack. You need piles of dead bodies in propaganda movies and Allanea was kind enough to give Questers lots of such propaganda images, the fact that Questers exploited it so unsuccesfully is laughable.
Bringing in that Allanean propaganda leaflet was correct move, but for better effect images dieing civilians in Krierograd and Azaha should had been running in backround. Evil words can be used a lot more effectively in propaganda if they are combined with evil actions. Effect what single evil action can have was demonstrated by international outrage that British Londinium "Giant blender affair", which itsselfly was quite irrelevant in big picture, caused.
Also it deserves mentioning that history of Allanean ally in this war, Automagfreek, includes infinite number of attrocities that could be perfectly used in war propaganda. Seriously why would any sane person add gay parades in propaganda movie then you have such priceless material avaible? It will be interesting to see if Questers learns from its mistakes, as they can not hope to win propaganda war with such garbage.
Doctor Lutsukivi is public relations expert of Olmedrecan Armed Forces
Red Tide2
25-07-2007, 18:49
The Totalitarian State of Red Tide decided to seize upon this opportunity. It took footage from BOTH movies and mixed and matched them together to create a documentary called:
'The Evils of Democracy'.
25-07-2007, 19:57
BBC 24 'Eye on Leafanistan'
The man adjusted his bow tie, the only piece of clothing on him at this point in the late night news. An intern climbed under his desk to adjust something. The lights went to 'Active' and he faced the camera. He looked at the teleprompter. Memorizing the first few lines to get a good turn toward the camera introduction. He took the papers and spread them around his desk.
The commercial ended, and the show was on.
"In Entertainment News, the Questers Propaganda Machine has released a new documentary, called "On Allanean Barbarity". The release has caused an outpouring of rage in Leafanistan. Christian groups in Rovonian Wasser have caused it to be banned for public viewing on screens exceeding 30 inches. The 'Friends of Allanea' have quickly countered with showings of "Counterpoint: Allanean Atrocities, Sign of the Times?", which the organization has assembled from freely available videos made public by the Allanean Government showing that not only is "On Allanean Barbarity" misrepresenting 'atrocities' that the nobelity displayed by the Questers people is in fact a sham meant to disguise their hatred of freedom."
A small corner video of the protests fills the screen with the 'Friends of Allanea' countermarching against the local college students who were marching in Memorial Square in front of the Tomb of High Father. Their representative is given a microphone and begins to talk.
"The Allaneans have done nothing wrong in terms of their warfare. It is psychological warfare, it is the standard in warfare today, even our own government practiced it during the Second Civil War. These college students just take up a cause whenever they feel like it."
The footage is now of a college student.
"We are not just taking up a cause because we saw a movie. We are upset because over half our foreign aid budget goes straight to the Allanean government. We don't want our tax dollars to pay for this kind of barbarity."
It now cuts back to the news room. The intern is now rubbing the anchorman suggestively. He maintains his cool and continues his report.
"The mainland government refuses to comment on either film and says they stand by their support of Allanea, adding they are one of Leafanistan's oldest allies, a major economic partner, and a friend of all freemen."
"Interestingly enough, "On Allanean Barbarity" has received terrible reviews from professors of film of major institutions across the world for poor editing, and poor choice of videos. With many commenting that in today's liberal, and freedom loving people cannot tolerate the government of Questers oppression of her own people and the need for this video seems secondary for the government to improve their own image."
The images faded away of both videos and now focused on the intern and the anchorman.
"Now, there will be a 20 minute block of commercials while I have sex with this intern on screen as part of 'Amateurs in Leafanistan' sponsored by the Cute Bunny Burger Corporation, 'Its goes in your face'."
The anchorman stood up, swept the papers off the desk, and picked up the intern. She undid his bowtie, his only piece of clothing, and the jingle for the Cute Bunny Burger Corporation's new advertising campaign played, 'It goes in your face.' A surreal campaign featuring confused patrons at other restaurants trying desperately to eat their food while being foiled by not using their mouths. The campaign declares other fast food restaurants are so bland that eaters forget it is food entirely. Friendly CBBC workers helping them eat. The only cure for this condition as the commercial claims, is delicious food that activates the tastebuds and jogs the brain's memory of food and of course it is only available at the Cute Bunny Burger stands.
Bryn Shander
26-07-2007, 04:21
In Bryn Shander, the Questarian documentary and Allanean response were more effective than elsewhere. Furries were not to be tolerated under any circumstances, let alone encouraged. Homosexuals were likewise unwanted in the civilized world. Now, nobody ever claimed that Allaneans were even remotely civilized, but their defense of furries, homosexuals, negros, and Jews showed it far more than any propaganda could ever hope to achieve.
Meanwhile, several hundred Bryn Shanderan fighters took off from airfields located across the Eternal Kingdom's arctic territory. They were still painted in their light yellow factory colors, indicating that they were just produced. The aircraft were originally built for export to Allanea, but the recent bout of furfaggotry encouraged the government to cancel the sale and find a new market.
Instead of Allanea, the Bryn Shanderan F2M2 Talons and F3M1 Phoenixes would fly to the Stratocratic Confederacy of Questers. Freedom is one thing, but anarchy and indecency is another altogether.
26-07-2007, 08:59
Whats a Questrian?
OOC: Almost beyond obviously, it's a term by which a typical Beddgelen might be expected to reference a citizen of your nation.
Linker Niederrhein
26-07-2007, 10:46
"... but, let us get our facts straight:
The Questarian Military is, for all practical intends and purposes, its navy.
Sodomy is part of any navy's tradition. Admirals in particular, are basically rainbows in uniform.
Allanea has a lot of free & willing ass on offer.
"I think the conclusion is inevitable. The reasons for the war are laid down before us as obvious as some of our fellow students' lectures dealing with human anatomy, and all the ranting of the Questarian leadership about the degenerate Allaneans is merely a disguise, a pretty cover laid over what amounts to being the greatest sex tourism campaign in known history."
Pause. The (Political Science) student who has just finished his presentation sighs, and looks at the other people in his seminar, including his professor.
"Any questions?"